One where you are literally reporting to the board, and its more toxic, and then the other one is like the board is working for you and helping you to really succeed and tackling the strategic issues. I was watching Sunday night football. So talking about boards and especially for the people that are listening, from your experience, what makes a good solid board. The company name was changed in 2016 with a focus on being trustworthy for its engaged customers. You cant do without open source if you want rapid adoption, says Bengal. Same with Chris. I think that the leaders at Grove who are most successful and the leaders in our context are not just the senior people at the company, but they range from we had an associate at one of our fulfillment centers. Well, Stuart, thank you so much for being on the DealMakers show today. December is a seasonally bad month for us, but it was a particularly bad season of December that year. Get a custom action plan and all the help that you need to start raising more capital. Grove was required to think carefully about everything including best practices, ratio of highest paid employees to lowest, and company equity. But what was the experience before that happened? So thats number two. Its just like because they feel alright with me. sale You think of them as a big machine and greater than any one person. I love our team, and I have come to believe that people are the primary asset of every organization and the most important thing. Its crazy to think that, in retrospect, I spent four years on this without seeing it breakout. That Series A Round wasnt at the highest price, and obviously, it wasnt a super-clear story at that point that we were going to be really successful. At first, the company was called E-Pantry. All rights reserved. Stuart Landesberg: Thats a great question. 8. So without further ado, Stuart Landesberg, welcome to the show today. I dont see it as either I work for the board or the board works for me. Why are you at the office in the middle of the night packing up your stuff? He said, You didnt hear? Each shopper is provided with a personal shopper and solution provider which the company names as a Grove Guide. He told Jason Calacanus of The Next Unicorn that Grove Collaborative was started because he believes that families care about providing the best products in their homes. Employees are looking for more meaning from work than ever before, and have more visibility into and access to other jobs than ever before, Altman says. We have estimated Sylven Landesberg's net worth , money, salary, income, and assets. : Thats a great question. So many times. The first was that consumer presence wasnt and still isnt super-well represented on shelf. Yeah, just having a comfort with intellectual honesty, I think is especially important in a board context. Although, Read More 20 Things You Didnt Know About Karat PackagingContinue, Planet company, which operates a network of around 200 satellites that provides Earth-imaging and analytics of the data derived from that observation, is going public in a merger with special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) dMY, Read More 20 Things You Did Not Know About PlanetContinue, Boot Barn is your one-stop-shop for cowboy or cowgirl workwear, boots, and hats. Its been a crazy journey. So thats number two. Meika Hollender, daughter of Seventh Generation founder Jeffrey Hollander, launched a new company with her father. I want them to hold me and the company accountable. Yong isnt worried about machines invading the oilpatch. I think the biggest patterns were CEOs that were truly passionate about their people. But youve really been on the tough side of the equation, and now, obviously, its a different story, but Im sure that youve learned a lot. That doesnt necessarily come from the company. I guess leadership is defined differently for everyone in every context, and I dont think theres one definition of a leader. Chief Marketing Officer Jennie Perry In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 150,000 shares of Grove Collaborative Holdings Inc (GROV) in total and bought 409,609 shares, with a net Regardless of where people exist in their beliefs, he believes that the goal for the world must be more than just making money. Stuart Landesberg: So, even though it wasnt taking off the way that we had all hoped, we were making progress. Then the third thing that I took away was a comfort with intellectual honesty is an unusual but highly valuable skill. I shouldnt say that. But it wasnt like there was a moment where Okay. I was watching Sunday night football. If all those things are present, its not an either/or, or the board works for you, or you work for the board. For our Series A, I think we went out and talked to 156 firms. We got one term sheet, and I had to beg for it. He discovered through research that customers were wildly engaged in natural products. We got into this really positive cycle where all the sudden for the first time we had true subject matter experts in marketing, in product development, in a lot of areas, and that helped us scale more quickly than we ever had been able to in the past. Fundamental company data provided by Morningstar, updated daily. Where they get like the products that are about really everything that has to do with the home. The Proxy app is like having a set of keys on your smartphone: Your profiles signal gives you access to any building where youre registered, eliminating the need for traditional ID cards and keys. That lightening-fast processing speed has helped it sign on FedEx, Mastercard and other corporate behemoths. But doing a pivot is also quite scary. We had a really great 2017. Stuart Landesberg: It was a crazy experience, sad, educational, and really formative. He serves on the National Resource Defense Council's SF Council and is a frequent