Isabels best friend and neighbor, Ivn, is building a small boat with his father so that his family can flee to America. Their raft broke on the rocks. Used soap to make the door handles slick and difficult to open p 58. If survived the journey and actually set foot on US soil - "dry foot" - they were granted special refugee status and allowed to remain and become US citizen. similares a los usados por los conquistadores, aunque ya no son de acero sino de cuero con adornos de lana. Why was Josef's dad so paranoid about the boat? Mariano (p. 296) In Refugee, what How does Mahmoud signal the Greek Coast Guard ship. In the Book Refugee what happens to Isabel's boat 1 day from home? In the Book Refugee what country stops supporting Cuba financially? a boat to go to the U.S. p.9 SSD. Little white buildings with terra-cotta roofs, tree covered hills, and an ancient gray castle (pg. Freedom! Cruises the American coast and makes appeals to President Roosevelt p 220. what baseball game can the people on the St Louis listen to on the radio? True/False Mahmoud and Josef's little Ruthie ended up living together. What nationality was the policeman who pulled Josef's father from the water? to which country were Josef and his family sent after they were denied admission to Cuba? Sudamrica. shoes In the Book Refugee what countries agreed to take the refugees on the MS St. Louis after they were denied entry by the United States? Isabel / Miami, Florida-1994 / Home Isabel and her family are taken in by Litos brother, Guillermo, who lives in Miami. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance. What does the Nazi say when offered the earrings by Josef's mother? what device does the Bishara family use to find their way? bombines en La Paz que los que ha habido en Londres en cualquier poca. How did Mahmoud's family lose their shoes? In the Book Refugee who orders Josef's ship to leave Havana Harbor? In the Book Refugee what car did Isabel stand on during the riot? In the Book Refugee in what year does Isabel's story begin? In the Book Refugee what is on the armband Josef is forced to wear? In the Book Refugee who is a member of the host family that takes in Mahmoud's family in Berlin? Lito Popularity of the Name Isabel. Mahmoud Bishara. What does Castro blame the Malecon riot on? Josef Landau, Isabel Fernandez, Mahmoud Bishara p1, 7, 12. 127). Primero completa la informacin y luego responde las preguntas. Belgium, Holland, France, England (pg. What obstacle do Mahmoud and his family encounter at the Hungarian border? He slaps his father and tells his father that the doctor is a Nazi in disguise 133. Compare your own measurements with the body measurements listed on a pattern envelope. Isabel's grandfather WebMahmoud is 13 years old in 2015, and lives in Aleppo, Syria with his father Youssef, his mother Fatima, his 10-year-old brother Waleed, and his infant sister Hana. what do they tell people they are building? 213). On which boat did Josef and his family sail to Cuba? Black inflatable raft with a motor Mariano COASTGUARD. p 26. At the end of the story, who does Mahmoud come in counter with from Josef's family? In the Book Refugee what is the nickname for the ? In writing explain what adjustments, if any, you would need to make in the pattern. Raised Bitsy's right arm and said "Heil Hitler" p 289. What does Isabel trade for gasoline for the boat? I think there is only enough here to buy freedom for one of your children p 291. WebWhat was the name of the officer who saved Joseph's dad? In the Book Refugee which country does Josef's family sail to? In the Book Refugee What television network caught Isabel and the others carrying the boat to sea? 32) In the Book Refugee What does Captain Schroeder promise the refugees aboard the St Louis if no country will accept the refgugees? which of her children will go free (pg. Takes a life vest/jacket after a drowned man floating in the water p, Isabel's grandfather p 43 My PassionHere is a clip of me speaking & podcasting CLICK HERE! 43). Indicate any differences. Name of the broad road that curved along the seawall on Havana Harbor? La variedad de colores y de formas era infinita y tan impresionante como cualquier desfile de modas de What does Captain Schroeder to when the Cuban government demands that they leave Havana Harbor? WebIn Refugee, what was the name of Isabel's grandfather's brother? bombn londinense. In the Book Refugee what does Isabel trade her trumpet for? Who jumped in the water to distract the US Coast Guard? Kiddie scoop: I was born in Lima Peru and raised in Columbus, Ohio yes, Im a Buckeye fan (O-H!) everyone else followed him. Lito is short for Abuelito - Grandpa. what are Ivan and his father building in their shed? In the Book Refugee what radical Islamic group is Mahmoud's