You may need to adjust the tightness of the cone to stop any play or drag if its too tight the hub will not spin freely. We are constantly reviewing the parts that can be safely installed by riders, and making some available for purchase directly on We recommend always consulting a retailer when replacement parts are needed. Replacement Parts The majority of replacement parts must be ordered through and installed by an Authorized Specialized Retailer. That has been my experience anyway. We are constantly reviewing the parts that can be safely installed by riders, and making some available for purchase directly 2017-19 Enduro Downtube Protector. $19. Wheels Manufacturing Outer Axle Nut. 2020 Specialized Bicycle Components, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 178 - 193. Come join the discussion about bike parts, components, deals, performance, modifications, classifieds, trails, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! The front hub is fine. Take a close look at the bearings, the cups (which are pressed into the hub) and the cones. It's quality as expected so 5 stars. Grease it once or twice a year to keep it in tip top shape. Freehub Seal Orientation "Axis Sport Disc", Identify hub / freehub body on Giant FCR 2 2008, Number and size of freehub ball bearings for Shimano FH-HG50 (30H 9801). Refer to your manufacturer for exact instructions. If theres any sign of wear on them, theyll need replacing. If the freehub does not come off you have to press or hammer out the axle from drive side to non drive side with the axle in place. Wheels Manufacturing later bought the designs to Alchemy, and supported existing hubs that they had parts for, but they later discontinued the hub. The majority of replacement parts must be ordered through and installed by an Authorized Specialized Retailer. Our customer service hours today are 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. Usually the problem will be caused by wear in your bearings or by the ingress of water and grime. Chainstays are shared by all sizes (S201500008 & S201500009). You might send him a message here and/or call the shop for advice: (714) 532-6838 Mikerb said: If you want to do your own work, you can find general purpose extractors and presses that fit a variety of parts. Spread a light coating of grease on the outside and inside of the new bearings, on the inside of the hub shell and on the axle. Youll know the bearing is seated when the blows suddenly firm up. I digress, as I often do, but we can derive a lesson from this: most cyclists should avoid proprietary parts. It rolled fine, but sounded like the bearings had run dry. Well, this could have easily been solved if one of us looked at the specialized website - "REAR HUB - Specialized, sealed cartridge bearings, 12x148mm thru-axle, 28h" I'm pretty sure that even on the bikes that did ship with dt swiss bits the specsheet still said the same thing. Both bikes are almost exactly a year old only, and we are not "extreme" or "heavy" users! 0 stars for proving no info on thread pitch. Fulcrum Rear Hub Service Kit RS-150 USB . I'm pretty sure that a hex key should go through 2 of those holes perpendicular with the axle to loosen something, but there's that black outer spacer covering it. For components that are not designed and manufactured by Specialized, consult directly with the manufacturer or through an Authorized Specialized Retailer. Return the other nuts, spacers and seals to the non drive side of the axle, referring to your notes of which order they were removed in. I'm going to be posting a proper how-to later tonight. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Thread the dust caps back on with a little oil, then feel for that well earned, buttery smoothness. PDF HUBS TECHNICAL MANUAL FRONT 350, 370. New Prices on Gravel Bikes. So I replaced the rear hub to the Novatec D792SB. I just ride. Specialized Stout Rear Hub - Serviced Jeff Sheehan 211 subscribers Subscribe 20K views 5 years ago In this video I will walk you through the process of servicing a Specialized Stout Rear. Some hubs may suggest you use a retaining compound, such as Loctite 641, or nothing at all as always, refer back to your manufacturer for the correct advice. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Wheels Manufacturing Freewheel/BB Spacer. 