PROPER WATER CHEMISTRY BALANCE REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES. If youre looking for dramatic watercolor, try Blue Harbor or Deep Blue Harbor. Images & color samples are featured for inspiration & to show a range of design ideas for your NPT pool finish. The 10 Year Limited Lifetime Warranty is given to every homeowner that uses StoneScapes in his/her pool. 2023 Pool Corporation, All Rights Reserved. Do we add liquid chlorine immediately? Any new postings here are unlikely to be seen or responded to by other members. Chemicals: Water, Muriatic Acid, Sodium Bicarbonate, Calcium Hardness Increaser, Sequestering Agents, Chlorine Products, and Stabilizer. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Then they'll measure the calcium from the tap (for hardness). They are augmented with white Portland cement and quartz aggregates. Different vendors have different costs but I'm pretty sure pebbletec charges more for their product but not sure if its really superior. Approved Applicators have taken courses that certify them to give out the Lifetime Limited Warranty. These are the original colors NPT created when the QuartzScapes was first released that remain favorites today: Anvil, Blue, Bonsai , Cappuccino, French Gray, Ivory, Mariner Blue, Midnight Blue, Sky Blue, Super Blue, Tahoe Blue and Tropical Blue. 2 years ago. The result is a spectacular and long-lasting pool finish. Is this smart? Clean the filter every 3 or 4 days to keep the plaster dust cleared. However, the issue here is that without a pool finish, the water would mix with the dirt and become dirty, and eventually all of it would seep into the ground. Pool plaster will immediately start hydrating when mixed, and 86% of the cement in the plaster will cure within the first 28 days. I have been brushing mine for almost a month now and it is quite a bit more uniform that it was initially. I have the tropics blue and it looks just like the pictures dogpaddle posted. The pool company we used had a sample of aqua white from NPT in their showroom (see photo 1), we chose the color based on this sample. I think the biggest deciding factors for homeowners are the cost and aesthetics. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to (before glare)(4) See the color you think you like at different times of day. Sorry about our pictures, they aren't perfect for comparison, but I hope they can give you an idea of what a darker finish looks like. I will go over their differences and similarities to help you understand which brand youd rather go with. Dont shock the pool for the first 30 days. Make sure the filtration equipment is operational. These procedures are sound technical practices in the industry and are advisory and non-binding. Houzz nutzt Cookies und hnliche Technologien, um Ihre Benutzererfahrung zu personalisieren, Ihnen relevante Inhalte bereitzustellen und die Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu verbessern. (5) It must be easier to hide finish mistakes in a lighter pebble. of CaCl^2 should be pre-diluted and added in 10lb increments morning and afternoon.). This isn't our pool, just a pic of a model home with that color. This highly durable, stain resistant, long lasting product should last you 15 to 20 years with good chemistry. A good looking pool finish drastically affects the whole aesthetic of the pool, especially in relation to its surroundings. This can typically be accomplished between day 4 and day 10. You will love this beautiful Caribbean color. Test pH, Alkalinity and Calcium Hardness and repeat steps of 1st day except for step 6. Aqua blue is one of the shades that delivers the purest of blues in the list; purest, but also brilliant. Rain, no problem. Tropics . Therefore, you can expect to spend anywhere from $3,000 to $8,000 or even more to install a pebble finish for your swimming pool.