[4] It landed at SeattleTacoma International Airport at 13:35 local time the afternoon of the incident, after an in-service flight from Victoria, British Columbia. Oh, thats right; thats right. [note 23] Elbert P. Tuttle was chief judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit. . Moment commuter blasts eco-zealots, Unseen footage of Meghan Markle during her teenage years, Russian freight train derails and bursts into flames after explosion, Royal superfans camping on The Mall ahead of King's Coronation, Women's rights activists and pro-trans campaigners separated, Cambridge students party in the park during annual celebrations, Saboteurs wreck Russian train cut power cables 37mi from Ukraine, Hundreds of Household Division members rehearse for coronation, Braverman: People crossing Channel are 'at odds with British values', Moment large saltwater crocodile snatches pet dog off beach in QLD, Devastating tornado picks up car and hurls it through air in Florida, Historic chairs to be reused by the King for the coronation service. and youd beyoull go run it [the] next nine years. In Taking Charge: The Johnson White House Tapes, 19631964, Simon and Schuster, 1998, Michael R. Beschloss transcribed the final line of this extract as I tried my best to get in a dissent, but theyd come round and trade me out of it by giving me a little old threat. Rather than threat, Russell probably uses the near homophone, thread. Russells contemporaneous notes and later remarks make it clear that his public acceptance of the Warren Reports conclusions came about not because he was threatened, but because he was deceived. Physical copies of many presidential phone calls are available from the National Archives. Authorities sent fighter jets to escort him, and the controller repeatedly tried to direct him to runways. [note 29] Russell was referring to the possibility that aspects of the assassination, such as the pending trial of Jack Ruby, might eventually reach the highest court. The equipment was sent to the National Transportation Safety Board for processing. How many assassinations]you dont have a President assassinated but every 50 years. . Only the relevant section is reproduced here. But he mentioned video games during his recorded conversation with air traffic control, which some have taken as a reference to flight simulator software. One witness whose testimony Russell did hear in person was that of Governor John Connally. Well, if I can, I will. . In audio obtained by The Seattle Times, the 29-year-old man is called "Rich" by air traffic controllers at Sea-Tac International Airport. Richard Russell, who dreamed of being in the military and once ran a bakery with his wife, was identified as the suicidal airport ground services worker who stole an airplane from Sea-Tac. Just like me, what we want to see is you not get hurt, or anyone else get hurt. And then that invitation to end anytime you wanted it to, and Id say that to them? Well, it was a 21-dollar gun. [24] Delayed by the SteilacoomAnderson Island ferry, firefighters from West Pierce Fire and Rescue and other nearby departments arrived on the island about an hour and a half after the crash, where they then contended with the island's thick brush. Lyndon B. Johnson: The Kennedy Assassination and the Transfer of Power, November 1963January 1964, ed. . Air traffic control: Rich, you said you had 2,100 pounds of fuel left? ", "Plane Thief Said He Trained on Games, Didn't Plan to Land", "NORAD: Fighter jets were trying to direct stolen plane over Pacific Ocean when it crashed", "Towboat crew dropped everything to respond to Ketron Island crash", "Firefighters battle more than flames after Ketron Island plane crash", "Seattle plane crash: 'heartbroken' family remember gentle man who meant no harm", "Ketron Island residents grateful Horizon Air plane didn't crash into homes", "Thanks to everyone for sharing accurate information, insuring the public's safety. Russell was impressed by Connallys insistence that he and President Kennedy had not been hit by the same bullet (Warren Commission Hearings, vol.4, pp.135f). Well, I know it. I dont think you couldve done better. Furthermore, that the return of such apparel be subject to an arrangement whereby such clothing will be available if and when necessary to support the work the Commission has done, presumably upon mutual agreement of the Chairman and the widow or members of the Kennedy family. Page 4. Who would be the best one if I didnt get the Chief [Justice]? This conversation marked the first time Johnson was revealing the commissions approximate makeup to a member of Congress. He stated that he did not want to hurt anyone,[17][19] and in the final minutes of the communication apologized to his friends and family. The Commission has a number of matters to consider and decide in preparation for the completion of its final report and the closing of its affairs. Is like on a takeoff, but yeah, it's burned quite a bit faster than I expected. 'Hi, I'm Beebo Russell and I'm a grounds service agent. 