Community Connections (Clubs & Organizations). and we sent this loser back to 2021 because he was a complete idiot. Speaking to the paranormal investigators behind the YouTube channel ApexTV, the supposed time traveller argued his predictions will prove themselves to be true in due time. I guess that he went into hiding after his predictions proved to be false.. The man who allegedly traveled to the future and back. The man from 3036 had a 2012 wallet from jc penny in is rear pocket. In a series of videos posted to his channel, the mysterious time bandit claims the world's population in 3036 will reach record levels, with domestic animals such as cats and dogs considered 'exotic'. Photo Meghan 'never wanted the world to see': Unseen snap of younger Duchess is shared ahead of 'explosive' interview with her estranged father and siblings, The Queen's former right-hand woman Angela Kelly has been 'cut off' by King Charles and kicked out of her grace-and-favour Windsor Estate home - and her work mobile has been disconnected, Kate makes incredibly rare comments about Princess Diana during visit to Wales - and reveals secret about her engagement ring, PICTURED: Glamorous trader's wife, 32, who blames the ROAD for her 100MPH fatal DWI crash into man who was catapulted 30ft by her Porsche as he walked with his OK Cupid date, Keanu Reeves looks smitten as he holds hands with girlfriend Alexandra Grant while arriving at JFK airport in New York. Either way. The anonymous time traveller, who goes by the name of Darryl Dean, claims to have a detailed timeline of future events. Interesting, but as a home-made Youtube video, or mockumentary. YIKES. Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon 'have been texting back and forth' after the Fox News and CNN stars were both fired on the same day and hired same lawyer, U.S. 2023 All Rights Reserved. One viewer, Andre Gomes Fernandes wrote: Words are words. Time traveller Noah, whose predictions have so far failed to materialise, said a monstrous snowstorm will ravage the US in February 2019. But in 3036, there is only regression due to blind ambition and lack of self-awareness, Sebastian says. It's obvious this isn't a documentary, and it's not even a good fake. The faux documentary begins with a newsreel featuring a bald man, supposedly named Sebastian, who claims to be from the year 3036. Speaking to a camera for YouTube channel ApexTV, the time traveller produced three photos, which he said he took on a mission in the year 3311. He said: I saw a bunch of questions asking if there are going to be any wars in the future. You're almost there! The air quality, wars, the "Big Blackout", and much more. Create a password that only you will remember. 37m, Production Co: Man claims to be time traveler from 3036 In 2020, a film called Confessions of a Time Traveler - The Man from 3036 was released, and it tells the supposed true story of a man who claims. Or maybe it's meant to be a joke or parody. I'm a documentary filmmaker/producer/director/narrator A self-proclaimed time traveler from the year 3036 tells his story and paints a terrifying picture of what the future looks like for mankind. This was BAD! So, in Coronation week, ALISON BOSHOFF asks: What's she cooking up? This 10-digit number is your confirmation number. He's of Caucasian appearance and conventional-looking. By the end there are a couple additions or wrinkles to the plot, but there is an extreme lack of work put into them, so each "revelation" lands a complete and utter dud. It's insulting to sci-fi and film in general. nothin_suss 2 yr. ago. There perspectives, lighting and contrast look severely inaccurate.. Now, I'm not sure if you believe in stuff like this or not. Globally, there is one currency and no countries only lands ruled by three major corporations. A self-proclaimed time traveler from the year 3036 tells his story and paints a terrifying picture of what the future looks like for mankind. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. ", When asked about the world population, he says: "Just over two billion people.". The time travel expert said the effects of the time-illation effect allow people to move forward in time but not backwards. 1. bored_toronto 2 yr. ago. The movie reveals Sebastian view of the future has more in common with conspiracy theories than QAnon. I did find a video on YouTube that talks about what "Sebastian" talks about and she does a pretty good job of breaking down what's talked about. 30. In the startling video 'Noah', whose face has been pixelated, says he has risked life and limb to travel back in time, Critics have been quick to claim the test was rigged and that the lie detector (pictured) was not switched on. In a way, they are prophecy because what Im telling you will happen. They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. In response, he agreed to take a lie detector test on camera. Go Nakamura/Getty Images. Confessions of a time traveler: The Man from 3036, directed by Nostradamus Brothers and narrated by Jack Helms, lacks any evidentiary context but comments instead on the irreversible consequences of a modern era. There are no more houses, just pods that are magnetically sealed; and children are raised by artificial intelligent robots that monitor every aspect of their life until 16 the legal age to mate. Hell, a friend of mines girlfriend thought the daily Onion was a real news site. and it's not even in their top 5. But