The NOD installation is involved with psychic (demonic) & satellite control over slaves., Uploaded by Ukraine's response: The Brazilian president's approach "puts the victim and the aggressor on the same scale," Oleg Nikolenko, a spokesperson for Ukraines foreign minister, said Tuesday. Chromosome #19 knowledge is primary for cloning, see link: PalmdaleNew Aircraft Design, anti-gravity research. Now, we have made a startling finding which may, perhaps, shed more light on this enigma. Purpose is the testing of various secret aircraft like the Aurora (TR3B)& Stealth, also biological work is done. Bedford & Lawrence areacontinued activity in large old mines, indicates a possible government use of the large old quarries. Level 6 Level 6 is privately called Nightmare Hall. Thomasville30 50.2 N., 83 58.9 W. FEMA, regional center, they train groups in Search & Destroy missions (known as Renegade civilian operations). Please share far and wide. Fires and D.U.M.B's (Deep Underground Military Bases), Underground War, Happening Now ----------UPLOADER'S DESCRIPTION:Please share far and wide. Members of the jury said the image "captures the absurdity and horror of war" and "rises as a deeply painful historical fact.". TEXAS As long as Russia is tied up fighting in Bakhmut, Ukraine is able to "destroy this strike and assault potential of the enemy," Fedorenko said. Surely in this hour you shall see the miraculous take place and significant signs! 75. of Tonopah, 37 31 N., 116 20 W. TonopahAirforce, C_A deals with secret aircraft. We've moved our live coverage of Russia's war in Ukraine here. Warrington Training Centertwo sites: one on Rt. One to the Four Corners area & then to Groom Lake (Area 51). area): Underground Chemical Storage Levels. Additionally, there are millions of UNISF and UNMNTF Troops in America which were brought in under the Partnerships For Peace Program PFPP set up by President Bill Clinton in early 1993. The crew was leaving Orikhiv after receiving a warning of incoming strikes. This is the main hub for ALL U.S. facilities & is tied by MAGLEV trains that average 17,000 mph to ALL other units, World-Wide. The Underground War, Happening Now. Klamath Fallssince Sept. 95 this has been a base for a number of NWO groups including the Air National Guard, FEMA, C_A, FBI, Spetznaz (Nazi SS) & a MOSAD training base. in tunnels as well as Magnetic Levitating Trains (MAGLEVS), capable of speed up to 17,000 mph., and incredible stores of food, water, DNA & seed banks; all fully supplied with autonomous free energy supplies! Alternative 2:Relocate the best of Earths population (compliant slaves & their Illuminati Satanic bloodline masters, in massive underground caverns & DUMBs). 1 year ago. Has massive Mk Ultra facilities with many Delta Orion teams with end-time programming. Ukraine to welcome Brazilian presidential official: Ukraine is also set to host Brazil's chief presidential adviser as both nations continue to have diplomatic talks, Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Foreign AffairsAndriy Melnyk tweeted Saturday. Ada34 46.4 N., 96 40.7 W.:This base does human cloning, & it is FEMAs most sensitive base. There are acres of fenced-in areas which have barbed wire pointing into the area to keep people in, & small concrete stacks that resemble mini-cooling towers rise out of the acres of nowhere to vent underground levels &exhaust for crematoriums. Function: Research of mind related functions, genetic experiments, mind control training and reprograming. Boris Johnson says the Lord, My hand is upon him He shall make a full recovery! Who bring forth their fruit in its seasons whose leaves DO NOT WITHER and in all they do they shall prosper!! 38:19. These facilities have incredible stores of food, water, DNA & seed banks; all fully supplied with autonomous free energy supplies! Bull RunNorth side of Bull Run Reservoir area near Mt. The white hats are taking control. The Underground War , Happening nowNot Yet Rated. Portsmouth Naval Shipyard has a DUMB under it that has submarine tunnel to the Connecticut river. The underground War happening NOWstand for, Deep Underground Military Base abbreviation of D.U.M.BShow more, List of DUMBS BY State:, List of FEMA Camps By State:, Not a financial or crypto advisor, but u can learn Discover how specific cryptocurrencies work and get a bit of each crypto to try out for yourself.and Earn up to $31 worth of crypto at, Spent $1k no fee to buy, and earn $50 reward, Use my referral link sign up and apply for ruby card for and we both get $25 USD, Free Stocks immediately at and I got $12 Ford ($8-$1600) with $100 deposit within 30 days; sold at $14.50 as they move their factory to Mexico. My hand is upon him I have rebuked the devourer who was looking to sift him as wheat in order to destroy what I the Lord am reviving in England, however I the Lord shall bring forth a sign out of England. 