The Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) will offer the opportunity for all public school juniors to take the ACT at NO cost on March 7, 2023. All Rights Reserved. Details and deadlines will be released at individual schools. Our goal is to make living here more delightful and fulfilling each day. 22100. 2021 High school graduation dates & locations announced Dates adopted by Board of Education Jan. 21, 2021. . View our academic calendar and see the latest scheduled activities, school district meetings, and school closings. Breakfast and lunch will be provided daily, and . Web design by External link to Aaron Rich Marketing, Non-Discrimination Statement Through Test Information Release (TIR), you will receive a copy of the multiple-choice test questions used to determine your score, a list of your answers, and the answer key. Monday, February 21: PresidentsDay (Schools closed), Friday, March 4: End of 3rd nine weeks Details and deadlines will be released at individual schools. Tuesday, January 4: Students return from Winter Break ACT Information and Resources. Graduation ceremonies for the Rutherford County Adult High School and summer school graduations have not . Rutherford Created Date: 7/19/2022 10:55:46 AM . Rutherford County Schools honored the 53 educators, administrators and support staff who retired during the school year or who will retire at the end of the school year at the annual Retiree Banquet. 2022-2023 Academic Calendar ( you can also find a printable copy on RCS Schools website), Rutherford County Calendar for School Year 2022-23, Friday, August 5: First Day for students (Abbreviated, two hours), Monday, August 8: First Full Day for students, Monday, September 5: Labor Day (Schools closed), Monday, October 3 - Friday, October 7: Fall Break (Schools closed), Tuesday, November 8: Election/In-Service Day-Teachers report (No school for students), Wednesday, November 23 - Friday, November 25: Thanksgiving Break (Schools closed), Friday, December 16: Abbreviated day for students and teachers (two hours); End 2nd Nine Weeks, Monday, December 19 - Monday, January 2: Winter Break (Schools closed), Wednesday, January 4: Students return from Winter Break, Monday, January 16: MLK Holiday (Schools closed), Tuesday, January 31: In-Service Day (No school for Students), Monday, February 20: Presidents Day (Schools closed), Tuesday, March 21: Teacher-Administrative Day (No school for students), Monday, March 27 - Friday, March 31: Spring Break (Schools closed), Friday, April 7: Good Friday (Schools closed), Thursday, May 25: Teacher work day (No school for students), Friday, May 26: End 4th nine weeks and report cards; Last day of school: two-hour day, Third Grade Curriculum Tennessee Department of Education. Friday, May 27:End 4th nine weeks and report cards; Last day of school: two-hour day, You Have Successfully Subscribed to the Newsletter. Cognia Accreditation; Our Schools; District Events; School Calendars. Test results are used in teacher, school, and district accountability with the State of Tennessee and the Federal Government. |$Nw),r0.+5$/Ja.@ _=& Kz(>{7T6&_vVlhZQA ,1[Z QQ F2+kr6/Qc7>&w7X*Sf>[??w/__b;Ol(? LaVergne High School serves 9-12th grade students and is part of Rutherford County Schools. Details and deadlines will be released at individual schools. Wednesday, November 24-Friday, November 26: Thanksgiving Break (Schools closed), Friday, December 17:FULL day for students and teachers; End 2nd nine weeks The ACT Toolkit provides practical information for students, parents, and educators regarding registering and preparing for the ACT. Instructional Contract District Inservice Day, Teacher PLC Planning Day (School out for students) Storm Day (If Needed), Thanksgiving Holidays (School Out Entire Week for Students & Teachers), Return from Christmas Holidays (Teachers) Records Workday, Return from Christmas Holidays (Students), Martin Luther King's Birthday (Holiday for All), Teacher PLC Planning Day (School out for Students)Storm Day (If Needed), Presidents' Day (School Out for Students & Teachers), Good Friday (School Out for Students & Teachers), Early Release for High School Students Only, (Report Cards are available through the District's PARENT PORTAL), Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Bay District Schools Rutherford County Class of 2021 Graduation Dates [table "175" could not be loaded /] . 