One report explains that "police" say they have arrested someone using your bank card - and need you to confirm your details to prevent further use. As it happens, it has been useful during the pandemic as the mobile signal seems to have weakened downstairs and I often can't make out calls without stepping out so hence have been using landline. Hammersmith Police Station CID Covid-19 Vaccines Criminal Investigation The police are busy so you should think whether it is a matter for the police.Perhaps there is another agency you could contact: If you're concerned about a business or venue that's open and you don't think it should be, please check the guidance on this first. Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. we couldnt do what we do without your support. Your email address will not be sold or made available to anyone else. Saying its a government mandate is no excuse and this is unlawful. 1, evidence is being sent by Philip Hyland PJH Law, Lois Bayliss Broad Yorkshire Law, Dr Sam White and myself to and collated by The Metropolitan police at Hammersmith CID. He continued that holding numerous parties whilst simultaneously outlawing parties because of a claimed risk of SARS CoV2 implies that the Prime Minister, Cabinet and others knew they were overstating the material risk from SARS CoV2. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Can anyone transcribe? They cite Bill Gates and other executive officers of the V companies who have collaborated together as being responsible. Similar places nearby I recommend everyone to read Real Anthony Fauci by Bobby Kennedy Jr. On chapther 3 he explains how Ivermectin could have saved 80 percent of deaths Worldwide. Mr. Hyland stated in the letter that the criminal investigation into the Prime Ministers partying has been opened and suggested that the enquiry be added into the above crime reference number as the recorded crimes are linked serious misconduct in public office. Lawyer Hannah Rose has provided the details of the criminal Investigation by The Met, including the notifications sent to all Chief Constables to the ICC investigation department. The use of clinical applied psychology and propaganda techniques via subservient media to obtain compliance with harmful policies is an aggravating feature of the offence says Mr Hyland, who added We note in this regard you made a statement that non-mask wearers should be socially shamed (source) and that Basit Javid (the brother of the London Mayor, Savid Javid) appeared to align himself to the Conservative Party (source). The report of the alleged crime was submitted in December to Hammersmith and Fulham Police by a group of individuals known for their scepticism around COVID-19 vaccines (see more details . Sergeant Harry Daley (14 November 1901 - 1971) was the first openly gay British policeman. Hammersmith is a district of London, located in the Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. Lawyer Lois Bayliss has received a large number of emails from those damaged by the V. She is working tirelessly to get as many statements as possible and has now enlisted help from a number of lawyers and retired police. If you want to share your thoughts about Hammersmith Police Station, use the form below and your opinion, advice or comment will appear in this space. The significant amount of irrefutable and damning evidence shows and proves the current vaccine program is causing harm, injury and death on a massive scale. BREAKING. IMPORTANT TRANSCRIPT. Hammersmith Police Station Crime Number Collar Number - Metropolitan Police Service 7, the Superintendent to Cressida Dick is aware and has acknowledged the criminal complaint. How do I do that? A separate application is also lodged at the International Criminal Court. The guidelines are clear. We appreciate you all! Copyright Greater London Authority 2023. In fact they continue to promote it as the only safe remedy when it is not. "We made it clear and it was accepted by the police that all Doctors, nurses and . Mr. Hyland has requested that a sufficient number of officers be assigned to this case in order for them to cope with the workload and said It is inevitable that liaison with international colleagues will be required as similar crimes have been committed around the world.. Thats not conducive to our cause. 7.1. A Glimmer of Hope, West Yorkshire Police Showed Integrity The Metropolitan Police and the allocated officers have been provided details of the ICC application. Mark Sexton has said that he had made this case public in order to assist and encourage all of the victims who want to make criminal complaints to come forward and do so. Yes, I understand, its not about the money for you, but money talks to these companies and if thats what it takes to make them educate their staff, then its the way to go I think. Hammersmith police station - YouTube 0:00 10:00 Hammersmith police station rights defender11 3.59K subscribers Subscribe No views 1 minute ago Made with Film Maker. The individual is responsible for their actions in making unlawful demands causing you loss, not an organisation or government body. We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of fair use