McFarlin's tenure included establishing and presiding over the Domestic Violence Courtand Veterans Treatment Courtthat include drug and alcohol addictioncounseling and other related courses. Letitia is an alumna of Middle Tennessee State University where she earned a bachelors degree in Psychology, with a minor in Sociology. Click here to navigate to Bing Maps. | The Tennessee Division of Consumer Affairs offers information about consumer complaints, online complaint forms, resources for consumers, and information about common types of scams. The primary cities within the jurisdiction are Murfreesboro, Smyrna, La Vergne, Woodbury and Eagleville. He is a lifetime member of the North Blvd. The Rutherford County Commissioner Craig HarrisannouncedJudge McFarlin'sretirement plans in a letter during Thursday night's commission meeting. Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 4:30PM. The Rutherford County General Sessions Court is one of 95 general session courts in Rutherford County, Tennessee. Janet doesnt prescribe to any formal treatment modality, but rather works alongside each client to develop a plan for the therapeutic process. 13.00 Judge Atwood Motions. General Sessions Civil Court - Rutherford County, Tennessee Pay Rutherford County Circuit, General Sessions, and Juvenile Court fines and costs online. Church of Christ. Nearby Courts: Sixteenth District Rutherford County Chancery Court 20 North Public Square, Judicial Building, Suite 302 0.0 mile away. She transitioned to the Mental Health Court position in December of 2016 where she created, implemented and coordinated the program in Rutherford County until August of 2021. HomeOnline PaymentsAll FormsCourt CalendarLocal RulesJuror Information Contact Us Public Records Request InfoPublic Records Request Form, Circuit CivilCircuit CriminalGeneral Sessions CivilGeneral Sessions CriminalJuvenile. Deputies keep peace in the courtrooms and hallways, arrest suspects on warrants and help guard inmates. 615-217-1138. She is guided by a belief in the innate worthiness of all people, and that each interaction is an opportunity to show compassion and build connection. If you have received a ticket from a Smyrna officer, you need to call Smyrna General Sessions Court at (615) 355-5739. Lindsey previously worked in the General Sessions Clerks Office before joining the Re-Entry Team as a Case Manager in June of 2020. These decisions, and others, await voters this year. Forms Motion to Waive Appearance at Arraignment JUDGE BEN HALL - Murfreesboro Breakfast Rotary Club | Facebook He has 20 years of training and experience in the addiction field. Judges. She has been working in the social service field since 2019. Liz is passionate about helping people find hope, empowering themselves and creating a life they actually want to live. Janets other passion is time with her children, family, and friends. A West Tennessee native, Judge Jimmy Turner graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 2006 with a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Administration. Rutherford County Board of Education Zone 1: Tammy Sharp, incumbent Republican Zone 3: Tim Holden, incumbent Republican; Caleb Tidwell, Republican; Jason Scales, independent Zone 4: Tiffany Johnson, incumbent Republican; Katie Darby, Republican Zone 7: Frances Rosales, Republican; Cindy Daniel, independent Murfreesboro City School Board (at large) View resources for preventing foreclosure in Tennessee, including local programs and housing counseling agencies, financial assistance, and a link to legal aid providers. General Sessions & Traffic Court Dockets. His wife is an elementary school teacher for Rutherford County Schools. Physical Address: 116 W. Lytle St., Room 102 Murfreesboro, TN 37130. She began her work with recovery courts in 2016. Search results include public disciplinary actions, if applicable. The commission in a 12-7 vote chose Bennett over runner-up Kris Oliver to serve as General Sessions Court judge until a candidate wins the seat after the Aug. 2 election. Marcus joined Rutherford County Recovery Court in May 2008. Website:, Staff: Larry D. Brandon, David Loughry, Ben Hall McFarlin. In her downtime she enjoys research, reading, antiquing, and laughing with her loved ones. The commission's Steering, Legislative & Governmental Committee will consider applicants for the judge seat during a 5:30 p.m. Aug. 2 meeting at the County Courthouse. After this tenure, she went into a different aspect of healthcare at Hospital Corporations of America (HCA) for a few years but always missed the community mental health mission. General Sessions Civil Court handles noncriminal legal matters. HELP4TN offers self-help legal information and links to additional resources by topic, including divorce, landlord-tenant, alternatives to court, forms, bankruptcy, disaster services, domestic violence, education, juvenile, employment, expungement, family issues, going to court, health and disability, immigration, money problems, name change, public assistance, seniors, veterans and military, wills, and financial planning. I sincerely hope those will continue, the judge wrote. Primaries for county office will be held May 3. 