Students like Thomas Groechel, a Ph.D. candidate in Professor Maja Mataris Interaction Lab, who is developing educational robots personalized to the learner. Some engineering classes will transfer for elective credit, but since engineering is taught differently from school to school, its rare to find an engineering course at another school that is considered directly equivalent to a USC engineering course. Please see our list of recommended courses in the Transfer Plans section above. Flexible collaboration and study spaces are threaded throughout the building, giving students the option to brainstorm on their own or with classmates. Me and my robot from Computer Science 101. Student must take very specific courses at the 3+2 partner school to be considered as part of the 3+2 program. Acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies. However, if you are admitted for the fall semester, you can request to defer your admission to the spring. The only guarantee we can give is that you cant be admitted if you dont apply! For any class on your transcript which isnt on the articulation history, but which might be equivalent to a class at USC, the articulation department will ask a professor to compare the syllabus of your class with a class at USC. Graduates of the Computer Engineering and Computer Science program are expected to attain the following educational objectives within a few years of graduation: The goal of the BS in Computer Science Games program is to graduate students with a solid grounding in computer science and a cross-disciplinary background in game development. *You have satisfied the science requirement for Computer Science/Business Administration (PHYS 151L or CHEM 105aL or BISC 120L) if you scored: *If you have satisfied PHYS 151L or CHEM 105aL or BISC 120L, contact us directly for a course recommendation. Introduction to C++. In the event that you are denied admission to the major, take a moment to reassess your options. See a sample transfer plan for all engineering majors (excluding Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science), See a sample transfer plan for Computer Science Majors, See a sample transfer plan for Electrical & Computer Engineering Majors, (Excluding Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science). For highly competitive majors, such as Journalism or Cinematic Arts Film and Television Production, and for majors with strict admission requirements, such as Business Administration or Communication, it is a good idea to have a back up plan (an alternate major choice) in case you do not get admitted to these more impacted programs. molly-2016 March 29, 2016. **See note below for computer science students. Official & final high school transcript with date of graduation. If you have earned fewer than 30 transferable semester units, we will still review your application, but we will use your high school transcript as part of our evaluation and/or wait to receive your spring-term grades. Below, you will find a list of requirements to apply to transfer to USC Viterbi. Although we have no limit to the number of units you can complete before transferring to USC, you must complete at least 64 units (1/2 the normal required units for an undergraduate degree) at USC to get a degree from USC. Part II: These are all the courses which are considered equivalent to USC courses. It leads to a Bachelor of Science degree in the Viterbi School of Engineering. You can learn more about earning a second bachelors degree here. Please keep in mind, it can take 7-10 business days (after USC receives) documents like transcripts to upload into your file. This is because only the courses in Part II are considered equivalent to a course at USC. Most transfer students should expect to complete CSCI 104 at USC. This facility will be the new home for computer science at USC. We know that every transfer student has a different story. Minimum GPA- Indicates the minimum GPA one must possess to be considered for admission into a computer science major. Yes. Contact USC Provost ITBuilt using Neve | Powered by WordPress | Pro Tip: Pull up an agreement/history for Fall 2014 to review which courses satisfy the Roman Numeral GE System. However, if you already took a test and would like to send us your scores, you are free to do so. CSCI 103 Introduction to Programming In some cases, the student may need to complete assignments from CSCI 104 and/or take the final exam to demonstrate proficiency in the course. You can also link to a personal website there if you wish. If youve been researching various programs before deciding on a major, you may have already come across information about any requirements or prerequisites to join the major. Computer science applicants will encounter universities with greatly differing program-specific admissions policies. This will give you the USC course codes youll need when youre looking up equivalent courses at your current school. Opening in 2023, research in the 116,000-square-foot facility will focus on advancing computer sciences role in improving and benefiting society through areas including artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics and more. You should list all the classes you took in the fall semester and the courses that you are taking/will take in the winter (if applicable) and spring of the year you are submitting your application. That being said, please get your transcripts to us as soon as possible, because we cannot review your application until we get them! The program is designed to provide both an academic and professional orientation. For Groechel, the labs open plan nature will break down walls, both physical and metaphorical. earned credit/grades which are posted to your degree audit) for MATH 220 or 221, 231; If so, meet with the advisor or admissions counselor for the major and discuss what additional information (grades for additional courses, etc.) This is typically the second course in your college or universitys English composition sequence. Some competitive majors admit students only once per semester. More Info- Links to an institutional webpage providing more detail about how current students can transfer into a computer science major. Your