Guccio was inspired to create his business after a stint working as a bellhop at The Savoy Hotel in London and a gig working for an upscale train travel company. His own ex-wife Patrizia Reggiani and the mother of his two daughters. I have no evidence that Patrizia was a photographer, but I thought as an exercise, and finding her interests in life, that I would become a photographer, so I took my point-and-shoot camera everywhere that I went. A lunar eclipse in Scorpio creates ideal conditions for secrets to be revealed and truth to come to light. Alessandra was 18 and Allegra was 14 when their father was killed and, according to TheCinemaholic, both daughters lived with Reggiani for two years following their dads brutal murder. Even some from the actual Gucci archive itself! In the ensuing years, Patrizia made her rage extremely clear. As it happens, Gucci takes the caveats a step further, with the opening disclaimer inspired by a true story, a signal that the filmmakers may have taken more liberties than usual. Maurizio began living with Paola Franchi, a childhood friend, in 1991, inciting Patrizias jealousy. And this is exactly whatHouse of Gucciis. Rodolfo later reconciled with both his son and daughter-in-law after the birth of their first daughter, Alessandra, in 1976 (the couple had a second daughter, Allegra, in 1981) and even gifted them a luxury penthouse in New York Citys Olympic Tower, where they lived while Maurizio worked for the family business with Aldo. He died on the steps of the building in the arms of Giuseppe Onorato, the doorman and only witness to the shooting, who himself was shot. But in the case of House of Gucci, the truth is truly stranger than fiction. Rubbing estrogen onto my face seemed scary, until it wasnt. Reggiani served her time, but is now living in Milan and she has plenty of thoughts about her portrayal in the new film. The role of Patrizia Gucci is one that could The getaway driver, Orazio Cicala, confessed, as did Ivano Savioni, the hotel night porter who hired Ceraulo and Cicala. All betting content is intended for an audience ages 21+. In any case, Auriemma confessed to organizing the murder alongside Reggiani, having agreed to help her find a hit man in what she called a moment of weakness.. The Gucci fashion house began as a luxury luggage brand founded in 1921 by Guccio Gucci. Instead, shed reference her time in prison as captivity or her stay at Vittore Residence, which sounds way more glamorous than it probably was. Of course, that shift came with many familial disagreements regarding control of the brand and financial greed. Not to forget, on the day of the murder, Patrizia wrote a single word in her diary paradeisos a greek word that translates to paradise in English. Tabitha Grant-All About Hugh Grants Daughter: Who is Her Mom. Terms of Service apply. A. llegra even studied law at Milan University to help assist her mother's case. However, she maintained her innocence throughout the trial, saying her friend, Giuseppina Pina Auriemma, set her up. She attended law school at Milan University. Her father was inhumanely murdered by a hitman on the steps right outside his office. The real lives of Maurizio Gucci, his ex-wife and murderer Patrizia Reggiani, and the rest of the family portrayed in the explosive Ridley Scott drama prove that truth really is stranger than fiction The tapes Reggiani sent threatening Maurizio and Franchi were played in court. According to Patricia Gucci, the family began discussing the possibility of a joint statement a month or so ago, after the breathless reaction on social media to early trailers suggested there would be a wholesale embrace of Mr. Scotts version and after earlier attempts by the family to contact the films producers before the movie was even in production were never returned. Allegra and Alessandra reportedly inherited three Gucci family residences and a yacht named Creole. Child actor Mia McGovern Zaini plays 9-year-old Alessandra in the film which stars Lady Gaga as Reggiani and Adam Driver as Maurizio Gucciand its unclear who plays Allegra (or if she is portrayed at all). Magazines, Digital The story that inspired the film is truly mind-boggling, and while two hours and 37 minutes violates my personal tolerance for movie run times, I can understand how they got a little carried away unraveling this tale. Reggiani was convicted in 1998 for setting up Guccis murder and subsequently sentenced to 29 years in prison. It is a question of good sense and respect., Lady Gaga later responded to Reggianis criticism in an interview with British Vogue, stating: I only felt that I could truly do this story justice if I approached it with the eye of a curious woman who was interested in possessing a journalistic spirit so that I could read between the lines of what was happening in the films scenes Meaning that nobody was going to tell me who Patrizia Gucci was Not even Patrizia Gucci.. Vid rsstmman i mars 2021 beslutade medlemmarna