2022-23 Parking Passes. Friday, August 6: First Day for students (Abbreviated, two hours) ??ok?h|'i?yYmnPgP5!'w_sMt}?WfLo?g^t~g:q4+"vzI.Lj xuwj): 3B,8HHRtK=YM2yb2$q&C!/e#a#i.u?='LyD$kN3C ajEXg%\T~K_tbRzDg,gAtWHYfEI,7?/3xvo]uJKVRIAKWsf ! od5KX?I D3}L;Tk;eBVM13&4,\'9;(:KK4/`o$[q.M.%yH>',/9G4ss2t7cjsUy'x],F+k&EIr%[ |soL @R 7qPr=8 {Voqjc@UIjz 0NUhZBL},}&x[9y;%x4f3$'v-Ul[BJQ^=e_F SX )A0keV@ \0 ,1D O GJIl\TMD&? @NbeU$Sq*Y$(2TODR1-"V0X%4wE0H"M] . Quick Links; Student Resources; Parent Resources; Transcript Requests/Verifications; . x}k%w$E3#% 4Tt'vdC^y2b~_Z_O~k]Vbi=3{z/ogo>L3LZhK}[o>M_zsoAm[.]6,|!#I .,% 'W|JIx>/D f|wG;} >o9 nm'C :_Q 2 0 obj District Home Calendar Employee Email Skyward Student Email School Messenger Clever . Rutherford County School District is located in Forest City, NC. Rutherford County Schools; Recent News. **In addition to the 23 credits required for graduation, students must also take the ACT and Civics test. . Sign up to get started today. Riverdale High School Skip to main content. Follow him on Twitter @ScottBroden. RCS announces 2022-2023 Teachers of the Year. RUTHERFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS SCHOOL CALENDAR 2022-2023 Monday, September 5 Schools Closed, Labor Day . Rutherford County Schools wants to provide parents with the information they need to help them support their children's education. 2022 Reward School for Outstanding Student Success in Achievement and Growth. This page contains the major holiday dates from the 2023 and 2024 school calendar for Rutherford County Schools in North Carolina. Resource for additional practice and tutorials for the ACT. 2022-2023 School Calendar - RCS - REVISION 04-12-2022. School officials and law enforcement personnel appreciate all the calls, texts, and tip line calls alerting us to this message and the potential threat it expresses. The Rutherford County Board of Education approved an agreement Thursday for most of the high school graduation 2023 dates at Middle Tennessee State University's Murphy Center. Tuesday, March 15: Parent / Teacher Conferences (grades 6-12) [table 175 could not be loaded /], You Have Successfully Subscribed to the Newsletter. 2022 GRADUATION INFORMATION: MAY 15, 7:00 pm MTSU Murphy Center. This message has been broadly recirculated through our school community and through the community at large. Please contact your school for more information. Friday, April 15: Good Friday (Schools closed), Thursday, May 26: Teacher workday (No school for students) Rutherford County School District is located in Forest City, NC. The Rutherford County Board of Education approved an agreement Thursday for most of the high school graduation 2023 dates at Middle Tennessee State University's Murphy Center. . *In the event multiple students meet the aforementioned criteria, then the highest achieved ACT composite will serve as the final determination criteria. R-S Central High School is hosting a Community Job Fair and Resume Building Workshop. About Us. Tuesday, April 12 -Thursday, April 14: Progress Reports delivery Friday, April 15: Good Friday (Schools closed) MAY 2022. Summer camp will take place June 5-29, Mondays-Thursday each week, for sixteen total days. The Class of 2020 saw its graduations shift from May to the summer months as the COVID-19 pandemic limited large public gatherings. Facebook. Graduation Dates 2021 PDF, Rutherford County Class of 2021 Graduation Dates Social MediaThreat Determined to be a Hoax Earlier this afternoon, law enforcement and school officials were made aware of a social media message circulated through Twitter threatening students and school personnel at a school described as "East Rutherford High School." This option does cost extra. Tuesday, August 3:In-Service Day(No school for students) Spring 2023 Middle school orientation dates; 2023 Graduation Dates; Third Grade Literacy Retention Law Info; SchoolCash Online; . Click Here To View Honor Roll Student Names, Important Information for Parents regarding policies for Student Media Use and Recruitment. 