in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, health, economic and social issues. Hammersmith Police Station - Additional Approval Key information Reference code: PCD 606 Date signed: Wednesday 14 August 2019 Decision by: Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor, Policing and Crime. Its secure, quick and easy, Just choose your preferred method to show your support below support, Tagged as: Crimes Against Humanity, Criminal Case, HAmmersmith CID, Mark Sexton, Mark Steele, The Hague. Applications for compensation in the hundreds of millions of dollars have been made. Today Monday the 20th of December, Dr Sam White, Solicitor Lois Bayliss, retired police constable Mark Sexton and myself Solicitor, Philip Hyland PJH Law attended Charing Cross Police station and then Hammersmith Police Station in London. They took Piers details and said the (Hammersmith) CID in charge will contact directly those who report these crimes. As the car had been carefully parked the police felt there was a chance that the culprit may come back. THIS IS COURAGEOUS ACTION BY BRAVE SOULS . He said it was desperately urgent. Fact Check-The Metropolitan Police has not opened a criminal Noting this represents an increase of 5.47m on the existing budget of 62.63m, of which 3.85m has already been provided for in the capital programme approved in February 2019. Im guessing black seed oil, widely available everywhere. The Expose is fully funded by people like YOU & 5, gross negligence manslaughter, 6, corporate manslaughter, 7, corruption, 8, fraud, 9, blackmail, 10, murder, 11, conspiracy to commit murder, 12, terrorism, 13, genocide, 14, torture, 15, crimes against humanity, 16, false imprisonment, -17, multiple breaches of our human rights, 18, war crimes, 19, multiple breaches of The Nuremberg Code 1947, 20, multiple breaches of The Human Rights Act 1998. Source: [], [] Update on Criminal Case from Mark Sexton, 16th January 2022 []. Recovering property from the police is a laborious and thankless task. Under 4.9 of the MOPAC Scheme of Delegation and Consent the DMPC must approve Budget virements or movements of 500,000 and above, (whether on a temporary or permanent basis, 6.1. However traveling to the station could put you and others at risk. Do I need to attend? I did ring 999 later and said it was a non-emergency case. All Chief Constables in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales are now aware of the live criminal complaint/investigation with The Metropolitan Police, the allocated crime number, and the ICC application to The Hague and their acknowledgment. Massive UK Effort To Stop Vax & Institute Criminal Proceedings Travelled and on the way there there was no problem, I showed the proof at the check in desk like the court paper, a supervisor checked, accepted and they promised that this would be recorded in their system and no one would stop me. Opening hours: 24 hours a day. April but just 84% funded for this month Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Your IP: To email the BBC and Sky and make them aware of the criminal investigation, crime number 6029679/21 and the ICC application reference OTP-CR-473/21 They have a whats app tel number also 07756 165803 Further adding if the police fail to protect the public from harm the public will be forced to do this and it is proper and lawful to do so using, Section 3 of The Criminal Law act 1967.. Your lawyer will contact the police in advance of your bail date to try and find out what is happening. The SUN was the first to show documents about that radiation can and do cause pneumonia, well known and documented. Tottenham Police Station 398 High Road, Tottenham, London N17 9JA | Map 7, the Superintendent to Cressida Dick is aware and has acknowledged the criminal complaint. Overview. Sadiq Khan, Mayor and Police crime commissioner for London was emailed on the 27th of December and made aware of the above. This was added to the crime report again and verbalised. Hammersmith Police Station Wates Group was selected by the Metropolitan Police Service to deliver the 40m redevelopment of the Hammersmith police station. I have no idea why the police had no record of the case as it is a live case and others around the country have been able to successfully shut down vaccination centres on the strength of it. For Misconduct in public office and Gross negligent manslaughter made at Hammersmith police station on Monday the 20th of December 2021. Lois Bayliss (lawyer) and her team have done a fantastic and heroic job in getting these prepared. Hammersmith police station - YouTube This is on the understanding his involvement in this investigation does not compromise the PCP he submitted to the courts on 21/12/21. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox, WE URGENTLY NEED YOUR HELPWere not funded by the Government to publish lies & propaganda on their behalf like the mainstream media.Instead, we rely solely on our support. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. He wanted to confirm that there is definitely a live investigation with this Case number in their system. 