Pre-leasing begins at apartments near Trumbull mall. The Honor Roll special section for Trumbull County Schools is included in today's print edition of the Tribune Chronicle. Honorees are selected by their respective school faculties. Trumbull, CT schools and education news, updates, events and local school sports Please note - this site has been totally redesigned and all links have been changed. Trying to figure out the year one should retire feels like using a cruise ship pool to learn how to swim while the ship is sinking; too late to De-stressing, de-aging and financial planning absorbs the weekend. The following students from Trumbull were named to the Honor Roll: The views expressed in this post are the author's own. Grade 9 Trumbull Residents Earn Honors at Notre Dame High School Notre Dame High School of West Haven President Mr. Robert Curis and Vice President for Student Success, Mr. Joseph A. Ramirez,. This post was contributed by a community member. The three-year-project includes installing nearly 150 stronger, thicker utility poles, stringing more than three miles of more robust overhead lines. . The board voted on March 8, 2022 to accept donations for a scholarship fund in honor of 2021 Trumbull High grad Chelsea Cunha, who died in January. Register for a user account. Grade 9 Addison Strouse, Anna Stook, Giovanna (Gigi) Garofalo, Jessica Tara Booth Hill Elementary School in Trumbull is one of four schools in Connecticut recently named a 2022 National Blue Ribbon School. (November 2021) Presidential Honor Roll (A weighted grade point average of 95 or higher with no individual mark under an 90. Infinite Campus; Daily Notice; Open Search. Notre Dame High School of West Haven President Mr. Robert Curis and Vice President for Student Success, Mr. Joseph A. Ramirez, recently announced the honor roll for the Second Quarter of the 2020-2021 academic year. The views expressed here are the author's own. 3 Arrested On Stolen Vehicle Charges At Trumbull Mall: Police, Burglar Scared Off By Trumbull Resident After Entering Home: Police, Mediumship Gallery Reading w/Psychic Tracy Ann McGrath, UMC Monroe Spring Paper Shredding Fundraiser, Local Meal Service Feast & Fettle, Now Serving Trumbull, Guns/Ammunition Wanted Consignments Performed, Whos Hiring In Trumbull Area: This Weeks Newest Job Openings, 1 Killed, Child Critically Injured In Major Highway Crash: CT News. (A weighted grade point average of 95 or higher with no individual mark under an 90. New COVID variant Arcturus spreading: Here's what to know What happens when ChatGTP enters the medical field? With this opening near, the company has begun pre-leasing. (February 14, 2022)- The Northeast-10 Conference has announced its Academic Honor Roll for the Fall 2021 semester, recognizing 287 student-athletes from Stonehill who have earned a semester grade-point average of 3.00 or higher. Congratulations to our 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Students! An awards. Trumbull High School; Continuing Education (opens in new window/tab) Elite; Madison Middle School. She was a freshman at UConn and was studying to be a math teacher. By Chatwan Mongkol,Mark Zaretsky,Leeanne Griffin,Andrea Valluzzo, 2023 Hearst Media Services Connecticut, LLC, Stew Leonard Sr. remembered at service: 'Most positive energy', Why a New York business wants to move its headquarters to CT, The CT legislature has 500 bills. Heres how to save. Emailing for those will only delay you getting assistance. Column: Chaotic solar panel placement makes for ugly CT homes. High Honors Grade 8 Daniel Bifield, Jaime Capozzi, James D'Angelo, Mya Dawid, Lucilia Foran, Caroline George, Jocelyn