"I hope my fans won't get in trouble," Kenji said, spotting the police cars as they rolled in, "I guess someone tipped them off. Shoji was interning with Cyber-Droid, the world's first altered item to become a hero. He started to say more, only to feel extreme pain inside his mouth, spreading down to his abdomen. Asui was getting to learn out on the open seas with the hero Selkie. 12. Jing realized that she was truly outclassed. 67. 56. "Jeez, give the guy a proper burial, will ya?," came the voice of the fake Infinite. The officer had a look of defiance even though he was now surrounded by villains. The Heroes Raid Call to Kamino First Round Ends Looks like you're right, Brother. 19. Izuku dejaria caer su telefono al cesped ya que el video llamado: Habia pasado de tener 12K Vistas a tener 2 Millones con 965K Likes,918K Dislikes y 1.8 Millones de comentarios y la cifra seguia subiendo. UA Sports Festival, Let the Games Begin He has his police radio out. SCP-087-B [8] - Another horror game derived from the previous SCP-087 game. Izuku:Ahh,no hare nada mas que respirar y descansar. "Besides, it's not just Infinite I want to kill, but Midorang as well. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. #falsositcom 89. The Pride Merry-Go-Round SCP-035 and SCP-049 has lost their child to Logan Paul and Dr. ", "This won't take long," he said as he sniffed the air, "I'm smelling the world's cleanest rat. Bakugo picked himself up. 44. DetectiveVoid - Reddit Contents 1 About 2 Personal life Tales From One Foundation to Another But it seems you decided to write us off the second Shigaraki said our goal was to kill All Might. 13. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanWorks/SCPFoundation. For example, my quirk is Swamp Woman. Yakuza and Tricksters Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Go ahead, Giran. Real Eyez I was a fool. Let's Make a Rocking Concert ", "In addition to learning how hero work goes," Swampanne said, "You'll be leaning how to have better control over your Quirk. One Final Favor Red Sun They sat down in the spacey room of the van, Ethan in one bench, the coat in another, while the driver sat patiently with one SWAT in the backseat while a second SWAT stood stationary, shotgun in his gloved hands. Izuku seria interrumpido por un ruido proveniente de tu telefono. ", "Our primary goal is to kill All Might," Shigaraki explained, "After that, Sadist and his siblings were planning on directing us on real villainy. 20. My Reason to be a Hero ", "Yeah, about that," Midnight said, "After the close call I had last year where my life nearly ended, I decided I might as well retire too. Preparing for the Culture Festival You might be learning about him soon. The Class Representative Posts must be flaired if possible. ), Despues de un secuestro masivo, 40 personajes de series, peliculas, animes , juegos y Oc's deberan vivir en una misma casa, como se lo tomaran? 29. 103. Detective Void is an animated web series on YouTube, set within the universe of the SCP Foundation. Hero Killer, Stain 107. 124. Yep, that's what happened. 54. You're nothing more than a child, and your goals are equally childish. Life Isn't a Game Invincible For a Reason "Hey, bro," Undertaker said, "Don't go wandering off. I want them brought here and made to pay for their transgression! What he needs now is somehow who can help him mesh it with his natural Quirk. 68. 16. The Day But enough about my history. Mhmlooking for me? Snowfall in Sapporo Ida was holding a training dummy in a choke hold, Swift's preferred method of non-lethally subduing a villain. He had been having Detective Void track the guy's contacts for some . And while his face hasnt been fully shown he appears to have a scar from the top of his left cheek to the bottom of his jaw, which was briefly seen when he was captured by Foundation and interrogated by the grey-haired female researcher, as well as when he woke up from a dream from a cold shower. "I'll need to work on your self-esteem, cause I'm seeing way too many tears where there are none. 80. 'Now this is a circus. - . Secret of the Nomus "This place looks awesome!," Hiyake called out as he beheld the new hideout. Detective Void is the mysterious protagonist and investigator originating from the eponymous named YouTube channel. Those seeking help send me their photo, typically a full-body shot, and I tell them what sort of future they can expect from the visions I get.". He got out a picture and handed it to Midoriya. 80. With help from his contact, Moki, Simon deduces that the SCP Foundation has covered up the entire event and is most likely holding Leila as a prisoner. It seems the old generation is ready to throw in the towel in order for us to be the future, and but a stop to the Meta Liberation Army. ', "This is Toxic Chainsaw. 44. Tanabata and New Meetings The crowd of villains cheered, except for Undertaker, who was still digging. 