Many of these materials are courtesy of other sources and the original copyright holders retain all applicable rights under the law. At the beginning of the 20th century Louisville Kentucky had the one of highest rate of tuberculosis deaths in the United States. As no reason has been given for why she would have committed suicide, rumor is, she was actually pushed. All information / names gathered from research and visitors will be added to the In mechanical drawings from 1924 and 1962, however, this room is labeled the Transformer Room, and it clearly appears to be an electrical room. Eventually Hays property was chosen for several reasons; its distance from the city, its picturesque tranquil view, as well as its high altitude with increased air flow. They were buried by passing through the death tunnel. (The myth was further spread by Tina Mattingly on an episode of. Microfilm rolls #7016130-7041803. As such, Waverly Hills was largely self-sufficient; they grew their own food and raised animals; they had a post office and a water treatment facility. mentioned or used within Nestled in the Ohio Valley, Louisville doesnt get a proper amount of fresh air flow. KDR - Kentucky Death RecordsS - SubmittedNP - NewspaperO - Other20 Even those who don't believe in ghosts enjoy the site for its history, its controversy, or for its popularity. One report from a paranormal investigation group noted that six members saw what they claim looked like a young girls shadow that was completely opaque. Consumption was the most common name for pulmonary tuberculosis, the form of the disease that affected the lungs and, per its name, seemed to consume the body as it progressed in stages over many years. It was not known at the time that Tuberculosis was an airborne disease. A tunnel connecting to the base of the hill was also built so that workers and supplies could be ferried to the facility at the top of the hill. Buildings were added to the institution in 1912, 1916, and 1926. Its supposedly around 500 feet long and leads down the hill. This is the building that still stands to this day. In 2014, the most recent year for which the CDC reports a mortality figure, 493 people died of TB. It had its own post office, water treatment facility, grew its own fruits and vegetables, raised its own meat for slaughter, and maintained many of the other necessities of everyday life. To this effect the original facility consisted of two open-air pavilions which housed 40 victims of the disease. It is sad that a place that played such a vital role during this period of history and medical discovery was not only over, but now disrespected. To learn more about the Historical Society, see the Historical Society section under About. The Midwestern United States' tribute to Michelangelo is a foam statue sprayed with gaudy gold paint. The enormous and haunted Waverly Hills Sanatorium by night. Waverly Hills Sanatorium sits on land that was originally purchased by Major Thomas H. Hays in 1883. Once a state-of-the-art tuberculosis treatment spa, these ruins are now ruled by paintball players. Offer available only in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico). Waverly Hills Memorial Even so, the CDC reported 9,557 cases in the United States in 2015. Tuberculosis got its nicknames from the sickly pallor of the victims the disease claimed. nothing without you. Its also believed that patients whose infection spread to the brain, rendering them insane, were sent to the 5th floor. The sanatorium was established in the early 20th century to help deal with an outbreak of the then-incurable disease tuberculosis. Every state in the country has its fair share of haunted locations, and Kentucky is no different. & Historical Research GroupAll files, pictures, video, E.V.P., articles, trademarks; etc. There are two legends concerning the room: a nurse committed suicide by jumping out the window, and a nurse who hanged herself in room 502 because she was single and pregnant. The warm, wet weather in Kentucky near the Ohio River was a breeding place for bacteria, and insects often helped to spread disease. A new sanatorium opened on October 17, 1926 that could accommodate 400-500 patients. All information contained in this website Was a May Day Attack by Pilgrims a Practice Run for a Massacre? He hired a woman named Lizzie Lee Harris to teach at the school. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. In the first few years of possession, the Mattinglys removed the asbestos and replaced 100 broken windows. I would like to live and watch over and take care of my poor Fatherless children. Individuals worried about their health as well as about their family responsibilities and livelihood. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. If the bacteria did become an infection, there was an 80% chance of death at that time. It was thought that doing so would close up the small holes that tuberculosis causes. Romania: Castles, Ruins, and Medieval Villages, Iceland in Summer: Journey Through a Fabled Land, Monster of the Month w/ Colin Dickey: Mokele-Mbembe, Accidental Discoveries: A Celebration of Historical Mistakes, Antiques and Their Afterlives: Stories from the Collection of Ryan and Regina Cohn, Monster of the Month w/ Colin Dickey: Satanists, Once Upon a Time: Fairy Tale Writing With Anca Szilgyi, Gourds Gone Wild: Growing and Crafting Gourds With Gourdlandia, Playing Ancient Games: History & Mythology With John Bucher, Secrets of Tarot Reading: History & Practice With T. Susan Chang, Why 18th-Century Scots Performed Mock Human Sacrifices Over Cake. It opened in 1910 as a two-story hospital to accommodate 40 to 50 tuberculosis patients. Once you went to Waverly Hills, you became a permanent resident on the hill. Oddly enough, despite that fact, many patients received visits from loved ones on visiting day. Even with the building of additional pavilions, space for patients was consistently at a minimal. Many of these materials are courtesy of other sources and the original copyright holders retain all applicable rights under the law. & Historical Research GroupAll files, pictures, video, E.V.P., articles, trademarks; etc. Alberhaskys intentions were to construct the worlds tallest statue ofJesuson the site, along with an arts and worship center. 