startup advisor and investor. Mr. Stuart Landesberg is a Co-Founder and serves as Chief Executive Officer, Board member & President at Grove Mr. Landesberg co-founded Grove Collaborative in 2012 and has served as its Chief Executive Officer The bamboo and cane sequester about 5 times the amount of carbon that trees do. The first round was like $280,000, and I was so proud of it. For the first four years of the companys existence, it was possible to spend much time with customers. Running in an undercapitalized startup where you only sort of have product/market fit, in my experience, was extraordinarily stressful. I love our team, and I have come to believe that people are the primary asset of every organization and the most important thing. Stuart Landesberg: Youre kind to say that. The store brands weigh more, and seem to give the customer more, but cost more in the long run because the customer pays for shipping the excess water in addition to cleaner. Obviously, once you put it out there, and you start seeing the reaction, then youre able to breathe. Sure, thats a trying thing emotionally. So I think that aside from having a culture thats authentic to the company and to the people in the room, the other factors are transparency, preparation, and what I would call a sense of shared mission around seeing the companys vision get realized. Lehmans going to file Chapter 11 tomorrow. So I went into the office after the Sunday night football game and packed up my stuff, and sure enough, Lehman filed the next day. Obviously, once you put it out there, and you start seeing the reaction, then youre able to breathe. : I think about this frequently because I know so much now that I wish I had known in the very beginning. Groves mission today is to help families by delivering the best of all natural and healthy home and personal care items. Alejandro: Got it. According to Inc. Magazine, the 2018 revenue represented a three-year Right? The financing is a tool, but the business opportunity is not contingent on the financing. Concentrated products use less plastic packaging overall. 2. Ive experienced investors who have a little bit of an entitlement, and they think the company does the work, and the investor sees some of the returns. He spends more time than is perhaps wise with his eyes fixed on a screen either reading history books, keeping up with international news, or playing the latest releases on the Steam platform, which serve as the subject matter for much of his writing output. : Thank you for the kind introduction. Its stu_land or my email is, : Amazing. a net The investor can be transparent about his or her goals too. Landesberg believes that today, business needs to be a positive force for change in the world. Our investors, to a person, are available to us to hop on the phone, help me close candidates. For me, that was just a blinding insight because it really is true that a lot of times if you dont have capital or didnt, you end up spending all of your time focusing on the consumer, which is a really, really valuable place to focus in the formative years of the business. You only pay for the products that you buy. We got into this really positive cycle where all the sudden for the first time we had true subject matter experts in marketing, in product development, in a lot of areas, and that helped us scale more quickly than we ever had been able to in the past. I still have the feeling, though, which I think a lot of entrepreneurs do that this could all go away. Those folks have been, again, really terrific capital partners. That Series A Round wasnt at the highest price, and obviously, it wasnt a super-clear story at that point that we were going to be really successful. : Thats great, and I think that having such phenomenal investors has also allowed, perhaps to have a phenomenal structure at a board level. Alejandro: Right. : Sure. I think good governance is important, and I think its important that the board hold me and the management team accountable to the goals that we set for the company. If you like the show, make sure that you hit that subscribe button. Grove Collaborative has a set of conscientious values. Im excited about the guest that we have today because he has the experience not only as an operator, as a founder, but then also before, he was on the investment side. Stuart Landesberg: Yeah. The seed round was like 2 million bucks. Stuart Landesberg: Sure. : Got it. Jordan actually went to a rival high school. It says a lot about you guys. So in 2016, he founded Dave, short for David, who beat Goliath, which Wilk sees as the big banks. , The business is forming well. In any organization that reaches scale, theres leadership all over the place. And theres no subscription fee. : The biggest two takeaways were not to take anything for granted. The amount of time that we spent coming up with our splash page when we first bought the domain it was three of us sitting in an accelerator. The first is transparency, and its got to go both ways. In 2019, the Grove community saved a million pounds of plastic just by changing from conventional products to products in concentrated formats. Then during one of the commercials, it said, Crisis at Lehman. I saw a friend of mine walking out of the building with a box. The business opportunities are created by the business, not by the financing. Grove Collaborative Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:GROV Get Rating) CEO Stuart Landesberg purchased 60,000 shares of the businesss stock in a transaction on Friday, March 17th. Alfred Lin at Sequoia said something quite smart at a conference I was at recently. I feel so fortunate to have such a great group of capital partners whove been with the company through a pretty transformative period. Then the third thing that I took away was a comfort with intellectual honesty is an unusual