There are two universities that your sim can attend: University of Britechester or Foxbury Institute. April 28th - It's time for our Friday Highlights! The biggest differences are (1) it also gives Children the option to stay out of school, and (2) it leaves Children and Teen Sims alone from the get-go. Requires Discover University Expansion Pack. If your sim is a B student at high school, they'll start their careers on level 2 when they become young adults. MissyHissy's Form Groups at School MissyHissy's Phone Animation for Teens Only ChippedSims' Locker Overhaul NateTheL0ser's No High School Situational Outfit NateTheL0ser's Cheer Meet uses Cheer Uniform SimsModelSimmer's Two Prom Royalty NateTheL0ser's Leave Me Alone about Early Graduation SimsModelSimmer's Expanded Thriftea - There's another mod for that! If you were disappointed that you cannot see your sim walk across the stage and receive their diploma, this is the mod to get. Once your sim begins their journey, they can also join organizations and even a secret society. Its worth noting that if they are not enrolled, they wont be able to throw one. The main structure of the cheat you'll use for all of them is as follows: modifyrelationship firstname lastname firstname lastname 100 sentimenttrack_. How to attend graduation in Sims 4 High School Years. If there is another event such as a birthday, that will take precedence and the graduation icon won't show, but will still be listed. SNOOTYSIMS covers mod and custom content guides, howto's and everything else you need for your sims. You can view the career tab, which details the class days and times and the coursework they need to do to complete the class. Education Overhaul adds two public schools, Bedlington Latin School, a specialized testing school, and Striker Alternative School, for students with learning, behavioral, or social-emotional difficulties. Allow your teens sims to graduate from high school with your friends, inviting other families to see the special occasion!SpringSims Holiday Merch is OUT!!! If you buy something we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. So, if you want it, visit this page. With aging off, you can manually choose to have a Sim graduate, but it won't age a teen Sim up. Now this mod adds a new education system, and a new social event that may bring back fond memories for people who played The Sims 2. There's a Graduation Event Mod that you can set up like a Party Event and there's a mod that allows children and teens to quit and restart school without it effecting their grades or their character values. download :'t . Please don't necropost in old threads. Azoresmans No Grade or Highschool mod allowed Children and Teens to drop out of school, but didnt include options for Teens to get a job. Click on that option and, boom. you now get to follow them to their location of learning! 12. You need to impress them via successful social interactions, lots of boasting, and a game of chess. The Go-To School is a mod that has been around for quite a while. But that party is easy to achieve gold though. Make that first impression a great one! Now they can, with this mod created by Sparklymari, which is an update of the Drop Out of Highschool and Get a Real Job mod by Telford. With this mod, youll get two new social events. After graduating, your sim can enter their chosen field at a higher level. ', Choose the student(s) youd like to invite, and start the event. With this mod, your children and teen sims can join post-school activities much like an adult sim joins a career. After you decide what kind of degree you want your sim to have and brush up on their skills, all your sim needs now is a computer to apply. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Has Perfected Lightsaber Combat, Project Milo Was a Big Swing (and a Miss) at Leveling Up Game AI, Moon Mystery - Official Kickstarter Trailer, Resident Evil 4 Clockwork Castellan Locations. All requirements completed and performance meter maxed. Instead of cheating your Teens promotion, you make them go through an official process should they choose to quit High School. The creator actually recommends installing Triplis Child and Teen can Quit or Rejoin School mod to remove the risk of penalties! One mod allows Children and Teen Sims to actually build Skills while theyre at school and while doing homework. All high school students can graduate no matter what lifespan you play on. The professor calls graduates to the stage and lets them give a valedictory. Its realistic in the sense that the chances of being offered the jump arent very high to begin with (because Universities have standards, okay?). Support and engage with artists and creators as they live out their passions! Assign outfits based on Body Frame (Adult/Child), and Fashion Preference (Masculine/Feminine) then restrict by Situation Jobs or Careers, and limit to specific Regions. That's ok! While the Degrees include Art History, Biology, Communications, Computer Science, Culinary Arts, Drama, Economics, Fine Art, History, Language and Literature, Physics, Psychology, and Villainy. This is the page where you can download this mod. From The Sims 2 to the Sims 4, weve got you covered! It doesnt have a cooldown. (, Sims 4 School Uniform CC + Mods (All Free), Best Sims 4 High School Lots (All Free To Download), Top 20 Best School Girl Anime Characters Of All Time, The Best Magic School Anime Of All Time (Our Top Recommendations), Top 35 Best Anime About High School (Series & Movies), Top 10 Best Crush Weapons in Old School RuneScape, 25 Best Old-School Anime Worth Watching (Our Top Recommendations). Every time (100%) What