chances of being admitted to one engineering major are the same for all engineering majors. Take a look at the Transfer Plans for your intended major. In this case, you have hopefully already identified an alternate major program to pursue and may consider a minor in the area, if available. Dr. Allen and Charlotte Ginsburg. Now ranked among the top 10 in the world for academic research by Microsoft, the building provides the first singular space for computer science at USC, which has witnessed unprecedented growth in the past decade. Student who do not attend a 3+2 partner school can apply to transfer through our regular transfer admission process. The building was made possible thanks to a lead gift from dedicated supporters Dr. Allen and Charlotte Ginsburg.,offered%20across%20six%20academic%20divisions.,,,, Purpose-built labs will be equipped with professional grade equipment for testing and prototyping, including significant space dedicated to robotics labs and an awe-inspiring 25-foot-deep aerial robotics flight area, where researchers and students will develop and test flying robots, including nearly invincible drones that could be the future of disaster relief. Prerequisites- Links to the institutional webpage that details requirements for transferring into a computer science major. Program. A cumulative grade point average of C (2.0) is required for all courses taken at USC as well as all upper division courses applied toward the major, regardless of the department in which the courses are taken. Privacy Notice | You have met the application deadline if you submit the. See, 30-32 transferable semester units per academic year (45-48 quarter units; one semester equals 1.5 quarter units). Yes. Over the years, the Articulation Department has compiled lists of courses from other universities that have transferred to USC for credit in the past. A grade of C (2.0) or better is required for each of the core courses CSCI 103, CSCI 170, CSCI 104and CSCI 201. At USC, we have a department dedicated to determining which classes taught at other schools transfer for credit (or articulate) at USC. General Education (GE) courses are not required for admission. The undergraduate program incomputerscienceis an interdisciplinary program leading to the Bachelor ofScienceinComputerScience. Graduates of the program will have an ability to: Graduates of the program will also have an ability to: ABET does not currently provide an accreditation option for the Computer Science/Business program. Part IV: These are all the courses which do not receive credit at USC. Students must meet the admission requirements for both the Computer Science department and the Marshall School of Business. 3.25 USC GPA, C or better in MATH 122/141 and 15 USC credit hours. Otherwise, consider taking the equivalent of PHYS 153L. Please note that applicants to the 2023-2024 academic year are not required to submit SAT or ACT scores, although you may still submit scores if you wish. Change of Major Deadline. CHEM 105aL in the fall, take the equivalent to CHEM 105bL this semester. The articulation department will, in turn, request a CSCI faculty member to review the students syllabi and programming assignments, copies of exams if available, etc. One of the following science area course sequences: **Courses selected to meet the general education life science and physical science requirements must be approved by the CSCI department to ensure that students achieve the required level of basic science content in their programs. Do not be alarmed if you recently sent in your transcripts and they are not yet in your file. The building will become a centralized hub for computer science students and researchers to build robots, create apps, develop AI systems, or test drones for applications such as search and rescue missions. You can still apply even if you havent taken two semesters of a lab based science. To find out which courses are likely to transfer from your current school, visit our the, No. Graduates will successfully engage in life-long learning to continue to be contributing members of their communities in fields within and outside the traditional scope of computer engineering. Contact us directly for further advisement. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, While programming courses very rarely transfer for course-equivalent credit at USC, they can be good preparation for placemnt exams. You can look up your schools equivalent to WRIT 130/WRIT 150 on the articulation websites. At most institutions, earning the minimum GPA does not guarantee admission. And although we do look at every course you have taken, we also notice grade trends and pay closer attention to your math, science, and engineering related coursework. You can find those in Step 2 below. Were you ever enrolled in less than 4 courses in a semester (or less than 3 classes/quarter)? Its so exciting and a privilege for Lady Charlotte and I to be involved in this great adventure., Celebrating Excellence, Innovation and Longevity, 34 new hires, including the new biomedical engineering chair, join for fall and spring semesters, Bistra Dilkina Appointed as Dr. Allen and Charlotte Ginsburg Early Career Chair, Topping Off Ceremony Marks Milestone in New Computer Science Building, 8 USC Viterbi Faculty Receive NSF CAREER Awards, Viterbi K-12 STEM Outreach: From Molecular Modeling to Addressing Social Problems Using AI to Fighting Hate Speech, Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Systems Architecting and Engineering Program, Departments and Major Research Institutes, Alfred E. Mann Department of Biomedical Engineering, Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT), Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Coulter Translational Research Partnership Program, Viterbi Student Innovation Institute (VSI2), USC Computer Scientists Are Tackling Dental Health and Birth Defects, AI for Good: ShowCAIS Event Highlights the Power of AI to Make a Difference, Two USC Computer Science Juniors Awarded Goldwater Scholarships, Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering, Student Resources for Undergraduate Research. The biggest thing for me personally is that undergraduates have an easier way