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'openwaterhq_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-openwaterhq_com-leader-1-0'); So which option should you choose? StoneScapes pool finishes are more affordable as they cater to more casual homeowners. Because colors vary, there is no guarantee that the actual color will be an exact match to the image shown. It is the applicator that makes all the difference. Home / Resources / Blog / Npt Pool Finishes. We're here to share best practices to ensure the plaster will last for many years. Test pH, Alkalinity and Calcium Hardness and repeat 1st day, Steps 1 through 5. I have stonescapes and am very happy with the finish. That said, PebbleTec is no slouch. Plaster needs to be replaced every 5 years or so. On initial fill the water will look darker and greener. Fall in love with the nature-inspired texture and colors of StoneScapes Mini Pebble, seen here in Aqua Blue. Stonescapes won't talk to me - my contractor says that's what it's supposed to look like. The NPT Pool Finish Collection offers a wide array of colors and textures to make your pool as unique as you are. With the advice/direction of our builder, they provided us instructions for startup. At the end of the day, whichever company offers the pool finish that catches your eye the most, budget willing, is likely the one to do business with you. On the 7th day, if there is any plaster dust remaining remove it using a brush pool vacuum. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. He says that it will bleach the heck out of the pebble? PebbleTec is square, PebbleSheen is triangle, and PebbleFina is oval. Have you given your startup chemicals time? Approved Applicators have taken courses that certify them to give out the Lifetime Limited Warranty. He said to look at the pool water with them on and you should be able to see what type of head is on the screws in the pool drain. Generally, the pool finishes are composed of abalone shells, primarily. When it comes to cost, PebbleTec offers more variety but you are paying a premium, whereas Mini Pebble by StoneScapes is typically more affordable. NOTE ALL TERMS, PROVISIONS, AND CONDITIONS OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY ARE SET FORTH IN THE LIMITED WARRANTY DOCUMENT. A newly plastered pool finish is highly susceptible to footprints or pawprints. Pebble Tec Pros and Cons: Is It Worth It. Wow, that sounds pricy for startup!! PlasterScapes comes in 10 vibrant colors Sky Blue, Deep Sky Blue, Seafoam Green, Deep Seafoam Green, Blue Harbor, Deep Blue Harbor, Turquoise, Deep Turquoise, Stormy Seas, and Deep Stormy Seas. StoneScapes Regular Pebble is the biggest pebble NPT offers and is NPTs original pool finish. the correct color is in the 2nd picture. They said they have had better results and less warranty issues doing this versus when they used Pebble Tek. It may not display this or other websites correctly. most popular stonescapes mini pebble color-evolution golf cart forumevolution golf cart forum PlasterScapes Seafoam Green enhances this condominium community pool with bright green-blue beauty. It is more affordable than QuartzScapes and comes in 10 beautiful colors Cayman Green Splash, Blue Splash, Cayman Green Blue, French Gray, Sandstone, Flagstone, Cayman Green, Blue, Bora Bora Blue, and Caribbean Blue. Check the PH every day because new plaster will tend to drive it up and you'll probably need to add acid almost daily for a while. To be clear, this article will compare one single offering from their StoneScapes line, their Mini Pebble finish, to the finishes offered by PebbleTec. ALL TERMS, PROVISIONS, AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE LIMITED WARRANTY DOCUMENT MUST BE AGREED TO AND SIGNED BY THE POOL OWNER IN ORDER FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTY TO BE VALID. Anyone else heard anything like that? M. MarkAZ 0. A recently built modern home would be more compatible with a PebbleTec finish. Yeah, there's not as much dust with pebble finishes. Also, I think there was a mix-up when my pool got started up, and I didn't get an acid start-up. See how well critics are rating all PC video game releases at - Page 209 The white Portland cement with cobalt highlights and white quartz pebbles do the trick nicely for this one. To maximize the performance and service life of any StoneScapes pool finish make sure to use Lobo NPT Pool Finish Modifier in each batch to achieve the highest compressive strength as well as a more tenacious bond with the substrate as well higher resistance to degradation by chemical imbalance or abuse. One thing to keep in mind is that pebble finishes are much harder than plaster, regardless of which brand or variation you go with. Please consider. Have a look at this marvelous example! I suggest cutting the pump while you brush the sides, then push the dust towards the drain. These materials are strong enough to stay intact for quite a while and resist the tears while also maintaining the smoothness of the pool. Advice please. But a rather ethereal one, courtesy of the blue-grey white pigmented Portland cement with gold and black quartz aggregates. StoneScapes Micro Pebble offers