They decided to experience another and sweet little Apple Bloom and her friend Te. Later, Candlewick is brought to a training camp, along with Pinocchio, by the Podest, who runs the camp. -You Were Saying?? As he yawned, he opened a mouth as big as an oven. Fata dai Capelli Turchini | Blue Fairy/Maleficent (Disney), Alice (Alice In Wonderland)/Nibs (Peter Pan), Geppetto (Pinocchio)/Original Female Character(s), Lampwick and Peter Pan Are the Same Person. "(He) said I was nice, but he's (JUST) *into (GUYS)*". Not an orchestra chair could be had, not a balcony seat, nor a gallery seat; not even for their weight in gold. Pinocchio screamed with pain and as he screamed he brayed: "Then eat the hay!" (AKA 'I want to see more wholesome post-movie content and if nobody else will write it I guess I have to do it myself'.). In this story, Pinocchio is going to be entering his freshman year of high school and gets caught by the seniors from Dazed and Confused who are hazing incoming freshmen Samuel Emerson, Romulus Augustus, Paul McCartney, Newt, Simon Brown, Casey, TBS, Lampwick, Jake Murray. Very sad and downcast were the two poor little fellows as they stood and looked at each other. SNIPPET ONE: Spazzatura finds out something about Pina. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. Major spoilers. ", "Patience indeed!" His closest friends and family could *care LESS*, however and that includes his 'conscience' Jiminy Cricket. On hearing this, the two Donkeys bowed their heads in shame, dropped their ears, and put their tails between their legs. -Jessica Rabbit, 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit'. So, this will take place when Lampwick is 7. Something that frightens him. In the English version, he is named Leonardo. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Of course you caught up. On an Italian farm, an old donkey awakens for another day of hard work, and as he searches for one most precious to him, he reflects on where his life went wrong to land him in his predicament. said Pinocchio to himself, recognizing her. That night, as you can well imagine, the theater was filled to overflowing one hour before the show was scheduled to start. But Pinocchio did not like that any better. Candlewick dies from exhaustion not long after. Unlike in the novel and the 1940 Disney version, Lampwick remains Pinocchio's best friend as a result of returning human, and affectionately calls him "Woody" even after he himself becomes a real boy. Betrayed by the humans she once cared and protected, Gatria's hatred knows no bounds. In a later chapter, Pinocchio is sold to a drummer who attempts to drown the donkey in order to skin his hide and use it to make his drum. He turns into a donkey and is sold to a farmer. Instead he lived a different life alongside his hermanos, Chamuco and Mictln. Candlewick is introduced in chapter 30 of The Adventures of Pinocchio. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Before I leave you, I wish to state that there will be another performance tomorrow night. "*MANY Things, But *NOT* *A GUARDIAN*!" This is a very lively chapter, read with great verve by Natasha. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. He had eaten it all during the night. "Full speed!" Peter Pan senses a Lost Boy, but knows that he can't take this one away. When you wish upon a star, it makes no difference who you are. This speech was greeted by much laughter and applause. he asked. It would have to b You know Pinocchio is about the wooden boy who must be brave, truthful and unselfish so he can become a real boy. *Then*, one day after "*CUT*!!!" "Why d. Here's Chapter 4. Xibalbas life was much different back then. Pinocchio sank immediately. It was lampwick and a small boy. In this story, he'll be with the original members of The Breakfast Club to serve Saturday Detention for le Thomas Brodie-Sangster imagines So, I just got introduced to the Hercules TV series and the first one I went through was 'Hercules and the Long Nightmare'. When Eventide Falls, The Wishing Star Second to the Right Is Revealed Louis de Pointe du Lac/Laurent (Twilight), Light of My Life, Fire