IMHO the TCP 738 is much better than the Spectrum. For this reason, I recommend only 1911 style p238 firearm, hammer uncocked but a round in the chamber. Nothing beats the 9mm caliber when it comes to self-defense. Mine has gone through hundreds of rounds from every brand I find, and there's no more than an occasional jam. It was a tough choice initially between the Sig 938 and the Kahr CM9, but the Kahr had a great trigger, no safety to worry about and the 1st shot speed and confidence this DAO provides. I had 6 stovepipes(!!!) What about the SCCY CPX-4? Ruger listened to the criticism, which resulted in the birth of the LCP II. Split rails, cracked frames, cracked grips, broken take down pins etc. A few BIG points about the Sig P238 that should be in most any article about them: The SIG P238 has a single-action trigger that is light, crisp and easy to shoot. 7+1 rounds, all-metal, a decocker, and the look and feel of a Walther PPK, but with a better trigger, and it's priced right. It's gets shot more than occasionally and rides under the truck seat when not in use. I've never regretted my is awesome. Also, it doesn't show up on Sig's website. If it's something that's stuffed in my pocket, I want to make sure firing it is as intentional as possible. Yeah, I like Clones, mainly those made in Turkey because they've been well made in NATO spec facilities. If this gun discharges it's because your purposefully, and with several pounds of force, pulled the trigger!!! I have had this firearm for approx. As a combat vet, I don't want anything without useable sights, which the 911 demonstrably has (excellent night sights) and is accurate (again, the 911 is surprisingly competent at extended ranges). Youre the biggest liability and should resign or be fired immediately for your comment as you are a clear and present danger to the public you are supposed to serve. The sights on the LCP II are built into the top of the slide like its predecessor. I strongly disagree with your top 5 the Bersa Thunder 380 should have right there at the top. As a curious fact and proof of the historical importance of the iconic Walther PP Series, I will say that the exceptional, world-renowned Frank Sinatra, carried a beautiful, beautifully engraved Walther PP pistol that was auctioned off at a fortune. I found that carrying it on your waist with the extended mag was slightly annoying as it is very long. Examples of popular small pocket .380 autos include the original Ruger LCP, Taurus TCP, Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .380, and the Kel-Tec P3-AT to name a few. Copyright 2023 Pew Pew Media, Inc. All rights reserved. But, I always preferred the M14 to the M16 and walnut stocks on my bolt action rifles. anything extra and your I evaluated all of these and bought the Springfield 911. You can wear your bathing suit anywhere and feel pretty safe with your gun not being noticed at all. A Glock model 30 which is a compact 10+1 45ACP. I don't think your experience here is typical for the LCP line and you are probably correct that it was due to being a rental. I've had a Kahr PM9 for years, thrown everything I could at it, and it has never failed to feed, fire, or lock the slide. I wrote a review on the Bersa .380 Firestorm, I like it. I have a Kimber RCP (lg) that I picked up a while back. This is a great gun with excellent sights for both day and night. Personalize your experience. Practice, practice practice. purchase helps support my work in bringing you more awesome gun and gear articles. And that is why you need a gun that can handle a lot of ammo down range. Amen! Finally, while the Bodyguards do come with a safety, they are hard to disengage. What is very important to me is having a laser and being able to shoot juiced up .380 rounds. Don't waste your time with this gun. It's a good fit for my small hands, target shooting is fun, it conceals beautifully and I have confidence with my ability to hit the target with a tight group of rounds. Won't go wrong with the Sig, the Real gun, Besides it last long enough to pass to your grandkids . the plastic won't. Why? Because, over the years, Ive watched a very great number of pistol shooters OUTGUN THEMSELVES by trying to shoot a 40 caliber pistol consistently and well. The new LCP II has a light very crisp awesome trigger for a small .380. Weve got a dedicated section for the AR-15 