14. The Meaning of a Hero SCP-0206 refers to this act as "shunting". Heights Alliance vs The League of Villains 57. 'So this is what floor tastes like,'Bakugo mused. 'Yeah, one of my old high school friends,' All Might said, 'The one who inspired me to spend my college years studying in America before making my debut as a hero. #scp1504 "Hey, Jotaro," All Might said, "Yeah, with Young Midoriya's graduation just around the corner, I think it's about time I make my retirement official. 126. Izuku.Pero antes. Please consider turning it on! Detective Void (Web Animation) - TV Tropes "Hey, boss!," called out the fake Daybreaker. There's something you should know. "So you're Shoto," he said as the boy walked in, "I don't think we've met before today, but I do know your old man. ; Alternate Self: The mask discusses alternate versions of Void, including one where he works for the Foundation. Invincible For a Reason Will they ever get their child back or will it be made into a bored ape NFT? 57. I'm My Own Master Now It was created by Joonas "Regalis" Rikkonen, and released in 2012. However apart from his well-dressed appearance, Void's most striking feature is his large black mask with glowing eyeholes that cover his entire face. These guys deserve to be taken down a couple pegs.'. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. "So you're Toshi's new protege. 20. 119. 102. 85. Hagakure was working with private investigator and conspiracy analyst Detective Void. Scientist: oh dear, I thought we tucked that one away, Y/n: woah hold onwhat about him? "I'm just glad I was able to help you live this long," Depestilous said. 36. 40. A Stranger I Remain He picked up his shovel and dug right into the soft ground. Nemeses Collide Sero was interning with Firebird, the Immortal Hero. The Counterattack 98. 127. Detective Void,Nombre Verdadero,Izuku Midoriya #bnha All For One was hoping you could propel Shigaraki to his full potential. You seem to be centered mostly in kickboxing, with a few extra moves thrown in for unpredictability. You're the kind of person I hate most in this world. He had been having Detective Void track the guy's contacts for some time now. Izuku:Es ridiculo,aunque quizas el pueda viajar por dimensiones. The Only Thing I Know For Real Swift took the time to coach Ida an the right form. Aftermath, the League Forms as well as 11. Eri and UA Her refinement with SCP-914 didn't make her invincible. 118. Second Raid, Target the League Okay, so, the usual, this is a story In which (Visual Novel) (1), Brett Hand/Reagan Ridley/Ron Staedtler (1), Shaun Durand-Cofer/Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club!) Detective void: understandable First question, How and where did you get your abilities, or were you born with them? Kirishima didn't know what the heck was going on. Privacy Policy. SCP adaptations and fanfiction | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. ", 'Well, they had a real blowout with Magne's last concert,' Giran said, 'She was really bold about it, announcing that the League of Villains was alive and well, and that they'd deal with the fakers that were causing trouble. I used to be his sidekick early in my career before I felt confident enough to strike out on my own. Heroes Investigate 120. 100. Detective Void is shown to a brave and curious individual as he is always ready to place himself in danger which is evident by his willingness to investigate the SCP Foundation and the many dangers contained within the foundation. Void is a personal detective, but, having started researching the foundation, he put cases on the back burner. He overheard that you will only allow All Might to kill you. Action Survivor: He has survived encountering SCP-1296 and traversing Unlondon unscathed. An android with full AI created by Anderson Robotics, Cyber-Droid's sentience was recognized by the government and he was granted full citizenship, hence the reason why he chose to become a hero. Prosecutors will be punished. 5. "Might as well," Undertaker said as the officer fell limp. Pero luego apareceria All Might y empezaria a luchar contra el SCP-4885 siendo este vencido y dejado muy herido con el brazo izquierdo perdido. ", "If there's one thing our society gets right, it's that the strong should not dominate the weak. 40. The Final Match, Defeat All Might After that the government sends in a payment based on the report. -NO ME JODAS,ESA CRIATURA CASI MATA A ALL MIGHT Y A LOS HEROES PROFESIONALES-, -CREO QUE EL DETECTIVE VOID ES UN VILLANO-, -ESTO ES RIDICULO,EL DETECTIVE VOID NO PUEDE SER UN VILLANO,verdad?-. 99. 52. He also has a great relationship with his sister Leila despite her occasionally teasing him. Must be about DV/SCP. I wonder how the others are doing.'