An exquisite gash ran down the center of his cheek. Rhysand exhaled. She seemed to take in every piece of me, my long limbs, the small wisps of hair at my neck, and the membranous wings I was so glad to display openly to her now without pretense. Rhys nods and breaks the door open. Her eyes were fixed on him. So he stretched his time there, giving into that small fragment of peace he could offer for as long as she wanted it. Could I really find it in me to betray him for Rhys? On the contrary, the light seemed deemed, and he took it as almost sunset by the way the woods had fallen quiet. She said quietly, blinking. Feyre pulled the third dagger and I knew what to expect as the veil was to be lifted on the final victim. But then- His fingers started trailing towards her center in a teasing manner. Now she is back in Terrasen- but her memories of her home are gone. But you should be careful, it would certainly offend plenty of others. Id pick up my pace.". In just less than three years, Feyre would be facing creatures from his very nightmares. Wherever you want to lick me, Feyre. He purred. Maybe everything about me was a burden for her. And even if it didnt change how she felt about me, something I could never blame her for even if it broke me inside, knowing we were mates didnt mean she had to accept the bond. A statement. The prick. But then she found my eyes and a turbulent sea of hurt and blood she carried calmed within them. His eyes stopped at her hands, where no tattoos adorned her arms. She was too curious, this girl. I nod, stepping closer to Azriel. Feyre!" Her eyes snapped open as a groan left her mouth immediately. Before your beloved whisks you away forever., Not forever, Feyre said, twirling her tattooed hand before me and this time, there was some of that fire I loved in her voice. Because what if you did let someone in? Taking place after A Court Of Frost and Starlight, A Court Of Glass and Fear picks up with Azriel and Elain traveling together to the Mortal lands. 4. jon protects damian fanfiction; jackie hill perry husband; freddie blassie wife. Tamlin's mate. It filled me with such hope some nights. - Hunts been good. One where an older Feyre would inevitably feel the call of the bond, a huntress who would find her way through the wall and make her way into Prythian against all odds. Silence followed and he let himself notice that spring had arrived, and with it a more healthy looking Feyre. Another day, Ill taste the skies again.. Elain has just caught her boyfriend cheating and decides to end things. Anyone interested in reading my Rhys POV of the First Trial can find it here: X. Disclaimer per the usual: I take zero credit for the dialogue and ideas behind these scenes. I didnt even wait. She had questions, and he didn't know that was something good. - I hardly know anything about you. Seems you are a busy person. As with the last trial, I had no idea what Amarantha had in store for her, only that it would be cruel and sneaky and very likely a trick. - Then why come here at all? I wondered what they had done with the bodies, if theyd bothered to bury them properly in Illyrian fashion or had left them to rot in the snow. Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Includes some brief details of his three months without her after he comes home from UtM and some improvised scenes, but most of it concerns his time with Feyre. 8. - Well, well, well.- she said, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Feyre took a step closer, and noticed her eyes lingering on the collar of his shirt. Enjoy. Elain Archeron Elain is Nyx's aunt. Be glad of your human heart, Feyre, I said, offering what little comfort I could amidst the backdrop of the thoughts in my tempestuous heart. Kill Keir - xChapter 9: Moriel Happens (NSFW) - x, Smut:Feysand Hot Bath Post-Lingerie Shop Fantasy (NSFW/Rhys POV) - xFeysand Universe Alternate: Mates at Starfall - xFeysand One-Shot: The Wall (NSFW) - xFeysand Wing Smut (NSFW) - xFeysand Mirror One-Shot - xFeysand AU One-Shot Part I: Dinner for Two (NSFW) - xFeysand AU One-Shot Part II: Dessert for Two (NSFW) - xFeysand AU Paris Honeymoon (NSFW) - xNessian One-Shot: Fire & Brimstone - xNessian One-Shot: Training (NSFW) - xMoriel Cabin Smut (NSFW Light) - xMoriel Headcanons (Fluff & NSFW) - xElucien Calanmai (NSFW) - xElucien Headcanons (Fluff & NSFW) - xAlternate Universe:Feysand Theater AU - xFeysand Gym AU - xFeysand Modern AU on a Plane - xFeyre is Taught by Van Gogh - xMoving Day: HS/College AU - xSquad Goes to Disneyland - xSquad Medieval AU - x, Fluff:Feysand Sleeping During 55 - xFeysand Pregnancy Fic - xFeysand Fluff Post ACOTAR3 - xFeysand Mating Anniversary - xMoriel Dancing - xMoriel Babysitting & Shadow Puppets - xMoriel Pregnancy Mini Fic - xMiscellaneous:Squad When Rhys Comes Home - xAzriel x Feyre Friendship Sparring Fic - xFlying Amren Mini Fic - x. I held their minds steady from the grip of my power long before the three of us cleared the trees lining the perimeter of their camp. That killed me. He didn't think his nerves could have taken it. A simple shift in temperature could endanger them greatly. Her mother's heritage caused prejudice and distance between her family. What would happen if Feyre didn't kill Andras? - - Can you do what you did before? - Are those others here? But you can be lifted. 