If you dont want any spoilers then just play the game to the end and you will find your answer. Nothing is said about it. eastriver and, DeltaV20, From PC, Xbox, PS5 and all your other favorite gaming platforms, theres some amazing titles for everyone to look forward to in the coming year. The epilogue picks up a few years later and follows John Marston, the protagonist of Red Dead Redemption as he tries to build a home for his girlfriend Abigail and their son Jack. Valve Corporation. Arthur has no doubts about everything, every plan, every idea, and every person because that is who he is. Arthur gave them the money to flee and start over, which turned out to be money wasted because their new life prospecting in the Tundra failed. They addressed it through story and character in many subtle ways to discover, rather than a single throwaway line. Find the stalagmite closest to the lit cave opening on the right. burger_mike and, saintsrow, This part of my theory is based largely two key things: That there are different timelines presented in the Red Dead story, and that one of these timelines is packed with supernatural elements while the other is mostly mundane. off topic, but correct me if im wrong, was landon ricketts a outlaw before he came a vigilante ? Whats amazing to me is that, even now, I still catch little moments I havent seen yet. How do I take cover by the door while trying to save Javier in chapter 5? Maybe this motivated Rockstar to make a big gang. P.S: of course we know that they didn't think on this new . Not just because abigail chose john over him more along the lines of john abandoning the very thing that arthur wished he still had with his own son dying before. Witness Protection. TL;DR - John doesn't mention Arthur in RDR1 because 1) It hurts him to think of Arthur, 2) He's ashamed that Arthur saved his family, 3) Arthur said to not look back. I clarified that this is the STORY reason, not the IRL reason. Cancel. :: Red Dead Redemption 2 General Discussions. Because John Was Only After The Ones Who Went Crazy And Left Him For Dead. The past is behind us now. Ultimately the decision does not matter. We do get to see how being part of the Van der Linde Gang has affected this much younger John. the government did a similar thing with marston and blackmailed them to do certain things for them. Luckily for Arthur, in 1899 there's no TV where he can can be heard yelling "Where's Ah Munneh???" Intgration de sites Web The point is, the writers didnt lazily ignore the fact that John didnt mention Arthur in RDR1. How do you cosplay Arthur Morgan? cscl star vessel flag autism and narcissism differences. For more information, please see our Only one I remember from rdr1 was bill and Dutch. Powered by Invision Community. Here are my thoughts: We know for a fact that time travel and aliens and a whole host of weird shit exists in this universe, and this theory just relies on us seeing an alternate reality with at least one extra person in the Van der Linde gang, so it's kind of less far fetched than all that other stuff. He gives the barest of details to everyone. It doesn't have to be. He tells people that he was in a gang with Dutch, Bill and Javier, they left him for dead in a botched robbery and he left the gang. In RDR1, Arthur is never mentioned by name; rather, John has a conversation with Bonnie early on in which he says something about how a friend helped him avoid the gang life..Does Jack Remember Arthur? MARKUS. Good idea. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This is over.". Arthur has received acclaim from critics, with his complexity and path to redemption most frequently the subject of praise. Conclusion: RDR2 takes in an alternate timeline from RDR1, possibly distinguishable primarily by the absence or presence of Arthur Morgan. But if they could've had the foresight, yeah- it might've been better to mention him just a little. Red Dead Redemption 2; All Activity; Home ; Red Dead ; Red Dead Redemption 2 [Speculation Topic] Why Arthur is not mentioned in RDR1? Cookie Notice Youll have to use a few of the games bugs. 6 Arthurs Hat Becomes Johns While John has access to both his and Arthurs signature hats when control is turned over to him, the end of Chapter 6 clearly demonstrates that Arthurs hat transforms into Johns hat in some way. Do you think they should've mentioned Arthur on rdr1? Plus, based on John's dealings in RDR with the remaining old gang members, generally didn't go so well. Also, possibly him not wanting to link the name of arthur morgan with the bad reputation that dutch, bill, and javier had by that point in time. Wild Mint is extremely common to find near streams, marshes and moist meadows all over the map. We wouldnt be here if it werent for him. Programmation et technologies internet; Rseaux informatiques et scurit; Gestion de projets informatiques T.I. or maybe. For most of the past 10 years, Jimmerson has been behind bars, yet never given the opportunity to tell his side of the story at trial. . He eventually gets it together, but in the meantime, Jack finds a sort of father figure in Arthur Morgan. Arthur wasn't planned until the development of rdr2. Once John killed Micah there wasn't much left for John to say about Arthur and at least we know John keeps him well into his thoughts. 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EDIT: To all the people saying Arthur wasnt created until RDR2, thats why, you're missing the point. I wish they were developed a lot more, particularly in terms of their relationship with John. There's also a dozen other characters who've been added to the canon and who haven't been accounted for in RDR. The most popular theory is that Krall was a Gorn, a lizard-like alien species that Kirk and the Enterprise crew defeated in the original Star, Where should I go to sell my Hummel figurines? why is arthur not mentioned in rdr1. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in Americas unforgiving heartland. There are no official ways to travel to Mexico. Which he does say at point I'm the ending of rdr2 talking to strangers. In RDR1 the Pinkerton Agency was simply interested to use John to catch former gang brothers who were operating arround the boarder area, namely WIlliamson, Escuela and Dutch. After how grateful he was to Arthur at the end of chapter 6, makes him feel disrespectful. You are reading about how to rob bank rdr2. The ring John uses to propose to Abigail is Arthur's old wedding ring, and after Arthur dies John begins journaling in an effort to help keep his memory alive. he figured if the government didint mention them then he wasent going to bring them up. He he saved us!, ABIGAIL: Well, yes. Unless information about a gang member was directly relevant to a particular situation, he probably wouldnt be in the habit of just dropping anecdotes about his former life into a conversation. Is the money still in the cave rdr2? Arthur Morgan may not be a good person in a lot of ways, but he certainly cared deeply for little Jack. Because John never mentions him, Arthur Morgan and his story are eventually lost to history. Rockstar needs to do RDR3 and tell us what in the mother of fuck happend before and during Black Water. If you let him go, he'll run away. In this case, Arthur abandons John in order to return to the gangs burning camp. Don't warn me again for Red Dead Redemption 2. To dress as the outlaw Arthur Morgan, you will want a Grizzly Hat, Long Sleeve Shirt, Canvas Pants, Suspenders, Scarfs, Cowboy Gun Belt, Toy Pistol, and Cowboy Boots. (Looks at me) Do you, John?, JOHN: (pause) No. If RDR 1 did have any references to RDR 2, realistically speaking, Arthur wouldnt actually be a likely choice. Karen Jones. Or something like that. Wear them with, Copyright 2023 TipsFolder.com | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. Not all the new gang members need to die in RDR II, [] so he (Ross) would not send John off to track down some low level gang member who might have fled to the other side of the country. The one he wears in the first game, in particular. In many ways, Red Dead Redemption 2 is more or less a character study of Arthur. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Isgho Votre ducation notre priorit . Maybe arthur, along with the others moved far away and wasn't in the fbi/pinkertons jurisdiction. We wouldnt be here if it werent for him. Bill and Javier didnt get the focus and screen-time they deserved in RDR 2. Auction House. The graphics were great but the story sucked." Sorry . how to save arthur morgan from tuberculosis; is jay north married; It seems more likely to me given the fact that we see the world of RDR2 populated with aliens, time travelers and ghosts that John never mentions Arthur, Hosea, Sadie or Micah ever in RDR1 because they never existed in RDR1 John's timeline than because he forgot or just didn't like talking about it. As it says the title, let's speculate why Arthur is not even mentioned in Red Dead Redemption 1 by John Marston, as far we know now, Arthur is the enforcer and like "the big brother" that looks after the gang, why in the original RDR (based 12 years later) is like he never existed? +(91)-9821210096 | paula deen meatloaf with brown gravy. Summary: Dutch takes you on a minibreak and finally opens up about himself and his past. TL;DR John doesnt mention Arthur in RDR1 because 1) It hurts him to think of Arthur, 2) Hes ashamed that Arthur saved his family, 3) Arthur said to not look back. Arthur did save us. Cookie Notice Need help with all Achievements optimization, Gambit has no direction and that is why it has failed, Shattered Realm was criminally underrated as a Seasonal Activity and as a concept, Heavy weapons and how to make the best use of them in survival, I Hope That Necrom Does What Elsweyr Did: A Synopsis of Masterful Storytelling. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. They did a very good job of it in RDR, a masterful job, so they should be congratulated for it; theres no point acting like they had a big plan 10 years ago with the first game. (Looks at me) Do you, John?, JOHN: (pause) No. I already feel satisfied. Alienous. That something is redemption for all of his gang members, and Arthur is his most important. Then who?" Unlike the morally-neutral but honorable family man we see in RDR1, John is much colder. Why is so necessary to treat your players like lazy morons? There's very little reason to mention anyone else than the people he's hunting down. and our How do I track animals using my binoculars? i agree with what others said. Posted on . A lot of the memories would also probably be unpleasant, given that he was left for dead. Perhaps, one of the reasons, Ross comes back to John and kills him, is because of Uncle. BY: Phillip Tinner . Even in 1907, he's barely mentioned at all, so history forgot about him. on an angle tackle the defender tracks; riverside public utilities rebates RDR1 was about Marston beyotching the whole game about those who did him wrong. 