Daughters of a monarch are actually referred to by other terms, e.g. And all the names above are in Katakana. Celtiadur | what would the name Emerald be also. Kira also means "Strong Woman" in Slavonic. My name is (name). The first word of this phrase, * (sakki), is a word that means that a moment has just happened or that a moment ago, followed by the possessive pronoun * (no). * ( Kyou wa) is a shortened version of the traditional greeting * (Kyou ha atsui desu ne!). thank you! Numbers | Step 3: Then piece your name together. Coelbren y Beirdd (Bardic alphabet) | Japanese Names.info has been visited by 217 countries and regions since its inception, according to Google Analytics. How about mine? Numbers | http://babynames.looktamil.com/ Note: all links on this site to Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.fr are affiliate links. Celtic cognates | Time | Korean | (name) I'm (name). Tower of Babel | Vesect is a website that writes about many topics of interest to you, it's a blog that shares knowledge and insights useful to everyone in many fields. Hungarian, http://www.japanesetranslator.co.uk/your-name-in-japanese/ Colours | to tell the difference: consider the first one is almost straight down, and the other one is almost horizontal. I highly recommend this for Japanese learners. Names with similar meanings to Anna, i.e. So would the name Prfinity be Purfinity and is it written out like this ? My name is riyan. If you're picking kanji based on sound alone, then the meanings of these kanji will probably be really weird and completely unrelated to your name. You can go with (Ba-jinia) or (Bi-jinia), although I think the Japanese ee sound of the I strays too far off/is too extreme compared to the original pronunciation. Celtic cognates | Tip: If "Translate document" isn't visible, you're . Tower of Babel | Wouldnt it be Eban? If you have any suggestion, please post it on RomajiDesu's facebook page. Type your text and click Translate to see the translation, and to get links to dictionary entries for the words in your text. http://www.babynamesofireland.com, Irish surnames Wondering what it would mean.Thank you. Anyways, my name is Alidya. For a shortened, less formal introduction, you can just say "Sarah desu." Thai, Sign up for free at JapanesePod101 below and start learning Japanese! Sign up for free at JapanesePod101 below and start learning Japanese!>>Click here to sign up for free & learn Japanese with Audio & Video Lessons! Your email address will not be published. Boku: Polite, Sophisticate, Humble You can use it among your friends but they may feel you are too polite. Phrases | (name) desu. http://guardians.net/egypt/hieronom.htm, Ancient Egyptian language and Hieroglyphs | () then thats the best answer. Hime () is the Japanese word for princess or a lady of higher birth. As an extra example: Ice Tea in Japanese is or Aisu Tei-, Hi im Fahmi,just wondering what my name in Japanese language,im malaysian but i really excited about these article. arigatou gozaimasu!!!!!! http://tamilcube.com/babynames/tamil-baby-names.aspx How can I translate that? http://www.chinese-tools.com/names/thai It depends on how Tolles is pronounced. http://www.irishsurnames.com, Irish language | http://www.leabhair.ie/sob/ainm/, Baby Names of Ireland Enter a name for the translated document and select a language. Learning materials | The manga name meant a killer kill with Kira meaning killer and Kurusu meaning kill. The initial name also had kanji that could be read as "vessel of dawn.. http://www.afb.org/braillebug/thenamegame.asp And Bob would be Bobu. XP will be earned if you do everything correctly in French, which will help you gain a competitive advantage over your opponents. Writing systems for Sanskrit: Hay I didont see my name In her can you translate it for me my name is Kayleigh, firipin no cagayan de oro city kara kimashita douzo yorishiku oniegai shimasu. , my name is Roncommon name but not on your list, Ahhhm what if My middle name would be translated? Numbers | You should begin learning hiragana, katakana, and kanji as soon as possible. You may be asking yourself, but I thought that anata was the Japanese word for 'you' and if so, you would be correct! Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful, Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542, Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding. Ok so my given name is Derek so that would be Derekku according to your list. http://www.namenerds.com/scottish/, Information about Scottish Gaelic | Mary will start with "Me-" or , and then we need "Ri" so find that character, , and add it in: . Onamae wa nandesuka? If youre really close to someone, you could call them by their first name instead. However, in the film, it is used as a casual way to ask someone's name. Sumit Choudhary , I am from India, I hope this still gets seen Grantha, Case in point: Veerginia in English sounds odd. same or a similar meaning in another language. Then create an image to design your own Japanese T-shirt or other customizable product. We use our comprehensive database of translations and Hepburn romanizaton to translate your name as accurately as possible. Start typing your name Search by category a Names starting with A b Names starting with B c Names starting with C d Names starting with D e Names starting with E f Names starting with F g The site currently has 288 stories, 18 audio lessons, and a plethora of podcasts. Fonts | Anyiha deepends on the pronunciation. When you introduce yourself to someone in Japanese by saying your name, youre essentially saying Im [name], which is very common practice. How to translate. http://www.takase.com/Names/NameInJapanese.htm If you are new to French, it is highly recommended that you take Duolingos placement test. (dangsin-eun eotteohge doeseyo?) Examples: Satsuki, Rumiko, Goku, Sakura. Terms of endearment | Kawaii is one of the most popular words among young Japanese girls and women of all ages. And if youre still confused, just leave a comment. Most of what is assessed in the JLPT N5 and N4 language exams is covered in the grammar used in Duolingos Japanese exercises. http://www.namenerds.com/irish/, Ainmneacha Gaelacha (Information about Irish names) Medium and large screens: For more options, click the Down arrow . My name is Amirul Syahmie,can you help plese, Can you please translate Sahil Khokhar in Katakana for me? So, I hope, by this time, you already know your Japanese alphabet and specifically Katakana. If I missed your name, also leave a comment and well get one for you! in romaji is This is how you would pronounce it using the roman alphabet. a name and transliterating a name. I get theres no l in Japanese but not sure if I should go te-re-sa, te-ri-sa, or some other way. If not, feel free to leave your name in the comment area below and I will translate it for you. One way people recommend writing your name in kanji is by finding kanji with the same sounds as your name in katakana, but this is a bad idea for a couple of reasons. Kami is the Japanese word for a deity, divinity, or spirit. Spanish, http://momion.com/ Hajimemashite, watashi no namae wa Melvene Diaz desu. http://www.20000-names.com What it would be in Japanese? Constructed languages | Anyways my name is Kunyap. In Japanese, there are several different ways to say what is your name? Depending on the context, you might say namae wa? ( ), onamae wa? ( ), or anata no namae wa? ( ). http://judaism.about.com/library/3_lifecycles/names/bl_names.htm, Information about Hebrew | If its pronunced as Ree-an-non, then , My name is Lovelly pronounce as lovely but mine has double L. Can you please translate Theineingam I cant find it anywhere, i just dont get it, its so confusing *sigh* and my name so long French is one of the worlds most widely spoken languages, and it is also one of the most widely used. You can reach B2 on the CEFR scale by taking Duolingos French course. What does my name mean, my name Phrases | Written out like this> , ne? Japanese has two alphabetic writing systems (Hiragana & Katakana) and one logographic writing system based on Chinese characters (Kanji). Learning materials, Transliterate your name into Japanese 6 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2023, Five Tips to Avoid Depression as a Student. Writing systems | For example the name Anna comes from the Hebrew name (Hannah), which means "favor" or "grace". Family words | http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/vikings/runes.html, You name in Russian Western names are usually written in Katakana, but it is becoming more popular for tourists to print their names in Kanji on T-shirts by using 'Ateji (:kanji used as a phonetic symbol)'. Hi! Japanese textbooks typically teach the following two phrases as the standard way to say my name is in Japanese. Native speakers use this to ask what a thing physically close to them is in Japanese. The Japanese phrase kawaii desu ne () means cute isn't it?. ; If you are looking for Japanese names, you can search our list of Japanese names. Boku is used by men and young boys. Tower of Babel | Im unsure to what my name would be? It's heartbreaking. Anata no onamae wa? What is my name in Japanese? http://www.cutebabynames.org food-for-bots. For example: Samu desu. http://www.gaelicnames.co.uk In Death Note: The Musical, Light and Misa are the only two Kiras. Some translation exercises allow you to tap on specific parts of sentences to see translation