"Have you ever experienced enough pushback that you've stopped the program?". Louras was the son of Rutland's former longtime mayor, also named Chris Louras. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. There was a pursuit, a few hundred yards. Louras was one of only two Republicans who signed onto the bill, which former Republican governor Jim Douglas vetoed. Earlier that morning, police said, Louras fired multiple times into the front entrance of the citys police station before he was spotted about 90 minutes later and exchanged fire with the officers. She can be reached at emansfield@vtdigger.org. She warned of increasing costs for city schools. "They come with goals and dreams, and we're here to give them the tools. Letter to the editor: Lots of help to pay for heat pumps, Letter to the editor: Response to trash-talking trash talk, Letter to the editor: Overdue due process in Wallingford, Letter to the editor: School building maintenance mismanaged, Don Keelan: Its time to have Efficiency Vermont stand alone, John McClaughry: Pay attention to corporate climate profiteering, Vermont Democratic Party files complaint against True North Radio, alleging failure to disclose lobbying activity, Senate votes to authorize sale of Caledonia County airport, Final Reading: Taylor Small speaks out against the silencing of Zooey Zephyr, a friend and fellow transgender lawmaker, With reproductive shield bills, Vermont lawmakers seek to be a beacon of hope for transgender patients, State programs help towns express their character through public art, David Moats: Six years later, remember the lessons of the Womens March, Final Reading: Senate panel rejects proposal to change the color of snowplow lights, Vermont Senate gives preliminary approval to its $8.5 billion budget plan, Final Reading: Senate passes overdose prevention bill but other legislation lags, Rutland cousins both died of gunshot wounds to the head, records say. In August, the Rutland Chapter of the NAACP awarded Louras its "Courage in Action Award" for his efforts on behalf of Syrian refugees. "I discount that totally," said Allaire. ", Although Louras said the planning "maybe could have been handled a little better," he insisted that if he could do it all over again, he wouldn't change anything. homes for sale That's where Louras excels, airbrush in hand. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Louras was struck, got injured, and was pronounced dead after being brought by ambulance to Rutland Regional Medical Center. death is still under investigation in Addison County, Donovan said. anti-anything. Although he didn't speak that Wednesday night in May, Louras had already made his argument at other meetings and in the media: Bringing the refugees to Rutland would be a humanitarian act that also served the city's self-interest. He keeps a model of the chopper in his city hall office along with a crushing amount of paper piled on the desk, floor and coffee table and couch. Louras said he was trying to stick up for local agriculture. Attorney General T.J. Donovan, who added that he does not consider the way Local obituaries for Rutland, Vermont 219 Obituaries Friday, April 28, 2023 Add Photos Add a Memory Barbara A Cagney Barbara A. Cagney Barbara A. Cagney, 85, of Rutland died Wednesday. People are highly motivated. After getting stuck on railroad tracks, the driver gets out and can be seen shooting at officers, who return fire. Were not like the Kool-Aid drinkers in Burlington, he said. So besides the three refugee families that moved to Rutland, Louras is probably the one whos seen his life change the most because of how resettlement played out in this city. And I know everything is right in their world., He added, However, I can't look at anything broader for this community because of the tragedy for our country. Jack Thurston. WCAX News spoke with a witness who watched it all go down. Two Buildings That Straddle the Canadian Border Bedevil Tenants and a Health Inspector, 7. Despina Louras Obituary (2013) - Rutland, VT - Rutland Herald The United States has agreed to take in 85,000, including 10,000 Syrians, though the country has fallen behind on its schedule to fulfill that pledge. "He's a highly active, sometimes hyperactive guy who cares deeply, deeply for the Rutland community. "Ten years in office has tempered my style a little, and it hasn't tempered Chris," said Lauzon, adding that he would have handled the refugee situation differently. At foreclosure auctions, some four-bedroom homes have sold for less than $20,000. Other communities, large and small, rely on professional managers, hired and overseen by elected boards, to run city hall. Let's keep Rutland moving forward and build on the progress that we