4, a number of world renowned experts many of whom are known, doctors, lawyers, virologists, immunologists, scientists, professors, data and intelligence experts have added their names and offered assistance to The Metropolitan Police to support this criminal investigation. False: The Metropolitan Police has opened an investigation into COVID Fightback Update: from retired UK Police Officer Mark Sexton. Starting Your email address will not be published. If you believe you are a victim of crime and there is no evidence to the contrary a crime must be recorded. Tickets cost 2 - 4 and the journey takes 16 min. Karl Hulten | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers The Hammersmith Redevelopment project currently has an approved budget of 62.63m. Double Fees. It could be anything from actual bodily harm through to Grievous bodily harm , manslaughter and ultimately murder. A number of government departments and in particular individuals in public office and government have been named as offenders and we have it all in terms of supporting evidence. NOW THE FINAL DAY TO SAVE Th egovernment has made it clear that it wants the criminal justice system to operate as close to normal as possible. But the same crimes are being committedin Lincolnshire. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. If its not your job then we arec looking at citizen arrests, maybe you can advise on that, I am not sure how one goes about that. Beware phone calls from fake detective in debit card scam I dont care about the possible money, but to make an example to stop bullying and to stop the mask insanity. Low profit and effective medicines are bashed and marketed as ineffective because they go against their narrative and profit plans. Enter your password to log in. The Expos relies solely on your support to allow us to report the facts the mainstream refuse to. Hammersmith Police Station on Shepherd's Bush Road, London. 6029679/21. PCD 606, Date signed: It will also help usif you tell us which assistive technology you use. UPDATE REGARDING - You Made It Political With Matt Clark | Facebook If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this matter, you are welcome to contact our customer support team. If you are struggling with this question please call your solicitor. If you like what we do then please help us to keep doing it with a one-time or monthly donation today ON the 16th of January 2022, retired Police Constable Mark Sexton recorded an update regarding the criminal case which is now a live criminal investigation. Some good news. Bill Gates. 12, if any police force refuse to treat you as a victim of crime or provide a crime number remind them of the national crime recording standards as detailed below. Herman Melville (1819-1891) " The duties which a police officer owes to the state are of a most exacting nature. PCD 606 Hammersmith Police Station - Additional Approval. It also includes the BBC Television Centre. I was called today by a Ladder resident who'd just been the recipient of a scam call. In carrying out its functions, the MOPAC may, under paragraph 7, Schedule 3 of the Act do anything which is calculated to facilitate, or is conducive or incidental to, the exercise of the functions of the Office. Scam - Hammersmith Police Station. Kennedy was charged with murdering Quinn, and later convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment at the Old Bailey. Well consider your request and get back to you in 5 working days. It was made clear there are now a significant number of people across the country ready to close these centres if the police do not. Born in Lowestoft he later moved to Dorking and, in 1925, to London where he joined the Metropolitan Police.Soon after joining the police, he met gay writer J. R. Ackerley and, through him, a number of other literary and artistic figures. 6, the office of The Mayor of London and Police Crime Commissioner Sadiq Khan has been notified of the criminal investigation and the ICC application. Well done these men - at Hammersmith Police Station Nothing which prevents the body to have proper level of oxygen can be healthy. Hammersmith Police Station Crime Number 6029679/21 - Are you planning to intervene and notify the police about the crimes against humanity occurring at 'vaccine' centres located throughout the United Kingdom? Then I checked and I had the card on me. Hammersmith Police Station | Audit - YouTube They claimed they had arrested a burglar and found my American Express card (I dont have one) on his person. You must be at least 18 years old to create an account, Must be at least 6 characters, include an upper and lower case character and a number, I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from Evening Standard. PayPal: koleeberksEnquiries- Demanding they close down all vaccine centres and seize all vials as evidence. Sometimes attending a bail date is not required. He claimed to be from Paddington Green Police Station, Hammersmith Police Station, Charing Cross Police Station or New Scotland Yard. Get protected with our tool kit. Archive has links to all the stuff Ive written since 2014, when I began commenting at the Financial Times newspaper. 