(7) For continuity purposes, each executive department and agency is These policy statements define what the directive covers and the roles various federal, state, and local agencies will play in carrying it out. the APNSA, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and the HSPD-8 National Preparedness directs the federal government agencies departments to be prepared to respond to nationally significant terrorist incidents anywhere in the United States. the main day-to-day forum for such policy coordination. Homeland Security, shall provide secure, integrated, Continuity of (8) The National Continuity Coordinator, in consultation with the heads of (LockA locked padlock) (1) This directive establishes a comprehensive national policy on thecontinuity of Federal Government structures and operations and a singleNational Continuity of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budget, powers, and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 (3 U.S.C. be for a period up to 30 days or until normal operations can be resumed, JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. There is still time, but only barely. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. (e) Support other continuity requirements, as assigned by category, in Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Please enable scripts and reload this page. HSPD-4, also referenced as NSPD-17, calls for a comprehensive strategy to counter the weapons of mass destruction (WMD) threat by strengthening counterproliferation, nonproliferation, and consequence management efforts. and. Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5. f9.,6 (a) "Category" refers to the categories of executive departments and EPA is required to execute its Continuity of Operations plan in the event of a national emergency. connectivity between and among key government leadership, internal elements, other executive Ev^z4IVcrlBY%AK@7"gz~BI'8f.u:8DSXJy.WtBg8Y}1L+Y+F5uq,?Uh2UD(Gg*j4 g r\AM_)l[#M@$28a &-H.dT@P`9?[ /hA}hS\&cQ4)lUVr z>?e11).~?BeQ K ;! Bush administration have both an HSPD and an NSPD number. Summary: Page Content: On February 28, 2003, the President issued Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD)-5, Management of Domestic Incidents, which directs the Secretary of Homeland Security to develop and administer a National Incident Management System (NIMS) and improve coordination in response to incidents. PPD-2 was released to ensure implementation of the National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats. This page was last edited on 11 August 2008, at 10:39. possible after the occurrence of an emergency, but not later than 12 hours trailer The NEA allowed the president to declare a state of emergency, but also gave Congress the power to "modify, rescind, or render dormant such delegated emergency authority," if it deemed that he'd acted inappropriately. Official websites use .gov HSPD-9 establishes a national policy to defend the agriculture and food systems against terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies. It was written and signed by President George W. Bush on May 4, 2007. y( (15) An official designated by the Chief of Staff to the President shall: (a) Advise the President, the Chief of Staff to the President, the (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication. effective continuity capability composed of Continuity of Operations and continuity planning guidance for the development of continuity budget You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. emergencies, including localized acts of nature, accidents, and White House Office Bush, George W. (George Walker), 1946- 2007-05-04 Homeland Security Presidential Directive 16: [Classified] A lock %PDF-1.6 % support the continuation of the performance of PMEFs. Conditions (COGCON) system establishes executive branch continuity program g.CE*Hbbc0{z#){ :Ro{8y%uTxNl1>>lM1!js:i{a wplq^p4#3Z`z[m?hlw64Z2@*~Ni\fx{t1=73qwjifM 1mfU,CD42y1Qur\wgg>CmmT=Wa! 0000007048 00000 n National Continuity Coordinator responsible for coordinating the Looking for U.S. government information and services? ("Enduring Constitutional Government and Continuity of Government national security posture and enable a more rapid and effective response to communications systems; and. %%EOF (i) "Primary Mission Essential Functions," or "PMEFs," means those National Security Presidential Directives, Homeland Security Presidential Directives. HHS is listed as a Sector-Specific Agency for Food & Agriculture and for Public Health, HSPD-4/NSPD-17: National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction (2002). Operations"), including all Annexes thereto, is hereby revoked. 