hints, but you are not given an explanation of the grammar. http://www.kanji-name.com http://www.rogerdarlington.co.uk/useofnames.html Useful phrases | In the end, Light dies of a heart attack when Ryuk writes his name in the Death Note. Learning materials | in katakana is .This is the conventional way to represent foreign names in Japanese. Best for Simple Japanese Translations: J-Talk 3. Tower of Babel | Gupta, Time | Sam is Samu. Youll be fine after reading them. http://www.cnx-translation.com/your-name-in-thai.php http://www.symbianize.com/showthread.php?t=335571, Information about Tagalog | Numbers (Western Armenian) | , What are the most common words in Japanese? my name is pretty rare. Links | I can speak English in Japanese Duolingo. The (vi) is used more often nowadays. "Watashi wa" () in Japanese means "I am". Samu to moushimasu. http://www.mandarintools.com/chinesename.html my name is also rare.. its For example, you might say Onamae wa John desu ka? ( ), which means Is your name John? If youre asking someone their name in a more formal setting, you would use anata no namae wa? ( ). This means I earn a commission if you click on any of them and buy something. ? Best for Detailed Japanese Translations: RomajiDesu 2. I Have Completely Forgotten Your Name (nan desu ka) is a very casual way to tell someone you have absolutely no memory of their name. Ore is also used by men a lot. My name is pronounced as a Japanese word. watashi no namae wa () : a Japanese expression for my name is. Its become like this ? 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. my name is DIANARRA. (shinshia) since Japanese has no Th sound. http://www.tattoos-by-design.co.uk, Information about Sanskrit | sorry im still a bit confused about the rules. Also, people of Japanese descent native to other countries (especially those countries with large Japanese communities) might also call non-descendants gaijin, as a counterpart to nikkei. Colours | = Vu~a , 1) ANATA WA KAWAII DESU It means "You are cute.. Your Name In Japanese In Japanese, foreign names are normally written using the phonetic katakana alphabet. Were always looking at new ways we can make YourKatakana even more useful for our visitors, and we hope you enjoy the latest features we have introduced. Japanese Products available from our Shop Zone Left Right Goukaku ("Success") hachimaki Hannya omamori charm Itll be great if u can translate it for me What does mia mean in Greek? Family words | on the word's spelling. , July 3, 2016 (Anime Expo) August 26, 2016 (Japan). Close! Numbers | Hi Coltyn! Gaelic script | It is the official language of 29 countries, with over 274 million speakers around the world. my name is Aadrisha. This basically means that the sentence is more polite. In short, there is no cost involved. According to Google its Aniwa So would love some help please. Numbers | My podcast about Scottish Gaelic | What is your name? The easiest and most common way to tell someone what your name is in Japanese is to simply state your name and attach (desu). My name is Jaydia which is pronounced (J-d-uh) but without the dia prounced more prominently than the jay part. To make it easier, and so you can double-check your work, here are some common names translated into Japanese. Time to set your textbook on fire, learn ". Colours | For that, you would need to either study abroad or take classes from a native speaker. http://www.sanskrittranslations.com (Cyrillic), Tower of Babel | Breton | In textbooks, the following are the standard Japanese phrases to say my name. Its the rite of passage for any new learner. My name is [name]. Tongue twisters | English Katakana (Link) Show each word and its katakana This English-to-katakana converter is based on these rules for conversion . Learn how to turn on Javascript. December 11, 2018 DiamondGro1 Your diction is flawless, makijg it easy to understand. Tower of Babel | So is A. And De., What does this mean? It can be used to state a fact Your name is David. Pronounced as Maru-tein (but sounds more so tin than tein) Genobu (B since theres no V sound), HI, I was wondering if you could translate the following names for me please. http://www.chine-informations.com/fun/japonais/ There are more than 800 stories in the French courses library as of April 2022; it is one of the largest libraries in the world. When these are When I took Japanese 1 4 years ago I was under the belief it was Achinsu, but that would not follow the rules above. YourKatakana is a free to use online service for translating your first or last name into Japanese Katakana, Hiragana, and Romaji. Onamae wa nandesuka? Kira is one of several Anglicized forms of the Irish name Ciara, which in Irish means "dark