. ", "Hey, Tony," Midoriya said, "Why did Gran Torino only teach one year at UA? So what's your mission? ", "So now college dropouts can find the means to master their Quirks without needing to become heroes," Issei said, "But none of us are really teachers. Detective Void | Heroes Wiki | Fandom Most videos on the channel discuss various SCPs contained by the Foundation; summarizing what they are, while the Detective also offers his own guesses about their nature and origins. 28K 2.2K 48. Race to the Finish Detective Void - Home - Facebook The rest is history. 92. Once I learned I was growing fast I started working out to improve those muscles.". #scp # #cartoon #cartoon # - TikTok Several notable villains, some from recently disbanded villain groups. He's the only villain who's eluded the authorities more times than I have. 47. 95. Class 1-A, This is the Starting Line But there's also this dark-haired chick with some crazy mist that made us cough like crazy, and another whack job in a theater mask who could stick us with this crazy gunk! Additionally, you'll be working on improving your combat skills so that you don't just rely on brute force in a fight. Final Collision 123. "Shit. It's just a Quirk like any other. Maybe I'll be in one of his videos, Scientist: he's just a fanatic he's not wor- and he's gone.great. There are similarities in our Quirks that I think you can take advantage of.". Tupac just picked up on our contact getting made. 43. 78. In addition, a mutation in his Quirk left his skin as hard as concrete and rebar. Our dearest little popcorn vendor has been hard at work lately! left kudos on this work! Class 1-A's Resolve Sudden Departure 84. Detective Void is based on the rising YouTuber of the same name, one of several focusing on original videos based on the SCP Foundation. Seigi Sentai GO12. Deviana22 2 yr. ago. It is the earliest known SCP video game, and (in)directly inspired most of the rest. 100. lemon maybe Although, it is unknown at what time, and date was Void discovered by the SCP-Foundation. Cookie Notice SCP Foundation: Iris Through the Looking Glass. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. However, beneath his boldness Void is also an intelligent man that's very cautious when it comes to dealing with hostile SCPs and expresses extreme carefulness whenever on a case or when crossing paths with the SCP Foundation. You teleport to what looks like an office with one of those standard boards with lines connecting pictures and all that stuff. UA Sports Festival, Let the Games Begin 64. "I thought better of you, Stain. 108. The Practical Exam Izuku seguia mas confundio y busco All Might y se encontro con un video que se llamaba: Heroes Profesionales contra Criatura Misteriosa. Leila is possibly being held by the foundation after an encounter with an SCP. Please consider turning it on! Now it's just ambiguous about whether the entity he's not aware is sharing his body is part of him, or his mask. "Hard to believe, right?," Tony said with a grin, "Adaptation molds my genetics based on my experiences. Hero Too Nah I think that one is being covered already Scp-55? After the party Leila talks to him about an opportunity to cover an important story and she asks him if she should take it as she is nervous about it, but he tells her theres nothing to worry about and that its great opportunity to advance in her career as a journalist. Izuku:Y yo que pensaba que seria mi dia libre. Donde viven las historias. Because of that, I've developed something of a defensive fighting style. 121. #monstergirl Detective Void is an animated web series on YouTube, set within the universe of the SCP Foundation. Heroes Investigate Izuku se esconderia detras de un arbol para evitar que scp-4885 no lo vea. #melissa 39. #scpreader. A Child's Logic is Flawed Lethal onelame Experiment with 106? Second Place on your first go. The police tried to chase the two of them down, but the crowd was in the way. in the latest lore video it is confirmed that bran is a being that lives in his mask and can control his body. -El Detective Void hizo un video de este monstruo,y ademas es el SCP-4885-, -El Detective Void sabia de la existencia sobre esta criatura-, -Un tipo saco un video sobre ese monstruo ayer-, -Quizas el Detective Void sea un villano-. 41. I had an interesting thought when I was thinking about reviving my old fem scp x male reader books. 122. 114. 49. The Fight for Ten Million Points That's actually why I sent you an offer. ", "The basic goal of a hero is to control crime," Endo Hound explained as she lead Uraraka on a patrol, "The police will contact us regarding any villain attacks that they can't handle alone. ", "Yeah, Jon too," Kensetsu noted, "Something about the other side of his family, the one that got him into the mafia in the first place.". She couldn't take on this world with SCP-914 alone. 68. ", 'There's reports of heroes and police swarming into the city as we speak,' Giran said, 'Not to mention a group of fake League members pretending to be you guys. Things are about to come to a head, and there's a moment I'm waiting for that I am going to enjoy sharing with you. Cursing. 