2023 Graduations. Graduation ceremonies for the Rutherford County Adult High School and summer school graduations have not been set yet. May 18. Graduation: Bay Virtual. District Home; District. Summer Programs; Student Records; Student Software; School Menus; Graduation Options; District Calendar; Popular Links; GROW; Duval Vax of Kindness; Health and Safety; Open House Schedule; Students & Families; Bus Delays; . Calculating Your GPA. The graduation dates were adopted by the Rutherford County Board of Education on Jan. 21, 2021. The first full day of school will be Monday, August 8, 2022. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> In 2021, most ceremonies moved to school campuses at outdoor venues. Thursday, June 22 High School Graduation Friday, June 23 Last Day of School for Students/Teachers . CHASE High School Graduation. Valedictorian Requirements for the Graduating Class of 2020 to . Wednesday, October 20: In-Service Day (No school for students) Rutherford County Schools is now accepting online enrollment of new students. Career & Technical Education (CTE) Pathways for Rutherford County. <> RUTHERFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS SCHOOL CALENDAR 2021-2022 Monday, September 6 Schools Closed, Labor Day Tuesday, September 7 Orientation of Teachers . Central Magnet School serves 6-12th grade students and is part of the Rutherford County School District. Rutherford. 2022 Copyright Rutherford Source. The Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) will offer the opportunity for all public school seniors to take the ACT at NO cost on October 18, 2022. Below is full academic calendar for the 2022-2023 school year . See the link for additional details. Time: 8 PM - 9: . The Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) will offer the opportunity for all public school seniors to take the ACT at NO cost on October 18, 2022. Monday, December 20-Friday, December 31: Winter Break (Schools closed), Monday, January 3:In-service Day(No school for students) The toolkit can be found here: To support his work with The Daily News Journal, sign upfor a digital subscription. Back to School 2022; Schools Information; Students; COVID-19 Dashboard . %PDF-1.5 Monday, October 4-Friday, October 8: Fall Break (Schools closed) 2021-2022 RCS ACADEMIC CALENDAR AVAILABLE The Rutherford County Board of Education adopted the 2021-2022 academic calendar on Jan. 21, 2021. Testing tips on how to best approach the ACT. . stream The calendar is available below in English, Spanish and. Main Menu Toggle. Thursday, September 16: Early Dismissal (3 hours, 15-minutes day for students), Friday, October 1: End of 1stnine weeks Rutherford Source is your personal portal to all things Rutherford County. The 53 retirees served a total of 1,273 years at Rutherford County Schools. Paying for school items just got easier! Central Magnet School Skip to main content. REGISTRATION VERIFICATION FOR ALL STUDENTS BEGINS IN JULY 5, 2022. . Tuesday, October 19: Parent / Teacher conferences (grades K-5) Location: Cool Springs Administrative Offices, 382 W. Main St., Forest City, NC 28043, Location: McNair Field, 214 McNair Dr, Forest City, NC 28043, USA, Location: Foundation Performing Arts & Conference Center, 172 Rapid Ct, Forest City, NC 28043, USA, Location: Chase High School, 1603 Chase High Rd, Forest City, NC 28043, USA, 382 West Main Street, Forest City, NC 28043, School Nutrition Vacancies - Chartwells K-12, Job Announcement - Cashier/Food SVC (FT and PT), RCS Public Notice: Policy 3226|Internet Safety Policy, RCS honors 53 retirees at 2022 RCS Retirement Banquet, R-S Central Hosts Community Job Fair and Resume Building Workshop, Social MediaThreat Determined to be a Hoax, Rutherford Early College High School Graduation. Thursday, January 6: 2nd nine weeks Report Cards delivery Thursday, March 10:3rd nine weeks Report Cards delivery This is the first time in two years graduates will see some semblance of normalcy as the majority of ceremonies return to Middle Tennessee State University's Murphy Center. Weekly Update 4-2-23. endobj High schools keep summer hours Monday . 