Our school serves the Upper Rhondda district and there are currently approximately1700 students educated at the school, over 400 of whom are in the Sixth form. Treorchy Comprehensive School Sep 2021 - Present1 year 8 months Cathays High School Placement Cathays High School Nov 2020 - Mar 20215 months Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom I have had. [ 11 0 R] Apart from working towards their APC and Advanced APC, pupils will have the chance to gain four GCSEs in BTEC Public Services. USA: Nelson Education Ltd.BERA (2018) Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research. endobj A focus group of teachers from the LLC AoLE (one representative from English, Welsh and MFL) were asked a series of questions in a semi-structured focus group to help identify current issues surrounding vulnerable learners. We are all contributing and benefitting. Before any research was undertaken all ethics were considered in line with the BERA (2018) guidelines. To add multiple emails please separate with a comma (,), 1 Arlington Square, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1WA, Teacher of Food and Nutrition and/or Health and Social Care (Part time 0.5). ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( +_x\O+q ]?7:J(S35c`|'M?O\[EQ? enBz0?#+#j;'o4Up!3J?kAn',ko5;ih}3Rx_QI{I{E#GF}?JI$&@V?vJQpVgVYYOC' 5K7@#rXb7g'o(R}O?1zxE 1 0 obj It is apleasure and privilege to present the schools website to you and I hope the information presented will give you a real insight into the services that Treorchy Comprehensive School provides for our students, parents and cares and the wider community. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Okay, let's register to unlock School Guide, Please confirm your email after you have paid, Receive our newsletter to help your child's education. Fantastic MOVEment session this morning led by the Treorchy Comprehensive School 6th form students, we are excited to see what they come up with next time @TCSPhysicalEd #MOVE #collaboration. Additionally, the quantitative findings were used in a descriptive format to organise and summarise data and to validate the qualitative findings (Holcomb, 2017). This report is published in response to a request for advice from the Welsh Government in the Ministers annual remit to Estyn for 2012-2013. A report on Treorchy Comprehensive School March 2012 1 Context Treorchy Comprehensive School is a large 11-18 mixed comprehensive school in the county of Rhondda Cynon Taff. USA: Nelson Education Ltd. BERA (2018) Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research. Along with the consent form, participants were given an information leaflet provided by Cardiff Metropolitan University to ensure all potential participants understand, as well as they can, what is involved with the study. In addition to this, the information sheet informed participants about the retention, sharing and any possible secondary uses of their research data (BERA, 2018, pg. Ary et al. R, Reaching Boys, Teaching Boys, Tallent. Before any research was undertaken all ethics were considered in line with the BERA (2018) guidelines. Want to know more about our recruitment The school budget per pupil for Treorchy Comprehensive School in 2015-2016 is 4,099. Copyright and database rights Eteach UK Limited 2023. <> 21). In this instance, the qualitative data allowed for rigorous findings that were based on opinion and gave participants the opportunity to discuss their perceptions in greater depth. and only pay on success. We value wellbeing and know that we need to get this right if our children are able to maximise their learning. endobj Porth Junior School. $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? As it is a Sixth Form Centre of Excellence, there is a large sixth form at Treorchy. and find the latest jobs and opportunities available. Register for day-to-day and long-term supply work, Let our expert find your next role for you, Join Education Boutique for online and face-to-face tutoring, Gain advice and assistance on teaching overseas, Discover how to get into teaching through approved training providers, Start your career in education as part of a community and receive expert advice, Use your expertise to support schools and colleges, Access valuable resources from our partners to develop your knowledge, Explore expert advice and tips from your CV to the classroom, Find solutions to common questions and concerns quickly and easily, Learn more about what it's like to teach across the globe, Discover what is required to teach in the United Kingdom, Understand more about the National Curriculum, Advertise teaching jobs, leadership roles and support vacancies to increase your candidate reach, Manage your hiring process with an applicant tracking system specifically designed for education, Let our education recruitment consultants search, screen and select the right candidates for you, Provide in-person and online support for your students with our bespoke tutoring services, Receive independent and accredited advice on a wide range of sector-specific areas, Search and book vetted, qualified supply teachers using our advanced online booking system, Discover the best solution for your talent management, Pay per vacancy with our instant job advert service for adhoc recruitment, Access unlimited advertising for a single one-off annual fee, Utilise the power of our applicant tracking system and unlimited advertising all in one package, Expand your reach through featured job listings, targeted emails and social media campaigns, Benefit from best practice guides on education recruitment and staff retention, Explore expert advice and tips from leadership to recruitment, Let our experts find your next role for you. Treorchy Comprehensive School is the first ever state secondary school in Wales to become involved in the Combined Cadet Force (CCF). and only pay on success. 