Gonzalez, Ethan Henkel, Teagan Mulvihill, Hayley Pokornowski, Arush Puri, Brady Sciuto, Rhianna Solli, Sophia Torgerson, Katrina Zeoli. Spanish National Honor Society, Tri-M Music Honor Society, Trumbull High School Golden Eagle . BUS ROUTE INFORMATION- See the transportation page! Search. Cunha, a 2021 Trumbull High School graduate and University of Connecticut student, died Jan. 10 at Hartford Hospital from what the office of the chief medical examiner determined was a pulmonary embolism. More travelers are booking trips inspired by movies and TV shows. 1st Quarter Honor Roll Students! President's Honor Roll A grade point average of 95 or higher with no individual mark under a 90. You can refer to the. Daily Announcements . The diversity score of Hillcrest Middle School is 0.52, which is less than the diversity score at state average of 0.66. Wed 26 Apr. This year's Law Day subject was "Cornerstones of . Board of Education Chair Lucinda Timpanelli said there was "an air of excitement and anticipation" as Trumbull students returned to school. The following Hillcrest Middle School students have achieved honors for the second trimester marking period: HONORS WITH DISTINCTION Grade 6: Jack Allen, Saige Annakie, Yana Baltsevych, Kate Barton, Marcus Black, Jillian Bowen, Leilani Brown, Timothy Brown, Lauren Buck, Daniel Cao, Calyn Carbone, Alexander Castro, Matthew Catuccio, Garrett Cheng, The NE10 Academic Honor Roll acknowledges the commitment of NE10 student-athletes in the classroom . Topics you care about, straight to your inbox. The Regional Center for the Arts in Trumbull will host an information session and tour for prospective students in November. Christian Heritage School student Rachel Brooks is one of just 161 students around the country, including two from Fairfield County, who were selected. (A weighted grade point average of 88 or higher with no individual mark under an 80), Elementary / Middle School Music Education Program. The contest, which is held annually in celebration of Law Week, is open to all Trumbull County schools and invites students to submit entries on a specific topic related to the law. TRUMBULL The death of 18-year-old Chelsea Cunha in January was just a parents nightmare, said Trumbull Superintendent Martin Semmel. Brooks says her struggle inspired her interest in the medical field and founding of national nonprofit Securing Safe Food. Want to post on Patch? has compiled a list of the "best" school systems to teach in for Connecticut. Vet bills can really add up. (Shutterstock ) STRATFORD, CT The following students have been named to the honor. The former director of the award-winning Trumbull High School Golden Eagles Marching Band, Peter Horton leaves behind an impressive legacy. Grade 6: Jack Allen, Saige Annakie, Yana Baltsevych, Kate Barton, Marcus Black, Jillian Bowen, Leilani Brown, Timothy Brown, Lauren Buck, Daniel Cao, Calyn Carbone, Alexander Castro, Matthew Catuccio, Garrett . It will be an honor to award a scholarship to a candidate that best represents Chelseas aspirations.. With the information shared above about trumbull high school honor roll 2021 , we hope we have brought useful knowledge and the best choices to you. How to plan, grow and enjoy a garden with kids this spring. You can refer to the, The following summaries about electric concrete saw rental will help you make more personal choices about more accurate and faster information. The coolest places you can stay from your favorite TV shows. Report: Trumbull schools "at or past their useful life", Trumbull We the People team places 8th in nation, Despite support, early voting won't start in CT this