800, Nashville, TN 37243. Juvenile Court 1710 South Church Street Suite 1 Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Phone: (615) 898-7972 Fax: (615) 713-3382 | McFarlin is based in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Mardriana currently provides caregiving for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities in her spare time. Non-Emergency: (615) 898-7777. Liz joined Rutherford County Recovery Court in March 2023. Janet received her Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Tennessee and holds her LMSW. County Courthouse Suite 105 Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and The Cumberlands offers downloadable booklets about various legal topics, self-help videos, and links to additional online resources. ONLINE CLASSES ARE NOT ACCEPTED. The Democratic Party decided against holding primaries for school board seats. Candidates have a week to withdraw. DUI CourtMental Health CourtRecovery Court (Drug Court)Veteran's CourtRe-Entry ProgramMeet the TeamResourcesForms, 615-217-7124 Those interested have until 4:30 p.m. that day to apply at the mayor's office in the Courthouse, said Harris, the committee chairman. Rutherford County Commission recommends two applicants for judge During the 39 years, I have tried ninety (90) jury trials, both civil and criminal, including three (3) in the last year. The following candidates qualified by the noon Feb. 17 deadline to run for the May 3 primary in Rutherford County or as independents or state primary candidates for the Aug. 4 election, according to the Rutherford County Election Commission staff. In Letitias spare time she enjoys freelance photography, spending time with family and indulging in music. Courthouse Security deputies work with the monthly sessions of the grand jury. Voters on Aug. 4 will elect 21 candidates to represent them on the Rutherford County Commission. The Judge also hears traffic cases and town code violations. Judge McFarlin is the son Ben Hall McFarlin Sr., who previously served as county clerk and in another role akin to the current job of county mayor. The election will follow a May 3 primary that includes Republicans for most of the seats and 11 Democrats. Outside of her professional endeavors, she enjoys gardening, riding RZRs and spending time with her friends and family. When Lori was introduced to Recovery Courts, she quickly saw the benefits of problem-solving courts for her community and the population she serves and knew she had to get involved. Mardriana has served as a Case Manager to families and youth, as well as previously incarcerated individuals at the Community Action Agency of St. Louis County primarily focusing on Youth Drop out Preventions and Reduction of Recidivism for previously incarcerated individuals through Drug and Alcohol Education, Anger Management, Parenting, Re-Entry, Poverty and Youth Simulations, GED, and Leadership Classes. She is especially excited to be a part of the Recovery Court team. She has a genuine ability to connect with the people she serves by showing general empathy and the desire to help them live the life they desire by reaching their full potential. Lisa A. Eischeid, Rutherford County General Sessions Judge Part IV. The other applicants were Gary Patton, Derek Howard and Matthew Wright. rutherford county general election . Janet loves what she does. Please visit GoodHire for all your employment screening needs. Tameika has worked in the social services field for 20 years with nine of those years being at the Department of Childrens Services. County Courthouse Suite 105 Source: Rutherford County Election Commission staff. ", More:10 things Judge Ben Hall McFarlin won't miss about old Rutherford County judicial center. 