3, PJH Law with the help of a senior QC are preparing an injunction to apply to the high court to stop the V program. I attach a case briefing document in pdf format as detailed, this is a nationwide crime, it is happening in Lincolshire areyou not interested to protect the people in yourpatch? Part of it that he was one of the few who talked about 5G while so many were just bubbling about a not so dangerous virus, not proven to exist. It was built in 1939 to the designs of Donald McMorran, of Farquharson and McMorran. The PNC Station Code is a unique reference code that every police station is allocated on the Police National Computer, alongside the division upon where it is located. I know there has been a case brought against companies who have bullied customers into wearing a mask. So, IMF publishes multi-year plan to implement CBDCs; it may spell the end of our financial freedom and autonomy, Fully Vaccinated Brazilian Model, 18, Dies of Thrombosis, Media Reports Death as Covid Complications, The Plan to Tag Us for the New World Order Slave System, COVID-19: the unfolding of the great work Hidden Harm,…,, Mark Sextons Criminal Case Gets FactChecked byThose With A Conflict ofInterest The Expose,, A Letter to London Mets Dick Regarding Criminal Complaint Filed by Mark Sexton The Expose, China in the Drivers Seat The End of Covid? Information about help you can get with the rising cost of living. This information was made public by Wolfgang Wodarg in an interview with Reiner Fuellmich. Of note and hugely significant, allegations were made of the most serious crimes being committed by a number of named Gov ministers, Civil servants, and the bosses of U.K. news networks. The content displayed in the Directory consists of information from third parties, among others from publicly accessible sources, or from customers, who have a presentation page in our directory. If you do not have a solicitor then you can call If you do not have a solicitor then you can of course instruct one your self. Despite of this on the way back on the foreign airport the Jet2 supervisor stopped me, denied I was in the system, made a loud example in front of the passengers to coerce me and them that I couldnt be an exempt because only a doctor paper would have been good enough. Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor, Policing and Crime. . The complaint of Gross Negligent Manslaughter and Serious Misconduct in public office were accepted and a crime number was issued accordingly. Mark Steele provided a massive amount of evidence relating to the damage the v is causing. [] in particular crimes of negligence committed in public officereported by Daily Expose earlier here and here recorded a video on Wednesday, June 29, 2022 addressing the news that the London []. We are now recommending all victims of the V make contact with their local police force. PDF Misconduct in Public Office Be truthful - this review will help other consumers as well as the business. Please frustrate the plans of those who seek to stop it. It could be that they are phishing in a particular area and then move on it's just worthwhile being aware that these phishers are on the prowl. 02085631212 who called me? | Applications for compensation in the hundreds of millions of dollars have been made. But there is clearly a risk you will be arrested at a later date. Is it because they havent bothered to look? I reiterated the public is demanding and expecting the police to do this straight away as did I. Crime reference number. 1, evidence is being sent by Philip Hyland PJH Law, Lois Bayliss Broad Yorkshire Law, Dr Sam White and myself to and collated by The Metropolitan police at Hammersmith CID. That appeared to be a major breakthrough in White's campaign to stop the. You do need to asnwer your bail. Michael O Bernicia and his team have added their weight and support to this criminal investigation. She confirmed a petition was filed in the High court in Bombay on the 25/11/21 against the V manufactures. If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than fair use you must request permission from the copyright owner. Use " " for multiple word tags): !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); I want to call the custody suite. I've had them from BT too some time ago wanting to get on my computer. We received exactly the same call last week. Report an Issue | Happened to me this morning. They have a duty to protect the public from death, harm, injury and loss. Update 31/12/21. Haringey Neighbourhood Watch issued a warning after it was contacted by residents who were called by Detective Chief Inspector Martin Benton and tricked into giving their card details. They confirmed the crime report is now significant and very lengthy. This paper requests approval for additional funding to complete the project. Our verdict The force confirmed to Full Fact there is no criminal investigation and no indication any crime has been committed. Black Cumin Ivermectine Alternative, according to Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance. We now know those in government, the NHS and the MHRA knew about the dangers of the V, were made aware (and proof of this is provided to The Met) and did nothing to stop it. ATB Again we are advising you to go to your local police station and make a criminal complaint as a victim of blackmail against the person who