but highly valuable skill. So the number one consumer preference wasnt matched by assortment. Chris, actually, had a small sock business that was sold; argyle socks called Oberon Socks. I think my own style as an executive, as a startup founder is definitely influenced by the folks who I most looked up to as a young professional at TPG. This is a profile preview from the PitchBook Platform. The second thing is a willingness not just a willingness, a perspective that is long-term and positive. : Just out of curiosity, what was that time where you were like touching the cliff? What do you think from going through all these multiple financing cycles, what have you learned that in terms of profile lets say in pattern recognition, which you used to do that on the investment side what makes an investor in a privately-owned company great? Grove Collaborative is part of the Grocery Retail industry, and located in California, United States. purchase : From Is he going to fund the term sheet? The day they funded, we had $40,000. I remember vividly. Most use the free version of its gamified courses. I think the category that we are in as a company is one that has been defined by really brilliant market leaders of 150 years who mastered the art of generating profit in a brick-and-mortar environment. I can start with the very first financing, which was me putting my own money in, and a couple of people who I worked with putting in small amounts of money. It can be a really rich and rewarding and super enjoyable experience. The first was that consumer presence wasnt and still isnt super-well represented on shelf. Steven Landesberg was born on November 23, 1936, in the Bronx, New York, to milliner Ann Landesberg and grocery store owner Abraham Landesberg. It offers Cleaning accessories, Home and Pantry, Personal care products, Pets supplements and Other products. Sculptor Capital Management Inc, What was the big takeaway for you from this experience? Yeah. stock. Today, Lattice works with 1,300 customers, including Coinbase, Instacart, Slack and WeWork. So he has been on both sides of the table. Alejandro: Got it. Synthego is cashing in by selling the genomic equivalent of pickaxes, shovels, maps and other tools. Over 100,000 Grove trees were planted in the U.S. in 2019. I remember coming back from this trip where I had just gotten engaged, and I was so happy. Did that feel great? He was like, The day after we signed the deal was the first day that I believed the company would be around for the long-term.. We never gave up on listening to the consumer, make a little more progress, listen to the consumer, continue to evolve the experience. Then raised our Series C from Norwest at the end of that year. Landesberg views being a B Corp company as a long-term responsibility which propels the companys success and gives it longevity paired with the obligation to think long-term. Founder of Grove Collaborative Holdings, Inc. and Grove Collaborative, Inc., Stuart Landesberg presently holds the position of President, Chief Executive Officer & Director at Grove Collaborative Holdings, Inc. and Chief Executive Officer of Grove Collaborative, Inc. (a subsidiary of Grove Collaborative Holdings, Inc.). I dont see it as either I work for the board or the board works for me. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. (The full story is here.). , : You got your college degree out of Amherst College, and then from there you went into Lehman Brothers probably at the worst time in history to go into finance. Mr. Stuart Landesberg is a Co-Founder and serves as Chief Executive Officer, Board member & President at Grove Collaborative. Okay, and I think we're ready to go. According to Social Accountability Accreditation Services (SAAS), the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is a program of the Foreign Trade Association of Europe. Cofounders Lior Div, Yossi Naar, and Yonatan Striem-Amit met during their service in the Israel Defense Forces elite intelligence unit, Unit 8200, fertile ground for many high-tech startups. He says that many companies across the supply chain are not careful about their supply sources. and Sculptor Master Fund Ltd : Yeah. If theres a person who wants to get to know our company better, there isnt a board member of a major investor that I cant get on the phone, see them today to talk to that person. : Sure. Every company has bad months and bad quarters and our partners, and I think most really great partners are able to focus on the long-term instead of prosecuting short-term growths because as a company, especially a small fast-growing company, the resources are so limited. See How I Can Help You With Your Fundraising Efforts, Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance. How do you see it? Stuart Landesberg usually trades in March, with the busiest year in 2022. That is how supply chains are run even now without a solution like FourKites. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. It was scary, but it felt really natural because I didnt know at the time that this was the one change that was going to allow us to get traction and go. So then what ended up being the business model of Grove, and walk us through how you guys ended up monetizing. I still have the feeling, though, which I think a lot of entrepreneurs do that this could all go away. So make us insiders of that breakout moment. When folks sign up, most people are opted into a scheduled delivery service by default, but there are a ton of flexibilities. The program also is designed to improve the working conditions of participating member companies. The stock was acquired at an average price of $0.34 per share, with a total value of $20,400.00. : Yeah. According to Inc. Magazine, the 2018 revenue represented a three-year growth rate of 3,665%. : Exactly. sale Click here to see the complete history of