9.00 Chancellor Wilson docket. . She then went on to work at the state correctional facility in Baltimore MD for 5 years as an addictions counselor. When it comes to safety and prevention, Tennessee District Attorneys know the importance of being tough on crime. She joined the Rutherford County Re-Entry team in Fall 2020 as a Case Manager. Later that year, she was admitted to . No out of state personal checks are accepted for outstanding traffic tickets. As an attorney, his practice focused on criminal defense. When the Veteran's Treatment Court started in Rutherford County in 2015, Leslie was invited to join the treatment team & the same for Mental Health Court when they started in 2017. Ste. 10 things Judge Ben Hall McFarlin won't miss about old Rutherford County judicial center, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy, Commissioners will appoint successor to Judge McFarlin, Judge McFarlin's father had served in role today called county mayor, County Commission will appoint successor to McFarlin, Voters will elect judges to eight-year terms August 2022. Rutherford County is located within the Sixteenth Judicial District of Tennessee. May 9, 2023. Circuit Court - Docket Calendar | Circuit Court Clerk - Rutherford Font Size: +-Docket Schedule. She earned her J.D. Share & Bookmark Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all . Judge Bennett Docket. Murfreesboro is home to Middle Tennessee State University, the second-largest college in the state. He also presides over Drug Court. Citations Citations. 9.00 Judge Gilley Civil Docket. Her Masters Degree from the University of Phoenix in Las Vegas, Nevada. She then went on to obtain her Masters in Mental Health and Counseling from University of Phoenix. The people of this county are served by a circuit court , a general sessions court , a juvenile court , a chancery court , and municipal courts . They are responsible for the safety and security of the inmates and citizens during each transport. LaChelle enjoys spending time with her husband and infant daughter when not working, as well as with friends and family. In this position, Judge Eischeid presides over misdemeanor and felony cases by either conducting preliminary hearings or accepting guilty pleas. Outside of work, Anthony loves spending time with his wife and five adult children, playing board games, taking strolls, watching movies, and walking his dog. View information about finding an attorney in Tennessee, including links to lawyer referral services, free legal services, and general information related to working with an attorney. 2008 2023 PeopleConnect, Inc. All Rights Reserved. "Overall, I feel pleased with the number of bona fide Republicans as measured by voting record and party activity to step forward and seek these offices.". 615-849-1113 Some of the professional fields Anthony has worked in are: DCS Juvenile Justice, the Board of Education, Physical Therapy, and Minister for a NYC congregation. 20 N Public Square circuit court judge - 16th judicial dist. U.S. Congress | Monday: 8:00am - Video Jail. General Session Criminal Court handles traffic tickets and misdemeanor criminal offenses. Virginia's ninth congressional district is a United States congressional district in the Commonwealth of Virginia, covering much of the southwestern part of the state.It has been represented by Republican Morgan Griffith since 2011. NASHVILLE - Tennessee Gov. Judicial Services - Rutherford County Sheriff's Office This office handles traffic tickets from the Tennessee Highway Patrol (THP) and the Rutherford County Sheriffs Office (RCSO). Murfreesboro, TN 37130. The Rutherford County Commissioner Craig Harris announced Judge McFarlin's retirement plans in a letter during Thursday night's commission meeting. Judge Barry Tidwell Judge James A. Turner Circuit Criminal Court handles all felony and misdemeanor cases presented to the Grand Jury. LaChelle moved to TN in 2014 where she started working at the Mental Health Cooperative doing case management. None of the information offered by this site can be used for assessing or evaluating a person's eligibility for employment, housing, insurance, credit, or for any other purpose covered under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. She is excited to be part of the Recovery Court as a case manager. Virginia's 9th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives is represented by H. Morgan Griffith (R). State executives | Rutherford County, Tennessee (Judicial) - Ballotpedia School districts | On January 12, 2021, Judge Turner was appointed by Governor Bill Lee as Circuit Court Judge, Division II, for the 16th Judicial District. She lives in Murfreesboro with her three children and her husband. Elections in 2023 | Rutherford County General Sessions Court She believes in supporting clients with learning healthy copings skills, stress management, forgiveness and improving cognitions. "Were very honored that we had a judge like Judge McFarlin," Harris said Monday. You cannot have been traveling 20 MPH over the posted speed limit. [1] [2] [3] [4] Elections 2014 Jimmy and his wife currently reside in Lascassas, Tennessee with their two sons. 1:00pm . Wednesday: 9:00am - Appearance 2 & Rocket Docket. Lindseys passion is helping those within the criminal justice system and working to reduce recidivism. Shortly after graduating, she began her career in the mental health field as a Case Manager with The Guidance Center. He has love and compassion for those suffering with addiction. Inmate Phone AccountList