have made. Incumbents are hard to beat in Vermont. Champlain St. Ste. Bets are in. Shooting Victim Found on Downtown Burlington Sidewalk, 3. They engaged in secrecy for one simple reason they feared that involving the public sooner would derail the effort. The former mayors late son is also suspected of killing his Burlington, VT 05401, Al Gobeille, Top Exec at UVM Health Network, to Resign, Two Buildings That Straddle the Canadian Border Bedevil Tenants and a Health Inspector, Man Fatally Shot by Rutland Cop in a McDonald's Was Holding a Cellphone, Troopers Shoot Man Holding a Shotgun in Bristol, State Police Say, Victim in Salisbury Killing Is Cousin of Man Shot by Police in Rutland, 'Rutland' Filmmaker Viktor Witkowski Examines Syrian Refugee Debate, Former Rutland Mayor Describes Election Loss in VICE Interview, Rutland Mayor Says He Was 'Whooped' by Refugee Backlash, In Referendum on Refugees, Rutland Mayor Loses Reelection Bid, After Fighting for Refugees, Louras Battles to Remain Rutland's Mayor. Trudeau said he wouldnt say why investigators believe the Rutland shooting is connected to the Salisbury homicide. They'd say their greatest problem is finding enough workers," Huebner said. For information about our guidelines, and access to the letter form, please Refugees are needy folks, said former Rutland City Treasurer Wendy Wilton. Thanks for reading. I'm just doing my thing, Louras said. With so many employers promising jobs, Rutland became Merdzanovic's top choice. 2023 Four officers fired on Louras in the shootout in which he also shot at the officers, according to police. 'For the Love of Rutland' Documents Public and Private Sides of the However, Donovan wouldnt discuss that while the murder investigation is still underway in Addison County. The Vermont State Police learned that a mans body was discovered off of Vermont Route 53, also known as Lake Dunmore Road, in Salisbury. There were no injuries to police or other civilians. But he also believed the mayor made a crucial mistake in not informing all the members of the board of aldermen ahead of time. She was born in Rutland October 31, 1921, the daughter of Nicholas and Amalia (Alex The city's population has steadily declined since 1970, and the U.S. Census Bureau forecasts that it will sink further, from 16,500 today to 14,800 in 2030. But the 58-year-old said the pushback he got on refugees was different, fueled in part by the anti-immigrant rhetoric of the 2016 presidential campaign. Last year, the city paid $975,000 to settle claims from a former African American Rutland police officer who said he was a victim of racial bias from fellow officers. Vermont State Police say Louras drove by the police station around 5:30 a.m. and fired . A graveside service will be held in the spring of 2017 in Evergreen Cemetery.Donations in Mr. Louras memory may be made to the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, 8 Cottage St., Rutland VT 05701.Arrangements are by the Clifford Funeral Home. Louras and four officers three from the city police, one from the Rutland Town force exchanged numerous shots. Drugs are believed to be a factor in the Louras cousins' deaths, but the AG wouldn't discuss t. There will be no criminal charges filed against four Vermont police officers who shot and killed the son of Rutlands former mayor back in October, after he led them on a chase and opened fire on the officers first.GET THE LATEST: Download the MyNBC5 appFootage from a police cruisers dashboard camera, obtained Tuesday, shows a chase through a popular shopping areas parking lot in downtown Rutland on Oct. 8.After getting stuck on railroad tracks, the driver gets out and can be seen shooting at officers, who return fire.NBC5 chose not to broadcast or publish the moment 33-year-old Christopher Louras is struck by police bullets.Louras was the son of Rutlands former longtime mayor, also named Chris Louras. Online comments may return when we have better tech tools for managing them. Three years after placing himself in the center of Rutland's refugee resettlement debate and losing his mayoral seat, Christopher Louras only regrets the refugee families who never came. All Rights Reserved.Funeral Home Website by Batesville | Funeral Planning and Grief Resources. Seizing the Moment FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation Scoopers at Ben & Jerry's in Burlington Seek to Unionize. All the while, the man responsible for the controversy stood silently in the back of the room, his wife and young son by his side for moral support. Officers won't be charged in shooting of former Rutland mayor's son - WPTZ each comment to let us know of abusive posts. This year, there will be an estimated 60 million refugees and displaced people