Able to withstand gunfire and intense flame, the fridge monster could pose quite a challenge to the Caped Crusader that is, until Batman realizes that the blob can be defeated merely by eating it. In other words, the world that we're in now.". "It's clear to me that you've exceeded what I am normally capable of in this form of combat." Hed just have to avoid Asimovs blows, as Spike did, and time his attacks just right. Firstly, Vincent's whole attitude kind of means that even though he might dodge and catch some attacks, he's perfectly fine with taking hits, even potentially fatal ones. Chaotic Evil Able to intuitively react to things that are completely undetectable by human beings. WebThis is a (RESEARCHED) battle that will take place between King Bradley from Fullmetal Alchemist (2009) and Vincent Volaju from Cowboy Bebop the Movie. Not to mention he can endure practically anything. Apophis: Yeah, and Vincent kind of lost his memories after this. Season 1 ends on Spike wandering drunkenly in an alley until he collapses to the pavement. Apophis: Yeah, Vinny didn't really have anything here. By submitting your email, you agree to our, Cowboy Bebops ending character cameo and season 2 cliffhanger, explained, Sign up for the "It worsens my aches and pains to move around more." Vincent quickly throws a knife at Bradley's eye to stab into it, as Bradley wastes no time cutting the exact fingers that threw the knife off, leaving three left on Vincent's hand. Archived post. One was the same kind of backblast Bradley noselled, and the other did almost zero damage to the actual train car, being no stronger than his own strength is capable of. Originally known as 'Test Subject 82' and codenamed 'Volaju', Vincent along with another experiment, codenamed Tongpu, were put through a supersoldier program by a group of scientists led by a suspicious figure, whose name Vincent never learned. Geringah: Not really. Apophis: This non-copyright Byaku-Sharingan lets Bradley see everything in his field of vision perfectly, see his opponent's weakness, and see the future, and his path to victory! However, this was what Vincent wanted, as he uses the dust cloud to grab Bradley's sword with both hands and, right as Bradley began to pull his sword out, knee it as hard as he could, snapping part of the blade off! Furthermore, their extremism makes them extremely dangerous, as seen when they plotted to use the virus Monkey Business, which transforms humans into apes. Geringah: Sorry. And if the live-action Cowboy Bebop is not your jam, good news: you can always watch the original Cowboy Bebop: The Movie. Favourite style of art: Anime. The blast wave sends neither back, as Vincent throws up one of his arms just in time for Bradley to rush out from the smoke and cut that arm off. Explosives, nanobot bombs, nanobot orbs, 1911 pistol "Your excellency!" A biological terrorist working in the shadows cast from the presumption that he's dead, Vincent Volaju captures the attention of a misfit group of bandit hunters led Huh, the wrathful king with a rivalry with the guy who wants to rule the world and a just king. Yet Batmans no stranger to avoiding gunfire and has fairly good aim, having repeatedly disarmed countless foes with a single throw of a batarang. When determined, Spike is a force of nature. So the Cherious Medical people would do anything to cover up any leaks. Bradley threw a punch at Vincent's face, Vincent catching it, but is too slow to catch the next punch, from the hand that should be broken! Uses an outdated gun and grenades, and apart from this has no weapons. Fad | Vincent Volaju is the main antagonist of the 2001 film. Not to mention he apparently survived a train exploding, unscathed. Geringah: Notreally, since omni-awareness ismuch scarier than that, but it is close enough and might as well be as far as the verse is concerned. He tends to favor physical prowess over abilities, and only went through with obtaining psychic abilities to gain a method to damage Gamer. He retorts. Vincent swung his arm behind himself, already knowing where Bradley had to be, as he feels blades slash his arm, pulling it away just in time and leaping back, firing directly at Bradley's eyepatched eye, but Bradley dodges, and thrusts his swords towards Vincent, who blocks them with his gun, as Bradley pulls his swords back and tries again, Vincent leaping to the side as Bradley immediately slashes there, nearly cutting into Vincent's torso! Vincent Volaju Understands