haired". http://www.lgpn.ox.ac.uk Max is Makkusu. Going by pronunciation, if its (jay-dee-uh) then (Jei, dee, a). Time | Doozo. Duolingo Plus includes a few new features in addition to the basic Duolingo package. French | http://www.chinesetools.eu/tibetans-names/ Arwi Arabic script for Tamil | This change is in early development and we would appreciate your feedback on the quality and relevance of our translations. Tower of Babel | https://www.cheekytummy.com/category/baby-names If I missed your name, also leave a comment and we'll get one for you! Hieratic script | There are concerns that using two age systems at the same time can be confusing, and that it may be difficult to remember how many years you were alive in Meiji. How to ask, "What is your name?" in Japanese. Or proceed to the list below if now youre feeling lazy. Desu is a polite Japanese linking verb meaning to be as well other forms of the verb. You're welcome. (Armenian), (Georgian) and (Japanese Katakana). If you have, Two consecutive consonants in your name like , Or if your name ends in a consonant, like , This rule does not apply to names ending in N.. So is A. And De., What does this mean? Celtiadur, http://www.namespedia.com People are dissatisfied with the new Japanese age system. Katakana | Nandinagari, Numbers | Your Name (Japanese: , Hepburn: Kimi no Na wa.) How do i write my name? Phrases | Duolingo is scientifically proven to be effective for anyone who wants to learn how to read, write, and speak English, regardless of their level of experience. Louisa Marilyn Ina Irene. Jim is Jimu. I was wondering- if my names Keiko, (Key-E-ko) and thats a valid Japanese name- Would it still be Keiko in Katakana? Sam is Samu. My full names are, My name is Ide Aiman so how to say Im in japanese. Hi my name is Giomari, what would mine be? In Japanese, princes are referred to as mia (*, miya). http://www.cnx-translation.com/your-name-in-chinese.php In formal or polite contexts, watashi is gender neutral. Time | Tower of Babel | is it KaTeRin and CaaTi. The easiest way is to find a Katakana letter that corresponds to the pronunciation of your Japanese name. So, I hope, by this time, you already know your Japanese alphabet and specifically Katakana. Its Jaldo. Tap the Speaker icon to hear the translation. Youll also need it to be able to introduce yourself in Japanese. Tower of Babel | RomajiDesu's Japanese translator is both Japanese/Kanji to Romaji and Japanese/Kanji to English translator, which is very useful for analysis and study Japanese. http://www.khyber.org/culture/names/names.shtml, Information about Pashto | Sharda, Comparison of Celtic languages | This name has grown in popularity throughout the US in the 21st century and is sometimes used as a variation of Kira. Tower of Babel | This course contains ten units of French skills and lessons, making it Duolingos largest. All of them are accepted. http://8rays.com/baybayin/translator2012/translate-1.html Btw my name is Hans I will really appreciate it if u will translate it for me. http://www.chinesenames.org Phrases | For example the name Anna comes from the Hebrew name Japanese people say the following if they want to ask someone their name: Onamae wa nan desu ka. What is your name? or KyaShi (this is what i got from a certain japanese translator for names Youll also need it to be able to introduce yourself in Japanese. In 7 Best Laptops for Remote Learning Environments, Gorgeous Landscape Paintings From Around the World. What do you do when you have an x in the middle of your name? Weather | Ah, finding out your Japanese name is magical, isnt it? (. So by clicking on these links you can help to support this site. The particle (no) appears in Japanese to represent the subject of a sentence when referring to a noun. Japanese is ranked by the U.S. Foreign Services Institute as the most difficult language for native English speakers to learn. We have 30 names for now. Links | Learn more Japanese on YouTube: https://bit.ly/35cCnunFollow us on social media - new content uploaded daily!Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janusacademy_japanese/ TikTok: https://vt.tiktok.com/R33Upy/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JanusAcademySingapore/Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/JanusAcademyJapaneseChinese/ Learning materials, 1000 Turkish proper names with meanings and audio pronunciations Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. Use this to ask the names of people who are older than you. I left my 'comfortable' job on Facebook to fulfill my dream - educating people worldwide. All foreign words and names are written in this writing system. ummm can u do another favour by translating my brothers name Would be Birujini-a. Scottish Gaelic | The Cambridge Learners Dictionary is perfect for intermediate learners. Different Ways To Say What Is Your Name? (Thanks in advance if you get to me), How would Prisma be said ? Learn Japanese in 2 Hours - ALL You Need to Speak - YouTube, Boku means me or I. No is a particle indicating possession or relative connection. My Chinese name is . Well, look below. - Learn Turkish online with Mondly - Japanese Tutors There are over 280 podcasts available, and they range in length from 1 to 2 minutes. There is no specific word for french in Japanese, so the best way to say can you speak french in japanese duolingo? would be Can you speak a foreign language in Japanese on Duolingo? While it is possible to learn some basics of a foreign language through Duolingo, it is not possible to become fluent. Tongue twisters | Then it would be (toozu) or (toosu) depending on how much Z or S you prefer to hear. My name is keilani What is your name? If you already know the persons name, you might use onamae wa? ( ) instead. This is reflected in the Japanese word for fringe-toed lizards, as well as the fact that the creature is frequently associated with beauty and splendor. would it be Kirun? To see what your name looks like in Japanese, just type it in below and click the "Translate" button. Tower of Babel | finding the meaning of the name and then trying to find a name with the You can even make it to elongate the ee sound as the ee is said quickly and might not capture the pronunciation that you fully intend. Colours | It is converted to a Japanese katakana name. Spanish (Latin American), Like, Taxi is Takushii. Femalekun is a type of greeting that is not offensive and can imply respect. What would my Japanese name be if my name is Autumn? We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The most common and simple way to introduce yourself in Japanese is the phrase "Watashi no namae wa ___ desu." My name is Velimir, what would it be like in Japanese? Youll see more of these in the chart below. Tolkien's languages. http://www.b4babynames.com, Hindi names Family words | is a 2016 Japanese animated romantic fantasy film produced by CoMix Wave Films and distributed by Toho. im confused, Hajimemashite, boku wa Debin desu! http://www.names4muslims.com Family words | You could also say: . Suggest a link, Ancient Egyptian | Deer Lingo is available for download as an iOS and Android app or as a web app. Um.. i have 2 Questions cuz im dum and lost lol How would Britany and Anyiha be spelled in Japanese Can someone plz tell me ^_^. Tongue twisters | Endangered and minority languages | cmo se llama is a Spanish word used to mean familiar/personal. Informal but acceptable manners are used (formal/polite). Home. (daijbu desu ka?) Itll take 3 or 4 minutes and youll be ready to use your Japanese name. Articles | This card can be used by a number of close friends or family members. Tap the microphone icon at the top of the screen and speak your word or phrase into the app. Weather words | Learn how to upload entire documents to Google Translate. Phrases | In Japanese, it is simple to tell someone you have a name by simply saying your name and writing a character (desu). Now, you can start speaking basic Japanese and go introduce yourself as. Your input looks like it might be romanized Japanese default. Youll see more of these in the chart below. Google home; Send feedback; Privacy and terms; Switch to full site Terms of endearment | Tower of Babel | kon ni chi wa my name is geen ann Language exchange | In fact, as far as fabrics are concerned, red is considered in Japan as the happiest color you can get. kore wa nan desu ka () : a Japanese phrase meaning 'what is this? ' Tower of Babel | Please note that there is a difference between translating Terms of endearment | Phrases | Its Scotia. Colours | Thanks. The French course has 1424 crown levels (not including legendary levels). Family words (Western Armenian) | In this video, I am going to show you how to say some of the most popular English names in Japanese. Scottish Gaelic (1), - Arabic Genie - a quick and easy way to learn the Arabic alphabet, Arabic courses and other resources available on Amazon, Information about Arabic | Nobirishima? Japanese | The Haha, Thats right! Let's try it. Check out our courses on the website:http://www.janus.edu.sg/online-language-courses/online-japanese-courses/Subscribe to our channel. If its more of a Ja-yens, then . Kun is the masculine equivalent of tension, but chan has a softer, more tender quality to it because it is intended for boys. Learning materials, Information Scottish Gaelic names I've added a question mark because at the end of the film, this phrase is a question. http://www.lowchensaustralia.com/Names.htm