52 3 1. Nesta Archeron Nesta is Nyx's aunt. But as my wings returned to my body and I rose back up, my eyes found hers and my entire body seized. This is the one I was . Nesta surprises Cassian with some special jewelry. As always lots of love and hope you are doing wonderful,F. Morrigan was rapturous. Watching Feyre enter the throne room for her final trial was a challenge. Amren took a sip from her glittering drink still sitting comfortably at the furthest corner of their table. That was nearly ten years ago.------An acotar rewrite fic where reader is Feyre that is 100% self-indulgent and inspired by the Twilight reimagined fics that are consuming me lol. - His voice was firm. Who could blame themwho would want to bother with that sort of mess? All over the three young fae hooded and kneeling on the unforgiving marble floor, the dagger I watched fall clattering to that same ground, and most especially all over her. Would you like Azriel to eat out that delicious fucking pussy, while you suck down Cassians cock in between those pretty lips, while I touch myself wishing I were them?. He tried to hide how his back tensed at her piqued interest. - Good enough for you? The High Lord was sprawled across the bed next to his sleeping wife, violet eyes dark as he took in the sight before him. Travelling around yet never staying longer then a few weeks at each court. She disappeared one again when she was only fifteen, this time from a city made of dreams and starlight. I think it's a bit late for that. Here was my mate when I needed her most to stitch the pieces of my soul together. Here? A relief she welcomed, craved even. Feyre was miserable in the spring court, but continued to faithfully live there, that is, until Tamlin killed her closest friend, Alis. Least to say, for you. The sun was almost disappearing by now and he was grateful for the lingering warmth that the season brought to keep her from feeling cold. Until she finds her knights in shinning armour. So as this fandom is always searching, if you have any recommendations similar to Feysands story I would love to read them <3. The walls of the prison were stiff and dark making it difficult to see and understand. His mate took a breath and he watched her carefully as he tried to read her expression. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. he didn't shy away from him, and he marveled at the way she had never been afraid of him. NSFW drabbles are marked *-Azris-Elriel-Elucien-Feysand-Gwynriel-HelionAutumn-Jassa-Neris-Nessian *-Nezriel. I saw Amarantha up on her throne because I saw her from Feyres eyes and not my own place on the dias where I should have been. Part 2 of A Court of Mist and Fury: Rhysand's POV Apr 28, 2023 . Slowly. Cold and wet, they go to the birchin for some relaxation, but Rhys decides to punish her for helping Cassian. This time, Rhysand didn't come closer to her. I want my future offspring to know that I was there, and that I fought against her at the end, even if I couldnt do anything useful., I would have left it at that, but as I stared at Feyre, my heart fell into her hands and I couldnt concentrate on what version of myself she was supposed to see anymore. If you need me or just want to check-in, feel free to reach out on my AO3. - Have you been waiting for me? It hit him then, really hit him, how young she had been when this had all begun. 189 guests Happy Valentine's Day!Presenting a Drabble Collection featuring 10 different ACOTAR ships.The challenge: create a 514 word drabble starting with quote selected from a chaotic Valentine's Day prompt list I found on tumblr.The result: a present for all of you. All characters belong, of course, to Sarah J. Maas and her demented book series, A Court of Thorns and Roses. He looked towards his family and relaxed when he saw they were distracted by trying to drag Amren to the center of the dance floor. Almost, but not quite. Or the flying.. As he walked through the woods, he felt a strange sense of anticipation. Below are links to all of my fanfics Ive written pertaining to ACOTAR & ACOMAF including Princess Malonne Whitethorn Galathynius vanished into thin air from the royal palace of Terrasen when she was ten years old. He looked away to give her time to recover. Or is it? The fact that I was even asking the question implied I wanted to betray him for Rhys and that thought terrified me. Five and a half years after the war with Hybern, Feyre discovers she is pregnant and is nervous and unsure about one thing: Is Rhysand ready for a child? But can she decide which knight is more deserving A magic flowershop owner and her lesbian best friend with a large collection of knives save the world at one am. Rhysand seemed to consider, looking unconvinced. Three days now she had been waiting out in the woods. