Residents who are physically unable to bring containers to the curb and do not live with someone who can bring containers to the curb may apply for the hardship program. Waste Management: 847-623-3870 or 800-778-7652. Contact Waste Management at 800-964-8988 or Village of Hainesville, Program Rates & Services Collection Schedule Groot Industries Solid Waste Rates & Additional Services Volo, For missed pickups, service requests, container swaps, or other issues, contact Waste Management at 800-796-9696 or Below are the holidays observed by Waste Management: - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. We are located on Prime Blvd, off of 167th St, between Gougar Rd and Cedar Rd (directly south of Bo Jacksons Elite Sports dome). WM Holiday Schedule. Labor Day. Naperville, IL. The Villages current contract can be found here. For more information call 815-838-0549 option 8. Residents can sign up for this program through. Click Here for the 2023 Holiday Schedule For additional information, please call Waste Management at 1-800-796-9696 or visit their website at The following items will not be accepted: liquid products, intravenous solutions, injectable items, syringes, or thermometers. To order an additional cart, have a cart repaired, or to schedule a special pickup, please contact Waste Management at 1-800-964-8988. Do not dispose of medication in the green collection container for sharps.. Yard waste must be placed in appropriate yard waste bags or appropriate containers (no larger than 32 gallon) clearly marked yard waste. City of Lockport Public Works & Engineering Department. Wednesdays are reserved for commercial/business pickups. Mundelein, For more information, visit the Jewel-Osco website. Who We Are. Grove In addition, the container must be clearly marked "Sharps" with a dark permanent marker. Residents may rent a 64-gallon or 96-gallon wheeled organics toter from WM. Brush and branches must be cut into 4-foot lengths and bundled with string or twine. Refuse, recycling, and yard waste must be placed curbside by 6:00 a.m. on your collection day. All refuse should be properly contained to prevent littering. All trees picked up during this timeframe will be recycled. Residents can purchase and utilize their own 32-gallon container with a lid to serve as the receptacle for their lawn waste and/or accepted composting materials. Residents having a refuse, recycling, or yard waste issue should first call Groot at 800-244-1977. Holiday Schedule Holiday Schedule The following holidays will delay pickup by one day when the holiday falls between Sunday and Friday. Waste Management provides each home with a 96 (or 64) gallon cart for refuse and a 96 (or 64) gallon cart for recycling. The carts have hinged lids to contain material and wheels for easy movement. The Westmont Fire and Police Departments are partnering with the DuPage County Health Department to provide a prescription drug drop box in the lobby of the Police-Fire facility located at 500 N. Cass Avenue. Christmas Day - All collections will be pushed back one day during the entire week of December 25, 2023. Residents can select a 35, 65, or 95-gallon refuse container to best suit their households needs. Read on. Get a FREE quote! Whole trees and limbs greater than 4 inches in diameter and stumps are not included in the weekly pick-up. Independence Day. SCARCE (School and Community Assistance for Recycling and Composting Education) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing education and resources regarding the importance of our environment and promoting specific programs that assist with this mission. Please contact Waste Management directly for up-to-date information regarding the start and end dates for seasonal programs. Collection days are listed under "Local Services.". Waste Management acquired Advanced Disposal, the Village's former service provider, in late 2020. Will Waste Management take appliances / furniture? An amendment to the Village's Waste Management contract (approved October 26, 2021) can be found here. Thanksgiving Day, November 25th Normal Schedule Monday thru Wednesday. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. For more information on how to dispose of latex paint visit DuPage Recycling. These items will be recycled. Contact us at 309.586.4410 or fill out the form below. The following types of dry-cell batteries are accepted: Alkaline (AA, AAA, C, D, 9 volt, & lantern) Carbon Zinc, NiCad, NiMH, Silver Oxide, and Mercury batteries. Residential Recycling & Garbage Collection Recycling will be collected once per week. Rented toters do not require a sticker and can be used for yard waste and accepted composting materials. Waste Managements AYD Special Collection allows BG residents to schedule pick-up for hazardous and difficult-to-recycle materials, such as electronics, televisions and chemicals. For more information, contact 311 at 847-931-6001. Christmas Day, December 25th: Normal Schedule for the week. Free Quote. Bundles must be no more than 4 feet long and 1 1/2 feet in diameter. Drop-off . Eligible residents must fill out and send in the Senior Citizen Residents Garbage Discount Application Form and meet the following criteria: proof of ownership of property, age 65 or older, currently resides at the address requesting the discount. 