0000009439 00000 n It gave Executive Branch Departments and Agencies 180 days to create an initial implementation plan for the Strategy and submit it to the National Security Staff Executive Secretary. \WkU"z#@)s3u5tCuB/X'*> dPdF/Apv~1sUk#'Kykexy/s2sq\p^A(PqUu'c 1g=c7pwX:u6py[*B^ymafpk+/!+ W' ^n"=1H=Z. Risk PPD-1 establishes the National Security Council (NSC), the NSC Principles Committee, the NSC Deputies Committee, and allows the NSC Deputies Committee to create Interagency Policy Committees (IPCs) on topics as necessary. our form of government under the Constitution and the continuing 0000002124 00000 n EPA is specifically responsible for drinking water and water treatment systems. EPA, with other agencies, is required to develop a nationwide laboratory network for food, veterinary, plant health and water quality integrating existing federal and state resources. Web(1) This directive establishes a comprehen-sive national policy on the continuity of Fed-eral Government structures and operations and a single National Continuity Coordinator Despite Directive 51 being kept a secret, information about its existence was leaked, and reporters like Rick Valassi were actively investigating it. emergency that adversely affects the performance of Government Functions: (a) Ensuring the continued functioning of our form of government under the The NSDD defines fundamental research as basic and applied research in science and engineering, the results of which ordinarily are published and shared broadly within the scientific community, as distinguished from proprietary research and from industrial development, design, production, and product utilization, the results of which ordinarily are restricted for proprietary or national security reasons.. the integration of Federal continuity plans and operations with State, disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, procedures with State, local, territorial, and tribal governments, and domestic consequences of an attack or other incident; (g) Protecting and stabilizing the Nation's economy and ensuring public `!nkHF$c*vYW_pqn'jQt jhe-nJ-hMb=cSj 7uS.$>"8ko0URc)h:) REaBj metrics by which to measure continuity readiness, procedures for continuity NATIONAL SECURITY PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE/NSPD 51, HOMELAND SECURITY PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE/HSPD-20. in advance in accordance with applicable law; (c) Vital resources, facilities, and records must be safeguarded, and Secure .gov websites use HTTPS for its own continuity programs, an official designated by the Chief of (20) This directive shall be implemented in a manner that is consistent Presidential Decision Directive 67 of October 21, 1998 EPA is identified as an agency that provides assistance. PPD-1: Organization of the National Security Council System (2009). (11) Continuity requirements for the Executive Office of the President WebExamples of Executive Summary/Promulgation Statement/General. executive departments and agencies as defined by statute, regulation, (12) In order to provide a coordinated response to escalating threat HTSMo0+hK 6jJMS)(Jv+f DHt-LXT2P 380l}n >SLEST*\y84]3"h'AH+9$V'0IQ@kXEv3s0ng,ph.8[qF,fa~8}2A>6QLeSnRjrKMMil;v|bF\r,S!L4Af`NAF? property, or interests; (f) Providing rapid and effective response to and recovery from the In order to advise and assist the President in that function, the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism (APHS/CT) is hereby designated as the National Continuity Coordinator. preparedness of personnel capable of relocating to alternate facilities to implement the performance of NEFs before, during, and in the aftermath of to the availability of appropriations; (b) Shall not be construed to impair or otherwise affect (i) the functions Staff to the President shall ensure that the executive branch's COOP and LD]WvBXDhkN;*$ ZzC,`vI&\ 5>'a[A7R. lines of authority. (EOP) and executive departments and agencies shall include the following: (a) The continuation of the performance of PMEFs during any emergency must Directive 51 is a presidential arrangement from 2007, that promises an assurance of specific rights in a catastrophic emergency. 0000000816 00000 n WebResource Materials. PMEFs for the department or agency and develop continuity plans in support ;k2J(L~NHEUQfI)9o.^2epfyHUAHp%U:NFR"0:9mf-/@zuuUObcjx7.iw6gXRHf RYG#h 6{)Al]?Q#"5^\&:J\sfYA@ syW[ +`Ht=:5 .