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. You cant stop them. I couldnt. I heard it in her voice more than once already on this balcony, so surely that was a start, an open door for me to cross over and tell her. Her lips twitched and she avoided her eyes to keep from laughing. Rhys growled and nipped at her flesh, making her jump. Grief I started this because I couldn't find an Elriel fanfic and read too much on AO3 so this is for me, because I did it for myself. It was a small legion, perhaps a dozen or so with their chosen lord in the center. - Because you are human. He looked around until he found it, ground level. Feyre finds herself falling for all three Illyrians, the bride of her very own reverse harem. It felt oddly pleasant. It was a long while that passed in which I didnt say anything. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Chapters 41-51 of ACOMAF from Rhysand's POV. 3. Shadowsinging Sunshine. Part of me was petrified he would while another part of me was even more terrified he wouldnt. How would you feel, if I let my best friends take care of all that lovely wetness between those gorgeous thighs, while I watched? So I gave her the other half of the truth. Tell me," he murmured, cupping her face as her face was scrunched in pain. His best friends Cassian and Azriel want her too. I still believed Feyre could do it, could beat her, but Amarantha would not go quietly nor without damage and that was what scared me. It was agonizing not to know. Her eyes moved around in an impulse, as if she expected a wild faerie to jump from behind a bush and attack them. We would leave this room together today, but at what cost? This. As if on cue, the magic entwined itself with his own power and it began wrapping around his body. The first 13 chapters of ACOMAF told from Rhys's POV. you - He said, but he did not meet her stare. Feyre is training in Windhaven when she gets a little too much attention from the male Illyrians while training. 11. He raised his brow. as well as You can learn to fly, and to love, again. It was a simple fact. This picks up in ACOMAF, right after Rhys kisses Feyre goodnight after Starfall, and he begins to walk towards his room. Set during ACOMAF Chapter 29. It was a surprise when he found that there was no bright sunshine waiting for him at the other end of the journey. Almost second nature by now. For a moment he wished he had her mates gift for drawing, painting, capturing those moments for him to go back over and over again. Feyre was dancing with Cassian, the two of them carelessly twirling around the dance floor. So with a dark smile, he conceded. I will post many short stories of Feyre and Rhyand. My core glides against the length of him and he shudders. In a change of events, Feyre kil Feyre is stuck in a toxic relationship that she can't seem to escape. The final time she disappeared was when she was twenty from a city host to both fae and angels. Since before she was even born. This body This body is different, but this- her voice dropped in something like disgust with herself and I could hear the tears building with shame, shame I wanted to snatch from her over and over until she knew she wasnt the criminal she thought she was. She pressed. Just to say good-bye, I replied. What if Feyre had taken Rhys up on his offer to join the three Illyrians in the birchin? He crossed the threshold, the cold air of winter biting into his skin. ** Only she was able to make him lose control over his powers like he was just beginning training, losing centuries of carefully built self control. 5. Galadriel was once a spy, deep in the Autumn Court but a mistaken act of loyalty to a friend cost her that position. A small silver star brooch was perched there, where he had forgotten to take it off after his meeting in Hewn City. - Until then, Feyre, I suggest you don't keep on looking for trouble for I will not be able to come. Friends - After a lot of thought and many long, hard days, I have decided its time for me to leave Tumblr. It was horrifying to watch, to feel. Alright What is- she started to say, but the sound of her voice was a new frenzy, a war cry thrumming in my body to take her then and there, something I knew could not happen. *Cover photo by PhantomRin*. You a wanted a history lesson? What do you mean?He smirked.What do you think I mean, darling? His hand rested on her knee. I honestly wasn't planning on writing this one until someone asked for it. But he couldn't resist the sparkle in her eyes, the thrill of letting her know the real him. This is for @feysand17 who requested: Would you write a smutty fic about where Feyre knows and accepts the Please consider turning it on! Invisible String A confrontation. Its mostly a focus on the last two weeks before Feyre gets married with summation thrown in on how his time has been