2017 Cannondale Scalpel Si Carbon 3 (27.5). $93.99. Bike stores will also have these items. BLT MY20 STATUS FORWARD SHOCK MOUNT BOLT AND NUT. Use with either Park Tool BBt-18 or Shimano TL-UN96, Vado 3.0 & 4.0 models equipped with SR Suntour fork, STM MY15 SIRRUS/VITA FLOW-SET STEM CONE SPACER 52MM OD 15MM HEIGHT. 38K views 3 years ago A detailed video on how to take apart, service and put together a Specialized Hi - Lo Rear Hub. We are using a rear wheel, but the procedure is the same for a front. New cyclists getting a new bike will have the ability to: Accessibility to a local bike shop that can do a bike fitting makes sure the bike is properly fit to you. Privacy Policy. Youll need to strike a few sharp blows to get the bearings out, so a rubber mallet probably wont do; a resin mallet or a hardwood block with a lump hammer are much better at delivering the force necessary to dislodge it. 0:00 / 8:05 Intro How To Look After Your MTB Hubs | Rear Hub Maintenance Tips GMBN Tech 436K subscribers Subscribe 152K views 3 years ago #gmbntech #bearings #gmbn There's a lot of tech going. As for bearings specifically, assuming they are cartridge bearings, they are standardized, and once you know you've got a "6802" bearing or whatever, you can order a replacement from whoever you like. PDF HUBS TECHNICAL MANUAL FRONT 180, 240. Do what works for you. . One thing I will add is to use care when removing en caps on the drive side. HDS FSA MY14 ENDURO SW / EXPERT CARBON MY14 SJ HT CARBON 1-1/8 AND 1-1/2 HEADSET, HDS CANE CREEK,CAA2016,41.8/28.6/FLAT IS52/40 W/AL RACE SEAL, CROWN RACE FOR MY20 EPIC/EPIC HT SW, STC MY18 EPIC SEAT COLLAR 34.9 MM WITH TI BOLT, AXL THROUGH AXLE, JD JD-QR43, 7075-T73 AXLE W/C6801 WASHER, REAR, 148MM SPACING, 172MM LENGTH, 12MM, MSC ROAD 7MM WIRELESS PLUG W/ S LOGO FOR FD AND RD HOLE, MSC MY14 (EPIC CARBON/SJ HT CARBON/CAMBER CARBON/ RUMOR) FOAM ICR SLEEVE "CHURRO" 11MM OD, HGR SRAM AC UDH DERAILLEUR HANGER AL BLACK (00.7918.089.000), MSC YUNG FANG, WL-9202-6, FD BLIND PLUG-DI2, CBG MY21 EPIC HT ICR GUIDE,PLASTIC,XC FSR H1,SINGLE, CBG MY21 EPIC HT ICR GUIDE,PLASTIC,XC FSR H1,TRIPLE, CBG MY21 EPIC HEADTUBE ICR GUIDE,TPE,XC FSR H1,TRIPLE, MSC MY21 EPIC MYLAR DOWNTUBE PROTECTOR XS GLOSS, MSC MY21 EPIC MYLAR DOWNTUBE PROTECTOR SM GLOSS, MSC MY21 EPIC MYLAR DOWNTUBE PROTECTOR MD GLOSS, MSC MY21 EPIC MYLAR DOWNTUBE PROTECTOR LG GLOSS, MSC MY21 EPIC MYLAR DOWNTUBE PROTECTOR XL GLOSS, SHK SRAM RS BRAIN 265X52.5 ST SY EPIC SMOK B1 (00.4418.248.003), CHS MY21 EPIC REAR TRIANGLE MTB,XC FSR H1,29,CRBN GLOSS BLK WHT, CBG MY21 EPIC BRAIN GUIDE,PLASTIC,XC FSR H1, CHS MY21 EPIC EVO REAR TRIANGLE MTB,XC FSR H2,29,CRBN GLOSS BLK WHT, SHK EXT MY21 EPIC EVO SW CARBON EXTENSION, SUB MY21 EPIC EVO REAR SHOCK HARDWARE KIT, SUB MY21 EPIC BRAIN SHOCK AIR SLEEVE SERVICE KIT(11.4418.034.000), SUB MY21 EPIC BRAIN SHOCK DAMPER SERVICE KIT(11.4418.035.000), SUB MY21 KIT MICRO BRAIN AIR CAN(11.4418.033.001), SUB MY21 KIT MICRO BRAIN DAMPER BODY EXT(11.4418.033.002), SUB MY21 KIT MICRO BRAIN AIR PISTON(11.4418.033.003), SUB MY21 KIT MICRO BRAIN DAMPER SHAFT(11.4418.033.004), SUB MY21 KIT MICRO BRAIN RESERVOIR(11.4418.033.005), SUB MY21 KIT MICRO BRAIN RESI FILL CAPS(11.4418.033.006), SUB MY21 KIT MICRO BRAIN HOSE(11.4418.033.007), DCL MY21 KIT MICRO BRAIN DECAL, ALL COLORS (11.4418.033.008), SUB MY21 KIT MICRO BRAIN MOUNTING HARDWARE(11.4418.033.011), SUB MY21 KIT MICRO BRAIN IFP, BODY(11.4418.033.013), SUB MY21 KIT MICRO BRAIN IFP(11.4418.033.012), SUB MY21 EPIC SEAL HEAD,10MM,GUIDED KIT (11.4418.033.014), SUB MY21 EPIC EYELET,MICRO BRAIN KIT (11.4418.033.015), SUB MY21 EPIC RESERVOIR BODY,MICRO BRAIN KIT (11.4418.033.016), SUB MY21 EPIC DAMPER BODY,MICRO BRAIN KIT (11.4418.033.017), SUB MY21 EPIC BUSHING,EXT,MICRO BRAIN KIT (11.4418.033.000), RIM, 700C, CLINCHER, 18MM DP X 25MM INT WIDTH, DISC, 28H, ALY, BLK, EDC MY21 CONTROL SL FRONT HUB END CAPS DS & NDS, 19MM OD FOR LFM17/LFM19, EDC MY21 CONTROL SL FRONT HUB END CAPS DS & NDS, 31MM OD FOR LFM17/LFM19, HUB MY21 CONTROL SL FRONT HUB, LFM17, 24H, 6 BOLT,110X15MM,19MM OD END CAPS (H180BDIXR24SO7926C), HUB MY21 CONTROL SL REAR HUB, LFM18,24H,6 BOLT,XD DRIVE BODY,148X12MM,RATCHET EXP(H180TDDRR24SO7940C), HUB MY21 CONTROL SL NEW REAR HUB,24H,6 BOLT,XD DRIVEBODY,148X12MM,RATCHET EXP(H180TDDRR24SO2610C), RIM MY21 CONTROL SL RIM 24H 29MM INNER WIDTH W/BLACK DECAL, DCL MY21 CONTROL SL WHT GLD GHOST PERAL DECAL 8 DECALS FOR ONE WHEELSET, FHB MY21 DT SWISS RATCHET EXP, MICROSPLINE. We're