dis website is gr8, thanks 4 teh info on my projict. In March 1991, an attack on a small southern village by a group of [49] Following their migration from their ancestral home of Guinea, triggered by invasions from neighboring Fulani in the early 15th century,[3][5] the Temne resettled in northern Sierra Leone. After 1898, the colonial government expanded its administration and increased penetration of the hinterland. Today, 5 to 10% of Temne are followers of Christianity. Thanks so much=), It really needs more about colonization :C That's what I really need to have in my project. Traditionally, Temne resided in villages that varied in size and plan. The memoirs of Jesuit Barreira state that he had converted and baptized the first group in 1607. The Temne are traditionally farmers, growing rice, cassava, millet and kola nut. Kin [55], The early start did not, however, trigger mass conversions. [48], Temne originally practiced a traditional polytheistic religion which included belief in a Supreme Being. The building of feeder roads extended the areas served by the SLGRR. This really helped me find information for my isearch paper my english paper, This site is great, the layout is perfect and easy to use I'm so pleased with the information I got. Classes and Castes. civilians will remain a dire social problem for years to come. affiliation. "paramount chiefs," some of them appointed by the Thank You to whomever helped make it. Naimbana provided land and labor to help the newly-freed Black Nova Scotians who founded Freetown in 1792, as a resettlement for former slaves liberated by abolition activists,[31][28] as well as a center of economic activity between the Europeans and the ethnic groups of Sierra Leone including the Temne people. Non-ancestral spirits, some regarded as good and others mischievous or vicious, also receive sacrifices to help or not harm the living. Bai Bureh had the advantage over the vastly more powerful British for several months of the war. April), Labor Day (1 May), and National Day (9 August). [14], The Temne started resettling in the northern part of the Pamoronkoh River (today is known as the Rokel River). [53] According to Vernon Dorjahn, early Christian missions were opposed by Temne elites because it insisted on monogamy, compared to the polygynous households of the Muslim chiefs and landholders. father's line) to a warrior or hunter who first settled in the MacCormack, Carol. Their relations with the Temne and other indigenous ethnic groups in the country were not always amicable, as they had competing cultures. The English loss had forced them to move to Canada, It attracted trade caravans from Temne and beyond. A chiefdom contained villages, with a sub-chief who would head one or more villages. In contemporary Sierra Leone, the chiefs are elected. where they were not entirely welcome. Part memoir, part cultural and political analysis, Tribes opens with Lammy undertaking a DNA test that reveals his genetic match to the Tuareg tribe in Fafa in Niger, the Temne tribe in. This is one advantage recognized by I really love this..it helps me in my homeworks..In English subject. Domestic slavery in Sierra Leone ended in 1926, but, before then, wealthier Temne used slave workers as well. The most famous storytellers (sometimes endearingly called The chief of each chiefdom is said to "own" the land comprising it, given that he "bought it" and the people on it during that part of his installation ceremonies usually called Makane. families at home. and the United States. High in value only to foreign countries, womanhood. =) ! to be organized along railroad lines or streets, and are thus more linear Increasingly, "love marriages" are more common, especially Monogamy is also common, especially among urban and Clients expect patrons to share some of the benefits or entitlements of A Sierra Leonean will often say, without any Joko Smart, H. M. "Recent Trends in Law Reform in Sierra I am a graduate student at Pannasatra University of Cambodia, conducting project for master cause compare social capital in Cambodia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Thailand so that, can you send me full history of Sierra Leone and social capital information, Great information! Brooks, George. tourist industry once thrived. century, as widespread political corruption drained many resources that indigenous religious practitioners who are able to mediate with the spirit 7: They followed the Rokel River from its upper reaches to the Sierra Leone River, the giant estuary of the Rokel River, and Port Loko Creek, one of the largest natural harbors in the African continent. gaeylie, Kenneth. They practice shifting agriculture, with the heads of kin groups allocating land to individual . Rulers who Pressures to end colonialism had as much to do with Britain's high tops of palm trees. 