since leaving UtM. Feyre, he warned, and she felt him suppress an emotion, shielding it from her. - Not much. Feyre actually decided to join all three batboys in the Birchin and realized she made the right choice. Thank you, she said, her voice low and almost hoarse, grateful even. I just think you should keep that in mind. Now that the trials were over, I had pledged not to intrude on her mind anymore. As always, the dialogue and scenes belong to Sarah J. Maas and I take zero credit for them. Making Feyre wait in that cell for someone to come and save her life was perhaps the hardest moment I had yet faced Under the Mountain. He should rein himself, he should explain, but how? You will never trust me. This chapter came really easy and had me going back to some scenes in acomaf that really made me remember how in love i am with these books. Feyre knelt before the third victim - before herself, her ears turned up into two stiff points, her skin smooth and blended into a soft perfection only my own breed possessed. These are the hours they steal to survive. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Well that was 'till she got to the Night Court and all her plans were shoved into the dirt. 13. - Would you like to visit Prythian? - My bad. Yes. I tried my best to make sense of it as well as guess at what Rhys was thinking since we dont have much to go on for him in this scene. Given the time, I would have counted each of them from the tip of her nose to the sides of her cheeks where I had once kissed her tears away. At long last, the end was here. The entire world was her and she was me and if I didnt have her now, I would go mad. Feyre is shown a hallucination of her worst fears, and thinking that they're real she uses her magic for revenge.Jealousy, violence, and smut ensue. We threaded through the trees, Cassian and Azriel silently stalking several paces out on either side of me until we hit the gap where the band made camp. Feyre groaned when she stepped onto the balcony, the sunlight forcing her sleepy eyes to form narrow slits, but I only saw the way it made the gold stand out in the waves her hair as they blew on the breeze. In the wrong ears, that was enough to end her on a spike. The Night Court would need every drop in the coming weeks that it could spare. He regretted it the moment he said it. Petty disagreements over territory, among other things, wasnt something I could deal with in the middle of a shift that sought to overthrow the entirety of Prythian. And so I winnowed, without a word of explanation. But once they found her, she wasn't what th Azriel x Reader - As one of the spies in Azriel's network, you are no stranger to doing anything it takes to get information. - I don't know what to think of you. Though time management is not my strong suit (as you already know) this fic has really become a place to let all of my love for these characters show, and find a community that appreciates them as much as I do. He asked. Rhysand stood by the bar at Rita's, surveying the crowded room with a watchful eye. She was almost at her full height by now, just an inch or two of what she had been when they had met. please do not think I do not care about Gwyn. "Feyre. Rhysand and Azriel come up to Cassian who stands in front of a cell. Putting this on Quotev to see if it'll get popular. Pity those who dont feel anything at all. She simply nodded and with her mind locked, I didnt know what she thought of me. She bit, her eyes narrowing in that accusatory gleam he had come to know so well. Work Search: Rhysand and Azriel come up to Cassian who stands in front of a cell. No one invited me, Cassian spoke, voice low. Rhys Sees the Mating Bond (Rhys POV) The brief scene in Chapter 46 at the end of ACOTAR where Rhys "calls" to Feyre to say goodbye and ends up fully seeing the mating bond between them before he disappears. He amended. So much of the content in ACOTAR was retconned to support Feysand and Feyre's interpretation of past events and situations. She watched the magic began to pull him to itself and her breath quickened. He replied. Work Search: And why stop there? - Feyre. In one rough motion, he pulls me down onto him. Please. In A Court Of Thrones and Roses, Chapter 6 when Feyre first arrives to the Spring court Alis brings her upstairs to her bedroom where she and . It had worked perfectly for her, she managed to blend in, no one who had really caused her trouble. Either way, he felt himself smiling. Each one of them feels eaten alive by lust and guilt that the memories not only refuse to leave their consciousnesses, but have dug deeper, deeper into the well of their subconscious, growing and morphing into something deeply perverted, wrong, so deliciously wrong.This is the story of what happens when they all realize they are not alone. - Im sorry, was I supposed to tell you I was the fae bastard from your stories before or after I helped you with your homework? She hissed. Eris Vanserra is a man who is used to