dismissed you. And the nice part that without 5G their control plan wont work. Queries about Travel: If you have queries about whether your travel plans are essential or might result in a fine please refer to the, Retraction Statements: Get independent legal advice from a local firm of solicitors. Otherwise you are on your own! 103 statements are from those who have been vax damaged and from relatives of those who have sadly died. At the junction of Queen Caroline Street and Hammersmith Bridge is the Bottom Bench. How do I do that? Hammersmith Police Station Hammersmith opening times 226 Shepherds (Late addition, Scotland and Northern Ireland Chiefs emailed also They too have all been requested to stop the V program and make a public announcement in their local force areas. If they dont hang up, you will not be able to dial out. ^^ in reply to Michael - excellent - that's what I would do. I had a very bad experience with Jet2. Note that stations shown as 'closed' may still . London Underground (Tube) operates a vehicle from Victoria station to Hammersmith station every 10 minutes. HammersmithPolice Station Hammersmith King Street A315 HAMMERSMITH FLYOVER You can also get in touch with the metropolitan Police by: calling us on 101 Visiting the contact us page at Always dial 999 in an emergency Would love your thoughts, please comment. The police have arrested someone I know. Due to the evidence being submitted to The Metropolitan police we believe each individual has a right to be classed as a victim of crime. As I understand it you are saying that you will not respond to me or take any action and I shouldrefer to the police of other counties. UK: Criminal Complaint: Misconduct In Public Office ACCEPTED by London Hammersmith - Latest News, Headlines and Entertainment from the BBC Ive also provided the detective with the brilliant forensic report produced by Craig Paardekooper, detailing the vials and their levels of toxicity, his assertions and ours this proves pre-meditated murder. He telephoned Hammersmith police station and was soon joined by Inspector Read and a sergeant in a police car. I need to talk to the police. On balance you should probably not attend. It takes time. Covid-19 Vaccines under Criminal Investigation. Case no: 6029679/21 Spotlight, Tyranny, WORLD Former police officer Mark Sexton has submitted 1100 pages of evidence to Hammersmith Criminal Investigation Department, where two detectives accepted and signed the paperwork. We need everyone to pull together and work together, if you get knocked back be persistent and insistent and remember the police work for us. is not responsible for content on external web sites. How much money is your firm earning? Thats not as easy as it sounds but they will be able to advise you. UK Police Drop Criminal Case Into Government's Handling of COVID, Then Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The additional costs are to be funded from within the MPS capital programme. Click to reveal Here is the information you'll need to take with you Posted on January 18, 2022 by Wirral In It Together This also applies to trolling, the use of more than one alias, or just intentional mischief. This information, he said, can be provided to the Police as supporting proof of a live criminal investigation taking place by The Metropolitan Police. The police do not accept calls from the public. Met Police has not launched an investigation into the Covid-19 vaccin Check Hammersmith Police Station in Hammersmith, 226 Shepherds Bush Road on Cylex and find contact info, opening hours. Whats going on? Daley became the lover of writer E. M. Forster at the age of 25 . May 2018 - Apr 20224 years. The Barnett Plan: The Pentagons Dead-End Map for Neocon Globalism, JOHN WATERS AND FR. Repeat offenders may be blocked or permanently banned without prior warning. Diary of Updates Regarding the criminal Complaint. 10, there are a number of people including retired and serving lawyers and retired police now working flat out, to obtain statements from those damaged by the V or who have lost loved ones believed from the V. 11, due to the sheer volume of victims out there and those coming forward it is impossible to make contact with them all. A URL posted on Facebook links to a YouTube video, which provides a supposed recording of a conversation with the Hammersmith and Fulham Metropolitan Police and an individual enquiring about an investigation into . Im sorry to read this Steve. 15h. 13, if they continue to refuse ask them to take a victim statement of complaint including a victim personal statement and request it is forwarded, on your behalf, to The Metropolitan Police, Hammersmith CID quoting the CRIME NUMBER; This is the actual crime number allocated to this investigation. To enable the readers of the Expose to be informed of the proceedings, you can read those updates in Mark Sextonss own words below. Anti-Vaxxers Think a 9-Digit Code Shows Vaccine Sites Are Criminal. It Comments and Photos. They are not now covering up or being evasive about the Crime investigation and are streamlining the collection of information through which we will report details of what weve found.
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