OSI and the San Angelo Police Department had also searched the family's home and Davidson's veterinary clinic. Wendi appeared to dismiss the investigators and then after the interview left the vet clinic in a hurry. It was noted that Mike was murdered only four months after marrying Wendi; was he a means to an end? Example video title will go here for this video. When faced with the evidence, Wendi initially denied all responsibility and insisted on her innocence. https://t.co/QF6pYZcsqt ABC News (@ABC) March 25, 2022, Former Texas veterinarian and mother of two Wendi Mae Davidson is currently serving 25 years in prison for murdering her husband in 2005. Davidson has maintained her innocence, later telling ABC's Matt Gutman in 2021 that she did not kill her husband. Veterinarian indicted on murder charge Severanceand Davidson were planning a trip backeast to Maine in early 2005. SAN ANGELO, Texas A familiar face to West Texans appeared in the daily Tom Green County Jail logs Tuesday morning. Shes Filing Her Nails While Theyre Dragging The Lake: Court Of Appeals Of Texas Finds That Local Authorities Didnt Piggy-Back On Federal Investigation "I had to take these weights, and I'm trying to tie them onto this body, and of course it's the middle of the night, you know, can't hardly see," said Davidson, who said she stabbed the body because she was afraid it would float to the surface. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. Maine Fallen Heroes. martin van buren bates family tree; how to change party affiliation in california; romero funeral home obituaries; false humility synonym; seagoville middle school fights; what guns do cops use in california; amethyst beads michaels; Stories. Despite her statement, in October 2006, Davidson pleaded no contest to first-degree murder and two counts of tampering with evidence. As a result, the judge sentenced her to a total of 25 years in prison in 2006. The body had been weighed down with several objects. After the ruling on the tracker, Davidson took a plea deal and pleaded no contest to her husband's murder. Wendi led all the investigators to believe that Mike had deserted the military. At the time of Michael's disappearance, Wendi resided with her husband and their son in San Angelo, Texas. At the time, Davidson told police that she had seen her husband the day prior, adding that he was worried about deployment. They also theorized that Wendi and her family wantedcustody of the child with no incident. Your IP: The Unwelcome Wagon, S10 E2 | Nightmare Next Door | Investigation Discovery (website) Download the ID Go app and binge away. Two weeks later, Wendi purchased a veterinarian clinic and Mike moved in with her, despite the commute 90 miles one way to work at the base. Vet indicted for allegedly drugging husband to death Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. Following graduation, Wendi moved back home and began working at the Advanced Animal Care clinic on Sherwood Way in San Angelo. Davidson loved working with animals and attended Texas A&M University with the intention of becoming a veterinarian. But Davidson has continued to adamantly maintain her innocence. To this day,Davidson maintains her innocence. Elder Fernandes Found Deceased in Temple, Texas; Death Ruled Suicide by Dallas Medical Examiner (August 25,2020), Stars and Stripes: Why is Fort Hood the Armys Most Crime-Ridden Post? A Poisoned Passion by Diane Fanning The North Woods Mainer took to the Lone Star State. I mean I might have had crazy reasons in my head, but there's no excuse.". He survivedAfghanistan,but the same evil got him at home in his own bed,hisfather, Leslie Severance, told Snapped,airingSundaysat6/5conOxygen. The judge ruled in favor of the prosecution, saying the tracker was legal and the evidence gained by the tracker was admissible. When Severance did not show up, he was considered AWOL and OSI was able to take the lead in the investigation, designating him as a deserter. S Ranjit 20/20: Dead Man Talking takes the viewer through the gruesome murder and follows the police investigation that eventually accused Wendi of the crime. Once Mikes leave was up and he was considered officially AWOL, AFOSI joined the San Angelo police department investigation. Their reasoning was that if Davidson was claiming Severance may be a deserter, then there would be a possibility she was helping him hide out. A Third Court of Appeals document shows an appeal by Wendi to provide increased access to her children. Michael wanted to do the right thing so he eventually married Wendi and moved in with her in a small apartment attached to her new Veterinarian Clinic. Wendi Mae Davidson continues to maintain her innocence 4 She is serving a 25-year sentence for murdering her husband Michael Severance (pictured) in 2005 Credit: Facebook 4 Davidson reportedly admitted to moving his body, stabbing it, and weighing it down with cinderblocks before putting it in the water Credit: Tom Green County Sheriff's Office 4 Her lawyers argued the validity of the search warrants and believed that the GPS tracker was placed in an illegal manner; the resulting evidence was fruit of the poisonous tree. As asingle mother, shegraduatedand began a successful veterinary career. But I still didn't kill him," Davidson said. Wendi told them Mike had been drinking lately and was out all the time, but investigators observed that all of his personal belongings were still at their shared