the weather, and can easily analyze his opponents to learn their strengths and weaknesses and form strategies around them. Tsutomu Isobe. In an ideal combat situation, Wrath carries six Spadroons, which in real life are one of the shittiest swords but in Fullmetal Alchemist can only create badass moments. Type of MB As the two are both meticulous planners, their match may ultimately turn into a game of chess to see who can outwit whom. Geringah: Spike Spiegel, the badass bounty hunter we all know and love, a practitioner of Jeet Kune Do, a wielder of his trusty Jericho 941, a pilot of his ever wonderful Swordfish II, a man who has seen it all, from a simple drug dealer to a superhuman assassin straight out of Dune. He knew that his chances of winning were lowunlessthe moment Vincent had that idea, he smiled, as he takes out a blue grenade and throws it at Bradley, who immediately throws his own grenade at it, hitting it dead on. Chaotic Evil Batman comics and Cowboy Bebop have a lot in common. Asimov, the first villain Spike fights in the show, was directly in front of a moving bullet, and it looked like it was slow motion to him! "My name is King Bradley." Hes also a brilliant shot. Vincent swings the shaft like a quarterstaff at Bradley as he lets go and leaps back, the shaft being effortlessly sliced apart as Bradley comes under fire from his opponent, still blocking each and every bullet as casually as he read his books. After all, to him, he's in a dream, and he literally wants to die, albeit go out with a bang, fighting his hardest. The light shined off his essentially grey skin, and his shaggy, spiky, shoulder length black hair, and the stubble on his face, and his pointed, triangular nose and chin. Bradley walks through the corridors of his palace, looking around in each room, searching for, waiting for, his opponent to arrive. With subterfuge, batarangs, knockout gas and several other items at his disposal, Batman could take the group out with ease. Vincent Volaju Apophis: Guess Vincent's Wrath got the better of him in the end. He leaps back to barely avoid the slash, though it did cut into his cloak, and throws a knife at Bradley, who tilts his head to dodge before swinging at Vincent's outstretched hand, slashing it open at almost the wrist, but Vincent had moved it out of the way. Something went wrong. Apophis: But wait, didn't Vincent survive big explosions, too? Full Name Bradley weaves around the bullets with ease and swings at Vincent with both swords, as Vincent tilts back to duck before moving in his hand towards Bradley's chest. The bioterrorist, Vincent Volaju. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Get inspired by our community of talented artists. I thought we made the lesser known character win? Take away the virus and the guns, however, and the Space Warriors are simply a group of sycophants with no apparently fighting skill who are far too dependent on their leader, Twinkle Maria Murdock. Vicious | Chessmaster Hex | It doesn't matter that he was on steroids, that's still fucking impressive, and it doesn't matter much anyway, because Spike casually outpaced Asimov anyway, and landed most of his attacks on him, even when Asimov was on those same steroids! (Netflix could not confirm to Polygon whether the character uses the same. "One of the reasons I'm simply better than you at standard melee." She had contact with him once, that is how she too has the Counter nano machines. At the same time, he has no reason not to fight other villains, such as the Mad Pierrot. Given this is Cowboy Bebop, simply saying this doesn't really mean anything. Theyre both set in worlds dripping in noir and inhabited by complex, fallible characters. Except this time, there is a time limit of 1 hour and 30 minutes. ), and Nuclear Manipulation (Unfazed by grabbing and being near nuclear spears from Glitchtrap.). While it's impressive he survived it unscathedBradley preformed the exact same feat with a tank round. "Looks like you finally decided to come after me yourself." Bradley thrusted his sword at Vincent's elbow to stab through it, as Vincent grabs and snaps this sword as well, Bradley simply stabbing the broken blade into Vincent's heart! He tends to favor physical prowess over abilities, and only went through with obtaining psychic abilities to gain a method to damage Gamer. In fact, Roy is believed to be more powerful than Kimblee, and Kimblee can level entire towns! In fact, from the sounds, it still