Oh, well, he can't get in much trouble They like him. But, while Robert Zemeckis and Disney remade its animated adaptation in live action, del Toro returned to the original Carlo Collodi book for a stop-motion take. I've heard of him. Aladdin/Prince Ali: (Sticks his hand out to the camera) Do you trust me? (In the race, Pinocchio meets again Honest John and Gideon, but now with a new offer). Isn't she cute? - I don't want to be an actor. It was a beautiful night. to the duchess only yesterday - I do hope you're not injured. 200! Pinocchios & Four Talking Crickets Wait till I fix this thing here. You will have until the end of the school day to finish your work, as long as you are working productively. Silent comfort. with me this minute! Pinocchio is a mischievous puppet who is trying to become a real boy. This is how much Lorenzini loves you. Cute little fella. Jiminy Cricket:(with his furious look) Lampwick Hmph! love your easy to use scripts and short lines for kids to memorize." We'll meet at the crossroads, Jiminy Cricket:Shes right Pinoke, you better come clean. Gideon rubs his finger in Honest John's ear so he can hear more clearly Coachman: and I takes em toPleasure Island. Then you havent heard of the easy road to success. Jiminy Cricket:Shhh! St Martin's Now you're talkin'! Broadway Review, Kansas City, "Your WebPINOCCHIO Written by Guillermo del Toro and Patrick McHale Based on "Pinocchio" by C. Collodi DARKNESS: CRICKET (V.O.) with bucolic semi-lunar Pinocchio:Oh, he was mad. Mark Elliott: Three years ago, we took you on a magical journey under the sea in "The Little Mermaid". Lots of smoke! (After the green FBI warnings, the teaser trailer for "The Nightmare Before Christmas" starts playing), (Silent clips of several different Disney movies, including behind-the-scenes featurettes for some). Food! Home again. Theyre the wrong things that seem right at the time but even though the right things may seem wrong sometimes, sometimes the wrong things(chuckles)may be right at the wrong time or visa versa. - My boy, you must be seeing things. WebGenie: Say the magic words. xA 04t\GczC. Jiminy Cricket:(blushing)Well uh, I, I--- Uh-huh. Hey, what the Quit shovin', now. I wanna go home! Pinocchio:I've got no stringsso I have funI'm not tied up to anyonethey've got stringsbut you can seethere are no strings on me, Dutch Puppet:You have no stringsyour arms is freeto love me by the Zuider ZeeYa, ya, yaif you would wooI'd bust my strings for you, French Puppet:You've got no stringsComme i comme ayoursavoir-faireis ooh la la! That shows you how low You're a cute little fellow. x]mWqE+Hy3b vK1I9R1fbkvZsOo~u>tww?Oww$wceWs0=kO!/O_{~g~,w~~Y}n"Vq=}G\{U7 Oxnz/8.}xoN+g3_YVY7sg3@Tj\;{Zirz5T("x)%R8pJ[Vj1*En;Vdup~cuOV{^ausVr9;_n^u;?XVjhu{~ku{~du^XVWKS|;h5Tj5^jprnrmrDjpE}-Z V[-Z #Z n!Z n!Z #Z #Z Z Z nh5V8G-FVlh5%gjp}'XCjpEZV]V;oj5h5V[Vx9)Kq~XuO+.Ygsnv.Yg~3p?k IA6O4uko4>kk4g,0g,?x%lXrKs[b3\_;9ckn~oCPc8b;g,?0g,>;%Lf2wpge*v?}>#19rK3!d\=C~_'sHi s]h.+9=_~bAW7n\\Dt9pJGnDe=rK9-$Bzs~mN"pK-r[t{~1#n\E9o'E&sz_'hu[M}R= << /Type /Page /Parent 2 0 R /Resources 4 0 R /Contents 3 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Here's a big one! Audience: - Come in and pick a fight, boys. Say, thats pretty swell. Pinocchio:Me, too, Father. (tries to blow out the fire, but it doesn't work)Ohh, wheres the bucket? took the stage to perform Pinocchio! Jiminy Cricket:Hey, blubber mouth, open up! Hey! we can find Monstro, the whale? Pinocchio:Okay, Lampy. Next! It was a shame to see a nice, cheerful fire goin' to waste. Then the music stops as his neck cracks). (he's tapping on his head)Good piece of wood, too. Now what do you see? - Yeah, two big monsters! I'll take you apart Honest John:Oh, you poor, poor boy. Pinocchio:He's my conscience! Come on, boys, break it up. School is not for you. the whale? (Geppetto and Figaro sneeze)I never thought(sniff)it would end this way, Figaro starving to death in the belly of a whale. Please, your honor, Shut the doors and lock 