Coronavirus (COVID-19) and travel: The situation around the world is changing dramatically. But not all coppers are bent, and the bent ones don't get played, they play you until they've had enough of you. Many tourists, however, are justifiably worried that constantly having their single most important document on their person greatly heightens the risk of it being lost or stolen. If so, is it in the prescription container with all the relevant information on? Need an international bank account that holds multiple currencies and lets you transfer, receive & spend wherever you are, with a MasterCard. It doesn't require the permit but I'm concerned that because I have more than 30 days they won't allow me to bring it in? However, due to continued changes and development of the country, the law has been revised. They will force you to miss your flight and then fine you and make you pay for expensive visa. hello , I wanted to know if the daparox ( paroxetine ) is illegal in Thailand ! There's other places to visit. I am wondering whether you could also help me out about it. Most people never get asked to produce the documents, but there's always that chance that they might ask if you get a search coming through 'nothing to declare'. If you mean some other type of growth hormone drug then not, it's not legal without a prescription. Any help is much appreciated,cheers. Category II: Ordinary narcotics such as morphine, cocaine, codeine, medicinal opium; Drugs and/or Psychotropic Substances] Legal updates, insights, and opinions on laws and law suits in Thailand written by our lawyers. Drugs, medicines and plants can be prohibited without exceptions, such as with marijuana, heroin and cocaine, for example. I will be taking in simvastatin for high cholesterol in original packaging and my prescription for two weeks am I required to have a permit. Paracetemol is available in Boots and other pharmacies in Thailand. Bring your prescription and doctor's note. I tend to pick up generics in bangkok and put in the bottle when i buy them before walking on the street and again when i leave, again the 30 to 45 day rule. I find it very difficult to believe that some of these folks listing horrendous problems actually know of what actually occurred. asks me to buy some for them I am just not sure whether it'll be alright to carry 10 bottles of the capsule. Narcotic & psychotropic drugs, however, are still very much illegal. Technically you might need a prescription here but believe me when i tell you the police and customs have many more important things to do then intercept a few painkillers in an envelope. In Thailand,you have to be20 years old to legally buy alcohol. But can i bring to my 90 days trip? Yes. Whether you need life insurance, pension planning or other investment advice, I can connect you with my personal IFA. - the identified medical condition Probably nothing but I cannot advise to take risks on medication without proper prescription. Your info about Anabolic Steroids is incomplete, unconfirmed misinformed and completely incorrect. Thanks. Notable changes include: The amendments establish a new category of offence as a serious drug offence which includes production, import, export, distribution, and possession of drugs, except possession for personal use, as well as conspiring, supporting, assisting, or attempting to commit such offences. You can add a micro-donation to the project of your choice when you buy travel insurance. Therefore, a patient under treatment can carry this medication into Thailand for personal use in a quantity NOT EXCEEDIND 30 DAYS OF PRESCRIBED USAGE.The application for a permit from Thai FDA does not required, Interesting question. Thank you so much. Is it ok to bring in any sort of herbal into Thailand in small quantities? As mentioned below in Samui: the pharmacy on the crossroads as you come round onto Chaweng high street (the one way bit) sells all that stuff. Thai FDA approved Anabolic/Androgenic steroids are legal to buy directly from a licensed pharmacist without a prescription. Bring a doctor's letter and the original prescription, just in case. - the name, address, and license number of the prescribing physicianThe quantity of the medications carried into Thailand must not exceed 30 days If so, how could I find out how much it would cost? Personal use (of category I, II and V substances, e.g. prescribed for the patient's treatment Which pharmacies, if so? I'm not entirely sure about this. Hi, I have 6 months supply of Moclobemide (anti depressant) as I am relocating to Australia from the UK via Thailand (and stopping over for a week). Posting foreign medications to Thailand is illegal, as far as I'm aware. If you have any doubt over the legality of a prescription drug you intend to travel with, get a letter from your doctor to verify your prescription and obtain the necessary IC-2 permit. Intentional homicide rate is virtually identical. Though the punishment may seem less severe compared to the previous laws, a life sentence or death penalty is still a possible ruling for an individual commanding a drug network. better not buy viagra without a prescription. And it was no problem, only for personal use they told me. Thanks for the information about the legality of buying steroids in thailand. Copyright 2021 Thailand Law | All Rights Reserved. But I thought it was listed as a Category II. I just checked here, Can I take in venaflaxatine for depression. 