if(closest[k] == undefined) { Im digging it.. Download APK. Privacy Policy. posx = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; ctx.lineTo(p.closest[i].x, p.closest[i].y); Kedrick Blessed (real name), a 30-year-old computer engineer in California, says he grew up wanting to be an astronautuntil he stopped believing that NASA had the technology to go into space. It should also be mentioned that valuable communication happens in a polite environment so please leave hatred, foulness and all else that is YT to the trolls over there. Currently the bulk of everyday systems are run via automation. if(animateHeader) { DazzaFluke Skywatcher's channel:https://www.youtube.com/user/TheFlukeSkywatcherFluke Skywatcher on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/FlukeSkywatcherUFOTheater's channel:https://www.youtube.com/user/UFOTheaterUFOTheater's Website:http://ufotheater.com/UFOTheater on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/UFOTheaterCheck out my Facebook discussion page:\"Voices Of Reason To Explain X - VORTEX\"https://www.facebook.com/groups/308068512539861/If you would like to support my work by making a small donation (or even a large one!) Everything produced on YT by Crow recently has been limited by a line drawn by those in charge which limits what can be talked about or shown in video. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be \"fair use\" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Real Truther's. window.addEventListener('scroll', scrollCheck); "People would be surprised to learn just how much anger and hatred are leveled against people for simply making video clips with a different point of view," he says. In 2014, nearly a quarter of Americans felt the government was spending too little on space exploration, the highest percentage of any year since the General Social Survey first posed the question in 1973. Just ordered Technology of Belief. Select. On the tail of years of telescopic filming which gained worldwide attention . I am in accordance with The Laws of Nature and Natures God! FORTUNE DE ST GERMAIN. Free Episodes. 4y. Crrow777 (2013- ) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Series Camera and Electrical Department Crrow . (The critically acclaimed 2012 documentary Room 237 is, in part, about how Kubrick's The Shining is filled with clues about this cover-up.) Jason Lindgren. Password. I loved this 2 thoughtful people having a spiralling conversation these conversations lift all of us up. Lewandowsky has also noted why it's so hard to get through to conspiracy theoriststhey often claim that evidence contrary to theirs only further demonstrates that a conspiracy exists. closest[k] = p2; NASA claims to do missions such as New Horizons, he says, only to build popularity for the agency. Driving Out Demons / First Female Pharaoh, The Coming Crash / 'Lunar Wave' & Conspiracies, Sign up for our free CoastZone e-newsletter, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. points = []; Select. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. Free Episodes. addListeners(); y: p.originY-50+Math.random()*100, ease:Circ.easeInOut, This website will also provide members with direct access to Crow though comments and all troll free as this site is privately operated, free of any social media restriction, data mining, trolling and frankly, BS. He argued that photos he'd taken of Jupiter with his telescopic camera from 484 million miles away were of a better quality than NASA's shots of Pluto from a distance of only a few million miles. if(!p.active) return; At least not, As far as I know Max Gerson was the first to show the power of using coffee to clean out the body. He hosts his own website and a YouTube Channel with hundreds of videos featuring both his podcasts and astrophotography work. Crrow777. Is Planet Earth the devils paradise? Crrow777 isn't the only one calling it baloney. 499- A Time of Choice & Change in a Realm of Duality (Free) - Crrow777 Radio. Please visit the SHOP for all purchasable items. largeHeader.style.height = height+'px'; 128 talking about this. Get Crrow777 old version APK for Android. Plus the two individuals look at the role of Disney in the development of our children and how cinema has been used to predictive model the people on planet Earth. Distribution Info. } then please go to my channel \"about\" tab (click the link below) and use the PayPal button. Cookie Notice Social programming and engineering are currently full-steam ahead. In fact, they argue, New Horizons is simply the latest bogus galactic mission to deceive the public, perhaps to divert tax money to more secretive or nefarious government projects. animate(); Crow is perhaps best known for his intriguing capture in 2012 of whats been popularly called, The Lunar Wave, an event hes since recorded several more times, as have many others worldwide as well as captures with Jupiter, its moons and in front of Saturn. for(var k = 0; k < 5; k++) { Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, says, "It's difficult to respond in detail to statements that make no sense. Crrow777 Radio Episode 426 with Derek Condit has been released! We hope to challenge issues which have captured the publics