1 0 obj % # RCSJobs Join Rutherford County Schools! The graduation ceremony for the Class of 2023 is Wednesday, May 17th at 7:00 pm. Thursday, March 10: Early Dismissal (3 hours, 15-minutes day for students) Duval County Public Schools 1701 Prudential . Meet or exceed ACT college-readiness benchmark scores: English - 18 Math- 22 Reading-22 Science-23. Class of 2023 | Important Information. Students who attain a 3.0 GPA and complete at least one of the following: Valedictorian Requirements for the Graduating Class of 2020 to 2022: *must be met by the end of the 7th semester. What to Bring and Expect on Your ACT Test Day, Rutherford County Freshmen Orientation Dates - Spring 2023, Early Post-Secondary Opportunities (ESPO) Course Guide for Rutherford County, Career & Technical Education (CTE) Pathways for Rutherford County, Tennessee Prohibited Concepts Complaint Form, School Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes 2023, Copy of 2020-2021 Teachers of the Year: A Virtual Celebration, Spring 2023 Middle school orientation dates. Nov. 29 - Dec. 14, 2022 Thursday, October 21: Parent / Teacher conferences (grades 6-12), Wednesday, November 3-Friday, November 5: Progress Reports delivery Results also count for 15% of a student's final grade in those subjects. Monday, August 9:First Full Day for students, Monday, September 6:Labor Day (Schools closed) tunities for licensed teachers, support staff, and substitutes. Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. On Tuesday, May 2, 2023, at the monthly meeting of the Board of Education, Rutherford County Schools will hold a public hearing for Policy 3226|Internet Safety Policy. All Rights Reserved. Administration; . Carnegie Classification designates MTSU in top 3% of U.S. universities, Rutherford Collegiate Prep charter school wins state approval, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy, Eagleville School: 7 p.m. May 13 at the school, Rockvale High: 10 a.m. May 14, Murphy Center, La Vergne High: 2:30 p.m. May 14, Murphy Center, Oakland High: 7 p.m. May 14, Murphy Center, Central Magnet: 2:30 p.m. May 15,Murphy Center, Stewarts Creek High: 7 p.m. May 15,Murphy Center, Smyrna High: 7 p.m. May 16,Murphy Center, Rutherford County Virtual School: 7 p.m. May 15, MTSU's Tucker Theatre, Siegel High: 7 p.m. May 17,Murphy Center, Riverdale High: 7 p.m. May 18,Murphy Center, Blackman High: 7 p.m. May 19,Murphy Center, Middle Tennessee Christian School, 10:30 a.m. May 13, baccalaureate; 10 a.m. May 14, graduation at the school, Providence Christian Academy, May 15, at the. We have several job oppor. ----------. Weekly Update 4-23-23. May 18. 3 0 obj The full calendar is available here. Higher ed:Carnegie Classification designates MTSU in top 3% of U.S. universities, Education:Rutherford Collegiate Prep charter school wins state approval. Oakland High School serves 9-12th grade students and is part of Rutherford County Schools. Additional details about the ceremonies will be announced as we continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic in Rutherford County. See the informational flyers for more details. . High School Main. . 2022 Rutherford County Schools Director of Schools Bill Spurlock will end his current contract on June 30, 2022, after reaching an agreement with the elected School Board during a special-called meeting this morning. Rutherford County School serves PreK-12th grade students and is located in Murfreesboro, TN. Thursday, August 5: In-Service Day (No school for students) Main Menu Toggle. It appears you don't have a PDF plugin for this browser. . This option is ONLY available on a national test date in either December, April or June. 2023 Graduations. Rutherford Public Schools, Rutherford, New Jersey. To determine your zoned school, please enter your address HERE or call the transportation office at (615) 893-5815, ext. The district has dates for all of the graduations this year, and officials are still working on plans for three of the ceremony locations. Reach reporter Nancy DeGennaro at About Us. . Thursday, June 23 High School Graduation Friday, June 24 Last Day of School for Students/Teachers K-12 Report Cards Issued Spring 2023 Middle school orientation dates; 2023 Graduation Dates; Third Grade Literacy Retention Law Info; SchoolCash Online; . 