here. I can say that they are similar, and this is the only gun on this list that is of all-metal construction. Let us know which one you chose and how you like it! Super reliable, very concealable. Haven't tried the new Ruger. I am sure the S&W EZ .380 is a good gun (I have the 9mm version.). Thank's David! I have qualified with it twice and I have full confidence in shot placement. I do not own one, friends do. Because they are so small, they dont weigh a lot. Easily the best .380 weapon out there in terms of cost, reliability, features & looks. While a CZ PCR is my main carry, the PPK/s get the nod when the summer arrives. But it did jam on the cheap stuff as well as Critical Defense .380 which I thought should have worked better. So don't underestimate the power of calibers starting with 3. WHICH is now said to be or is suggested to be outdated, is more of a "sales marketing" issue than a technical one. Owned a S&W Bodyguard 380 for a couple years . While I dont personally own one, Ive fired my fair share and can say that they are reliable and accurate. The advantage of the Browning is the added grip-safety. I get it you are thinking "carry the 9mm", but I like the lighter weight and low recoil of 380. so I need all 6 of 380 on target to make a stop, no problem, we practice constantly and hopefully I can do that, as shot placement is king. I can't jam it. I found that if I cut about an 1/8" off the spring in the magazine, I could make it a 6 +1. Ruger LCP Max 2. It's small size is great in my front pocket and performs great with my colleagues pressure drills. Both run flawlessly. The short lived Sig P250 in .380 is my favorite. I've heard the same thing about it being a bit picky on ammunition, but never experienced it. In order for you to be effective at self-defense, you need to choose a gun that enables you to rapid-fire your shots, and actually hit your intended target. .. so far. I shot a few hundred rounds of the various shelf ammo available so now I can say I'm used to it. You might check on a Ruger-oriented forum, on Ruger's own website, or call Ruger customer service. It is considerably lighter and smoother than the original LCP and other comparable .380 pistols, and it also features the Glock-style bladed safety that must first be depressed in order for the trigger to be pulled. you a link to reset your password. And like many of us, we have/or have had a bunch of weapons..some very nice..and some inexpensive. Of course one must practice with any firearm to learn the particularities of that gun. By contrast, the .38 Special, when shot out of a revolver with the standard 4" barrel, easily gives kinetic energy figures of 280 foot-pounds, and with +P loadings from Corbon (and others) can deliver over 300 foot-pounds of energy. Underwood's use of the Arx +p is significant, and not listed. I even saw lint and crap in there when I went to the range. I own a LCP and it's my EDC. My Bodyguard did have a few issues with Hornady Civil Defense ammo but Federal HST 99 grain JHP has been off the charts in accuracy and reliability. I will say it shoots beautifully and the night sights it came with are excellent. Best of all they are around $200 easy maybe a bit less to the new versions $350 (to find it for 300 you will have to really look around online). Final thought? .380 pocket pistols have a well-deserved reputation for having some of the worst trigger pulls of any semi-automatic pistols on the market. It's reliable, accurate enough and easily concealable no matter what you are wearing which is why I own one. I currently own a S&W Shield, but need something much much smaller to wear on my ankle without moving down to a .22. Nonetheless, the fact that they are difficult to shoot can be a major problem for training and self-defense purposes. I have a slim 9mm Taurus has never failed in any way my main carry. Excellent 380 and shouldve been included in this list. hands down. Have I had problems with Taurus guns? )..I bought the stainless version with that goofy holster in 2010.this thing has always worked for me and I can punch the torso of a full silhouette at 10 yards without too much issue, quickly no works.they sell the all blued version on sale as low as $159.I just like my stainless, grease the rails after a good cleaning (very, very lightly) and 4 drops of oil in critical places, wipe off the excess and bam! I