No injuries. 12:48 PM: First crews on scene say its two vehicles, one person possibly hurt but nobody trapped, so theyre downsizing the response. Seattle Police Blotter and our Twitter accounts are updated regularly throughout the day with crime and news information. (WSB photo) 12:04 PM: Initial dispatch was for a woman with a (Photo courtesy SWSHS) A music tour of West Seattle in that classic car is just one of many unique local experiences thats being auctioned Family and friends will gather May 10th in memory of Leon Ferrari. 12:49 AM: Police are investigating a report of gunfire outside the Westwood Village McDonald's. So far they report finding shell casings and holes in a car. 9:54 PM: Fire declared tapped (out). The circumstances necessary to have caused Leticias death by strangulation is a manifestation of Bretts extreme indifference to her life and was the ultimate cause of her death. The officers absolutely came around and knocked on doors for security camera footage. GUNS are the problem. SFD describes it as an exterior fire. He remains in the King County Jail, bail set at $5,050,000, and his next court date is set for May 15th. Reply To: Teaching Positions Open for 2023-24 West Seattle Bike Connections Advocacy Traini UPDATE: 1 shot, 1 arrested at Junction apartment building, FOLLOWUP: Board convened to take social housing from ballot to buildings, Automotive Technician Busy Independent Shop, Medical Receptionist Neighborhood Naturopathic, Plant sale (exterior plants only) 4/29 and 4/30 from 9:30-5pm, Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Council, West Seattle Community Recognition Awards, WS Health Club/ex-Athletic Club/ex-Allstar Fitness, CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Leticia Martinez-Cosmans accused killer charged with second-degree murder. No reports of injuries. The owner of this site is using Wordfence to manage access to their site. Plus, another interrupted catalytic-converter theft, Road-rage gunfire, stolen silver Elantra, more, Westwood Village Target standoff charge filed, Another interrupted catalytic-converter theft, and legislation update, Twice-burglarized building crowdfunds for more security, Target takeover was 1 week after suspects previous time in jail, Mystery stabbing; catalytic-converter theft; 2 package thieves, Driver crashes stolen pickup truck, sought by helicopter, Incidents at Roxbury mini-mart, Admiral Safeway, Building burglary; catalytic-converter theft; warrant arrest, Brewery prowler; business-district vandalism; car with gunfire damage, 1 arrested in stabbing near southeast West Seattle gas station, Two potentially related school burglaries, and two other incidents, Building-burglary attempt; shoplifter sprays store security guard, Auto-theft arrest; another stolen car found crashed; abandoned bicycle, Mountain to Sound Outfitters burglarized 3 times in 1 week, Lafayette Elementary break-in leaves a lot of vandalism, Burglary suspect charged here, plea-bargains in Nevada, From the dumped/likely stolen file: Nishiki bicycle, Car prowler; building burglar; big police response. I hope these creepers were caught on a camera somewhere and they will be apprehended soon! Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Realty h King County Councilmember wants to make public dru Mothers Day is May 14! Updates to come. In the pictures captured by neighbors, one was a white sedan (reported with black front hood) and the other a white SUV with a broken from bumper.SPD was quick on the scene collecting evidence and talking to neighbors. Still no sign of anyone. Total estimated loss is $50,000.. 1:49 PM: SFD reports firefighters have safely rescued the injured person, who will be taken to a hospital. Police say cell phone records show more than 2,000 phone contacts between the couple and the accused dealer over an eight-month period before and after the babys death last year. ); early-morning gunfire; prowler/burglar alert, 4/16/2022: Driver crashes stolen car on Sylvan Way after Westwood Village incident, 4/13/2022: Two DUI suspects arrested; break-in attempt; package taken, 4/11/2022: 2 victims show up at hospitals after gunfire, 4/11/2022: Stolen red Blazer (update: found); car prowlers; window broken, 4/6/2022: Bellevue Rare Coins robbed in The Junction, 4/6/2022: Work truck taken in North Highline home invasion (update: found); man hurt in street confrontation; confirmed gunfire, 4/5/2022: Catalytic-converter, bike thefts, 3/31/2022: Tank taken; suspected catalytic-converter theft, 3/30/2022: Charges filed in Andover shooting, 3/29/2022: Another cc theft; cursive tagger, 3/28/2022: Another cc theft; house, car vandalism, 3/27/2022: Stolen work van; 3 catalytic converters taken, 3/25/2022: Shooting suspect in court; bus assault; cara break-in, 3/25/2022: Child hit by pellet; car prowl. Please use any of this information to let our community know that this guy is on foot and either lives in the area or visits frequently enough to know the neighborhoods off of Alki. ); early-morning