4 0 obj Dual Enrollment). Valedictorian Requirements for the Graduating Class of 2023 and beyond: * A math course must be taken each year of high school, even if starting high school math in middle school*, Earn a nationally recognized industry certification, Participate in at least one of the Governors Schools, Participate in one of the states All State musical organizations, Be selected as a National Merit Finalist or Semi-Finalist, Attain a score of 31 or higher composite score on the ACT, Attain a score of 3 or higher on at least two advanced placement exams, Successfully complete the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programs, Earn 12 or more semester hours of post-secondary credit (i.e. Several schoolshosted drive-through ceremonies, while others had smaller gatherings in gymnasiums and at football fields. The graduation dates were adopted by the Rutherford County Board of Education on Jan. 21, 2021. Earlier this afternoon, law enforcement and school officials were made aware of a social media message circulated through Twitter threatening students and school personnel at a school described as "East Rutherford High School." The Rutherford County Board of Education adopted the 2021-2022 academic calendar on Jan. 21, 2021. Weekly Update 4-16-23. Early Post-Secondary Opportunities (ESPO) Course Guide for Rutherford County. The 53 retirees served a total of 1,273 years at Rutherford County Schools. Counseling Calendar; 2023 Graduation FAQs; Contact; . The Rutherford County Virtual School a new school that launched in August 2020 is a standalone school that serves grades 3-12 for students in Rutherford County. Privacy | Terms of Use | Login | Accessibility Statement, Reproductive Health and Disease Education, External link to AT&T's It Can Wait campaign website on distracted driving, 2022-2023 Academic Calendar (Printable Version), 2023-2024 Academic Calendar (Printable Version). Riverdale High School serves 9-12th grade students and is part of Rutherford County Schools. {% csrO@a.l:+NFUUpcfW)J7ic1BIe5*GbY()2/KhaXME1 Rutherford County Class of 2021 Graduation Dates, Add Events, News, Weather and more to your Inbox, Chick-fil-A Introduces New Grilled Spicy Chicken Sandwich, Taylor Swift Pop Up Exhibit Opens at Country Music Hall of Fame Ahead of Nashville Concert. Monday, January 17: MLK Holiday (Schools closed), Tuesday, February 1-Thursday, February 3: Progress Reports delivery Dates and locations for RCS 2022 graduation ceremonies: Rutherford County Virtual School: 7 p.m. May 15, MTSU's Tucker Theatre. Stay up to date on all of Bay District Schools' upcoming events! p0j4Oz1:Z16DtH:GAz{^H3XcfbE iXqsVZuS!uk,H^N~WTdU{`Dv6Cb0K!Z6sA~ WiBN*.F0*.ePTVZ-fEXX1.IaHC,fFK[z"VGZ HS1X980+gJ46fS11cZ~LE#Tr~L rS1cSjM95#aWOkbX!X2i0V~Q1X1gex1|ab.580.,thH^BXARt_w{fb=(!;b$V"}Bd80H\H;H# F3O-!XyB|x@Rl,,7:.I . If you took the writing test, you will also receive a copy of the writing prompt, the scoring rubric, and the scores assigned to your essay. 2022-2023 Academic Calendar (Printable Version) 2023-2024 Academic Calendar . (Please contact your individual school for your ACT code.). Find more information here. Reach reporter Scott Broden with news tips or questions by emailing him at Wednesday, August 4:Teacher Work Day(No school for students) The calendar is available below in English, Spanish and Arabic. high school English I, II, Integrated Math I, II, III, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Biology, and U.S. History. 