2522. Any sale to the public is allowed only on prescription and records must be kept for FDA audit. It's illegal. Iam type 2 diabetic I need to join ship in Thailand my contract is 7 months can I take my diabetic medication of 7 months with me. The Narcotics Control Act 2519 (1976) designates the Narcotics Control Board (NCB) with overall responsibility for prevention and suppression of illegal drug use in Thailand. "! Getting caught posting steroids back home, selling from a website inside Thailand, selling to friends inside Thailand, or attempting to leave with a suitcase-full from the airport could land you in serious trouble. I presume these people fly back with these drugs and don't have an issue.You need to check on the rules of your home country and find out what the law is around bringing prescription drugs into the country. My cousin needs to finish his medication for pneumonia. Hi, I was wandering about taking antidepressants such as fluoxetine from Thailand to Europe? to Thailand. any supplements such as B12 or other vitamin type supplements are absolutely fine. Boots might stock it. I'll probably contact the embassy though to double check! All the medications available in chain pharmacies are allowed to be sold to the public only from the pharmacist no prescription is required. + Get Health Insurance Do I have to go to a thai hospital doctor for a consultation for the new prescription?? Im Peter. Once my 30 day supply is up how do I get my meds? Possession for personal use will be determined by a threshold quantity that defines a small amount, to be established by a ministerial order issued by the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH). is she allowed to bring enough sertraline to cover her trip of 74 days? No doubt youve heard the old you can pay your way our of anything in Thailand talk, but the reality is that not every policeman can be bought, as discussed previously. Alongside the International Narcotics Control Board, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention also recommends against use of the death penalty, and it is disappointing that Thailand has retained the death penalty in the Narcotics Code. In the United States I could buy aspirin and naproxen over the counter for arthritis. Is it ok to take Tadalafil 12 tabs to Thailand without prescription? + Check Cost of Living Some key milestones over the past two years have been discussed on the IDPC blog: Where a defendant accused of drug use or possession for personal use is not on trial for another offence that is liable for a term of imprisonment, the Court may issue an alternative sentence, e.g. Taking the risk is up to you, but I can't recommend that you do. And the same way you may hear its easy to get away with smoking weed, underage drinking, or not carrying any evidence of your passport, fellow travelers may convince you overstaying your Thaivisa isnt a big deal. Get a letter too if possible. Thank you in advance. I have no doubt that you can get a legitimate prescription in Thailand, no doubt that you can buy the drug in Thailand. - a frequent user would probably test positive up to 10 days after last using Pollen, asthma, cat hair allergy. Could you confirm if I need a letter or not? my daughter is travelling to south east asia for 74 days which starts with Thailand. Overview. All professionally packaged and loaded ready for shipping. I'm traveling to Thailand for two months and in an effort to save space in my bag combined my Tylenol, melatonin and probiotics into one bottle. Careful burning that candle at both ends, you could get burned. Dangerous drugs on the other hand are modern form of traditional drugs which are considered as dangerous by the Minister of the Government Gazette. ", Can you take non prescription viagra into Phuket. Other than the form, carry the prescription on you and obtain a doctor's letter just in case. Has anyone actually had to obtain a permit? Can I carry Venlor,Epitec,Dopaquel,Ritalin into Thailand? Note that this prescription will not be covered under your medical insurance. Please reply because I'm leaving to Malaysia next week. There's more than a few ways to fall ill in Thailand. You mean posting it? They will check carryons if your layover is more than 90 minutes. Let your readers know if your medicines are in the orignal bottle with doctors name, their name, pharmacy name and expiration