is your current game version number? I hope you all enjoy my channel. Use a tablet, read a book in bed, or even have a pillow fight! For each application, Sims will need to pay an application fee and complete a personal statement, tour, interview, and final evaluation. A new daily task, Research Teaching Methods, will boost a Sim's work performance, as will new Work from Home assignments such as answering emails, writing reports, and attending meetings. It also lets your Sims spend more time outside the School Rabbit Hole. There are specific days and hours for the activities selected. Imagine what youll make next! We sometimes wish our sims can cut school and sneak somewhere else with their friends! Once they get their acceptance letter, they can choose from their qualified degrees and schools. The reward is not included in the graduation of Fauxbury. It is created by The Rex. Are you tired of your sims texting their friends while they walk? In between Sims sessions, Marissa recently finished her degree in Sociology, English, Media Studies, and Writing. Browse this packs content and get inspired by more fashion, furniture, hairstyles, and dcor. To install, click here. The Sims 4 Kits: Full Basement Treasures Overview. You NEED These Mods to Fix High School Years and Wants & Fears // The Sims 4: Mod Review. Telfords Drop Out of High School mod was aimed specifically at Teens and Careers for Teens, adding additional interactions and unlockables. For the record, he or she does not need to be one. These are the same samples EA used in The Sims 3. I saw a lot of people getting this confused with a legit animation error, and Ive always wanted to try modding, so I figured I could start here! You'll be able to invite over the private school headmaster and you'll need to convince them to let you into their school. The Smarter Homework Mod allows students to build skills while doing their assignments. All of these codes are practically identical, with the exception of the Sentiment name added on the end. The 1st first and last name is the name of the Sim you are currently in control of, and the 2nd first and last name is the name of the Sim you are wanting to modify your relationship with. This mod will allow you to plan a custom graduation event. For general. I'm SpringSims I create a variety of sims gameplay videos from the let's plays, create a sims, speed builds and much more! Teen Sims can earn money by selling outfits and hyping up looks they design on Trendi right from their bedrooms, which are now more interactive than ever. And when a real fix comes through Ill just discontinue this mod. Options galore! This version has more details in the back. Maybe you dont have the University DLC, or maybe you would rather just see your teen sims graduate high school Dont worry! They could also earn more pay, have easier promotions, and even get more vacation days. The Sims 4: How To Find, Install And Update Mods, The Sims 4: Everything You Need To Know About ItsKatato's Pre-Teen Mod, The Sims 4: Everything You Need To Know About Ravasheen's Into The Void Mod, The Sims 4: Everything You Need To Know About MissyHissy's Hobby Mod, Horizon: Forbidden West - All Burning Shores Datapoint Locations, The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Leaks Two Weeks Ahead Of Launch, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Mogu Bug Makes Your XP Impossible To Get Back. Modders even continue to work on The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, adding and polishing new features in yearsor decades-old games. Also, added tweaks to make having high charisma or being part of cheer or football gives higher chance of being crowned prom royalty., This is a small tuning mod that allows for your Sims to actually browse at the new thrift store clothing racks that came with The Sims 4 High School Years.. The event can be held at the corresponding Student Commons, University Housing, Residential Lots and Libraries, Parks, and more. In The Sims, there are mods for almost anything. Young Adults/Adults get to experience EAs worlds to the fullest. I'm going to go ahead and close off this thread now as it has been inactive since 2017, If you have any questions about necroposting you can read this thread here : Making The Sims Tutorial videos on YouTube since 2015. And instead of sending our Sims down the ever-famous rabbit hole, it allows us to follow our Sims around and control the flow of their workday. This mod allows more student sims to be present at high school lots. These poses are perfect for pictures to commemorate the big day for your Sim! Both of them offer all 13 degrees, but to get a Distinguished degree, only one of either school will offer the degree as distinguished. Inflict that suffering on your Sim, if you're that way inclined. Degree types include regular, with Honors, Distinguished, and Distinguished with Honors. The Sims 4 High School Years: Official Reveal Trailer Experience High School Experience all the ups and downs of high school. Your sim will need to have the required skills to pursue whatever degree they want to obtain. With Education Overhaul installed, projects from Parenthood will be randomly assigned as custom assignments rather than being set every Monday. Set to release July 28, High School Years will be the first full Expansion Pack released for The Sims 4 in over a year. Copyright 2023 Sims Community | All Rights Reserved. Please click this link to download this mod. Theres another mod for that! Youll see an extra interaction menu titled Cheat Sim Info. A dialog box will appear asking your sim if they would like to attend the ceremony. Greenhouse Haven and Basement Treasures Kits are now available! I swore I would mod out the constant phone use the second I saw it on the livestream. To remove one of these Traits, simply put a minus "-" in front of the "100" in the code. Below are all the different careers that you can get benefits from about the degree your sim wants to earn. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Then, in that case, I am a little irritated they have that there getting my hopes up that there is a chance for a sim teen to finish with school BEFORE hitting Yong Adult.. The Sims 4 High School Expansion Pack not only adds new Skills and Aspirations to The Sims 4, but a plethora of cheats as well that assist your Sim with their progression through their studies. Its a very simple & very straightforward addition thats easy to use and light on the Mods folder (something Im sure many of us can appreciate). Zero also has the Sheldon Cooper mod which adds night school and the opportunity to earn a scholarship for university. But let me break it down, anyway. If accepted, the Teen then has the option to enroll in University following the Discover University enrollment process. All Rights Reserved. Boarding school students can still call and text other Sims, but being away for so long can make some Sims homesick; when this happens, their guardians will receive a notification asking whether they want to withdraw the homesick child from boarding school. While the game whisks toddlers to daycare automatically when Sims leave the lot, enrolling in Preschool requires clicking on the toddler you want to enroll and doing so manually. It's not a tease. Each pack is complex and unique, giving you all-new teen-related whims, buffs, and moodlets. Everything in the lot is interactive and made of vanilla base game items. All you need to do is put down a school lot on a Library, Chalet Gardens, Park, or Generic Lot (might we recommend sim4funs Elementary School mod?) So, keep the microphone close to the entrance. Thus, we hope that with these mods that we handpicked for you, you will be able to give the best adventures for your sims who are in their teens or are completing their school milestones. and start the Event their via phone or calendar. God forbid you didn't receive an invite to prom. Full details of what this mod does (and possible requirements youll need to prepare your game for) it can be found in the creators extensive download description. Hey, since youre going to be following your child Sim around with the Go To School mod, you might as well follow them to pretty places, right? Your sim will still get their degree, as attendance at the ceremony is optional, but where is the fun in that? You can use them as decorative objects or as pose accessories. In addition to those big moments, Sims can make lifelong friends, be asked out by other teens, participate in after-school activities and teams, and experience the rollercoaster of puberty. Having the Genius trait tips the odds in your Teens favor. Walk up in the club like what-up, I got badly randomized CC. We are not EA. You can invite zero guests or other graduates, and NPCs will be auto-invited to fill the job. Because this compliments a Discover University career, Sims will need one of a handful of university degrees to reach the new career branch: As in Discover University, you don't need to have a distinguished degree in these subjects to choose the K-12 Educator branch, but having a Distinguished Degree will still give you a career and salary boost. Just like Zerbus Go to School Mod, Stacies Playable School Events is a pretty exciting mod that allows you to join your Child and Teen Sims as they navigate Elementary and High School. Required Game Pack: SeasonsOther Requirements: High School Reunion Lot Trait, Main GoalTake Selfies with High School ClassmatesGoalsFigure out Whos Single or MarriedChat about HS RivalriesTalk about Best Dressed ClassmatesChat about HS Best FriendsReminisce about HS DaysChat about HS LovesDid You Go To University?Joke about Grades and HomeworkGossip about ClassmatesTalk about Current CareerTalk about HS ProfessorsTalk about Prom King and Prom QueenDanceTake a PhotoTake a SelfieGive SpeechTell a StoryCompliment Someones OutfitChat while DrinkingTalk to Guest For 2 HoursMake Some Coffee or TeaBe FunnyGive a GiftAsk Someone about their DayGossip with SomeoneHug SomeoneChat while Drinking, Click Here or the excel icon to view my info document that gives you the latest updates, info on how to request a mod, where to report errors and more. ). Make your bedroom your own, plan outfits with clothes designed by Depop sellers, and become a Simfluencer! They dress like normal people and not like clowns.. All news about the The Sims 5 and Sims 4 news and guides, Got a News Tip, Website Question or Proposal? Pranks and sneaking out after dark can have consequences, so be careful you dont get caught. Regarding the elementary school, you can create school lots or download the ones available in the gallery. Sims with high grades might graduate with honors or become their class Valedictorian. While The Sims franchise has her heart, she also loves any game that could be called cozy. This mod will allow you to plan a custom graduation event. Under the Career menu on the phone, you can now find the options to Join School or Quit School for your sims. It's a crush! If aging is on, teen Sims will age up to an adult after their graduation ceremony. Originally, the allowed number of sims in the lots is maxed at 20. A teen Sim will graduate on their last day of being a teen, and they'll wear either a gap and gown or military dress, depending