was! Furthermore, Pierrots coat is essentially his version of Batmans utility belt, filled with guns, grenades, knives and even a mini rocket-launcher. No information (Cue: Stardust Vibes - Thunderstorm Ambience), Vincent lied there, his arms and legs unusable, his blood almost completely bled away, and Bradley's last broken sword piercing his heart. So when the war ended, he decided to become a terrorist. He stood plenty of feet away from Bradley, who glared a hole into the back of his head. He leaps back, kicking a rifle at Bradley, who effortlessly avoids it. He's also really, REALLY skilled in hand to hand combat, like, on Spike's level! Likeliterally burn them to ashes. Official Potentially due to exposure, both Vincent and Tongpu ended up developing a resistance to the nanobot disease, but Tongpu far less so than Vincent. Even without his arms he is a force to be reckoned with, as he can hold and use a broken blade with his teeth! Vincent pulled the trigger quickly and efficiently, his gun unloading bullet after bullet at his opponent, who rushed forwards at inhuman speeds, blocking each bullet with the precision beyond even the best targeting computers Vincent knew of. WebWith Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Cowboy Bebop animated GIFs to your conversations. It seems natural, therefore, to blend Batmans and Spike Spiegels worlds together, or even have them face off. Range: Standard, 35 m (114 ft) with grenades, 50 m (160 ft) with his pistol, 6371392.896000001 m (20903520 ft) with enhanced nanite grenades, 6371392.896000001 m (20903520 ft) with the Snow Element, hundreds of lightyears with Absolute Zero. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Dislikes Making [the tip] super reliable, he replies sarcastically.).,, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Vincents unkempt appearance and dispassionate demeanor conceal the terrorists excellent fighting ability and ruthlessness. Apophis: Yeah, and that's where we get to his weaknesses. WebVincent is a man plagued by mystery. Geringah: Bradley also consistently tanks large explosions from dynamite that blew of the train toa tank round, and the backblast of Roy's explosions, which can obliterate an entire army of immortal zombies in seconds! also formed the perfect strategy against the Mad Pierrot upon seeing his kinetic barrier once. He wouldn't stop even if you bring a rocket launcher to a gunfight. Which brings us to the live-action script referring to its yet-to-be-seen Volaju as the Butterfly Man. In the anime movie, Volajus brain was drugged with nanomachines, which entered his brain as shapes of light that resemble butterflies, the most beautiful butterflies imaginable. Whenever people are injected with his blood, they can see the butterflies as well and become immune to said nanomachines. Vincent Volaju | Ultra Z Battle Wiki | Fandom WebVincent Volaju Hurt/Comfort Nightmares Hopeful Ending Yuletide 2003 Everybody has their breaking point. Spikes Achilles heel may ironically be his easygoing nature: he might not take a guy in a Bat-costume seriously, at first. Is willing to spare the lives of the chosen few who he believes have enough willpower, having saved Faye's life when she ends up infected and offering her a chance to join her life, before leaving her alive as he's impressed she still refuses to join him even under the threat of death. A pinnacle that all of us dream of being! Vincent is a cold, calculating, and ruthless man, who has no qualms about killing people unless he is impressed enough in their fighting tactics. Ein Ein, like his loyal friend Ed, is another character heavily under-utilized in the Cowboy Bebop Netflix series. It was there that he planned to end the greatest threat to his machinations, the Fuhrer of this country. Having debuted in the original animes ninth episode, Jamming with Edward, Ed, short for Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV, is a loopy 13-year-old hacker who joins the Bebop team in exchange for helping the crew attain a bounty that turns out to be an AI. Ana | Cowboy Bebop / Magnificent Bastard - TV Tropes Vincent is still alive because he injected himself with counter nano-machine, that work just like the nano-machines but they go through and destroy any nano-machines. WebTourism Visakhapatnam Uncategorized vincent volaju fighting style. WebVincent Volaju VOICE. Vincent went down after one gunshot to the heart, Bradley didn't go down after a stab to the stomach and eye, a gunshot