to be exposed to research and we will be able to cross collaborate more easily. Contact us directly for further advisement if you have completed PHYS 151 and PHYS 153L. You might, however, still want to take one so that you have a full schedule. You can view a sample four-year course plan for your major at USC by visiting your academic department page, and then clicking on the Curriculum button. General admission requirements for the undergraduate program are the same as those of the university and the USC Viterbi School of Engineering and include 3 to 5 units of mathematics and one unit of science (biology, chemistry or physics). SAT Subject Test scores are not required. It is no more difficult to be admitted to Viterbi than the rest of the university. Print Degree Planner (opens a new window), WRIT 150 Writing and Critical ReasoningThematic Approaches, MATH 129 Calculus II for Engineers and Scientists, MATH 225 Linear Algebra and Linear Differential Equations, MATH 229 Calculus III for Engineers and Scientists, EE 364 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, BISC 120Lg General Biology: Organismal Biology and Evolution, BISC 220Lg General Biology: Cell Biology and Physiology, BISC 121Lg Advanced General Biology: Organismal Biology and Evolution, BISC 221Lg Advanced General Biology: Cell Biology and Physiology, PHYS 151Lg Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics, PHYS 152L Fundamentals of Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism, PHYS 161Lg Advanced Principles of Physics I, PHYS 162L Advanced Principles of Physics II, CSCI 104L Data Structures and Object Oriented Design, CSCI 109 Introduction to Computer Science, CSCI 170 Discrete Methods in Computer Science, CSCI 201L Principles of Software Development, CSCI 270 Introduction to Algorithms and Theory of Computing, CSCI 350 Introduction to Operating Systems, CSCI 356 Introduction to Computer Systems, CSCI 360 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, CSCI 401 Capstone: Design and Construction of Large Software Systems, CSCI 404 Capstone: Creating Your High-Tech Startup, CSCI 423 Native Console Multiplayer Game Development, CSCI 430 Introduction to Computer and Network Security, CSCI 459 Computer Systems and Applications Modeling Fundamentals, CSCI 476 Cryptography: Secure Communication and Computation, EE 451 Parallel and Distributed Computation, EE 459Lx Embedded Systems Design Laboratory, ENGR 395ax Cooperative Education Work Experience, ENGR 395bx Cooperative Education Work Experience, ENGR 395cx Cooperative Education Work Experience, ITP 368 Programming Graphical User Interfaces, Acalog Academic Catalog Management System (ACMS). No. Then, choose the next math course in the sequence. If you went to a California Community College, use this articulation history. 7.) The degree cannot also be combined as an additional major in either computer science or business administration. *A score of 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry exam or a 6 or 7 on the Chemistry IB HL Exam satisfies the requirement for CHEM 105aL. However the Common App (not USC) may require you to assign an Academic Evaluator in order to finish the application. If youre still having trouble, email us at Please enable Javascript for full functionality. Little less than two years later, they provided the naming gift for the Dr. Allen and Charlotte Ginsburg Human-Centered Computation Hall. The combined Bachelor of Science degree program in Computer Science / Business Administration offers qualified students the opportunity to gain an educational foundation in both areas. Depending on your math placement level, take the equivalent of: Take your 1st English composition course. The USC Catalogue supersedes all other publications. If you would like to hear about the school and the transfer process from a Viterbi admission counselor, click the link below to attend one of our Transfer Info Sessions. Fundamental concepts of algorithmic thinking as a primer to programming. Financial Statement of Personal or Family Support: TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE Academic Scores, if the students native language is not English. AP Computer Science A Score of 4 or 5 will substitute for CSCI 102. The Transfer Planning Guide is designed to help students figure out which courses will transfer for their intended major. If you have a question, scroll down to see a list of our most frequently asked questions about requirements and guidelines. Keep in mind, this means you may receive elective credit for the course, but it will not waive any required course. As the demand for computer science education grows, so, too, does the need for an inspiring space where students and researchers can develop technology, hatch new ideas and forge collaborations all with human beings at the center. Our averages are just thataverages. Some require prerequisite courses, and Read More Declaring a Major You can learn more about earning a second bachelors degree, That depends on a lot of factors. For example, if your intended major is Biomedical Engineering, and already took two semesters of chemistry, you could take the next two chemistry courses in the sequence, or start working on your biology courses. Departmental approval is required in order to retake a course. The table below provides this important information for a number of top-ranked computer science programs. Courses with a grade of C- or below must be repeated; courses may only be retaken once. That said, if you have the time in your schedule to take science you should. We dont care if you take any GE courses before you apply. **Computer science students may take programming courses instead of, or in addition to, lab-based science courses before applying to transfer to USC. If your first degree was not in math, science, engineering or another related field, you may need to complete some courses at another institution before applying. Students who do not satisfy the degree requirement after repeating a class will be disqualified from the program. General Education (GE) courses are not required for admission. (CS class advisers are authorized to sign for the director of .
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