To enjoy our website, you'll need to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Please include me in your mailing list.I am from India. Our hope for these ministries is that they would walk in repentance and godliness just as God has called all Christians to do so. Remember, Christ tells us, the way is narrow and there are few who find it. Tom White, Executive Director of Voice of the Martyrs. Christian education, and cares deeply about his small town's economy and jobs. because I couldn't remember their exact website address and I wanted to make a International Christian non-profit organization, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, 'Tortured For Christ' Movie to Premiere in Theaters Telling True Story Of One Man's Unwavering Faith, "The Voice of the Martyrs (Accredited Organization Profile) -", "Voice of the Martyrs' Tom White's Death an Apparent Suicide Following Molestation Investigation", "Ex-students tackle Director of St. Stephen's school, allege rape", "VOM-USA Statement on Nigeria abuse allegations", "Christian leader awaits charges for sending Bible balloons to North Korea", "Balloons launched into North Korea banned by South Korea", Destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Captivity of Mangalorean Catholics at Seringapatam, Nazi persecution of the Catholic Church in Germany, Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazi Germany, Persecution of Christians in the postCold War era, 2008 attacks on Christians in southern Karnataka, Persecution of pagans in the late Roman Empire, Decline of Buddhism in the Indian subcontinent, Muslim conquests in the Indian subcontinent, Persecution of Muslims during the Ottoman contraction, Persecution of Christians in the Eastern Bloc, Canadian Indian residential school system, Genocide of Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia, Violence against Hindus in independent India, Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries, Attacks by Islamic extremists in Bangladesh, Political influence of Evangelicalism in Latin America,, Human rights organizations based in the United States, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from October 2016, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 17 March 2023, at 11:14. of the Martyrs was founded by Richard Wurmbrand (photo) in 1967. I have been a long-time financial supporter of Voice of the Martyrs and each Sunday I try sending an encouraging postcard to a persecuted Christian somewhere (from their prison letter writing list).). which we update regularly. Isaac Oluwole Newton-Wusu. leaves and hide, shifting the blame when exposed. I do support several charities, but There is a common problem rampant in non-profits, howeve; often way too much of the funding is being spent on overhead . since I heard of them. There is one more issue we want to address and that is the allegations of sexual abuse that were brought against Tom White by the parents of a 10-year-old girl. 5. The Oklahoma state chief medical examiner's office has confirmed that Voice of the Martyrs executive Walter Thomas "Tom" White killed himself with a toxic mix of drugs in April, after learning that he had been accused of sexually molesting a young girl. After all the laudatory words published of me, they also tried to badmouth me. As outrageous as it sounds, considering tens of millions of dollars solicited from you, it is documented. repeat for preceding years if additional victims are found. regarding VOM. committed suicide in 2012 at the Voice of the Martyrs compound in Bartlesville, But many of these Christian leaders are beginning to be exposed. In addition the church was also made aware of terrible abuse occuring at an orphanage in Abeokuta, Nigeria. The Voice of Martyrs, USA (VOM USA) offers insights into the lives and needs of Christians around the world through their 2021 Global Prayer Guide. Voice of the Martyrs jeopardizes persecuted Christians Tom White hadn't abused any other child during his frequent trips to Voice of The molestation case was closed less than a month after White's passing. With Emil Mandanac, Raluca Botez, Eduard Adam, Virgil Aioanei. There's not ever going to be charges filed.". Truth is, the opposition the person had encountered was Same employees had before vied to be photographed with me and get my autograph. The Wurmbrand family was eventually freed to the West after a ransom was paid for Richard's release. Who or what is going to fill the void? Because of the cult of suffering and the vindictive God behind it.1Alan Jones, Episcopal contemplative priest The New Age believes that the teachings of the East and [Read more] Tozer and warned our readers about his often quoting and referencing medieval-period and other mystics. Each individual mission office publishes a regular newsletter for distribution in their own country. Hastings added, "We investigate crimes to determine whether or not they happened and whether charges need to be filed. Michael released a statement concerning the firing which criticized the unwillingness of the board to do an investigation, the $28 million new headquarters, concerns about the criminal record background of one of the VOM-US vice presidents, and other related concerns.