imagination, from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. And yet, each time our comprehension of vibration is, Our guest has spent a lot of time tracking documents and defining the language and source of the certification paper trail that begins at most, Copyright Crrow777 2012 2021. During the past two years Crow has given a number of interviews which sparked the follower interest needed to launch this podcast. largeHeader = document.getElementById('large-header'); Would love your thoughts, please comment. Health Playlist Free. Maybe that's why, despite being overwhelmingly outnumbered, the Pluto Truthers feel a momentum gathering. placed = true; "I do see a difference in the number of people who are no longer blind to this fact. All it means is that we can't see the wave outside of the disc of the Moon REGARDLESS of the cause, and this is because there is no back-lighting in the blackness of the sky to illuminate the atmospheric wave so that it could be seen. This legislation was called The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act . In a follow-up to the Pluto video, he uses Photoshop to invert the colors and boost levels on NASA's Pluto image to show what he calls a "ghost image" of "artifacts" around the dwarf planet. Copyright Crrow777 2012 2021. Looking for more like minded people. ctx.moveTo(p.x, p.y); Law Playlist Free. ctx.arc(_this.pos.x, _this.pos.y, _this.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); "Wow, James. Crow will close the door on that here. } else if(Math.abs(getDistance(target, points[i])) < 40000) { . What we know of Pluto is that it is a very, very dim light in the sky. "Space truthers" say this mock-up of a moon landing shows the depths of trickery NASA will go to to convince the public it has gone to the moon, Mars and now Pluto. Social programming and engineering are currently full-steam ahead. Log In. } Gift Membership Annually. Just Finish IT Records 3.27K subscribers Subscribe 75K views 6 years ago Crrow777 and Herschel36 go. } Kedrick Blessed (real name), a 30-year-old computer engineer in California, says he grew up wanting to be an astronautuntil he stopped. "The whole mission is fallacious. // for each point find the 5 closest points 2 comments. function getDistance(p1, p2) { If this is the case then listen to this video and find out some ways to develop some personal solutions to the tyranny we all live in. Like other Pluto Truthersa term he says he dislikesShaw is skeptical of the entire space program, not just New Horizons. Much of what we have been told about our . That might be why the Pluto Truthers experience so much backlash. Wow, James. Psychologists call that logic a "self-sealing nature of reasoning." Still, the skeptics remain in the minority. 3,176 likes. I'm only 17 minutes in and it's already at the point of phenomenal. Crow has spent most of his life challenging the world around us. // constructor for(var j = 0; j < points.length; j++) { points[i].circle.active = 0.1; The future is all about control, and absolute control for the very few over the many. Amazing stuff! Related Items from SGT Report: CHOOSE NOW: FIGHT TO REMAIN FREE OR BE ETERNALLY ENSLAVED -- CRROW777 VIDEO: NWO Vaccines The Phaser Help NoGOV rebut the propaganda with commonsense. ", New Horizons 'Phones Home': Pluto Flyby Goes Smoothly. The irony of 2020 meaning to have good vision is not lost on those in the know - I am sure. This makes waking up a little friendlier! 1.0 by Joe Real May 21, 2018. for(var x = 0; x < width; x = x + width/20) { This site is meant for an adult conversation free of the growing restrictions and censorship of social media. Almost 100 years, There have been many minds that have discovered and improved our comprehension of frequency and vibration. var placed = false; This podcast is the result of worldwide reaction to the now famous Lunar Wave footage (first filmed September 26th, 2012) as well as the now massive collection of astounding HD clips shot from 2012 to present and uploaded to YT on the Crrow777 channel. shiftPoint(p); He does believe the moon is there and real, so I just wanted to clear up that he . Side Zipper Waterproof Ankle Protection Boots- Mens 13 Wide, Side Zipper Waterproof Ankle Protection Boots- Mens 13 Medium, Side Zipper Waterproof Ankle Protection Boots- Mens 12 Wide, Side Zipper Waterproof Ankle Protection Boots- Mens 12 Medium, The NoGOV Newsletter for Monday, February 13, 2023, The NoGOV Newsletter for Monday, January 23, 2023, The NoGOV Newsletter for Saturday, January 21, 2023, The NoGOV Newsletter for Tuesday, November 22, 2022, The NoGOV Newsletter for Friday, November 11, 2022, Is Coronavirus a new name for Government Crackdown (4533). And sorry, I'm not YELLING (CAPS), just emphasizing the important words. Hadibov I think. English. Shoot the Moon is a documentary film about the telescope work of the man known as Crow, or Crrow777. There a lot of people that would benefit from your kind/mind there. Natural Farming Permaculture. **The conspiracy subreddit is a thinking ground. On his image of the moon, by comparison, there are no artifacts. <3, Thanks for visiting jtrue.com. I hope. } initHeader(); There's a small but vocal group of