The Game Revival Renewed for Season 2 at Paramount Plus Paramount Plus has renewed its revival of The Game for Season 2. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But she had doubts about getting married. Season 5, In the final episode of Season 5, he leaves with Melanie for Baltimore so she can pursue her dream of being a doctor after he lived his of being a champion football player. Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia. She announced she was walking away from the hit BET comedy The Game to pursue other ventures. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. As a result of Poochs involvement on a new project [Showtimes Ray Donovan ], BET is in the process of reworking the casting and storyline of the show, the network said in a statement. After a long break, Derwin decides to go to the NFL as a rookie and is traded to the Baltimore Ravens for Bryce Westbrook. In the season 7 finale Malik ends his relationship with Yanna. All Rights Reserved. I never said anything negative about BET. There are things I like to focus on, and those are the things I put time and energy into., Thats not to say Melanie was none of those things, but Ive done that already. "Figured with my schedule wide open, why not take that time," he said. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? Your email address will not be published. She tells Derwin that she had an abortion when she was a college student. I never quit, and this is what I want people to understand. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. He has two identities and will do anything to protect his legacy, which he has been trying to do all season. The couples send off was a quiet one without bells, whistles, and tears from their fellow Saber team members and friends. Since Derwin and Melanie were so on and off, Melanie got back together with Derwin and soon found out that Janay was pregnant with baby boy DJ. I just want to say also I have no problem with Hosea, Hall said. To be honest, after seeing his name pop up on Tashas cell phone while she was sleeping, Im heavily looking forward to this storyline next season. The show also had an episode starring Derwin and Melanie. Melanie and Derwin eventually get back together. American Idol's Top 10 Revealed Live, Following Pair of Brutal Eliminations, Morning Show Renewed for Season 4 Plus, Find Out When Season 3 Will Air, The Conners to End With Season 6? 2023 TVLine Media, LLC. If you like TVLine, you'll LOVE our email news alerts! In season 7, he asked her to move in with him and in the season 7 finale proposes to her, which she accepts, but they ultimately dont get married. Melanie is outraged at first, but forgives Derwin after he claims they just kissed. Season 3 Janay was in her last trimester with baby DJ and gave birth on the day of Melanie and Derwins wedding, during their vows. I also am a budding filmmaker as well. VISIT OUR SITE: to Wendy Raquel Robinson, or Tasha Mack on BET's The Game, Melani. However, their relationship was not as fulfilling as it could have been. However, Derwin and Melanie married, but Janay gave birth to the baby DJ at the end of the seventh season. But that didnt stop her. What is Spawning Protection in Minecraft. Tia Mowry and Pooch Hall, who portrayed married couple Melanie and Derwin, will not be returning to the BET series as regulars for Season 6, TVLine has confirmed. Is ampicillin good for respiratory infection? At the end of last season, Derwin discovered Melanie once had an abortion without telling her while visiting a fertility doctor. Which direction do I watch the Perseid meteor shower? With the chances of Brittany Daniel returning to the show becoming increasingly dim and both Tia Mowery Hardrict and Pooch Hall gone, Im going to reiterate that Season Six of The Game should be its last. Aside from the departure of the show's beloved couple, Melanie and Derwin (played by Tia Mowry-Hardrict and Pooch Hall . Does Tia Mowry come back to The Game 2021? The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Despite his high profile and success, the teams fans deem him a jerk and the relationship between him and Melanie suffers from a breakdown. Melanie later finds out that the DNA test results were wrong and that DJ is in fact Derwins son. The Game is losing two key players. "Every day on social media, I'm asked, 'When are you and Tia going back? Maliks girl Jenna (Tika Sumpter) started acting a damn fool at the celebration party, forcing Malik to cut ties with not only the crazy chick. I dont think Im going back at this point. When Melanie finally moved on she ended up getting into a relationship with a good guy. Now to what was really on the minds of viewers, which was the send off of Derwin and Melanie and The Game TV Series | BET+ Follow the San Diego Sabers football family as they navigate the ups and downs of their careers, relationships, friendships and goals, both on and off the field. Jason and Chardonnay ended on a damn good high note, Derwin and Melanie settled their differences, Malik was back on top, and Tasha finally found love through Pookie (Rockmond Dunbar) and was happy for it. To this day, there arent many shows that explore the ups and downs of dating a professional athlete as The Game does. Melanie Barnett-Davis was one of the main characters in The Game from seasons 1-5 and made a guest appearance in season 9. A year after leaving The Game, Mowry obtained a main part in Ray Donovan, a criminal thriller television series, while Hall accepted a position in The Game. The characters of The Game are Derwin and Melanie Davis. Why did Tia Mowry and Pooch Hall leave the game? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. In season 2, Melanie begins dating Jerome Rice and Derwin begins to date Janay Brice. In season 4, Derwin also emerges as a superstar player. At the end of season 2, Derwin finds out Janay is pregnant. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. While the characters were likeable enough, they were not the ones who had to be written off the show. Is Watch Dogs 2 Multiplayer Cross Platform? Melanie and Derwin are returning to The Game. How do you describe the shape of a molecule? Derwin is still missed. I just wish Kelly could have at least made appearance to be on the other side of that phone call, but beggars cant be choosers. Siblings I knew good and damn well that he didnt just appear out of nowhere to give Melanie advice on her marital issues with Derwin. However, a later test reveals that Derwin indeed is the father, leaving Melanie with the task of telling Derwin about the test. Mowry says the split from the show was a mutual and amicable parting. What is the closest relative to a hamster? In season 4, Derwin also emerges as a superstar player. But according to Hall, BET took so long responding to his agent, that he had to move forward. Ive never done anything wrong over there. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. At the end of the episode, however, he surprises her at the airport, telling her that he is flying there, with her. Part of HuffPost Entertainment. Though its normal for people to move on from shows for another opportunity, Hall has had to repeatedly set the record straight on exactly how his departure came about. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Janay Brice (Derwin's baby mother/the mother of her step son). "It was Trey," she says. In season five, Melanie has an abortion. As such, they were written out of the show in a touching encounter. She was also a guest star in season nine. Biography. ' " said Hall. Having insecurities about whether Derwin is the father of DJ, Melanie swabs a DNA sample of DJ while babysitting him, with the initial test revealing Derwin is not DJs father. How would you rate this article? Initially, Melanie had a hard time accepting this hard truth and tried to convince Derwin that it probably wasnt his baby and that Janae was trying to trap him. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". (August 5, 2015) My contract came up, I promise you. More than six years after signing off the air with its series finale, The Game is making a comeback on Paramount Plus via the streaming services highly anticipated The Game revival! What is Spawning Protection in Minecraft. Yes! Is Melanie in Season 6 of The Game? Afterward, she starts to see the baby and finds out that she had a miscarriage. Marital Mowry confirmed in August she wouldnt return to the series this year, despite both she and her sister Tamera Mowry trying to get a reboot of The Game and Sister, Sister to return, as Shadow and Act reported. 4 Why did Tia Mowry and Pooch Hall leave the game? Im so full of emotions, Mara Brock Akil, the shows creator and executive producer, said in an interview. She later made a cameo appearance alongside Derwin in Girlfriends Season 7 finale Its Been Determined as guests at Joans engagement party. As Ive gotten older, I try to do things that have impact and that are purposeful and inspirational in some kind of way in my life. Here are some of the valuable lessons I learned about my love and relationships from Melanie, Derwin, and of course the other supporting characters on the show. Why did Derwin and Melanie leave the show The Game? Poochs eldest daughter, Djanai, has the developmental disability, Cerebral Palsy, that results in her being unable to walk or talk on her own and has constant seizures. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. She returns to Derwin's apartment only to find out that Janay is pregnant with Derwin's child. Derwin Davis (husband) The new reboot will star Hall along with Wendy Raquel Robinson and Hosea Chanchez. At the end of season 3, Melanie and Derwin get married at the hospital chapel. But that wasnt the case as Jason presented Chardonnay with a marriage proposal and Chardonnays dream spa, Spadonnay, all in one swift motion. He is furious that Melanie aborted their child and he tries to get her to take her baby back, which makes her want to give her husband a reminder of the affair. First appearing as a fish out. He was handsome, successful and he was in love with her. Though the two actors once described themselves as brothers from another mother the relationship between Hall and actor Hosea Chanchez, who plays Malik on The Game: has apparently cooled. With that being said, I wasnt sure where I stood because I hadnt heard back from them. Tell us what's wrong with this post? The Game: Melanie and Derwin Teach us About Relationships, LeBron James Choked in "Space Jam: A New Legacy's" Game, Fresh Off the Boat Season 2 Episode 10 Review: The Real Santa, Sons of Anarchy Season 7 Episode 12 Review: Red Rose, 20 TV Theme Songs That Are Still in Your Head Today, The Middle Season 7 Episode 8 Review: Thanksgiving VII, Mr. In the season 8 finale he and Keira admit their feelings about each other (after being best friends for a long time). What is the Best Melee Weapon in Minecraft Dungeons? Will the two come back to wrap up their story in the premiere? From 16, Temple Run may not be the most popular mobile game available today. Meanwhile, Kelly gets her parents help to keep Jason out of her life, and Malik tries to hide his marriage to Robin Givens from his mom.
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