3 0 obj Firstly, both identified the commonalities of a vulnerable learner suggesting that a vulnerable learner often lacks basic life skills as they have low values, aspirations etc. Available at: https://gweddill.gov.wales/docs/dcells/publications/150225-successful-futures-en.pdfPinkett. ]c\RbKSTQ C''Q6.6QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ @" Now any communications with parents dont cost anything more.. Firstly, voluntary informed consent was gathered at the start of the study and participants were made aware that they could withdraw their consent at any time. We promote three main values: Respect, Responsibility and Aspiration and have build all our work around these values. We've saved some files called cookies on your device. Rhondda endstream B. Andrew Bishop; David Bishop (rugby union, born 1983) H. Both G. Wilson and V. Allen have noted the importance of enhancing the literacy skills of vulnerable learners in order to allow them to access the curriculum that we are providing. 4th edn. Your future in teaching at Treorchy Comprehensive starts here! This would ultimately support the ability of vulnerable learners to engage with the new curriculum, especially in the LLC AoLE. Where can parents find help to choose a school? (i) The enquiry has incorporated the views of teachers in the first instance because we wanted to collate and evaluate the views of those who were charged with designing, developing and implementing the new curriculum. St Michael's RC Primary School. 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To find out more about our mission, visit X?5$knu 2i As Class Charts is an adaptable piece of software, it was tailored to help the school achieve its specific goals, one of which was to introduce a central detention system. !(!0*21/*.-4;K@48G9-.BYBGNPTUT3? <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> Treorchy DWP explains the 57 health conditions that qualify you for over 400 a month in attendance allowance, Millions of people are entitled to the money, Danniella Westbrook rushed to hospital after 'life-changing' Turkish facial surgery, The former EastEnders actress said she was in extreme pain, 'Heart and soul' theatre actor died while snorkelling in the Caribbean, Andrew Evans, who has been described as a doting family man and community champion, tragically died taking part in the activity whilst he was on a cruise with his family, Discovery a huge hint to what the planet was like millions of year ago and if live veer flourished on our near neighbour, New driving rules you may not know about including pavement parking and 20mph zones, How roadworks at one of Cardiff's busiest junctions is affecting businesses and residents, The roadworks have caused a mixed response from businesses but residents have welcomed the 'peace and quiet' of a once busy street, Abandoned kayaks and camping equipment sparks police search, The equipment was found in a secluded bay. <> The pupils crave attention, they want to get kicked out of the classroom as it means they can disengage with the lessons and this is the negative attention they are ending up with. 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We could see that it had allowed the teachers to have better communication with parents and between members of staff; and, rather than responding to issues hours later, you could monitor behaviour across the school at any given hour, says Rhiannon Davies, Assistant Headteacher. It is essential that constructive oracy in the classroom is continually employed if students are to develop critical thinking skills. Firstly the limitations of identifying and implementing effective strategies to improve the oracy of vulnerable learners within the classroom. The evidence from the focus group and the questionnaire highlighted that low levels of literacy was one of the biggest barriers preventing children from accessing the curriculum and the most relevant literacy skill to embed is oracy. The Best UK School Guide: Easy to Use, Built for Parents. United Kingdom, Address M and Hawley. There is an emphasis on the use of digital technology in classrooms with a bring your own device policy in place for all students. David McClymont, Director of IT at Downe House, said: We chose the Microsoft 365 platform because we aim to equip Downe House girls with both the academic and digital skillset they will need to succeed in the 21st century world beyond Downe House. During the research, the educational context in which the research was undertaken was known as School X. These methods of research also identified common trends in the attitude, effort and behaviours displayed by pupils They fear education due to low aspirations. The percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals is 25%. Treorchy Comprehensive School, Rhondda Cynon Taff, was the first school in Wales to receive a national award for its achievement in supporting more able and talented children. L and Wilson. When conducting the focus group from the LLC AOLE, the feedback was based on the views of just 3 participants and there was not enough time to see if their observations and recommendations were based