of *My HEART* My (Non)Sin- My Soul, (Real)'s About What's In Your Heart- It Lasts For Always, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Ugly Sleeping Beauty, 'Bellissimo Piccolo Occhi Di Pino', Fata dai Capelli Turchini | Blue Fairy & Pinocchio, Carlo & Pinocchio (Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio), Alternate Universe - Sleeping Beauty Fusion, . Peter Pan senses a Lost Boy, but knows that he can't take this one away. He is portrayed like the original story: a lazy boy who dislikes school and is Pinocchio's closest friend there. Ever since I was a kid I've always been drawn to the donkey sequence of Pinocchio and I've always felt drawn to the characters of the donkeys themselves. The character is voiced by Italian actress Flaminia Jandolo. My dear children, I do not know. Will she reciprocate that love? If I was running for the Oscar, I win that award for the best animated film! So you think that you know the stories of 'Cinderella' and 'Pinocchio', do you?? A shower of applause greeted the Donkey as he arose to his feet. Geppy' can. ENOUGH Of *The FRIGHT/PAIN*- *ENOUGH* *Broken Hearts*; I Will Protect You And Defend You Fata dai Capelli Turchini | Blue Fairy/Fauna/Maleficent (Disney), Hiro Hamada/Camilo Madrigal/Miguel Rivera. When they reached the square, a buyer was soon found. Jiminy Cricket is a lousy conscience. And Wendy Darling is Peter's twin plus Leah Clearwater's mate- let's give the girls some love, too! A woodcarver named Geppetto is a proud to b !Disclaimer! With all my kindness, however, I never succeeded in gaining my Donkey's love. In January 2021, Oakes Fegley had entered early negotiations to play the role.[5]. Pinocchio and Candlewick meet again in the last chapter, where it is revealed that Candlewick is dying from exhaustion. Pinocchio, having become a Donkey, is bought by the owner of a Circus, who wants to teach him to do tricks. There, in front of him, in a box sat a beautiful woman. On the medallion was painted the picture of a Marionette. This deviation has been labeled as containing themes not suitable for all deviants. While playing pool and smoking cigars, they are accosted by Jiminy Cricket, who scolds Pinocchio and tries to get him to leave with him, but Lampwick bullies and ridicules Jiminy to the point that he leaves furiously. -Well, Pinocchio's certainly NOT *bad*, -but he *WAS* accidentally Drawn Officially with his donkey ears and tail, which most other Toons don't really like and sometimes even make fun of him for. Many images on this site are licenced from Shutterstock. Basically this is a late 2000s one direction mafia vampire fanfic but I placed Bob and Larry in. Pinocchio (1940), Pinocchio (Disney 2022), Rise of the Guardians (2012), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Tangled (2010), Frozen (Disney Movies), A Twisted Tale Collection - Liz Braswell & Elizabeth Lim & Jen Calonita Explicit Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi Work in Progress It'll only upset everybody! In the night, the Blue Fairy (Evelyn Venable) grants Geppetto's wish and asks Jiminy Cricket (Cliff Edwards) to serve as the wooden boy's conscience. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. With his usual sweet smile on his lips, he looked at Pinocchio and Lamp-Wick and said to them: "Fine work, boys! Read by Natasha Lee Lewis.Illustrated for Storynory by Chiara Civati. I am going to teach you to jump and bow, to dance a waltz and a polka, and even to stand on your head.". He used to have a crush on Bella Swan but when he suddenly meets a pair of *CRUSHED* sad but beautiful blue eyes just as their owner's walking around and exploring his new home, the young shifter's world is tilted on its axis. "Pinocchio! Stars are HOT! Is anyone gonna apolo ~Fanfiction based on the series Once Upon A Time~ Everyone's furious and disgusted with the elderly woodcarver for this, and when Jane is released from Far Away, a heartbroken Pinocchio goes with her. Don't think I'm buying him for work. 35 pages March 23, 2014 KimROfficial. He's a comely child, yes- but it is his sweet heart and kind soul -the opposite of coarse often bratty 'Lolita'- combined with his quirky charming boyish beauty that captures the woodcarver Pinocchio KNOWS that he *should NOT* feel this way towards one more than half his age, especially one who looks *SO* OLD, -but he cannot help himself anymore than 'Mr. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Like his Disney counterpart, he is transformed into a donkey and his fate is unknown. Pinocchio begins the journey of healing. Sparks fly when Mowgli the Man-Cub and 'Little Woodenhead' Pinocchio meet- and *NOT* in the *GOOD way*. He still fears and hates me. Princess Emma has been betrothed since her birth to Prince Charles, a man she had never even met. Pinocchio is a live-action adaptation of the 1940 animated feature film of the same name. They all like her fine, after all why try to break up with her? Jiminy Cricket (Cliff Edwards) tries his best to be Pinocchio's moral compass, but he's not exactly an . Shrek: My first movie did won at the Oscars. The Donkey lifted himself on his four feet and walked around the ring. So, this is another big misadventure for Lampwick involving problems with a bully. "Do you think, perhaps, my little Donkey, that I have brought you here only to give you food and drink? Main point of contact - [emailprotected]. In a few years, he had become a millionaire. Donkey Tails By: LuckyDuck932. In the 2013 American animated web series RWBY one of the main antagonists, Roman Torchwick, alludes to Candlewick. With the addi Have you heard the rumour? Tinkerbell's not quite so heartbroken, either, and for the same reasons as 'Wendy-bird'. This magical bond between her and her friends will open to something new. Observe, I beg of you, the savage look of his eye. That beautiful lady is my Fairy!" However, small miracles can happen when one least expects it. "How much do you ask for that little lame Donkey?" Sweet but sassy. What if Canada was just another world in the Kingdom Hearts universe? During that time, Lampwick attempts to steal chickens. At that second beating, Pinocchio became very quiet and said no more. [pinocchio retelling]. Just because someone's traditionally pretty does not always mean that they are as genuinely nice as they look, and 'ugly' isn't always *NASTY*- again, inside matching outside. I don't know why, but I've kinda found myself really liking making fanfiction with Lampwick involved. -*OUCH*. Alice tries to miserably commiserate with her 'cousin'/'twin' Wendy, but she and Peter are simply just *VERY good* friends, and she's in a relationship with Tiger-Lily! [4], In the film, Lampwick befriends Pinocchio during the journey to Pleasure Island and leads Pinocchio astray by introducing him to such activities as fighting others, smoking and drinking beer. Alice is SMITTEN head-over-heels when she first meets Pinocchio, and thinks that he must be for her as well- he's just rather bashful and shy as well as genuinely sweet! Pinocchio escapes and sets the other boys free. The only things remaining on the island were Pinocchio, Jiminy and the two hundred or so little boys-turned-donkeys. Lampwick asked his friend, unsure of what was to come next for him, Alexander, Jack, Daniel and the rest of the donkeys. Humbert Humbert is overcome with lust at first sight by Dolores Haze, of course but 'tis Geppetto Caspari who is *smitten as heaven* with young Pinocchio- and the same with the elder male, though much of society would not see it that way. In this story, Lampwick is struggling with the difficulties of having his little brother, Benny, under his belt. Then the man filled the manger with hay. He's head-over-heels, and his Papa knows this; though unlike 'Lottie', he has (next to) no problems with it, because he *KNOWS* that Geppetto will take *VERY good* care of his precious 'Pinoke'! But *he CAN* visit the beautiful blue-eyed 'living doll' in the latter's dreams; they can get to know each other and become friends that way And so, two love stories begin to occur; one a little faster, one a bit more slow Not all wishes upon stars come true in a *GOOD way* and though MiM may make mistakes, he DOES *do his BEST* to make up for them. Lamp-Wick was bought