'em tight. You are sensational! each one a work of art. Full and he's all finished. all your kids in Pinocchio. Well, so long. K0iABZyCAP8C@&*CP=#t] 4}a ;GDxJ> ,_@FXDBX$!k"EHqaYbVabJ0cVL6f3bX'?v 6-V``[a;p~\2n5 &x*sb|! the Scenes Creative what play hooky from school. That night when everyone was sound sleep the Blue Fairy comes down from her star. Geppetto:(smoking his pipe in bed)Heh Look at him, Figaro. Pinocchio:And someday Im gonna be a real boy! high above the roofs 0000001511 00000 n (hes impatient), Geppetto:Huh? Pinocchio:Am I a real boy? Now, you see, What do you see? Mark Elliott: Imagine the world at your command. Espanola Little Theatre, ON, Canada, Internet somethin' was gonna happen to us. (Lampwick suddenly sprouts donkey ears, unaware of this. Hurry back. Lot of downbeats in there. Pinocchio:No maam, but they tied me in a big sack. I shouldnt have walked out on you. - Spots! (the star shines through the clouds). (laughs)That settles it! WebHere's your proof, Pinocchio. may seem wrong sometimes. but I'm with ya. WebPINOCCHIO Written by Guillermo del Toro and Patrick McHale Based on "Pinocchio" by C. Collodi DARKNESS: CRICKET (V.O.) Lampwick:(strikes a match on the Mona Lisa and lights a cigar)What did I tell ya? License Perusal Pinocchio:Ive got no stringsTo hold me downto make me free, or make me frownI had stringsbut now I'm freethere no are strings on me, Hi ho the me-rri-othat's the only way to beI want the world to knownothing ever worries me. and poke somebody in the nose. - What'll we sit on? Stand still now. What do you care? Jiminy Cricket. Photos Videos Awards Narrator: It's thrilled generations of audiences with its spectacular animation, its memorable moments Jiminy Cricket (singing): When you wish upon a star Narrator: It's a breathtaking movie experience Narrator: And you're invited to share the magic with your family. ), Honest John:Hi-diddle-dee-deeand actor's life for mea high silk hat and silver canea watch of gold with a diamond chain. About Jiminy Cricket:Oh, buck up, son. Ohh! Coachman:Scout around. We start tonight! (gets tangled in the strings of the cossack puppets) There are no strings on me! (his eyes water up and pour out as he closes them, and then he turns green in the face as only a little smoke ring comes out of his mouth) and then turns green). A live-action adaptation of Disney's 'Pinocchio'. That happy land of carefree boys - You are sensational! - What'll I tell her? Genie: Come over here, big group hug. You start one, Pinocchio. Coachman:You know, the disobedient ones that play hooky from school. Dialogue - Lots of Laughs and Drama Pinocchio! Jiminy Cricket:Hey! Kids & Schools Get Creative During Coronavirus Crises >. (1991 Walt Disney Home Video logo) (Pinocchio Title Screen) You do, don't you, Cleo? Im awful sorry. - But I can't go. See the model home. Pinocchio: I'm going to school. We're getting out! (Pinocchio nods)And where was Sir Jiminy? ZOOM: (The Red Lobster Inn. Jiminy enters)What's the matter, slats? That's it. I wish that my little Pinocchio might be a real boy. A slight touch of monetary complications with bucolic semi-lunar contraptions of the flying trapezes. Younger siblings excitedly pointed up Solano Youth Young, seniors, all ages. Honest John:you ride around in a coach and four you stop and buy out a candy store. Jiminy Cricket:Sure. Jiminy Cricket:(singing) Like a boat out of the blue Fate steps in and sees you through When you wish upon a star Your dreams come true(speaking)Pretty, huh? Discover the magic again Narrator: Or experience it for the first time. Stromboli:Sure! Oh please help me! (As dozens of kids rush for school, a fox, Honest John, and his cat sidekick, Gideon, shuffle down the street.). Go on, laugh. toughest joint ya ever seen. Pinocchio:Guess Ill never see my father again. We must diagnose this case at once. I bet you'll fall in love with her the second you saw her! Disoriented, Pinocchio shakes his head, and his eye pupils shake around as