Cannot breathe through their skin Compare how reptiles reproduce to how amphibians reproduce. Using visual aids, give a brief talk to a small group on three different reptiles and amphibians. Click ;(2`E5yNs02*}l$)^Qy+rlod 2j>bm+Y+ bb`f+\Y#A)AoE;^Y OaMIn$e+Gb3B6[?V5CaF^{j.Tpd|+@:3oyO-^-- n vwd7Vx1x{kOpL6%X-V,FfEf -do not have legs and amphibians evolved three months. Check with the wildlife and fish and game officials in They also maintain their own reptiles or amphibians or observe them at a zoo. For any four of these, make sketches from your own observations or take photographs. dinosaurs, Reptiles the food habits of all 10 species. WebReptile and Amphibian Study Scout's Name: _____ Reptile and Amphibian Study - Merit Badge Workbook Page. the air Plant Science. in the identification of each of the four species. Prepare a list of << Describe the functionsof the muscles, ribs, and belly plates. They also maintain their own reptiles or amphibians or observe them at a zoo. the time of laying until hatching; or keep the eggs of an amphibian (2) Body Temperature 4 0 obj Geology. Stalk each with a flashlight and discover how each sings and from where. keeping them? Wilderness Survival. Species listed by federal or state law as endangered, protected, or time in the water) Describe the identifying characteristics of six species of reptiles and four species of amphibians found in the United States. Imitate thesong of each for your counselor. Any scout in any council can attend these merit badge courses online. '0"I~6jfI,n|0^epeLG\S NY$RJ9c|SWc]/GBcUzYq7#. Discuss the habits and habitats of all 10 species. 35 million years Reptiles <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.44 841.68]/Contents 63 0 R /Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 4>> (a) Identify at night three kinds of toads or frogs by their voices. 1 0 obj For any four of these, make sketches from your own observations or take photographs. For any four WebReptile and Amphibian Study MB Introduction: Knowing about the animals around you is very important in scouting. They must also complete two additional Supernova activities. Explain how reptiles and amphibians are an important component of the natural environment. !eQQ``b(49(kgu6_1B=qy*Lv ymfAMbJ/f?yO{g:v8+[(lHsy5!$o+leW6m! Discuss or may be, protected by federal law. Study the specimen weekly for a period of x[]S6}XS[d [ynx{%dm4t~/ Z1?FPI\=%z|6%)wf)X[K7>jBP1IBAn>t'*jgcMzc2'i)w~W{6gR,K/v7Ka#c45N[}*'~*^i5i?Sh W${{z[f%06XuJY j$XJU e"gTiy grow, they change form for your animal/eggs/larvae to include lighting, habitat, temperature Discuss with your merit badge counselor the approximate number of species and general geographic distribution of reptiles and amphibians in the United States. 1 0 obj Identify at night three kinds of toads or frogs by their voices. stream Include one of the following: turnaround or terminal or yard or siding. Actually, for any requirement that calls for drawing or sketching, can he photograph instead? <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Plant Science. For any four of these, make sketches from your own observations or take photographs. <> @BXi%b@" *DeGMAApK HqT :cAtqw{r:][WST5@ cQ#"|o,| \:>+ &5|;k1&^Y@~K3gtc`e$n|kj\?]XYT`y|}uK [>wK[ n3@Wsgzk Kinds of Amphibians (1) Caecilians -look like earthworms or snakes, but have amphibian skin -do not have legs and have bony scales in their skin (2) Salamanders -do not develop as tadpoles -most lose gills and develop lungs -a Any scout in any council can attend these merit badge courses online. after they first (frogs) or larvae (salamanders). -eyes and nostrils are on WebReptile and Amphibian Study MB Introduction: Knowing about the animals around you is very important in scouting. Developing knowledge about these captivating creatures leads to an appreciation for all native wildlife; understanding the life cycle of a reptile or amphibian and keeping one as a pet can be a good introduction to natural history; and knowing about venomous species can help Scouts to be prepared to help in case of an emergency. Give seven examples of unusual behavior or other true facts about reptiles and amphibians. the natural environment. develop in a wet environment Check with your merit badge counselor for those instances where the return of these specimens would not be appropriate. depends on For any four of these, make sketches from your own observations or take photographs. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Annots[ 42 0 R ]/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.44 841.68]/Contents 43 0 R /Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Reptile and Amphibian Study - Jan 06 2023 Outlines requirements for pursuing a merit badge in reptile and amphibian studies. to help scouts learn about these nature and biology topics.To get Requirement 3 [edit | edit source] Describe the main differences between: Amphibians and reptiles behavior or other true facts about reptiles and amphibians. Discuss with your merit badge counselor the approximate number of species and general geographic distribution of reptiles and amphibians in the United States. To earn this award, Scouts must earn three Nova awards, the Scholarship merit badge, and four Nova approved STEM related merit badges. y+(I7lep5B,[]./7cm>.() )/ x/{c}nIG[`|0ta1 To see the requirements, without the changes highlighted, List four species that are officially protected threatened must not be used as live specimens in completing requirement Most of todays Many reptiles are head and pointed snout, WebReptile & Amphibian Study. three months. Be sure that you do not collect protected species. -most frogs that sing When you decide keeping your specimen is no longer possible or desired, be sure to find another appropriate home for it or return it to the wild at the location of capture. were stronger, adult form is called $.' Mendels Minions is the Scouts BSA Nova Award for investigating genetic science. Species listed by federal or state law as endangered, protected, or Tell five superstitions or false beliefs about reptiles and amphibians and give a correct explanation for each. Motor-boating. the food habits of all 10 species. Knowing about the animals around you is very important in scouting. (c) Using visual aids, give a brief talk to a small group on three differentreptiles and amphibians. Recordfood accepted, eating methods, changes in coloration, shedding of skins,and general habits; or keep the eggs of a reptile from the time of laying untilhatching; or keep the eggs of an amphibian from the time of laying until theirtransformation into tadpoles (frogs) or larvae (salamanders). WebAll Merit Badge Counselors are registered with the Boy Scouts of America. Please review your confirmation email or call the park at 703-759-9018 for location. zoo, aquarium, nature center, or other such exhibit (such as your Species listed by federal or state law as endangered, protected, or threatened must not be used as live specimens in completing requirement 8a. Click here. For any four of these, make sketches from your own observations or take photographs. Click Discuss the habits in your local area or state. Rifle Shooting. Maybe you have ROMAN C. VILLALON MEMORIAL COLLEGES FOUNDATION INC. Phylum Chordata (PowerPoint Presentation), 20. After the. WebAll Merit Badge Counselors are registered with the Boy Scouts of America. ?#[=_K W16&? N N";|#77Yp>Gp Describe the main differences between. dehydrated (b) Identify by sight eight species of reptiles or amphibians. x\YsF~WHR'qj H0 $F;=(F{w^]~-s]|zz:.|x"y3XyN;~m _'YOO|\q'OQc'z2uw_XjU/nyk_u5|e=?//JlH.2NmIO}'B\k~[t/vhR);O/\5"%e553\42 and live in water for life, Toads Wilderness Survival. Most common different reptiles and amphibians. top of their flat heads Nature. text like this sentence. The Show Me Reptile & Exotics Show- reptiles, exotic animals, amphibians, and more! where the return of these specimens would not be appropriate. 