[9]. The publication noted the police department had no "official" protocol for cases in which a suspect under investigation dies. Michael Wurmbrand God's money for the most persecuted members of In a toxicology report made available to The Christian Post on Thursday, the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner found that White's death was most likely caused by "acute combined drug (ETHANOL, DIPHENHYDRAMINE) toxicity." ", He added, however, "Tom deeply loved his wife, his children and his grandchildren. It was raised in the following year to the value of about 2 tanks of gas/month worth of help only because I wrote feet of email messages and renounced a total of over $100,000 of my salary over four years (I accepted being paid only $500/month!) and if the corruption ,is at this level now ,supporting it will only result in adding heat to the dough.. it will rise all the more in its corruption as long as it refuses to do away with its leaven . Romanian pastor Richard Wurmbrand was imprisoned and tortured for 14 years, but his faith and light were not dimmed. We also have had e-mail correspondence with him since. As of May 2018, Nigerian authorities have charged and released on bail the director, Isaac Oluwole Newton-Wusu, a defamation case has been filed against the accusers in Nigerian court . Thank you. with VOCM (click The Voice of the Martyrs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization that has been classified as a mission society. Todd Nettleton, head of media with Voice of the Martyrs in the US, told Throckmorton: 'It is heartbreaking for us to consider that someone may have used VOM-USA funds or projects as a means to victimize anyone - especially a child.'. by hirelings and wolves. Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) The church is filled with mega-corporation-style organizations that act as if they can do anything they want while they toy with the emotional and spiritual lives of millions and play catch-me-if-you-can. provide care for all victims abused by Tom White and had cautioned them about VOM during a visit when they saw one of VOM's magazines Two years later, they arrived in USA and founded Voice of the Martyrs to Tom White, the past Voice of the Martyrs Chairman for more than 20-years, committed suicide in April, 2012, only two to three hours after an accusation of suspected child sexual molestation (pedophilia) of a 10-years old girl was formally filed by her parents with the local police, and while the Bartlesville, OK. police were searching to arrest . Richard Wurmbrand was imprisoned and tortured by communist authorities in his native Romania for 14 years, including three years in solitary confinement. The post Visio Divina: A Mystical Practice by Any Other Name Is Still a Mystical Practice appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. I have supported VOM both financially and by recommendation to others to support, for close to 20 years. My parents died in 2000-2001, and I am now 74 years old. The Voice of the Martyrs. As one of our directors stated, 'He truly was a voice for the martyrs. I was answered IN WRITING (by the convicted felon-embezzler who had meantime become Vice President of VOM, see above) that my request is morally wrong. The 63 members of China's 'Mayflower Church' who fled persecution in China arrived in the United States on Good Friday, intending to resettle permanently after being granted humanitarian parole status amid a harrowing three-year quest for asylum. If you would like your pastor [Read more] Hello Lighthouse Trails: I am wondering if you can help me out here. heard of the Voice of the Martyrs scandal. I think its very helpful that Amelia Coleman pointed out that, according to IRS Form 990s VOM spent 64% of its 2016 income oqn foreign projects, and that this is actually a high percentage. Since 2016, Lighthouse Trails has been sending out topical booklets (usually three times a year) to a growing list of pastors and Christian leaders. while some may say Should we not still support Vom for the part of them that do good ? Dear Lighthouse Trails: Im attending a Bible study at _________________________, and they recently had a womens 2-day conference. VOMs free 100-page Global Prayer Guide is a great prayer tool to use during your daily devotions and as you read VOMs magazine. and seeing money that could be used for orphanages, etc., being good stewards of His money, we are not supporting them any longer even if it seems that everything is above boards. During round 1 of the paycheck protection program, THE VOICE OF THE MARTYRS, INC. requested a PPP loan for 1381200 USD. the Romanian communists and was supposed to die in prison, until one of his How could I have foreseen that in a case of blatant suspected child-molestation some Christian VOM leaders I approached, imitated the priest and Levite in the Parable of the Good Samaritan, trying their best re. I will pray for them, Bibles Unbound; have Voice of the Martyrs organizations in Australia, Belgium, rejected the money and instead published an open letter that repeats his call for an independent investigation, sheds light on Voice of Martyrs' other As co-founders of The Voice of the Martyrs, Pastor Wurmbrand and Sabina traveled throughout the world establishing a network of more than 30 offices that provide relief to families of imprisoned Christians in Islamic nations, Communist nations and other countries where Christians are persecuted because of their faith. Learn about different nations and regions where Christians are persecuted and how to pray for them. In 2016, VOM-USA completed more than 1,500 ministry projects, providing help to more than 5 million people. We called and had a ten-minute conversation with him. Thank you for your good organization. . Although they are separate and completely autonomous organisations with their own leaders and separate boards of directors, the US organisation did fund some projects in Nigeria. This news story is a sobering example of what is increasingly happening to Christians in community, public education, and government services in North America. In 2016 VOM sent 64% of annual donations to foreign work..the next best was Open Doors at 31%. Voice of the Martyrs has veered into ecumenism, away from the, "Hi, Thank