3110 Old McHenry Road Long Grove, IL 60047. Wednesday collection is unaffected. Memorial Day. Area locations include: Downers Grove Sanitary Treatment Center2710 Curtiss Street, Downers GroveMonday through Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm. Residents are billed for services quarterly. AYD Service is included in residents monthly refuse and recycling rates. The Village of Westmont waste hauling and recycling program does NOT allow for the collection/disposal of electronics and/or items that contain harmful materials. USA. Next time you are heading to your local store, bring a few plastic bags that youve brought home before, from any retailer, and place them in the plastic bag recycling bin at the entrance of the store. For more information, visit Western Springs Recycling. To dispose of controlled substance medications, check DEA Diversion Control Division for a list of locations. If a holiday falls on a Sunday, then Monday would be the observed day off. 2023 Waste Management Holiday Schedule If your service day falls on or follows one of these observed holidays, your service will be delayed by one day for the duration of that week only. and rechargeable batteries. Paint must be dried out in the can in order to be collected. Once approved for the exemption, newly qualified residents should submit the required documentation to the Villages Utility Billing Division to ensure that the discount is applied to their account. Additional container swaps will cost $25. On your pick-up date place materials out before 7:00 am. Plastic types 1, 2, 3, and 4 are recyclable curbside. The Illinois Electronic Products Recycling and Reuse Act prohibits any person from allowing or to cause mixing of any of the items listed with municipal waste that is intended for disposal at a landfill. Computers (laptop, notebook, netbook, tablet, desktop). If you are looking to dispose of household hazardous waste, you can drop it off at the City of Napervilles permanent Household Hazardous Waste drop-off facility. Two bulk items (e.g. For regular service and holidays If a holiday falls on a weekday, collections for the rest of the week will be pushed back a day. *Services provided by the Solid Waste Agency of Cook County (SWANCC), which are $6.15 per single family household, per month, and $5.05 per month for multi-family residents, are included in the above rates. Trees put out after the first two full weeks of the year will be considered garbage and may be subject to a fine. Newport Township,Park City, Springfield, IL trash pickup & recycling services Republic Services is a leader in recycling, waste and environmental services. Please call Customer Service at (800) 964-8988 prior to collection. With multiple locations, we have a large fleet of GPS-dispatched trucks that can easily service sites throughout Northern Illinois. Who do I call with questions or to report a problem? In the months of April and November (during specific dates specified by Waste Management), Waste Management schedules a one-week free leaf pickup that allows residents to put out an unlimited number of kraft paper bags of LEAVES only without a sticker. his webpage is intended to provide helpful information regarding the various programs that are provided by Waste Management for the Village of Westmont. At Your Door Service Waste Management offers At Your Door Service to dispose of special materials including auto batteries, chemicals, paint, electronics and motor oil. The program includes collection of many types of potentially hazardous and hard-to-recycle items from residential homes which are not permitted for disposal in regular refuse service collection. There are four Waste Management pickup zones in Westmont. This separation allows room for the mechanical arm on the trucks to safely grab and dump your refuse and recycling carts. HOLIDAYS - In the event, any of the following holidays fall on a weekday, or a Sunday, all refuse, yard waste, and recyclable collection services shall be delayed by one day for that week. Typically, the Holiday Lights Collection starts in November and continues through the end of January. Careers. All medications must be contained in a zip-seal type bag prior to disposal. All of the above listed plastic items can be recycled through the dropoff collection bins located at grocery storefronts such as Marianos, Target, and Jewel. The following holidays are observed by Waste Management: If your service day falls on or follows one of these observed holidays, your service will be delayed by one day for the duration of that week only. For a list of other locations that accept non-controlled substance pharmaceuticals, visit Will County Green. Upon approval of the program, Waste Management sent At Your Door Postcards to residential customers. For more information, view theBrochure in English and in Spanish. New Year's Day Memorial Day 4th of July Labor Day Thanksgiving Christmas Christmas Tree Recycling Place your Christmas tree in the parkway and follow these guidelines: Do not put trees in plastic bags. White good items such as refrigerators, washers, dryers, water heather, dishwashers, AC units, dehumidifiers, and dismantled toilets may be placed at the curb for collection. Waste Management: 847-623-3870 or 800-778-7652 Landscape Waste Landscape waste stickers are available for purchase at the following locations: Village Hall 11270 W Wadsworth Road, Beach Park Ace Hardware 3232 N Lewis Avenue, Waukegan Electronics Disposal Containers must be out before 6:30 a.m. For backdoor service, make sure containers are outside and accessible (i.e. Yard Waste. Script on the page is unsupported or is currently turned off in your browser. These programs include recycling & garbage pickup, brush pickup, yard waste collection, composting opportunities, and more. Public Works & Engineering Updates Check out what's going on around the City! will be collected each week. Yard Waste Stickers can be purchased at the Village Hall, 31 W. Quincy Street during regular business hours. Please refer to the Interactive Garbage & Recycling GIS Map regarding your week for recycling collection. As of May 1, 2022, residents pay a $14.06 monthly residential refuse/recycling fee on their utility bills. The City of Lockport has added At Your Door Special Collection service provided by Waste Management, effective June 1, 2021. The Yard Waste Pickup Program typically begins in April and ends in December. One Groot