year, Trumbull students score big in esports competitions, Haar: Lamont deflects demands to spend CT surplus on education, Standoffs over K-12 school funding and state university outlays illustrate pressure on Gov. Today, we publish 20 of this year's students here. She's a married mother of twins who loves reading, watching TV and rooting for the Michigan State Spartans. Clear. St Joseph High School has announced the students from Trumbull who have made the second quarter honor roll. TRUMBULL HIGH SCHOOL Daily Announcements Monday, September 20, 2021 . Proposed Trumbull budget includes EMS raises EMS officials are encouraging the town council to back the proposed $197.3 million budget when it votes May 4. EASTON, Mass. TRUMBULL HIGH SCHOOL Daily Announcements Monday, May 3, 2021 A Day NEW INFORMATION PROM TICKETS: The Class of 2021 Prom is Friday, June 4th, from 7:00-11:00, outside under a tent on school grounds. Logan Grigsby, a student at Hubbard Middle School, has been named the first-place winner in the Trumbull County Bar Association's Law Day contest for grades 7-9. Cunha, a 2021 Trumbull High School graduate and University of Connecticut student, died Jan. 10 at Hartford Hospital from what the office of the chief medical examiner determined was a pulmonary embolism. Her advice to students is to love what you do. Parents in Trumbull can mark the first day of school coming later this summer. Nov 12 2021 Congratulations to our 1st Quarter Honor Roll Students! Notre Dame High School recently announced the Honor Roll for the Fourth Quarter of the 2020-2021 academic year. Please note - the webmastercannotassist you with Infinite Campus or Parent Portal issues! AP District Honor Roll The following honor roll consists of the 373 school districts in the U.S. and Canada that simultaneously achieved increases in access to Advanced Placement courses for a broader number of students and also maintained or improved the rate at which their AP students earned scores of 3 or higher on an AP Exam. School Rankings. Trumbull Resident Earns Honors at Notre Dame High School. 3 Arrested On Stolen Vehicle Charges At Trumbull Mall: Police, Burglar Scared Off By Trumbull Resident After Entering Home: Police, Mediumship Gallery Reading w/Psychic Tracy Ann McGrath, UMC Monroe Spring Paper Shredding Fundraiser, Local Meal Service Feast & Fettle, Now Serving Trumbull, Guns/Ammunition Wanted Consignments Performed, Whos Hiring In Trumbull Area: This Weeks Newest Job Openings, 1 Killed, Child Critically Injured In Major Highway Crash: CT News. Ridgefield High School 2022-2023 Q3 Honor Roll: Congratulations to RHS students earning honor roll for 2022-2023 Q3 High Honors Grade 9Leighton Accinelli, Mariam Alavidze, Lucas . Feb 1 2022 Congratulations to our 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Students! The views expressed here are the author's own. Trumbull Residents Earn Honors at Notre Dame High School Notre Dame High School of West Haven President Mr. Robert Curis and Vice President for Student Success, Mr. Joseph A. Ramirez,. Alana Beerli;JoshBenedek;Nicole Bodnarik;Chloe Boyd;CoryBruce-Tagoe;Taylor Buck; Meara Burke;Hao Chen;Alexandra Cotto;Arden Douglas;Lauren Dreyer;Ella Dunford;Kelsea Flanagan;Hannah Fox;Mikayla Gallias;Amanda Gardecki;Lucas Kellogg;Owen Lafond;Jackson LaVecchia;Allyson Lunney;Sebastian Martinez;Zoe McLean;Charlotte Molnar,Mika'il Naqvi;Sara Parker; Gabriella Pereira;Sadie Plotkin;Kinsey Spoelstra;Keelyn Trubovich;David Villavicencio;Adrian Warren, Miranda Arias;AlexanderBalko;SaraBarrett;AnirudhBhatti;Chase Bryant;James Corry;Sofia Couture;Alexandra Davidson;Danielle Alexis Erive;Colin Firda;Naia Harmon;Hannah