date they normally will not be questioned. jesus man. Most expats will l you not to worry, that nothing will happen. It is necessary therefore to consult a Thai immigration lawyer or Thai criminal lawyer to avoid possible penalties and conflicts with the Thai government. [10], A 2014 Bangkok Post article said that Mahidol University lecturer Srisombat Chokprajakchat's survey indicated "more than 41% of Thais nationwide want to keep the death penalty on the books, but only 8% want to scrap capital punishment, with the majority undecidedmost of those who favoured execution as a legal punishment felt it was the most effective deterrent against capital crimes, including murder and rape". Bring the prescription with you if possible. You can Google the drug you have been prescribed to determine its ingredients, or ask your doctor for confirmation, then use the official drug checker linked in above. If you go through customs with the wrong drug, or get stopped and searched and caught with something you shouldnt have, a great trip could quickly descend into a nightmare. - the name of the medications and the reason that those medications were There a number of suggested vaccinations but the ones you should definitely be up to date on are Hepatitis A and Tetanus.Some people also consider Cholera, Diphtheria, Hepatitis B, Japanese Encephalitis, Rabies, Typhoid.I'd probably get Hep B. Always better to have all angles covered. He is also required to present the document or medical certificate upon entry to the Red Channel and upon exit to the Custom VAT Refund. Hi Kimberly, you will have to read the document linked in the post. At the end of the day, you need it. Examples of narcotic drugs in Category 2 according to The Narcotics Act B.E. 2522 So I want to bring about a 90 day supply from my home country, the United States. Hi, I am not sure whether the previous post got through. However, if you are concerned, go to your local doctor and get a letter too. Thank you. Up to 10 years imprisonment and a fine of 20,000 . + Check Cost of Retirement is steriods illegal here?im thinking of buying and sending it to my friend. One of the best aspects of the new Thai drug law is that it provides opportunities for much lower sentences compared to the previous sentences given for drug cases. Prescription drugs are heavily regulated too. If the latter, bring the prescription with you just in case, and not more than 30 day's supply. Of course, seldom do people get stopped over a some painkillers, but it's best to exercise caution better safe than sorry. I don't take chances with drugs, recreational or prescription, in Thailand. Why risk it?I'm not sure what you mean by "Good luck and stop trying to apply western logic and practices to the criminals in the police force." Youll just get a small fine, they may say. Is is the same in Thailand too, or am I supposed to believe that a military government is really the will of the Thai people? With a prescription, yes. Hello, thank you for taking the time to have this very informative site. Thank you. Traveling to Thailand and carrying medicines without a prescription for contingency purposes. Thus, selling, possessing, producing, importing, or consuming these dangerous drugs are considered illegal. i taketapentadol fromthe docter will that be all right. In addition, penalties for causing public nuisance from the recreational use of cannabis still apply. This link will take you to a page where you can check the specific status and requirement of a drug. Take your prescription with you and it will be no problem. 1 ", " 9 '' ", "Death Penalty Database; Thailand 2007-2018", "Majority want continued enforcement of death penalty: Nida Poll",, Articles with failed verification from February 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 9 October 2022, at 15:02. I'll be short on my script of valpam , my docter doesn't like to renew my prescription if 50 days has not passed , tegretol on the other hand I've enough to last me 2 months. I have read the Thai web page about bringing medication into Thailand , they say nothing about bring in Flunitrazepam into the country but further down they talk about taking this medication out of the country , it's listed as a category 2 substance . The illegal trading of anabolic steroids has a maximum penalty of a jail sentence, as opposed to a maximum penalty of death under the Narcotics Act. I see a lot of people, particularly those from the UAE, in pharmacies buying huge quantities of particular drugs - presumably because they are cheaper than their home country. Do I need to fill the form for permission? I don't know about the anti-anxiety tablets though. the name, address, and license number of the prescribing physician If it's a small amount then perhaps, but expect to have problems if you are carry loads. Which has codein and paracetamol in it ? In Thailand, cannabis has essentially been legalized, and Malaysia has ended the mandatory death penalty . Yes, but they have immodium and paracetamol readily available here. I was asked to empty my pockets and verify my identify. Can you get a doctor's letter? Another version of this occurs before movies at Thai cinemas. I've tried everywhere to find the answer and am so worried about it. I can tell you it is not. So if you decide to buy marijuana while on holiday in Thailand, youd better be certain it contains only the lawful amount of THC. Any thoughts on obtaining this drug would be appreciated. Hi Laurie, did you check the document linked in the post? That said, it probably won't cost much. Any pharmacy on that stretch between Asoke and Nana, where the market is. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my question. Make sure you carry the prescription in your pocket. Confirm this with your doctor before you leave. Hi! I'm a little confused. Its easy to get carried away at a Full Moon Party or club and find yourself with a proposition you wouldn't normally take up. I am happy to try and get off of it. My advice is to bring a doctor's letter for the medication (with his/her official stamp on the letter), the official prescription and not more than 30 days dosage. So I m on medication with Zeptol (Carbamazepine)i got a doctor's letter (includes presciption)with meis it sufficient for me to pass through the immigration? I'm going to Thailand in 6 weeks, I take morphine for pain. However non FDA approved steroids are illegal "The Powers the Be" are tarting the pharmacies. And this is Thailand, where until last June you could be jailed for five. Just do your own research, do not simply rely on your doctor. I don't know its status in Thailand. Or Can I see an ordinary thai doctor for the prescription? Generally those types of meds will just require you to bring it in the prescribed container and no more than a 30-day supply. By the way, I also spent several years in 19 other less than first world countries in Central/South America and Asia if that makes any difference. If they contain an amphetamine then no, these would be illegal. (One time release and one instant release.). Also try emailing this address: i've managed to check that it's not restricted, but i'm concerned about taking more than 30 days worth in to Thailand, though I would just be on a connecting flight, so not actually leaving the airport. However with the largest prison population amongst ASEAN countries, and over 80% of people in prison held for drug offences, due mostly to legal changes in 2002 that increased penalties for possession of small amounts of methamphetamine (the substance for which most people are imprisoned for), reforms are urgently needed. In January 2014, then-President Thein Sein of Myanmar commuted all the country's death sentences to life imprisonment. Antibiotics generally need a prescription. I have a prescription for cannibus from California. The police will arrest everyone in the group, not just those in possession of the drug. In this post I'll cover class A and B prescription dugs, so you can arm yourself with the information you need to travel safely and well within the law. Can over the counter vigra be taken into Thailand. Note that the officials must have reasonable grounds to believe that delaying any search in order to obtain a warrant would result in the escape of any suspects, or the substances in question being hidden, destroyed or in some other way "transformed", To search any person or vehicle if there are reasonable grounds to suspect they are carrying or hiding illegal drugs, To enter and search premises without a warrant (having reasonable grounds for suspicion) and order a person or a group of people to undergo "on the spot" drug tests (under provisions of the fifth amendment of the Narcotics Act), To arrest any person involved in the commission of any offence related to illegal drugs, To seize any illegal drugs or any property being used or intending to be used in the commission of offences relating to narcotics or such that may be used in evidence, To search under the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code, To make inquiries regarding suspects alleged to be involved in offences relating to narcotics, To issue a letter of enquiry or a summons to any person or official of any Government agency to give a statement or submit an account, document or material for examination, The offender or any accomplice is a Thai national or has a place of residence in Thailand, The offender is an alien and intends its consequence to occur within the Kingdom or the Thai Government is the injured person, The offender is an alien and such act is an offence under the law of the State in the jurisdiction of which the offence is committed, if such offender has appeared in the Kingdom and has not been extradited under the law on extradition.
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