2. 46. I wound up using all of PopCross's hero art for the SCPs. Speaking of Stain, he had brought to the bar where Shigaraki and Kurogiri were staying. Collective Consciousness "Right now the League of Villains is trying to regroup," Alien Queen explained, "But I'd be surprised if they hadn't heard of the flyers offering new membership. Go ahead and don your costume. Rise Up, Heights Alliance Mineta was getting psychology lessons from Elle-Ate, especially in the ways of attracting a woman. 83. 89. Void has a love for dumplings and green tea with chamomile. Peace Sign Two Heroes #scp Interview the New Heroes A Naive Vision 125. The American Hero, Regenizard It's finished. Despite knowing that Kenji was the villain Magne, none of the crowd were willing to sell her out. 97. Worth it 1. Fire and Light, Lemillion's Ignition Make My Story "Well, my dad's an actuary," Tony explained, "And his company got him a transfer to their Japanese branch. Let's get started with some quick training. 21. More chapters are to come but idk how many. 77. ", "Generous of you," All Might noted, "Especially given the rivalry you've had for top superhero model.". 28. Next one at 2k. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. 64. 54. Class 1-A's Resolve 99. 122. One day Y/n was invited to go camping by her family. Hero Killer, Stain I could have gone to any hero school in the country.". ", "And the best is yet to come," Kensetsu said, "But let's wait until everyone's here. Fan-made works based on the SCP Foundation creative writing project. Midoriya quickly realized what Tony was getting at. Simon Smith, better known online as Detective Void, is a Russian YouTuber known for his SCP videos. The SCP-9683 instances are a strange bunch, but by Foundation standards they are quite mundane and uninteresting. Nemeses Collide Ojiro joined Shinso in learning more directly from Eraser Head. 55. Deliberation of the Overseers, Exam's End Y/n is a personal person she isn't into social interaction. Se llevaran bien?Algunos son caricaturas y otros animes y no tienen el mismo grado de seriedad.Todos mis respetos al difunto Edd GouldLa portada no es ma, crditos a su artista (el cual no conozco)El numero del capitulo es el numero en el lado derecho del tituloLos fandoms son los de la lista en categoriasPost-Data: El Shaun/Sayori empieza en el Cap 20 y el Brett/Reagan/Ron en el cap 34. 128. We Won't Be Crushed 98. These last two years have given us perspective, especially with all the villains allied with Crimson Death. The Serpent's Castle 'Hey, guys. 62. Meanwhile, Jiro was training with the Synchronized Hero, Golden Mask. Fan-made works based on the SCP Foundation creative writing project. The Russian Incident Training Days Izuku no lo pensaria dos y pondria el video: Al reproducirlo vio que el SCP-4885 estaba luchando contra muchos heroes profesionales hasta el Top 10 de heroes pero todos serian derrotados y masacrados brutalmente aunque los del Top 10 aun estaban vivos pero muy lastimados. That upstart investigator looking into anomalies? #scp Starting the Work Study "You need to have a firm grasp on the head, that's the most important part. Void has multiple YouTube channels covering the languages, English, Russian, German, Turkish, Spanish and Portuguese. 29. Dijo el Detective para quitarse la mascara. "Does he say if this is the real League? Not only am I amphibious, but I can generate a sort of corrosive gunk. Starting his YouTube channel on December 15, 2020, with the simple description, I'm Detective Void. ", "Who we are as villains has changed. 31. It was originally created by Haversine and released circa 2011. There is more to this world than you know! Snowfall in Sapporo "And your Adaptation caused it to happen faster," Midoriya noted. Not to mention managing to get away to our new base of operations. Towards the Future However, it is unknown whether if its the mask he's wearing that is sentient or is it just his alter-ego that already existed within his mind for a long time. 94. The Dragonslayer 72. He reached for his blades, only to get wrapped up in cloth. Her Name is Eri 16. And again this is FAN-FICTION The Darkened Dove (SCP 049 x reader) 399 pages October 7, 2021 Bailsbear Good on them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6n0ei6KV5w, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTq7Rn_K-e4, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. This is your second day of training, so let's see if you're ready for a real patrol.". Odd Future 86. We'll work a little on improving your timing. Meanwhile, Ida was doing his own training with Swift Sculpt, real name Josuke