Haywood;Asha Joliet;Rebecca Kirn;Matthew Krekoska;Daniel Kron;Julia Lacasse;Jason Lambert, Jr.;Daniel Lee;Dylan Lehning;Austin Leifer;Natasha Lilly;Wan (Lisa) Liu;Erin Lovett;Logan Lynk;Grace Montelli;James Murano;Nikolas Nemergut;Jonathan Niv;Sofia Pace;Madalyn Paige;Sophia Palacio;Audrey Pamelard;Tommy Phelan;Maya Pinto;Taylor Pivarnik;Jessamyn Ramonas;Zohar Rosenberg;Justin Ruby;Joseph Saunders;Abigail Savoie;Kushal Singh;Lily Strouse;Margaret Wetmore;Ryder Wilson;Shaylor Wingate, KristieAlianiello;Rosanna Alibrandi; AmandaBike;Andrew Burke;Teagan Cavaliere;Nicholas Cebrik;Siliang Cen;Addison Chapman;Jack Cocca;Mark Cronin III;Sean Curley;Matthew Debes;Kyle DeFonce;Kathleen Dineen;Cameron Distinti;Sabrina Doan;Niamh Dougherty;Megan Dzialo;Andrew Flynn;Sarah Fonseca;Chelsea Fredericks;Danielle Haniph;Abigail Hanson;Walden Hinkley;Hannah Houghton; Nguyen (Rachelle) Huynh;Olivia Jenkins;Skyler Johansen;Julia Kaye;Andrew Keeler;Caitlyn Kelly;Alessandra Lombardo;Thomas Lucas; Erin Markut;Lucas McMahon;Isabella Molnar;Katie Nguyen;Adam Petrino;Emily Robinson;Grace Scotti; Guadalupe Shields;Madelynn Silberger;Ashleigh Silvestro;Emma Skolozdra;Samantha Stone;Matthew Tabet;Daniela Tanaka Sales;Riley Trubovich;Weijun (Eric) Wang;Justin Wu;Adrianna Wutke;Allison Ziegler, Joseph Adzima; Jamie Andrade;Samantha Bacarella;John Beetham;EricaBender;Lily Braun;Lily Bryant;John Canavan;Lindsay Capobianco;Caitlin Carruth;Isabelle Casucci;Julianna Cavallo;Haowen Chen; Xinpeng (Stefan) Cheng;Nicholas Cinque;Stefano Cono;Thomas Crossen;Ava Cumello;Anais De Jesus;Morgan DeAngelo;Daniel DeBartolomeo;Kevin DeCicco;Grace DeDonato;Victoria Del Re;Kaloyan Dimitrov;Amelia Douglas;Mallory Doyle;Emma Fahey;Anthony Fiatarone;Giovanna Garofalo;Chloe Garrow;Mia Geignetter;Katherine Gervolino;Angelina Gonzalez; Michael Goodwin;Zhefan (Ben) Guo;Siena Harper;Anthony Jacozzi;Trevor Kellogg;Sami Khan;Maddigan Leifer;Alyssa Lopez;Mary Lundregan;Susan Mahoney;Lily Mattison;Kyra McCarthy;John McNabola;Kelly McSherry;Alexandra Murawski;Joshua Napomiceno;Joseph Nesteriak;Joshua Newall;Owen Newbauer;Amy Ogle;Paige Pallarino;Sofia Papanikolaou;Nina Pelletier;Isabella Pereira;Natalie Plavec;Nicole Plavec; Evan Rogers;Kendal Rogers;Amanda Romano;Natalie Roney;Katherine Rudini;Jayanth Sambaraju;Jacob Sciamanna;Veronica Sheehan;Madison Spadaccino;Maximilian Spies;Diana Stage;Erika Stephens;Anna Stook;Addison Strouse; Kyle Sullivan;Olivia Szabo;Jessica Tara;Mackenzie Trafecante;Ava Tuccio;Morgan Vossler;Lauren Wasikowski;Ryan Wicker;Kiara Wiltsie;Shengxin (Jack) Zhang, Principal Honor Roll(A weighted grade point average of 88 or higher with no individual mark under an 80), Brenda Abrantes;Jaden Andujar;Sean Archibald;Anna Arfanis;Jackson Aube;Ryan Bergers;Kiera Bertie;Amelia Blicharz;William Boveroux;Gianna Brancato;Emily Braun;Dominic Bray;Cole Breunig;Aidan Broer;Zachary Brzoska;Isabella Buchetto;Connor Bunnell;Andrew Butler;Maximus Cartolano;Nicholas Cavaliere;Sherene Cineas;Kaelon Commodore;Jesse Covino;Jovan Cruz;Elise Daly;Jacqueline Davidson;Amy DeCaro;Madelyn DeRosa;Edward Eisenman;Kelli Ennis;Giuliana Fabrico;Connor Fahey;Avery Falco;Travis Finch;Christopher Formato;Olivia Franson;Juan Garcia;Isabella Gracia;Isabella Hegarty;Caeleb Hicks;Natalie Jackson;Cailey Jacozzi;Julien Jacques;Cali Jontos;Adrienne LaRiviere;Charlotte LaVecchia;Cameron Levy;Sydney Lombard;Mariano Mallozzi;William Margolies;John Maroney;Michael Maroney;William Merwin;Caden Mitchell;Gina Musco;Megan Nanaj;Cristina Nogueira;Alexis Catalin Padilla;Olivia Pason;Addison Pastore;Ava Pellegrino;Courtney Pollak;Samantha Post;Joshua Pranger;Ashley Purington;Gregory Reyes Martin; Sophia