you for your website. Already Lighthouse Trails has heard from many believers who have repented after being deceived by the Jesus of Jesus Calling. VOM-USA is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), and financial information about VOM can be found on ECFA's web site. We have also been able to verify many of the statements he has made below. Voice of the Martyrs Inc. cannot currently be evaluated by our Impact & Results methodology because either (A) it is eligible, but we have not yet received data; (B) we have not yet developed an algorithm to estimate its programmatic impact; (C) its programs are not direct services; or (D) it is not heavily reliant on contributions from individual donors. flew Wurmbrand, his wife Sabina and son Michael (Mihai) And thank you I should be entitled to make such a request since: * Voice of the Martyrs published for years a specially dedicated childrens magazine. decision, Add to this the utter catastrophe of contemplative mysticism (i.e., occultism) overtaking countless Christian organizations, schools, and denominations, and weve got the makings for an apostate church. Thus, we have known about Tozers affinity toward the mystics for some [Read more] The police chief and the former mayor of the town of Bartlesville, OK. were personally serving on the Board of Directors of Voice of the Martyrs. The Voice of the Martyrs was founded in 1967 under the name "Jesus to the Communist World" by Richard Wurmbrand, a Romanian Lutheran priest of Jewish descent, . You may also wish to read Carl Teichribs article/booklet,Earth Day and a Total Transformation for a Post-Christian World. Join thousands of others to get the FREEDOM POST newsletter for free, sent twice a week from The Christian Post. Pedophilia is a horrific crime and if there are more children that need protection or healing, or if there is any way an investigation would prevent an act of pedophilia from occurring to someone else, or even if it would give one girl closure, we should by all means enthusiastically encourage such an investigation. here). impregnating orphan girls at the VOM-financed Stephens Children Home in Abeokuta turned a blind eye to child rape and murder. Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand founded VOM after being imprisoned for their Christian witness in Communist Romania. Petr JaekGlobal Ambassador. #ChurchToo, Culture, For Ministry Leaders, Ministry News. This data release includes only a subset of what can be found in the full Form 990s. If you do not intend to accept the above request, the other decision I ask you to take is not to use the name Wurmbrand any more.. who had co-founded Voice of the Martyrs Lower and publish all leaders' salaries. without disclosure, If you do not want to accept an independent investigation and complete transparency of your dealings, I begged you do not use my fathers long years of suffering in communist prisons and the intense suffering of his whole family to raise money from naive donors. I was written by VOM, when asking help for formerly persecuted Christians under communism, now in their 90s, we are technically out of money!there will be NO check requests approved for anything other than absolutely essential only to find out later that $9.5 million were available not for mission work, but for construction work in Oklahoma (see above link). Denise 430-622-6611. bless you, Amy", "I want to thank you for publicly posting A Biblical Perspective on Salvation That Ye May Know . If you are a minister, I can only beg you to share this letter with your congregation. The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is a missionary organization that serves persecuted Christians in the world's most difficult and dangerous places to be a Christian. This situation with homeschoolers is serious. China's underground Christians simply keep the Bibles they print. In addition to consuming alcohol, White had ingested Diphenhydramine, a common antihistamine sometimes prescribed for insomnia; Zolpidem, specifically used to treat insomnia, was also found in his system. Michael Wurmbrand, who had been serving Voice of the Please click here to learn how. VOM has been a member of the ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability) since 1993. Ananias and Sapphira for keeping back a portion of their own money (Acts Some answers were outright sarcastic, as if my requesting a proper investigation regarding suspected pedophilia among Christian missionaries would be some joke. Renounce ecumenism and return to the I had never True the apostles were a group, but the group was small. Stay up to date with the latest Christian news! He was concerned that more children might have been molested. Tozer: A Hybrid of Complex Proportions love and power in his torture victim and arranged for him to be released. Voice since I heard of them. The post Lighthouse Trails to Send Out 20th Mailing to Christian Pastors and Leaders appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. *A fundraiser for VOM was promised to be paid a percentage or cut of the funds he raised! The larger the organization, the more money that gets donated the much greater chance of greed and corruption as opposed to the motives one person. We started what is now Voice of the Martyrs under a communist sentence of death. I asked in writing of the Voice of the Martyrs Board of Directors for an independent investigation, to be undertaken from outside of VOM. been infiltrated by wolves? "We have been in continual prayer for the healing and restoration of this child, her family and the White family since the tragic events unfolded last week," the group previously stated. I have both moral and legal rights to the persona of my parents, even regarding the unauthorized use of my own name, pictures, etc. For several months now I have not sent them any 4. Romanian Christians who had been imprisoned for 5 to 10 years for their faith Oklahoma when the police This terrible event made world news. To read more on this convicted felon, [click here or here]. And, I see no reason to doubt the message given by Michael Wurmbrand for a few reason. . Martyrs supports persecuted Christians in Romania (For how Michael Wurmbrand, Help Smuggle Bibles to Iranian Christians, Privacy Policy & State Disclosure Statements. The US office of The Voice of the Martyrs is organized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and reports 95% of revenue is derived from public support. Sadly, it may not be true Christianity. 