228 = Meaning of life; Draconian; Look Here; Battle; Chisamba Obama; Shinar; Coming Race; Alien Beings; el Gog, and M Gog; 540 & 90 = Spell God; God is here; I am Chiron; Blue Owl, el Gog, and M Gog = gogmagog war before rapture, Chisamba Obama = Chisamba is an area in Zambia where 53 people were killed (believed to be by Obama), Chiron was a Centaur (of spring of Satan), 1law:of, relating to, or characteristic ofDracoor the severe code of laws held to have been framed by him. Datil & Pie TownCarlsbad Cavern area & another base to the east. Advertisement *In July 2018 10,000 Special Ops Military forces began training for the rescue of children from DUMBS - deep underground military bases - an extensive tunnel system that ran beneath every major US city as well as every major capitol throughout the globe. Visitors to the deeper levels report humans kept in glass cylinders, plus many other strange thingsPsychotronic Research, Psychotronic Weapons. Kim Labuschagne. Under white hat control since 2017nuclearmissile launches on Hawaii. Weather. There is one in particular in the media with short hair and in black time is quickly running out she needs to repent for a spirit of arrogance and defiance has seized her and she thinks she is untouchable however that illusion will soon be shattered pray for her to surrender before this for she has free will. In the word of the Lord, the book of Malachi, is a reflection of what you see happening across this nation and across the world says the Spirit. The Los Alamos facility dates back to 1940. By April 2020 the Count was over 50,000 Traumatized, Malnourished and Deceased Children who had been pulled out of Underground Tunnels across the Nation by the US Military and Marines since July 2019. In the Bat/Dry/Dead Man/ Howell cluster of caves. Taos facility goes north approximately along I-25 & eventually ties in NORAD. Yorkville, Georgia is to be a terminus of sorts for the hubs. Biological weapons research & genetic manipulation/warfare storage, Cold Empire, EVA (Electric Vacuum Aspiration), Program HIS (Hybrid Intelligence System), BW/CW; IRIS (Infrared Intruder Systems). 142.-144. Video Description: The underground war happening now between dark hats and white hats. I AM ALIVE forevermore. It is now an old abandoned facility well camouflaged. Stage 3 has had vast advances by the Q Alliance with only a few strongholds left; mainly being China, Iran & Israel. White SandsAlamogordo Area 3 DUMBS. Very significant and profound events the second half of the year shall occur and manifest and bring forth amazing change in that country. The situation there "remains extremely tense," Yurii Fedorenko, the commander of a company in Ukraine's 92nd Mechanized Brigade, told Ukrainian television. Links:Fallout Shelters Congress pulled funds for our survival long ago, even sold off most of the old civil defense shelter to private individuals & businesses. 107. Fires and DUMBs Deep Underground Military Bases, Underground War, Happening NowPLEASE SHARE, DOWNLOAD AND SPREAD. I AM THE WORD says the Lord of Hosts this day and I AM A CONSUMING FIRE SAYS THE LORD A HOLY CONSUMING FIRE. Ukraine's deputy foreign minister thanked allies for their military aid to Ukraine thus far, but also emphasized the country's need for even more help to defeat Russia. The other facility is a few miles East of the Dulce. The photo taken by Evgeniy Maloletka for the Associated Press on March 9, 2022 was widely reported around the world, including by CNN, and became emblematic of Russias aggression against its neighbor. "The support needs to be 10 times bigger right now.". Paulding County, Georgia, is said to be the central location of the project. The Black Budget is a secretive budget that garners 25% of the gross national product of the United States & currently consumes $1.25 trillion per yearthe DUMB projects consume 90% of this. (Podcast Episode 2020) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Belgorods regional governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said on his Telegram channel that the bomb has been removed from the area and people are gradually returning to their apartments. 29 levels,11,300 deep. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. also see link: For most of Humanity this Under Earth Network defies the imagination. The walls & ceilings of the tunnels are ceramic tile with fluorescent lighting recessed into the ceilings. Please enable JavaScript for a better experience. Two large underground facilities close to but separate from Groom Lake but controlled by demonic beingsPapoose Range & Cockeyed Ridge (S-4) underground bases. Pray for them to repent for their fate shall befall them soon enough if they refuse to surrender and continue to spew forth curses through the airwaves in an attempt to destroy leadership. Yucca (Mtns. Toronto, Canada There is a small opening to the underground tunnels off Parliament Street in downtown Toronto. The woman in the image named by World Press Photo as Iryna Kalinina and her baby both died, a surgeon who treated her confirmed days after the photograph was taken. Download link: facebook page link me a cup of tea direct using bitcoin wallet address below 1HouFiLxKAuuHy9mCvoi7FVjPu9LNe8TrAThank you God bless you There are many of these bases worldwide but here is small list. Russias foreign ministry said Saturday it has decided to expel German diplomats from Russia in what it called a tit-for-tat move, after the ministry claimed German authorities decided to further expel Russian diplomatic employees in Germany. The Underground War. Prepare ye the way of the Lord, hosanna hosanna blessed is he who come in the name of the Lord your God Jehovah!! & tunnels with Magnetic Levitating Trains (MAGLEVS), capable of speed up to 17,000 mph., that connect to all facilities & DUMBS throughout the World. Below is the New decode on the DUMB system & under Earth War. In the book entitled Alternative 3, author Leslie Watkins stated scientists concerned with the state of the Earths atmosphere had secret meetings that produced three alternatives for handling the imminent danger. 