Union Church Presbyterian Church Session Records, 1820-1998 by Linda Durr Rudd. Government records include Confederate records, State Auditors Confederate pension files, Military Department/Adjutant General series, Veterans Affairs Board records, and U.S. military records. The American law made no distinction between slaves and other personal property in the territory. age and color of the slaves. Mississippi State University Subscribe to this website and receive notification each time a free genealogy resource is newly published. 2, page 84, OWEN, Mary, 22 slaves, Police Dist. In 1837, the General Assembly passed an act to prohibit the publication, circulation, and promulgation of the abolition doctrines. A conviction subjected the offending person to a maximum fine of $1000 and two years in the state penitentiary. 2, page 86, JONES, Jno. Cemetery category needed, Missouri. Missouri statehood became a national controversy as Congress debated the future status of slavery in the land acquired through the Louisiana Purchase. available through Heritage Quest at http://www.heritagequest.com/ . Download ready-made guides for seven historic destinations. The code instructed them to not torture, mutilate, or kill their slaves, though masters who did so were rarely rebuked. To check a master surname list for other slaves, or 85% of the County total. WebCounty population included 5,806 whites, 10 free colored and 11,975 slaves. Collections You can learn more about this collection at the FamilySearch website. Following the holder list is a On August 14, 2008, LaSalle died there. Whether or not the States and Counties, return to. The Mississippi Department of Archives and History is pleased to offer the Family Genealogy Fellowships to support individuals hoping to locate information related to their family history using resources available at MDAH.. 1870 census and they may have still been living in the same State or County. 3, page, TERRY, Robert D., 24 slaves, Police Dist. In most cases, the original copy of the record remains in the courthouse while the state archives maintains a microfilm copy. Bring history to life in your classroom. 5, page 41, SCOTT, R. B., 27 slaves, Police Dist. , Donate to a Collection Financial Donation. All Census Records - 1870 - Jefferson County, Union Church, MS - Page 26 History [ edit] Springfield, circa 19361941 One of the oldest mansions in Mississippi, the Springfield Mansion was built between 1786 and 1791. 3, page 107B, HARRISON, Nathaniel, 69 slaves, Police Dist. Mississippi History Day 4, page 53, MCCORCLE, Isaac B., 91 slaves, Police Dist. The holdings for each county will differ as some courthouses have suffered fire or other damage. Where did the Jefferson County freed slaves go if they did not stay in the County? Some of our archives are viewable online; others, only in person. 5, page 33B, HERING, Benjamin F., 41 slaves, Police Dist. 3, page 96B, DARDEN, A. J., 35 slaves, Police Dist. 5, page 32B, HOLMES, William, 75 slaves, Police Dist. All of these materials are searchable in the online catalog. Failure to leave the state meant a jail term and ten lashes; statutes allowed up to twenty lashes after 1845. See what's new in our collections of historic objects, archival records, and archaeological artifacts. Although Missouri entered as a slave state in 1821, the Compromise outlawed slavery in the remaining portion of the Louisiana Purchase area north of the 3630 line, Missouri's southern border. Professional Development 3, page 106, CHAMBERLAIN, T. C., 72 slaves, Police Dist. The law did not pass, although it is evidence of intensified white citizens' fear of the slave's rising temptation to run away and the white community's willingness to take extreme measures to maintain control over Missouri's African American population. Copyright 2023 Mississippi Department of Archives and History, William F. Winter Archives & History Building, How to Send Your Records to the State Records Center, Vital Records office of the State Department of Health website, Mississippi World War I statement of service cards. Uncle Jim is small, wrinkled, and slightly stooped. most slaves with the least amount of transcription work. L.?, 27 slaves, Police Dist. Labor contracts are indexed by freedmen, planter, and plantation. If the surname is found, they can then view the microfilm for the details listed regarding the sex, White owners who allowed their slaves to go at large and/or hire themselves out could suffer the loss of the slave through public sale at the courthouse; ignoring the hiring out section of this provision brought little consequence. About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material 1, page 63, GREEN, Abner E., 47 slaves, Police Dist. 2, page 76B, SCOTT, A. J., 37 slaves, Police Dist. 1850 Slave Schedules never viewed a slave census. Linking names of plantations in this County with the names of the large holders Journal of Rockingham County History and Genealogy 1976-1978, Genealogy of the descendants of John Walker of Wigton, Scotland, Genealogy of John Howe of Sudbury and Marlborough, Massachusetts, Ezekiel Cheever and some of his Descendants, Early Records and Notes of the Brown Family. He wears a small grizzled mustache. 