7 things to know", "One year after stolen Horizon plane crash, scars remain on Ketron Island", "FBI releases classified documents from 2018 Horizon Air plane theft, crash", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2018_Horizon_Air_Q400_incident&oldid=1152049033, This page was last edited on 27 April 2023, at 21:24. This was not the only example of manipulation of the records of the Warren Commission. Theyre afraid it might get into the [Supreme] Court? Rich: Alright, 'cause I felt some, what felt like turbulence around Rainer, but there was no clouds hardly. [note 19] Russell meant the presidential commission. The Warren Commissions verdict about President Kennedys assassination was far from unanimous. All Rights Reserved. In later years, Rankin himself seems to have entertained the possibility that the assassination was the result of a conspiracy. [Elbert] Tuttle? Like, a lot of bags. He doesnt have to be. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=1335. Id go crazy in six weeks in that job, and you. You have reached your limit of free articles. And weve had a splendid record up to now. In a humorous YouTube video he posted last year, he talked about his job and included videos and photos of his travels. video Plane crashes near Seattle airport The. Search metadata Search text contents Search TV news captions Search radio transcripts Search archived web sites Advanced Search. Hes an Eisenhower appointee? Like a lot of bags. A transcript of the relevant part of the conversation is reproduced below, along with the official minutes of the 18 September meeting. 'But, it allows me to do some pretty cool things, too.'. the traffic controller said. Thats probably the theory . The Warren Commissions General Counsel, Lee Rankin, managed to defuse the senators criticism while preserving the illusion of unanimity. See the daily introduction for 1964-05-27 [from the Norton edition] Richard Russell. See Warren, Memoirs, pp. Air traffic control: OK Rich, if you could, you just want to keep that plane right over the water. 18:33 BST 13 Aug 2018, The suicidal airport worker who hijacked and crashed a plane said before he died:'I'll go nose down and call it a night.'. 1 of The Presidential Recordings (New York and London: W. W. Norton and Company, 2005). [15] Near the end of the flight, the aircraft was seen performing a barrel roll over Puget Sound, recovering a mere ten feet (three meters) over the water. [4][6][9] A tow boat crew was the first to respond. Several of his adventures were in his wife's home state of Alaska, including a plane tour of the Misty Fjords in Ketchikan and hiking trips at Hatcher Pass in Palmer and Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau. Well, Georgias a good state. Nah, I'm a white guy. . if I think of a judge in the next 3040 minutes Ill[note 26] Russell thought Johnson was seeking a judge other than the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, and Johnson was doing nothing to correct Russells misperception. That in taking such action the General Counsel consult with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other interested persons and agencies whenever necessary and proper. The Seattle FBI office said Sunday that it had recovered the flight data recorder and components of the cockpit voice recorder from the Horizon plane. That means, I lift a lot of bags. The transcripts covered 275 phone calls recorded in November and December 1963 in the Johnson White House relating to the Kennedy assassination. Together, they started a bakery in North Bend, Oregon. theres some things about it I cant talk about, but[note 3] Johnson was probably referring to the allegation leveled by Nicaraguan informant Gilberto Alvarado that Oswald received money in the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City. He said flying was a 'blast' and that he didn't need much help: 'I've played some video games before.'. Rich: Just kind of lightheaded, dizzy. More sinister was Rankins treatment of the record of the 18 September meeting. 'I think I might mess something up there too. The General Counsel was asked to furnish each of the Commissioners a list of the employees of the Commission with their addresses and that this be supplied to each Commissioner as soon as it can be furnished after the Report has been published. And I dont want some of those fellassome of those fellas got no business there. As he explained to Johnson, They were trying to prove that the same bullet that hit Kennedy first was the one that hit Connally, went through him and through his hand, his bone, into his leg and everything else. Might as well have gone to the moon. Im not very good on thinking about things like that. Pierce County police said the man was suicidal and there. Sky King Addeddate 2020-12-05 11:32:53 Identifier sky-king-rich-beebo-russell-full-audio-w-air-traffic-control Scanner . [6], The aircraft was stolen from Plane Cargo 1 at the north end of SeaTac Airport[6] and maneuvered to runway 16C via taxiways. Show more Wiki. when Johnson asked then-Sen. Richard B. Russell . Russell was active in his local community, serving as a leader at Young Life, a Christian