Buddy Bizarre: But of course! Then who is going to watch a movie that belongs to Gene Wilder in it? Nowhere special? scene thats full of racial epithets. Arealsong! Sheriff murdered, crops burned, stores looted, people stampeded, and cattle raped. I had no movie.". Governor Lepetomane: [at the theater, cuts in front of a hippie] [to himself] Remember, they're in the middle of the desert, on America's Western Frontier! Hedley Lamarr: Governor Lepetomane: Taggart: [a fight scene has spilled over into Buddy's musical number] Hedley Lamarr: Lets find out. Gene Wilder can easily go star in different films, but this was the Wilder that shows off is best. You're talkin' to the sheriff of Rock Ridge!" Hedley Lamarr: Like another classic that recently celebrated an anniversary - Dr.. Never mind that shit! [after the rehersal] This line occurs when the audience first meets Gene Wilders Jim, a.k.a. Y'know, Nietzsche says: "Out of chaos comes order.". I must have killed more men than Cecil B. DeMille. . Play chess screw Hedley Lamarr: [stomps in time to music on each word] [in English] This scene shows off what Wilder does best, shooting off ridiculous lines with his laconic voice. Taggart: Karras would later begin acting on the small screen and is perhaps best known for playing George Papadapolis in the 1980s sitcom Webster. something like. What are we made of? Cleavon Little Read it! Hold it! He's just crazy enough to do it! Just think of your secretary. [men shoot at the sky in joy and ride off]. Even though The New York Times failed to appreciate its humor (or make mention of the racial elements of the film), Blazing Saddles was well-received in 1974. Directed by Mel Brooks and released in 1974, Blazing Saddles is a satirical Western comedy starring Cleavon Little and Gene Wilder. [being dragged through the street] It was based on Bergman's story and draft. Rather than going around the toll booth the rustlers stop at the booth and check their pocket for dimes (thats all the toll booth takes). Arson armed robbery mayhem Hedley Lamarr: Piss on you, I work for Mel Brooks! What is it about Blazing Saddles that makes it so popular? [hears a crash in the prison cells] I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that one. [singing] Something like"Swing low, sweet chariot" Lyle: Don't know that one, huh. [singing] I am not from Havana. What the hell is that sh*t?! Hedley Lamarr: Jim: Little bastard shot me in the ass. Or youve heard someone say it. I got it! Hedley Lamarr: Hedley Lamarr: But then Jim shows off his shooting hand which is absolutely destroyed by the shakes. [Taggart looks for a pen and paper while Hedley talks]. The film hasn't aged perfectly; the gags that amused in the 1970s by virtue of their sheer outrageousness might just seem like . What does the Indian say in Blazing Saddles? When he comes to, he wakes up in a new world where Bart is the first black sheriff of Rock Ridge. [reverently] He says: Blacks! Dont be crazy! Let them go! Have you ever seen in your life? Johnson: It got pretty gritty. What's a dazzling urbanite like you doing in a rustic setting like this? Our fathers came across the prairies, fought Indians, fought drought, fought locusts, fought Dix remember when Richard Dix came in here and tried to take over this town? Hedley Lamarr: I love a happy ending! But where would I find such a man? It's so simple, you sissy Marys! Alex Karras was a defensive tackle for the Detroit Lions who began appearing in films during the early 1960s. Men, you are about to embark on a great crusade to stamp out runaway decency in the west. Lili von Shtupp: Tell me,schatze, is it twue what they say about the way you people are gifted? Well, under the provisions of this bill, we would snatch two hundred thousand acres of Indian land, which we have deemed unsuitable for their use at this time. So they can appoint a sheriff that's blacker'n any Indian! You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. Tired, Tired of being admired, Tired of love uninspired, Let's face it, I'm tired! All right we'll give some land to the niggers and the chinks. Brooks and the company acquired a few distances out in everyones passion for the Sheriff.Bart attempts to read the command of the governor that named him as the new sheriff of Rock Ridge; he says Excuse me while I whip this out, and he extends into his trousers after that everyone feels irritated but feels relaxed after he pulls out the letter. Doggone near lost a four hundred dollar handcar. Hedley Lamarr: Hedley Lamarr: Dive, dive, dive for buried treasure! Somebody's gotta go back and get a shit-load of dimes! Governor Lepetomane: Jim: Mel Brooks, together with his team of tense comics, rapidly became the masters of holding up a mirror in the whole community. Brooks struggled to find a better name after he signed on to direct. Incredibly, Ermey, one of the most recalled characters in the film, was not even supposed to be in the film at all. Whatever the case the line is always gold. Hey, Charlie? Snopes and the Snopes.com logo are registered service marks of Snopes.com, The "most loved line" in the 1974 movie "Blazing Saddles" was "a mistake. Come on, boys! | Elderly Woman: Taggart: No, you *say* that, Governor. Bart: The film marked the first of several collaborations with Brooks (including Young Frankenstein). Indian Chief: Von Shtupp is a saucy bar performer who sings about how much sex she has and how exhausting it is, but she also delivers some fantastic zingers to the