feeling nothing. Were those new freckles over the bridge of her nose? Well, instead of walking away at the end of the night, he does just that. (Azriel x OC). My Tumblr will remain here so that any fics people might have saved are still accessible and currently, my master list on the sidebar is updated. But a moment later she lifted her chin and there it was, the woman she knew. Who could blame themwho would want to bother with that sort of mess? She said, her eyes finding the blades of grass immensely interesting. - No. It felt disgustingly wrong. Feyre decided to join the bat boys in their annual snowball fight. She merely looked at me in reply, studying my features up close. Feyre wants to experiment with Rhys, and borrows some smutty books from Nesta to conjure up ideas ;), Feyre and Rhys finally do it in a library, A Court of Thorns and Roses Series - Sarah J. Maas, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Cresseida/Rhysand (A Court of Thorns and Roses), Location: Hewn City | The Court of Nightmares (A Court of Thorns and Roses), Location: Velaris (A Court of Thorns and Roses). If thats even real. Id deal with my cousins scorn at being cut short after fifty years of waiting later. A lost wolf, a fish out of water, Ithan meets Gwyneth Berdara and finds a friend. - Yeah. He stopped himself from leaning closer. She was so exhausted, in so much pain already that to heap upon her yet another challenge would have been cruel. In case you're interested, there is a fanfic WIP that takes the route you proposed: Rhysand was mind controlling Feyre during ACOMAF (editing because I shared the wrong fanfic). I died. She answered. Rhysand Rhysand is Nyx's father. Feyre stood in the middle of the cramped room surrounded on all sides by Amarantha and her filth like a pack of rabid wolves waiting to be unleashed. The emotion I felt flood her mind when I sent her the mental message letting her know to expect me shortly was comforting. He took a breath, stop himself from brushing his hair back. [please check the additional content warnings in the notes]. Following the war, emissaries are sent across worlds. Or kiss me, she seemed about to say. As we walked through the townhouse towards my room leaving Velariss pale pink skies behind us, I remembered another long night that had dragged on until the early hues of morning shone, one that had ended with stolen kisses and the first bright streaks of new love. He was in no better position himself. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (8), A Court of Thorns and Roses Series - Sarah J. Maas (18), Rhysand (A Court of Thorns and Roses) (17), Azriel (A Court of Thorns and Roses) (17), Cassian (A Court of Thorns and Roses) (17), Morrigan (A Court of Thorns and Roses) (7), Feyre Archeron/Azriel/Cassian/Rhysand (18), Azriel/Cassian/Rhysand (A Court of Thorns and Roses) (3), Azriel/Cassian (A Court of Thorns and Roses) (3), A Court of Thorns and Roses Series - Sarah J. Maas, Azriel & Cassian (A Court of Thorns and Roses), Truth-Teller (A Court of Thorns and Roses), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Post-Book 3.5: A Court of Frost and Starlight, the bat boys want to see feyre beaten broken and begging, not sure if the dove is dead but it's definately not doing too great, And Feyre took up Rhys' offer to join them, My self-fulfilling fantasy of being fucked by the batboys, Azriel/Cassian/Rhysand (A Court of Thorns and Roses), Honestly this is pretty much about Feyre getting Illyrian dick, Implied Nesta Archeron/Azriel/Cassian/Rhysand, Azriel (ACoTaR)/Original Female Character(s), what would have happened if feyre went into the birchin with the bat boys, Azriel/Cassian (A Court of Thorns and Roses). He was to be sacrificed to an ancient monster, a Witch who ruled the highest peak of the Night Court. I could count the number of times I had seen Feyre on one hand and I had been hoping it would stay that way. you come from? Azriel grunts behind her, his scarred hands clenching around Feyres hips. The prick. These are the hours that give them the strength to keep fighting; that help Eris make it through innumberable days stuck powerless beneath his father's thumb, and that remind Kallias his heart is not purely ice but that it beats fiercely for Viviane and he needs to keep going and make it back to her somehow. Feyre finds herself falling for all three Illyrians, the bride of her very own reverse harem. But it would have been easier to live with it Easier to live with what I did if my heart had changed, too. - How could I not? for why I haven't told you more about myself? Beginning with Rhys and Feyre's return from visiting her sisters, and following through the trip to the Summer Court and the first visit from the mortal queens. Celebrations, she liked to call them. Dont you get a week every month?. She didnt need my help anymore to survive some outrageous task or keep her head space clear while she suffered in a prison cell. acomaf. One hand moves in between us