att ndra freningens namn till Stockholm All Stripes Sports Club fr att bttre reflektera vra vrderingar och vr inriktning. ), Following the trial, Reggiani has been less adamant about her innocence. While they were close pals at one point, Reggiani and Auriemma have since severed ties. House of Gucci starring Lady Gaga and Adam Driver is finally hitting theaters on Nov. 24 after months of ravenous social media chatter about every trailer shot and on-set glimpse fans could get their hands on. Obviously, they were challenges in the transformation to the next level and Gucci exemplified that in the most extreme and dramatic way. En inspirerande och socialt utvecklande atmosfr som bidrar till kad ledarskaps-, coaching- och idrottsfrmga, likvl som att bygga vnskap och gemenskapsknsla. Public relations representatives for the film said that neither the producers nor Ridley Scott, the director, could be reached to respond to the familys statement. The youngest rightful Gucci heiress, Allegra felt necessary to write a book after Ridley Scotts bad portrayal of her family in his movie House of Gucci. Alessandra was 18 and Allegra was 14 when their father was killed and, according to. Lady Gaga missed out on Best Actress, however, and House of Gucci did not rank among the films up for Best Picture, as seems to have been its intention. She posts updates of her life from time to time on her IG handle @allegragucci_official. It is based on the nonfiction book by Sara Gay Forden, The House of Gucci: A True Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, and Greed, and none of the names have been changed, creating an expectation that what the viewer is seeing is at least a plausible re-creation of a historical truth. Allegra Gucci was born in the year 1981 and as of 2022, she is 40 years. House of Gucci is only the actress' second feature film after having starred as Ally in Bradley Cooper's A Star is Born. During the trial, where Patrizia vehemently claimed that she was innocent, the prosecution played tapes of menacing and threatening voicemails that Patrizia had sent Maurizio and Paola, while the defense contended that Patrizia was mentally unstable because of a 1992 operation to remove a brain tumor, which they alleged altered her personality. Maurizio Gucci was the last member of his family to own any shares in the company and in 1993, he sold his shares to Investcorp, a Bahrain-based investment company, for a reported $100 to $140 million. and its unclear who plays Allegra (or if she is portrayed at all). The family of four currently resides in Switzerland. Why many women still shy away from telling people they used an egg donor to conceive. Not, the Gucci family says, theirs. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. Check out never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more! She was then diagnosed with a brain tumor, which she subsequently had removed. The youngest rightful Gucci heiress, Allegra felt necessary to write a book after Ridley Scotts bad portrayal of her family in his movie House of Gucci. On March 27, 1995, Mauricio was shot and killed on the steps of his office by a hitman hired by Patrizia, who reportedly wrote a single word in her diary that day: paradeisos, the Greek word for paradise. Was It Antonio Brown In The Overtime Megan Latest Leaked Video? Allegra even studied law at Milan University to help assist her mother's case, British Vogue reported in 2004. Its part of why, since the films release, searches for Gucci products have gone into the stratosphere; according to the global fashion marketplace, up 257 percent for Gucci bags alone. Maybe its because I love a mess. On 17th March 2000, the Court of Assizes of Appeal shortened her sentence sightly to 26 years. House of Gucci ending spoilers: Breaking down that explosive finale. (More on her later.) I didnt want to miss.. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Lady Gaga as Patrizia Reggiani and Adam Driver as Maurizio Gucci. Where is Patrizia Reggiani today? In an interview with The Guardian, Patrizia claimed that during this time, Maurizio got crazy. I met Maurizio at a party and he fell madly in love with me, Reggiani told The Guardian in a 2016 interview. It may seem like a squabble in a green-and-red horse-bit-tinged teacup, but at a time when the distinction between what is fact and what is fiction has become evermore porous, when the concept of so-called alternative facts has became a part of the general discourse, and when viewers tend to believe whatever they see onscreen (big or little), it has resonance that goes beyond the box office. Reggiani served 18 years in prison for arranging the assassination of her husband, Maurizio Gucci. In response to earlier criticisms from Patrizia Gucci (a daughter of Paolo Gucci, played by Jared Leto as a dolt of a designer in a bad corduroy suit) that the filmmakers were exploiting a family tragedy for Hollywood profit, Mr. Scott said on the BBC Today show: I dont