Located on the Southwest side of San Antonio and serving our community for over 70 years, our staff and students live out our commitment to growth, service and results each day in the classroom and beyond. Finances and Facilities- Bringing the community together by providing innovating learning spaces with a focus on fiscal responsibility and transparency. Interested in Indiana education news? He covers a wide range of stories including breaking news, weather, general assignments and sports. Southwest Allen County Schools. Thank you in advance for your patience! Democrat Stephanie Terry, meanwhile, who is unopposed in the primary, spoke to the crowd about revitalizing the education roundtable created by former mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel. We also have several upgrades happening to the High School this summer and our current District Office (located at 230 S. Elm Street) will be demolished this June. Metrics, including grades and Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) are used to monitor progress towards this area of our mission. (308) 692-3223 There is no better time to start than right now. For a home valued at $300,000, this . Our staff works relentlessly to make sure that ALL students grow academically, each and every day. As a district we are closely monitoring the Governor's comments and expect that guidance documents will be released soon from the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Health as to how schools will operate. New schools and additions to cope with an expected flood of new students, A combined professional development, student center, and central offices building, Southwest ISD's summary of its May 6 bond proposals, state legislature considering ways to cut into school property tax revenues, other Bexar County early voting locations. He also said the mayor and the EVSC should support each other and stay in communication. All projects are both ON TIME and ON BUDGET! Boeglin, Melissa. TITLE Fax: (888) 626-3092 A 7th grader took control of the school bus and brought it to a stop after the driver suffered a medical emergency in Michigan. The official meeting agendas and minutes are kept on file at the superintendent's office. In the end they need to do what makes them happy, and they were ready for the changes that came along the way. Congratulations to those seniors who stuck it out and worked their way through the challenges and academic requirements that allow one to earn such an achievement. We keep bucket lists of past summers as well, and reminisce on fond memories and travels. Extra-curricular activities are in full swing, despite the precautions necessitated by the pandemic. "We're in danger of losing asmany as half the teachers in our corporation and were very worried about what the effects will be on the students and in the community.". The past ten years have seen many changes and challenges, but as a staff of professional teachers, counselors, custodians, cooks, bus drivers, paras, secretaries, nurses and administrators, we made it through. The safety aspects are what convinced SWISD voter Alex Gonzalez to support the bond. Musgrave took the harshest look at the relationship of any of the candidates. Jim Emerick, president of the school board, said he couldnt comment on the allegations in the unfair labor practice claim. In southwestern Shelby County, one of the state's smallest school districts announced plans to hire a new superintendent. Booker also was chosen as Southwest Regional Superintendent of the Year for the 2016-2017 and 2022-2023 school years. Any changes in the place and time of Board meeting are published in the local papers and on this web site. August 2022, including hearings Dillon declined to speak to reporters Thursday, but his parents, Steve and Ireta Reeves, were proud. Both our fall to spring MAP assessments and the state tests provide us with data to help support progress towards this goal. All are welcomed to attend! SuperintendentChris Stitzle, B.S., M.Ed., Ed.S.Chris Stitzle, a native of Putnam County, has dedicated more than 30 years to serving the students of Southwest School Corporation as a teacher, coach, mentor and administrator. We will also be putting out bricks, etc. Superintendent: S. Todd Pritchett, Ed.S. Renovations at Whitewater Valley will wrap up by mid-August. The Junior High will follow this same process after HE / CR are wrapped up. Cheney Fire Chief Tom Jenkins told KREM that Bahme fell into a goal post while running and was impaled through the eye. Dirt will start moving in the spring of 2019 and occupancy in the fall of 2021! Dr. Ball believes in Fine Arts and their impact on student academic performance and achievement. The page said any leftover funds will be donated to a youth fishing program in Bahmes memory, whose nickname was fish pockets.. We also extremely appreciative of our parents supporting both our bundling approach to safety as well as our mission. WARREN, Michigan -- A boy grabbed the steering wheel on a school bus and hit the brakes, bringing the vehicle to a safe stop on a busy Detroit-area road after the driver had passed out, authorities said. EducationB.S., Indiana University in BloomingtonM.A., Building Administration, Oakland City UniversityEd.S., Education Specialist, Indiana State UniversityExperience25+ years experience in educationTeacher, Vanguard High School, Ocala FL; Northview High School; St. Charles Elementary SchoolAssistant Principal, Sullivan High SchoolPrincipal, Sullivan High SchoolAssistant Superintendent, Southwest School Corporation, Southwest School Corporation1502 North Section StreetSullivan, IN 47882Phone: 812-268-6311. Bartley, NE 69020 Attached is the Winter, 2019 edition of ourSpotlight on Southwestnewsletter some stories to pay particular attention: Heres to a strong finish to the first semester and a joyous holiday season! As a school district, we knew our work would be cut out for us this year and we also understand the importance of face to face