of Phone Numbers Inmate CommissaryWarrants & RecordsInmate Video VisitationSubmit a TipJail MailCrime MapMonthly Crime MapCareersFAQ, Lobby Hours: 8:00AM to 10PM Content on this page maintained by the Rutherford County Office of Information TechnologyReport a Website Error or Issue From 2019 to 2021 he also served as the City Attorney for Eagleville, Tennessee. She has a passion for working with people struggling with mental health and substance abuse issues. Toby Gilley; Ben Hall McFarlin; Municipal court judge with general sessions jurisdiction: Lynn E. Alexander; Former judges. The Aug. 4 election also includes federal and state primaries involving seats for Congress, governor and state lawmakers. View the Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services directory of organizations offering free civil legal assistance and services, searchable by keyword and location. August 4th Election Results - WGNS Radio 116 W. Lytle St., Room 102 He also served as a Lieutenant for a private security company. County Courthouse Suite 105 Public policy. Bennett said he'll be running to keep the seat as a Republican. 116 W. Lytle Street Rutherford County Judicial Center Murfreesboro, TN 37130 United States. WGNS. Court System Type: . Before joining the Re-Entry team, she served as Williamson Countys DUI Court Case Managerand prior to that she was the Program Director for Behavioral Health Group where shefought the Opioid pandemic on the front lines. Afterwards she attended the University of Tennessee School of Law and obtained her Doctor of Jurisprudence in 1992. University of Tennessee, 1997. There were seven candidates in 2018, and we have 11.". Follow him on Twitter @ScottBroden. "This is the most candidates weve had in recent memory. Rutherford County General Sessions Court Judicial Center 116 West Lytle Street , Murfreesboro , TN 37130 Phone: 615-217-0069 (Civil) Fax: 615-898-7801 (Civil) Phone: 615-898-7831 (Criminal) Fax: 615-898-7835 (Criminal) 4 Rutherford County General Sessions Court - Probate County Office Building In Murfreesboro and Rutherford County, the League of Women Voters has been helping citizens engage in local, state of Tennessee, and national government since 1957. . He expects to give all applicants a chance to speak. In April 2021, Lindsey was promoted to Re-Entry Program Coordinator where she works to implement services and programming at the Rutherford County Correctional Work Center and the Rutherford County Adult Detention Center. In his free time, he enjoys doing pretty much everything except things that require getting dressed up or anything to do with shopping. Chancery Court - Dockets | Chancery Clerk & Master Docket - Rutherford Toby Gilley | Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and The Cumberlands provides free civil legal assistance to income-eligible parties in 48 counties in central Tennessee. Lauren is a Trauma-Informed Care Practitioner & is actively pursuing her LADAC. Chancery Clerk & Master Docket - Rutherford County, TN. There is an ATM located in front of the building. Online Tennessee Justice lawyers provide answers to questions submitted by email. McFarlin, his wife, Sarah Beth, and son attend North Boulevard Church of Christ. Fax: 615-898-7835 Tameika Gray is a graduate of Murray State University where she received her Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice. She is a graduate of MTSU and Murfreesboro born and raised. The rules include voting in three of last four statewide Republican primaries. mike jones- i . MURFREESBORO - Rutherford County native Ben Hall (Trey) McFarlin, III announced Tuesday (Jan. 4, 2022), he will run for General Sessions Judge Part I, the judgeship to which he was appointed to . How to vote | The GOP, however, did send notices to more than a dozen candidates about not meeting Republican requirements to appear on the ballot. This is a court of limited jurisdiction that hears civil and criminal cases. Types of cases handled, a directory of free legal clinics, office locations, and a map of counties served, and links to self-help resources are included. Dan believes it is a privilege to be let into peoples lives and views therapy as a sacred, collaborative space. Anthonys alma maters are MTSU and NYU. Descriptions of program types and a directory of program locations are provided. Murfreesboro, TN 37130. Income-eligible residents without a lawyer can ask civil legal questions online and receive answers from a Tennessee lawyer. Murfreesboro, TN 37130, Circuit Court - General Sessions Criminal Division. Judge Eischeid Eischeid. PDF State & Federal Republican & Democratic Primary The deputies average taking 600 inmates to General Sessions Court hearings and Circuit Court hearings each month. Murfreesboro, TN 37130, Circuit Court Clerk - Rutherford County, TN, Circuit