engage with that. This email will be used to sign into all New York sites. "We are going through a bad time now," she said. Worlds First Arab Space Walker Sultan Al Neyadi Net Worth: Is He Married? HOUSE OF GUCCI Finding the words to explain the unspeakable. Ridley Scotts latest movie is getting some hate for its storytelling and length. And its not difficult to imagine why: Lady Gagas performance as Reggiani was extremely impressive, garnering her multiple accolades this awards season (albeit not at the Oscars, in a surprising snub). And then, in 1984, just around the time he started losing his grip on the Gucci dynasty, Maurizio left Patrizia for another woman. She was dubbed the Black Widow, a moniker that held more weight once her trial was underway. Will it make a difference? The fractious Gucci family, whose internecine power struggles famously helped it lose the company Guccio Gucci founded in 1921, has finally found common Gucci is a family that lives honoring the work of its ancestors, whose memory does not deserve to be bothered to stage a film that is not true and that does not do justice to its protagonists. During her stay, she passed the time by sleep[ing] a lot and taking care of plants. She has since acknowledged her role in the murder of Maurizio, telling an Italian reality TV show when queried why she didnt shoot her ex-husband herself: My eyesight is not so good. My eyesight is not so good. Everything About Vanna Whites Son, Meet Mike Myers Daughter Paulina Kathleen Myers: Facts You Didnt Know. The parents of two got divorced on 14th October 1994 in Italy, and she was paid annual alimony of $1.47 million. To do this, Bentivegna supplemented his use of Fordens text with Italian articles from the time about the Gucci familys public dramas, which he said took on a tabloid sensationalism especially surrounding Maurizios murder, which was later revealed to be a crime of passion, organized by Patrizia herself. Its a timeless story. I enjoy a fun mess sprinkled with glamour. I am rather annoyed at the fact that Lady Gaga is playing me in the new Ridley Scott film without having had the consideration and sensibility to come and meet me, Reggiani said. Also starring Salma Hayek, Jeremy Irons, Al Pacino, and a nearly unrecognizable Jared Leto, the films trailer boasts picturesque settings, iconic Italian accents from the entire cast, and countless stunning Gucci ensembles. It was at times absurd, but ultimately it was tragic. The lack of nuance in the movie made him, he wrote, deeply sad. In a phone call, Domenico De Sole said much the same. . WebYoungest daughter of Patrizia Reggiani and Maurizio Gucci. By law after her divorce, she was meant to no longer use the Gucci name, but she continued to do so anyway. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, call 1-800-GAMBLER. For more information, please read our Legal Disclaimer. Is it on Netflix. To see her portrayed as a victim not only in the film but also in statements by the cast who is trying to survive in a male-dominated corporate culture, is an injustice and could not be further from the truth.. Patrizia Gucci is very much alive and well in Milan, where she works for a costume jewelry firm and is known to go shopping with a parrot on her shoulder. Itll be interesting to see if House of Gucci shows how Maurizio and Sheree spent their lives together. In an interview with Good Morning America in 2021, Gaga explained why she decided not to meet Patrizia before she played her in House of Gucci. This relationship caused Patrizia to become jealous and resent her childrens father. Such reduction can often be excused in the name of art and story streamlining: plot details that matter only to insiders. From strappy pieces for yoga to utilitarian bounce minimizers, weve got you covered. What time is Batwoman season 3, episode 7 Pick Your Poison on tonight? Patrizia could have had a shorter tenure in Milans San Vittore prison, where she notably was allowed to have a pet ferret, and was eligible for parole in 2011, but she refused, opting to stay in jail, as opposed to joining a work-release program. The sale effectively ended the Gucci familys control of the company something Reggiani, his ex-wife by then, was none too happy about. In a sort of Succession-meets-Hamlet twist, Maurizio was constantly feuding with his uncle Aldo (Al Pacino) and Aldos son Paolo (Jared Leto) over the Gucci dynasty. As of 2022, the family is not associated with the brand in any way. That year, Reggiani expressed in aGuardian interview that her daughters were no longer speaking to her. If yes, the viewers will get a better idea about why Patrizia was forced to take such a drastic decision. By 1989, Maurizio had succeeded in taking control of the company and was strongly determined to revamp its image. On November 4, 1998, she was found guilty of premeditated murder and convicted to 29 years in prison. For the children of Patrizia Reggiani, they essentially lost both their