2025. In 1907, the Louisville Tuberculosis Association established Hazelwood Sanatorium for the treatment of white patients from any part of Kentucky, even before Waverly Hills Sanatorium opened, in 1910, for city and county residents. This site Pour se dbarasser de votre ancien vhicule, voici la liste et les adresses du centres VHU agrs en rgion Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes. (Note the slightly different spelling of Waverley here. The statue, which was inspired by the famedstatue of Christ onCorcovadoMountain inRio de Janeiro, would have been designed by local Louisville sculptorEd Hamiltonand architect Jasper Ward. It opened as a 40 room hospital and they found that they needed to add on very quickly. KEY: S - Submitted NP - Newspaper Article KDR - Kentucky Death Records TB - Waverly Hills Sanatorium G - Woodhaven Geriatrics Center 20 - 1920 Census Report Symptoms of tuberculosis include: a lasting cough, chest pains, fever, loss of appetite / weight loss, hills, sweating, and coughing up blood. But in 2001, Waverly Hills Sanatorium was purchased and since then, there have been many changes and improvements to the building and surrounding property. The current owners of the Waverly Hills Sanatorium use the derelict space as a haunted attraction, staging horror houses in the fall and running ghost tours the rest of the year. In 1883, Major Thomas Hercules Hays, who had served in the Confederate army during the Civil War and fought at the. Patients in every condition were accepted including those in early stages to those in the final stages. This list is organized by date of death and not by name. Tuberculosis and Waverly Hills Sanatorium in the Filsons Collections, The Filson Historical Society and Cincinnati Museum Center. Without cookies your experience may not be seamless. When the visit was over, the visitors left Waverly and ventured back out into the community. It was the leading cause of death during sanatorium's peak years of operation; however, it is impossible to say how many people died at Waverly Hills. It has a somewhat mysterious and sinister past Forged from a partnership between a university press and a library, Project MUSE is a trusted part of the academic and scholarly community it serves. See. The sanitorium opened in the midst of a widespread epidemic It was within this devastating context that the Waverly Hills Sanitorium first opened its doors on July 26, 1910, as a two-story wooden structure built to house about 50 patients. While no records exist to report an accurate death count that occurred within the building, it is . A reminder to visitors that Waverly Hills is private property and the residence of it's owners. With little knowledge of how to fight the illness, the creators of Waverly Hills based their treatment on quarantine, fresh air, and a positive attitude. Deep under the hospital is the "Death Tunnel" which once were used to secretly remove the dead from the grounds. Construction on this building began in 1908 and opened for business on July 26, 1910. You can imagine what follows. Rumors VS. Facts, 10+ of Hollywood's Most Famous Twins Listed, 7 Best Horror Audiobooks of 2022 that Will Make Your Spine Chill, 8 Best British Crime Series on Netflix: Crime Series, the English Way, 9 Best Comedies on HBO Max to Watch Right Now, 10+ Best Stand-up Comedy Specials on Netflix: Tickle your funny bone with the best comedy shows, 10 Best Anime Series on Netflix (Updated), 10 Best True Crime Podcasts to Keep You Up at Night, 10 Best Movies To Watch On Disney+ For All Ages (Updated! While the building is now primarily a tourist attraction for those with creepy predilections, it used to be a functioning tuberculosis hospital. Originally, Waverly Hills Sanatorium was a two-story frame building with a hipped roof and half-timbering. Today, the building is spooky enough to give anyone chills. will be confirmed information either by photograph, news article, and/ or historical archive of some kind. Our objective is to provide a resource and a memorial for all the building and the people whose lives made The tunnel is supposed to be haunted by those who made their last journey through it. Major Hays was in need of a school for his daughters to attend, so he started a one-room schoolhouse that was located on Pages Lane. Her love for the tiny school, in addition to her fondness for Scotts Waverley Novels, prompted her to name the little schoolhouse, Waverley School. Major Hays liked the name, and chose to name his property Waverley Hill. The Board of Tuberculosis Hospital kept the name after purchasing the land and opening the Sanatorium. The building is host to ghost hunters from all over the globe. The first antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis was called streptomycin, and it was discovered by American biologists in 1943. When the plans fell through due to funding problems, Alberhasky, upset that the remaining building was protected by the Historical Register, tried to have the building condemned. The story goes that Lizzie Lee Harris loved Sir Walter Scotts series, The Waverley Novels -- more than, Hays reportedly like the name and so named all of his land Waverley Hill. This company operated the nursing home facility until 1982 when it was closed by the state for violations and the mistreatment of patients. They found themselves stuck in a room whose door would not open and shadowy figures appeared in the room. Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville, Kentucky opened in 1910 to treat tuberculosis patients. If youre in the Louisville area, Cave Hill Cemetery is another haunted hotspot where many visitors report hearing disembodied voices including laughter and screaming as well as unexplained orbs of light that appear to dance over certain graves. Troy Taylor from the American Ghost Society claims, on his website, that he saw the man in the white coat disappear into a treatment room on the 4th floor during his first trip to WHS, shortly after the Mattinglys purchased the property. This is an active project so check back often for updates. There is an underground tunnel from the sanatorium to the bottom of the hill. This video by Youtube user JustAVideoPage shows a hauntingly beautiful collage of many faces that may have eventually traveled down the death tunnel. The hospital was deteriorating badly when they took possession. We do not have access to records of any patients from Waverly Hills and we cannot accommodate any requests at this time. Important note:If you would like to use any information on this website (including text, bios, photos andany other information) we encourage you to contact us. Every weekday we compile our most wondrous stories and deliver them straight to you. A city in and of itself, complete with its own zip code. The tunnel was the subject of the 2005 movie The Death Tunnel. Alberhaskys plan fell through, as only $3,000 was raised in a year. One story has it that in 1928, one of the nurses, Mary Hillenburg, hung herself in room 502. The massive structure looms large in the history of tuberculosis in Louisville, but it was not the only means of combating the citys high rates of the disease. Public health advocates managed the Free Tuberculosis Dispensary on West Chestnut Street, hired a corps of traveling nurses, sponsored educational campaigns, and supported anti-spitting laws. Since then, it has become a popular destination for paranormal investigators. WoodHaven Medical was closed by the state in 1981. Now and Always,The Trusted Content Your Research Requires, Now and Always, The Trusted Content Your Research Requires, Built on the Johns Hopkins University Campus. (The myth was further spread by Tina. an impact on Louisville's history. var tlxLastPublishedDate = null; var now = new Date(); var edited = (tlxLastPublishedDate != null) ? Contributed by Phil Tkacz, Shawn Logan, Jay Gravatte, & Hope Bryant | Are they real, or arent they, that is the question? Please click here to view the index. As the state of the patients worsened, people began to die in the facility on an almost-daily basis. Major Hays was in need of a school for his daughters to attend, so he started a one-room schoolhouse that was located on Pages Lane. We do not have access to records of any patients from Waverly Hills and we cannot accommodate any requests at this time. No purchase necessary. The tunnels main purpose was to protect the morale of other patients. According to the Waverly Hills Historical Society, guided tours and overnight stays are booked up for the rest of this year. In 1926, the massive building seen today opened its doors to accommodate another 450 beds. They were buried by passing through the death tunnel. 2023 Atlas Obscura. The Halloween season draws much larger crowds and lots of fright enthusiasts. Many people claimed that the souls of the people who died in the hospital were still wandering in the corridors. This is an active project so check back often for updates. EVIL in the DEATH TUNNEL || Waverly Hills Sanatorium The Haunted Side - Paranormal Investigations 162K subscribers Join Subscribe 2K Share 27K views 5 months ago On this episode of The. Waverly Hills Sanatorium We now have a patient death index for patients that died at Waverly Hills starting in 1911. Our objective is the facts as we are a resource. Produced by Johns Hopkins University Press in collaboration with The Sheridan Libraries. The path towards the light connected to the main building via a railway system on the first floor of the original hospital. The only building in Louisville (hopefully) that contains two ancient holy skeletons. . Last, a rich variety of records from the early and mid-twentieth centuryincluding pamphlets, photographs, letters, and architectural recordshelp document the history of Waverly Hills Sanatorium from the perspective of administrators and some of the employees and patients who lived there. (A to D) Patients of W.H.S. Kelli Patrick:Waverly Hills Sanatorium opened in around 1910 because of an outbreak of tuberculosis. There are currently 10 different medications available in the US to treat tuberculosis. The two TB sanatoriums were open for a total of 51 years, which means that 3 to 4 people would have died every single