youth ministry. Hes a magnificent man; hed [have] been perfect. No hint was given of Russells and Coopers arguments with Rankin and Earl Warren, or of the discussions that, according to Russells conversation with Johnson, took place about the wording of the Reports conclusions. Rich: Yeah, I don't know what the burnage, burnout? CNN Richard Russell was a funny, gentle and hardworking man, said family and a colleague of the airline employee who stole a passenger plane from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Page 3. Mr. President, cant you get someone else for that job? Well I think it would be turned overtheyre taking this Court of Inquiry in Texas, and I think the results of that Court of Inquiry and Hoovers report, and all of them, would go to this group. No, uh-uh. No, no, you wouldnt want [Tom C.] Clark hardly. Beebo was loved by everyone because he was kind and gentle to each person he met. The FBI investigation found that Russell was a properly credentialed employee of Horizon Air, had access to the exterior and interior of aircraft in the regular course of his duties, and did not. Russell was a brick of a young man, square-shouldered and stout with long, powerful arms. Richard Russell Petitioner V Texas US Supreme Court Transcript of hill with Supporting Pleadings Amazonde Heard Oliver S Wade Henry. I want to see that guy. "[18] Yet Johnson couched the question in such a way that Russell probably thought the President was not considering the Chief Justice. That was a happy thought. Russell was well-liked by his co-workers, according to The Seattle Times. A fter 29-year-old airline employee Richard B. Russell stole a plane at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on Friday night and crashed it into Ketron Island in Puget Sound, questions remain. But he said he looked through the telescopic sight himself, and he said, Mr. Russell took the Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 turboprop from the northeast corner of the airport, according to the Times. A highquality digital recording and transcript of this phone call will no doubt be issued in due course by the University of Virginias Presidential Recordings Program. I. [unclear] see it'd save my life, I declare, I dont want to serve on that [unclear]. A Motion was made, seconded and carried that there be provided 100 copies of the Report and Hearings bound in buckram for the Commissioners to distribute as they may determine and that in addition 500 copies of just the Report be provided for such distribution. Well, I just got down here. And we'll be able to give you some advice on what to do next. All three were career politicians who represented southern states: Russells dissent was the most vocal, and is captured in a phone conversation with President Johnson late on 18 September 1964, a few hours after the Commissions final executive session. He became critical of the FBI when he learned about the bureaus destruction of Oswalds note threatening to blow up the FBI office in Dallas, and of the CIA when its alliance with mobsters became public knowledge. [28] It described the perpetrator, identified as 29-year-old Richard Russell,[29][30] as suicidal and said his actions did not constitute a "terrorist incident". Beck said the aerial maneuvers were "incredible" and that he "did not know how [Russell] achieved the experience that he did. Richard "Beebo" Russell, the Horizon Air employee who stole a plane from Sea-Tac Airport on Friday night, performed midair acrobatics over Puget Sound and then crashed into an island, was an . Just a broken guy, got a few screws loose I guess. '. Oh, he would have been ideal, but hes dead. There's a lot of pretty stuff, but they're prettier in a different context. Im going to try to get Allen [W.] Dulles. Richard Russell died almost 50 years ago. Russell, a 3 1/2-year Horizon employee, worked as a ground service agent. history and strives to apply the lessons of history to the nations most I was kind of hoping that was gonna be it, you know? More about the Warren Commissions treatment of the JFK assassination: Website created by Lab 99 Web Design: http://www.lab99.com/. committee though Ive got a lot of faith in her. Transcript. Maybe that will grease the gears a little bit with the higher-ups. [20], Videos and radio transmissions of the event were followed online, immediately sparking a meme dubbing Russell the "Sky King". . Well, theythey heard that he was coming, you see, when Iwhen you told me, that afternoon, that hes coming. But if you could start a left turn, and back towards the east. Max Holland] (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2014). [20], Russell's family released a statement on August 11, stating they were "stunned and heartbroken" and "devastated by the events". [Laughs, and Russell joins in.]