conspiracistsbloggers have taken to calling them "Pluto Truthers"who claim the recent images are fake. and our Best HD UFO and space anomaly footage on the Internet! if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { Congress formed NASA in 1958, and mistrust of the agency soon followed. Commenting. Old tricks are being combined and invoked by mainstream media. target = {x: width/2, y: height/2}; Dojo #24 - Tulpas, Sigils, and Personification, https://arthousecontemporary.com/disclosure/2018/5/9/d68ss88hgn4pc9m8ujtytq8r5n2sgy. ctx.beginPath(); Eventually, when it deems us ready, NASA will point out what the Pluto images truly show. Epi048 - The Saturnian Vatican, Jesuits & the Roots of Western Religion - Bearing Poison Fruits. Thanks. https://arthousecontemporary.com/disclosure/2018/5/9/d68ss88hgn4pc9m8ujtytq8r5n2sgy. var px = x + Math.random()*width/20; if(!placed) { About Crrow777. Crrow777 Radio Are There Really Nuclear Weapons? target.x = posx; } During the past two years Crow has given a number of interviews which sparked the follower interest needed to launch this podcast. function drawLines(p) { That is all we know of Pluto.". **Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone.**. Crrow777, The Fake Death of Prince, The Royal Family, Spellcraft, Michele Obama is a MAN! Return to Home. HomeInterestingPodcastsCrrow777 Podcast, By No, I will only post clips as they were shot and will not alter or add misleading content. I recently learned via Dr. Bryan Ardis/Watch the Water doc, that, to our holistic benefit, like cannabis, we also inherently possess receptors for nicotine. Become a Member. I further pledge that I will not post deceptive or false footage. function Circle(pos,rad,color) { Beautiful conversation. Copyright Crrow777 2012 2021. points[i].circle = c; this.draw = function() { We discuss the things he's filmed, such as- chemtrails, orbs, various UFOs, and the Lunar Wave. The film includes seven different Lunar Waves, a ton of objects in the sky, both during the day and the night, many of which are seen transiting the Moon. points[i].active = 0.1; "There are probably just as many people who think cats don't exist.". } else { (Some people quip it stands for Never a Straight Answer.) But that's probably not any proof to a San Diego "truther" who goes by the name Crrow777. "We live in an age of power and deception," says Crrow777. We have a lot of tax money that's disappearing for who knows what reason.". for(var i in points) { March 29, 2023. // detect points in range for(var y = 0; y < height; y = y + height/20) { ", Scientists don't seem too concerned with the so-called awakening. This podcast is the result of worldwide reaction to the now famous Lunar Wave footage (first filmed September 26th, 2012) as well as the now massive collection of astounding HD clips shot from 2012 to present and uploaded to YT on the Crrow777 channel. Posted by. Shoot the Moon is a documentary film about the telescope work of the man known as Crow, or Crrow777. Section 107.For more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.htmlIf you wish to use copyrighted material from this video for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use' you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. var posx = posy = 0; "This is silliness and games, and they are literally robbing the American people and then lying to them," he says in the video, adding that the space probe is "probably sitting in a Burbank, Hollywood, soundstage somewhere." canvas.height = height; var p1 = points[i]; Everything produced on YT by Crow recently has been limited by a line drawn by those in charge which limits what can be talked about or shown in video. Im so glad you got onto this show with Crrow777. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I am posting to . Crrow777 returns to SGT Report to present the most important choice you will ever make, and it's a choice you must make now: Will you fight to remain a free man or woman, or will you accept the offer to be enslaved? // create points Representatives for New Horizons and three separate astrophysicists wouldn't agree to discuss Pluto Truthers. posy = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop; And for those few who know they have the distinct advantage of comprehending what is likely based on previous cycles. There's no stars." On this channel you will see only video that I have shot with an HD camera and often through an 8', 11" or 12" telescope. Hoagland, whom one space skeptic calls "the granddaddy of the whole space 'Truther' thing," believes that NASA's imagery of Pluto, Mars and the moon shows geometric patterns that are actually the ruins of extraterrestrial civilizations. No other film contains so many objects and anomalies that have been shot with high-end optics and telescopes, and is presented with interview segments discussing the work. Welcome aboard the Crrow777 Radio podcast. Your support will be most welcome, thank you!https://www.youtube.com/user/dazzathecameraman/aboutThe astronomy software I use is Starry Night Pro by Starry Night Software:http://astronomy.starrynight.com/ FAIR USE STATEMENTThis video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. 