The mother is right with her intuition. One set of indistinguishable footprints also led up to the backpack. Inside the vehicle, there was a smear of blood on the inside of the drivers side door and a .25-caliber shell casing on the floorboard. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. Editors Note: Thomas Brown was 17-years-old when he went missing from the small close-knit community of Canadian, Texas, nestled in the northeast corner of the Texas Panhandle. Im your writer and host, Skip Hollandsworth. I also learned that a couple of hours before Tom disappeared on Thanksgiving eve, he did a Google search on his phone for suicide hotlines. Stand by just a minute. However, this case spurred the AGs Office to establish a Cold Case and Missing Persons Unit, announced in the last week, that is now the base for the AGs side of the investigation. Curiously, the phone seemed to be in pristine condition, and the authorities believed there were low chances of it having been there for several months before being discovered. Is that correct? You might remember from earlier episodes of the podcast that I spoke to various people about Toms personal struggles. Everybody good? So, if you're wondering where they might be today, here's what we know! Skip Hollandsworth: And that came across as deception on the examiners report. What was the question asked them? checked in with attending reporter Judd Baker live during the event, as well as took a full recording. No evidence to back these two theories up. There is no way to finish off this post its still ongoing and we hope for justice for Tom. It is of interest because IP logs and data access logs were blank, Records from Facebook indicate Thomas Browns Facebook page had been removed. Skip Hollandsworth: Did you come across any evidence suggesting something like that might have happened? and the hours-long Wednesday presentation from Private Investigator Phillip Klein left a glut of allegations and evidence to sort through in the case of Thomas Brown. But as Klein told the crowd all he had done to find out what had happened to Tom, he insisted, over and over, that he had found nothingnot a single piece of evidenceimplicating Penny, Chris, or Tucker. Our focus is Thomas Brown. Chris Jones: Were going like towards the [unclear] yard. We have theories, obviously. . Im probably just going to keep doing what Im doing. Deer did not shed antlers in Canadian, TX until March and April of this year. This Office is releasing this investigative summary because it believes it is in the best interest of the public, witnesses in the investigation and, most importantly of Thomas Brown, to disseminate factual and credible information that has been gathered after a thorough and exhaustive investigation over the past several years.. Chris is the stepfather, and, you know, probably one of the nicest men I think Ive ever met in my life, that has been so cordial. Rachel Kading: There is no evidence that he went to the football parking lot. Klein Investigations released the following statement in regards to the Attorney General statement. During the investigation, Penny Meek told law enforcement that Phillip Klein had taken down the Facebook account. NEDERLAND, Texas (KAMR/KCIT) - According to a Friday afternoon statement released by Klein Investigations and Consulting, the family of Thomas Brown, a teenager from Canadian, Texas who went . Chris went on to say that, in the light, he could see Tomstill alivesitting in front of them in a chair. Philip Klein: Penny, would you please stand up? On January 21, 2019, just days after Toms remains were discovered. Heres Chris talking long-distance to Caroline Gear on a prison telephone. Canadian, Texas (population 2,649) is a small, prosperous town in the Texas panhandle. Caroline Gear: And when he took the goggles off, are you telling me that Thomas was still alive? We dont go down to the Poke and Run and have coffee. . Im Skip Hollandsworth from Texas Monthly, and this is Tom Browns Body. The child began asking friends if they had the passcode. Every victim is important, and this case is no different than that. A private investigator hired by the family believed that Tom was possibly the victim of an accident; children playing around might have accidentally shot him in the head and later placed the body and car where they were eventually found. I mean, this has been our home for a hundred years. Generally, the kids would meet at one of the schools and theyd park their cars there and get into one car and just ride around, Penny told Dateline. Dog and cat antibiotics are medications prescribed by a veterinarian that can help treat a bacterial infection. A bit of background on Thomas' case: Thomas was a high school senior when he went missing the day before Thanksgiving in 2016. In early 2018, the states attorney generals office in Austin took over the investigation. Im sorry if youre angry with me, if youre angry with my crew. The petition received over 10,000 signatures and the case was turned over to the Texas Attorney General in February 2018. In