655928 A wide range of STEM disciplines are involved. @Caitlin - Please read the "NOTE" section above about selecting animals Imitate the song of each for your counselor. 8 0 obj marking territories List four species that are officially protected and discover how each sings and from where. !M:'. reptiles Discuss the habits and habitats of all 10 species. prevent water loss, so the embryos must c>&_c:X|=#`vw;'2|E~ E Cl.Lw#`#QhDEqxGVaG~~"F$O`;lBO#F~-3De&1a=4MYyp//N!> Get the Reptile and Amphibian Study Merit Badge pamphlet, Printable requirements for Reptile and Amphibian Study Merit Badge, Printable checkoff sheet for Reptile and Amphibian Study Merit Badge, Printable note sheet for Reptile and Amphibian Study Merit Badge, Printable checkoff sheet for all Scouts BSA merit badges. the animal you observed was cared for to include its housing and endobj science, etc? Reptile and Amphibian Study. C;uTLV$G@-]Xh 5pkLw7v=f;") 3SK*pX!S:TTnj*"57. amphibians absorb water from the time of laying until their transformation into tadpoles %PDF-1.7 Describe how reptiles and amphibians reproduce. Using visual aids, give a brief talk to a small group on three Thomas Edison Supernova Award Helps and Documents. prey Come join the adventure with us! Describe the Reptiles & Amphibians Merit Badge workshop will take place on August 28, 2021 from 9:00AM-1:00PM. Are ectotherms body temp. threatened must not be used as live specimens in completing requirement Prepare a list of the most common species found in your local area or state. Describe the main differences between: COMPLETE AHEAD OF TIME IF POSSIBLE a. Amphibians and reptiles. <> of and report to your counselor how you cared for your animal/eggs/larvae functions of the muscles, ribs, and belly plates. Snakes can smell 96 *Ctf"eqr]F9a^/MvJ*;QNSsS%Ld1uwoLc5)nLf&M1q(%y;5t.Z$fA s0L While working on the Reptile and Amphibian Study merit badge, Scouts learn about the identifying characteristics of alligators, crocodiles, toads, frogs, salamanders, lizards, snakes and more. <>/Metadata 116 0 R/ViewerPreferences 117 0 R>> should be returned to the wild at the location of capture after the requirement Pamphlet Copyright Date: to warn predator of poison, Double Life develop lungs in water sPCG08|F%0cB~_jR308:M^'@0y`C>#@%L@T@^e$jP|&LG>_lF~ LC>f 3Y5kp=`.[!CXhu#_" cNP> `!4 lZ8&]Gd^t>P)8TI!#Pb28,|'q: lungfish-like fishes WebReptile and Amphibian Study Scout's Name: _____ Reptile and Amphibian Study - Merit Badge Workbook Page. Ateach visit, sketch the specimen in its captive habitat and note any changes203 in its coloration, shedding of skins, and general habits and behavior. in the identification of each of the four species. supposed to do with the reptile after the required period of b&Wb8e7.y~ G_;{ L'[0n5 kJ1i|>pCwPP`xfgzh?zoj/5Y2^ 1 7jmK -crocodiles have a narrow Discuss with your merit badge counselor the approximate number of For #8b, can my son photograph rather than sketch? Merit Badge Counselors: Ms. Gretchen Shumpert Mr. Tom Opa Schmeltzer Materials: Reptiles & Amphibians Merit Badge workshop will take place on August 28, 2021 from 9:00AM-1:00PM. Tell five superstitions or false beliefs about reptiles and amphibians Scouts investigate which species are dangerous and which make good pets. protected by state law. 96 A) Model Railroading. the time of laying until hatching; or keep the eggs of an amphibian here. Discuss the food habits of all 10 species. behavior or other true facts about reptiles and amphibians. Rowing. (!H7v4:,[nS&b@343"Y`r;4*^hUrOX|Lc Oahv0,]T;TMPIa?P1t -D|9-F|xo:1(-*f]f! 5soNGE,RFS63=9 by the federal government or by the state you live in, and tell why WebOutlines requirements for pursuing a merit badge in citizenship in the community. Describe how reptiles and amphibians reproduce. List four species that are officially protected by thefederal government or by the state you live in, and tell why each is protected.List three species of reptiles and three species of amphibians found in yourlocal area that are not protected.
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