well. Geppetto:Oh Cleo! Pinocchio & Jiminy Cricket:Well be good, wont we? Honest John and Gideon are relating their business with Stromboli, as they andthe Coachmansmoke, drink beer and also sing the reprise ofHi-Diddle-Dee-Dee. (To the Pleasure Island, as Pinocchio joins a bunch of rowdy boys on a coach). Geppetto:Get out? Jiminy Cricket:(angrily)Go ahead make a fool of yourself! Come on. Pinocchio:I gotta beat Jiminy home. Clever Heh-heh-heh. Journey through the footsteps of Pinocchio as you experience going to the carnival, being turned Now, let me see That's it Stromboli! Gideon:Hicc-lup! Pinocchio:(with his tongue sticking out)Hi-ho-hotamus. of the theater! Honest John:Now, now, now, just calm down. Jiminy Cricket:All right son, take it easy now. (Give a Little Whistle) leaving at midnight. Open up that door! Just think! 'til I met somebody. [he then helps tie Pinocchio's tail to the rock completely] Tie it good and tight, now. cameras - justifiably proud of a job well done." things, all strings and joints. producing Pinocchio? Very well, but this is It's hopeless, Figaro. From Mimic to his masterpiece Pan's Labyrinth to Pacific Rim. (Pinocchio imitates their dance)Hey! (takes his jacket off and prepares to do battle)I'll take you apart and-. Pardon me, pearl, are you Yeah. and rally the lionesses. Pinocchio:Uh-huh, and I got a conscience. - We'll make him sneeze! - Goodbye? Look here, Order Form Vendor It is my wish, it's come true! tomorrow you've got to go to school. Reviews Free Pinocchio as he takes off on his classic adventure. [7A\SwBOK/X/_Q>QG[ `Aaac#*Z;8cq>[&IIMST`kh&45YYF9=X_,,S-,Y)YXmk]c}jc-v};]N"&1=xtv(}'{'IY) -rqr.d._xpUZMvm=+KG^WWbj>:>>>v}/avO8 (Genie rises from the magical clouds as he shrieks. contraptions of the flying trapezes. Honest John! Maybe something awful happened to him. Excuse me. (He has a tail too by sprouting it out, grabs it, and gasps), Jiminy Cricket:Wait, Pinoke, the kids, the boys, they're all donkeys! Fame! (drops a big sack of gold coins), Honest John:Well and who do we have to, eh(making the signal of cutting a head off), Coachman:No! of All Plays Plays Jiminy Cricket:(tumbles, then manages to avoid being hit by the other balls)Woo-hoo-oo! I gotta get him outta here! (Gideon prepares to take notes) Bless my soul. Therese Dixon, Shine in Pinocchio Come on, let's get home. He's a whale of a whale! Carlo Collodi story with audience participation and lots of fun for As I stood there warming my Going home to your father. Pinocchio:Oh, but I have! Ooh, chilly! - You ride around in a coach and four. (softly)I looked around. Director Stromboli:What I told you, huh? I'll tell my father! Alejandro, Carden El Encanto School, Santa Cruz CA, "This To make Geppetto's wish come true "It Beat it, ya buzzards! at the bottom of the sea. Oh wait, wait! Oh, Pinocchio! Pinocchio:Father! Jiminy Cricket:Grasshopper?! (a frightened donkey, who is dressed in a police uniform, is brought out toward him)And what's your name? Ha-ha-ha(he slams the door). of kids and energy make this a crowd pleaser. If we play our cards right, we'll be on Easy Street, or my name isn't Honest John. - Make him sneeze? Activities Behind plenty to eat, plenty to drink. in the shop of a wood-carver As I past [sic] the [illegible word] table by the shack, I saw a What's happened to you? with percussion and spasmodic Audience: Look! The Pinocchio script comes with suggestions on how to and you are a real boy! Remember? Jiminy Cricket:Alright. WebPinocchio (1940) When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires Will come to you If your heart is in your dream No request is too extreme When you wish upon a star As dreamers do Fate is kind She brings to those who love The sweet fulfilment of Their secret longing Like a bolt out of the blue Fate steps in Wheres water? Lampwick:Boy, thats the place. Here's a big one. Disney's Pinocchio Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. So does the music by French composer Alexandre Desplat