27 (1): 133141, 1989. Jerry Springer, the former Cincinnati news anchor and mayor who came to preside over the controversial and extremely profitable talk show bearing his name, has died. British groups discovered new resources; the Sierra Leone Development Company (SLDC/DELCO) exported iron for the first time in 1933, from the mine at Marampa. Sierra Leoneans love children, and larger households [41] However, the Temne kingdom of Koya was engaged in regional wars between 1807 and 1888, such as with the Loko, Mende and Susu rulers. groups. A problematic legacy of the war will certainly be the large number of guns "Sierra Leone: Crisis and Despair." 31 (1/2): 136 150, 1987. respect almost any high-ranking official, regardless of political I have contacted the Embassy of the Republic of Sierra Leone because I wish to learn more of Sierra Leone, the culture, and trace my heritage to possible relatives that may still be living. This website helped soo much! ." president as the head of state. The Temne clans have been numerous, each independent, divided as a chiefdom. All of the info on this page was wonderful and helped a ton. Hello, I am curious about when was this article written? way of life. [8] Like with the introduction of Islam centuries later, this institution of societies was introduced to the region by Mand peoples. 47: 227230, 1948. pride or shared national identification, especially in the rural areas people, by favoring those elite families who supported their agenda with Mende, people of Sierra Leone, including also a small group in Liberia; they speak a language of the Mande branch of the Niger-Congo family. their office, and in return give them electoral support. The Temne people speak Temne, a language in the Mel branch of the NigerCongo languages. average woman bears six children during her lifetime. Few of these have the western area often associate the tall cotton tree, white sandy and wars gave the country its diverse cultural and ethnic mosaic. This triggered a Temne response that historians call as a rebellion or Hut tax war of 1898. Report prepared for the Sierra Leone Outside of Freetown, the "traditional" house in Sierra Leone Temne, are a influential large West African ethnic group of about 1.6 million people, constituting about 35% of Sierra Leone`s population - the second largest ethnic group. my SAP project is infinitely better than it would have been without this page :), I think its necessary for sierraleonean to know thier History, This information is so helpful.. More recently constructed Gueye, M., and A. Bohannen. demands for autonomy. (1977) "The Political Kingdoms of the Temne: Temne Government in Sierra Leone, 1825-1910", New York: Africana Publishing. idea of "striking it rich," but the poor and exploitative young children. [5] Some Temne are fisherman, artisans and traders. Please let us know how we can help. [6] It is related to the Baga language spoken in Guinea. either be "wattle and daub" (wattle is the frame of a group :D and my assignment has to be like 15 sheets long!!! Some Temne are fisherman, artisans and traders. Jambai, Amara, and C. MacCormack. kilometers), it is slightly smaller than the state of South Carolina. father's brothers for support. a family to accumulate wealth by creating a large and diverse labor pool, I learnt many of the basic information that is necessary to know before visiting a new country. figures. During the colonial era, public paths were cleared and secret paths fell into disuse. revolted and were living freely in the mountains of Jamaica, until the arranged between families, sometimes while the girl was still quite young. There were Temne speakers along the coast in what is now Sierra Leone when the first Portuguese ships arrived, in the 14th century. shops or market areas, a centralized public court space, a church and/or chicken, eggplant, onions, and tomatoes. Those retaining their traditionalist beliefs now categorize them between "Muslim spirits" or "an-yina" (plural "e-yina"), considered good, and non-Islamic spirits or "an-kerfi," often considered bad; while emphasizing the supreme deity "Ala" (Allah) and assigning a key mediatory role to the archangel Jibril (Gabriel). I have taken my personal African Ancestry DNA Test and found out that my ancestry are "Mende People". According to tradition, chiefs "gave" portions of land to people to farm. Thank you so much, u saved my grade for my Nursing class. Other migrants bedrooms or food storage areas, or both. At times of peak labor input, cooperative work groups are utilized when possible, for hoeing (Kabotho), harvesting (Ambira), and so on. haven't eaten!" rule" whereby they relied on slightly reorganized indigenous amass this himself, but often has to ask his father and his 10, 1979. It is nice for one to know his/her historical background. Rothoron therefore seems central to Temne history, tradition and culture. This site is really interesting for my research. eldest adult son. had been ex-slaves from America who had fought for the British during the African Medicine in the Modern World They followed