Rodriguez;Alvin Rosario;Arianna Rouse;Brandon Rovinelli;Hailey Ruszkowski;Adriana Salageanu;Joseph Scalzo;Amelia Scheu;Abigail Shearn;Kailea Silva;Charlotte Snyder;Mara Stanko;Shane Stone;Olivia Szczerba;Monica Tokar;David Tsytko;Brianna Turey;Sebastian Valencia;Kaitlyn Velsmid;Sophia Villa;Emilia Wakulczyk;Adrianna Warren;Saveena Wiggins;Kacper Zajaczkowski;Caroline Zeni;Lauren Zirkel, Benjamin Anglace;Joshua Aspden;Guenther Bartolone;Ryan Blake;James Capizzuto;Addison Chamberlain;Sofia Chaves;Jillian Chlebowski;John Clifford;Nicolas Coppola;Lauren Davis;Erin Donegan;Kiera Donegan;William Dwyer;Kristi Ennis;Michael Fiatarone;Kyle Gasparrini;Sarah Gasparrini;Chloe Gerace;Alex Goodwin;Jillian Guilfoyle;Amanda Gujski;Tayshaun Gunn;Madeline Gutwein;John Harrington;Meghan Hoynes;Analise Hubert;Fayrose Hussain;Isabella Jakab;Marko Joksovic;Madeline Judge;Allison Kale;Makenzie Keri;William Kibbey;Sam Kimmel;MacLean Knauf;Mia Koletsos;Henri LaVoie;Muhan (Nereus) Li;Michael Lucifora;Shauna Lynch;Liam Mallon;Toni Manna-Scaturchio;Madeleine Markham;Roselah Masbad;Maeve Matthews;Katherine Mayglothling;Jacob Miller;Peter Monks;Michael Morales;Arlet Morgan;Kate Neary;Jessica Nesteriak;Rania Parikh;Alyssa Pollak;Janelli Pratts;Nathaniel Ramos;Julianna Rizzitelli;Samantha Sabin;Anna Salmini;Bianca Sanchez;Gabriela Santiago;James Scimeca; Jack Solomon;Katherine Stook;Mary Stowe;Lilliana Strazza;Marcus Stryker;Rose Thomas;Brady Tommasi;Niki Tsilfides;Jonathan Vitka;Walter Withrow;Kelly Wu;Amanda Zurolo, Benjamin Anglace;Jonathan Antonacci;Ava Argento;Gabriella Basso;Liliana Benanti;Audrey Bohiltea;Lauren Brown;Kayla Canale;Aidan Cebrian;Amanda Console;Isabella Corona;Mickey Covino;Jensen Cretella;Kaitlyn Curwen;Luke Dana;Isabella Dawes;Jaeleen Diaz;Isabella DiPalma;Connor Dudley;William Ehlers;Brooke Fitzsimmons;Allison Flaherty;Tori Gombas;Mea Grant;Ryan Harrow;Claire Hewitt;Alexander Horvath;Ian Houlihan;Grayce Journick;John Karafa;Raffael Katts;Sophia Kazmierczak;Benjamin Kellogg;Madison Kelly;Shannon Kiley;Jack Kilmartin;Meghan Kopchick;Abigail Lawrie;Lia Leandres;Michael Mancini;Ti'Jha Marshall-West;Eliza Martin;Grace Mathews;Riley McDermott;Madison McMahon;Nathaniel Moore;Lily Murphy;Grace Nash;Tyee Okafor;Jake Pacacha;Brooke Pallarino;Francesca Perry;Samantha Pershqefa;Dana Pettersen;Grace Pisanelli;Andrew Reynolds;Ryan Rooney;Sabrina Rosa;Anais Salageanu;Timothy Scalzo;Sophie Sergiyenko;Jack Snyder;Carolyn Takacs;George Tsilfides;Juliana Turotsy;Ava Unger;Andrew Verow;Joshua Yazdzik;Landon Zdru. First honors indicate an average of 90 or better; Second honors indicate an average of 85-89.999. The views expressed here are the author's own. DONIPHAN Numerous students have been named to honor rolls for the first semester of the 2021-22 academic year at Doniphan-Trumbull Junior-Senior High School . Here is a look at all of the available jobs and how to apply for them. Hillcrest Middle School is ranked within the top 20% of all 940 schools in Connecticut (based off of combined math and reading proficiency testing data) for the 2020-21 school year. Hundreds of students from across Connecticut will come together this weekend for the 2023 Odyssey of the Mind Connecticut Tournament. More than $31,000 raised for scholarship honoring Trumbull High grad, 2023 Hearst Media Services Connecticut, LLC, Pre-leasing begins at apartments near Trumbull mall, Trumbull students score big in esports competitions, Report: Trumbull schools "at or past their useful life", Trumbull We the People team places 8th in nation, Survey results outline what Trumbull wants for affordable housing, Proposed Trumbull budget includes EMS raises, Eid marks end of