BATON ROUGE, LA (WAFB) - The Louisiana Property Assistance Agency will resume monthly state surplus property auctions on Saturday, January 13. Government? The department is seeking to sell the old generators (appraised at $2,200 and $1,200) through sealed bids under R.S. How can a hospital service district transfer surplus wheel chairs to a public library? How should the Department proceed to sell these items? If the parish purchased a generator from the state, when the parish wants to sell it, do they have to follow the surplus property laws. Remember that registration must be done for each auction. Fire District has several old aluminum air tanks (the tanks the firemen carry on their backs to breathe when they go into fires). Fire Department recently requested the City Council to surplus a fire rescue vehicle in the amount of $5,000.00. I know there is a procedure for disposition of surplus of property (of value). Now the District would like to use a broker to sell the plane since they only had the one bidder. Merchandise auctioned off includes office equipment, medical equipment, office furniture, boating equipment, vehicles, and much more. Can they do it? Town has many outdated computers and printers. III. They attempted to obtain appraisals on the equipment, but due to how old it is were told it had no value. USA, St. John the Baptist Parish Library Surplus Auction, Terrebonne Parish Fire District #10 Surplus Auction, Federal Government Auction: 1983 THOMPSON GRINDER SURFACE, Federal Government Auction: 1974 KEARNEY & TRECKER MILL, Federal Government Auction: 2022 GULF STREAM 248BH AMERI-LITE TRAVEL TRAILER248BH Ameri-Lite ; Size: 8X30 ; Axle, Federal Government Auction: 2017 SOUTHERN ENERGY HOME44FEM14522AH18 MANUFACTURED HOUSING44FEM14522AH18 ; Size: 1, Federal Government Auction: COLLAPSING MAINTENANCE PLATFORM, Federal Government Auction: J2X ROCKET ENGINE SMALL MATERIAL ITEMS/TOOLING FIXTURES, Federal Government Auction: 1985 MAKINO LATHE, Federal Government Auction: SLS TOOLING FOR GREEN RUN, Federal Government Auction: 2018 SOUTHERN ENERGY HOME44FEM14522AH18 MANUFACTURED HOUSING44FEM14522AH18 ; Size: 1. The Parish served as a passthrough for a Federal Grant Program for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that provided loans to encourage rural business development. What can they do? A public entity, which is a political subdivision of the state, would like to sell surplus vehicles to another public entity. The truck was placed for sale online over a year ago, pursuant to R.S. May a parish drainage district trade-in an old piece of equipment towards the purchase of a new one under state contract? Where can I find additional information concerning the various methods for the disposal of surplus movable public property? This information includes internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and clickstream data. One bidder faxed her bid to the library. Welcome to the official online auction site for the disposal of surplus equipment, materials, supplies and confiscated assets not usable by City departments. Search Results for in Louisiana; Louisiana State Surplus, LA Return to Classic Search 1 2 3 4 5 >> Last Items 1 through 25 of 123 Show items per page Home DESCRIPTION LOCATION AUCTION CLOSE CURRENT BID SHORTCUTS 1 Lot of Camper Trailers (Quantity 200 - various makes/models) Make/Brand: VARIOUS Model: Various ID: Batch XC and XD Baker, LA All auctions take place online and are available to bid 24 hours a . For example, after a vehicle is declared surplus, Parish President may have tires fixed/replaced before auction to get a higher bid. Can the district sell the equipment via an internet auction? Two public entities want to exchange a piece of property worth approximately $400. You must pay for your purchases on auction day. After the auction was closed, the parish was contacted by a bidder who now is willing to pay $55,000 for the excavator. This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on the website. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. Auction rules may vary across sellers. May a sheriff's law enforcement district sell surplus immovable property and what is the procedure? will not sell or rent any your personally identifiable information to any third parties and will not share any of your personally identifiable information with third parties except in the limited circumstances described below, or with your express permission. BATON ROUGE, LA (WAFB) - The Louisiana Property Assistance Agency will resume monthly state surplus property auctions on Saturday, January 13. They will get more from this sale then they would trading it in. Is the purchase of a building by a political subdivision subject to the Public Bid Law? Private property subject to a $7,000 lien by the city for construction of a paving lane was sold from the private owner to another private owner in 2010. Is Law Enforcement District required to have an official journal? The city owns a 12 year old K9 which needs to be retired. How does the parish address disposal of a surplus vehicle? Payment can be made either by cash, check (with a line of credit for the auction date), VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. Is that permissible? What are the methods for the disposal of surplus property for the District? No bid met the FMV. Don t just take our word for it. You must have a valid picture ID to be able to register and bid. Brown's Auction & Realty Company. Pay for Your Purchase We outline the payment process. Login for Full Access Back FAQ/Help START MY FREE TRIAL Member Login Auctions in Louisiana Find All Types of Government Auctions in your Area The US will not block the court-ordered sale of shares of Citgo Petroleum Corp. 