The bill included a one-year delay of the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate and would have also stripped the bill of federal subsidies for congressional members and staff. } She said she wanted to elect John Lewis to lead the party. Below are Sinema's top five campaign contributors in the 2008 election:[173]. Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema's switch from Democrat to independent won't change much in the Senate, but it has significant implications for 2024. Sinema was the first openly bisexual woman elected to the U.S. 3 min read. } .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { [88], On April 30, 2015, the House voted to approve SConRes11, a congressional budget proposal for fiscal year 2016, by a vote of 226-197. display: inline-block; padding-top: 3px; Kyrsten is committed to closing the gender pay gap because making sure every Arizonan gets equal pay for equal work is critical to our states economic success. In the 2011-2012 legislative session, Sinema served on these committees: Ballotpedia monitors legislation that receives a vote and highlights the ones that we consider to be key to understanding where elected officials stand on the issues. } .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { The website OpenCongress tracks how often members of Congress vote with the majority of the chamber caucus.
background-color: #003388; Read: The deepening mystery of Kyrsten Sinema. border-top: 1px solid #aaa; background-color: #ccc; Democrats. Drew Angerer/Getty Images. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., heads to a meeting on infrastructure in the basement of the Capitol on June 8. . } .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { The Women's Health Protection Act of 2021 (H.R. But were talking about Kyrsten Sinema today, the senator from Arizona who loves to create drama. Sinema spent $17.38 per vote received in 2012. Sinema voted with 179 Democrats against the bill. .source-link { The results have been certified. As one of the most independentminded members of Congress, shes committed to working with anyone regardless of party to get it done. flex-direction: column; } } Shes delivered for Arizonans and has always been honest about where she stands. Kyrsten Sinema was standing a few yards from the border wall with four Republican members of Congress. 5305) was a bill passed by the 117th Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden (D) on September 30, 2021, that provided for continuing fiscal year 2022 appropriations to federal agencies through December 3, 2021, in order to prevent a government shutdown that would have otherwise occurred if fiscal year 2022 appropriations bills had not been passed by October 1, 2021. { Her vote helped elect the seemingly progressive Democrat from Arizona to the Senate in 2018. First published on Thu 13 Jan 2022 14.31 EST Joe Biden was in crisis talks with Senate Democratic rebels Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema at the White House on Thursday night after they thwarted. 215 of the act, requiring increased reporting from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, and requiring the use of "a specific selection term as the basis for national security letters that request information from wire or electronic communication service providers, financial institutions, or consumer reporting agencies." 2012: Graduated from Arizona State University with a Ph.D. 2006-present: Instructor, Center for Progressive Leadership. .results_table_container { The amendment was adopted by the House on June 6, 2013, with a vote of 224 - 201. width: 250px; The first-term senator wrote in an opinion piece for the Arizona Republic that she does not intend to change the way she legislates or casts votes, but plans to be .text-align: center; .leg-hnt-title { 1999: Graduated from Arizona State University with a M.S. To read more about how we identify key votes, click here. The bill proposed prohibiting governmental restrictions on the provision of and access to abortion services and prohibiting governments from issuing some other abortion-related restrictions. Kyrsten worked across the aisle to improve health care for veterans, expand educational opportunities, and hold the VA accountable. column-rule: 1px solid #aaa; top: 2px; text-align: left; width: 100%; The Continuing Appropriations and Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023 (H.R. font-size: .9em; She also seldom attends caucus meetings. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) arrives for an all-Senators briefing on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., to discuss the leaked documents on a Discord chatroom by . Comparatively, the 112th Congress had 4.2 percent of introduced bills enacted into law in the second session. Democratic Sens. U.S. Congress | The bill proposed prohibiting abortions from being performed after a fetus was determined to be 20 weeks or older. Although she has not announced whether she intends to run again, she faces difficulties. } else { .electionsectionheading { } } .cftable { Public policy. margin-bottom:16px; border: 1px solid #aaa; } Elections in 2023 | margin: 0; Kyrsten is committed to making sure Arizonans have access to more health care choices, lowcost prescription drugs, and highquality, dependable coverage. .votebox-scroll-container { [156] This is more than the average $1.46 million spent by U.S. House winners in 2016.[157]. She believes they deserve to become citizens of the only country theyve ever known. So far, however, she has offered some indications of consistency. [118] Sinema dissented from the majority of the Democratic party and voted in favor of the bill. [120], Sinema voted for HR 624 - the CISPA (2013). .widget-row.Independent, .widget-row.Nonpartisan, .widget-row.Constitution { Note: The finance data shown here comes from the disclosures required of candidates and parties.