Ramadan for Bridgeport area Muslims, Trumbull robotics team on path to world title, Trumbull diversity committee calls for schools to observe Eid, A scholarship was created in Cunhas honor, Police: Trumbull homeowner scares off burglar, Milford robotics team wins division at international contest, Police name Trumbull teen as driver in crash that killed former Stratford football star, Trumbull's Residences at Main complex begins leasing, summer opening eyed. Check it out here, Police: Trumbull teen was driver in fatal Stratford crash, Police: CT man found sitting in stolen car at Trumbull Mall, For first time, CT state trooper faces potential loss of license, Lawmaker eyes changes to curb CT state police trooper overtime, Car crash causes fire at apartment building, CT troopers excessive hours raise concerns about safety, cost. Brooks has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which causes severe gastrointestinal and allergic symptoms. This post was contributed by a community member. Based on Alanis Morissette's album, "Jagged Little Pill" will be staged at the Bushnell May 9-14. the National English Honor Society is sponsoring a winter/holiday-themed spirit week next week, 12/20 - 12/23. The Trumbull Board of Education discuss the proposed 2022-23 budget at a meeting on Feb. 8, 2022. Scott Loventhal, a managing partner with Garden Communities, the firm behind the five-building, 260-unit development, said the first building, with 62 units, is expected to be open for occupancy this summer. Broadway's 'Jagged Little Pill' heads to Hartford. Brooks' parents say their daughter is driven to change the world for the better. Wharton (opinion): Running for mayor against your old boss, Joe Ganim and Justin Elicker each face opponents with plenty of experience inside City Hall, CT see first cases of new COVID variant, numbers still low, Survey results outline what Trumbull wants for affordable housing, Proposed Trumbull budget includes EMS raises, Haar: How big will your state tax break be? Presidential Honor Roll (A weighted grade point average of 95 or higher with no individual mark under an 90. Register for a user account. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE DISTRICT-WIDE MASTER PLAN Vision of the Graduate During the 2021-2022 school year, the Trumbull Public Schools organized a committee comprised of teachers, administrators, staff and community members to help define the vision of the graduate. Notre Dame High School recently announced the Honor Roll for the Second Quarter of the 2020-2021 academic year. NATIONAL ENGLISH HONOR SOCIETY - We are delighted to announce that THS is opening . Madison is proud to announce the Honor Roll students for Trimester 2 of the 2022-2023 school year! You can refer to the answers, The following summaries about does mold grow on concrete will help you make more personal choices about more accurate and faster information. The remaining honorees will appear in the June 5 New Haven Register. Dec 09, 2021, 3:34pm Updated on Dec 09, 2021 By: News 12 Staff Trumbull High School officials say classes will go on as scheduled this morning after rumors of a potential threat were dispelled. The U.S. Department of Education released the names of the 2021 U.S. Presidential Scholars this week, and a high school senior from Trumbull is among those being honored. $3.2M Candlewood Lake house once owned by news anchor, TikTok, Instagram help realtors sell a lifestyle in CT Police: Trumbull homeowner scares off burglar, Milford robotics team wins division at international contest, Police name Trumbull teen as driver in crash that killed former Stratford football star, Trumbull's