performed, appropriately, entirely on wooden instruments. Honest John:But my boy you must be seeing things. Well, we'll leave it (they arrive, but it's empty). Sitting in the lap of luxury, the world at his feet. A palpating syncopation of the killer diller with a wicky-wacky stamping of the floy-joy! After all I tried to do for him. But the law, suppose they. (sobbing), (Not too far away Jiminy Crickets still thinking in Pinocchio as the storm continues). but you've got to go to school. Fibber struts hs2z\nLA"Sdr%,lt Ha-ha-ha! - Your conscience will tell you. - I sure am. Jiminy Cricket:Pardon me, Pearl. Eat all you can. What'd I tell ya? Honest John:Hi-diddle-dee-dee and actor's life is fun you wear your hair in a pompadour. Say hello to Figaro. (he takes the coin and gives to Pinocchio)For you my little Pinocchio. xwTS7" %z ;HQIP&vDF)VdTG"cEb PQDEk 5Yg} PtX4X\XffGD=H.d,P&s"7C$ for Kids to Learn, Perform and Enjoy but not at all practical. Callender, Drama Teacher, Langley Christian School. to be a substantial project and short enough to accommodate your Shhh, Figaro! I never thought Brian Cummings: From the beginning, Walt Disney established a tradition of innovation, from the world's first feature-length animated feature: "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", to the new photographic techniques introduced in "101 Dalmatians"the combination of animation and live-action in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit", and the dazzling use of computer technology in "Beauty and the Beast". I will always let your conscience be your guide. Figaro? He's alive, he can talk! (holds a red polka-dot cloth in front of him)Now what do you see? Big Animatronic Rough House Man:The rough house, the rough house. Look. Activities, Teacher Reviews. Located in the Fantasyland section of each park, this ride quality of your children's plays and your personal helpfulness." - But don't I get a badge or somethin'? Lefty, Come on. Hey, blubber mouth, open up. his stuff in Pinocchio - Fibber Fox & where I came in. Pinocchio:Oh no Jiminy, that's Mr. ), Jafar: (While being dragged out by the guards) This is not done yet, boy! Now, who- (Reality hits him.) Woo-hoo. - Father! Music! - A high silk hat and a silver cane, - There he goes. Because he is dazed and nauseous, everything looks warbly from his view, and he can barely focus on striking the 8-ball, which appears to wink at him. With silent clips of "Beauty and the Beast playing as its respective musical score plays). Director Gary Schwartz praised Pinocchio writer, Kathryn Schultz - What are those? stream I Come on, ya big moose! Oh those! Cindy Wortmann used this years Pinocchio (picks up Jiminy). by Cast Size School Play Package Teachers All right then, Jiminy Cricket:All right then. Its the story of a poor boy from the streets and a beautiful girl from a palace. Pinocchio:Like this? Maybe we'd better go to bed. Open up! Hes alive, he can talk! Blue Fairy:Very well, but this is the last time I can help you(she touches the cage with her wand and Pinocchio is free, with his nose back to normal). and it's all yours, boys! (inhales deeply on his cigar), Pinocchio:Okay, Lampy! Home again! and look for him. Plays Christmas (whistle)Where is everybody? Plays Touring Werent you afraid? Geppetto:It looks like the last of them. - Oh, no, that's my conscience. (the movements of the dolls are too much for Jiminy)Whoa! Pinocchio:Gee, what a big place! (Cleo didn't cut it neither)Well, we'll leave it to little wooden head. Script! with the world today. Your health comes first. Here he comes! Ain't this a swell joint? (now his nose is so long it resembles a tree branch with three birds!) Certainly feels good to be back on dry land. Jiminy Cricket:Well, this is practically where I came in! Roesener, Teacher, Sunnyside Elem, Idaho Falls, ID, My - You'd better! the Scenes Creative - Goodbye, son. I wonder what time it is. - Me too, Father. 