on what type of school they're attending. After canceling the interaction, Sims can be withdrawn from boarding school via the social menu, after which they can attend regular public school, or enroll in another specialty school. This was created to address the issue of there just being not enough time for Teens. But be sure you read the creators notes on the download page thoroughly so you can fully enjoy the mod! This mod will allow you to generate the photo you typically get upon your Sim's graduation, and you can even choose whether or not they're wearing a cap. There are 3 all in all (from Buckingham High): If your Teen is neither a Genius nor a High School A student, they can still apply for the program. So, your sim will have to attend the specific school that offers the degree you want. The teens could then allot more time for their side jobs or after-school activities. Kinda like real life. The Sims 4 Greenhouse Haven: Create A Slice of Life By You: New and Exciting Info on Life Stages! Below are the skills your sim will want to level up to get offered the degree they want to pursue. Note: unlike Zeros mod, this mod doesnt have a built-in option to quit school. this education overhaul mod gives us so many new things for school and it's so realistic! Create the tiny, comfy home of your Sims dreams! Sims 4 No School Mod How To Quit School? Were given a taskbar, a list of possible tasks to complete, and even a couple recurring NPCs to chat up when things get too repetitive. The Education Overhaul mod, released by mod creator Adeepindigo, is probably one of the most intricate school mods made for the Sims 4! Now I cant speak for everyones dorm experience. The Sheldon L Cooper Program Mod basically adds another scholarship program to the game (for Teenagers). Now, your sims can feel a better school vibe by getting to brush their elbows with more students around the halls! Call me a T-Rex. 8. The graduates will toss their caps in the air in celebration! download :'t forget to subscribe to become a member of the FANTACORN FAMILY and hit the BELL so you'll never miss another video!Join this channel to get access to perks can find all my creations on the gallery under my Origin ID FantayziaYT or under the hashtag #fantayzia---------------------------------------------------DOWNLOAD MY CC CREATIONS HERE WEBSITE MY LINKS SECOND GAMING CHANNEL SERVER MY TWITCH STREAM REPLAYS HERE ID: FantayziaYT---------------------------------------------------SOCIAL MEDIA TWITTER : INSTAGRAM : YOUTUBE CONTENT ONLY INSTAGRAM : ALPHA TUMBLR : MAXIS MATCH TUMBLR : What mic do you use? Rode Podcaster- What editing program do you use? Filmora- What computer do you have? Check the about section on my channel page for details on that-What default eyes do you use? Adore Eyes : What default skin do you use? Halo Skin : What eyelashes do you use? Kijiko 3D Lashes : How do you raise your sims needs by clicking them? Certain milestones in your High School Years will create memories that last a lifetime. Sul Sul! 1.90.358.1030 What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Multitasking is in the past. Quick Note: You should ideally just need to download and install the files available. Video games, movies, TV shows, cartoons, anime, toys, comics, and so much more. Kick things off by going to your Sims phone and selecting Schedule Headmaster Visit (500). Cement that with another Sim using this cheat. If they find an interesting event happening somewhere, they can have the opportunity to sneak out and visit that lot. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licencors. Dance the night away at prom and celebrate your graduation ceremony with family and friends (if you keep up with your schoolwork!). Should that happen, all you need to do is use the cheats careers.promote gradeschool or careers.promote highschool to put them back on the list of the learned. 10 Teenager Mods for a More Interesting Adolescence! Custom Discord Role Chat with me in a special channel. Now that the major bugs in High School Years have been fixed, time for some mods to add to the High School Experience! Your Sim and other graduates will show up in a graduation robe. Take control of the threads around your hoods by instituting uniforms! This is the last mod with this concept, I promise. One day after their final class, your sim student will get a notification that they have passed all their classes. Plus, wearing these new outfits would allow sims to still wear other accessories. A teen Sim will graduate on their last day of being a teen, and they'll wear either a gap and gown or military dress, depending on what type of school they're attending. This is still an experimental feature, but new boarding school options allow Sims to attend school away from their households. Your school sims can enjoy ballet, dance club, debate club, karate, volleyball, and the yearbook club, among many others! Its a simple idea that got translated into a fully functional mod with tons of cool features. And then they should wait for their acceptance letter. Youll get a message telling you that the Simston Private School Headmaster is coming to your place for dinner. Make a difference and transform the world around you. Heres your download link to have the best Sims 4 graduation. The default time that all school children come home to is 3PM. }).render('#donate-button'); Click the Donate button to see a pop-up form. In the latter, your sims can join afterschool activities in cheerleading, chess, computer, and football. Pretty pricey in-game, but hey. They include a graduation cap and diploma. Repeated detentions can even cause your Sims to