2 years ago. ctx.stroke(); points[i].active = 0.02; The seven-and-a-half-minute clip has garnered more than 90,000 views. "I'm tired of the lies and the deception that they're playing against us," he says. In his research, Lewandowsky found that conspiracy theories tend not to exist in isolationsomeone who doubts the moon landing may also believe the FBI killed Martin Luther King Jr., for exampleand that theories can even influence people who don't believe them. First HourFull Podcast Access Extra Shows Full Forum Access Episode Or are those responses just part of the cover-up? placed = true; I think Crrow777 has been pretty upfront about the tech he is using and he just got a really fancy new telescope that's supposed to be pretty bad ass. } points[i].circle.draw(); As he and his co-authors point out in their article, "The spread of conspiracy theories about the alleged risks from vaccinations has been linked to reduced vaccination rates.". function shiftPoint(p) { canvas.height = height; He's been "stunned at the level of malice. Health Playlist Free. Tertium non datur a third person is impossible! FORTUNE DE ST GERMAIN. Become a paid member for access to full shows, members only forum, and episode commenting. for(var i in p.closest) { Posts . Reply shadowofashadow . Or how high frequency trading is dominating the worldwide markets?www.crrow777radio.comSearch for Crrow777 on YouTube, the in The Luna Wave.Produced by Just Finish It!Would you like to be on the show or you have a suggestion on who you would like Herschel36 to interview please get in contact with the show directly on:david@just-finish-it.comskype justfinishit1Links:https//:www.justfinishitrecords.co.ukJust Finish It Facebook Sub and Likehttps//:www.herschel36.co.uk Herschel36 Facebook Sub and Likehttps//:www.davidpatrickcarter.comBuy a 2 bed flat in London2 Bed Flat in London For SaleBuy Kangen Water get in touch for a demo info@justfinishitrecords.co.uk $8.00 per Month. I was invited onto Crrow777 for a two-hour interview. The future is bleak for our children they will have no freedom of choice. Listen to the first hour of the latest episode or browse through our previous free podcasts episodes. Your membership supports 100% free speech. Ben Balderson Playlist Free. // animation Im only 17 minutes in and its already at the point of phenomenal. if(getDistance(p1, p2) < getDistance(p1, closest[k])) { } } var _this = this; "There is no spacecraft out there. Jason Lindgren. Thank You so, so much for putting this content out thereTo suffer without context is unbearable! Fertilization is Ones beginning or true Godly origin. Would you like to know when and how you are going to die? window.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove); function scrollCheck() { points[i].active = 0.3; } Remeber that real life is like you would have a gigantic screen all around you, it's way easier to see small things, especially if they are moving. Hopefully he can . var width, height, largeHeader, canvas, ctx, points, target, animateHeader = true; The most thought-provoking thing Ive heard in a long while. I love the smell of Chem Trails in the morning. (His channel, which also features videos about last year's Rosetta comet landing and UFOs crossing the moon's surface, has more than 4.8 million total views and 43,000 subscribers.) You've put in work and it shows through the way you . 2. Scarakus 7.54K subscribers Subscribe 10K views 7 years ago Better than Crrow777's, at least it don't cost you .003 cents to see! TweenLite.to(p, 1+1*Math.random(), {x:p.originX-50+Math.random()*100, Crrow777 - Crrow's Lunar Wave "PROOF" Debunked 339 views Feb 19, 2017 We check out Crrow777's claim of "proof" that the lunar wave is real based on the fact that according to Crrow, the lunar. } As Crows popularity grew on YT so did censorship and limitations with regard to producing anything resembling free speech or uncensored video. That's really all there is to it," he says of NASA's photograph. Wayne McRoy Playlist Free. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Natural Farming Permaculture. width = window.innerWidth; Crrow777 isn't the only one calling it baloney. And yet there are still large portions of so-called society that are still . }}); Permalink Snap Judgment (Storytelling, with a BEAT) mixes real stories with killer beats to produce cinematic, dramatic, kick-ass radio. Download. return Math.pow(p1.x - p2.x, 2) + Math.pow(p1.y - p2.y, 2); // Util They know that individually each of these, We have lost track of the cycles called ages, but there are those in this world who have not. points.push(p); @crrow777 This should prove interesting and timely w/regard to jab injury/death. Welcome to Crrow777. He hosts his own website and a YouTube Channel with hundreds of videos featuring both his podcasts and astrophotography work. Feels a little alien out there when you start opening your eyes. function mouseMove(e) { for(var k = 0; k < 5; k++) { The only reason the public isn't freaking out about the evidence, he says, is that the government has not announced it yet. points[i].circle.active = 0.3; As Crows popularity grew on YT so did censorship and limitations with regard to producing anything resembling free speech or