and grips the sides of my throat, squeezing just enough that it sent a rush of euphoria to my head. 10. The only sure thought in my mind was the fear that I wouldnt see her ascend back up. He said. Feyre tilts her head to give him better access, tangling her fingers in his hair. I wish this one had turned out better overall, though I dont hate it or anything. He bit. It was a lie, one he didn't know he wanted her to catch or not. *Story is also on Wattpad under same name, written by me* Slow burn Luna Lovegood x Rhysand, o Rhysand because we love him. He replied. Chapters 14-27 of ACOMAF from Rhysand's POV. Includes their prison cell encounter afterwards. Eris has taken power in the Autumn Court and there are whispers across Prythian that his soldiers are massing at the borders. He took the opportunity to look at her. Maybe it would be best to let her go, to free her of our bargain entirely and pretend the mating bond had never existed. Would you like that, Feyre? Feyre had been bursting with questions he had been careful to give vague answers to before convincing her to go home. She angled the dagger at herself and my lungs screamed inside of me to stop her as I felt her anticipate the relief that blade could give her. She was supposed to hate them, despise his kind so much that very same poison would lead her to murder one of his own. Highly reccomend! I did not join them at the House of Wind that night for dinner. The begging Im afraid of ON HIATUSAzriel x OC. I snarled at her. come from, for a change. It would destroy the nugget of worth I dared hope she saw in me, to see me reveal the struggle that the mating bond would be. Feyre blinked. I can't wait for ACOMAF to come out! His best friends Cassian and Azriel want her too. I practically had. <3], Feyre Makes the Bargain with Rhys (Rhys POV), ACOMAF Part 1: The House of Beasts Chapters 1-13 (Rhys POV). She seemed to read the answer on his face because she took a breath and knew what was coming. He said. Feyre moans around Cassians dick, thighs trembling as she shudders, the walls of her cunt fluttering around Azriels length as yet another orgasm sweeps through her. I was just under the impression it was a rude thing to do, that's all. Tbh, Im not a very visual reader, so my physical understanding of the trial was a little hard for me to grasp. And I knew I couldnt tell her. Feyre noticed and turned a final time to me. So slowly, that you will forget everything else and think we were just two star-crossed lovers making love.Feyres cheeks flushed and her mouth went dry.He grinned at that. Jealousy, violence, and smut ensue. - Have you ever thought there is a reason He said. Although she shared a father with Feyre, Nesta and Elaine she was different. - That's what you think of me? It would explain so much of what Id done for her the past three months, why Id treated her as I had. Not then, and not now. 12. Humans, he remembered himself, were highly delicate creatures. The shadow of surprise on Feyres face was the last thing I saw before the warm air of the Night Court took me home at last. Near enough to sent them on the tendrils of wind that carried their blood and sweat through the heavy pine of the woods. I have never wanted to utterly destroy something more than I do this female beneath me, and if I had any more blood in my brain than I do in my cock Id probably be concerned by the sentiment. Tahlia relied on the darkness to All of these stories with take place after A Court of Mist and Fury so if you have not read that book then this is not the place for you. An offering of second chances. He took a moment before answering, closing the distance between them and sitting next to her. Their heads turned in our direction as we neared close enough for them to catch our scent, but by then it was already too late. I want to enjoy you. His hand started sliding upwards. All dialogue and ideas behind the scenes belong 100% to Sarah J. Maas. The mountains of the Illyrian Steppes wrought a chill through my bones I hadnt felt in years. Her lips parted in surprise, her eyes capturing every lingering shadow around his body. The name curled around my heart and I was lost. do He knew she was out there somewhere, waiting for him, and he couldn't help but feel excited to see her again. I hope you see a ship (or multiple) on this list you would like to read.Ships are presented in alphabetical order. he didn't shy away from him, and he marveled at the way she had never been afraid of him. Well see if I can do more before ACOWAR comes out. Wake up. It was the first time hed called me that without some kind of snark behind it. Feyre Archeron is kidnapped by the High Lord of the Night Court. I have a family to care for, remember? You should have seen the look on Nestas face. And what if they saw everything, and still walked away? But maybe it could forge a peace between us, a way for her to leave here without a heart full of hatred for me.
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