's parent company, PDV Holding, to pay off creditors who have sought payment from the Venezuelan . May the 911 communication district donate a surplus vehicle to the Sheriff under the above circumstances without violating Article VII, 14 or the Code of Government Ethics. The Fire Department has an old surplus truck, which was appraised for approximately $2,000. Click here for more details, including pictures of the items up for auction. Can they do this? View Catalog. Great Neck, NY 11021 However, the broker has been unable to sell the surplus vehicle. For over forty years, we have conducted auctions for various municipalities such as the Cities of Slidell, New Orleans, Kenner, Covington & Mandeville, as well as St. Tammany Parish Government, St. Tammany Parish Sheriffs Office, East Jefferson Levee District,Orleans Levee Board, GNO Expressway Commision, Jefferson Parish and many others. The Parish, as the pass through for the grant, was the mortgage holder of the grantees property that was used as collateral for a loan under the grant program. Keys for viewing auction vehicles are not issued after 4 p.m. We are unable to process payments after 4:30 p.m. New to state surplus auctions? Items 1 through 3 of 3 . A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a users computer for record-keeping purposes. An improper purchase of purses was made with public funds (responsible parties have been punished). %PDF-1.6 % Question #2) The police officer would like to buy the vest. and use the money to buy new/updated classroom equipment of the same type as replacements. Jul 12, 2017 - 3:00 pm. This would save the city the cost of demolition. GovDeals' online marketplace provides services to government, educational, and related entities for the sale of surplus assets to the public. The Mayor and council would like to donate the old motors to a neighboring village. In 2013 the police jury declared an emergency and traded this truck in for a new truck (truck was a lemon) Can the leased truck be treated like surplus property? Is there a procedure they need to follow? The "Local Services Law" provides for the purchase of surplus materials and supplies by one public entity from another without the requirement of a public auction. If you wish to contact regarding any matter, please use any of the following methods:, A Division of Cyweb Holdings, Inc. These two bids are the only bids that the entity received and therefore, both are the "lowest bidders". Referencing R.S. The fire department purchased new generators for its stations and its board has declared by resolution the old generators as surplus. Watch this video about GSA Auctions For Citizens Seeking Surplus Property Watch on Sk]OXA@ a Images of Items Sold Inside . We have conducted the surplus auctions from 2011 to 2019 for Jefferson Parish consisting of surplus vehicles, equipment, transit buses and more, generating an average of $502,067 in gross proceeds per auction. Buyers looking for bargains lined up Saturday for the monthly auction of state surplus items at the Division of Administration's Louisiana Property . View all . In the past, they have found little success auctioning old computers and they end up having to junk them after going through the extra expense of erasing the hard drive and memory of the devices. For questions concerning the following properties, please call 225.342.5459. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available on our homepage and at every point on our website where personally identifiable information may be requested. Car Auctions - Search for Surplus & Seized Autos - Click Your State OR Enter Zip Code Above, Find Seized And Surplus Vehicles in Your Area, Credit Card required, no charge during trial. What are the steps to sell surplus property? A levee district has some equipment it is getting ready to surplus. All rights reserved. They are so old that they can no longer be tested/be in service. Does the Public Bid Law apply to the purchase of used equipment purchased from another fire department? 1212 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[1188 38]/Info 1187 0 R/Length 114/Prev 425517/Root 1189 0 R/Size 1226/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream A winning bidder must deposit 10% of the winning bid amount with the Real Estate and Records Division (Room 5W06) within one (1) hour of the completion of the auction. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. It is currently running at 40% capacity and is quickly deteriorating. Q.2. Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development Home DOTD A-Z ALL A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U W Acronyms Sections Surplus Property Auctions State of Louisiana Surplus Property auctions SECOND You must pay for your purchases on auction day. #3255724 - 2008 SCHOOL BUS. Can the charter school do this? The District attempted to sell the surplus ambulance via public auction for $2,500 but received no bids. Saturday, December 14, 2019 @ 8:00 a.m. Central Time . Your privacy is important to us. Municibid is a great resource to find awesome deals on government surplus. If so, can you please direct me to the statue that would mandate that? It is no longer useable and they would like to junk it. Before bidding, please review LPAA's Terms and Conditions. Can a political subdivision trade in a surplus vehicle as part of the purchase process for the new vehicle? What advertisement is required prior to the bid opening? Specifically, we use third-party log analytics software called Urchin that uses log files to track this non-personally identifiable information about visitors. I have a parish library that's going to do some major renovations and wants to make sure that they are in compliance with state statutes relative to disposing of some assets. Can you tell me if I am missing any steps? Surplus Property Auctions are open to the general public. The warehouse, retail store and vehicle lot are open 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m, Mondays through Fridays. 33:4711.1 with a reserve of $55,000 (the appraised Fair Market Value (FMV) of the equipment).
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