I laugh at the guy's modern English accent and colloquialisms. But I would think with a thousand years, we would hear something extraordinarily different. Capital Region's home for all the hits! First thing that should be apparent is in 1000 years, language hasn't changed. "there's been this same car following me. I don't want to say too much, I'd rather let you watch the video and, like I said before, let you make your own decision. He said he was selected due in no small part to his accomplishments at school in the area of computer development. He then begins to list events he says will happen in the next 12 years, including the re-election of Donald Trump and the rise of AI. The supposed future is inconsistent: humans can't leave their "pods" without breathing apparatus because of the poison in the air, but fruit is free and grows? Time travel proof? "Believe it or not, our zoo consists of animals like dogs and cats, rabbits, squirrels - these are considered exotic animals. What is most intriguing about the 37-minute long film is Sebastians unspoken insistence that now, during the idiot era, humanity is at its most free. He would not reveal any details regarding the religion out of fear he would cause a time paradox. At one point the character speaks of the 2080's then jumps to 3010. Tap "Sign me up" below to receive our weekly newsletter He said: I cant say the name of that organisation but I can assure you that organisations like the one Im describing, and many many more, not only exist but are carrying out secret programmes behind closed doors., DON'T MISSUFO supposedly spotted near US Navy boat explosion[INSIGHT]Translated UFO files shows Brazilian police saw humanoid' beings[REPORT]Alien base discovered off the coast of Antarctica - UFO hunters claim[PICTURES]. His mission, he says, is to tell those alive now what the world has in store. The goal of a lie detector is to see if the person is telling the truth or lying when answering certain questions. NR 38 min Jul 2nd, 2020 Documentary, Science Fiction. They don't interview anyone that does the testing. No signup or install needed. The identity couldn't be confirmed to be the mystery man of topic. John Titor and (TimeTravel_0) are pseudonyms used on the Time Travel Institute and Art Bell's Post-to-Post forums during 2000 and 2001 by a poster claiming to be an American military time traveler from 2036. Want to know more about D Scott? Stefan Birgir Stefans Bizarre claim time traveller sent to 17th CENTURY, Time traveller claims WORLD WAR 3 breaks out in the future, Time travel proof: A mystery man claims to be from the year 2033, Time travel PROOF: Time traveller claims he will be President in 2024, Time travel PROOF? Marvel Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer, Jurassic Park Movies Ranked By Tomatometer, RT25: Celebrating 25 Years of Rotten Tomatoes, Fatal Attraction Series Stars Joshua Jackson and Lizzy Caplan on the Sexy, Unsettling Psychological Thriller, Prime Video Acquires J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves Batman: Caped Crusader and 2 More Animated Projects. Saw something interesting and want more? There are so many other things. Sources: and Verified Audience. Countries will all disappear after a massive war. For more information, please see our The big war happens between the US, EU, Russia, China and Iran. Aliens to land during Perseid meteor shower claims 'time traveller|, Time travel SHOCK: This man claims to have pictures taken in the year 3311, Time travel BOMBSHELL: Shock claims THIS will be US President in 2028, Time travel news: The supposed time traveller showed forged pictures of the future, Time travel news: The building in this photo is in South Mumbai, India, Viral video of 'strange figure' sparks claims 'aliens' are among us, Time travel news: People who saw the video called out ApexTV for the fake photos. Cookie Notice RT25: Celebrating 25 years of Rotten Tomatoes. "All of the larger species, like lions and tigers, cat species, the larger ones, elephants, they're all gone. Lol I don't know how. According to the time traveller, he snapped the pictures after he was elected to take part in a secret time travel operation in the 1990s. Maybe she didn't realize how derivative these notions of the future are. The freedom he inadvertently refers to is the ability to think and act autonomously. However, a change of plans has resulted in him choosing to stay until mid-2019. The victim had most of his face bitten off, and the story quickly received worldwide coverage, dubbing the attacker "the Causeway Cannibal.". Stewart Swerdlow was one of the Montauk Boys programmers under Al Bielek. Not all documentaries are created to highlight true events; some documentaries are meant to document timely concepts. But that kind of proves the point I am trying to make. I'm not here to tell you it's real or if it's fake, I'll let you make your own decision on that. "We've got large areas, hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, all designated to wind turbines, reflective mirrors and solar panels," he says. Speak, everyone speaks. English, Director: He said: I just want to tell you what Im saying are not predictions. If someone can travel fasterthan the speed of light, thentheoretically, someonecould travel in time and time travel would become a definite possibility. Many people remain skeptical about Als statements and the entire secrecy behind the Montauk Project believes