family trying to avoid? What is the name of the policeman who saves Josef's dad? What did Ivan die from? This character sells her beloved trumpet. Lito had jumped into the water and was "drowning," so the Coast Guard ship came to him first. One or two people at a time will get in the water alongside the boat. What did the yellow flag mean when raised by the St Louis? Alicia y su amiga Eugenia acaban de licenciarse en una universidad espaola y ahora estn de viaje What was Mahmoud doing when the missile hit his building? He wanted to help refugees (his family) because he did not help the German refugees in 1939 p 276. Who does Isabel's family stay with in Florida? WebWhat was Lito's brother's name? Name of ship Josef and family sailed to Cuba on? p 8, a year older than Isabel - lives next door p 8. Who wants to be a professional baseball player? How does the boat get to Miami before the Coast Guard catches them? Teresa could not have the baby there (pg. 42). In the Book Refugee what were the names of the two sisters that play with Ruthie? How far do Isabel and the others have to go? And cats and kittens. Pars. they are refused entry to the United States/they are turned away (pg. In the Book Refugee what does Josef's mother bribe the Nazi soldiers with? The Cuban police officer who pulled Josef's father from the water of Havana Harbor p 199. In the Book Refugee in what city and country does Josef's story begin? In the Book Refugee what happens to Josef and his mother after they are captured by the Nazis? Refugee by Alan Blue - Made from old metal advertisements, road signs and oil drums p 45. Mariano pg 296 What did Ivan die from? spits on the floor at the feet of Schiendick p 114. who is the Nazi Party leader on the St. Louis? Her mom was ill and they would give her the medical attention she needed but she would have to go back to Cuba. In the Book Refugee what does Isabel's grandfather do to distract the US Coast Guard? Students also viewed Refugee chapter 8 In the Book Refugee who is the Cuban officer who saved Josef's father? to where do Josef and his family set sail from Germany? According to the given passage, who is responsible for the Love Canal incident? Imagnate que eres un(a) atleta famoso(a) y que tienes tu propia pgina Web. luego, complete la oracin que le sigue con la informacin que corresponda de acuerdo al mensaje. What is Isabel's grandfather's name? Lung Cancer Targeted Therapies/Immunotherapy, Latin for the New Millennium: Student Text Level 1, Vocabulary from Latin and Greek: A Study of Word Families, Level IX, Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots: Level X, Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots: Level XI. WebIsabel Fernandez is an eleven-year-old girl who lives just outside Havana, Cuba. Come and explore the metaphysical and holistic worlds through Urban Suburban Shamanism/Medicine Man Series. In the Book Refugee which member of Mahmoud's family is taken away on the dinghy? In the Book Refugee what does Isabel do in her second week at her new school? What was the only item Ruthie carried while on the run in France? In the Book Refugee in which concentration camp was Josef's father held? In the Book Refugee how is Mahmoud attacked as he tries to cross the Hungarian border? No me vas a creer pero la gente In the Book Refugee where is Isabel's family sailing to? Josef Landau is a twelve-year-old Jewish boy living in Berlin, In the Book Refugee on the ship from Lesbos to Athens, how could Mahmoud tell who was a tourist and who was a refugee? Another raft approached and Mahmoud begged people to save them - no room. what did mahmoud do when he decided to be visible to his captors? In the Book Refugee what country is Mahmoud's family heading to first? In the Book Refugee in what body of water does Mahmoud's raft sail to Greece? He aimed a pistol at them and took 300 euros. He was a refugee from Turkish city where Mahmoud and his family wait for boat to Greece? True/False Josef was reunited with his father after the MS St Louis left Cuba. Who is the pregnant woman on the Castillo boat? Add quotation marks where they are needed in the following sentences. Es el sombrero! In the Book Refugee what country is Josef's family trying to get to when they are caught by Nazi soldiers? In the Book Refugee what is the name of the night when Jewish businesses and synagogues were destroyed? Read our. 315). The tourists had clean clothes and used their phones for takoing pictures. What does Isabel use to treat her father when he is beaten by the police officer? WebIsabel s great-uncle and Lito s brother. In the Book Refugee why did Samih Nasseer leave his home in 1948? Come and explore the metaphysical and holistic worlds through Urban Suburban Shamanism/Medicine Man Series. When do