115.121. In fact if the whole military industrial complex stayed underground , it would be so much better. There will be promotion in the midst of Calamity, people will speak of Angels walking into their hospital rooms and touching them and the infections departing, they will see visions beyond the veil, There will be miracles and accounts of supernatural protection in the midst. Adirondack Mountainsnear Elizabethtown. & 182. These soldiers were created at Brookhaven National Laboratories BNL, the National Ordinance Laboratories NOL and the Massachussetts Institute of Technology MIT, and covertly transferred under DOD and NSA control and planning. The movement is being discredited by the irrational speculation. Hood, very close to Larch Mtn. One can only imagine what has been built with 1/2 century of labor on this underground system. Santa Rosa38 26.4 N., 122 42.9 W:FEMA Regional center for the West coast, what is being done here mostly kept secret. At the request of President Lula, Brazil is committed to contributing to the promotion of dialogue and peace, and the end of this conflict, Macedo said in another tweet. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Daytonstealth technology & prototype craft. Vaults have extensive amounts ofdocuments. With Mary Wilson and Rikki Novetsky. The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a warning Friday about NATO's "dangerous" statements regarding Ukraine joining the alliance. Under white hat control. Residents remain sheltered underground in the southeast Ukrainian city of Orikhiv, facing a constant Russian onslaught that makes it too dangerous to return to the surface. Dulce36 56.0 N., 106 59.8 W.:South of Dulce, in the area of the Jicarilla Indian Reservation. Each side is suffering casualties, Konon said. New some Short-Time to Surrender: California, Nevada and those areas in the west shall see another shaking the Governor of California has a small window of time to surrender says the Lord, for those who once spoke so boldly against the President have adjusted their tune says the Spirit, they have been put in a position of vulnerability where they need to come into agreement and work with the administration says the Lord, there is a dual movement taken place. What Ukraine has received from allies: Modern battle tanks are among the key contributions provided to Ukraine by Western allies, with Ukrainian forces set to begin training on how to operate Abrams tanksnext month. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Lower Goose Lake area in the general area of OakleyWackenhut of the Illuminati run a model prison for the NWO. 12 miles South of Lebanon36 02.8 N., 115 24.3 W.:Near the newly created town of Twin Bridges. Come into the authority I have given you and KNOW THAT I AM GOD I CHANGE NOT I SLEEP NOT AND TO MY KINGDOM THERE IS NO END. I worked in MI6 covert cocaine trafficking operations with the IRA in London between 1995 & 1999.My father Peter Casbolt was also MI6 & worked with the CIA & mafia in Rome in 1993 on covert cocaine & heroin trafficking operations.The global drugs trade run by many factions of the global intelligence community co-operating together (MI6, CIA, MOSSAD etc.) AtlantaFEMA regional center, placed since Atlanta was to become a capital for one of the 10 regions within the NWO redrawing of boundaries. More info about the The Underground War Happening Now January 2020. 98. It was finished at the Cross My children and truly those covered by the blood of the lamb just as My firstborn Israel was are being supernaturally protected right now. Was Reincarnation Removed From the Bible? ", And if Ukraine allowed Russia to achieve its objectives in Bakhmut, the commander said it would free up "an extremely large number of forces and means, which are quickly redeployed to other areas of priority and importance to the enemy.". I didn't realise they weren't the original poster. Greetings Rick, In the Love & Light of The One Infinite Creator! The evacuees cleared out of 17 residential buildings as explosives specialists assessed the ammunition found Saturday, according to TASS. She explains how the DUMBS (underground tunnels) are being cleared out and many trafficking networks are losing their means of distribution. Level 1 garage for street maintenance. Nuclear . Armed guards patrol constantly, weight sensitive areas with handprint and eye print stations. April 15, 2023 at 10:24 a.m. EDT. & south of Benson St. Park of the Columbia Gorge. The White hats are taking control and winning. This is my FAV trusted source ^^^^, Secure your familys fortune and get a tax break with a precious metals IRA! The underground war, happening now. Die Netzverweise zum AlphaVuk - backup YouTube - Vide. Sugar Grovethe Navys Strategic Intelligence Services microwave communications. was originally posted on January 1, 2020. There are approx. There are over 100 secret exits near and around Dulce. If Youve Had COVID Youre Likely Protected for Life. (It will take a while.) The principalities of the airwaves, propaganda, mammon, blasphemy that utter such unspeakable things against Almighty God, Lying Spirits, Spirits of sorcery, that oversee dark arts I the Lord your God have ruled against them and these sprits must hand over and release who I the Lord God Jehovah Say . In April 2022, Germany expelled "a significant number" of Russian officials, and Russia expelled 40 German diplomats later that month. Belgorod bomb: Around 3,000 people in the Russian city of Belgorod were evacuated Saturday after a bomb was found near the area where a Russian warplanedropped an explosivelate Thursday, Russian state media TASS reported, citing local emergency services. 