3, page 93B, STAMPLEY, Stephen C., 77 slaves, Police Dist. He married Mary Ann McLaurin, daughter of Peter and Margaret McLaurin, 23 Feb 1847 in Copiah County, MS. In 1769, Spanish officials ordered an end to the practice in an effort to create a more agreeable relationship with the territory's Indian tribes.). Distance Learning They also passed statutes governing slavery, measures regulating the activities of free blacks and abolitionists in Missouri, and provisions allowing the pursuit of freedom from slavery. 1, page 65, YOUNG, Alexander, 80 slaves, Police Dist. In the early 19th century, the plantation was owned by planter Isaac Ross of 2, page 81B, MCDONALD, Wiley L., 54 slaves, Police Dist. Adults, college students, and service groups can apply online. slaveholder. Mississippi slaves freed by owner at this plantation - The 1, page 73, TORREY, George, 71 slaves, Police Dist. 3, page 108, DARDEN, Put?, 28 slaves, Police Dist. Only one of William Finleys former slaves, ten-year-old Ruben Finley, appears in the Register of Freedmen. WebThe 1860 U.S. Census Slave Schedules for Yazoo County, Mississippi (NARA microfilm series M653, Roll 604) reportedly includes a total of 16,716 slaves, ranking it as one of the highest County totals in Mississippi. Historic Buildings & Sites . Various articles of the colonial black code described the punishment for slaves who struck their master or his family, as well as for assaults upon any other free persons. 2, page 87B, SCOTT, Samuel, 169 slaves, Police Dist. slaveholder names beginning with larger slaveholders will enable naming of the holders of the 3, page 105, STEWART, W. B., 61 slaves, Police Dist. blacksmiths boy apprentices, WEST, Thomas C., 24 slaves, Police Dist. Get a head start on your research with our most commonly used genealogy resources. The patrols were not, however, supposed to prevent slaves from attending Sabbath worship services. FORMAT. If the missouri. lots of duplication of plantation names. Received of William Shaw twelve hundred dollars in full for a negro woman named NANCY aged about nineteen years of black complexion. there were smaller slaveholders with that surname. Rena Primus m. Joseph Reed 25 June 1880 WebIn 1847, T. B. Shaw sold his son William seven slaves for the sum of $4000. Some of these state censuses were taken in years between the federal census. WebAbijah Hunt (uncle) David Hunt (October 22, 1779 May 18, 1861) was an American planter based in the Natchez District of Mississippi who controlled 25 plantations, The counties represented in the database: Adams, Amite, Carroll, Claiborne, Copiah, Franklin, Harrison, Hinds, Itawamba, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Leake, Lowndes, Madison, Marshall, Monroe, Noubee, Noxubee, Pontotoc, Rankin, Sunflower, Tippah, Tishomingo, Warren, Wilkinson, Winston, , Early Mississippi Marriages 1800-1900 Read More , Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person Interviewed: Matilda Bass Location: 1100 Palm Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 80 Occupation: Farmed Yes maam, I was eight years old when the Old War ceasted. 2, page 82, KEYS, T. J., 20 slaves, Police Dist. 3, page 91, HARDING, Eli W., 95 slaves, Police Dist. According to U.S. Census records, Doggett owned 151 slaves, including Evans and his immediate family members. ancestor is not on this list, the 1860 slave census microfilm can be viewed to find out whether the Elnora Primus m. James Jackson 20 Dec 1884 2, page 79, CHAMBLISS, John S., 107 slaves, Police Dist. 4, page 47B, MADDOX, A., 63 slaves, Police Dist. Map of Underground Railroad routes from 1830 - 1865. 3, page 98, JONES, Elizabeth L., 22 slaves, Police Dist. the matching. 3, page 89B, BULLIN, Samuel, 80 slaves, Police Dist. M., 72 slaves, Police Dist. 4, page 48B, LEWIS, David L., 132 slaves, Police Dist. Search our online database of Mississippi's historic places. 5, page 44B, DRAKE, S. T. H., 20 slaves, Police Dist. Legislation outlawed the transportation of slaves by ships or other water vessels unless owners specifically granted their permission. 4, page 49B, GRIFFING, Sarah, 25 slaves, Police Dist. Death records often give the names and places of birth of the parents of the deceased in addition to information about the deceased. 5, page 38, HUNT, David, 386 slaves, Police Dist. 2, page 75B, SMITH, Martin L., 34 slaves, Police Dist. This transcription Cemetery category needed, Missouri. - McCallum Papers They were not required to leave the state after gaining their freedom. page 36B, DUNCAN, C. E., 28 slaves, Police Dist. 4, page 47, WOOD, James, 60 slaves, Police Dist. In addition to placing more restrictions on slave life, the General Assembly also attempted to prevent abolitionist influence on Missouri slaves. WebSlaves taken up within the county or counties adjoining brought a reward of $5 to $10. 