here to help you get the most out of your time on the bike, whether you're a road rider, mountain biker, gravel rider, cycle commuter or anything in between. Two days later, I was back on the trails! Remove the axle then repeat the process on the other side. It may not include every part, and some parts are reserved specifically for warranty cases. I'm trying to remove the freehub from a road wheel (Specialized hubs, no model name/number). As I alluded to above, some hubs have proprietary parts. He also rips off an arm to use as a sword. Google "specialized Axis hubs" will give you many hits to look through. The wheels came with a specialized roubaix 2017, they're branded Axis with no other markings. That said, if you're getting any grinding it's probably bearings and not the freehub body and the blind hole bearing puller others have suggested will get those out. Service Parts / Rear Thru-Axle, 148mm. Bicycles Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people who build and repair bicycles, people who train cycling, or commute on bicycles. Bike services that bike shops usually provide are adjustments and repairs of: Bike repairs are a big reason to find a bike store near you. Novatec Hub Rear Hub 8-11Speed Hybrid Black 36H 135mm . In any case, you may be ready to upgrade by then. You might not be able to accurately measure the inner cone nut with a normal spanner/wrench that's why they require a thin cone wrench/spanner in the first place. This leads me to think the tension on the bearings is slightly too high. To get the end caps off, you usually can use a pair of Allen wrenches. Its important to check the axle still rotates freely at this point as its very easy to tighten the cone also during this procedure. Later on, when I needed the bearings changed in the rear hub, the shop discovered that one of the bearings needed a proprietary tool to remove, which was no longer available as Alchemy itself had gone out of business and Wheels didn't provide that tool. We are constantly reviewing the parts that can be safely installed by riders, and making some available for purchase directly on. We recommend always consulting a retailer when replacement parts are needed. Keep in mind that the bearing races are made of hardened steel and are therefore potentially brittle. $39.49. Are there any canonical examples of the Prime Directive being broken that aren't shown on screen? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I tried searching for the hub specifically but cannot find any number or series on the back hub, the front hub states SCS-722. ). Generally, these are rare. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. I'd rather spend 10 bucks and a little tinker time to keep it running than drop way more on a new hub. The rear hub is among the hardest-working bicycle components because it spins whenever the bike's moving, and, in most modern hubs, it includes the freehub that drives the bike when you pedal. Flip the wheel over and position the hub with the bearing facing down. On the non-drive side there's a tool interface on the axle. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. . Use the old bearing or a socket of exactly the same diameter to drive the new bearing in. 188 - 203. Specialized-owned brand Roval's most affordable wheels, designed for trail and enduro riding . Save 25% + DMR Trail Gloves + DeathGrips when you subscribe to MBUK magazine, *Spring Savings* Try 6 issues of Cycling Plus for just 9.99 | Save 74% today, remove the cassette from the freehub body, Multi-sized cone spanners: 13, 14, 15 and 16mm, Special tools or alloy tube to press the bearings. Mavic) have a threaded cap to allow for bearing adjustment, so just unscrew these first. As Adam stated in a comment, many hubs with anonymous branding are made by third party companies like Novatec, Bitex, and others. Remove the locking nut and spacer by hand. Would you like to receive offers, updates and events from BikeRadar and its publisher Our Media Ltd (an Immediate Group Company)? I saw a post somewhere that showed a hole drilled into the hub to allow lubricant to be added. Cookie Notice Hold one endcap with one wrench, and unscrew with the other. The system uses an Internal Gear Hub (IGH) and a Gates Belt . When all of the bearings are in place, you can then refit the axle and gently turn it to ensure they are installed correctly. Can check