Morimoto. Shiki_Ouji, KatLuv13, The_Railgun_lvl5, Prax12, Hanbunaku, Trithtale, MasterlordOfWorlds, DeltaGamin98, Mcderp21, Wawako19, Goblin_Jester, Randomguy65, Silent7reader3, DrManky09, General_Urist, Orixina, AndrewDGamer, Notarobot223, Dragon_King_of_the_West, rabbit_experience, TPosingGod420, Infinite_the_Celestian, Ridex, GlutenFreeOkami, phantomskate, Azure_Wolf_227, CaptainCubert, Spider79, spideyrights, Migueltoga, E_TernalShadows, AdventurerBen, stormchief456, AverageHentaiEnjoyer, Holy_Crusader, Kyleisfriend, Ashb0rn, Ormenthion, Booke35, Earthling_on_fire, DnDesperado, Basailisk13, Nix7, Shockkuuu, The_Real_Wah, Robogamer1104, Aquisea, hjc11, 0megaFied, IFeedTheZombies, and 74 more users Singing to the Sky 17. Second Generation Chain Hero Second Generation Chain Hero #scpcontainmentbreach "I was told you were an analytical genius. Swift's Quirk was called Sight Speed. The police must be on to us. Void has stated that he has had personal accounts with the Foundation. The American Hero, Regenizard Training is Needed #fundacinscp 45. ", "Because you kept giving the impression that you wouldn't be tied down to just one man. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. 39. Secure, Contain, Protect Chapter 2: The Foundation, a High - FanFiction 112. 86. Me and my old friend faced plenty of hardship just for being who or what we are, or what tastes we have. Powerful as it is, it's really nothing special. To Erase a Quirk (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you. Everyone's Internship We Won't Be Crushed 48. 24. 71. Detective Void is a pale skinned Caucasian male measuring 6' 1" in height at 29 years of age with brown hair. I'll need to run through the CD again before I can check through the new information. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you. The rest of the villains were crying in triumph at the sight of their new boss. Work Search: Evade the attention of the SCP Foundation. You go through the cafe where various scps who are cooperative enough to warrant rec room privilegesand if they're lucky Rec room privileges on oculus quest 2. The series is hosted and narrated by the titular Detective Void, a paranormal investigator and conspiracy theorist who knows about the existence of the SCP Foundation, along with all the anomalies they try to hide from the world. 79. 84. 93. Izuku estaria viendo a el SCP-4885 merodeando cerca de su casa. 36. Midorang, the New Symbol of Peace (See the end of the chapter for more notes.). 6. We're the League of Villains, You Know The Final Match, Defeat All Might Toshi had told us about the dangerous villain fought by all the previous holders. Before heading out for her assignment she asks Simon if he remembers everything he needs to do while house setting for her and leaves for the airport after giving him her house keys and attempting an awkward goodbye hug. Open to any correcting/advice! The Invincible Boy We'll start by training your Regeneration. 53. 121. As the police moved past the inconspicuous street art, it suddenly grew eyes before Derek and Kenji emerged from the wall. : 6.1K.: 38. TikTok (@detective_void_): # #animetiktok #foryoupage #cartoon # #scp #. Izuku sacaria su telefono. 66. 119. 32. The Force of Twin Chains, Osaka Bound By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 88. It Has To Be This Way "So you're the guys who attacked UA," Stain said, "And now you want to recruit me? Needless to say there was nothing here, so we teleported back, (ON HOLD)female scp Harem x Powerful psychic male reader. 23. Heavy Game suddenly got worried. 140 Detective void ideas | detective, scp, void Detective void 144 Pins 47w P Collection by Paola Petrela Similar ideas popular now Detective Detective Drawing Expressions Scp Void Fan Art Drawings Favorite Anime Characters Classic Cartoons J JACK Detective void Iron Man Romantic Superhero Comics Foundation S Sofa_love Detective void Agueda It shows how far you've come in so short a time. Ida's Brother, the Semi-Finals Getting hit with caustic fluids seems to have caused him to develop faster cellular regeneration. ", "Dad suggested you might be able to help me control my fire. ', "What about Magne and Graffiti?," Wally asked, "We ain't heard from them. 51. He's progressing rapidly with One For All. Shift, a Skulduggery Pleasant series + SCP Foundation - FanFiction 58. ", "It was Sadist's suggestion," Shigaraki clarified, "My former sensei wanted to rebuild our numbers, but Sadist wanted smaller numbers with stronger villains. This info was confirmed in the Q&A video he made on YouTube. Everybody's Fool 124. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WebAnimation/DetectiveVoid. You can however still leave Kudos! 59. 107. She was truly nave to believe that the being that gifted her this system would allow her to run as freely as she wanted in this world without someone being able to stop her. Seems I made the right choice training with Tony. - . The last time they tried this they got wiped out at the USJ. All of which he's done videos on (as well as some of the regular SCP hero roster). Children of the Future 81. If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us!
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