firmly sustain that it is only a matter of time before classified documents become available to the general public proving the existence of the so-called Montauk Project and the controversial Philadelphia Experiment. In the ancient Indiantext of the Mahabharata,written in the eighth centuryBC, King Raivata is described astraveling to the heavens to meetwith the creator god Brahma,only to return to Earth hundredsof years in the future. It's July 1954; a hot day. Throughout questioning, all of the person's signals are recorded on the moving paper. Privacy Policy Faux documentary. There are many solutions to Einstein's equations of General Relativity that allow a person to follow a timeline that would result in her (or him) encountering herself or her grandmother at an earlier time. 1 talking about this. My god, did a shipment of DVDs of this film end up at a local daycare? The time traveller then said knowledge of time travel technology is disseminated to the public in the year 2028, along with the truth about alien species outside of Earth. But critics say that it easy to beat lie detectors - simply by 'lying with your body as well as your words'. Yes, I have a camera right now, but no, I will not make an attempt to document this car that is totally following me" He explains what we can expect from the next decades, in a frightening glimpse of what's to come. Movie Info A self-proclaimed time traveler from the year 3036 tells his story and paints a terrifying picture of what the future looks like for mankind. If he was raised so far ahead in time, wouldn't it take awhile for him to understand just how primitive we are? Borrowing from all of the very cliche conspiracy theories of a mandatory microchip, the dangers of 5G and the Rothschilds as corporate overlords, this was as deep as a kiddie pool. Many researchers believe that evidence of time travel can be found in numerous ancient texts, among them the Bible. It was a convenient mish-mash of today's most popular conspiracy theories.The acting was too contrived and overly nuanced. "Confessions of a time traveler: The Man from 3036," directed by Nostradamus Brothers and narrated by Jack Helms, lacks any evidentiary context but comments instead on the irreversible. Bible verses about coronavirus: What does the Bible say about COVID19? And his last picture was of a flying vehicle passing over some homes and trees. No we will not film said tests, nor even film him walking into a clinic. Mysterious man called Noah made predictions during apparent polygraph test; He said humans will arrive on Mars in 2028 and time travel will become common . It still wants me to write more come on. According to Bielek, not only did he travel to the future, he managed to come back and tell the story of everything he had encountered. In 20204, 6G will actually are released and it is released for free for the entire world. Despite hundreds of years living shorter, more irradiated, and overall worse lives, human physiology is just about the same, despite being bald. He now remembers several other trips he took with teams to a research station in 100,000 BC, other planets to get canisters filled with Light and Dark Energy, and to the year 6037. 4. By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie. The larger species no longer exist.". Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. Among his predictions is the claim that GoogleGlass-style robotics will spread across the globe. Released July 2nd, 2020, 'Confessions of a Time Traveler: The Man from 3036' stars Jack Helms The movie has a runtime of about 38 min, and received a user score of 30 (out of 100) on TMDb, which. Choose wisely! Is this a student film? By 2060, cell phones will be outlawed over concerns for the radiation they emit. The most prominent thing I can think of that is going to happen at the end of 2019, is 5G wireless network. He states that electric cars will be able to travel as fast as diesel and petrol ones (despite many already being able to do so) and many forms of cancer have been cured. , and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes. Get their official bio, social pages & articles on KISS 102-3!Full Bio. But that wouldn't add up for the final shoe-horned conspiracy theory to work. 3036 to be exact. Many of the people who saw the video, saw through the deception and called out ApexTV in the comment section. Do you believe time travel is possible? He also suggests global warming has caused temperatures in North America to increase while Europe has cooled. Make those Movie Suggestions. By continuing, you agree to the Privacy Policy and He then moves onto perhaps his most ominous prediction of all, 'the big blackout'. This was done in the film 'Ocean's Eleven', and is usually achieved by pressing down on a sharp object such as a drawing pin during routine questioning. The man, known as Edward, is now back in 2018 and has shared . Five people, including an 8-year-old boy, were killed after a shooting inside a home in Cleveland, Texas, on Friday night. The Great Pyramid of Giza: The only eight-sided Pyramid on Earth, Ancient Hopi: The Hollow Earth, Flying shields and Ant-like Gods exist. StarringJack Helms Directed byNostradamus Brothers Nostradamus Brothers is known for 5G - The War Against You (2020), Confessions of a Time Traveler - The Man from 3036 (2020) and Creating the Coronavirus - The Hidden Truth (2020). Very intriguing and much better than I expected when I