Court - General Sessions Criminal Division. Ballotpedia features 408,503 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Jasmine has a passion for helping individuals become the best versions of themselves, and she puts that energy into everything she does. Rutherford County General Sessions Court Judge Ben Hall McFarlin Jr. will step away from the bench this fall. Appropriate forms of payment are local checks, money orders, cashier or certified checks, cash and credit cards. She is currently in the application process for her clinical license. HomeOnline PaymentsAll FormsCourt CalendarLocal RulesJuror Information Contact Us Public Records Request InfoPublic Records Request Form, Circuit CivilCircuit CriminalGeneral Sessions CivilGeneral Sessions CriminalJuvenile, Judge Trey McFarlin Commissioners fill vacancies for General Sessions Court judges as they did with the appointment of Judge Ben Bennett in 2018 in a seat previously held by Judge Barry Tidwell. 2414 j d todd rd . Rutherford County General Sessions Court Judge Ben Hall McFarlin Jr. will step away from the bench this fall. Rutherford County Mayor Joe Carr (R): 12,518 Votes . The Board of Professional Responsibility offers an online search for attorneys licensed in Tennessee. State and local courts | Physical Address 116 W. Lytle St., Room 106 Murfreesboro, TN 37130. As of the 2020 Census, Virginia representatives represented an average of 784,672 residents. Ballot measures, Who represents me? From 1992 until 2016, Judge Eischeid practiced law all over the Middle Tennessee area and in 2011 also became a Licensed Rule 31 Family Mediator and conducted several hundred mediations. Starting in the District Attorneys Office in 1998, Gen. Jones worked as an Assistant District Attorney for 16 years before running for office in 2014. Dan graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with a masters degree in clinical mental health counseling. The Ninth was the most competitive Virginia congressional district in the early 20th . To learn more, click the following link: Do not sell my info. He holds a temporary license with the state of TN as a professional counselor with a mental health service provider designation and he is a Nationally Certified Counselor. She received both her undergraduate and graduate Social Work degrees from Middle Tennessee State University and has worked the field for the past 7 years. Outside of work, Marcus enjoys sports, reading and spending time with family. She has 2 loving adult children, that attended MTSU and reside in Middle Tennessee. Call, or visit the court's website if listed above. Also, transport deputies pick up inmates wanted in Rutherford County from other detention facilities. Rutherford County General Sessions Judge Ben Hall McFarlin presided over his final Veterans Court graduation Wednesday afternoon at Rutherford County Recovery Court. Judge McFarlins letter praised the commissionersfor their contributions to the community, calling them "our truest and purest public servants.. Elected in 2014. murfreesboro, tn 37129 . This is a court of limited jurisdiction that hears civil and criminal cases.[1]. McFarlin to Run for Rutherford County General Sessions Judge Part I - WGNS All Rights Reserved. Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population as well as mayoral, city council, and district attorney election coverage in state capitals outside of the 100 largest cities. Departments Courts. U.S. President | 525 N University Street She worked briefly coordinating and revamping the Mental Health Court in Williamson County until returning to Rutherford County to become the current Director. Dont be fooled by Anthonys strong NYC accent, because he proudly claims to be a Tennessean for the past 14 years. Jan 04, 2022 at 03:04 pm by Fees List of Fees We accept cash, money orders, cashier checks and credit cards. Judge Ben Hall McFarlin presides over final Veterans Court - MSN The Daily News Journal will continue to update readers as new candidates are revealed. Rutherford County General Sessions Court Judicial Center 116 West Lytle Street Murfreesboro , TN 37130 Phone: 615-217-0069 (Civil) Fax: 615-898-7801 (Civil) Phone: 615-898-7831 (Criminal) Fax: 615-898-7835 (Criminal) Website | Directions We're sorry your court map could not be found. View upcoming Rutherford County Circuit, Chancery, and General Sessions Court dockets by date, time, judicial officer, and docket type. 2021 Tennessee District Attorneys General Conference. Recovery Court - Meet the Team | Rutherford County TN Virginia's 9th Congressional District - Ballotpedia general sessions judge, part i. ben hall (trey) mcfarlin, iii (r) 2323 paddock ct murfreesboro, tn 37130 615-945-5328 . Rutherford County Commission appoints Ben Bennett judge
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