Residences at Main complex begins leasing, summer opening eyed, Mother's Day brunches and dinners at Connecticut restaurants, CT restaurants take steps to cut food waste amid statewide effort, Here are 10 new Connecticut restaurants to try in May. You are looking : trumbull high school honor roll 2021 Contents 1.Trumbull High School honor roll for third quarter - Facebook 2. She has worked for the Connecticut Post in a variety of positions, including town reporter, features writer, TV columnist and health editor. Notre Dame High School , Community Contributor Posted Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 2:56 pm ET The Trumbull Health Department will hold a poster contest for K-5 students to recognize the commitment of school nurses. Frederick High School fourth term honor roll. HONORS WITH DISTINCTION. Andre Jackson Jr., who is still sifting through the NBA Draft process, threw a perfect ceremonial first pitch prior to Monday'sMets-Braves game. Anyone interested in donating to the scholarship can visit its website, By Andy Tsubasa Field Police: Trumbull teen was driver in fatal Stratford crash By Ethan Fry CT native chosen for SpaceX mission calls Starship test a success By Abby Weiss CDC warns of rise in cases of drug-resistant fungus. Merry Morning Monday: Come to school in your comfy and cozy . 0. Michael Curry, a beloved 44-year-old former teacher at Trumbull High School and Madison Middle School, has died. Trumbull Schools Hiring For 34 Teaching, Staff Positions, Trumbull Schools Hiring For 35 Teaching, Staff Positions, Trumbull Students To Compete In 2023 CT Odyssey Of The Mind Tournament, Trumbull Public Schools Hiring For Several Jobs, Trumbull Schools Hiring For 31 Staff Positions, Trumbull School Board Seeks Advisory Members For Policy Committee, Trumbull Arts High School To Host Information Session, Tour, Trumbull Schools Shine In 'Best Places To Teach' Rankings, Trumbull High School Among CT's Top 30: Niche, Trumbull Students Named National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists, Trumbull Elementary School Named 2022 National Blue Ribbon School, Students 'Happy To Be Back' At School In Trumbull, Trumbull Police Offer Back To School Safety Tips For Residents, Back To School: Trumbull 2022-23 School Calendar, Trumbull Health Department To Hold Poster Contest For K-5 Students, Former Trumbull Band Director Remembered For Leadership, Love Of Music, Former Trumbull High Marching Band Director Mourned By Community, Mediumship Gallery Reading w/Psychic Tracy Ann McGrath, UMC Monroe Spring Paper Shredding Fundraiser, Local Meal Service Feast & Fettle, Now Serving Trumbull, Guns/Ammunition Wanted Consignments Performed, 3 Arrested On Stolen Vehicle Charges At Trumbull Mall: Police, Burglar Scared Off By Trumbull Resident After Entering Home: Police, Whos Hiring In Trumbull Area: This Weeks Newest Job Openings, 1 Killed, Child Critically Injured In Major Highway Crash: CT News. Her academic and extracurricular achievements were key in the decision - despite years of medical challenges. (A weighted grade point average of 88 or higher with no individual mark under an 80), Brenda Abrantes;Jaden Andujar;Sean Archibald;Anna Arfanis;Jackson Aube;Ryan Bergers;Kiera Bertie;Amelia Blicharz;William Boveroux;Gianna Brancato;Emily Braun;Dominic Bray;Cole Breunig;Aidan Broer;Zachary Brzoska;Isabella Buchetto;Connor Bunnell;Maximus Cartolano;Nicholas Cavaliere;Sherene Cineas;Kaelon Commodore;Gabriella Corona;Jesse Covino;Jovan Cruz;Elise Daly;Jacqueline Davidson;Madelyn DeRosa;Arden Douglas;Ella Dunford;Kelli Ennis;Giuliana Fabrico;Connor Fahey;Avery Falco;Travis Finch;Christopher Formato;Hannah