instruction as it pertains to both the academic and social growth (our mission) of our students. The board chose from its current staff: John Costello, the elementary/middle school principal. Warrior Way: Educatingstudents to become responsible citizens who lead successful and fulfilling lives in a safe environment. Seeing our students participate in these endeavors was powerful! Elections are won because people show up to vote," he said. There are still plenty of years for most of you to get back to school and earn those credentials! Ms. Sabryna Childress is team player, always willing to help out and doesn't mind getting in the trenches to do what is in the best interest of our students! He's been serving as interim superintendent since the former superintendent left last month. please do not hesitate to call the counseling center at your school," Superintendent Ben Ferney wrote. All this to say, the decision is never easy and if we are going to error, we will do so on the side of caution. And I wish them the best.. March 23rd We move into our new schools this coming August (2021 2022 school year). She said schools are one of the main reasons why people choose to live, or not live, in an area. At Southwest Academy Magnet School for Science and Engineering, students are exposed to rigorous instruction that is culturally responsive and sensitive to their unique learning needs to inspire them to be 21st century leaders. And he hoped hed have the opportunity to lead the district one day. Gaking, the union president, said the district risks losing a lot more than one or two teachers, though. Approximately 87% of our students (3,679) are receiving face to face instruction currently, with 13% (557) learning via our remote setup. But the number one priority of this bond is a safety investment at the highest level at all of our campuses. Northeast wind 5 to 10 mph. Our Vibrant Community Southwest Elementary School is a Schoolwide Title I school. 2021-2022 Return to School Protocols and Plan This co-dependency is critical to our success as aschooldistrict. Southwest ISD voters will likely have to visit two polling locations if they also plan to vote in San Antonio or Von Ormys local elections, especially if theyre voting early. Letter from the Superintendent - May 2023, Safety and Security Contacts and Weather Alert Information, Infinite Campus Portal for Parents and Students. While the board is still finalizing Edwards contract, members voted 6-0 to approve him as their choice for the job. As I look back upon the educational experiences my own children had at Southwest, I can proudly say that they were well-prepared for life after high school, and had many good memories and accomplishments to look back upon. . "We're just very worried that's going to change and we don't want to see that happen.". The 2018 / 19 school year is underway! Through our parent, school and community partnership, Southwest Academy's mission is to provide a . Southwest Public Schools is looking for a Cook for the districts nutrition program beginning for the 22-23 school year. 2022-2023SCHOOL BOARD MEETING AGENDAS AND MINUTES tara.fries@swpschools.org (308) 364-2613 The state tests are summative in nature and gauge progress for the entire school year. CHENEY, Wash. (Gray News) A 16-year-old high school student in Washington state died after a freak accident happened in gym class on Thursday, officials confirmed. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. The start of this school year was no different! Follow her on Twitter: @ArikaHerron. Emerick said that Edwards, who has been with the district for nine years, has done a good job as interim superintendent and the board made the decision that was best for kids. Republican Natalie Rascher said the relationship between the mayor and the EVSC should be a close one. The EVSC creates a pipeline for businesses and "laborers" in the city with students graduating high school, she said, but the partnerships should happen before graduation, too. While the current bond proposals would raise the school districts property tax rate, district officials say other factors could offset how much property owners have to pay at the end of the year. Information on our Schoolwide Plan is available here . He has always done what he says he would do," Smith said. In that forum, Republican Cheryl Musgrave suggested parents would have to leave Evansville to find a decent school for their children. We appreciate a great deal the flexibility and support - both our staff and parents have shown this school year. Classroom tests given by teachers are more formative in nature and measure specific standards. However, Crisp said at least two of the districts six designated election day polling sites overlap with the countys combined polling locations: Sky Harbour Elementary and Bob Hope Elementary. The last bus is off the road by 9:15 AM each morning. We have worked diligently to keep as much of our day to day normal as possible during a global health pandemic. Best of luck to our Marching Band as they travel to Miamisburg for their Championships tomorrow! Updates on the facilities project can be found at: https://www.southwestschools.org/departments/facilities-14/. Superintendent: Dr. Terry Terhune Asst. Athletics Director This school year, we look to continue building off of numerous local, state and national accomplishments. Southwest School Corporation 1502 North Section Street Sullivan, IN 47882 Phone: 812-268-6311 Red Willow County Sheriffs Office http://rwcso.org/ 308-345-1850 Meeting agendas and minutes may be viewed by clicking on the links in the table below. Mrs. Tara Fries The . I would like to give a special shout out to the Southwest Public Schools Foundation, and the hard work and support that they do throughout the year to allow our students to receive so many valuable scholarships for their training after high school. We wanted our family to be a part of that.. bbalawajder@laca.org. Really look to limit screen time and push