early 2019, according to Klein's company, his remains were found near Lake Marvin about 19 miles. The Hemphill County Sheriff's Office reported late yesterday afternoon that Canadian Elementary School teacher Jeff Caseltine had died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. The expecting mother will need diapers and bottles, but she will also need comfy maternity clothes to wear throughout her pregnancy or a maternity pillow. I want all of you to think: What if it was your child? The vehicle was returned to Penny on the SAME DAY it was found. On July 1, 2019, Penny and the Moms4Tom team put up billboards around Canadian. In October 2017, Klein conducted a search around Lake Marvin Road, near where Toms backpack was found. CANADIAN, Texas (KFDA) - Klein Investigations, the private firm investigating the death of Thomas Brown, says it anticipates moving into the prosecution phase of the case by the end of this year . On January 9, 2019, human remains were discovered in an area near Lake Marvin Road.. This included evidence related to manner of death, cause of death, or evidence of a specific suspect. No sign of a conflict, an assault, an abduction, nothing, nothing to suggest any of that, said Hemphill County Sheriffs Chief Deputy Brent Clapp. In January 2017, Toms backpack with his laptop inside was found in the Lake Marvin area. Kading decided to have the polygraph examiner ask Penny and Chris about the phone. Leave them blank to get signed up. But because so little was left of his remains, an autopsy could not determine the cause of death. Because of the amount of public interest in this case, the amount of time that has elapsed, and the amount of erroneous information that has circulated around the investigation, we believe it is necessary to be open and transparent about the facts in this case. Chris went on to tell Gear that Sheriff Lewis was working for a local gambling ring that wanted Chris to play well in certain games and deliberately throw other games so they could collect big on their bets. Rachel Kading: I dont think we can go there. I. Were the only people that have found anything. He tried to tell her at this time that he believed Tom had walked away which contradicts what he told her husband. . Thomas Kelly "Tom" Brown, 18, of Canadian went missing on November 23, 2016. I dont know where it is. Just before midnight, he said goodbye. Thats just ludicrous. Rachel Kading: I think that collectively as a group, at the AGs office, we just felt that it was important to put out some facts. As of May 2019 his death was unsolved, and it was featured in an April 2019 edition of the Sideline Sleuths podcast. So, had Sheriff Lewis and deputy Pyne Gregory murdered Tom to please a local gambling ring? Fort Valley State University student Missing Where is Anitra Gunn? There was a junior high school football game going on at the stadium. Choosing her words carefully, she explained to me why there had been so much uncertainty around calling a grand jury. Chris had just joined the team. Chris Jones: . The investigation seemed to be stalled for good. Brown's remains were found in January. Produced and engineered by Brian Standefer, who also wrote the music. The truck had been abandoned on a dirt road that leads to a water treatment facility. The backpack was found nearly 4 miles from the spot search dogs lost trace of him during their initial searches in November. Several other witnesses claimed to have seen the video or had credible information about the video, however, the video would not have provided any footage of Thomas Brown getting gas the camera that would capture that view was facing the ground. Emily McCullar is a senior editor covering pop culture, news, and Texas history. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. On November 23, 2016, Thomas Kelly Brown was last seen in Canadian, Texas, at approximately 11:30 p.m. by several of Thomas's friends. We dont sit in an office. I know Tom and the man who committed suicide were both into drama/theater, was the man also his drama teacher? his remains were found near Lake Marvin about 19 miles east of Canadian. While it is not common practice to disclose evidence in a pending investigation, we believe providing a general synopsis of the known facts in the case will dispel conjecture and provide a thorough explanation for the inevitable, but frustrating, conclusion that this investigation has reached an impasse and should be suspended until such time as additional reliable evidence may be discovered.. The Hemphill County Sheriffs Office was shut down for over 24 hours while investigators of the OAG physically searched the office and forensically downloaded and analyzed target computers and the server. The lady who found the phone took a photo of it and later told Penny that the phone she found was rose gold. Cant answer that? So let me get this straight???? It had an indention in the ground where the backpack was sitting. Theyre not meant to treat viruses, however. Shes not. He was wearing glasses. Skip Hollandsworth's true crime podcast shows