parents after Maurizio Gucci was shot in front of his Milan office in 1995 and Reggiani was sent to prison for orchestrating the shooting in 1998. Reggianis forgotten line of handbags and jewelry, Auriemma now calls herself a former friend of Reggiani. Reggiani cooperated with Forden during research for the book, writing her letters from prison (which she apparently referred to as a stay at Vittore Residence). Directed by Ridley Scott, House of Gucci draws directly from Fordens book, which tells the true story of the 1995 murder of Mauricio Gucci. While fashionistas and Gucci fans eagerly await the Ridley Scott film, members of the Gucci Hos oss kan alla, oavsett kn, sexuell lggning, etniskt ursprung, nationalitet, religion och lder trna och utva idrott i en milj som r fri frn alla former av trakasserier eller diskriminering, och som uppmuntrar till rent spel, ppenhet och vnskap. The film ends with his sentence: 26 years in prison. Reggiani was originally sentenced to 29 years in prison, which the appeals court reduced to 26 years after a retrial in 2000. While Ceraulo was a pizzeria owner who was in huge debt at that time. They need me, she told a newspaper at the time. Pina was Maurizios family associate who even ran a Gucci store in Naples. I am rather annoyed at the fact that Lady Gaga is playing me in the new Ridley Scott film without having had the consideration and sensibility to come and meet me, she told Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata in March. They met each other when he also had recently lost his father. However, when asked how she thought Gucci would respond, she answered, "I think hed say the feeling wasnt mutual., This article was originally published on July 17, 2018, Allan Gore Reportedly Lives A Quiet Life Decades After The Events Of 'Love & Death', Molly Ringwald Turned Down 'Pretty Woman' Due To An Early Script's Ick Factor, Zendaya Explained An Awkward Part Of Her 'Dune' Romance With Timothe Chalamet, 'Citadel' Star Priyanka Chopra & Nick Jonas' Family Nighttime Routine Is Relatable, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. She is the younger daughter of the one-time head of the Gucci fashion house Maurizio Gucci and his then-wife Patrizia Reggiani. Per Deadline, the film takes place as the Gucci label was transitioning from a family business to a globally recognizable brand thanks to the work of CEO Domenico De Sole and creative director Tom Ford. Born Patrizia Martinelli, the future Lady Gucci as she would be dubbed during her heyday, grew up poor and not knowing her biological father. According to Bentivegna, Maurizio may have craved Patrizias guidance because he grew up as an only child whose mother died when he was very young; by all accounts, Patrizia was well aware that Maurizios personality was more timid than hers. The familial strife during this time was ugly and in the public eye: Aldo served a year in prison for tax evasion and Maurizio fled to Switzerland after being accused of forging his fathers signature to avoid paying inheritance taxes (while he was originally found guilty, he was later acquitted). You know who else testified at this trial? Her response? As time went by, The Cinemaholic reports that their relationship strained. Magazines, Or create a free account to access more articles. From their marriage, Patrizia and Maurizio share two daughters, Alessandra and Allegra Gucci. Apart from her worldwide famous surname, Allegra made it to the headlines recently with her very own book Game Over. Its also why the family decided to take the fight public. Womens Wear Daily reported that they had each failed to pay almost US$5.7 million Shes now 72-years-old andstill receives $1.2 million each yearfrom her ex-husbands estate. On the morning of March 27, 1995, Maurizio was heading into his office in Milan when he was shot four times from behind, three times in the back and once in his head. Her sister was born five years before her on 28th June 1976. Auriemma has been called Reggianis clairvoyant friend, a self-styled sorcerer, and a high-society psychic, all aspirational labels, if you ask me. As for the Gucci family, though, they are no more pleased than Reggiani at the prospect of their dynastic drama being depicted onscreen (not to mention memed to death). Below, all the details on what Patrizia Reggiani is up to. I am so glad you asked. Then, on March 27, 1995, Gucci was shot outside of his office in Milan. It was the experience of a lifetime making this film because every minute of every day I thought of my ancestors in Italy, and what they had to do so that I could have a better life. In fact, she is also the owner of a famous bag collection company in Germany. Born in 1977, Alessandra is the eldest of the Patrizia's children. Shortly after her release, an Italian reality-show crew asked why she didnt kill Maurizio herself, to which she responded, My eyesight is not so good. She even brought her pet to work at Bozart (Manca admitted it was