books. Many of us can remember the days where we had just over 3,300 students. Our teachers take this challenge on with each of their students, from day 1 of the school year. If the state employee relationsboard finds in favor of the association, the district could be ordered to stop the actions that violate employees' rights and charged with a civil penalty of up to $5,000 for each violation. A 7th grader took control of the school bus and brought it to a stop after the driver suffered a medical emergency in Michigan. He said he was aware that it had been filed and that some teachers would not be happy with the appointment of Edwards, but that the board felt he was the best person for the job. Thank you again for your support and GO CATS! Our summer planning has taken on a whole new meaning as we start to think about next school year. and Special Meeting Superintendent . We hired 22 new teachers this summer and they are now fully in the mix and living our mission Academic & Social Growth for ALL students, every day!. As evident in the districts strategic priorities, clear and transparent communication is prioritized to empower student and staff voices and strengthen relationships with all stakeholders. Secondary Secretary All rights reserved. Elementary Secretary Without these partnerships, we, as a school district, would not be able to provide the numerous opportunities to our students or focus on our priorities (safety and living our mission) each day. High School High schooler dies after he was impaled during freak accident in gym class, officials say, Police search for two inmates who escaped from Piedmont Regional Jail, Police identify 2 suspects in Texarkana ball park shooting, Muslim mayor blocked from White House Eid al-Fitr celebration, 4 people found fatally shot in small Mojave Desert community. Our mission is to ensure every student has the opportunity to reach their goals, and our staff provides a strong foundation so that students are ready to tackle their dreams during their time here and beyond. Check out this weeks edition of our Dragon Newsletter for up to date information of what is happening around campus. SLSD is the only public school on the West Side of Cincinnati with TWO turf playing surfaces. Be sure to exercise your right to vote! Amid a national pandemic, she successfully implemented a 1:1 technology device initiative for students and staff so that learning opportunities would not fall by the wayside. Elementary Principal Bottom line growing our students 1.5 years takes extreme intentionality each and every day. Our 2018 graduates earned over $2.5M in scholarship or college credit. When varying weather models present themselves, we have to make the call by 5:45 AM and consider the impact of the precipitation from 6 9 AM, the time we have students and buses on the roads. In the state of Ohio, public schools are getting ready to administer the 2019 Ohio State Tests in grades 3-8 to show evidence of what students know and can do in English Language Arts and Mathematics, and in Science in grades 5 and 8. Kids grow up fast. I was a late bloomer as far as entering into the education field, not entering the classroom until the ripe old age of 31. I appreciate our teachers stepping up to provide these extended learning opportunities for our students this school year and ideas are already being generated for new clubs next school year! Others are more focused on building in to the community like serving at Matthew 25 Ministries once per week, or playing board games with senior citizens at a local nursing home. The bond proposal also includes money to purchase new air-conditioned buses. VA) on Friday. When I took this position three years ago, I could not have imagined what would happen in the world, let aloneour school community in just a few short months. I want us to continue to grow and improve each and every day. Minutes It took that long to figure out that Id better get to it if I was going to work where I really wanted to, in the public-school system. Our new tennis courts, baseball, and softball fields are set to open during the 22-23 school year, with the new elementary opening during the 24-25 school year. With freedom, comes responsibility. Associate Superintendent School Transformation Office William Bohn Senior Executive Director Human Resources James Preusser. Copyright 2023 KSAT.com is managed by Graham Digital and published by Graham Media Group, a division of Graham Holdings. We are also working diligently to see 97%+ of our high school seniors graduate. The Miamitown El. School Division: Superintendent: Street Address: Phone - - D - - Danville: Dr. Angela Hairston : 341 Main Street, Suite 100 Danville, VA 24541: 434-799-6400: Dickenson County: Mrs. Haydee Robinson : 309 Volunteer St Clintwood, VA 24228: 276-926-4643: Dinwiddie County: Dr. Kari Weston : 14016 Boydton Plank Road Dinwiddie, VA 23841: 804-469-4190 . And, he said, hes not worried about teachers leaving. The video shows the driver fanning herself with a baseball cap and informing the transportation office that she needs to pull over. She sees the doors that can be opened to students who learn to speak more than one language and the opportunities it affords in school and life as they prepare for their careers. During the forum April 13, hosted by the Southwestern League of Women Voters, all four Evansville mayoral candidates for mayor agreed there should be a relationship with the EVSC. We will also remain cognizant of students becoming overly committed and spreading their time too thin by trying to be involved in too many activities. This would include athletics, performing arts, clubs, volunteering and public service. NAME Superintendent of Schools [email protected] Central Office: Lynn: Simmers, Ph.D. Assistant Superintendent of Schools [email protected] Central Office: LuAnn: . While the field is good, Collier said, the stadiums amenities need modernization to match those at the newer Southwest Legacy High School. The Southwestern