. [Pause.] . They were all, in some measure, the result of the work of Richard B. Russell (1897-1971), a New Deal Democrat who served as governor of Georgia in the 1930s before embarking on a nearly four . Just did a little circle around Rainer, its beautiful. I would like to figure out how to get this make it pressurized or something so I'm not lightheaded. And if I had my way, youd be in my place and Id trade with you! LBJ: I told you I was gonna name Warren and you said it would be better to name Harlan. "[17] He asked ATC if he could get a job as a pilot with Alaska Airlines if he successfully landed the aircraft. Were trying to avoid having all the House committeeHale Boggs and a bunch have got some things started over there, and Jim Eastland and [Everett] Dirksen and a bunch got them started in the Senate. Well, how [did] you happen to get ahold of him? He was a faithful husband, a loving son, and a good friend, Mike Mathews read from the statement at a press conference. The document is reproduced below. He also told the controller he 'wasn't really planning on landing' the aircraft, and he described himself as 'just a broken guy.'. . Oh they probably have got anti-aircraft. 'I usually have to work outside in this,' Russell says. On August 10, 2018, a Horizon Air Bombardier Q400 was stolen from SeattleTacoma International Airport (SeaTac) in Seattle, Washington. "[34], Richard Russell was a Horizon Air ground service agent from Sumner, Washington. But Im not going to . I told you today I was gonna name the chief justice when I called you. Inflight audio of Richard "Beebo" Russell and Sea-Tac Airport officials provide insight into the man who took a Horizon turboprop airplane and crashed it Friday night, Aug. 10, 2018. Now, the next thing: I know how you feel about this CIA. However, Governor Connallys testimony and certain other factors have given rise to some difference of opinion as to this probability but there is no question in the mind of any member of the Commission that all the shots which caused the Presidents and Governor Connallys wounds were fired from the sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depository. Rich: Man, have you been to the Olympics? Others include how, nearly 17 years after the 9/11 attack, someone can simply take a passenger plane from a major U.S. airport without authorization. I just do. it concerns [J. Edgar] Hoover, and [the] Secretary of State, and some others. [7], SeattleTacoma air traffic control (ATC) maintained radio contact with the occupant. The Pierce County Medical Examiner's Office confirmed Sunday that Russell had died in the fiery wreckage, but whether the crash was deliberate or accidental was one of several topics remaining for investigators. The federal agencies will lead the investigation. [note 20] Having taken office so late in President Kennedys first term, Johnson was eligible to govern for nine years if he managed to win election in 1964 and 1968. Hell, I hadnt invited him up here; I never heard of it. In Russells words: according to their theory, he not only missed the whole automobile, but he missed the street!. As the voice recording shows, Beebos intent was not to harm anyone and he was right in saying that there are so many people who loved him.. And itd be largely done by staff, but they can work on it. Full Audio (1 hr) of Raw ATC Transmissions from Richard "Beebo" Russell - Stolen Plane (Subtitles) Sander Lewis 342 subscribers Subscribe 2.8K Share Save 211K views 4 years ago A few days ago I. After 29-year-old airline employee Richard B. Russell stole a plane at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on Friday night and crashed it into Ketron Island in Puget Sound, questions remain about why and how he undertook the ultimately fatal flight. Mellon Foundation and the Presidents Office of the University of Virginia, The Miller Centers Presidential Recordings Program is funded in part by the There being nothing further to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned. See, Ive been very careful. [5] Seattle Tower tried several times to get the pilot of the aircraft to identify himself on frequency, but received no response. [19] Alaska Air Group CEO Brad Tilden announced on the same day that the airline was coordinating with the Federal Aviation Administration, the FBI, and the National Transportation Safety Board, and was "working to find out everything we possibly can about what happened". Russell, Richard. Well . Folder: Telegram, Richard Russell to Harry S. Truman. I dont thinkI dont hold him in near as high regard as I do Dulles, but hes all right. . Air traffic control: Well, if you can see the Olympics, the weather's good. [AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio] Hau mitakuyepi, miye malakota. . Washington, D.C., Friday, September 18, 1964. Well, you couldnt have done better than got him; hes an awful nice young fella. Page 2. . "Lyndon Johnson and Richard Russell on 27 May 1964," Tape WH6405.10, Citations #3519, #3520, and #3521, . Ive even kept Margaret Chase Smith off that[note 15] Senator Margaret Chase Smith (R-Maine) was a member of the full Armed Services Committee. [44], In the days after the crash, clean up and recovery crews contracted by Alaska Airlines and their insurers were present on the island to remove debris. [37] During his communication with air traffic control, Russell made a complaint about