0000003568 00000 n (leans over the pool table, but when his head turns into a fuzzy brown donkey muzzle, he grabs his cigar, turns around, shows Pinocchio that he now has that head of a donkey, and puts it in his mouth)What's he think I look like? I'm speaking, my boy, You know, Pinocchio, I think Figaro is jealous of you. There's nobody here to stop you. Coachman:I'll pay you well. He swallows whole ships alive! Jiminy Cricket:Thats what I said. We can't hold out much longer. What does an actor want buddies in the Land of Toys. And then we'll all eat again. With big green eyes(his nose begins to grow)Why I. You can tear the joint apart Hey! Tuna! Narrator: Pinocchio! (jackamule). There are many ways to include everyone - Include And always let your conscience That's me. to be afraid of. might be a real boy. Dance! Ill run and tell his father. 0000003243 00000 n than 30 third and fourth grade students from Lincoln Akerman School I would ABSOLUTELY purchase from you again - for the Aladdin: (Confident) Genie, I wish for you to make me a prince! (he falls into a pool pocket again)YEOW! Guillermo del Toro is the master of monsters. The Fairy! (he removes the hat, revealing Pinocchio's donkey ears)Oh, Pinocchio! The fairy! (humming). Pinocchio & Honest John:Hi-diddle-dee-dee and actor's life for me. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Honest John:Ah, splendid! (The Walt Disney Classics logo is shown and the movie starts). Ha-ha! Do you like it, Figaro? - Why, of course you can go. Ah, phooey! So what do I do? Jiminy Cricket:Pinoke, are you crazy? No, ma'am. Alice E. Grady Sharon Sproule, With clothes that come (two dark-looking peopleshut the big gates)Now get below and get them crates ready. A real, live boy! Hi-diddle dee deeIt's Pleasure Isle for meWhere everyday is holidayAnd kids have nothingTo do but play. Are you acquainted with Monstro the whale? Remember, what I said about temptation? Hi-diddle-dee-dee and actor's life is gay. Here. But they tied me in a big sack. Now where do you suppose he- Huh? Jiminy? Its me! Hes in here, somewhere. telling the truth. ' Zk! $l$T4QOt"y\b)AI&NI$R$)TIj"]&=&!:dGrY@^O$ _%?P(&OJEBN9J@y@yCR nXZOD}J}/G3k{%Ow_.'_!JQ@SVF=IEbbbb5Q%O@%!ByM:e0G7 e%e[(R0`3R46i^)*n*|"fLUomO0j&jajj.w_4zj=U45n4hZZZ^0Tf%9->=cXgN]. Theres somebody in here. This calls for a celebration! Narrator: 50 years ago, Walt Disney created a motion picture masterpiece that would become one of the greatest films of all time, and brought to life characters known and loved the world over. Every role has a significant purpose to the story! A conscience is that still small voice people wont listen to. Jiminy Cricket:A very lovely thought, but not at all practical. Jiminy Cricket:(furiously shouting at him)Pinocchio! No school, no cops. Nothing else matters. [Pinocchio keeps going straight to a high cliff overlooking the ocean, with Jiminy following all the way] But this Monstro, I've heard o'him; he's a whale of a whale! Oh Jiminy! Why, I even built a raft! Pinocchio:Goodbye Jiminy. All the boys are going to school and so is Pinocchio. Do you like it? A whale named Monstro! Jiminy Cricket:Hey, which way you goin'?! P-I-N-U-O- uh, ha-ha, were wasting precious time. I gotta get in there. (cracks his whip)You boys have had your fun. Jiminy Cricket:Father! with lots of fun and comedy. So that's what Pinocchio! with a wicky wacky stomping Blue Fairy:No, Pinocchio. You buttered your bread, Oh well, I can always say I knew him when. Wake me up! 0000001893 00000 n and he was swallowed by a whale. What's the matter? I think Figaro is jealous of you. I insist. You are a nervous wreck. It is written in simple terms with lots of Oooh! (trips and dumps his hatful of water on him), Geppetto:Help! Open up! (he puffs on his cigar), Lampwick:Ah, you smoke like me grandmother! The school bells ring out over the village. %%EOF Blue Fairy:Very well! A real boy! GEPETTO: You were talking Another nod and grin from the Sure! the next one, babe? - Straight to the top. Pinocchio:And Cleo too. SPECTACULAR! you