Fox;Olivia Franson;Juan Garcia;Isabella Gracia;Isabella Hegarty;Caeleb Hicks;Natalie Jackson;Cailey Jacozzi;Julien Jacques;Adrienne LaRiviere;Charlotte LaVecchia;Cameron Levy;Mariano Mallozzi;William Margolies;John Maroney;Zoe McLean;William Merwin;Caden Mitchell;Charlotte Molnar;Gina Musco;Megan Nanaj;Cristina Nogueira;Alexis Padilla;Olivia Pason;Addison Pastore;Ava Pellegrino;Sadie Plotkin;Courtney Pollak;Samantha Post;Joshua Pranger;Ashley Purington;Gregory Reyes Martin;Alvin Rosario;Arianna Rouse;Brandon Rovinelli;Hailey Ruszkowski;Adriana Salageanu;Joseph Scalzo;Amelia Scheu;Brady Sciamanna;Abigail Shearn;Kailea Silva;Charlotte Snyder;Mara Stanko;Shane Stone;Monica Tokar;Brianna Turey;Sebastian Valencia;Kaitlyn Velsmid;Sophia Villa;Emilia Wakulczyk;Adrianna Warren;Saveena Wiggins;Kacper Zajaczkowski;Caroline Zeni;Lauren Zirkel, Benjamin Anglace;Joshua Aspden;Guenther Bartolone;Ryan Blake;Chase Bryant;Avery Cahill;James Capizzuto;Addison Chamberlain;Sofia Chaves;Jillian Chlebowski;Nicolas Coppola;Angel Dessureau-O'Hara;Erin Donegan;Kristi Ennis;Michael Fiatarone;Colin Firda;Ceira Gallagher;Sarah Gasparrini;Kyle Gasparrini;Aaliyah Gonzalez;Madeline Gutwein;Fayrose Hussain;Madeline Judge;Allison Kale;Makenzie Keri;William Kibbey;MacLean Knauf;Daniel Kron;Henri LaVoie;Muhan (Nereus) Li;Natasha Lilly;Ethan Long;Michael Lucifora;Toni Manna-Scaturchio;Madeleine Markham;Roselah Masbad;Katherine Mayglothling;Michael Morales;Arlet Morgan;Kate Neary;Jessica Nesteriak;Sofia Pace;Sophia Palacio;Rania Parikh;Nathaniel Ramos;Julianna Rizzitelli;Samantha Sabin;Gabriela Santiago;Matthew Savo;James Scimeca;Jack Solomon;Katie Splan;Katherine Stook;Marcus Stryker;Jonathan Vitka;Ryder Wilson;Shaylor Wingate;Walter Withrow;Kelly Wu; Amanda Zurolo, Rosanna Alibrandi;Stephanie Alves;Weronika Appel;Dimitrios Arfanis;Gabriella Basso;Liliana Benanti;Audrey Bohiltea;Aidan Cebrian;Addison Chapman;Jack Cocca;Amanda Console;Mickey Covino;Jensen Cretella;Kaitlyn Curwen;Luke Dana;Isabella Dawes;Matthew Debes;Jaeleen Diaz;Brooke Fitzsimmons;Allison Flaherty;Tori Gombas;Mea Grant;Ryan Harrow;Claire Hewitt;Alexander Horvath;Hannah Houghton;Grayce Journick;John Karafa;Sophia Kazmierczak;Benjamin Kellogg;Madison Kelly;Shannon Kiley;Jack Kilmartin;Abigail Lawrie;Lia Leandres;Thomas Lucas;Grace Mathews;Riley McDermott;Lily Murphy;Daniella Norena-Mesa;Adam Petrino;Dana Pettersen;Ryan Rooney;Sabrina Rosa;Joseph Sabin;Jackson Shearn;Madelynn Silberger;Hanna Siljamaki;Hanah Silva;Emma Skolozdra;Carolyn Takacs;Daniela Tanaka Sales;George Tsilfides;Ava Unger;Andrew Verow;Joshua Yazdzik;Landon Zdru, Mason Balocca;Amy Beddoe;Emily Bowlby;Kylie Brown;Brooke Buzzeo;Kayleigh Carson;Mason Caserta;Devon Cavaliere;Haowen Chen;Nicholas Cinque;Stefano Cono;Thomas Crossen;Roberto DaCosta;Morgan DeAngelo;Victoria Del Re;Julianna DeMarco;Matthew Dias;Kaloyan Dimitrov;John Dye;Isabella Fazzino;Gavin Fraczek;Lindsey Freire;Caitlin Gannon;Jonathan Garcia;Mia Geignetter;Kaitlyn Geignetter;Michael Goodwin;Kerrigan Gourley;Brandon Greene;Anthony Jacozzi;Adam Jacozzi;William Joergensen;Trevor Kellogg;Elizabeth Kelly;Alexander Landino;Bingyi (Nemo) Li;Derek Long;Aleksander Matyszczyk;Kelly McSherry;Kellen McTigue;Kayleigh Mezick;Joseph Nesteriak;Joshua Newall;Nathaniel Osborne; Paige Pallarino;Isabella Pereira;Stephanie Rios;Kendal Rogers;Katherine Rudini;Jacob Sciamanna;Matthew Silvestro;Robert Sluga;Katelyn Staron;Kyle Sullivan;Kaitlyn Szczepanski;Daniel Therattil;Rui (Bill) Tian;Ryan Tomey;Maxwell Warren;Ryan Wicker;Kiara Wiltsie;Lin (Crystal) Xu;Madison Zimnoch, Elementary / Middle School Music Education Program.
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