Josef and his friends realize that many of the crew members of the St Louis are Nazis? Where was Mahmoud and his family trying to go to? They could choose to return to Cuba and Castro or languish in a refugee camp while the US decided what to do with them. Name Josef p 238. In the Book Refugee how did Isabel's abuelita die? Ivn and his father are the ones who build the boat to go to Miami, but what do the policemen tell the passengers on the St Louis who are waiting to disembark to Cuba? How old is Isabel from refugee? Who uses it? Because he was in a concentration camp before so he thought the boat was a trap. WebIsabel Fernandez Character Analysis. Where does the Greek Coast Guard take Mahmoud and his family? Incluye la informacin de las preguntas a continuacin en tu descripcin. In the Book Refugee where does Mahmoud say he's doing when he walks out of the Hungarian prsion? You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Gas cans, plastic soda bottles with fresh water, condensed mild, cheese, bread and medicine p 60. He noticed that people did not seem to notice him unless he does something different or wrong. When Mahmoud was taking a taxi to Hungary by a Serbian man what happened when he dropped them off? In the Book Refugee What did Isabel call her grandpa? He then asked the passengers to save Hana. Isabel Students also viewed WebThe timeline below shows where the symbol Isabels Trumpet appears in Refugee. Next. WebIn the book, Refugee, what were Ivan and his dad building? What does Castro decide after the Malecon riot? I enjoyed Mark Twain's short story called The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. Measurements. Why did Captain leave the ship while they were docked in Cuba? A fisherman her grandfather knows Who did Isabel trade the kitten for gas with? Where were Josef and his family trying to go when caught by German soldiers - Storm Troppers? Diamond earrings that Josef's dad got her. Cuando fui a La Paz, en seguida me di cuenta de que el compaero inseparable de las mujeres era el Quelle raison la police avait-elle de garder la s{\text{\oe}}ur pendant quarante-huit heures? Isabel Fernandez is eleven-years-old, and she is described as all lanky arms and legs. Why is water pouring into the Castillo's boat after they launch it? What did Mahmoud notice whole doing his religious prayer? In the Book Refugee what instrument does Isabel play? True/False The Nazi soldiers let the children go but took their mother. bombs (pg. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Top 1,000 Baby Girl Names in the U.S. Social Security Administration. We will be traveling to Peru: Ancient Land of Mystery.Click Here for info about our trip to Machu Picchu & The Jungle. Who suggests that the whole family leave Cuba? True/False Isabel's mother starts to have the baby when the raft runs into the US Coast Guard Ship. If youre curious about my background and how I came to do what I do, you can visit my about page. estuvieras aqu para verlos. What was Isabel's little brothers name and who was he named after? Mahmoud and his mother couldn't stay afloat with Hana. In the Book Refugee who beats Mahmoud's father? In the Book Refugee where is Mahmoud's family stuck waiting for a boat to take them to Greece? On the dock - behind crates and luggage. Her brown face was splotchy with freckles, and her thick black hair was cut short for the summer and pulled back behind her ears. what do they see mountains of on the island? Shortened to Belle, it also Who raided Josef's cabin on the St Louis? Law Office of Gretchen J. Kenney is dedicated to offering families and individuals in the Bay Area of San Francisco, California, excellent legal services in the areas of Elder Law, Estate Planning, including Long-Term Care Planning, Probate/Trust Administration, and Conservatorships from our San Mateo, California office. Where did Josef's boat go after being denied by Cuba? Hace casi quinientos aos que Francisco Pizarro y sus hombres desembarcaron en este continente y Oh Brother (or sister) 100. Who was the leader of cuba. In the Book Refugee what happens when Josef's ship reaches the United States? they die in concentration camps (pg. A green military jacket and flat round cap (pg. (Lito is short for abuelito , meaning grandfather.) Lito is skeptical of leaving Cuba, but Isabel convinces him to join the rest True/False Amara gave Isabel a new trumpet when they got to their final destination. By Leah Campbell Copyright 2000-2023 IGGY GARCIA, LLC.All rights reserved Web master Iggy Columbus, Ohio Last modified March, 2023 Hosted by GVO, USC TITLE 42 CHAPTER 21B 2000BB1 USC TITLE 42 CHAPTER 21C 2000CC IRS PUBLICATION 517, Welcome to Iggy Garcia, The Naked Shaman Podcast, where amazing things happen. In which country were Mahmoud and his family imprisoned - immigration detention center? Ojal What does Mahmoud do for the dead man whose life jacket he takes? 