. She then defeated Vernon Parker (R) in the general election on November 6, 2012. .indicate_scroll { document.getElementById('leg-hnt-toggle644fc7b50a759').addEventListener('click', event => { [129] Sinema voted to approve the stopgap spending bill that would have delayed the individual mandate. margin-left: 20px; To view the breakdown of campaign funding by type click [show] to expand the section. Her current term ends on January 3, 2025.
} [79][80] Sinema has made it abundantly clear she will not vote to end the fillibuster because she's all about all about bipartisan compromise. WASHINGTON-Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema threw some cold water on Senate Democrats' celebration of a new 51-49 majority, leaving the party Friday and registering as an independent. [122] The bill passed by a vote of 251-166. event.srcElement.innerText = '[show]'; The bill passed the House on June 6, 2013, with a vote of 245 - 182 that was largely along party lines. The Senate rejected that maneuver 52 to 48, with two Democrats, Joe Manchin III (W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.), joining all 50 Republicans in opposition. } Kyrsten is also a long-time supporter of the DREAM Act. .votebox-results-metadata { The bill proposed exceptions in cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. .votebox-covid-disclaimer { Giles defeated John Agra in the Republican primary on August 30, 2016. The bill passed the House on February 15, 2013, with a vote of 261 - 154. } Ever since, the gaps between the least . if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; .succession-table th, .succession-table tr { [117][118] The House voted 249-163 for resolution, with all Republicans and 22 Democrats supporting the bill. Democrats, led by Representative Ruben Gallego, are eager to mount a primary challenge. And a Democratic sweep in Arizona suggested that the state has moved a little more toward the party, with the danger that she could be left behind. Sinema was one of 157 Democrats to vote against the measure. It provided for some fiscal year 2023 appropriations, supplemental funds for Ukraine, and extended several other programs and authorities. How to vote | color:white; } The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (H.R. font-weight: 500; This number was found by dividing each member's total net worth growth percentage by the number of years included in the calculation. Kyrsten is committed to protecting benefits for current seniors and future generations, and she refuses to cut Medicare and Social Security or raise the retirement age.