gunfire; prowler/burglar alert, Driver crashes stolen car on Sylvan Way after Westwood Village incident, Two DUI suspects arrested; break-in attempt; package taken, 2 victims show up at hospitals after gunfire, Stolen red Blazer (update: found); car prowlers; window broken, Bellevue Rare Coins robbed in The Junction, Work truck taken in North Highline home invasion (update: found); man hurt in street confrontation; confirmed gunfire, Tank taken; suspected catalytic-converter theft, Stolen work van; 3 catalytic converters taken, Shooting suspect in court; bus assault; cara break-in, Car theft/burglary followup; recognize this lost wheel, First the catalytic converter, then the entire truck, Another distinctive van to watch for; 2 gunfire-on-the-road incidents; window-smashing followup, 6 reports, from robberies to catalytic-converter theft to found/dumped items, Another stolen pickup (found); charge filed in theft of delivery drivers car; business break-in attempt, Former doctor sentenced for pandemic-loan fraud, Assault arrest; apparently abandoned white car, Cigarettes-forgetting car-theft suspect charged, Stolen climbing gear; package-theft aftermath, Helicopter-assisted search in Highland Park, Unusual dumped-likely-stolen item; mail mystery, Car hit by gunfire, store robbed, stolen vehicle found, Recognize this thief? (She) claimed she only knew the suspect as James and just gave him a ride to the location. @Lisa fair point; the gun issue is a uniquely American problem. 10:29 PM: Seattle Fire is sending a rope rescue response for whats reported to be a crash off the roadway near Olson Place and 3rd SW [map]. 1:10 AM: Thats continuing, Heres a ground-level photo that Matty contributed in the comment section: 3 AM: After 10 hours, 35th SW has just reopened the utility crews are leaving; the signs, cones, and tapes have been removed. More than two vehicles appear to be involved. I imagine they were pretty freaked out and feeling lucky they werent struck in the line of fire.A NW Native, grew up in Tacoma, I am beginning to loath living in Seattle, having lived here since 1980. If you think you have been blocked in error, contact the owner of this site for assistance. Crime Watch Links for June 2018-December 2020. West Seattle news, 24/7. CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Parents charged in baby's fentanyl death. I dont know if that case is closed though. We add links below too, but they may lag, as this list is hand-updated: 5/30/2022: Three weekend cases of confirmed gunfire (no injuries), 5/29/2022: Car, bike, jewelry stolen in burglary, 5/24/2022: White Center crashes after pursuit, 5/24/2022: Early-morning shooting, robbery, 5/23/2022: Another blue pickup truck stolen; mailbox taken; catalytic converter thief leaves empty-handed, 5/23/2022: Stolen pickup truck; dumped-likely-stolen kids bicycles, 5/21/2022: Another store robbery; stolen pickup, 5/20/2022: 2 store robberies in a little over an hour, 5/18/2022: Store robbery; vehicle vandalism; under-car prowlers, 5/12/2022: Carjacking, crash investigation, 5/12/2022: Charges filed in carjacking, robbery; community help for another carjack victim, 5/9/2022: Updates on carjacking, robbery suspects; another catalytic converter stolen, 5/8/2022: Stolen van; hit-run damage; car break-in, 5/6/2022: Assaulted with spray; arrested across town, 5/6/2022: Hit-run driver crashes in stolen car, 5/4/2022: Woman charged in shoplift-turned-robbery-attempt case, 5/3/2022: Car theft following gym-locker break-in, 5/2/2022: Carjacking followup; street holdup, 4/30/2022: Repeat catalytic-converter theft, 4/26/2022: Store targeted again; stolen pickup found, 4/25/2022: Vandalism, theft put two nonprofits vans out of service, 4/25/2022: Black Cannondale bicycle found, 4/22/2022: Catalytic-converter theft; officer injured, 4/21/2022: Stolen 1992 white Nissan pickup (update: found); hit-and-run driver damages apartment building, 4/20/2022: Stolen silver Trailblazer (found), 4/19/2022: South Delridge arrest; stolen-van sightings, 4/17/2022: Classic van stolen (update found! Let out on $1000 bail. A neighbor on the same block as Rose confirmed that SPD did knock on their door asking for camera footage. The photo and report are from Tom in Fauntleroy: My 1998 Toyota 4Runner, silver in color, was stolen overnight, from 8 pm-8:50 am this morning. 