241). WebWhat was the name of Isabelle's little brother? Khalid (17) IWB does part of the story take place in 1939? Mientras estuve all no vi a ninguna mujer indgena que no llevara bombn. Law Firm Website Design by Law Promo, What Clients Say About Working With Gretchen Kenney. Guillermo had left Cuba in the 1970s and resettled in the United How does Josef get his father to act normally in front of the Cuban doctor? In the Book Refugee what is the name of the ship Josef's family takes to escape Germany? Name of Mahmoud's friend who died in an airstrike? Because of the "wet foot, dry foot" policy, they are allowed to stay and She loves music, her family, and her best friend, Ivan Castillo. Isabel s best friend. Ivn is the son of Seor Castillo and Seora Castillo, and is Luis s younger brother. Ivn and his father are the ones who build the boat to go to Miami, but it is only with Isabels help that they are able to get the gasoline for the Fernandezes and Castillos to go. In the Book Refugee where does Isabel's story begin? True/False Josef's family had 2 weeks to leave Germany. If Cuban refugees were caught on the sea - "wet foot" - they were sent to Guantanamo Bay. Everyone from the boat has found work and Isabel was in American school. How does Josef's father leave the St Louis? In the Book Refugee in what American city does Isabel have family? a boat to sail to the United States? Black Brother, Black Brother (by Lauralie), Benefits of Being an Octopus- Part 4 (by Akua). Veterans Pension Benefits (Aid & Attendance). Ivn is the son of Seor Castillo and Seora Castillo, and is Luis s younger brother. Describe detalladamente las fotos. In the Book Refugee who aims a pistol at Mahmoud's family? What does Ruthie have Bitsy do when they are caught by the Storm Troopers? What trick with soap do Josef, Evelyn, Renata and Evelyn do? What does Isabel ask the tourists for in the Bahamas - for her mother? Who does Isabel in refugee live with? As Isabel feeds a starving cat, she reflects on how nearly all the people in Cuba are starving, too. Walked out of the detention center. In the book, Refugee, what did Ivan say he was building with his dad? Drowned in the cyclone called the Storm of the Century p 155. how does Isabel get gasoline for the boat? given word. 5). St. Luis for saving Josef's father? His name is Mariano and he is named after Lito. Why does she call him Lito? Now his mother and Ruthie will have a place to hide when they arrive in Europe. What sound did Isabel hear while playing the trumpet on the street corner in Havana? Second time, boat had a motor but had been caught by the Cuban navy and sent to jail p 41, Cuban refugees caught at sea with "wet feet" were sent tot the US naval base at Guantanamo Bay. True/False Isabel went to Miami then Bahamas. Isabel plays her trumpet for pesos in Havana p 10. What options does the soldier at the processing center give Mahmoud's father? In the Book Refugee where did Mahmoud's father keep the family papers? Isabel is 11 years old in 1994, growing up in Havana, Cuba, under Fidel Castros regime. The Law Office of Gretchen J. Kenney assists clients with Elder Law, including Long-Term Care Planning for Medi-Cal and Veterans Pension (Aid & Attendance) Benefits, Estate Planning, Probate, Trust Administration, and Conservatorships in the San Francisco Bay Area. WebRefugee: Isabel: Havana, Cuba 1994 Summary & Analysis Next Mahmoud: Aleppo, Syria 2015 (2) Themes and Colors Key Summary Analysis As Isabel is playing her trumpet, They were supposed to put out fires but started harassing the passengers after they were denied permission to disembark in Cuba p 147. WebNow they can all hide below deck until the U.S. will start accepting refugees. Where is Josef's family headed to escape the Nazi's? In the Book Refugee who goes free- Josef or his sister? In the Book Refugee where is Josef's ship forced to wait to unload? Claim asylum in Hungary or be sent back to Serbia. Listen and repeat these words with your tutor. WebIsabel s best friend. Refugee. Mother's brother What does Senor Castillo want to do when he reaches the US? Hay ms WebIsabel s grandfather and Teresa s father. In the Book Refugee who is Isabel's baby brother named after? T he main characters in Refugee are Josef Landau, Isabel Fernandez, and Mahmoud Bishara. To see her father during the Havana riot p 27. who threw a bottle that smashed into the line of police along the seawall? Kristallnacht, the Night of the Broken Glass (pg. Iggy Garcia LIVE Episode 180 | The Mind Games, Iggy Garcia LIVE Episode 179 | The political scene in the world today, Iggy Garcia LIVE Episode 178 | Imagination Station, Iggy Garcia LIVE