Stuart Landesbergs form 4 insider trades. Mar 6, 2020 Stuart Landesberg. var _Hasync=_Hasync||[];_Hasync.push(['Histats.start','1,4553220,4,511,95,18,00000000']);_Hasync.push(['Histats.fasi','1']);_Hasync.push(['Histats.track_hits','']);(function(){var hs=document.createElement('script');hs.type='text/javascript';hs.async=true;hs.src=('//');(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(hs);})(); Stuart Landesberg is a well-known figure in the world of media. That transition has the opportunity to materially change, not just the channel but the products people buy and the footprint of the channel on the planet in a way that is materially possible. But I dont think I understood at the time that there were really important milestones, and the story of what happens in-between those is much less important. : I definitely think that a lot of the best founders and the best leaders never take success for granted, and constantly feel the pressure, in a good way, to continue transforming the organization. Based on ownership reports from SEC filings, as the reporting owner, Stuart Landesberg owns 2 companies in total, including Throughout his time in finance, he focused on global technology and retail investments. Its been a crazy journey. I think of it as we all are working together, and we have various roles to play. Before teaming up to found Chainalysis, CEO Michael Gronager, 49, cofounded cryptocurrency exchange Kraken, while CTO Jan Moller, 47, built the Mycelium cryptocurrency wallet. I have the pleasure of knowing him personally, so a really great guy and probably one of the best investors out there today. The first round was like $280,000, and I was so proud of it. So I think its a really good transparent and ongoing dialog, and I think of our board as our partners, not as anything else. Sylven Landesberg Social Network Cofounder Xuan Yong, formerly of Citadel and D.E. in Computer Science from Vanderbilt University. At least thats been my really fortunate history. It was close a lot of times. We worked with [29:03] originally there who are both phenomenal partners; still close partners of ours today. We beat the plan. WebHe has a diverse range of sources of income, which has enabled him to get to the top of the list of the most prominent celebrities in such a short period of time. I mean, I see at least a publicly-reported 165 million. But as long as there are really strong transparency and really strong trust, that creates the dynamics for a strong, long-term working relationship so that we can both do things to make sure that our partners are successful. Mr. Landesberg started his career in the investment banking division of Lehman Brothers. : When we started the business, none of us had ever built a consumer internet company before. The most-recent trade in Grove Collaborative Holdings Inc is the After we made our repositioning, a bunch of our strategies just started working better because the business was better positioned. New York-based Chainalysis makes cryptocurrency investigation software that can shine light on how people use bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin and more. Its no problem to skip a month. Sometimes, theyre hard conversations, but thats valuable too. 55,000 shares on March 20, 2023, which The difference between getting reliable alerts within seconds and getting them in minutes is the difference of seamlessly dealing with an issue, says Rau. In the last year, insiders at Grove Collaborative Holdings, Inc have sold an estimated value of $5.11M Thats because the store brands have an average of 95% excess water. Alejandro: Got it, and valid points. Less than 5% today in most categories in non-food TPG even though youre in-person customer experience with a bottle of glass cleaner is not worth talking about, that category is still some 90-some-odd-percent offline. We definitely lost a few pounds when we were first starting up. Now based in San Francisco, Kong has successfully penetrated the enterprise market with 130 customers that include SoulCycle, Yahoo Japan and WeWork. Private equity is an interesting industry, and my experience at TPG was fantastic because of all the really smart people that I got to rub shoulders with. In a bid to help mom-and-pop stores survive in the age of Amazon, Faire wants to take the risk and hassle out of wholesale purchasing. $14.67K on November 16, 2022. It was scary. Our investors, to a person, are available to us to hop on the phone, help me close candidates. The second best result is Stuart N Landesberg age 60s in New York, NY in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood. If you can leave a review as well, that would be fantastic, and if you got any value either from this episode or from the show itself, share it with a friend. So how much money have you guys raised so far? I started at Toro at the very beginning with just a couple of us in a room making investment decisions, and it was a really interesting experience and learned a lot of interesting and some different lessons there as well. Chief Financial Officer Sergio Cervantes Number two, penetration through e-commerce is still vanishing. Thanks, so much for having me. Stuart Landesberg: I dont know if anybody is listening from a tactical perspective. So thats the yardstick against which I measure company success. Ill always be embarrassed about that as I recall. : My pleasure. In 2016, the company brought in an outside chief executive, Alan Naumann, formerly CEO of online fraud detection startup 41st Parameter, to expand the business. It has 6 locations nationwide in key cities, but keeps it friendly with highly personalized service. So we started guiding to the flywheel, and it felt really good. The team is extraordinary, and I love my job as much today as I did on the first day, which is a lot. a net The assumption that just because a company was