on their actual practice. This report examines standards, provision and leadership in meeting the needs of more able and talented pupils in primary and secondary schools across key stages 2, 3 and 4. <> Ary, D., Jacobs, C. L., Irvine, S. K. C. and Walker, A. D. (2019) Introduction to Research in Education. You can of course still email the school atsupport@treorchycomp.org.ukfor further support also and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Read more Thematic report | 15 October 2018 The professional learning continuum: mentoring in initial teacher education pdf, 3.13 MB Added 15/10/2018 St Margaret's RC Primary School. Please check saved jobs in your cv account. As it is a Sixth Form Centre of Excellence, there is a large sixth form at Treorchy. It also helps you to spot behaviour trends and make sure rewards or punishments are appropriate it allows you to make things more bespoke.. endobj Online pupils have a digital buddy to support them in lessons, and a pastoral buddy to ensure they are included in every aspect of school life. the About Us page. Pages in category "People educated at Treorchy Comprehensive School" The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total. Our Moderation Prefects aim to do this within 24 hours. Inspection Report Treorchy Comprehensive School 2016, Inspection Report Treorchy Comprehensive ENG 2012 (English only), The professional learning continuum: mentoring in initial teacher education, An innovative Welsh programme to challenge more able pupils, Supporting more able and talented pupils - How best to challenge and nurture more able and talented pupils: Key stages 2 to 4, Good practice in mathematics at key stage 4 - October 2013. The maximum per pupil in secondary schools in Rhondda Cynon Taf is 4,982 and the minimum is 3,886. It is a pleasure and privilege to present the schools website to you and I hope the information presented will give you a real insight into the services that Treorchy Comprehensive School provides for its students, parents and the community at large. <> Should our pupils or parents/carers require further support at this difficult time there are a number of agencies you can contact for advice. . 13 0 obj Select 40 or 60 to see more schools. V, (2017) Supporting Behaviour by Building Resilience and Emotional Intelligence, Critical Publishing. 12 0 obj Rhigos Primary School. Please click on the link and enjoy! They see family members with low income jobs and this is the benchmark for the students. I think every school should look at it because you can mould it to needs of your individual school, she says. Context and background to sector-leading practice Treorchy Comprehensive School is a large 11-18 mixed comprehensive school in the county of Rhondda Cynon Taf. Quickly and easily apply using your Eteach profile. . The action research took place using a combination of a literature review, a focus group and questionnaires through a case study approach. YG.f!+z jw{u EV1FJU5;7CW: sZq-^ywCrX+*V0f' 2qT~UFG($L]AC[. Leanne Howells is on Facebook. endobj Once logged in via Facebook, The school is situated on the southern side. 17). The LLC AoLE will also now begin to incorporate the recommended strategies into their Year 8 schemes of work, so that we can begin to measure and assess the impact this new approach is having on the oracy skills of vulnerable learners. At the end of April more than 250 Year 7 pupils took part in an open day to launch the project, which will come into operation at the start of the new academic year in September. Before we introduced this, we couldnt have communicated to that many parents in one go and if we had used a text system it would be very expensive. Clearly presented information on all UK Primary, Secondary and Independent schools. The cadets will follow the Army Proficiency Certificate (APC), which will involve studying a multitude of disciplines including drill, military knowledge, field craft, orientation, self-reliance and weapons training. 11 0 obj % Activities and workshops held and student showcases! When exploring the limitations of the enquiry, it has been clear that two fundamental issues have been identified. The UK now has 48 Showcase Schools in areas including London, Port Talbot, Paisley, Exeter and Glasgow. the About Us page. Join over 180,000 other teachers already using ClassCharts. During the day there was a visit from Brigadier Libby, who oversees all Army activities in Wales. Pay per candidate placed M and Roberts .M, Boys Dont TryWilson. At Treorchy Comprehensive School we operate an 'accelerated' Key Stage 4 curriculum, where students start their qualification courses in Year 9. The school is now in the process of phasing in another EduKey product Provision Map, which assists with the administration of special needs provision in the school. They also recognised that the data provided by Class Charts was facilitating the pastoral experience, revealing patterns in behaviour that might otherwise have gone unnoticed. 0.31484550411632634: 1.7911783240958763: 51.66911696857653-3.472670045515975: . Ton Pentre Infants School. job site and start receiving applications today! Their happiness, wellbeing and education is at the heart of everything we do. You'll be working at a great school and be part of a friendly, helpful team. The literature surrounding vulnerable learners has suggested that as the new curriculum is designed and developed there is a clear need to consider vulnerable learners.
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