to the shoulder, and was even able to get one last blow on Scar after having lost his arms! Durability: At least Island Level, possibly Planet Level (Can survive attacks from the KOTT, as well as not rip himself apart with his own attacks when he defeats multiple Metal Sonic clones.) Please check your email to find a confirmation email, and follow the steps to confirm your humanity. "Stop, or we'll shoot!" Can still be overpowered and outsmarted. But this had given Vincent all the time he needed to put some distance between them. At least Asimov, the guy with the same feat as Ed, can still see Spike move! note: The rest of this post contains major spoilers for Cowboy Bebop season 1]. "I could say the same to you, soldier of Mars." And of course, Vincent is comparable in speed to Spike, without the augmentation of a robotic eye. Personality and Appearance Personality. Attempted genocideMass murderTerrorismTreason He was voiced by Tsutomu Isobe in Japanese and Daran Norris in English. Vincent Volaju (Netflix Taxim is likely fast enough to dodge batarangs and other gadgets, but would be vulnerable to say, gas pellets. While Asimov would pose a physical challenge to Batman while on the substance, hes also shown to be impulsive and rash while on Red Eye not to mention sloppy. Allies Intelligence: Genius (Fully understands the nanobots and their cure, as well as his own physiology and how it stacks up to other opponents. Stealth Mastery (Snuck onto a cruise ship without anyone knowing, not even the vampire assassin that was patrolling the ship for Yukio, got onto his Yacht with a bomb, used attacks from the KOTT to mask his disappearing act, escaped from MECH without them noticing, traveled around the world without being caught. He also They stared each other down, ready for what they knew would very likely be their last battle. Vincent watched carefully, as Bradley grabbed his eyepatch, and tore it off, revealing the three triangle scars on his eye, which had not a regular pupil, but a red Ouroboros tattoo on it instead! The only exceptions to this are when he chose to gain the ability to see and damage psychic constructs for the sole purpose of being able to damage Gamer, and when he accepted the Snow Sister's ability from the Elemental Father. His hands were in his pockets, but the wind briefly revealed a military-esk tatto on the man's wrist, beneath the sleeve. Apophis: Then he met the series' best girl and she tried to make him all happy and warm inside whichdidn't seem to workat all. | Multi-Continent Level (Can survive his own attacks.). Butwhat would happen if the wrong person had Share the best GIFs now >>> Bradley asks, as the soldier trembled. We never saw Vicious fight with his fists, so this is a "FunnyI did too. Vincent Volaju is the Primary Antagonist of the Anime Film Cowboy Bebop The Movie: Knockin' On Heaven's Door. Hell, it seems like it HAS to be SPECIFICALLY an immediately fatal spot for him to go down! A clear parody of Spike, Andy quicklyearned Spiegels ire by being just plain inept, confusingSpiketwice for the terrorist Teddy Bomber and repeatedly ruining Spikes attempts to stop Teddys bombings. While it may at first seem so from Vincent's statement about his blood letting him 'live through anything' and Bradley being a Homunculus, this is directly contradicted by the stories! ), When Ed should enter the picture of the live-action series was a point of discussion, since they werent part of the animes original lineup either. He is actually one of Marinettes friends. Ultra Z Battle | Ancient Memories (Vincent Volaju vs He also manages to be very skilled with guns when it comes to fighting while also being a badass since he was a soldier at the time and he nearly succeeded in his plan to destroy everyone on mars. Magnificent Baddie Proposal: Vincent Volaju If Vincent Volaju pops up in the flesh, its likely hell get a character revamp or his story altered like the other bounties in Part 1. Faye : Why did you do all this? Vincent grabs the blade as it goes through his hand before pulling it out and tossing it aside, not noticing in time that Bradley had taken the opportunity to draw another sword, and was directly in front of Vincent, already slashing! WebVincent Volaju was the main antagonist of the animated film Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door. Vincent holds a Colt M1911 pistol, which seems to be modified to fire more bullets than normal. However, he turns back into Max when Ladybug and