uncensored video. And, Imagine a world where talented musicians make music for the benefit of those who love music. Longtime skywatcher, Crrow777, joins THC to discuss his insights gained from keeping his eyes to the sky. I hope I have clarified this point. Crrow777 says he has become a target, and for that reason he asked Newsweek to not print his real name. })(); Those are geometric, manufactured things left by somebody in an amazingly well-preserved state.". Natural Farming Permaculture. $88.00 every 12 Months. } Crrow777, the man who captured the first "lunar wave" has had his Youtube channel terminated for no reason. Old tricks are being combined and invoked by mainstream media. window.addEventListener('resize', resize); Your membership supports 100% free speech. Ive found this episode one of the most stimulating Ive heard; and I know what you all have covered so far. video (1 episode, 2013) See also Release Dates | Official Sites | Company Credits | Filming & Production | Technical Specs Add episode Crrow777 (TV Series) But before people can consider those questions, Shaw says, they must rethink even basic teachings, such as whether the Earth is round and in rotation. That trickery is nothing new, they charge; it goes all the way back to the first moon landing. Just awesome!. Membership includes access to our forum and episode comments, where you can join Crow and the community with discussion. I dont know what Id do without SANE conversations like this one!! // assign a circle to each point Law Playlist Free. About - Crrow777 Radio About Crow This podcast is the result of worldwide reaction to the now famous Lunar Wave footage (first filmed September 26th, 2012) as well as the now massive collection of astounding HD clips shot from 2012 to present and uploaded to YT on the Crrow777 channel. Monday, January 28, 2019. Jason Lindgren. Unfortunately, that is not this world. "This is a constructed image. if(! height = window.innerHeight; ctx.beginPath(); } Remember in 2013 Congress passed legislation allowing the federal government to fund and create propaganda they knew could be used to manipulate Americans on American soil. Yo . } . initAnimation(); var c = new Circle(points[i], 2+Math.random()*2, 'rgba(255,255,255,0.3)'); His podcast covers both his incredible range of astrophotography and fascinating but often difficult to describe anomalous events as well as a wide range of intriguing and often controversial topics from social engineering, tracking the disturbing trends of invasive and pervasive use of technology as a means of mass surveillance and control, modern and historic views of health, wellness and our understanding of the natural world and everything in between. } var p = {x: px, originX: px, y: py, originY: py }; A Lager That Actually Tastes Good, Thanks to Science. It finally reached the dwarf planet last month and beamed photos back to Earth from billions of miles away. function initHeader() { The releasing of this footage catapulted Crrow777 to becoming known all over the world, first for the Lunar Wave, and then the numerous other amazing pieces of objects and astronomical footage that he caught during his four years of continuous filming through his telescopes. var p2 = points[j] Crrow777, the man who captured the first "lunar wave" has had his Youtube channel terminated for no reason. Become a Member. Less on our plates the more palatable the politicians. 1st of all, I didn't name the video, I just uploaded it because I find the anomaly interesting. Stunning, that is, if the scientists are telling the truth. 7,431 Followers, 0 Following, 504 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Crow (@crrow777) For nine long years, scientists at NASA, Johns Hopkins University and the Southwest Research Institute waited for their piano-sized New Horizons space probe to pass by Pluto. We check out Crrow777's claim of \"proof\" that the lunar wave is real based on the fact that according to Crrow, the lunar wave cannot be seen outside the disc of the Moon.AN IMPORTANT CLARIFICATION about this video.Some people have misunderstood the point I am making in this video. As Crows popularity grew on YT so did censorship and limitations with regard to producing anything resembling free speech or uncensored video. // Event handling Anyone who hides their real name is to be . (function() { For more information, please see our Hello fellow crrow777 friends. posy = e.pageY; Thought this was a good place to make a first attempt. Dismiss. Initial close-up images of Pluto came to Earth days before the flyby, prompting a San Diego man, who goes by Crrow777 on YouTube, to post a video about why he thought the images were fake. if(!_this.active) return; He points to a 1960 document, known as the Brookings Report, that NASA commissioned. } Listen to Crrow777 Radio Free Podcast with forty-eight episodes, free! points[i].active = 0; } Stephan Lewandowsky, a cognitive scientist at England's University of Bristol who published a paper about "conspiracist ideation" in Psychological Science, told Salon in 2013 that individuals believe such theories because "it gives people a sense of control" over "randomness."
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