apartment. According to court documents, in October 2006, Wendi Davidson pleaded no contest to poisoning her husband, Michael Severance, with drugs intended for the euthanization of animals, transporting his body to the ranch, weighing it down and placing it in the stock pond on Sutton Road. "I did what I did, I think it was horrible, I think that I made a bad choice, there were better choices to be made. Wendi Davidson does appear to be cold and calculating. Davidson denied killing him but said she moved his remains to a remote Texas pond. Wendi Davidson appears to be a sociopath; but she exercised her right to remain silent in another attempt to abuse the process, she knows how the system works. It was noted that Wendi met Mike at a bar and shortly thereafter became pregnant; he may have been targeted for exploitation. She claimedSeverancehad been drinking a lot because he was beingdeployedto Afghanistan and that he may haverun away. "I did what I did, I think it was horrible, I think that I made a bad choice, there were better choices to be made. He really loved kids, Franktold Snapped.. They also theorized that Wendi and her family wanted custody of the child with no incident. Now she said she is ready to tell her side of the story. Wendi appeared to dismiss the investigators and then after the interview left the vet clinic in a hurry. Read More: Chris Ingraham Murder: Where is Katrina Bridges Now? She attended Texas A&M University. At the time of Michaels disappearance, he had already completed five deployments in the Middle East and was preparing for his sixths deployment in Canada. After Severance's body was discovered, Davidson was arrested and taken into custody and charged with first-degree murder and two counts of tampering with evidence. In 2019, Davidson was denied parole and is scheduled to be released from Gatesville Correctional Facility in 2031. They found she had been visiting a remote ranch called Four Sevens Ranch. A few weeks later, the results from the hard drive revealed suspicious searches on the computer, including "decomposition of a body in water.". Former Texas veterinarian and mother of two Wendi Mae Davidson is currently serving 25 years in prison for murdering her husband in 2005. Shewas denied parole in 2019, and her next eligible parole date is in May 2024. Special Agent Greg McCormick contactedSeverances superiors at Dyess Air Force Base who insisted he wasnt the deserting type. Where is Pupinia Stewart in 2022? Wendi Davidson has continued to petition local courts regarding the interest of her children. By September 2004, she was married to Severance, whom she had met the year prior, and the couple soon welcomed two children together. Investigators and prosecutors were somewhat baffled with the motive for this crime and because Wendi plead no contest, we may never know the real reason she murdered Mike. Wendi Mae Davidson was accused of killing her husband in 2005 Credit: ABC Who is Wendi Mae Davidson? "I want my side of the story, what happened. She was sentenced to 25 years in prison. People who knew Wendi described her as a helpful woman who had a high standing in society and loved participating in community events. This prompted the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) to join forces with the local civilian authorities. Never did. -Nightmare Next Door, Investigation Discovery (S10 E2). Severancewas on leave at the time, however,and an official OSI inquiry couldnotbegin until he was due back on base. Michael was reported missing to the local police on January 16th after his wife Wendi informed Michaels parents that she wouldnt make the flight to Maine with him for a visit with their child because he was nowhere to be found. His body was later found on a remote ranch two months later, and now, many want to know what involvement his wife had. When they searched Wendis home and business, they found a knife, rope, drug log book, and bottles of medication. In December 2003, she met Michael and eventually got pregnant but Michael wasnt ready to settle down or get married quite yet. As a result, she was sentenced to 25 years in prison and has been there ever since. Wendi may have made this decision because control and financial motive is a common motive for murder. "I want my side of the story, what happened. Powered by WordPress.com VIP. The Severance family still has many questions about his murder, including Davidson's . Season 27 Episode 9 Exclusive: Thomas Goff, the Severance family attorney, opens up about the case of Michael Severance, who was poisoned to death with animal tranquilizers by his wife, Wendi Mae Davidson. what counties in arizona do not require emissions testing; calhoun county basketball tournament 2020 "I had to take these weights, and I'm trying to tie them onto this body, and of course it's the middle of the night, you know, can't hardly see," said Davidson, who said she stabbed the body because she was afraid it would float to the surface. AIR Force Sergeant Michael Severance disappeared with a trace in 2005 without his car or cell phone, leaving loved ones in search of answers. WENDI Mae Davidson is serving a 25-year sentence for murdering her husband in 2005. But I still didn't kill him,"Davidson told the 20/20 host. Following the police interview, Davidson called her brother Marshall Davidson, who was a game warden at the time, and told him that she had found Severance dead in the living room and that she dumped his