3. retired in 1992 and died in 2001 at 91 years of age. Prior to these allegations becoming public, VOM-USA had cut off funding[11] to VOCM-Nigeria after the mission refused to address overcrowding in a children's home operated by VOCM. I was so Voice of the Christian Martyrs-Nigeria and Voice of the Martyrs-USA share historical roots, traced back to Pastor Richard Wurmbrand. themselves in Bartlesville, USA. In 2012, the executive director of VOM-USA, Tom White, committed suicide after allegations of child abuse were made against him. Earth Day and a Christian Perspective on the Environment In the last 4 years, the state of Arizona, for instance, failed to investigate 6,000 cases of children molestation. At the time of his committing suicide, Tom White had a $140,000+, plus perks, yearly salary and very substantial travel and expense accounts used in his extensive and frequent international travel year after year. We have heard rumors that this is already happening to some of them. Funding and projects should be transparent in any forthright institution and if Mr. Wurmbrand still suspects VOM of misappropriation of funds, he should inform the IRS. Acts 4:12, HOME LTRP Note:The following article is from Roger Oaklands bookletA Christian Perspective on the Environment: How the Catholic Pope and Other Leaders Are Uniting the Worlds Religions Through Environmentalism. A few comments on that: First, as Lighthouse Trails has always maintained, the power of sin lies in its secrecy; and this is especially true in cases of child sexual abuse. more donations. This overall score is calculated entirely from a single beacon score, weighted as follows: 100% Accountability & Finance. To my knowledge, the previous headquarters of VOM in the same town cost in the neighborhood of about $90,000! or at least require them to disclose it to the donors. The investigation in the famous legal action in England of Jimmy Saville, the BBC children program head while alive, started with only 2 cases BUT there were more than 600 pedophilia complaints after Saville died. I suffered plenty. alone took in over $57 million. Some pathetic answers like: Do not cast the first stone, king Solomon made mistakes, we might also sin, or promise to keep correspondence private only displayed the hypocrisy to protect the flow of donations rather than any interest in protecting possible children victims! An investigation had just been launched into allegations of White abusing a 10-year-old girl when the VOM executive director's body was discovered April 18 at the organization's complex near Bartlesville, Okla. Against my express request NOT TO DO SO, the mission Voice of the Martyrs of Bartlesville (VOM), Oklahoma, USA and its international affiliates, continue to use Richard Wurmbrand, Sabina Wurmbrand, my parents persona, pictures, writings and books, my persona also to obtain your donations! Lighthouse Trails to Send Out 20th Mailing to Christian Pastors and Leaders In addition, police reportedly have stopped investigating the case that shocked many in . In addition, police reportedly have stopped investigating the case that shocked many in White's community and those who support the Christian persecution ministry he served for over 30 years. The organization was founded in 1967 by Richard Wurmbrand, a Lutheran priest, also a Pentecostal, and Romanian of Jewish descent who spent fourteen years in a Communist prison for his faith in Christ in the Socialist Republic of Romania, which held a policy of state atheism. Tozer: A Hybrid of Complex Proportions appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. I would urge you to watch the video below. YWAM was a advocate for, support, and consider supporting, mainly those who support the persecuted church or those website when a link to your information came up. EIN: 73-1395057; . * Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) spent $28 million dollars not on the mission field but to build its own headquarter thus in economic times difficult for us all, encouraging construction in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, USA, a town of only about 32,000. A cinematic retelling of the testimony of 'Voice of the Martyrs' founder, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, as written in his international bestseller "Tortured for Christ". not sure if this is true are not because you beat around the bush a lot before getting to the facts so I wonder but I found voice of the martyrs through a free book they offered about persecuted Christians about a little over a year ago before them I knew nothing of persecuted Christians around the world iv never given money but was going to next month till I saw this now im confused do they really help the persecuted Christians I would be so hurt if they dont I wanted to support the Christians that are hurting around the world in prayer and perhaps with donations please someone tell me if this is true are not do they really help Christians.
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