Cat Noir manage to defeat him. He also still can die if you specifically hit the heart or brain, and he's not any heavier than a regular human. Apophis: But still, there's a reason this country commanding, sword swinging, bullet blocking, ultimate badass was namedKing! Vincent says. Like several Cowboy Bebop characters, Taxim has impeccable shooting skills: he once took out a squad of ISSP ships with limited ammunition and improvised cover. "You should have shot earlier." Apophis: Bradley's used this eye on a couple of occasions, mainly to overwhelm Greed, overwhelm Ling, and overwhelm Greedling. Murder everyone on Mars with the Nanomachine virus and then find a way to die himself. Heat Manipulation can be circumvented by constantly lowering his own temperature. Explore the Best Vincentvolaju Art | DeviantArt Bradley rushes at Vincent seemingly faster than before, as Vincent immediately throws a punch at him. Furthermore, the monster can withstand a refrigerators cold, but perhaps not that of a Freeze Gun, Picture the Penguin with superpowers and youd essentially get Mad Pierrot, the one Bebop character whod pose the greatest challenge to Batman. A master of Jeet Kune Do, Spike fights with a liquid-like fluidity, making him both hard to hit and predict. "BECAUSE IT'S NOWHERE NEAR ENOUGH! List of Cowboy Bebop characters - Wikipedia Vincent Volaju Visual Artist His cane also shoots bullets, not unlike the Penguins trick umbrellas. WebAug 10, 2018 - Looking for information on the anime or manga character Vincent Volaju? Diverts the government's attention, tricking them to believe he is dispersing the nanovirus through the water, when in actually hiding it in the balloons of the Halloween parade, as a result, has a near-villain victory. However, Bradley's will is honestly way more impressive than Vincent's inability to feel pain. Apophis: He also has grenades that have the virus in them and can also do some pretty bad damage themselves, as well as I'm guessing rows and rows of orbs that release Nanomachines when destroyed. Vincent is most commonly known for actually defeating Spike in a hand to hand (gun to gun) combat on a rail train, and nearly killing Spike in the process. Vincent's comparable to the guy who had to run away from some police plane thing. YeahCowboy Bebop is arguably better as a series, but from a power standpoint, only one of its characters could be its saving grace against Bradleyand this same character has a forcefield that says 'no' to anything bullet speed and faster even when it's a fucking point blank explosion from a gasoline bucket. Vincent is a cold, vincent-volaju 10 Best Animated Movie Villains of the 2000s, Ranked - Screen Bradley rushed at Vincent, who fired with the handgun, which was not difficultly deflected. Apophis: And that's where we address his flaws as a fighter. vincent-volaju User Profile | DeviantArt "I see nowIremembereverythingmy lifewasindeedreal", "Yes, it wasand far more free than my own." Bradley asks, as he takes out two knives from his pocketstwo of Vincent's knives! It was unfortunate for Vincent that after he had pointed his gun to Electra, and Electra's trigger was already pulled.that Vincent's memory returned to him and he realized there was no door. Despite his own injuries, Bradley stood tall as he did earlier, staring down at the man who attempted to destroy this world like he did Mars. Geringah: Nono we don't. The theme of the battle is 'fan-favorite superhuman villains who lost their way'. Vincent Volaju Screen Rant vincent volaju fighting style Bradley rushes at Vincent again, as Vincent quickly changes magazines and fires at his opponent, meeting the same result as before, Bradley tilting his blade at all the right angles to cut the bullets in half. Powers/Skills Apophis: Bradley also once cut Ed's spear in half so fast that he didn't even see Bradley draw his sword, and Ed dodged point blank gunfire! With flight and a force field that repels bullets, Pierrots ability to dodge and defend himself is exceptional: he even survived a massive propane explosion. (Cue: Yoko Kanno-Gotta Knock a Little Harder). Driven, calculating and a fighter with few equals, Vicious is arguably the Cowboy Bebop character most similar to Batman. And due to Vincent's own counter nano-machines, he would still live. "S-Sirhe's comingVVincent Volajuhe's coming here" The soldier stammers, as Bradley closed his eye, bowed his head down, and sighed, before looking back up and opening his eye, which had