background-color: black !important; Shes ideologically unpredictable and erratic; how else could someone go from being a radical anti-war activist to identifying John McCain as her political role model? The bill required a 3/5 majority vote in the Senate to invoke cloture and a 1/2 majority vote on passage. These percentages can be misleading, because not all votes carry equal weight. background-color: #003388; Democrats assumed control of the Senate on January 20, 2021, when President Joe Biden (D) and Vice President Kamala Harris (D), who acted as a tie-breaking vote in the chamber, assumed office. Sinema will continue voting with Democrats most of the time. padding-bottom: 5px; .leg-hnt-flex-column { [84], On November 5, 2015, the House passed S 1356the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016by a vote of 370-58. Alejandra Gomez worked tirelessly to get Democrats, including Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, elected in 2018. She has passed laws to make sure the United States has an effective plan to keep money out of the hands of terrorists and to cut off oil revenue to ISIS. Ballot measures, Who represents me? word-wrap: break-word; } font-style: italic; .race_header.democratic { [179], According to the website GovTrack, Sinema missed 37 of 1,709 roll call votes from January 2013 to September 2015. .results_text { clear: both; Shes also protected seniors hard-earned savings from financial fraud by introducing bills like the Senior Safe Act, which was signed into law in 2018. left: 0px; } Arizonans know that commonsense immigration solutions would secure our border, protect our DREAMers, keep families together, and strengthen Arizonas economy. color: black; width: 350px; "[155], A spokeswoman for Sinema released a statement responding to the censure, saying, "During three terms in the U.S. House, and now in the Senate, Kyrsten has always promised Arizonans she would be an independent voice for the state not for either political party. padding-left: 10px; from Arizona State University, Sinema worked as an adjunct professor and Sinema voted with 40 Democrats and 228 Republicans to approve the bill. .votebox { width: 250px; [130], The shutdown ended on October 16, 2013, when the House took a vote on HR 2775 after it was approved by the Senate. font-weight: bold; For elections to federal offices, complete data can be found at the FEC website. color: #888; Arizonans understand that Washingtons failure to act on immigration has hurt our economy and our communities. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema declares herself an 'independent', . Kyrsten supports the No Budget, No Pay bill that says if Congress doesnt pass a budget, they shouldnt get paid. font-weight: bold; The bill passed the House on June 14, 2013, with a vote of 315 - 108. } [154], In a statement, Arizona Democratic Party Chairwoman Raquel Tern said: "The Arizona Democratic Party is a diverse coalition with plenty of room for policy disagreements, however [] in the choice between an archaic legislative norm and protecting Arizonans' right to vote, we choose the latter. Sinema's six-year Senate term is up in 2024 .From 2011-2014, 26.29 percent of Sinema's career contributions came from the top five industries as listed below. text-align: left !important; Sinema received the most donations from individuals and PACs employed by the Lawyers/Law Firms industry. Sinema (Democratic Party) ran for election to the U.S. Senate to represent Arizona. .results_row td { border-radius: 50%; .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { All 183 Democrats who voted, including Sinema, voted against the resolution.[89][90][91]. } color: white; Like many people I spent a lot of time trying to figure out Kyrsten Sinema's motivations this year. .leg-hnt-district-container { margin-top: 0px; Kyrsten is committed to making sure all Arizonans have the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century workforce. The measure was packaged with trade promotion authority (TPA), also known as fast-track authority. Federal courts | } It's hard to convey how . font-weight: 100; letter-spacing: 0.03em; Click here for more on federal campaign finance law and here for more on state campaign finance law. height: 100%; Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, who has voted with both parties, will keep her committee assignments, but wouldn't say if she will caucus with Democrats. document.getElementById('leg-hnt-content644fc7b50a759').classList.remove('leg-hnt-hide'); width: 43%; [77][78] On June 12, 2015, the House rejected the trade adjustment assistance (TAA) measure in HR 1314the Trade Act of 2015by a vote of 126-302. "Nothing will change about my values or my behavior," she told Politico, which broke the news Friday morning.. overflow-y: hidden; Sinema's campaign website listed the following issues:[148], Sinema's campaign website listed the following issues:[149], In 2010, Sinema was highlighted by Time Magazine as one of the 40 leaders under 40 who are "rising stars of American politics."[150]. position: absolute; font-size: 12px; She pretends not to read the press coverage"I don't really care"but she knows. color: #fff; The purpose of the bill was to ban abortions that would take place 20 or more weeks after fertilization. padding: 2px; Manchin can be fickle and confusing in his statements, but he is who hes always been: a middle-of-the-road guy with good electoral instincts, decent intentions, and bad ideas, as I put it last year. She has also worked across the aisle to make college and skills training more affordable. 01:57 . House Republicans introduced the resolution because two agreements between the International Atomic Energy Agency and Iran were not submitted to Congress. font-size: 16px; letter-spacing: .04em; Every American who wears the uniform deserves our respect and full support, both on the battlefield and when he or she returns home.
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