carry an 9mm HK P30SK and my backup gun is a hand-me-down Walther PPK/S (.380). I had been carrying a S&W M&P Shield 9 mm, with the Magguts conversion for 9 + 1 rounds, as my EDC until I picked up the LCP II. Another good one not mentioned in your list: Remington's RM380, which like the Sig is all metal. Have owned (and traded) a Ruger LCP II, not fun to shoot and has tiny, almost useless, sights for my old eyes. The current street price is within the $299 range. I wouldnt trust the preservation of my life to anything less than a CQB pistol caliber of either 9 x 19mm or 45 ACP; and I use the term caliber very loosely OK. Also no safety to snag and good double action pull such that it could never accidentally discharge. IWB in a Multihoster or a Remora (works for pocket, too), it hides very well. (Except for a 10/22). Don't be offended, Joshua, but I don't think a serious overhaul of the best 380 ACP pistols can stop including the Walther PP Series. The barrel length is just 2.75 inches and its capacity is also six in the magazine, one in the chamber. I have the LCP2 and the P238. I NEVER leave home w/o my Ruger on me! Sure. Taurus 738: Price $355.66. But damn if my wife didn't like it also. I believe its foolish and only going to get your ass shot by LE. Slide it on your waist band or pocket and you almost forget it's there, so I carry it all the time. I am not sure why Kimber was excluded from the list of .380's. I have one. NOW that's a 380!!! . The size is perfect. I haven't looked back! My son bought one, I shot it once, sold my LCP and bought the S&W EZ! I have extended mags for both but the LCP 2 is still a lot snappier then the sig making it harder to get back on target. It was very ammo sensitive . Both are very easy to conceal and I never doubted the reliability should I ever need to use either. Even though discontinued, the Taurus TCP 738 is the best of the best. Has tritium night-sights, plus front sight is also fiber optic, they are excellent. No Beretta 84????? I cant win. The 'P' series has a Lothar Walther match barrel - the thing is ridiculously accurate! Beretta Pico: Worst .380 In the World?! just kidding - YouTube No, no, none of the handguns you recommend are a good 380 ACP choice, get yourself a Glock 25, that is like a Glock 19 but chambered in 380 ACP, that gun has almost no recoil and it is concealable but wait a minute, now I remember, you are in the USA so a Glock 25 is a no, no for you. See ya at the range. I saw it looked well made with a laser which I feel is only an extra. SAFEST NEWSLETTER - WE WILL NEVER SELL YOUR EMAIL I just purchased a S&W Bodyguard ($50 manufacturer's rebate through June). Once I found ammo that worked, it ran like a champ. The harder hitting calibers you mention often tend to over penetrate the human body endangering anyone nearby. It also smooths out the trigger and, more importantly, loosens up the slide so it's easy to rack. Going to a range and renting as many .380s as you can is a great way to try them out and see which one is the best for you. 3. as those 380s. The gun now sits high on the shelf in my basement bicycle/workshop. I had trouble finding carry holsters that I considered safe to carry in condition one. The grip shape is comfortable and recoil is no worse than any other .380 pocket pistol. Ruger sells the LCP II with a neoprene pocket holster (which has the Ruger logo on it), and it actually works quite well. "He must work for Taurus or at least a gun shop", you say.nope to both. Have carried a Bersa Thunder for several years now when the weather is too warm for my main carry. Wowno North American Arms Guardian .380? Weather day or night my Sig's sights glow nice and bright. I agree. It's a joke. However, Im having trouble finding a pistol for conceal carry. I would like to comment on a takeaway I have. You might see if the pistol sends cases into the forehead when someone else shoots the gun. Ruger has proven that you dont need to have an arduous and gritty trigger pull on a .380 auto and its likely that more manufacturers will now follow their lead. Mine is the Tribal edition. Both cartridges are most similar when the .38 Special ballistics are compared when coming from a snubnosed revolver with a 2" (or slightly shorter) barrel. First time I shot it the slide cut my thumb. The SIg will fire Plus P with no issues (although, the added pressure