be removed from public school and forced to attend the mod's new Striker Alternative School. School is such an exciting time for all our sims! Teenage sims can now apply and work for all careers that are available in the game. Every day is exciting day because there are different subjects assigned per day. This Community Lot boasts two beautifully-designed floors with all the rooms you can imagine youd find in a regular school. With a max level of 5, you can swap out the number at the end of the code for your desired level should you wish. You will, however, be able to hear the ceremony going on inside of the stadium from the outside. Sims 4 Preschool Mod: A New Education System? With this simple mod, your teen sims can get employed just like a regular adult sim. The mod rewrites the tuning file for the active high school teen student filter and the drama node for the early graduation phone call. Visit this site to download the Go to School mod. The graduation cap is under the hats category, and the outfit is under the full body outfits. CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. It is created by BrittPinkieSims. Once toddlers are enrolled, they should attend Preschool automatically, but canceling the Preschool interaction on any given day will keep them home instead. And you dont even need an expansion pack or game pack for this! Sims with grade A start on level 3. Firstly, there are the dcor items from University Life that includes all paintings and clutter. This will let them have an option on their phones to Check Todays Events. This mod expands Trendi to generate a list of all CAS items you own (based on the packs you have installed). Anyone who attends a ceremony gets a graduation photo. Yes, you can actually have a school cafeteria for your Student Sims to grab some lunch! Combine this mod with Zeros Teens Jump to University mod for an even more realistic and exciting enrollment experience! Your school will have to have a kitchen if you want the staff to cook, and a microphone if you want the teachers to teach. High school is a time of self-discovery. They wont be enrolled in school once they age up just to later drop out, and they wont be pressured to start a job or a career. At boarding school, Sims can learn and gain most major skills and will gain skills and character values faster than they would in regular public school. If youre getting tired of the same old dcor for Sims 4, you might enjoy this conversion from Sims 3. If you want to improve school-based gameplay in The Sims 4, adeepindigo has the mod for you. It is created by Mathcope. The event begins once the Headmaster enters your home. Instead of your Child and Teen Sims disappearing down God-knows-where from 7AM to 3PM (Pacific Sim Time, maybe?) Point is, this provides an avenue for you to spin a pretty neat narrative regarding your kid Sims education, which I think is pretty cool. The experience is fun and definitely worth it. One popular example is adeepindigo's Education Overhaul mod: not only does it add new elements to the game's education system for everyone from toddlers to teens, but it also introduces its own brand-new features. Sometimes Promposals, or confessions of true feelings can leave you feeling awkward, cringey, and creeped out. Go and visit this page to download this mod. Choose to break a pact you made with someone, and go to prom with someone else. Subscribe the SnootySims Newsletter to receive a list of the 100 Best Sims 4 Mods! You can also look forward to the academic fun brought about by field trips, detentions, honor rolls, summer and winter breaks, and in-school events. Succeed, and your child could be Simstons newest addition for the low fee of 1000 Simoleons. However, more than anything else, your Sims end goal is to graduate! With this mod, B to D students get to go home at 2PM (maybe to allow for studying and/or homework). From boarding school to new careers, Education Overhaul has something for every young Sim looking for knowledge. Experience all the ups and downs of high school. A sim will not/ can not actually 'graduate' from high school? The Preschool Mod allows toddlers to enter school. Imagine if your teen sims can juggle work and school at the same time, to have the best of both lives! Weve collected a list of our favorite mods to both enhance and fix your gameplay! No more. The upcoming DLC will add a host of new Sims 4 high school-centric features for teens, including activities both before and after school. This mod by Kiarasims has long existed even before The Sims 4: High School Years was launched. How hard is it that our children sims keep missing life happenings and occasions in the household because they always have to go to school? Sure, it sort of forces you to play through the entire Discover University pack. Yep, because lets admit it, the teenage sims and the educational system in the game need refreshing refinements! You have to manually do it. In The Sims 4, mods tend to enhance pre-existing gameplay elements. Its a great concept thats executed beautifully in this multi-part download of which there are, essentially, three major aspects: Like I said, hefty. Graduating early from High School is a sign of intellectual excellence, and can help your Sim with their work prospects. You can place yearbooks, ask for recommendation letters, and talk with classmates in new dialog . This mod is also from the creator MSQSims. The Sims 4: The Graduation Mod || Functioning Event (Mod Review) SpringSims 36.4K subscribers 20K views 6 years ago Have you ever wanted to throw a graduation for your teen sims?
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