Consolidated Classroom Teachers Association has filed an unfair labor practice claim against Josh Edwards, alleging that the Southwestern Consolidated Schools elementary principal treated teachers unfairly, intimidated them and retaliated against anyone who raises concerns. Korean; Russian; Hindi; Login; Guest . Last Name Jackson: First Name Beth: Position Accounts Payable / Accounts Receivable: email. Patience, persistence, and finishing with excellence will be the push this fall. We have new instructional materials in English Language Arts for grades K-12 and for Math in grades K-8. On the social growth side of our mission, we are working to get all 100% of our students actively engaged in at least one extra-curricular activity or community engagement endeavor. Early voting sites include SWISD Central Office and McAuliffe Middle School. If you have additional questions about the South-Western City School District, please contact us at (614) 801-3000, info@swcsd.us, or continue to browse our website. The president of the local teachers union, which represents the districts 40 teachers, said hes afraid it may now lose as many as half of its educators. Egan will stay until Aug. 15 to help with the transition. SWISDs two early voting locations are entirely separate from the other Bexar County early voting locations. She was chosen for her strong leadership skills, dedication to improving educational quality in her district, and commitment to public involvement in education. Work before play is a great mantra to live by! Apply at www.swpschools.org or send a letter of application . These four vision areas will help drive the mission of our district and individual school buildings. 1.) The kids are excited to see friends they may not have seen over the summer, teachers are excited to get back in the classroom with students, and parents are often relieved to get back into a more normal routine with which the school year tends to bring. She represented ESC-20 at the state-level competition at the Texas Association of School Administrators and Texas Association of School Boards (TASA/TASB) Conference in September 2021. Our largest privately funded athletic facility renovation ($1.6M) is nearing completion this fall! If people leave, thats their right, he said. Along these lines, and for future planning purposes, we do not plan to offer remote learning, as a school district, in grades K 8, after this school year (2020 / 2021). Smith said people also asked him about the comments in-person while he attended an event over the weekend. If you have any questions, please contact Thomas Lowe at 513-367-4139 or by email at thomas.lowe@southwestschools.org. We were aware we might lose one or two, but we like we might lose one or two no matter what.. The Southwest Elementary School student handbook details the rules and responsibilities of our students. Superintendent Welcome Back Letter 2021 Bienvenido de . As a parent, it is interesting to note that none of them entered the field that they were dead-set on when they left high school. les.roggenkamp@swpschools.org I congratulate you. Nebraska Health and Human Services Hotline 1-800-652-1999, Southwest Elementary School John C. HamstraSuperintendentSouthwest Local Schools. Our family owes a great deal of gratitude to the teachers that worked with my sons, answering questions, preparing them for competitions, and encouraging them to challenge themselves as they all took different paths beyond high school. The candidate? Theres also an estimated $25 million for a combined professional training center, student central, and district offices, though the exact plans for the center havent been made yet. When weather hits or there is a potential for severe weather, we have many factors to consider in making the call to delay or cancel school. Its all part of growing up and becoming an adult, making decisions based on what they wanted for their own lives as they progressed through college and life. The start of the school year brings with it a tremendous amount of energy! In Southwest Local Schools, we will begin our state testing right after Spring Break, starting April 2 with English Language Arts, and continuing through the Math, Science and Social Studies window that begins April 16. It is important not to forget all of the ways in which this district has grown over the last few years despite outside variables in our world. Edwards retaliated against teachers who raised concerns, according to the complaint. We are fortunate to attract many talented teachers and support staff, and have already hired 50 new staff for the 2022-2023 school year. The location of the meeting alternates between the Southwest Elementary in Indianola and Southwest Jr./Sr/ High School in Bartley. As a campus of 2,000 students, we are able to offer . OUR MISSION. Fax: (888) 298-5946 Secondary Principal High Plains Radio http://www.highplainsradio.net/ Dr. Ball's experience also includes many years with Southwest ISD, where she served first as a teacher and then as Principal. Greatfamilies, agreatcommunity, andgreatschools are the key ingredients that make our school district special. Our teachers and students also really stepped up with both their preparation and performance on the state assessments that spanned a six-week period this spring. The districts expected growth, several thousand additional students within the next decade, also plays a big part in the bond projects. Second semester has started strong and our students, all 4,150 of them, have jumped right back in to the normal school routine. Relax and look to build in to others in the community. In November 2017, the voters in our 68 square mile school district approved a 6.99 Mill levy, which will generate $71M in local dollars and will be partnered with $26.6M in state contributions, providing just over $96M for three new elementary schools, a new middle school and over $10M in renovations to our current high school.
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