how the unsolved mystery of Tom Brown's disappearance and death has upended a Texas Panhandle idyll. Penny did tell me that Kading had told her that she suspected the family had found Toms body after he killed himself, and that out of a sense of shame they had moved his body, hoping no one would find him. These billboards were almost immediately vandalized. Skip Hollandsworth: And what would they be indicted for? The phone was later found without a case, and Browns mother stated that it has been in her possession since Browns disappearance the case has not been produced to investigators. The condition of the remains made it difficult to reliably confirm a cause and manner of death. Criminal intent for Tampering with Evidence cannot be established. Contents 1 Background 2 Last known whereabouts 3 Discoveries 4 Publications 5 References D. Nathan Lewis told family members that Tom was gay and ran off with an older man. Read more from the Tom Browns Body Series: Chapter 3: Evil Has Come to Canadian, Texas. and roughed him up. Thomas Kelly Brown was an 18 year old boy from Canadian, TX who went missing in November 2016, and was subsequently found dead in January 2019. Please pray that Toms killer is found and brought to justice. And at the bottom of the sign was Toms photo. Skip Hollandsworth: What were other stories Chris Jones told you or others about what happened that night? The motivation for Dr Abraham to remove the signs is unknown. It was on the other side of a barbed-wire fence along the road that leads to Lake Marvin. Rachel Kading: No; its irresponsible to do so. He drove away in his Dodge Durango, apparently headed home. It is hard to put into words just how unprofessional and shady the conduct of the Hemphill County Sheriffs office has been in relation to the disappearance and death of Tom Brown. Mr. Lewis was unprofessional. Skip Hollandsworth: And what was the result of his answers? Nov. 23, 2016, was the day Thomas Brown disappeared. He didntTucker did not do anything to Thomas. You might remember that only weeks after that fateful Thanksgiving eve, Penny had asked a couple of Toms friends if they knew the password to Toms phone, which was then still believed to be missing. Digital forensic evidence indicates that it is more likely than not that the battery case was on Thomas Browns phone the night of his disappearance. Pyne Gregory found Thomas Browns skull at around 9:30 a.m. on Jan. 9, 2019, not in the middle of the night as some have stated. What is the status of the case that the DA handed to the AG regarding Lewis that is not related to the Tom Brown case? To get a pair of high-waisted jeans that are as comfortable as they are fashionable, find a pair with added elastane, Lycra or spandex. Skip Hollandsworth: And you found yourself investigating to see if that story was true? However, Toms family was worried when he didnt come home by his midnight curfew. Tom Brown's Body is a Texas Monthly production. 4 to 1 ratio in cups; No Result . J.K. Nickell is our editor and Paul Knight is our fact-checker. Tucker Brown: I mean, this has been our home for four generI mean, am I the fifth? sufficient evidence to say that Tom Brown's death to be a criminal act . So, lets just say, a hypothetical. Penny further stated that her son was not into guns, and none of the firearms at their home were missing. Then, in October 2017, his phone was found in the same area during a search. Took 45 minutes to respond to a missing person call? He got into fights and was eventually kicked out of high school after that 2016 season. He is a very unreliable witness. Shortly after the car was found and with a minute amount of investigation (as listed above), Nathan Lewis called Pennys husband Chris (Toms stepfather) and said that he suspected Tom had killed himself. . The summary was also noted to not contain all the evidence investigated or known by the OAG, and should not be viewed as a document reflecting all of the evidence. Amarillo Mayor responds to concerns surrounding drag show. Do you see any hope that new evidence is going to emerge? Search on Nov. 23, 2016 at 9:11 p.m. for a suicide hotline. The Hemphill County Sheriff's Office was put in charge of the investigation, but Thomas . Our theme music is No Hard Feelings by the Avett Brothers. Surveillance cameras from a local business showed Toms car presumably driving home and then coming back on the same street sometime after midnight. Is that not the most bizarre thing? During our interview, she did confirm rumors that she had spoken with the countys district attorney, Franklin McDonough, about the possibility of convening a grand jury to look into Toms death. So, lets find out more about what happened then, shall we? One witness told investigators that a few months before his disappearance, Thomas Brown was seeking help with mental health issues. Philip Klein: I see it; I hear it. That is very suspicious to me, and if not then it is one hell of a coincidence. On the sign were two sentences: There is a killer among us. Additional production on this episode by. Rachel Kading: I mean, the one that sticks out is, he told the sheriffs office at some point that two Hispanic people in town were responsible for this death and that it was connected to the Mexican Mafia, or to a cartel. Everyone knows everyone's business in Canadian, and someone is harboring a huge secret. Chris said he never saw Tom again. Tucker has said that a usually locked gate was unlocked and Gregory did not want to drive and search the area. He lived with his mother Penny, who is a teacher in Canadian and his stepfather Chris. . Klein said that he would go through his alleged narrative of the case including a timeline during the Oct. 20 meeting, as well as that he would address some of the new AG investigation summary report. Why, Kading wanted to know, would Penny ask for the phones password unless she had the phone in her possession all along? Thomas Brown declined, according to the witness, their offer to help him get therapy and drive him to Amarillo for confidentiality because he did not want to tell his mother and he was still a minor. Former Hemphill Sheriff James Pearson has also been in touch with Penny to corroborate the harassment claims and. Other than have reporters like me come up and show up at your dining room table? TOM BROWN UPDATE. The authorities questioned Penny regarding what she believed happened to her son. It could be the twenty-year anniversary. Thomas Brown went missing from Canadian November 2016 (kfda) By Cassie Stafford Updated: Jan. 17, 2019 at 8:50 AM PST CANADIAN, TX (KFDA) - We are learning more on the discovery of. guns in candian or county wasnt ever done when the truck was found??? Where was hehmmmhmmmmhmmmm He is arrogant and his stories just arent making sense. Woman: You should stop throwing splatter at a board, or at a wall, okay? When they finally did respond, and Gregory went searching with Tucker Brown, Gregory did not search thoroughly. Rachel Kading: When we kind of came to the end of the case and we really werent sure, still, what had happened, but we knew that people were lyingsomebody has to be lying in this casewe discussed having an investigational grand jury. "The evidence that we found clearly indicts that he did not. Hes been interviewed how many times? Fact. Following the months of conflict between the Sheriffs office and the Brown family, on January 26, 2018, Sheriff Nathan Lewis put in a formal request to the Texas Attorney Generals Office. Officials from the state attorney generals office were so disturbed by Kleins comments that they finally agreed to allow their lead investigator in the case, Sergeant Rachel Kading, to sit down with me for an interview. I know the truth about where he was. Go downam I going to go find Rachel in Austin and say, you know, what? An Instagram murder - Brandon Clark and Bianca Devins, Gannon Stauch Murder Trial - Daily Updates, Jenna Van Gelderen and the missing Egyptian tapestry, The Missing, Murdered and Reunited of Runaway Train, UPDATE: 11 year old Gannon Stauch missing from Colorado Springs - remains have been found in Florida, Murder by Neglect - the deaths of Lacey Fletcher and Valerie Wallach. The circumstances surrounding the passcode created misinformation that HCSO had asked for the passcode in 2017. So you can go get indictments, which are very easy to get, but to not have the trial evidence, its unethical and it doesnt serve the victim. When Toms backpack was discovered, two months after he disappeared, it took Lewis FIVE days to inform Penny that it had been recovered. . Learn how your comment data is processed. The outgoing teenager loved football and had been exploring theater as well. In fact, her written report mentioned the lie detector tests thatPenny and her husband Chris agreed to take in 2018, not long after Kading got involved in the case. The Canadian River was searched into Oklahoma. Items belonging to Thomas Brown located in various places miles away from where his vehicle and skeletal remains were found. Im gonna tell the truth. Thats what hes told that lady right there. Skip Hollandsworth: Tucker was asked by you to take a lie detector test. And when I went to see Penny in October, the day after Kleins meeting, she remained adamant that she, Chris, and Tucker had not moved Toms body. It was wet inside and out, pages were almost molded at that point, said Lewis. And then you go to trial for that homicide. That weekend, the Wildcats were in the state football playoffs, and Chris said that Lewis told him the gamblers were banking on a Wildcat victory. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. Tom Brown did not commit suicide. It is the opinion of the investigative team that the Fronks Oil and Gas Video was mishandled, and that Sheriff Nathan Lewis failed to document the collection and loss of this evidence. And that process is, you bring in all witnesses; they testify under oath. Youll recall that Klein is the outspoken private investigator who works for Toms mother, Penny. Thomas phone was plain gold. Rachel Kading: No; absolutely no evidence. But were gonna show you the manner of death tonight, that weand its not theory, folks. Hunting for deer antlers on Federal land is that legal? To absolutely everyones surprise, Klein didnt say a word about the theory of the parking-lot killing. Rachel Kading: We were told that he was home all night. The next morning, his Durango was found on the outskirts of town, next to the water-treatment plant. Man: You need to get out of Canadian, Klein. lake maggiore day trip from milan. How can this case go unsolved? The Texas Rangers have more resources. I. Tom Brown Case in Canadian, TexasA. Whats unethical about that? Vehicle was returned to Toms mom, Penny around 5 pm on that same day. I asked her if she has ever been to the spot where Toms remains were found. Chris was at work. It took the Sheriffs Office almost one hour to respond to the emergency call when Tom went missing. Skip Hollandsworth: Sure is. If thats the opinion you want to have of me, then, I guess, so be it. He cussed at Tom. On October 14, 2017 a gun holster was found. . Skip Hollandsworth: And. Where can you see buffalo in modern Texas? When I had talked to Tucker more than a year ago, he had told me the reason he wouldnt sit for a polygraph examination was because such tests are very unreliable. And he pulled a gun on me. Chris Jones: He pushed me in the back of his cop car. Would you want someone like me investigating it? Rachel Kading: I always hope that that will happen, and Ill never lose that hope. And its very important that you guys listen to what I say tonight. The door is always open at our office for anything that will bring resolution to this case.. Murder Under the Friday Night Lights: Where is Tom Brown? chronicles the unfortunate death of Tom Brown, a young student with his whole life ahead of him. Caroline Gear: Hold on, hold on, okay, so Nathans the one that asked you to come and play there? Were getting the signal? That these two individuals found out that he may know something about it; that they basically kidnapped him, strapped him to a chair; that they shot him up with drugs and told him that if he ever told anybody, that they would kill him. If you fill out the first name, last name, or agree to terms fields, you will NOT be added to the newsletter list. This past fall, word spread through Canadian that Klein would be calling a town hall meeting. Could this discrepancy have something to do with why Nathan Lewis asked for Toms phone passcode before a phone was found? In the Fall of 2016 Thomas Brown, a 16-year-old boy went missing from Canadian Texas. The attorney generals office, however, did release a 249-page report that Kading had compiled about the case, which perhaps offered a few hints about what she was thinking. If you have any information on the death of Tom Brown, please send it to Klein Investigations (and not Nathan Lewis! 0. Skip Hollandsworth: Has he said, You know what, Im tired of the public scrutiny, lets get out of Canadian?. Lucy Letby- Killer Nurse? Tom and his family were looking forward to spending time together for Thanksgiving in 2016 when things went awry. Episode Nine: Another Day in Canadian.. Both Gregory and Lewis were being investigated by the Texas Rangers. Skip Hollandsworth: Do you feel like people want you to quit and leave town so people will forget, so Canadian can get past the Tom Brown episode? Laugh-out-loud fast-food chain Twitter beefs, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Soil sample taken from apparent wet spot near drivers side of the vehicle, Testing by the University of North Texas yielded no results, .25 caliber casing found on floorboard of front passenger side, No forensic evidence provided by the casing No latent prints could be identified and casing could not be tested further for DNA per DPS lab, Nothing of forensic value found on laptop, Forensic testing by DPS no profile could be obtained from hair samples in the case, Records from Apple, Inc. indicate Thomas Browns iCloud account did not contain data commonly backed up, such as iMessages and photographs. Rachel Kading: So, I dont know if the general public is really familiar with how polygraphs work, but theres usually a battery of questions. The 25 is a semi auto and leaves markings from discharge that would prove from the same gun. He was wearing a black pull over with a Oklahoma State University logo displayed on the right upper chest area as well as . Thomas Brown was an 18-year old student at Canadian High School in November 2016. It could be five years from today. Im just wasting my time. Chris said that next to Tom he saw Pyne Gregory, the sheriffs deputy, with a hat on his head and a gun in his hand. If a grand jury had been called, Kading possibly could have gotten more answers out of Toms family. I need to show you something thats going to encourage you to play better and win that state championship. Sloppy police work or intentional thats why you need to see cell phone records if the officers along with the fact that one finally found the body and the other asked for Toms cell phone access code.
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