worldwide. Critics worried about how the city would pay for a large influx of new residents. passed away on April 19, 2023. Emails from a public records request show Louras and Merdzanovic considered announcing it but nixed the idea. Vermont State Police on Tuesday confirmed that Christopher Louras was responsible for the murder of his cousin, Nicholas Louras. RUTLAND, Vt (NEWS10) Police officers in Rutland, Vermont shot and killed a man they say fired shots at the Rutland City Police Department building Tuesday morning then drove off. ", "I would have preferred more advance notice. Peter Shumlin was among the first to declare that his state would welcome the Syrians. Need more info? Like his predecessors dating back to the 1970s, Louras has focused on Rutland's economy, which started declining when local industries mills, quarries and a railroad shut down. bravery before anyone else was hurt. With Bernie Looking On, Ben & Jerry's Scoopers Announce Progress in Union Talks, 1. life or someone elses. The younger Louras, Vermonts attorney general said, was in a mental health crisis when he shot seven times at officers, as well as at the entrance of the Rutland City Police Department.After the brief chase, the officers drew their own guns, striking Louras nine times, with a fatal wound to the head, according to prosecutors who discussed their probe of the case during a news conference Tuesday in Rutland.We consider this matter now closed, announced Vermont Attorney General T.J. Donovan, who added that he does not consider the way Louras died to be the way the totality of his life should be judged.Donovan and Rutland County States Attorney Rose Kennedy both said they wont charge the four officers who returned fire. Louras' rifle was found with a total of 15 cartridges remaining in a 30-cartridge capacity magazine, and on the front seat of his vehicle investigators found two 30-cartridge capacity magazines,. At 91, he still goes to work every day at Sam Frank Distributors in downtown Rutland. Im looking into how aging in Vermont impacts living essentials such as jobs, health care and housing. Louras' right forearm sports a red cross with a blood drop the result of a promise he made in 2013 to get a tattoo if Rutland broke the national record for one-day donations to a Red Cross blood drive. Make a one-time, tax-deductible donation to our spring campaign by May 12. The former mayors late son is also suspected of killing his own cousin, Nicholas Louras, before that shootout with police. Everyone in the room knew who he was. "Not a lot I can learn from that guy!" Obituary | Nicholas N. Louras | CLIFFORD FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATION SERVICE Merdzanovic was evasive when asked at the meeting if a "no" vote would prompt her organization to look elsewhere. Police say some aspects of the case, including the precise timeline of events, remain under investigation. When he first left city hall, Louras worked briefly as a union representative, then for his family business, a tobacco and candy wholesaler in Rutland that the family recently sold after 75 years. After the brief chase, the officers drew their own guns, striking Louras nine times, with a fatal wound to the head, according to prosecutors who discussed their probe of the case during a news conference Tuesday in Rutland. Three are from Rutland City, one was from Rutland Town. He lost a reelection bid in a four-way Town Meeting Day race in March 2017 to David Allaire. He got out with a rifle and officers from Rutland City and Rutland Town in downtown Rutland fired their weapons at him. Get him worked up, and his voice rises. With Bernie Looking On, Ben & Jerry's Scoopers Announce Progress in Union Talks. Victim in Salisbury Killing Is Cousin of Man Shot by Police in Rutland Copyright 2015 - 23 CLIFFORD FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATION SERVICE. 5, "Rutland has been addressing our issues, and, having turned our community around, this is the next logical step to embrace New Americans and enjoy the economic and cultural benefits that level of diversity will provide," Louras said in an earlier interview. It is unclear if a public vote will happen, or, if it does, whether anyone in power will care about its result. These days, however, politics are notably absent from his private sector job managing a local distribution business. We'd love to hear eyewitness . Agenda 21, as defined by the United Nations, is a strategy for sustainable development. In the possible homicide in Salisbury case, the body of a man was discovered early Tuesday afternoon off Route 53, also known as Lake Dunmore Road. I got smoked, Louras admitted the day after the election. Louras emitted a high-pitched laugh as he