a smooth and uniform look in rich and vibrant colors - White, Summit Blue, Aqua Blue, Moraine, Black, French Gray, Kenai Gray and Lake Tekapo. DO NOT add chlorine for 48 hours. Brush thoroughly twice per day to remove all plaster dust. WE SHOW YOU THE INSTALLATION PROCESS AND REVIEW OF AQUA BLUE MINI PEBBLES BY STONESCAPES. Large paler blue patches next to dark patches. Fill the pool to the middle of the skimmer or specified water level without interruption as rapidly as possible with clean, drinkable water to help prevent a bowl ring. Just brush your pool surface at least once a week and thats about all the maintenance your pool finish needs. ColorScapes Caribbean Blue dazzles in this East Coast backyard. In this article well cover the critical steps to filling the pool with water for the first time, as well as the 28-day startup procedure that follows. JewelScapes Opal Puerto Rico Blend Iridescent consists of clear iridescent glass beads, Puerto Rico blend glass beads, and colored glass beads with colored plaster. StoneScapes Touch of Glass and Puerto Rico Blend are enhancements which can be added to any StoneScapes pool finish to create pops of color, contrast and high-end look. Compared to other brands, it can deliver you quite the resilient material while trying not to rip your pocket off of you completely. To find if your builder is an Approved Applicator, you can request their Approved Applicator Certificate for proof. Are your pebble finishes (especially darker ones) obviously mottled in color? From day 1 it has looked blotchy and dirty. 16,032. QuartzScapes Caribbean Series finishes bring the beauty of the Caribbeans iconic waters to anyones backyard. The addition of colored glass beads add a richness, dimension and shine to ones pool finish. Hello , This is an inactive thread. Whether youre leaning towards the Mini Pebble or a PebbleTec finish, its gonna cost ya. We also were the victim of a shoddy stonescapes job - there were dark splotches all over that did not go away after 2 weeks of brushing. Home / Pool Finishes / Start Up Procedure. 3) Brush entire pool (and spa) surface thoroughly once. Check Latest Price. Whenever I review any sort of premium product, the elephant in the room is always the price. After the first 28 days, you continue to maintain your water balance through testing and adjustments. Always check a sample of the actual product prior to purchase or installation. It would be much easier to answer questions if we could see the finish. I think the color of Dogpaddles Tropics Blue looks great. In addition to the Butech and reading up on sequestrants, I am less concerned about metals as my pool is 20+ years old and has been drained and refilled several times without me having any knowledge of sequestrants. Can you send me a picture of your Tropics Blue Mini Pebble? After that, regular maintenance may include brushing the pool . This is the more difficult part as the longer the acid is in the basin of the pool, the more it etches. Mini Pebble pools are considered by many homeowners as the gold standard when it comes to durability and aesthetics. However when the actual product was applied it turns out the real aqua white is a completely different color then Pool companys sample at the design center. StoneScapes doesn't offer the same level of versatility. On a surface level, yes the pool finish is a big part of your pools aesthetic and a good impression means a lot. The sequestering agent they suggested is suppose to bind the dust as well though according to the distributor of the Stonescape material. Click here to find one near you today! May not be attractive color many times of day. If you are getting a SWG then get the TF-Pro that includes the salt test. It is a beautiful blue color and not dark at all. JewelScapes Opal Puerto Rico Blend consists of clear glass beads, Puerto Rico Blend glass beads, and colored glass beads with colored plaster. The JewelScapes finish offers beauty, strength, durability, etch resistance, and ease of maintenance. To see how it fares up against the Tropics Blue, read our comparison: Tropics Blue vs. Tahoe Blue. They made me sign a form stating I agreed to the pebble, which I did agree based upon the images I saw. Using a standard, nylon (very important) bristled pool brush. I also had a pebble aggregate surface (NPT) this past weekend. This is cheap insurance against metal staining. Quartz Tile Design a refreshing, clean environment with cool hues or create a dramatic look with darker tones. Wear polarized sunglasses. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Pool contractor: Splash Plaster and Pool, Sylmar, CA. Aqua White. What else would you recommend on other equipment ill need? The Midnight Blue PebbleTec might have been darker than you hoped for but there would have been no inconsistencies in the finish.I suggest smacking your pool with a boatload of acid for a wet acidwash and brushing aggressively for days on end. Does yours have any abalone shell specs in it? Their PebbleBrilliance finish is arguably the most aesthetically pleasing due to the use of vibrant glass beads. Available in these stunning colors: Aruba Sky, Barbados Blue, French Gray, Sea Mist, Sky Blue and Tahoe Blue. Always check a sample of the actual product prior to purchase or installation. Stonescape Mini Pebble Level 1, 2, 3 why does it cost more? 2023 Pool Corporation, All Rights Reserved. If you prefer a more budget option then go with StoneScapes.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'openwaterhq_com-leader-1','ezslot_10',138,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-openwaterhq_com-leader-1-0'); Whether youre building a new pool or renovating an existing one, the pool finish will not just affect the pool, but also its surroundings, including your backyard and the house itself. Consider StoneScapes Regular Irish Mist pool finish for your backyard. Food Blog Sure, plasters are cheaper but they arent nearly as smooth and durable. You will get much more visibility by. Click here for more information on QuartzScapes warranties. Sort by: gd2garden. After seeing these photos I think we need to stick with Pebbletech. StoneScapes and PebbleTec are the two leading companies when it comes to aggregate pool finishes. ColorScapes has a 10-year Standard Limited Warranty. PolishedScapes consists of 8 elegant colors Surfside, Sea Glass, Coral Reef, Silver Reef, Cascade, Skipping Rock, Summer Breeze and Breakwater. The Mini Pebble series is a considerably, if not the most, popular branch from the StoneScapes series. Tahoe Blue. How could that be? Tropics Blue Mini Pebble is a combination of dark blue-tinted white Portland cement with quartz pebble aggregates of white, gold, and black colouring. When we first added water and noticed splotchiness we called our pool company, our builder came out right away, looked at the finish and said brushing should do the trick, but if we weren't satisfied with that they would have done a no-drain acid wash. Lucky for us the brushing did the trick. Test pH, Alkalinity and Calcium Hardness and repeat steps of 1st day except for step 6. NPT is not liable for installation issues, deterioration due to water chemistry issues, and improper start up. Their PebbleSheen finish is composed of smaller pebbles that feel more polished and refined. On the 7th day, if there is any plaster dust remaining remove it using a brush pool vacuum. For a bright blue finish with sparkle and pizazz, consider JewelScapes Reflective Iolite seen here. Brush the entire pool surface, from the top of the walls down, starting at the shallow-end and ending at the deep-end. The patches without cream look dirty. Whichever fits your budget and looks the most visually appealing to you will probably be the tiebreaker. Hopefully some good brushing and maybe an acid wash will work for you. If you want a lower cost, go with StoneScapes. I would check dark pebble anyway for contractor rating purposes. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. These charts help you follow the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) method. DO NOT turn on pool heater until there is no plaster dust in the pool. JewelScapes Opal is 100% glass beads that brings together an icy blend of crystal-clear glass beads. Test pH, Alkalinity and Calcium Hardness and repeat 1st day, Steps 1 through 5. Brush the walls and the floor of the finish toward the main drain. They created the original aggregate pool finish. Pentair Intellibrite 5G Problems - My Blog, Pentair GloBrite Problems- Top 10 Issues and Complaints - My Blog. You can use LC. For another example, you could also search for laff66. NPT is not liable for installation issues, deterioration due to water chemistry issues, and improper start up. StoneScapes Mini Pebble is larger than Micro but smaller than Regular. Test pH, Carbonate Alkalinity and Calcium Hardness and repeat 1st day, Steps 1 through 5, for the first 14 days. "A pebble placed in cement is just that, a pebble placed in cement.".
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