Industries recycling wheeled cart is provided to each residence. Pick-ups take place between 6:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Additional 96-gallon refuse carts, in addition to the provided 96-gallon cart, are available to rent or purchase by contacting the Waste Management Customer Service center at (800) 964-8988. For additional information, contact the Westmont Police Department at 630-981-6300. Garbage and yard waste stickers may be purchased at the following locations: Seniors age 65 or older may qualify to receive a 25% discount, offered by Waste Management, on their owner-occupied, single-family residence garbage/recycling bill. , Zion Township. Place out your materials. Collection containers are typically placed at the Frank Johanik Fire Station Headquarters, 6015 S. Cass and the Westmont Library, 428 N. Cass Avenue The drop-off program is self-service. Household Hazardous Waste Facility in Naperville is open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays & Sundays excluding holidays; New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Easter Sunday, July 4th, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 2023 Village of Buffalo Grove | All Rights Reserved |, Commission for Residents with Disabilities, Submit a Freedom of Information Act Request, Buffalo Grove Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce, Community Consolidated School District 21, Business Associations and Other Resources, Current Planning & Zoning Commission Requests, My ticket written BEFORE January 25, 2021, About the At Your Door (AYD) Service and How to schedule a pick-up. Garbage is picked up weekly, while recycling is picked up every other week. All non-recyclable refuse and waste should be placed in this container. Collection will be delayed one day in that same week only if the holiday falls on a weekday or Sunday. Collection Days Monday Collection - Households located south of 135th Street, unless otherwise noted. The Orland Park Police Department is accepting applications for police officers! Thursday & Friday pick-ups delayed 1 day. Residents who select a 95-gallon container can dispose of two bulk items, one yard of building material, four rolls of carpet, or four extra refuse bags per week for no additional cost. New Year's Day . Brush pickup requirements must be followed or items will not be picked up and be subject to a fine. Acceptable materials for curbside recycling include: Do not include the following items in your mixed recycling cart: When your collection falls on or after one of these holidays, your pick-up will be one day late during the week. Plainfield, IL | 24401 W. Lockport Street, Plainfield IL 60544 | (815) 436-7093, Created By Granicus - Connecting People and Government, Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) Bulb Recycling. Brush that is acceptable for pickup includes smaller twigs, branches and tree limbs that are no more than 4 feet long and no wider than 4 inches in diameter. To be picked up and recycled, Christmas Trees MUST be free of decorations, tinsel, and lights. There is no cutoff date for Christmas tree pickup. Wednesday Collection Chatham Square, Grande Park, Kings Bridge Estates, Playa Vista, and Stewart Ridge Subdivisions and Shelly Lane. Fruits & vegetables - includes unpainted holiday pumpkins, Leftovers/kitchen scraps - includes coffee grounds, tea bags and filters, Meat, poultry, seafood - includes shells & bones, Dairy solids & eggs - includes egg shells; liquids are NOT accepted, Food-soiled paper products - includes paper towels, plates, napkins, egg cartons, pizza boxes, Newspaper can be used to wrap compostables - compostable & biodegradable plastic bags are NOT accepted. You can recycle your used cooking oil into biodiesel. Please note that sod, whole trees, stumps, and dirt are not part of the weekly yard waste program. . Several local Ace Hardware stores have partnered with Epaint to provide collection of latex and oil-based paints for a fee. New Year's Day: Sunday, January 1, 2023 Memorial Day: Monday, May 29, 2023 Independence Day: Tuesday, July 4, 2023 Labor Day: Monday, September 4, 2023 Monday Collection Households located south of 135th Street, unless otherwise noted. Contact WM to schedule. Yard waste must be placed in Kraft paper bags, which can be purchased at local retail stores. Click here to view the 2023 Waste Management Calendar Observed 2023 Holidays: Please note, if a holiday occurs on or before collection day, your service will be delayed one day that week only. Locations accept liquid, vegetable-based cooking oil only no animal fats (i.e., those solid at room temperature). Get the kit in the mail. Thursday Collection Households located north of 135th Street, the River Ridge subdivision, and portions of Plainfield/Naperville Road, unless otherwise noted. Carpet and padding must be secured with tape or string. Carpet is considered a bulk item and must be cut and rolled into 4-foot lengths. keeping contaminants out of your recycling! For more information and to sign up for this program, visitWaste Management's Westmont webpageor call 1-800-964-8988. This includes button cell batteries (hearing aids, watches, etc.) Labor Day - All collections will be pushed back one day during the week of September 4, 2023. Waukegan, Lake Bluff, See below for billing and payment options. Brush should be placed alongside your refuse on your usual garbage pickup day. Guide to get the latest recycling and disposal information by item. New Year's Day on Monday, January 1, 2024 - All collections will be pushed back by one day the entire week of January 1, 2024. Check out our Police Department FAQ for more information regarding sharps disposal: For any billing questions, please contact the City of Danville - Finance Department at (217) 431-2382 or (217) 431-2876.
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