body in a pond on the Four Sevens Ranch, but she swore she hadn't killed him. Their reasoning for the tracking device was that if Davidson was claiming Severance may be a deserter, then there would be a possibility she would help him hide. Its important to note that Michaels family believes Wendi also wanted the $500,000 life insurance payout. We just try to enjoy him when we can: Family of slain Lee native welcomes home his son Crime May 10, 2020 39 min iTunes. Eventually Mike's body turned up in a stock pond on a private ranch. Shortly after moving in, Mike was sent to Airman Leadership School in Wichita Falls and then he got orders to go to the Middle East. Hence, without wasting time, detectives arrested Wendi and charged her with first-degree murder and two counts of tampering with evidence. When Air Force Staff Sgt. Davidson said that her brother said he'd call an attorney, but instead he called investigators and told them what Davidson had told him. Court documents show the objects were attached to various parts of the body with the use of various types of bindings. The OSI with San Angelo PD performed a search of the couples home and Davidsons veterinary practice,retrievingthe hard drive from her computer. Wendi told them Mike had been drinking lately and was out all the time, but investigators observed that all of his personal belongings were still at their shared apartment. She told himthat she came home and found Mike dead. Murder suspect charged again And Wendis parents apparently didnt like Mike and labeled him lazy and disrespectful; they did not want Wendi to marry him. She traveled back to her friends remote property but this time the police were there to make sure she wasnt able to disturb a potential crime scene while they worked on obtaining a search warrant. They theorized that Wendis mother didnt like Mike so instead of divorcing him, she killed him. ICON Park Orlando Fall Victim Parents In Mourning. Servicemens Group Life Insurance is a Common Motive for Murder "My parents drove up, and me and my brother were telling them everything that happened, which was that I had found him dead and dumped his body in the pond.". He had been stabbed 41times, wounds which were inflicted postmortem in order to keep his body from floating to the surface of the pond. "I want my side of the story, what happened. Pupinia Stewart has had a long hiatus from YouTube, her fans doubt if she is ok. In preparation for trial, prosecutors theorized that Wendi concocted her homicidal plan on January 14th. Now she said she is ready to tell her side of the story. The San Angelo police department investigators visited Wendi at her veterinarian clinic on January 17, 2005. Davidson said Severance's three-hour round-trip drive to work led him to take caffeine pills, and she claimed she noticed him drinking every afternoon. Rather than take a chance on a jury trial, Davidson pleaded no contest in October 2006. It was noted that Wendis parents didnt like Mike and their beliefs may have been the fuel to light the fire; she may have been manipulated because she didnt want to defy or disappoint them, afraid of the consequences. Yet, instead of calling the police, she panicked, carried Michael to the remote ranch, and stabbed him multiple times, hoping it would help the body drown. Wendi Mae Davidson spoke to ABC's "20/20" in 2021. Lee Man Eager for Trial in Texas Davidson said that her brother said he'd call an attorney, but instead he called investigators and told them what Davidson had told him. The San Angelo police department investigators visited Wendi at her veterinarian clinic on January 17, 2005. Unfortunately, her parents enabled her unstable and selfish behavior.After two unplanned pregnancies, Wendi married 24-year old Air Force officer Michael Severance. She put the body at the back of the truck. The San Angelo Police Department, the Texas Rangers and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI) began investigating Severance's disappearance. Guttman recently interviewed Davidson as part of a story that will be broadcast on this week's episode of 20/20 on ABC, tonight at 8 p.m. "I did what I did, I think it was horrible, I think that I made a bad choice, there were better choices to be made. Shane Michael Severance is still under guardianship. At the time of Michaels disappearance, Wendi resided with her husband and their son in San Angelo, Texas. Click to reveal Veterinarian sentenced to 25 years for husbands murder Her next date for eligibility will be in 2024, according to state judicial records. He served admirably during thewar in Afghanistan before moving to Texas and starting a family. He goes to school in his hometown of San Angelo, Texas. Marina was found on August 10, according to the London Metropolitan Police, but no additio England-based YouTuber Pupinia Stewart has gone missing from all her social media account since 2020 with no prior updates. But there is something more sinister behind his disappearance, and investigators uncover a saga of treachery and passion as big as the state of Texas. "I knew air made bodies float, so I decided to make holes in the body, vent holes, like, so that air could escape.". Davidson has been transported back to San Angelo for an appearance at a civil hearing Wednesday morning at the Tom Green County Courthouse. But her brother didnt buy her story either and reported her to the police.
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