watched, shaking his head. Commissioners refused; Bossi resigned in 2012. NBC5 chose not to broadcast or publish the moment 33-year-old Christopher Louras is struck by police bullets. Police later located the white Ford Focus around 7 a.m. near the Walmart in the downtown shopping plaza. "We feel really confident in being able to get folks placed on the ground down there," Vermont Department of Labor Commissioner Annie Noonan said. It serves him well many times and gets in his way many times, and I think he knows it. The city had become a defacto property manager, picking up the garbage and mowing lawns. "Ask any employer in town. We cover state elections, the Vermont Legislature, the governors office, state agencies and major political parties. Police had always suspected that Christopher Louras killed his cousin. My concern is: What's the plan?" "I think that was a fearless approach, and color Thom Lauzon a coward, but I would not have taken that approach," Lauzon said. Other communities, large and small,. Nick was a 1945 graduate of Rutland High School. Following high school, he served in the US Air Force in the Korean War as an Airplane Mechanic. improving the quality of life and addressing drug concerns in Rutland for years With the crisis in war-torn Syria, which has prompted millions of displaced people to flee to Europe, the VRRP is upping that number to 400. "It does not paint a pretty picture," Louras said. A Rutland Welcomes Facebook page has 1,000 members. Nick Louras, 34, of Rutland, was found dead of gunshot wounds off Route 53 in Salisbury last October. VTDigger publishes stories about Vermont environmental issues, including water quality, toxic waste, climate change and biodiversity. It's a moving message, but Louras didn't think it would play well with the public. Keep it Clean. Rochester Grocery Store to Close, Leaving Residents in the Lurch, 6. 2023, Hearst Television Inc. on behalf of WPTZ-TV. Be Proactive. High 57F. Partly cloudy skies this evening will give way to cloudy skies and rain overnight. You have permission to edit this article. Investigators: Man killed cousin before deadly shootout with police Don't just lay it on everybody and say, 'I know better, and that's it.'". Donovan and Kennedy said the officers actions were legally After a one-time payment of $925, plus minimal language, housing and employment assistance, more than 80 percent of refugees meet the federal definition of "self-sufficient" within a year of arriving in Vermont. Life is fragile, and we need to hold our loved ones tight, Allaire said at Tuesdays news conference. All content Vermont State Police say Louras drove by the police station around 5:30 a.m. and fired several shots into the front entrance and drove away. Vermont Public's News CoverageGovernment & Politics | The Vermont Economy | Criminal Justice & Public Safety | Arts & Culture | Education | Health | Energy & Environment | Food & Agriculture | Series & Specials, Investigations | Brave Little State | Vermont Edition | New England News Collaborative (NENC) | VPR Archive, PublishedSeptember 22, 2019 at 9:06 PM EDT. All rights reserved, Flood Warnings and Watches in Parts of New England, Man Fatally Shot After Firing at Vt. Police Station Is Ex-Mayor's Son, Vt. State Police Continue Probe Into Officer-Involved Shooting, Homicide, Man Arrested After $3M Worth of Drugs Shipped to Maine Restaurant, Tens of Thousands of New Englanders Wake Up Monday to No Power, Aerosmith Announces Farewell Tour Starting in September, Historic Season Comes to an End as Bruins Lose in Overtime of Game 7, Mild Start to the Work Week as Rain Showers Begin to Move Out. Police say the younger Louras is suspected of shooting twice into the Rutland City police headquarters. Now Louras is a general manager for Foley Distributing. I see the positive any time I walk past Hussam and Hazars house, anytime I see [their son] Mohammad and his sister Layan. VTDigger publishes a wide range of stories about Vermonts educational system from early childhood education issues to public and private K-12 schools to higher education. Use the 'Report' link on He lets himself dream of Syrians opening falafel shops and young people moving back to be part of the newfound diversity. If we dont get a say in this, this will be used in March.. Chris Louras inside the Speak Easy Cafe in Rutland, Vt. Corey Hendrickson for the Boston Globe Kilcullen steeled himself, then read it, with rising gratitude and not a little amazement. There will be no criminal charges filed against four Vermont police officers who shot and killed the son of Rutlands former mayor back in October, after he led them on a chase and opened fire on the officers first.
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