will wear out the inner parts much faster). Cheers, The Taurus TCP is the top of the heap for reliability and value far the most relaiable out there and great trigger also. Otherwise, I REALLY like the bodyguard and would feel 95% to 99% comfortable with it. After 100 rounds of CCI FMJ at the rangenot one misfire! Too low, imo. I have had no problems with it and it is the lightest of them all. I am a retiring Law Enforcement officer. .380 pocket pistols are traditionally difficult to fire for a number of reasons: in addition to the horrid trigger pulls like we just discussed, they also suffer from being extremely snappy due to their small size. This seems to affect where the cases end up. The gun has that phenomenal Sig quality, is very comfortable in the hand and shoots extremely well! I really like it because it's all metal and so dampens the recoil. Decent groups, although early on, I was working out my shooting kinks. I literally went out and bought a P938 in 9mm because of the P238's reliability. Another great gun is the CPX3 .380 pistol made by SCCY on the east coast of Florida. The LCP II is my usual EDC because it's size and weight make it so comfortable and easy to carry in a kydex IWB holster from Concealment Express. I appreciate the tip! - It's shorter, lighter, cheaper and has much more capacity than the M&P Shield EZ. With the right holster, it's a safe and comfortable pocket pistol. I own a .380 and I'm confident it will neutralize an attacker upon the first of 1 or 2 shots. The Sig comes with a 6-round magazine, but Sig also makes a 7-rounder for the P238, so you could carry 7 + 1 if willing to carry it cocked and locked. I agree with most of what you say in this article, but find that you failed to mention one very real consideration. Testing so far yields great reliability with brass and self-defense ammobut it HATES steel cased stuff. It's not about killing the perp, just ending the threat and after getting shot with a 22 or 380 the perp will run away because of the pain and noise which will bring attention to the perp. COMPATIBLE WITH MOST 380 AUTO PISTOLS - Compatible with Glock 42, Ruger LCP, S&W Bodyguard, Sig Sauer P238, Taurus 738, and Many More. After performing an in-depth review on one, I found that certain types of ammo didnt cycle properly, to include steel cased, some hollow points, and really high-end self-defense ammo (Lehigh Defense). Availability : In Stock Made in America!! It, and my .38 special, are my everyday carries, over a 9mm and a .357, sometimes, depending where I'm going, I'll carry both. PSs-I've owned/own Brownings, Rugers, Sigs, Smiths, Springfieldsadd Bersa to the list! Went back for service twice. The Bersa Thunder is a good gun but it is a PPK, PPK/s clone for a reason. Which surprises me due to how hard the slide is to pull back. However, I definitely recommend anyone in the market for a superior and concealable .380 be sure to check out the 911. We saw a glimpse of it last year with the ANTIFA riots.imagine if you deprive 1/2 of society out of their entitlements and freebies? Ruger still sells them brand new. trigger!!!!!! Comfortable for pocket quick to aim and easy to hit your target. The trigger on it is smooth with a clean break, and the sights are also really good. Yes, some pistoleros can do it; but the vast majority of 40 S&W caliber pistol shooters cannot; and, for anyone who might like to test this opinion THIS is a readily observable fact! And for the record, I don't work for Kimber. I have just started working with some SIG Sauer V-Crown but dont have a good data set yet. You'll now receive newsletters of our best articles on techniques, My wifes CC gun is a Bersa 380 and mine is a Bersa 380CC. It takes a lot more than just having a gun in order to survive an armed surprise ambush. Both are easy to carry and both shoot well. With a much lighter trigger, enhanced slide serrations, wider grip, impressive stippling job, and the ability to slide lock on the last round, the LCP II is a definitive improvement over other comparable .380 pocket guns. Steel case hollow points seem to be the most disagreeable. Handgun Recoil Chart | Were you perhaps thinking of the first gen LCP? I fired over 500 rounds through my Sig using dozens of different ammo and it NEVER gave me an issue. 