wages, stating: "Minimum wage, we'll chalk it up to that. Air traffic control: OK, and you can see all the terrain around you, youve got no issue with visibility or anything? [12] Flights in and out of SeaTac Airport were temporarily suspended. But hes agreeable to folks like Dulles, and . [note 30] Johnson was asking Russell to help him develop the line of argument Johnson could use in the upcoming meeting with Warrenunbeknownst to Russell! [23] The Q400 ultimately crashed at 20:43 local time[1] on Ketron Island in Puget Sound, Pierce County, Washington, killing the occupant and destroying the aircraft. A video posted to Russell's amateur travel blog in December 2017 provides an intimate view into his life as a grounds service agent for Horizon Airlines, a job that consisted primarily of loading and unloading luggage, paying only $13.75 per hour. Alaska Air Group CEO Brad Tilden said at a news conference Saturday that Russell worked for Horizon Air for four years and was on the clock and in uniform when he stole the twin-engine turboprop plane, which was parked in a cargo lot at the time. I don't want to I was kind of hoping that would be it, you know. As chairman of the Armed Services Committee from 1951 to 1968, he greatly influenced American military and foreign policy in the post- World War II era. The General Counsel further stated that all of such exhibits were listed on a document which had been marked Exhibit 3154, whereon the exhibit number, the date, in many cases, and the description of the exhibit was set forth. Lyndon Johnson and Richard Russell on 29 November 1963, Tape K6311.05, PNO 7, Presidential Recordings Digital Edition [The Kennedy Assassination and the Transfer of Power, vol. Ambassador to South Vietnam Henry Cabot Lodge, who according to most political observers would soon return to the United States to . Rich:Oh man, not enough. How was he able to take off without being stopped? [25][26] No injuries were reported to residents of the sparsely populated island despite the crash site being in close proximity to at least one cabin, which was occupied at the time of the incident. . I wouldn't want to do that. It is conceivable that Russell was unaware that the missed shot was an undisputed fact rather than merely a suggestion put forward by the attorneys who had dreamt up the singlebullet theory. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Digital Audio released of Russells conversation with an air traffic controller suggests that he was struggling with mental health issues, but his motive for stealing the plane remains unclear. Rich: I wouldnt mind just shooting the s**t with you guys, but its all business, you know? got a lot of bad talkers on that committee. You think about anybody else now, besides [Judge Harold] Medina. But hes [Earl Warren]thats why hes against it now. But the plane slammed into tiny Ketron Island, a sparsely populated island southwest of Tacoma. with newly digitized critical and documentary editions in the humanities and . . Hes ready with it now, and he wants to get it off just as quick as he can. Monteith also recalled that Russell had been in the cockpit of an Embraer 175 with him, and that Russell asked him about his "flows, which is the preflight preparation I do for takeoff. The Commission had a staff of around 30 attorneys, who: Richard Russell himself attended fewer hearings than any other Commissioner. they put them on the Pearl Harbor inquiry, you know. I thought it was just a seven-dollar-and-a-half thing. [If] you dont get somebody from [the] Supreme CourtI dont know him personally, but this Judge [Harold] Medina, up there that tried all those Communists, is known all over [the] United States. Magazines, Digital I know you dont want to do anything, but I want you to. After graduated from the law department of University of . You got a perfect one; you got a perfect one. Never really knew it until now. Air traffic control: Well Rich, before you do that, let's think about this. And they would evaluate it, and then maybe . . Simultaneously, Johnson was disingenuous to the point of being misleading about whom he wanted to chair the commission. The General Counsel reported various items of the expenses and budget of the Commission during its months of operation and after discussion a motion was made, seconded and carried that the budget and expenses of the Commission as reported by Mr. Rankin be approved, subject to his furnishing a general financial statement for the period from November 29, 1963, to an estimated date of October 31, 1964. ', The comments below have not been moderated, By Russell then said before he crashed: 'I think I'm going to try to do a barrel roll, and if that goes good I'll go nose down and call it a night,' according to a recording of his conversation with the controller. [1][7][8][9] In response, two McDonnell Douglas F-15C Eagles of the Oregon Air National Guard's 142nd Fighter Wing under the command of NORAD[10] were scrambled at around 20:15 local time[11] from Portland Air National Guard Base to intercept it.
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