http://www.quizopolis.com/latin-name-generator.php, Latin alphabet | xD. makkasu, so not use to having syllables in my name, Please add my name, its kiera. Time | If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. . how can i translate it? Ok, now youre ready to learn your Japanese name. Family words | Phrases | http://www.talkingturkishnames.com, Information about Turkish | Press "Convert to katakana" to So what is my Japanese name?? High Valyrian, http://www.chinese-tools.com/names/japanese First, there are 9 rules that you need to know about finding out your Japanese name. Transliterations of Western fans of anime and manga sometimes add it to the end of sentences to sound cute and imitate Japanese. How would the name Jadyn be pronounced and written out in Japanese? Numbers | Kazhmeire Time | Links | Korutein might be the closest sounding one. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English, Chinese (Simplified)Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Traditional)Chinese (Simplified). Links | Katakana: You Need This for Your Name in Japanese. Numbers | Kanji Alive, a free and open source web app, is available for both iOS and Android devices. Want to know what your name is in Japanese? Language learning materials, Transliterate your name into Tibetan I know in Japanese you dont have L so maybe its mirera I dont know lol. - Learn Turkish with Glossika, if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'omniglot_com-leader-2','ezslot_11',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-omniglot_com-leader-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'omniglot_com-leader-2','ezslot_12',108,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-omniglot_com-leader-2-0_1'); .leader-2-multi-108{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}Welsh names and what they mean . What is my name in Japanese? So, lets do a quick run through of the Katakana (alphabet). Japanese society will cease to use the traditional age system in 2020. To gain access to all lessons that you successfully completed all of the questions in the placement test, you must take a placement test. Your Name is a sad movie. In most cases, this is done casually. 6. It is not very effective to speak. RomajiDesu English Japanese Dictionary and Translator. A word straight from a Japanese dictionary. We upload new videos twice a week! I highly recommend this for Japanese learners. Hank is Hanku. translations, Again. http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/ame.php Tower of Babel | As part of the Japanese Duolingo course, learners will be taught Japanese from the beginning. Thank you! My name is julissa, what would my name be? Download your free Japanese Alphabet worksheet here. Good Afternoon, probably an old thread and but wanted to check, My name is rather kinda unique, Raistlin. Learn more Japanese on YouTube: https://bit.ly/35cC. If you like, you can also choose from a few different character styles. Phrases (silly) | Learn more about Google Translate in a web browser, a different translation for Translate Contribute to review, Learn how to upload entire documents to Google Translate. What is the correct translation of the name Parles-tu japonais? Vietnamese, Silly phrases | A name for a beautiful wise child, Michiko Malandro is one of the powerful protagonists from Michiko & Hatchin. thank you for the guide btw. News | If its like race-tlin then (re-isu-to-rin/reis-trin), Yeah, that would be correct in pronouncing it! Youll be fine after reading them. Type English words in the box below. Numbers | Just mentioning since some people do so. My name is Zion and it is very difficult for me to find how to write my name. A girls name Uma is Hebrew for light, which is derived from Sanskrit. (), It depends on how you pronounce your name. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Free English to Japanese translator with audio. variety of alphabets and writing systems, and to other sites Tower of Babel | And my name means moon, how about Catherine and Cathy? To get started, enter your name in English. When the new system goes into effect on January 1, 2021, it is referred to as Meiji. My name is Abtaal. The is used to show respect, and is an 'honourific'. Christine Willey (or Lucus) pronounced kriss-TEEN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GaOhjsPhvM&feature=player_embedded and Willey is Wil-lee https://www.howtopronounce.com/willey/, (Kurisuchin) (Wirri-) (Rukasu) should be a safe bet. Pls help me with it. Latin alphabets for Persian | Kevin will start with Ke or , and then we need Bi (remember no V in Japanese) and N. So, find Bi and N and you have Kebin or .
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