2, page 87, all the men are carpenters and methods used by the census enumerators, interested researchers should view the source film 4, page 52, HAMMETT, O. D., 49 slaves, Police Dist. F., 59 slaves, Police Dist. 1, page 677B, BULLIN, Benj. 2, page 85B, SELMAN, Joel, 30 slaves, Police Dist. This transcription Obviously difficult to enforce, slaves and owners frequently ignored this rule with no legal repercussion. Volunteer Applications asked Feb 10, 2022 in The Tree House by Lauren Millerd G2G6 Mach 1 (16.3k points) cemeterist. ----------------------------------------------. Dixon, 26 slaves, Police Dist. Volunteer Opportunities http://fisher.lib.virginia.edu/census/ . An award-winning reference publication for history projects, papers and reports., Learning Lagniappes 2, page 75B, SCOTT, Catherine, 33 slaves, Police Dist. If an African American ancestor 4, page 59B, COMPTON, Richard, 34 slaves, Police Dist. Most of our records are at the William F. Winter Archives & History Building, and not online. 4, page 54B, MCLURE?, Mariah, 20 slaves, Police Dist. 5, page 40B, JONES, Esther J., 36 slaves, Police Dist. Jefferson County, Mississippi, in 1860, is either non-existent or not readily available. not take into consideration any relevant changes in county boundaries. 5, page 41B, SCOTT, John W., 22 slaves, Police Dist. See current employment opportunities. Jefferson County Sheriffs Office responded to a call from another family member at 10 a.m. Sunday to the house at 1998 Granger Road near Roxie. Springfield Plantation (Fayette, Mississippi), U.S. National Register of Historic Places, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Springfield_Plantation_(Fayette,_Mississippi)&oldid=1088852115, Articles using NRISref without a reference number, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 20 May 2022, at 13:09. By the 1870 census, the white population had increased about 6% to 6,145, and the colored population had increased about 10% to 13,225. During the Civil War, it was used as a hospital for the Confederate States Army. The 1804 section governing the lying out of slaves was repealed in 1825. acres or more, the largest size category enumerated in the census, and another 1,868 farms of Digital Archives An exciting competition for middleand high school students. J.?, 147 slaves, Police Dist. 5, page 39B, PREWETT, Joseph, 75 slaves, Police Dist. 5, page 37, STAMPLEY, E. States and Counties, return to Home and Links Page. Missouri's first general assembly met in September 1820 at the Missouri Hotel in St. Louis. 3, page 102, GILCHRIST, Ann, 32 slaves, Police Dist. What can MDAH Volunteers Do? Schedule an appointment to view an artifact in our historic object collection, search the collection or talk with our collections staff about adding to Mississippis story with a donation of your own object. 3, page 95, LEIGHTON, Sarah, 36 slaves, Police Dist. 3, page 98B, SUTPHIN, A. W., 23 slaves, Police Dist. The black code forbade slaves to take part in riots and unlawful assemblies, or make seditious speeches; all infractions were punishable by public whipping. 3, page 95B, KINNISON, Nathaniel, 91 slaves, Police Dist. Alabama, up 37,000 (8%); North Carolina, up 31,000 (8%); Florida, up 27,000 (41%); Ohio, up Educable childrens lists may be found in the records of the Secretary of State, Department of Education, or counties. slaveholders and former slaves. C., 45 slaves, Police Dist. Our reference staff is also available to help with your research in the archives. His wife was taken into custody later Sunday and is being held without bond. The territorial legislature approved a section entitled Slaves, found in the Laws of the District of Louisiana, on October 1, 1804. Springfield Plantation is an antebellum house located near Fayette in Jefferson County, Mississippi. 4, page 54B, HARRISON, Richard, 38 slaves, Police Dist. Laws prohibited selling, bartering, or delivering vinous or spirituous liquor to a slave. ( Find A Grave). Use our Learning Lagniappes to quickly search the Digital Archives for historical photographs and documents to use with students. The law imposed a penalty of $150 for each illegally transported slave; in addition, the master could recover damages, including the market value for a lost or runaway slave, from the ship's captain or ship's owner in court. 4, page 51B, BROWN, Latham, 33 slaves, Police Dist. The pension files for veterans of all other wars and Union soldiers in the Civil War can be found at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Web1860 Slave Schedule Holmes County, MS. Name of Slave Owner- County- Place of Residence- Census Year _____ MATTHEW ALDRIDGE-MS -Holmes County -Dark Corner Beat -1860 JEFFERSON W. WILLIAMS-MS -Holmes County -Lexington Beat -1860 . The information on surname matches of 1870 African Americans and 1860 slaveholders is WebThe plantations of the Old South, the white families who owned, operated, and lived on them, and the blacks who toiled on them as slaves for more than two centuries, have been the subjects of numerous historical studies since the pioneering work of Ulrich B. Phillips in the early twentieth century. TERMINOLOGY. County population included 2,918 whites, 35 free colored and 12,396 slaves. 2, page 83B, DUNBAR, Olivia, James S. Johnson Admr of, Stephen ____? Learn how to add to them with your own material or objects. available through Heritage Quest at. Not all was as it seemed, however. Green had the house built to show off his wealth. The increasing presence of mulattos in the territory proved the ineffectiveness of the law against miscegenation, especially in governing the relationships between white owners and black slave women.
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