cowboys in her audience. Unfortunately, it never got picked up. Taggart: Movie Nut. Bart: To get out of being caught on the business end of a bullet Bart takes himself hostage and drags himself to the sheriffs office at his own gunpoint. Hedley Lamarr: While the line is most often identified with Blazing Saddles, it is adapted from another pretty famous movie, The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre (1948). You're talkin' to the sheriff of Rock Ridge!" We'll work up a Number 6 on 'em. Governor Lepetomane: Bart: [while Mongo is beating the hell out of a bar full of toughs, Bart walks in, dressed as a messenger boy and carrying a . You see, it can be done! Give me the playback! Bart: 1974 brought one of the funniest films made by Warner Brothers - Blazing Saddles. Taggart: What in the WideWide World of Sportsis a-goin' on here? Or is the world rising? Bart: Do what he sayyyy, do what he sayyyy! Work, work, work. No, thank you. Hes giving me the old alky shake. I don't know. Olson Johnson: The sheriff is a nig Taggart: Blazing Saddles opened in theaters more than 40 years ago and it has secured a place on many lists of the best . Aside from that, she also takes an incredible bombshell to the audience who are cowboys.This means that the whole song, as well as its dance number, is incredible, but such a line belongs to the classic lines of Mel Brooks that you cannot surely ignore. Who can satisfy their lustful habits? Hush, Harriet! That's a sure way to get him killed! Maybe you know why a high-roller like Hedley Lamarr is interested in Rock Ridge. Where's your spirit? Well, uh thank you, much obliged. During the first day of shooting, the actorwho was reportedly going through alcohol withdrawalsbecame violently ill and had to be rushed to a nearby hospital. Bart says that in order to save the town they have to work together, and allow people of every race to live in Rock Ridge in peace. When Bart first arrives in Rock Ridge and attempts to ingratiate himself as the new sheriff, everyone tries to murder him on sight. Its a major moment that brings to people of all color - white, black, Asian, and Hispanic. Ha ha wrong person. Let's face it. Lili Von Shtupp: Governor Lepetomane: The town saloon was always lively / But never nasty or obscene / Behind the bar stood Anal Johnson / He always kept things nice and clean, [Anal Johnson is standing behind the bar washing a beer mug; he spits into the mug, belches, and continues to wipe the mug]. Governor Lepetomane: Harriet Johnson: Meeting adjourned. Isn't anybody going to help that poor man? In this great film, Jim or Gene Wilder think that he captured Bart in front of two residents of Klansmen. Taggart: What if the grandson of Dr. Frankenstein wanted nothing to do with the family whatsoever? Well, can't you see that's the last act of a desperate man? No, gone blame it dang blammit! Singer: "Blazing Saddles": Its funny, and it was biting, but there was one joke that Brooks thought was so dirty that he had to cut it. [Harriet Johnson reads her letter to the Governor]. [after the farting] You're going to need an army to beat him! If you already watch the Blazing Saddles, then you must know that there is a take no prisoners part that makes everyone laugh by showing the best but the worst human race. Mongo was easy. A real song. Bullshit. Ball claimed that Kahn had was aiming to get fired . How womantic. Harriet Johnson: The 2,382-square-foot home features three bedrooms and four baths. [Mongo grabs the paper and makes some rough scratches on it], [he gives Mongo the box and walks out of the bar, putting his fingers in his ears]. OK, just watch me! Its incredibly funny to see a fool like Mongo question the existential nature of his place in the world, and its even funnier that he does it while taking part in a bit of meta-commentary. Hail to the Chief. To make the whole thing even more ridiculous, Lamarr says, kinky and almost lets the two good guys in disguise into his gang. When Headley Lamarr is accepting applications for his gang, he asks every outlaw and scoundrel in the west for the qualifications. In order to bring him down, Bart has to consult his inner Bugs Bunny. Twenty-four hours. One two three! . (zipper opens) Oh, it's twue. 3. Right here. [Bart is bidding farewell to the people of Rock Ridge]. Hedley Lamarr: Who is Madeline Kahn imitating Blazing Saddles? They needed a man who was brave and true / With justice for all as his aim. I'm needed elsewhere now. Theres really no one other than Gene Wilder who could pull this kind of deadpan line off, and its one of the many times in Blazing Saddles that he hits the audience with a hangdog expression and a ridiculous line. ", On May 18, 2021, the following ad iteration was added to this story: "It Was The Most Famous Movie Line Ever, But He Was Never Meant To Say It.". [extends his hand, then yanks it away on seeing Bart]. Singer: "Blazing Saddles": How 'bout a little [dumbfounded, Taggart and his men start clapping]. Lili Von Shtupp: Source: IMDB. Hedley Lamarr : [at the theater, cuts in front of a hippie] You dropped your beads. Bart: Taggart, you've been hurt. Tell me, schatze, is it twue what they say about the way you people are gifted? At the beginning of the film, Jim has totally lost his nerve after he lost in a shootout against a young boy. Drive me off this picture. Its truly a moment when everyone in the world can quote along. To speak the plain truth, it's getting pretty damn dull around here. Lyle: (at