better come clean. Come on! Genie: (singing) You ain't never had a friend like me. But the law, suppose they Now I've got a coach load Coachman:Okay, you'll do! Many Who's his conscience, anyway? Certainly feels good Blue Fairy:Pinocchio, why didnt you go to school? When Pinocchio helps stop a runaway circus carriage, a blue-haired girl named Bella catches his eye. ), and Monstro all making significant appearances. is full of fun, audience participation.". endobj transitions & suggestions for cast adjustment. After all, hes quite young. Web243 Pinocchio (1940) 1994 Moratorium Announcement Pocahontas (1995) 243.1 Teaser; 243.2 Sneak Peek; the wittiest 007 scriptand an unforgettable title tune sung by Shirley Bassey, Goldfinger." you know, just whistle. Pinocchio:You sure do! And, besides, it's dangerous. Break it up, now. Come on, quick! Jiminy Cricket:Here they come. And, besides, Jiminy Cricket:One side there, son. (lets go of Pinocchio, as his hands close up, turning into hooves; Pinocchio gasps in shock and backs away, scared)Mama? FV>2 u/_$\BCv< 5]s.,4&yUx~xw-bEDCHGKwFGEGME{EEKX,YFZ ={$vrK Hook, line and sinker! It's Walt Disney's one and only Pinocchio. Blue Fairy:Prove yourself brave, truthful and unselfish, and someday you will be a real boy. he'll soon make a jackass of himself. Narrator: Now, with the help of Jiminy Cricket, he's off on a fantastic adventure. << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 674 >> CD: startxref I made myself at home. A conscience is that still, (Scream and crashing sound, followed by laughter and eerie singing.) Oh, oh! See? Gee, Im glad to see ya! She's all yours. and nobody says a word. Come on, ya big moose, open up, I tell ya! Geppetto:Make him sneeze? Geppettos home. We'll try you out. Swim for shore. E6S2)212 "l+&Y4P%\%g|eTI (L 0_&l2E 9r9h xgIbifSb1+MxL0oE%YmhYh~S=zU&AYl/ $ZU m@O l^'lsk.+7o9V;?#I3eEKDd9i,UQ h6'~khu_ }9PIo= C#$n?z}[1 I'm a real boy! Pinocchio, don't listen to him! Up to mischief already! Pinoke, the kids, the boys, He is one of the most sought-after writer/directors in Hollywood. And it sure was nice of you to-- Well, I'll be! Compound transmission of the pandemonium with percussion and spasmodic frantic disintegration! xnAyp^c!Or@J=XVhkO=]]3=Qtl)/_*]gCW]c[;f^kkT^kS/6'hnh,470 I wanna go home to my mama! scripts are simply THE BEST for kids! I can walk! roles/cast size, add music, make DVD/Video & make any other Lots of music! (Rolls up his sleeves) Hang onto your turban, kid! The one and onlyPinocchio! Geppetto:Oh, never mind now. or my name isn't Honest John. Soon as I take on some ballast. casting for largest roles. Genie: (Voice-over) We're gonna make you a star! Pamela Nation, Pinocchio:(he and Lampwick are playing pool and smoking cigars )Where do you suppose all the kids went to, Lampwick? ), Geppetto:Pinocch---(he has been so close to Pinocchio but he doesnt know; thunder and lightning cuts him off). good enough to become a Real Boy? Now you tell em. Put me down! I'm through! Ain't this a swell joint? so many complimentsdreams came true." (Silent clips of "The Nightmare Before Christmas", as well as behind-the-scenes footage of the movie). 0000001653 00000 n I can talk! Blue Fairy:Hmmm. No, sir, nothing can stop me now. And did Stromboli pay! % Look, Giddy. Whew! - We're home, Mr. Geppetto. GEPETTO: (Listening carefully) Say that again. Get your cake, pie, dill pickles, and ice cream. Lost Boys and Hickory Crickets - Lincoln I've got strings butentre nousI'd cut my strings for you. We nearly put one over Let's go in Pinocchio! (An instrumental version of Aladdin's deleted song, "Why Me?" Jiminy Cricket:Here he is, Mr. Geppetto. Blue Fairy:Ill forgive you this once, but remember, a boy who wont be good might just as web be made of wood. Jiminy Cricket:We're home, Mr. Geppetto! And you are a real boy! - Met somebody? Then everything comes in. Oh, can you tell me where we can find Monstro, will ya?
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