Episode177 | Flat Earth Vs. In the Book Refugee why is Josef's father arrested by the Nazis? In which country do Joseph and his mother and his sister end up? Sabes qu, primita? He sacrificed himself to be taken to a concentration camp so his sister could live. What is the time frame of Isabel's story? But Teresa assures her that it Desde Bolivia, Alicia le enva un correo electrnico a su prima Luca. In the Book Refugee in what year does Josef's story begin? Senor Padron p 277. why did Lito jump into the water when the US Coast Guard was trying to catch the Castillo family? They walked 12 hours to Austria p 284. In the Book Refugee who chases Isabel's boat outside of Miami? Regret and Anger Lito's brother." Im an entrepreneur, writer, radio host and an optimist dedicated to helping others to find their passion on their path in life. and what happened to cats and kittens? (pg. What did Josef's mother do when it was announced that the St Louis was leaving Cuba without Josef's dad? In the Book Refugee what kind of Muslim is Mahmoud? What was his first name? (True or False) Senor Castillo falls out of the raft. In the Book Refugee how many passsengers are on the cruise ship with Josef? France (p. 271) What country was Josef and his family sent to after being unable to enter Cuba? In the Book Refugee What did Castro always wear when he was on television? How did Mahmoud's family become separated from Hana? answer choices . They were deserters and deserters were shot p 64. Why does Isabel climb onto the hood of an old American Chevy? Most of the farms in Cuba grew what crop? Who trades Isabel gasoline for a trumpet? Hana, Mahmoud and his mother became seperated from his father and Waleed. In the Book Refugee what do Isabel and Amara do to stop the boat from sinking? France, Holland, Belgium and England p 270. In the Book Refugee who saves Josef's father from drowning? Isabel is deeply tied to her Whose grandfather jumped out of the boat so the rest of the family made it to land before the Coast Guard apprehended them? Where do Cuban refugees with"wet feet" go? her trumpet What is the preterite nosotros form of the verb decidir? In the Book Refugee what happens 8 months after Josef's family arrives in France? What would Castro do if he caught someone trying to leave for el norte by boat? Who disguised themselves as policemen and boarded the Castillo boat? Round Earth and Much More, Iggy Garcia LIVE Episode 175 | Open Forum, Iggy Garcia LIVE Episode 174 | Divine Appointments, Iggy Garcia LIVE Episode 173 | Friendships, Relationships, Partnerships and Grief. In the Book Refugee what does Isabel finally hear while auditioning for the school orchestra? What organization did Josef's friend Klaus join? Because of the first Arab-Israeli war (pg. what is Isabel's childhood nickname? El otro da en el mercado de una pequea poblacin pude ver los sombreros y gorros ms extraordinarios. What happened to the animals in the Havana Zoo? In the Book Refugee what business does Samih Nasseer own? Verywell Family's content is for informational and educational purposes only. WebRefugee By Alan Gratz 41 terms jrbroad Teacher Savvy by Ingrid Law 13 terms mrshogg Teacher Refugee 25 terms Images agowan2 Teacher The Crossover by Kwame We are but a speck on the timeline of life, but a powerful speck we are! Iggy Garcia. Guillermo even gives her a new trumpet. Where did Josef and his family find his dad before boarding the St. Louis? In the Book Refugee what is Isabel listening for when she plays her trumpet? Mahmoud Come and explore the metaphysical and holistic worlds through Urban Suburban Shamanism/Medicine Man Series.For more information, please &, For more information, please visit: In the Book Refugee which country does Josef's family get admitted to? In the Book Refugee who picks up Mahmoud's family from the Mediterranean? Who had a bar mitzvah aboard the St. Louis? indgena, tanto los nios como los adultos, usa ms de 300 estilos de sombreros, gorros y tocados. what does Isabel demand the fisherman keep? In the Book Refugee what is the Jewish ceremony celebrated when a boy turns 13? Cmo fue tu primera competencia profesional? How many times had Papi tried to flee Cuba before he was beaten by the policeman at the Malecon? What countries agreed to take Josef and the other refugees? Explic que ninguna mujer saldra a la calle sin l y que ningn hombre se atrevera a llevarlo. 276). Why did the other policemen fire at the Castillo boat? What is the time frame of Mahmoud's story? Isabel is the 13-year-old protagonist and narrator of Laurie Halse Anderson's 2008 novel Chains. Why does Isabel's father have to leave Cuba? 27). kicked off their shoes when swimming after their raft hits rocks, breaks and sinks. One of the three protagonists of the book, alongside Josef and Mahmoud. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. In the Book Refugee who is in charge of the boat Isabel is sailing on? Which is why, years later when he was now the refugee he remembered the time when his country denied the Jews entrance into their country, just like the U.S was trying to Luis Castillo and his girlfriend - a policewoman p 64. People ate them. In the Book Refugee Why did Isabel's grandfather stay in Cuba for so long, even when he was given several opportunities to leave? Iggy Garcia LIVE Episode 181 | What will you do today?!? In the Book Refugee what is Isabel's childhood nickname? What did Amara plan to do once she got US Citizenship? El Norte (p. 10) In Refugee, what did Cuban's call the United States? Guillermo had left Cuba in the 1970s and resettled in the United States. What song does Isabel play for her 6th grade band audition? What was the name of Renata and Evelyn's father? Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. In the Book Refugee what are the Castillos building in their shed? Who is the woman whose family hosts Mahmoud's family in Germany? After the fall of the Soviet Union, Cuba has become inhospitable for most of its citizens under the regime of Fidel Castro. WebThe timeline below shows where the character Teresa Fernandez appears in Refugee. 89). What did the police on the beach do when people were leaving Cuba? In the Book Refugee what is the name of the American policy towards Cuban refugees? For more information, please visit: & Cmo reaccionaron tus padres? In the Book Refugee what country does Mahmoud's father hear is accepting refugees? What does Josef's father do that is considered a suicide attempt? Where does Mahmoud's family spend their nights in Turkey while waiting to leave? Tags: What is the mood at the end of Isabel's chapter (when they make it to shore). When does Mahmoud decide to leave the detention center? Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. she doesn't want it to be eaten and the fisherman has fish p 47. Who startles Isabel and her family on the Cuban beach? In the Book Refugee what is Isabel's baby brother's name? Lea el mensaje, y Sharks pg 223 This character sells her beloved trumpet. Hoy se ven indgenas que llevan cascos Whose father is left behind when the family leaves Cuba? Tucked into his pants under his shirt (pg. WebIsabel frantically carries her new baby brother, Mariano, onto the beach of Miami. What does Josef's mother offer the Nazi's in return for Josef and Ruthie's freedom? True/False Josef's father Aaron, told the guards at the funeral at sea, to take the german flag off the coffin. In the Book Refugee what choice do the Nazi soldiers give Josef's mother? Who from the Castillo boat is the first to become a US citizen? When Isabel's raft was leaving Cuba, what made a hole in it? 291). In the Book Refugee who is the President and Prime Minister of Cuba? In the Book Refugee what is Josef's grandfather's connection to the MS St. Louis? My family immigrated to the USA in the late 60s. His dad saw Josef, his mom and sister p 36. Samih Nasseer helps the Bishara family. In the Book Refugee where does Mahmoud's family travel to from the refugee camp in Lesbos, Greece? 1900 S. Norfolk St., Suite 350, San Mateo, CA 94403 In the Book Refugee what do the Austrians do when Mahmoud's group of refugees enter their country? What island is the Castillo's boat near after the storm? In the Book Refugee What is Isabel's childhood nickname. True/False Isabel's mother had Mariano in Miami. They pull it through the shallow water which is too shallow for the US Coast Guard boat to follow them. Why? . Freedom! Nuestro Josef's uncle Isabel is both excited to see her baby brother born and terrified, wondering how her mother will have a baby on a boat in the middle of the ocean. But Teresa assures her that it could be a while before the baby is born. Ivn asks what theyll name the baby, but Teresa and Geraldo havent decided yet. Saved by Cuban police and taken to hospital p 183. They could return to Cuba and Castro or languish in a refugee camp while the US decided what to do with them. Este pas es una maravilla .Al llegar a Bolivia qued tan impresionada con una de sus Explain. What were some of the items that were given to help Isabel's mom? In the Book Refugee, why did the boat engine stop working for Isabel's family? 213). WebIsabel is both excited to see her baby brother born and terrified, wondering how her mother will have a baby on a boat in the middle of the ocean. What is Germany? For more information, please visit: &, Welcome to Iggy Garcia, The Naked Shaman Podcast, where amazing things happen. 270). Because Luis and his girlfriend had been drafted into the police.
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