11:58 PM: Police and fire are arriving at a reported flipped-car crash at California/Fauntleroy. Apparently no luck finding the driver. }, No building damage reported. Forced Entry at Multiple Businesses in West Seattle April 26, 2023 5:50 pm Police responding to a triggered alarm in West Seattle found forced entry into a business Tuesday morning. First ID: The 4200 block of SW Morgan burglary was at Ezells Famous Chicken. @Reed to a country where guns are not so available and I dont feel fear simply walking out my door. 6:01 PM: SPD is looking for information on what it says were four early-morning West Seattle business burglaries in the past three days. avatars: false, Back in January, we reported on charges filed against 41-year-old David Vasquez, accused of drug dealing after a long investigation that involved undercover buys in West Seattle and eventually netted drugs, guns, and cash. 11:06 PM: SPD and an SFD rescue extrication response are arriving at a crash that is described as blocking Delridge both ways in the 4700 block [map]. Curious as to where you would go if you were to leave? SPD and SFD converged on the north entrance of West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) a short time ago because of what was reported as a car into a building. Turns out the driver didnt hit the building but did go up over the curb very close to the north doors. 6:14 PM: We are juat arriving. Note theres at least one utility pole caught up in this, and responders have just warned that the railing behind the stop might be electrified. Also, Metro has just sent an advisory that this situation will affect C Line and Routes 21, 50, 55, and 773 (Water Taxi shuttle). Gulpan adds, One of the vehicles may be a white BMW with a black hood leaving the area southbound on 39 Avenue SW and the other vehicle a white Chevy Blazer leaving northbound on 39th Avenue SW., Two dumped-likely-stolen reader reports: DOG DOOR: If you were expecting a package with a dog door Susan may have. WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire at Westwood Village - . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Powered byWPtouch Mobile Suite for WordPress. 5 PM: Apparently the USCG is now saying nobodys out there, but a rescue boat arriving in the area was going to look around just to be sure. If you have questions about recent incidents, summer enforcement at the beach, or anything else involving local police, the date is set for the 11:59 AM: SFD and SPD are responding to 42nd/Oregon. He is now charged with second-degree murder, first-degree attempted murder, first-degree kidnapping, second-degree unlawful gun possession, second-degree arson, and first-degree theft, as well as with second-degree burglary in the March 28th West Seattle case. 8:33 PM: Thanks for the tip. The report is: flames in alley, but theyre not sure whats on fire. Its on the alley east of California, west of 42nd, and reported to be in a basement, in a building described as just behind US Bank. Updates to come. Continuing Crime Watch links: 12/31/2019: Stolen black Altima. 11:09 PM: One person is reported to be out of the vehicle. Up to no good! Save 30% on in-stock roses REVIEW: All four performers handled the material Second annual Bite of Bernadette will bring cele Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Realty holding Open Houses in Arroyo Heights & West Seattle this weekend, King County Councilmember wants to make public drug use a misdemeanor, Mothers Day is May 14! By Tracy Record West Seattle Blog editor With two weeks left until the formal filing period for the August 1st primary, seven people have Its playoff time for two high-school spring sports. I called 911 tonight after seeing this post. The folks who are cleaning up encampments and treating these abusers are saints, and shouldnt have to do it for people when the abusers are getting a slap on the wrist. Praying for the peace in the aftermath, healing with loved ones for her beloved son, and the light in joy as we carry on her memory. If something happens and you want to get the word out (AFTER you've reported it to police), please e-mail us (call/text 206-293-6302 if it's. West Seattle Blog editor. This is not the city I grew to love.Shootings every night in any neighborhood, ugly graffiti everywhere, the drug use explosion and increasing OD deaths, armed robberies everywhere, the disregard for life, ever increasing property taxes , all overseen by an ineffectual local government. Wonder what hes looking at if gets convicted of second degree murder. A two-vehicle collision is involved but some kind of police response preceded the crash were working to find out more. Hope he gets put away forever. SPD incident # is 23-109374. More stick. background: '#000000', Remember how nice West Seattle was during the pandemic? hashtags: true, 9:40 PM: Seattle Fire is sending a full response to California/Edmunds. No serious injuries, firefighters tell us no one needed to be taken to a hospital. Two dumped-likely-stolen reader reports: DOG DOOR: If you were expecting a package with a dog door Susan may have, Love this Taco Time hope whoever crawled through that window was cut to shreds ugh. He was wearing darker jeans and I could see his white underwear because his pants were falling down a bit (either from crawling or because they were undone) and he had a grey puffy jacket on. Beggars can be choosers after all. The photo and report are from Tom in Fauntleroy:. Updates to come. SFD is at the Cottage Grove Commons supportive-housing building, 5444 Delridge Way SW, for a hazmat response because of what theyre calling a strong odor from one of the units.
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