saw it free on TUBI last night. with updates on movies, TV shows, Rotten Tomatoes podcast and more. Listen to Ted Cruz, The Man From 3036, Autoerotic Asphyxiation, And An Epstein Update and 244 more episodes by Woke And Baked, free! Available on Tubi TV, iTunes, Plex. The screen for King Charles' coronation anointing is revealed, Biden jokes about key political figures at WH Correspondence Dinner, Braverman: People crossing Channel are 'at odds with British values', Hundreds of Household Division members rehearse for coronation, Women's rights activists and pro-trans campaigners separated, Terrifying moment bird strikes plane carrying 184 passengers onboard, Ukraine drone strike hits major fuel depot in port Sevastopol, Moment large saltwater crocodile snatches pet dog off beach in QLD, Jerry Springer hosts record-setting porn star Annabel Chong in 1995, Doctor slams Laurence Fox for 'spewing out biased views', Australian tourist allegedly spits in the face of a Java Imam, 'You motherf***ers don't understand': Bam Margera details 'turmoil', 'Time-traveller from 2030' PASSES lie detector test over whether his future predictions are true - Mirror Online, Time Traveler From 2030 LIE DETECTOR Test - YouTube, Time Traveler Who Has Been To The Year 2030 Shares His Experiences - YouTube. It's like the filmmaker spent a whole hour brainstorming for this project before throwing it it together in two days. Do descendants of the mysterious Green Children of Woolpit exist today? Many of Sony's Marvel movies, including six "Spider-Man" films and the 2018 film "Venom," will find a new home on Disney+. She's barely been seen in months. Looks like a regular guy from Baltimore to me. These are considered the last days of freedom, he says, As simple-minded as your time period is, youve got it pretty good.. But you know, underneath it all is a veneer of truth if you consider the direction in which society and humanity are moving. In 3036, there are prohibitions on communicative technology (because of the radiation), limitations on sexual engagement (most likely for population control) and bans on all religions. More for conspiracy theorists, the simpler kind. Don't expect too much in the way of original or thought provoking 'revelations' from the year 3036. Nostradamus Brothers, Writer: Her comment is interesting because it contrasts every traditional idea about the future. The supposed true story of a time traveler from the year 3036 who explains the future in great detail. It's absolutely adorable that there are so many reviews suggesting that this MIGHT have been a REAL story! Stay up-to-date on all the latest Rotten Tomatoes news! In general, a significant change - such as a faster heartrate, higher blood pressure or increased perspiration indicates that the person is lying. A few years ago, a man was arrested by police for stealing from a mall. Not sure what this guy is trying to do, he's in no way believable tho. Monday, 1st May 2023See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. ", Topics:time travel, Social Media, Weird, TikTok, First UK council trial of four-day week set to be extended, Former Newcastle United footballer is now banned from every football ground in England, Lad watches American Pie with his grandma and films her reaction to rude scene, Netflix confirms Top Boy final season release date and drops trailer, Mermaid statue with 'big bum' criticised for being 'too sexual', Michelin star chef to add 'semen' to the menu at popular restaurant, Every blue-eyed person on Earth is a descendant of one single person, scientists find, Time traveller shares footage from three weeks in the future showing who wins the World Cup, Time traveller makes eerie prediction about people falling from the sky' in 2023, 'Time traveller from 2671' warns aliens could hit Earth in the next few months, Time Traveller whose World Cup final prediction has been proven false wont delete footage from the future. Neighbors asked suspect to stop shooting his gun in the yard: Sheriff. UFO supposedly spotted near US Navy boat explosion, Translated UFO files shows Brazilian police saw humanoid' beings, Alien base discovered off the coast of Antarctica - UFO hunters claim, Time travel proof: Time travellers show photos of the future, Time travel proof? A new fly-on-the-wall account will change your mind, writes JAN MOIR, Florence Pugh 'is preparing to debut a buzz cut hairstyle at the Met Gala after shaving her head for a new role and disguising new look with wigs ', Kate Moss looks effortlessly chic in a leather biker jacket and figure-hugging jeans as she steps out in NYC. Last Edited by JustmeTX on 08/20/2022 12:05 PM. This fake documentary did a pretty good job with the setup in the main character Sebastian, supposedly from the year 3036. Florida House PASSES change in election law so Ron DeSantis can run for president without resigning from the governor's office, UGA senior, 21, dies six weeks after being diagnosed with stage 4 tumor discovered after she suffered horrific brain bleed while on Spring Break in Mexico, Kanye West COUNTERSUES business manager who wants rapper to honor $300,000 a month retainer contract totaling $5.4m by claiming contract signed during one of his sleep-deprived meltdowns does not need to be honored, 'I'm going to hit the roof with excitement! When the aliens come in 2028, they will usher in a state of peace. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. Lisa Marie Bowman comments on the stereotypical bleakness of the film, writing in a movie review, how depressing is the future that every time traveler who visits our age just wants to talk about pollution and war.. I have a friend who recommended it who was blown away. Although these claims are farfetched and humoressly preposterous given the fragility of Sebastians story and lack of substantial evidence supporting his time travel presenting themselves as documented facts in some weird and illogical way solidifies them. In the mood for a particular movie? The TikToker going by the handle IV Y I has told his followers that they are 'as free as they will ever be' right now, painting a grim picture of what the future has in store. 3036 to be exact. However, despite the incredible claims presented online, not everyone who saw the ApexTV video was convoked by the time travellers story. 37 min TV-14 Drama A man claiming to be from the future explains what we can expect from the next decades, in a frightening glimpse of what's to come. I think the first thing anyone would ask is, "Why did you come back to this time?" Have a favourite movie you want to recommend? There are plot holes unfortunately. I wanna see evidence., Marion Peterson said: I call fake because this looks too much of a utopia., YouTuber FreiNrg said: Hes lying, theyre all lying about time travelling to our current version of their past., And Robert Gadling said: This sounds like Noah the time traveller to me. But so-called Noah has received criticism from sceptics who claim the test was rigged. They'd think I mailed a book Copyright Fandango. Just a picture of the document. English is not only still spoken in 1,000 years, but is also identical to North American English now. Just more than it's fair share of plot holes, but to each their own, right? Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! Coming Soon. 38 min. This film is presented as reality, the only "face" indication I have as to its falseness is the fact that it is not listed as a "documentary" . He can somehow perfectly explain his world and upcoming events in ours in terms we can understand. By the 2080's, men and women go bald because of it, while vaccine implants will be government mandated. He doesn't have any trepidation with sharing a ton of specific information about events in the future. Interestingly, many people who have taken the time to listen to him have stated that his predictions have started occurring on Earth. In a previous interview with Paranormal Elite, Noah said he had anorexia and is in fact 50-years-old, but that he had taken an age rejuvenation drug which had transformed him into a 25-year-old. He then pulled out a photo of a building, which he said is a typical house in the far future. Cute! Menu. If this had simply been presented as a mockumentary, I could have enjoyed this more. The sensors usually record a person's breathing rate, pulse, blood pressure and perspiration. The time traveller said he has an extremely interesting story to tell a story about his past and his future. He talks about what the future is like in this video. Consider this: in more than 1,000 years, the English language would almost certainly have changed to a point where it would be difficult to understand. Invalid password or account does not exist. As global behemoth companies like Amazon and Google extend their reach and influence, it's not unthinkable that they replace governments and countries in some distant future. In late 2000, that person signed onto the Internet. Both during and after the test, a polygraph examiner can look at the graphs and can see whether the vital signs changed significantly on any of the questions. Unless you're a 'beneather', living underground and refusing to kow-tow to government edicts. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The story takes place when the film was released, during the pandemic. 'All Apex TV does is flash an answer on the screen with a ding noise, that doesn't truly validate the lie detector,' wrote one critic. 3. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Irresponsible "film making". READ MORE:Nostradamus predictions for 2021: Which predictions have come true? Confessions of a Time Traveler - The Man from 3036 (2020) Release Date: Dec 10, 2020 Only 37 minutes long, black & white. SHOCK CCTV footage shows time traveller' teleport, 'Time traveller' claims THIS country will rise as super power in 2030. That was such BS. Confessions of a Time Traveller : The Man from 3036 (2020) Movie ReviewWhen a man, who claims to be from the future, makes news headlines, a documentarian si. Someone just trying to make some money during covid. In these videos, an alleged Time Traveler, who spent 2 years in the future in 2749 and returned to the present tells everything he saw. After some research the sale of it is advertised as The faux documentary Confessions of a Time Traveler opens with a series of news reports about a mysterious man named Sebastian who, upon being arrested for stealing food, claimed to be from the year 3036. Apparently, either countries like the US, Iran, and China still exist in 1,000 years. The origin of the Montauk Project dates back to 1943 when radar invisibility was being researched aboard the USS Eldridge. I'm not sure if you've seen this yet, after all it did come out in 2020. To view our latest Special Section click the image on the left.
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