The Robert Gordon University 2022-2023Term Dates, includes important dates, Beginning of Term, final exam and registration schedules, deadlines and Graduation Ceremonies for students and Staff for has been released. Late arrival/enrolment may not be granted entry and this may have a negative impact on your student status and visa. Unauthorised attempts to modify any information stored on this system, to defeat or circumvent security features, or to utilise this system for other than its intended purposes are prohibited and may result in criminal prosecution. At RGU, we provide students with individual timetables containing on campus events they need to attend and any online teaching which must be viewed or attended online at a set time. You can find term dates for academic years 2022/23 and 2023/24 below, including any University closure days. Applications for most Postgraduate courses are made direct to the University. The Robert Gordon University 2022-2023 Term Dates, includes important dates, Beginning of Term, final exam and registration schedules, deadlines and Graduation Ceremonies for students and Staff for has been released. Exeat- Saturday 23 November / Sunday 24 November 2024(Day students leave at3.35 pm, Boarders at 4.00 pm on Friday) 2022 Term Dates Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 2023 Term Dates Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 2024 Term Dates Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Further, the inclusion of links or pointers to this website other than the Robert Gordon's College website is not intended to assign importance to those sites and the information contained therein, nor is it intended to endorse, recommend, or favour any views expressed, or commercial products or services offered on these outside sites, or the organisations sponsoring the sites, by trade name, trademark, manufacture, or otherwise. Sunday 12th May 2024- Parade & Chapel Service Traditional values are combined with high quality teaching in a state-of-the-art school. Their automatic registration recognition system reads your car registration on arrival and the barrier will lift. The campus is well served by public transport and is a short walk from Aberdeen bus and train stations. Individual timetables for Semester 1 2022/23 will be available from Wednesday 10 August, with some exceptions: School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedic Practice - Friday 30 September 2022 To access your individual timetable, once you have enrolled, choose one of these easy ways to help keep you on track and in the right place at the right time. Exeat- Friday 22nd Sept/ Saturday 23rd Sept/Sunday 24th Sept2023(Day students leave at 3.35pm, Boarders at 4.00 pm on Friday) For more details see ourprivacy and cookie statement. Gown Hire. Many children enjoy the daily commute with their friends which allows parents the comfort that their child is safe and well looked after. You can only disable these cookies through your browser settings. webName: "Final_Exam_Calendar", Families looking for additional care for children (P1-P7)before and after the school day are invited to register for Out of Hours Care which provides support from 7.00am to 6.00pm. Gordon College is New Englands top Christian college, located on the North Shore of Boston in Wenham, MA. . Providing you with a unique learning experience and the professional knowledge and skills required to develop your practice. Monday 16th October - Friday 27th October. Select the Calendar tile on the home screen. Sunday 19January 2025- Guildford Cathedral Memorial Service (for all students) 11.30 am Undertaking a postgraduate course in social studies will give you the ability to positively impact society and improve the lives of individuals in an important profession. Out of Hours Care is registered with the Care Inspectorate and provides support to families (P1-P7) throughout the school term as well as the holidays. Exeat- Friday 28th April/ Saturday 29th April/ Sunday 30th April2023(Day students leave at 3.35 pm, Boarders leave at 4.00 pm on Friday) Parade- Sunday 26thMarch 2023 Inset- Wednesday 1st November 2023 (boarders return between 7.00 and 9.00 pm) Enhance your creative development and build upon existing skills by undertaking a postgraduate course in art and design. You no longer need to look up timetables for your group on Moodle because individual timetables are now available at RGU through CELCAT Calendar. Welcoming children across the North East, we are proud of 1 in7Senior School pupils supported by our Bursary programme. Modules can be completed as stand-alone qualifications, or combined to be awarded adiploma. webName: "Final_Exam_Calendar", Before this time, Robert Gordon's College cannot take responsibility of unsupervised children (with the exception of those attending Early Birds Club). You can only disable these cookies through your browser settings. Summer 2023 - Postgraduate Autumn 2023 - Undergraduate and Postgraduate Monday 30th October. We sometimes use cookies to assist with the personalisation of marketing for courses and services, they may be used by our media partners to provide targeted media on other websites. Last Day of Term - Saturday 6th July 2024after the Annual Parade & Prize Giving, Inset- Monday 2 September 2024 Year round (48 weeks) Whether you have recently graduated, want professional accreditation, are looking to retrain or develop your career - whatever your reasons for postgraduate study - we offer a wide range of courses with flexible study modes including online, part-time or full-time to fit around your needs. Our food