45 ACP as a duty weapon as an administrator. I put LCP in "Good", Bodyguard in "Better", and Sig in "BEST". and I WANTED to dislike the Sig (all metal freame, it's HEAVIER). Aesthetics always take a backseat to functionality, but you cant argue with a good looking gun. Check them out. I love this gun for my pocket pistol. The little heavier metal gun helps recoil (won't beat you up if you're a rook/woman) and it won't come apart when you bang/drop it and a heavy/quality holster won't mess it up with heavy use. The CT380 is 7+1 and still as small as the others & the price is right. I like the DA/SA design, 8+1 capacity, lifetime warrantee, and $299/$309 price point. Its also got a polymer frame, which keeps it lightweight. I have read alot of bad about the Taurus TCP 738 but I love mine and at $239 and reliable as heck with the fix I did it"s alot cheaper than the top 5 in this article, not trying to take anything away from the top 5 or anyones personal choices.. Kimber Micro .380ACP TLE I'm liking it a lot. I like that I can use Buffalo Bore ammo without issues and that Kahr is rated for their use. Fits my hand with my natural point so no need to try to find the non existent sights. I take it everywhere. In my considered opinion anything less than either a 9 x 19mm, or a 45 ACP pistol is for people who dont know any better to drool over and covet. Simple. No love for Springfield 911? The original LCP had a long hard pull trigger like the S&W .380 bodyguard. [Moving from "safe" to "fire" with a shooting grip is no problem, so I consider this more gripe than fail.]. Great read, I carry the bodygaurd. I bought the Kimber .380 Raptor after a day of shooting a buddy's. You have to get it from Palmetto State Armory. Even if it came out after your article it was available for writers to test well before 2019 and, the M&P EZ shield (which you did include) came out I believe in late 2019 (after you wrote the article) yet you included it here and didn't include the CPX-3. The revolver, obviously, shoots every time, and, knock on wood, the .380 has never had a feed, fire or ejection problem, either. Small, snappy, accurate in rapid fire, good sights, good trigger, and slightly heavier than expected due to full metal frame. The Kahr CW 380 is my concealed carry gun. Most accurate?? The Bersa is a Great Value that gets the job done without fail! I have two Walther PPK/s , and find them to be excellent! Try it, youll like it. It is slightly heavier, but packs a wallop with Corbon flying ashtrays. This is a person-specific thing. They run like sewing machines. Also the Decocker and the fact that I can lock the frame as a pistol with the key when my grandchildren are around are a plus. Carry what makes you comfortable, I guess. If I could I would carry my shield daily, its just not possible at my job, the bodygaurd is small enough it conceals much easier. There's just less to correct for shot to shot. However, I highly recommend that you opt for the extended magazine to get use of your pinky and the extra round. The Remington 380 is a really decent gun. Have shoot over 1500 rd of all types of ammo. Now this is real world data and results. SIG P238 Why Use a .380 Pistol? .380 Pistols: The Best Pocket Rocket Money Can Buy When a gun is light in weight, it doesnt help dampen recoil as much as a heavier gun does. So much for credibility of the write up. I guess I'm just as a 1911 fan . Any bullet however beats a rock. She finds it a dream to rack and feel . The cartridge holds a bullet the same diameter as the 9mm (.355") but in a smaller case with diminished capacity (roughly speaking, 15% less than the 9mm in grains of H2O). its the same size as the Sig 365 9MM pistol..It is not really a pocket pistol..No micro 9 really can be carried comfortably in a pocketNo micro 9 can. Very, I mean extremely very, reliable and accurate for what they are. I addressed the black sight visibility issue with a little white nail polish and have no issue picking up the sight picture, so long as I get my tri-focals lined up correctly. One of the best things about the Bersa is that even if you have large hands, this is a very nice gun to grip and hold. That being said, the LCP II can also be carried IWB or in an ankle holster just as easily as it could be carried in a pocket. Magazine capacity is six, plus one inside the chamber. The big thing to consider using these 380's is the ammo.
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