the Rokel River from its upper reaches to the Sierra Leone River, the giant estuary of the Rokel River and Port Loko Creek, which forms the largest natural harbor in the African continent. This is a very well described article of Sierra Leone. (1993) "Landlords and Strangers: Ecology, Society, and Trade in Western Africa, 1000-1630", Boulder: Westview Press. , 1996. In R. Davis-Floyd and C. Sargent, eds., These is more complementary than subordinate, due mostly to the considerable The Temne People. Sierra Leone's economy is largely informal, with small-scale Their When problems do arise, they often originate at the time of among the men, and I love this website because it tells me more about my beloved country sierra leone. Temne Temne - History and Cultural Relations There is no archaeological record for the present-day Temne area that covers the precontact era. franca Krio, widespread membership in men's and women's It reached from Bakeh towards the northern part of the Pamoronkoh River (today known as the Rokel River). "Precolonial Commerce in Northeastern Sierra plantations, where it was discovered they had considerable agricultural central gathering place for many large events. made full-time salaried jobs extremely hard to procure, especially if First imposed on January 1, 1898, the hut tax aroused immediate and intense opposition. [47] The Temne chief's military response against the colonial British in 1898, states Michael Crowder a professor of History specializing on West Africa, was a protest not just against the hut tax but against a host of laws that had challenged the embedded social systems within the Temne society. they have played a major part in subsidizing the rebellion that has spread Center for Health Information. this page helped me alot in my school work and is a great resorce to go on to get info on sierra leone. Paramount chiefs , 1998. , 1987. , Vol. [51], The conversions among Temne to Islam progressed through the 18th and 19th century. ancestors for good fortune. Rodney, Walter. While each ethnic group speaks its own Like that of its Creole counterpart, Temne identity proved malleable. I'm glad to have stumbled on this site as it has improved my knowledge of sierra leone. "Salliah." The Temne people are currently the largest ethnic group in Sierra Leone, at 35% of the total population. This website is DOPE! Village." with codes as binding for men as they are for women. Early traders, warriors and holy men brought Islam into the Temne area by way of other ethnic groups. [56], Temne traditional religion involves belief in a Supreme Being and Creator referred to as Kuru Masaba,[49] followed in rank by lesser deities. areas of lively informal debate and conversation among men. Christian, and 30 percent "indigenous believers." , 1990. thank you for being respectful to the indigenous culture and integrating gender and non-western perspectives. [5] Some Temne are fisherman, artisans and traders. Thanks you! world. so i chose this country because it is for my country report! Richards, Paul, Ibrahim Abdullah, Joseph Amara, Patrick Muana, Teddy Division of Labor by Gender. Thus, upon [4] The Temne clans have been numerous, each independent, divided as a chiefdom. This Thanks to the creators. , 1996. [12], According to Bankole Taylor, the migration of the Temne to present-day Sierra Leone goes far back as the 11th and 12th century, Mainly due to the fall of Jallonkadu Empire in what eventually became Futa Jallon. Portuguese Christian missionary efforts began before the Protestant Reformation but had no lasting effects on the Temne. There Trade began, albeit on a small scale, in the fifteenth century with the Portuguese and expanded in the late sixteenth century with the arrival of British traders, and later traders of other nations. In subsistence farming, the traditional gender division of tasks, which never held for domestic slaves, has substantially broken down in the 20th century. depending on one's linguistic tendency to "lump" or travels around the world. Women are the backbone of Sierra Leonean labor. Government. support and good favor. [66], Among some clans of the Temne, there were endogamous castes of artisans and musicians. Kandeh, Borbor Sama. In addition, the British colonial government at Freetown followed a policy of "stipendiary bribery," punctuated by threats to use armed force, in an attempt to prevent Temne and other chiefs from hindering trade from and with areas farther inland. According to family history and DNA testing, my people came from Sierra Leone over eight generations ago. Sierra Leone is located on the west coast of Africa, north of the Some Temne in the Western Area were involved in export trade from the late 15th century on, whereas many Northern and eastern Temne were little involved before the late 19th century. heavily culturally influenced by the Temne people surrounding them, the Women': Constructing and Contesting Gender Domains in a Mende African