big, and at least by public perception successful, doesnt mean that bad things cant happen to it. Because of his dedication, he has achieved great achievements. If you want me to help you with your fundraising, just book a call. You may opt-out by, 7 Unicorns, A $2.6 Billion Acquisition And 1 FBI Raid: This Year In Forbes Next Billion-Dollar Startups, These Forbes 30 Under 30 Founders Are Now Running The Next Billion-Dollar Startups, Why Only Two Companies Founded By Women Made The Cut, Cryptocurrency Crimefighter Chainalysis Becomes First Blockchain Company To Make The Cut, The Next Billion-Dollar Startups: Where Are They Now? I think that kind of behavior that is mutually beneficial with our colleagues, our partners, and our customers is the kind of example of that, that creates real leadership. WebFounder of Grove Collaborative, Inc., Stuart Landesberg currently is Chief Executive Officer & Director at Grove Collaborative Holdings, Inc. and Chief Executive Officer for The History of and Story Behind the Bose Logo, 20 Things You Didnt Know About Karat Packaging, How Boot Barn Became One Of The Leading Clothing Retailers, According to Social Accountability Accreditation Services, 20 Things You Didnt Know About Riskified, 20 Things You Didnt Know about Instabase, 20 Countries With the Least Amount of Debt, The 10 Most Expensive Skateboards in the World, The 10 Best Ducati Motorcycles of All-Time. How do you define leadership? : Obviously, when youre looking on the investment side, and you take a look at companies that make sense versus companies that dont make sense, what were some of those patterns that you were able to recognize? . Stuart Landesberg: The idea of Grove was a combination of something Ive always cared deeply about as an individual and industry trends that I saw at TPG. He was hoping for the next round of funding to come in, and it did, much to his relief. Stuart Landesberg: My pleasure. To be detailed, the average return of stocks after 3 months bought by Stuart Landesberg is %. This is a BETA experience. He is an Investor at This is Water. Grove Collaborative is just a few years old but generated $104 million in revenue in 2018. Maybe like there was a time where you said, I think were into something., Stuart Landesberg: Yeah. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. But I dont think theres ever a moment, and I still dont feel like theres a moment of like liftoff. 10 percent owner Sculptor Special Funding, Lp Alejandro: Got it. You were talking about the pivot earlier, and Im always a believer that theres not a single business plan or pitch deck that is going to hit the market and its going to be bulletproof, so in you guys case, you started to receive feedback, and that really contributed to making or to understand that it was the right time or the right decision to change course of action. Matt Oppenheimer, who had worked for Barclays in Kenya, and his cofounders launched the business in 2011 to help people in developed nations like the U.S. and Australia send money cheaply to relatives in developing countries like Mexico and the Philippines. The amount of time that we spent coming up with our splash page when we first bought the domain it was three of us sitting in an accelerator. 34 CEO, Grove Collaborative What the company does San Francisco company specializing in natural and sustainable There are a lot of different companies that have been trying for years to capitalize on the idea of using electric cars as opposed to traditional automobiles. , I still try to go to work every day with the same feeling of Its my job to continue listening to our consumer, continue to set our teams up for success, and continue to just make a little bit of progress every day. Theres no subscription fee for the consumer experience. Groves concentrated products, on average, cost 35% less than leading store brands. Each order of Seedling tree-free products helps Groves initiative to replant deforested areas across the United States. : Yeah. I was totally ready for another year of grinding, and the challenging emotional environment that grinding it out is. Sometimes, theyre hard conversations, but thats valuable too. And theres no subscription fee. It offers Cleaning accessories, Home and Pantry, Personal care products, Pets supplements and Other products. At this stage, we barely had enough money to eat, Marietti says. That stuff is really exciting, and so I, as you can probably tell, think extraordinarily high of our management team, so I try to incorporate our management team into board meetings as much as possible. So talking about boards and especially for the people that are listening, from your experience, what makes a good solid board. Did that feel great? He was like, The day after we signed the deal was the first day that I believed the company would be around for the long-term.. : Got it, and valid points. Stuart Landesberg owns 3,172,651 shares of Grove Collaborative Holdings Inc (GROV) as of March 20, 2023, with a value of $2 Million. Grove offers innovative products, such as bath and facial tissue, tree-free paper towels, napkins, and toilet paper made from 100% bamboo. Because the brand is focused on female buyers, it has helped women feel more comfortable when purchasing these items. 3 transactions in Grove Collaborative Holdings Inc (GROV) over the past 5 years, including 2 buys and 1 sells. Mr. Clark co-founded Grove in 2012 and has served as its Chief Technology Officer since 2013. Grove Collaborative is a Certified B Corporation. That was cool. Then do it again, and over time wed look at the aggregation of those results, and its been a very solid run. But it wasnt like there was a moment where Okay. But really, none of us had really built and scaled a consumer e-commerce business. That was exciting. No one should.
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