a bit of a nuisance). The young Gucci heiress is the grandchild of actor and entrepreneur Rodolfo Gucci and Sandra Ravel. Benedetto Ceraulo, the hit man who actually pulled the trigger, was the only one who denied the charges. Instead, they took over her life. Privacy Policy and But she is very much real, as is her impact on the Gucci legacy. The mother of two Allegra is currently married to Enrico Barbieri whom she met during her dark phase of life. Guccio opened his first shop in Florence in 1921, offering fine leather luggage and accessories, as well as leather goods for horsemen. Together they share two children whose identity is not revealed at the moment. Det r ocks en referens till idiomet of all stripes, vilket betyder of all kinds eller av alla sorter, fr att visa att vr frening r en plats bde fr en mngd olika sporter men ocks fr mnniskor med olika bakgrund samt allt som ryms inom hbtqi. 2023 TIME USA, LLC. And in 1990, Maurizio added more fuel to his estranged relationship with his then-wife when he started dating Italian interior designer and former model Paola Franchi. Password must be at least 8 characters and contain: As part of your account, youll receive occasional updates and offers from New York, which you can opt out of anytime. Sign up forOxygen Insiderfor all the best true crime content. In 2000, she attempted to commit suicide by hanging herself with a sheet, and was found by guards and briefly hospitalized. They also got divorced on 6th May 1992 in Switzerland. For arranging the assassination, Patrizia is given 26 years in prison, but she only served 18. A Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures film to gussy up a rotten core. In fact, they defended her during her legal woes by claiming that a brain tumor was responsible for her decision to hire the hit on Maurizio. There are lessons in it, like blood should be thicker than water. Did He Abuse His Wife? Maurizio and Patrizia got married in 1972, after two years of courtship, but the union caused a rift in the family. Child actor Mia McGovern Zaini plays 9-year-old Alessandra in the film, which stars Lady Gaga as Reggiani and Adam Driver as Maurizio Gucci. Claiming that her brain tumor altered her personality, her daughters requested for her sentence to be overturned. And that in turn is part of what made the movie itself worth making, because thats why a corporate and family crisis exploded into closets around the world. And that was created largely by the exact characters the film turns into caricatures, embracing the showy trappings of success furs! As for Alessandra, she is also married to a man named Federico and shares a son together. Sharing a mutual pain and loss of a parent brought them together and the couple married on 24th November 2011 in St Moritz. Including some early deals from Amazon Pet Day, Brooklinen bedding at the cheapest weve ever seen it, and jeans you can dance in. Indeed, precisely in the 1980s the historical context in which the film is set women were in different top positions: whether they were members of the family or extraneous to it, they included the president of Gucci America, the Head of Global PR & Communication, and a member of the board of directors of Gucci America. While Patrizia Reggiani was not born a Gucci, her name looms large in the history of the family. I was exciting and different.. Then 14-year-old Gucci was informed about her fathers murder by her very own mother. And do you know who hired Guccis murderer? The actress dodged the question while rocking a noticeable piece of new jewelry on the, How a Shopping Addiction Became a Hoarding Problem. Maurizio, who felt Aldos approach of championing the mass production of Gucci products cheapened Guccis identity as a luxury brand, spent the majority of the 1980s trying to push him out of the business through legal battles and take over the company. Patrizia became Maurizios chief adviser, convincing him to pursue full control of his familys fashion house, which he secured (briefly) under her guidance. In case you havent heard, people are pretty excited about Ridley Scotts upcoming film House of Gucci. I only felt that I could truly do this story justice if I approached it with the eye of a curious woman who was interested in possessing a journalistic spirit so that I could read between the lines of what was happening in the films scenes, she told the publication. When artistic license collides with reality, which one wins? Noting that she wont receive a cent from the film, she added that her frustration is not an economic question, but rather a question of good sense and respect. Seems like shed rather take a trip to Chromatica than attend a screening of House of Gucci when it hits theaters. It is based on Sara Gay Fordens 2001 book, The House of Gucci: A Sensational Story of Murder, Allegra and Alessandra. Its easy to dismiss the complaints as the whining of sore losers who are obsessed with image over all. By law after her divorce, she