day. There have been reported ghost sightings in Room 502 at the sanatorium, particularly the ghost of a nurse in uniform. The structure served a lot of purposes throughout history, but the most significant one was when it was a sanatorium for tuberculosis patients from 1910 to 1961. It has been estimated that the death tunnel actually saw more dead people than most modern hospitals do in its first three years. Treatment for tuberculosis, an infectious bacterial disease . Official Waverly Hills Sanatorium/ Woodhaven Geriatric Center Memorial & Historical Resource. Waverly has been a tuberculosis hospital, mental hospital, and geriatric center, all of which had the dead transported via the death tunnel so as to not carry off the dead in front of the patients. Photographs, text, illustrations and all other media not authored by KHI belong to their respective authors/owners/copyright holders and are used here for educational purposes only under Title 17 U.S. Code 107. Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville opened in 1910 to accommodate tuberculosis patients. This former tuberculosis treatment facility now stands at the center of a public park. - 1920 Census Report30 - 1930 Census Report Trellix. It's believed that nearly 50,000. Louisville, KY, is home to the Waverly Hills Sanatorium, which many people believe is one of the most haunted places on Earth. It is part of the. There are a large number of people who enjoy the idea of believing and chasing ghosts and ghosts tales, and this fanbase is one that seems to grow byleaps and boundsevery single year. The tunnel, also known as "the body chute", was serviced by a winch which hauled supplies up the hill and lowered gurneys with bodies down to the bottom. During its time as a hospital, Waverly Hills would sadly see many deaths. Ruins of a historic medical facility sits eerily by the water. This list is organized by date of death and not by name. With the discovery of a new antibiotic, Streptomyc in 1943, there was finally a way to combat Tuberculosis . In this procedure, nitrogen is injected into the lungs, forcing them to collapse. Powered by & After the geriatric center closed down, various owners considered turning the building into a number of things, including a jail and. If you want to visit, make your plans early! Waverly Hills Sanatorium once housed hundreds, perhaps thousands of tuberculosis patients during a major, years-long outbreak in Jefferson County, Kentucky the building that still stands today is said to be haunted by those who died there. (I to L) Patients of W.H.S. Please now use the Bobby Nichols Golf Course Gate entrance at 4400 Paralee Drive off of East Pages Lane. & W.G.C. Nineteenth-century correspondence and diaries in the Filsons manuscript collections document the understandings and experiences of ordinary people, primarily white Kentuckians, as they struggled with the disease. Like us on Facebook to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. They would not be subjected to seeing dead patients taken away for burial/burning. The second e was dropped at some point.). During the World War, the U.S. found the tunnel to be safe in the case of an attack. It also had an ulterior and much less sinister purpose. Hays later sold the land to the Board of Tuberculosis Hospital, and they built the sanatorium there, adopting the name, to house a rapidly increasing number of tuberculosis patients. If you can correct us on anything we have posted, please do so. The institution was reopened as WoodHaven Medical Services, a geriatrics hospital in 1962, but closed in 1980 under allegations of patient abuse. The area known today as Waverly Hill was purchased by Major Thomas H. Hays in 1883 as the Hays family home. The second phase was to convert the old sanatorium into a chapel, theater, and agift shopat a cost of $8 million or more. Its said that the state shut it down due to reports of improper care and physical abuse of the elderly patients there. A childrens pavilion was built in 1916 that housed 40 children and included a schoolroom. He hired a woman named Lizzie Lee Harris to teach at the school. It has a somewhat mysterious and sinister past. US residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. It was two stories tall and had only enough space for 40 patients in early stages of TB. Copyright 2003, 2004 Vandalized, damaged, nearly condemned. Unfortunately, the sanatorium's medical records (up to 1935) were destroyed during the Flood of 1937, and subsequent documentation was haphazardly discarded following the hospital's closing . The Beginnings of industrialism, as well as geographic make-up were contributing factors. No, it is actually a long tunnel with flooring. His plan was to turn the main hospital building into a minimum-security prison for state use. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky. Ain (01) Allier (03) Ardche (07) Cantal (15) Drme (26) The Waverly Hills Sanatorium was closed in 1961; it was first quarantined and then renovated. will currently be the memorial for the tuberculosis & geriatric hospitals. For more haunted adventures, check out these haunted tunnels in Kentucky. Trellix. The city suffered one of the largest outbreaks in the country. In 1849, Ann Beatty wrote to her mother about her attacks of spitting bloodone of the most dreaded symptomsand expressed her fear of developing the disease: Pa says that if I am not very careful he thinks I will have consumption.
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