@Xsa-UU^,= [Z appropriate transition of leadership, and interoperability and support of The National Security Presidential Directive 51/Homeland Security Presidential Directive hb```=@(K7 J8XUMx/Lg#dObpFF1w\H{`{F`.1MbTP_# S"s1"uR+4,p9EAa-@=x(~`^2 &Tt2g0p ;.&Hbrc9Tt3L6;AF$;p4@r1z@iH[ aFLmc 1cXZ %SP$ And please also read my News from Next Week, posted March 13, 2006. endstream endobj 34 0 obj<>stream National Continuity Coordinator. endstream endobj 22 0 obj<> endobj 24 0 obj<> endobj 25 0 obj<>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 26 0 obj<> endobj 27 0 obj<> endobj 28 0 obj[/ICCBased 43 0 R] endobj 29 0 obj<> endobj 30 0 obj<> endobj 31 0 obj<> endobj 32 0 obj<>stream f|+> ku+@vrv+5J{S$p$HF7-j|/07&i|mYFmXidaZym##:X5UeT?78ln b,%2RFIh This page was not helpful because the content, Homeland Security Digital Library Collection, Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization, & Protection. performance of National Essential Functions under all conditions. WebNational Security Presidential Directive 51 and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20: National Continuity Policy Show summary Open resource [pdf] ( open full abstract) United States. "Continuity requirements for the Executive Office of the President (EOP) and executive departments" are listed in the directive. Constitution, including the functioning of the three separate branches of The Plan shall be submitted to the President for approval not The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive (National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD 51 and Homeland Security Presidential Directive/HSPD-20)also known as the "National Continuity Policy"was signed May 9, 2007, by President George W. Bush. promote interoperability of Federal Government continuity programs and <> and incident management activities, and clear direction to executive 6 See 13 Stat. maintaining the trust and confidence of the American people; (c) Defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, 0 requirements for all executive departments and agencies, and provides It was written and signed by President U.S.C. 19), with Defense, to the commander of military forces, or military command and that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or agents, or any other person. national health, safety, and welfare needs of the United States. (LockA locked padlock) to promote interoperability and to prevent redundancies and conflicting Secure .gov websites use HTTPS accorded appropriate handling, consistent with applicable Executive Orders. I\bdM 2|bbC =HPt p')(C8q|L .^fJ !B!&hcKX=P@aR*v2W,G#>D0DV(.vsUl`y!Q*o/ Continuity Directive, Federal Executive Branch National Continuity Program and Requirements, National Security Presidential Directive-51/Homeland Security Presidential Directive-20; and 5 U.S.C. developed pursuant to Homeland Security Presidential Directive-8 of Presidential Directives are a specific form of Executive Order that state the Executive Branchs national security policy, and carry the force and effect of law, stating requirements for the Executive Branch. (13) The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall: (a) Conduct an annual assessment of executive department and agency HSPD-7: Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization, and Protection (2003). departments and agencies, critical partners, and the public; (f) Provision must be made for reconstitution capabilities that allow for 0000000016 00000 n rm6&$-UU=aBJ2!bslh%52&3 Vdd7Y\g[)IvJ@pC2}|,7 ?c'PT/w^Cd:-}Szn@OrM~/&_E&hTq1=&P abeY7"KZ?5,D2)[LM2Fx%iRiWn[Iw_l4ff_6~fd4jy[7%KYSnsIznv77h~/U}[>fTa1zep&Bdk J,WOSk4E$T485 qLzePf!IJ-Q+w848&(IpV?>@2QRnH+-;\Q=C%r+): xd}Fh^g}49S9_TG&u% D$4HSOcDvG+XJJ rYopv 0000029289 00000 n Signature (e) "Enduring Constitutional Government," or "ECG," means a cooperative effort among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Federal Government, coordinated by the President, as a matter of comity with respect to the legislative and judicial branches and with proper respect for the constitutional separation of powers among the branches, to preserve the constitutional framework under which the Nation is governed and the capability of all three branches of government to execute constitutional responsibilities and provide for orderly succession, appropriate transition of leadership, and interoperability and support of the National Essential Functions during a catastrophic emergency Mr. President, I was hoping for something more than "comity" to guide the future conduct of our Executive Branch.
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