was meant to not use Ferraris! Gucci is one of the most trusted and successful luxury However, she only served an 18-year jail time and was released on 20th February 2017 due to her good behavior. The trial garnered huge media attention and on 3rd November 1998, all the defendants were charged guilty by the Court of Assizes of Milan. Apparently, Gucci simply told Reggiani that he was going on a business trip to Florence, and never returned; the day after he left for his trip, he had a friend tell Reggiani the marriage was over. Maurizios father Rodolfo (Jeremy Irons) was apparently not a fan: Fordens book reports Rodolfo saying to his son, I have received information about the girl. Just a few days after Guccis murder, Reggiani was arrested from her home. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Digital They even tried to get Patrizia out of prison earlier claiming that their mom had a brain tumor. Though everything seemed fine, Guccis father Rodolfo opposed their union claiming that Reggiani was nothing but a social climber who was after money. As Patrizias personal astrologer and co-conspirator would say, all signs point to yes. Ive never worked in my life, she was reported stating in court. All advice, including picks and predictions, is based on individual commentators opinions and not that of Minute Media or its related brands. After that, the mother of two raised her daughter on her own for most of their lives. Build your customFanSided TV email newsletter with news and analysis onAll Television and all your favorite sports teams, TV shows, and more. Throughout the making of the film, she wanted to do the story (and her own Italian heritage) justice. While serving her 16 years behind bars, Reggiani didnt like to call herself a prisoner or anything else that would indicate criminality. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Lady Gaga has acknowledged that she did not engage with Ms. Reggiani (who has expressed her displeasure about not being consulted), or even read the book on which the film was based, the better to create her character from her own imagination, she has said. Allow me to walk you through it. Alessandra is reportedly married with children, living in Switzerland. Seeing the hype caused by the filmHouse of Gucci, I didnt want them to grow up without knowing the truth about the family they come from., She further added, I reconstructed the memories piece by piece, document by document. I think shes incredibly flattered that Lady Gaga is playing her, because she is, to put it mildly, self-absorbed.. Patrizias trial was a flashy and highly publicized affair, thanks to the Gucci familys high profile in Italy. Get all your true crime news from Oxygen. The element of sensationalism isnt lost on Forden, who began writing about the Gucci familys drama as the chief business correspondent for WWD, later drawing on her years of reporting to write her book. Patrizia helped Maurizio plot a takeover of the fashion house, which was in desperate need of a revamp by the time he took over in 1983 when his father Rodolfo died and left him majority ownership of the company. You\'ll receive the next newsletter in your inbox. Reggiani wasnt arrested until two years later after an anonymous tip led detectives to a night porter whod been heard boasting about organizing the murder. Create a free profile to get unlimited access to exclusive videos, breaking news, sweepstakes, and more! The tale, which includes Succession-esque rivalries between family members, multiple lawsuits, tax evasion, incarceration and, of course, murder, provided ample creative fodder for Scott and screenwriters Roberto Bentivegna and Becky Johnston. In 1985, after the family had relocated to Milan, Maurizio went on a business trip to Florence, then sent a friend to tell Patrizia that he would not be returning and that their marriage was over. Until then I was his chief adviser about all Gucci matters. (Another signal: All the characters speak English in various versions of fake Italian accents, a much-derided choice that makes no sense.). Why Did Allegra Gucci Decide To Write Her Book Decades Later? However, three of the people involved in the scheme (Pina Auriemma, Patrizias friend and personal astrologer; Orazio Cicala, the getaway driver; and Ivano Savioni, the man who hired the hitman and driver) confessed to not only their involvement in the murder, but Patrizias role in organizing it. Allegra Gucci, 46, is an Italian celebrity child, media personality, entrepreneur, and fashion designer popularly known as the older daughter of GUCCIs head Maurizio Gucci and Patrizia Reggiani. Allegra Gucci: Net Worth and Salary. Forden also noted that while Maurizio was unable to retain control or ownership of Gucci, he foretold the future of many of these fashion brands, becoming the first to bring in a financial shareholder in order to elevate the brand to the next level.
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