with the bike shop though. Off of the bike, the axle rotates smoothly but has a lot of resistance for cartridge bearings with <200 miles on them. Conversely, if its too loose, there will be play in the axle. Count me in for the tool. Others, such as Hope, simply use an interference fit cap. Which language's style guidelines should be used when writing code that is supposed to be called from another language? While they would not say that there was a problem with the hubs, my LBS was supplied with a brand new hub, laced to a rim, so all I had to do was remount my tire. For recommended service intervals on Specialized-designed and manufactured parts, refer to the manual or to an Authorized Specialized Retailer. Inspired by a mod that someone did, that i read about on a bike forum, i decided to create my own simple mod which consist of a 53mm wide, 17mm inner diameter and 21.5 mm outer diameter aluminium tube/sleeve inserted in between the 2 radial bearings which in turn eliminates the axial load by limiting the movement of the inner races towards each other when tightening the axle bolts. Refit the axle, position the second bearing and then drive it in with a few blows. It may not include every part, and some parts are reserved specifically for warranty cases. When do you use in the accusative case? but are slightly cheaper than the EX 1700 (689.98). Carefully remove the bearings from the race the tip of a magnetic screwdriver will help you to lift the bearings out. City, State/Province, Zip or City & Country, have a bike fitting to make sure they have the bike sized properly, test ride new bikes to make sure they have the perfect bike, have the bike built, including bike pedals and water bottle holders installed, choose cycling gear to make cycling even more enjoyable (i.e., cycling shoes), replacement bike tires and tubes (in case of a flat), install bike upgrades for building the perfect bike, cleaning grease and dirt of your mountain bike and road bikes, checking gears and derailleurs for damage and alignment, checking the brakes to make sure they work well, check alignment on bike frames and wheels, regrease and oil the appropriate parts of your bike. These were lightweight, high-performance hubs. $198. A local Specialized dealer didn't have spares. Youll now need to clean the bearings. While they did this, they did send out a replacement front axle, as I had somehow managed to bend the lightweight axle while doing general road rides at 135-140 lbs. We are constantly reviewing the parts that can be safely installed by riders, and making some available for purchase directly allo-- if not too costly, i'd take one. Each code corresponds to a set of measurements - external diameter, internal diameter, and depth. Read more. It might take some strength to pry off as it will likely be held in by a rubber O-ring between it and a groove on the axle. Specialized Bicycle Components Status Service & Maintenance Replacement Parts Replacement Parts The majority of replacement parts must be ordered through and installed by an Authorized Specialized Retailer. Bike Service Bike services that bike shops usually provide are adjustments and repairs of: brakes ; drivetrain; shifters (i.e., Shimano) derailleurs; wheels and tires; Bike Repairs Bike repairs are a big reason to find a bike store near you. They just have some SCS bits bolted to them (hanger, wheels). . Off of the bike, the axle rotates smoothly but has a lot of resistance for cartridge bearings with <200 miles on them. In most cases, this can be done by inserting a 5mm Allen key at both ends and turning anti-clockwise. S-Works FACT carbon Tarmac SL6 seatpost, 0mm offset, 380mm. Even if you can't determine who made the hub, you can still service it. Bolt kits (S200500007) and bearing kits . Specialized Formula 3-Pawl Freehub (11 Speed) (For Axis 142 x 12 Rear Hubs) ( 2018 Axis Elite & DT R470 Disc) Not yet reviewed. The December arrival went first back with snow on the ground and last night the remaining two had to be walked out of the woods. JavaScript is disabled. Alternatively, some hubs (eg. For example, you could use a delrin tube of the sort you can pick up (for a very reasonable price) from Hope. Strangely on this hub, there are no locknuts or cones visible, just what look like metal seals on both the drive and non-drive side of the axle.
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