offer also meets the Scottish Governments Better Eating, Better Learning initiative and the School Nutritional Guidelines. Welcoming children across the North East, we are proud of 1 in 7 Senior School pupils supported by our Bursary programme. For Junior and Senior School pupils, the full school uniform (including sports kit) can be purchased from, Aberdeen Bus Station is situated within a 10 minute walk. First Day of Term - Tuesday 18th April 2023 No part of this website may be reproduced, transmitted or copied in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Information Officer(select Data Privacy), Robert Gordon's College. Navigate to the RGU term dates Portal at; You will be directed to the RGU term dates page; Copy the RGU term dates; Open Microsoft office or Launch Google docs; Paste the Copy document; Click on the Save button to save a copy of the Rgu terms dates on . Exeat- Friday 19th / Saturday 20th / Sunday 21st January(Day students leave at 3.35pm, Boarders leave at 4.00 pm on Friday) Exeat- Saturday 25January/ Sunday 26 January 2025 (Day students leave at 3.35pm, Boarders leave at 4.00 pm on Friday) Architecture, Construction and Surveying - Postgraduate, Communication, Marketing and Media - Postgraduate, Events, Tourism and Hospitality - Postgraduate, Nursing, Midwifery & Paramedic Practice - Postgraduate, Pharmacy and Life Sciences - Postgraduate, Seven studentship spots available for budding researchers at RGU, Future Students Destination Aberdeen Sessions. If monitoring reveals evidence of possible criminal activity, such evidence may be provided to the appropriate authorities. These representatives are a friendly face and ensure the agreed drop off and pick up arrangements are in place between families and the school. At least 1 in 5 students participate in RGC Online on fully funded scholarships. webName: "Final_Exam_Calendar", Robert Gordon's College has a long standing history of giving back to Aberdeen which resonates from the tradition on which it was founded by Robert Gordon over 250 years ago. If it is longer than 30 minutes it is possible to pay at the exit barrier via contactless. RGU CELCAT Calendar. Saturday 21stJanuary 2023- Whitehall Parade (for Y9 and Y11 students) 12.00 pm Sunday 25th February 2024- Parade & Chapel Service Registration forms will be made available in June each year for the following August session. Preferential parking tariffs are as follows: Working with partner agencies across the city, our aim is to realise the goal of making Aberdeen an even better place to live, work and visit. There is also a new shared morning service from the following locations: Stonehaven (via Portlethen, Marywell and Cove), Inverurie (via Kintore, Blackburn and Kingswells). Robert Gordon's College Scroll The Gordon's Experience Our Voices Eva (P1) Robert Gordon's is fun, fantastic and exciting. Public buses travel through the City Centre with stops within a few minutes walking distance to the school. Based in the heart of the city, Robert Gordons College educates over 1570pupils from 3 to 18 years of age daily at our Schoolhill site. Sunday 26thMarch 2023- Parade & Chapel Service The College follows the Scottish curriculum and from the earliest age children are used to active interdisciplinary learning in the class, building confidence through participation. Get in touch with our Student Admissions Service and we'll do our best to help. All content within this website is the property of Robert Gordon's College unless otherwise stated. spudType : "filter" }); Snack and lunches are provided for all of our children. With respect to the content of the Robert Gordon's College website, neither Robert Gordon's College, nor its employees and contractors make any warranty, expressed or implied or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non infringement of third party rights, title, and the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a Some of the cookies are used for analysis and marketing purposes. This has already been done for you. Please see our guide for full details of finding your way around the CELCAT Calendar. To see your timetable before the start of Semester 1,use the RGU CELCAT Calendar. Saturday 6th July 2024- Annual Parade & Prize Giving, Sunday 13 October 2024- Harvest Festival Parade & Chapel Service The spring term generally starts in early to mid-January and ends mid-May. Learn More. Last Day of Term - Friday 13 December 2024(Day students leave at 12.00pm, Boarders leave at 12.15pm), Inset- Monday 6 January 2025(boarders return between 7.00 and 9.00 pm) Here are the term dates for this year and next year. Year Group Start End Break Lunch; . SC013781. The Award follows a rigorous audit process reviewing the menus and food production methods and means that your child will always be able to make healthy food choices at school. Park and Stride is popular with families who utilise the on-street parking zones and public car parks located nearby. Group timetables on CELCAT update overnight and therefore,any changes made by your school are not reflected until the following working day. Exeat- Saturday 21 June/ Sunday 22 June2025(Day students leave at 3.35 pm, Boarders leave at 4.00 pm on Friday) These links and pointers are provided for visitors' convenience. Anyone using this website expressly consents to such monitoring. Gordon College is on an early semester calendar, with fall terms generally starting prior to Labor Day and ending by the third week of December. Inset- Tuesday 3 September 2024 (new boarders arrive between 4.00 and 5.00 pm)
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