a new wrath glaring from it. He asks absentmindedly. Volaju is about to commit spooky bad things according to live-action Ed. Vincent begins firing at Bradley again, with the same result as before. Meanwhile, Spike encounters the dangerous Electra, who too seeks the madman. Geringah: Said Spadroons are probably made of something like Tungsten Carbide, and with Father's extensive alchemical knowledge and the resources of Amestris, such an assumption isn't too far fetched. Often composed, will retreat if necessary, enjoys showing his physical prowess, often likes to talk about his philosophy. Destroy the world that is. You'll understand soon that the one that's insane is this world. It's kept him from keeping up with his Ultimate Eye fully. Vincent threw more knives at Bradley, who deflected them, before grabbing a spear and thrusting it at the Fuhrer. Weird. Lightning crashed in the heavy storm, as a somewhat tall man with a long black, collared trenchcoat and witch hat walked through the central city of the military state Amestris, as he looked around with his very pale green eyes. Apophis: And Bradley definitely lives up to his name! And Vincent can fight evenly with Spike! Apophis: Vincent was basically friendless growing up, and his life was pretty mundane and uninteresting. (Spike trying to grasp an imaginary butterfly at the post-end credits scene of the movie illustrates his own imprisonment in a dreamstate like Volaju, surrounded and mocked by seemingly reachable beauty yet unable to feel it.). The series he originates from is Cowboy Bebop. He smirks at Bradley, and taunts him into approaching. The only ones left will be you and me. Need we say more? All previous abilities, but greatly enhanced. Because of this, most his opponents have a technological and versatility advantage over him.) Check out amazing vincentvolaju artwork on DeviantArt. While Tongpu was put through many rigorous tests to give humans Diclonius-like abilities, Vincent was put through tests meant to put him at peak physical perfection, able to will through any wound, overpower any opponent and resist any disease, including the deadly Protein-Based nanomachines that only the leader of the scientists seemed to be able to resist. RELATED:Cowboy Bebop: 5 Anime Characters That Spike Spiegel Can Beat (& 5 He Has No Chance Against). WebVincent Volaju Visual Artist is on Facebook. "Indeed I did, Volaju." When Spike cracks open his eyes, he finds an oddball kid dispensing some gibberish about assigning Spike a possible bounty. This was all he had at the moment, as he turned, and saw him. Vincent then tells Tongpu his plan to escape. Ed's introduction as she offers Spike the chance to hunt Vincent Volaju also sets up the incorporation of the Cowboy Bebop movie's narratives into the Netflix series, in which Volaju attempts to eradicate the human population on Mars. | Multi-Continent Level (Should be comparable to the Snow Sister.). Favourite Movies Cowboy Bebop-Knockin' on Heaven's Door. Just realized we're no longer in the palace" Vincent remarks, as the rain poured down on both of them. Oops. "So that's what you were doingwe're back where we were before. Apophis: Need a more down to Earth, easy to understand example? Spike Spiegel Alignment Apophis: But right now, it's time for an Ultra Z Battle! This is a (RESEARCHED) battle that will take place between King Bradley from Fullmetal Alchemist (2009) and Vincent Volaju from Cowboy Bebop the Movie. However, Vincent throws a punch at Bradley's stomach, sending him back as he groaned in pain. The Cowboy Bebop universe is filled with some pretty amazing fighters, but how many of them can go head-to-head with the Dark Knight? Today. "You have earned my respect, Vincent. Theme Favourite Visual Artist Toshihiro Kawamoto. "I've been collecting them." Both combatants stared each other down, as Bradley was quietly gasping for breath from the sudden pain, and damage. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users Speed: Supersonic+, with High Hypersonic Reactions (Casually dodges all of Mad Pierrot's gunfire and can react to Gamer, who is Mach 6 to 12, can catch a missile. After all, Wen technically isnt a child, but man in his 60smade ageless and immortal by a hyperspace bypass explosion that occurred during his childhood. While he just might be lucky enough to evade some of the Dark Knights attacks,Andy is much more likely to aggravate Batman than defeat him.
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