2022 Copyright Rutherford Source. Email or phone: Password: . endobj 2023 Graduation Dates announced. Oakland High School Skip to main content. <>>> The district has dates for all of the graduations this year, and officials are still working on plans for three of the ceremony locations. The direct ACT website link to see testing dates and to register for upcoming tests. Rutherford Source is your personal portal to all things Rutherford County. About Us. **In addition to the 23 credits required for graduation, students must also take the ACT and Civics test. Monday, August 2:Administrative Day (No school for students) Friday, August 5: First Day for students (Abbreviated, two hours) Monday, August 8: First Full Day for students. Graduation Dates 2021 PDF. Thursday, March 17: Parent / Teacher Conferences (grades K-5) Add Events, News, Weather and more to your Inbox, RCS Participating in Ready 4K Text Message State Initiative, Fatal Shooting Follows Fight at Broadway Gas Station. endobj Thursday, October 14: 1st nine weeks Report Cards delivery ACT practice tests, guides, and video explanations. Our goal is to make living here more delightful and fulfilling each day. Graduation 2022 Information. This is a fun, free opportunity for students to extend their learning during June. At the January meeting of the Rutherford County Schools Board of Education, board members approved the school calendars for the 2023-2024 school year. 2022-2023 RCS Calendar; 2022-2023 REaCH Calendar; 2022-2023 FCDES Calendar; Bell Schedules; News; Links and Information; Transcript Requests/Verifications; . Registration and Enrollment. Graduation dates for Rutherford County Schools'Class of 2022 have been set. Find Information Regarding Counseling Resources Available, Information may be helpful for parents, students or employees needing assistance, School Nutrition: Online Application for Free and Reduced Meal Plans, 22 - 23 Advanced Placement Course Information, RCS RESPONSIBLE MOBILE DEVICE USE POLICY & TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK for PARENTS, STUDENTS, and Staff, Counseling and Mental Health Resources available. Please check back regularly for any amendments that may occur, or consult the Rutherford County Schools website for their 2022-2023 approved calendar and 2023-2024 approved calendar . . Thursday, May 26: Teacher workday (No school for students) Friday, May 27:End 4th nine weeks and report cards; Last day of school: two-hour day Rutherford County Schools will offer summer camps for rising 1st-8th grade students at ten schools across the district. MKL revised. Rutherford Public Schools 176 Park Avenue Rutherford, NJ 07070 201-438-7675. Please contact your school for more information. Please contact your school for more information. Rutherford County Calendar for School Year 2022-23. District Calendar; District Calendar 2022-23 (PDF) District Calendar 2023-24 (PDF) Report Card Calendar (PDF) K Center Calendar; Lincoln Calendar; Washington Calendar; <> Middle Tennessee Christian School, 10:30 a.m. May 13, baccalaureate; 10 a.m. May 14, graduation at the school. 2022-2023 ACT Test Dates 2022-2023 ACT FREE Opportunity for Seniors. Thursday, November 11: Veterans Day (Schools closed) Graduation Requirements. Rutherford County School serves PreK-12th grade students and is located in Murfreesboro, TN. 2022-2023 Academic Calendar ( you can also find a printable copy on RCS Schools website) AUGUST 2022. Main Menu Toggle. Graduation ; Online Textbooks; Parking Pass Application; 22 - 23 RHS Student Handbook . SEPTEMBER 2022. Weekly Update 4-30-23. ]LH@] Additional details about the ceremonies will be announced as we continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic in Rutherford County. More info here. h~Oi5/V^HP0v{ c` X Lh:+$ln8TA5U9vKSGK=.cv_S2lqrq1%sD=Rx"R.??ehO}{X}*? May 19 . Rutherford County Freshmen Orientation Dates - Spring 2023. Spurlock praised . CERTIFIED POSITION OPENINGS: English (available at elementary, middle and high), chemistry, biology, theater arts, math, Spanish, special . Monday, March 28-Friday, April 1: Spring Break (Schools closed) APRIL 2022. Students will return to school on Friday, August 5, 2022 for a two-hour day. Tuesday, September 7-Thursday, September 9: Progress Reports delivery Calendar; School Menus; Staff Directory; Cognia Accreditation; Parents & Students. Monday, March 28-Friday, April 1: Spring Break (Schools closed), Tuesday, April 12 Thursday, April 14: Progress Reports delivery
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