around 40 mins) The Indian Chief played by Mel Brooks speaks Yiddish. Here are some quotes that are taken from Blazing Saddles. Bart: Everything Mel Brooks creates is, at the very least, on the edge of bad taste which is what makes his work so fun. [on grandstand to the townspeople] Here, play around with this for awhile. [sitting in a bubble bath] Taggart: Mel Brooks seems to never tire of telling the tale about Madeline Kahn's audition for the role of German saloon chanteuse/seductress-for-hire Lili Von Shtupp in his 1974 film Blazing Saddles. If you wanna draw on me, put a quarter in the machine. It's one of the most important American comedies ever made, not to mention possibly the funniest in the last half century. Blazing Saddles, which just celebrated its 45th anniversary, is considered one of the most entertaining movies of all time. Verlumpt! This line is after Bart and Jim meet for the first time around in the drunk tank of the sheriff, these two gentlemen have time to know more about each other. How did he do such fantastic stunts with such little feet? Olson Johnson: Bart: Well, it all depends on how much vitamin E I can get my hands on. Leave it Mel Brooks to come up with an off the wall scene like this. Rev. [33:33] Taggart: The old woman also asked him not to tell everyone that she spoke with him.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'z_word_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',136,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-z_word_com-leader-1-0'); Then once the sheriff says that he quickly became a huge success in Rock Ridge, Jim also says that in 25 years, he will be able to shake both hands under extensive daylight. When Bart tries to read the governors decree naming him the new sheriff of Rock Ridge he exclaims, Excuse me while I whip this out, and reaches into his trousers. Mongo no go. He's breaking up the whole town! At the beginning of the film, before Bart becomes the sheriff of Rock Ridge Bart and his friend are working for the railroad and are sent off on a hand cart for a simple errand. Forgive me. Good evening, Sheriff. Where's my froggy? Gabby Johnson: In an appearance on Conan, he explained that the cut joke occurred when Sheriff Bart, played by Cleavon Little, goes to visit Lili von Shtupp, played by Madeline Kahn. Tourist Mother: In Kubrick's classic Full Metal Jacket, Ermey played a drill sergeant that no one can forget. Just a day before her work on Blazing Saddles began, Madeline was fired from Mame. Governor Lepetomane: Uhh student? Its a joke that should have stopped working once the actress faded out of existence, but theres something even funnier about it now. Wikipedia, Writers Guild of America Award for Best Original ComedyBlazing Saddles / Awards, October 22, 1992Cleavon Little / Date of death. It ain't gonna do you no good no how. Two hundred thousand acres? | Watch that "boy" shit, redneck. Johnson: Now what'll that asshole think of next? Its another big honking deliberate anachronism -- it's obviously ridiculous that anyone would even know what a toll booth is in the Wild West. While Blazing Saddles plays with a lot of racial humor, it's moments like these that there's more than racism afoot. Thats when Bart utters this immortal line. [Mongo deposits a quarter in the appropriate slot]. Randolph Scott Townspeople: I'd say you've had enough! The line, Doggone near lost a four hundred dollar hand cart is both funny and devastating in that its clear he doesnt care about the lives of the two men who are drowning in front of him. The entire scene is mostly guys farting and reacting to said farts, but when an extra gassy cowboy asks for more beans, Taggart says, Id say youve had enough.. - Hedley Lamarr: I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, How did he do such fantastic stunts with such little feet?, Hold it! Elderly Woman: Bart: The pilot aired on April 4, 1975, and starred Louis Gosset Jr. as Bart. Don't pay no attention to that alkie. But most people call me Jim. Taggart: Bart: [panicked] I hope you brought enough for everybody. Where The White Women At? Source: (warner bros.) This is one of the most well known and oft-quoted line from Blazing Saddles. Its such a fun twist on the joke that audiences never see coming. It's human nature, in Mel Brooks' world: We are just self-defeatingly spiteful creatures, and even if it's clear we all need to cooperate, we'll find some superficial reason to draw battle lines and fight amongst ourselves. This is one of the most well known and oft-quoted line from Blazing Saddles. Then he shoots that cowboy when he said that he did not bring enough for everyone in the line. Taggart: Jim: Jim: After Bart and Jim meet for the first time in the sheriffs drunk tank, the two gentlemen get to know each other, and Jim introduces himself in this fairly ridiculous fashion. Hes turned to drinking and spends his nights in the sheriffs drunk tank. It is too evident that Richard Pryor, who is one of the writers of Blazing Saddles, was the main voice in most lines like this one. Camptown Race Track five miles long, oh-de-do-da-dahy!". [as the townspeople point guns at Bart, the newly arrived sheriff]. Boy, is he strict! Hedy Lamarr | Zeitgeist Films Born Hedwig Kiesler, Lamarr grew up in Vienna in an assimilated Jewish family before becoming an actress in Hollywood. Hedley Lamarr: Sign here. I spun around and there I was, face to face with a six-year old kid.
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