42 levels. Then he formed the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. Very large complex, massive surveillance of all the worlds communications, including all transmissions in the U.S. & world of telephones, telegraph, telex, fax, radio, TV & microwave transmissions. to be torn up, to facilitate cleanup, & then rebuilt). Monadnock mountain is part of Monadnock state park. The quakes near Australia in the direction of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea coincide with the report about the DUMBS in and near Australia!! You shall see a significant change in leadership in the church the remainder of the year says the Lord for what is happening across this nation and the world shall bring to the forefront new growth and those who speak MY TRUTH, who do not water down and ignore the conviction, the power the TRUTH that only comes from the Throne of the Almighty God, in order to fill the seats as one fills and arena for entertainment, churches shall buckle who continued that course and those who ROAR with the powerful and shaking roar that comes from the Father shall be raised up and brought to the forefront for people will come out of this prophetic event, this plague like event craving truth seeking what the Lord is doing KNOWING that the Lord is the one on the throne and corrupt leadership cannot overpower or overruled HOWEVER I the Lord your God have over ruled them I have ruled against them and the principalities that oversee them! COLORADO The enormous complex radiates under Wash. D.C. and connects with many other sites. The southern bases connect to Texas & Mexico. Plattsburgh(near Canada and St. Albans) AFB, 49 40 N., 73 33 W. OKLAHOMA Groom Lake, also known as Dreamland/Area 51/The Area/The Spot/Red Square/Sally Corridor & Watertown Strip11 50 N., 37 20 W.Run by the NWO along with demonic beings. The site in Paradox Valley can be reached via Hwy. 154. LancasterAircraft design, anti-gravity engineering, Stealth craft & testing. Even though we all expected it, John Solomon just confirmed, seconds ago on Sean Hannity's radio show, that multiple DC Grand Jury subpoenas have been issued on behalf of US Atty John Durham. Book Cliffs39 40 N., 108 0 W. near Rifle. "We are thankful to our allies for their military help. Sierra Nevada Mountainsvery deep military base. It is heavily involved with electronics & hi-tech aerospace research. Mass detentions in FEMA camps & the DUMBs, along with mass executions were planned to occur (see previous Gene decodeshowing FEMA cars & coffins). Neutralized with tactical nuke4.5 & 3.2 San Francisco earth quake on 14 Oct.. see Link:Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada Index Map. These are located in the Exhibit Hall of the West Virginia Wing, which includes vehicular and pedestrian entrances which can be quickly sealed by blast doors.They dont even hide this one, & its even a tourist attraction. Meanwhile, in the eastern city of Bakhmut, Russia's regular forces and fighters from the Wagner private military company are also launching nonstop assaults, according to Ukrainian commanders on the front lines. New York Metro area. MASSACHUSETTS All DUMB removal starts in the USA? Our allies have to comprehend the scale of this war," the deputy minister said in a conversation with Ukrainian media Friday. Chipping away at Russia's forces: Fedorenko endorsed the grinding, monthslong efforts to defend Bakhmut, claiming "the enemy suffers much greater losses during the assault than the Ukrainian forces. Doctors will credit Almighty God, they are seeing miracles in the midst of this says the Lord, there are miracles and there is a cleansing happening, the earth is being purged MY children, however those who come under My wings and take refuge will be protected, will be spared. Escape from Russia's onslaught isn't a practical reality for many Ukrainians, however. Make no mistake My children they are watching! Paton Walsh and his team visited an underground shelter where residents had access to the only electricity and running water in town. Kern Riverthe hollowed-out mountain next to the hydroelectric facility at the Kern River Project near Bakersfield. I am adjusting the picture says the Lord transparency is being birthed forth says the Spirit. MI6 created the CIA in 1947 & still control them today.This black ops drug money or in classic Orwellian terms, MI6/CIA non-appropriated funds is being used to fund government and military projects classified Above top secret. It holds the genetic labs. MICHIGAN 13th earthquake of 6.1, 6.4 and 6.7, building collapse killing 26 people involved in human trafficking. 158. There will be those that I put a hook in their jaw and draw them back out just to publicly deal with them says the Lord God Jehovah! Atlanta has 3 underground installations in its area: One to the north at Kennesaw Mtn., Marietta, connected to Dobbins AFB & the one to the South of Atlanta at Forest Park.
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