by a farmer whose donkey had died the day before. Please leave suggestions in the comments. The curse eventually catches up with both boys, and Lampwick is the first to turn into a donkey. Seo Y/n. The Coachman was gone and they were likely never to see him again. and Pinocchio obediently changed his step. When Puck comes back after a few years of being away with Uncle Jake, how will Sabrina react? Me and a friend discussed what a world would be like if Pinocchio was a girl. It'll only upset everybody! After the end of the Second Keyblade War, the realm of light rebuilds and prepares for the next coming of darkness. Pinocchio grabbed the tail, staring at it with even greater fear. There he meets the Evil Queen whose actual name is 'Jane Yvel'. Valerie and Lily Martinez thought that Disney/Don Bluth Gif Imagines and Oneshots. In the 1976 made-for-TV musical Pinocchio starring Sandy Duncan in the title role and Danny Kaye as Geppetto, Candlewick is portrayed by Gary Morgan. After tasting it, he chewed it well, closed his eyes, and swallowed it. Turns out, he's a guy who's in love with *ANOTHER guy*; he's *HONESTLY* TRIED (and not at all at the behest/request of his 'conscience' Jiminy Cricket or aunt/mother-figure 'the Blue Fairy', despite the "Straight And Narrow Path" thing in canon), but he's *NOT* *into GIRLS*- ONLY other guys AKA 'Real Boys'. Jiminy Cricket was too late . What you A long time ago in a galaxy far, far awaya wooden girl exists. Mouse (Disney) (8), Grillo Parlante | Jiminy Cricket/Pinocchio (7), Fata dai Capelli Turchini | Blue Fairy/Maleficent (Disney) (3), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (22). The Manager, when introducing him to the public, added these words: "Most honored audience! "Hello, Pin-oc-chi-o! Lampwick's transformation is swift: within a minute, he loses all humanity (including his red hair and buckteeth) and is last seen wrecking the pool hall in panic. And Pinocchio, who has fallen for the sweet-natured and creative but often-bullied other boy (and unbeknownst to him, the feeling is mutual), yearns MORE THAN *ANYTHING* to be *TRULY Real*. CHAPTER VII: A LAND FOR ALL LITTLE DONKEYS EQUAL AND FREE Everyone's furious and disgusted with the elderly woodcarver for this, and when Jane is released from Far Away, a heartbroken Pinocchio goes with her. "'Loooo," Pinocchio titters, swaying to and fro quite precariously from where he's perched. He felt himself fainting, his eyes filled with tears, and he wept bitterly. What would happen if Pinocchio were in 'New Moon', 'Eclipse', and 'Breaking Dawn'?? "What do I want with a lame donkey?" When the first part of the performance was over, the Owner and Manager of the circus, in a black coat, white knee breeches, and patent leather boots, presented himself to the public and in a loud, pompous voice made the following announcement: "Most honored friends, Gentlemen and Ladies! You've got a good start here! When Pinocchio sees Lampwick's ears grow into donkey ears, he becomes suspicious and puts aside his own mug of beer. Think again; the story's not always what it seems. Then he took out a currycomb and worked over them till they shone like glass. Storynory Ltd, 26 Star Street, London UK. I went into the economics and scope of the Coachman's operation a bit towards the end of the chapter. The only things remaining on the island were Pinocchio, Jiminy and the two hundred or so little boys-turned-donkeys. *Oh*!! Hay gives me a headache!". But *he CAN* visit the beautiful blue-eyed 'living doll' in the latter's dreams; they can get to know each other and become friends that way And so, two love stories begin to occur; one a little faster, one a bit more slow Not all wishes upon stars come true in a *GOOD way* and though MiM may make mistakes, he DOES *do his BEST* to make up for them. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (38), Le avventure di Pinocchio | The Adventures of Pinocchio - Carlo Collodi (22), The Little Mermaid (Disney Animated Movies) (14), Fata dai Capelli Turchini | Blue Fairy (31), Il Conduttore del Carro | The Coachman (Pinocchio) (9), Grillo Parlante | Jiminy Cricket & Pinocchio (14), Grillo Parlante | Jiminy Cricket/Timothy Q. Lampwick asked his friend, unsure of what was to come next for him, Alexander, Jack, Daniel and the rest of the donkeys. When her parents suddenly vanish, and something magical happens between her and this seemingly ordinary field mouse caught in her home, a dark presence follows them. First (new) day of school, we all know how Swan and Cullen meet and dangerously dance around each other but when Peter Rhaebert Pan-Cullen and Pinocchio Edward Benjamin Caspari meet other and fall hard and fast, *Peter* will be drinking his daily and nightly glass of medicine; in other words, his respect-juice, and Pinocchio will (mostly) patiently wait until Peter's ready to tell him about himself! Lampwick appears in the 2002 feature film Pinocchio portrayed by Kim Rossi Stuart while his English dub voice was provided by Topher Grace. 'Twilight' basically, but with boys being cute and sweet with each other and kissing happening *sooner* rather than later-! Pinocchio used to be happy in her relationship with Kirsten Elfo Celbattino, -but now as of late, she's not. In this version, Candlewick is desperate to please his father by being the perfect Italian model soldier. Lampwick appears in the 2008 Pinocchio miniseries, played by Thomas Sangster. So does Candlewick, Actually expanding on side characters and bg characters. She's met alot of different people, and d What happens when you wake up and find yourself in Disney World, however, the female leads are male Four's Game (SEU, #1) [ongoing publication]. Work Search: Please consider turning it on! Close to the end of the movie, the donkey Lampwick is seen pulling Geppetto, Pinocchio and Leona on a carriage alongside the donkey Saleo. ", (In the dim light of daybreak following a night of pained decisions and good intentions, Sebastian becomes acquainted with his new charge. But the naive and trusting Pinocchio falls into the clutches of the wicked Honest John (Walter Catlett), who leads him astray to the sinful Pleasure Island. and the pets but.. they're not really Main Characters More to be added as they appear - Freeform, Maya y los tres | Maya and the Three (Cartoon), Xibalba (Book of Life)/The Wood Sprite (Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio), Lady Micte/Lord Mictlan (Maya and the Three), Joaqun Mondragn/Mara Posada/Manolo Snchez, Jareth (Labyrinth)/The Wood Sprite (Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio), Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Original Female Character/Original Male Character, a wild Jack Skellington | Juan Esqueleto appears, Biblically Accurate Angels (Abrahamic Religions), because the fairy in the del toro pinocchio is a biblically accurate angel, the Del Toro-Gutierrez cinematic universe lives idc, the pinocchio/oc thing is innocent puppy love btw, Kingdom Hearts x Degrassi: Regardless of Warnings, Story of My Life- Not How You Think It Goes, Shrek The Musical - Tesori/Lindsay-Abaire, Cendrillon ou La petite Pantoufle de Verre | Cinderella - Charles Perrault, Cendrillon | Cinderella/Prince (Cendrillon - Perrault), Belle-Mre | Stepmother & Belle-Soeurs | Stepsisters (Cendrillon - Perrault), Fata dai Capelli Turchini | Blue Fairy/Grillo Parlante | Jiminy Cricket, Cendrillon | Cinderella (Cendrillon - Perrault), Belle-Mre | Stepmother (Cendrillon - Perrault), Belle-Soeurs | Stepsisters (Cendrillon - Perrault), Mre de Cendrillon | Cinderella's Mother (Cendrillon - Perrault), Alternate Fairy-Tales With Eventual Happy Endings On One Side, Geppetto & Pinocchio & Sebastian J. Cricket & Sprezzatura (Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio), Death | Sphinx & The Wood Sprite (Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio), Lucignolo | Lampwick & Original Character(s), Lucignolo | Lampwick/Original Character(s), Original Female Character/Original Female Character, The Black Rabbits (Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio), technically a side story in the BiR verse, I saw this on Nov28 and felt the stab of Del Toro's dagger in my heart, Spazzatura needs therapy.
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