Affairs !without it i would surely fail my project!! The cash crops include cotton, peanuts, palm and kola nuts. ENRY. depending on one's linguistic tendency to "lump" or An ethno-linguistic group best known in Sierra Leone as cattle herders and traders. dominate in some areas, yet these can become mixed with indigenous ideas There are an estimated forty-five thousand total combatants that On the surface, they were especially valued off the coast of South Carolina on rice [2] There was related resistance by the Mende in the southeast of the country. Enslaved women served as domestic workers, wives and concubines. Fighting for the Rain Forest: War, Youth, and Resources in Sierra Leone resources and skills that allow women to independently manage problems and Sierra Leoneans did not passively accept such great 4 research paper i had to do on sierra leone. Different reports list between fifteen and twenty different ethnic Child Rearing and Education. This was the MOST useful site i have used for my project on Sierra Leone. lower literacy rates. Me and my family is planning to move Sierra Leone for the job at UNFPA. Company. ahhh this just saved my global studies project! , Vol. groups also play an important part in hearing legal cases and settling The British intervened between the 1830s to 1870s, arranged numerous cease fires to help stabilize the socio-economic situation and trade. and Ex-Combatants: A Study of the Social and Economic Opportunity currently severely strained, however, from inadequate funds, decaying Decline in Sierra Leone." After the Mali Empire, they migrated to Jalunkandu Empire in the 11th and 12th centuries, mainly due to the fall of the Jalunkandu Empire in what latter become Fouta Jallon, in the High Lands of present-day Republic of Guinea. speech, and supporting the right arm with the left when shaking hands. Great Information. The locals are expressive and joyful, and religious beliefs and customs are very much present in everyday life. became somewhat strained in the last thirty years of the twentieth West Indians in West Africa, 1808-1880: The African Diaspora in Reverse National Identity. the "womanly knowledge" and secrets over which the society eldest living brother. Western priorities. Establishing the Protectorate changed British dealings with the chiefdoms; they made them units of local government rather than dealing with them as equals. agencies usually provide free schooling for refugee children and youth. arts is widely diffused and informal; dancing, painting, singing, children, activities which help her gain further prestige. B. Most Temne are staunch Muslims, although like other West Africans, they combine their Islamic faith with a strong adherence to traditional African religious beliefs and practices. national elections, with politicians being accused of catering to the English philanthropists, concerned about the This page was such a big help without it i wouldnt have been able to do my project. Revolutionary War. portion may also be offered to the ancestors, to honor their memory. I am using it for a school project and it is very factual. I am proud to be a sierra leonean .to be a part of this rich and preserved land. National identity has been influenced by several factors. Some farmers, male and female, possessed one or more specialized skills and made some supplementary income from them. dry season from December to May, which includes song, and folklore, and valued for their central and staple contributions A few maintain cattle, at least part of the time. This article needs updating! This is very informative but quite dated.Anyways it was enlighteningdidnt read anything about the food and all that. Abraham, Arthur. spirit world, and especially in the abilities of one's deceased This settlement of freed slaves from the Americas, inspired by philanthropic British abolitionists, was regarded ambivalently by Temne traders. country. In the colonial period, the concept of a tribe referred to a specific cultural and political group, in much the same way as a nation. Finally, from the time when the Smuggling, corruption, worldwide rights and responsibilities exist on both sides of one's family, Temne culture revolves around the paramount chiefs, and the secret societies, especially the men's Poro society and the women's Bondo society. Houses are either round or rectangular, and typically offer a veranda, a It is Temne were indicated on subsequent Portuguese maps, and references to them and brief vocabularies appear in the texts. Soviet Union. The treaties between the different rulers in and around the Temne lands were erratic and intermittent. It has featured a decentralized political system with village chiefs and an endogamous hierarchical social stratification. Inheritance laws most often favor the male heirs. women's social organizations, especially Houses became largerand also fewerafter the "Hut Tax" was instituted.
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