2022GamesToday-Your place for discussion, help, guides, reviews, videos, questions, news, and anything else games related. I especially like seeing Arthur Morgans interactions with the gang. Ive finished the game twice now, and I want to share my thoughts. Jack and Abigail sit in the living room. Although Arthur distances himself with his threatening exterior, he is pretty loyal to his friends. Call Us Today! Arthurs last dying efforts (in my playthrough) were to save the Marstons, and among his last words were to not look back.. rdr2 pc teleport mod. /r/RedDeadRedemption - A subreddit dedicated to Red Dead Redemption & Red Dead Redemption 2, developed by Rockstar Games, the creators behind the Grand Theft Auto series. Because John never mentions him, Arthur Morgan and his story are eventually lost to history. They had to return to America broke, taking odd jobs in Strawberry and then Pronghorn Ranch. It's because he doesn't exist in RDR1's timeline. So, if its going to reference anyone, then it should be him. ), JOHN: You know, I did a little saving you myself., JOHN: (pointedly) Youre my family, boy., (Jack leaves. No looking back., (Jack gets up and walks out. 1/5/2021. It doesn't have to be. "Nobody talks about it," Holmes said. My point is: There's no particular reason for him not being mentioned. Arthur Morgan is the pinnacle of Rockstar's character crafting as he's more realistic than any character who has come before him. We also know that alternate timelines have been explored in the Red Dead universe. He lassos Arthur, and the mission instructions at the bottom of the screen read, "Find a curb," but while he's looking all over town to try to find a curb in 1899, the mission timer times out, and Arthur gets away, starting a new underground life. DON'T MISS YOUR RIDE! There are clever retconned reasons for it. By 1911, hes not mentioned at all, which does make sense in some ways because, as said, he went down in history as one of a group and anything he did was thought to have been done by the gang as a whole. Maybe they sent micah or lenny to deal with sadie and the rest of the gang like how they sent john to deal with javier, bill and dutch. why did scott cardinal leave heartland; nishimura clan demon slayer; aaron rodgers capital one commercial; tom petty westwood cemetery; . Privacy Policy. GTA Online New Bonuses for 27th April 2023 - The Last Dose Hard Mode Event is here alongside rewards for completing the missions and extra payouts, the Issi Rally is back, and more! EDIT: To all the people saying "Arthur wasn't created until RDR2, that's why," you're missing the point. But that's just me linking stuff from my own eyes. 24. level 2. Rockstar needs to make a remake of rdr1, and mention Arthur a couple times at least. The gang is composed by dozens and dozens of people so why would he be mentioned in particular? He might have let slip once that any of the hugely influential RDR2 characters existed at all, but he never does because he never knew them. maybe he's dead or maybe he's even working with the law now, like how landon rickets is. Well-known antique/collectible publications (classified ads section) Hummel collector club, The main advantage of having a south-facing home or garden is the amount of light youll get. Playing as Arthur Morgan, the player is cast into the very end of the wild west. The past is behind us now. rdr2 pc teleport mod BLOG PRFC . TL;DR - John doesn't mention Arthur in RDR1 because 1) It hurts him to think of Arthur, 2) He's ashamed that Arthur saved his family, 3) Arthur said to not look back. It's worth discussing. I Wish Infected Was A Permanent Featured Playlist Game A good summary of the whole ending. Well, it's very obvious the real reason is because Arthur wasn't even imagined until the release of the first game. The Strange Man seemed to be a lot about moral, so I could see this hinting at John Marston, that he is a liar. The point is, the writers didnt lazily ignore the fact that John didnt mention Arthur in RDR1. Of course, the IRL reason is that Arthur wasn't created until RDR2. It is implied that Jack's father, John, isn't too involved in the boy's life. Arthur gave them the money to flee and start over, which turned out to be money wasted because their new life prospecting in the Tundra failed. Its part of what makes this such a good game, the excellent writing and that famous attention to detail. Sign In . P.S: of course we know that they didn't think on this new character when they created RDR1, but let's theorize just based on the storyline's perspective and not the limitations or the guessing that R* had back in 2010 vs now. So I was kinda curious too why Arthur wasn't mentioned. TL;DR In RDR1, John doesnt mention Arthur because 1) it hurts him to think of him, 2) hes ashamed that Arthur saved his family, and 3) he said not to look back. Where did all that money go by RDR1? If Redemption 1 had been Redemption 2, then yes. The closest RDR was to mentioning Arthur was when John speaks to Bonnie saying a "friend" aka Arthur helped him escape the gang life. As it says the title, let's speculate why Arthur is not even mentioned in Red Dead Redemption 1 by John Marston, as far we know now, Arthur is the enforcer and like "the big brother" that looks after the gang, why in the original RDR (based 12 years later) is like he never existed? While talking to Ross, he says something like: "First it was Bill, then Javier, now Dutch. I (John) walk in and join them. Your email address will not be published. Who is Arthur Morgan based off of? To me that says that other gang members are still alive, but not a priority (or not as well known to the public) for John to track them down. In Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan can swim as long as his stamina holds out, which is a fairly long time. On RDR1 that should have been part 2 because Author was raised by Dutch but he really didn't believe him anymore and Micah either. So I was kinda curious too why Arthur wasn't mentioned. Unfortunately, Arthur is the only main character in the Red Dead saga who is never mentioned. The ending we get with John is the one that would have happened if Arthur had been around to save his ass and teach him the importance of family. In rdr1, Arthur Morgan was never mentioned. GTANet.com 2001-2023. Best Work Writer's Discussion 2016 [The "I Love Karen Daniels" fanfic]. Because his character was probably created after RDR1 was completed. There is a conversation between Abigail and Jack where Jack brings up that he has memories of the family's time with the Van Der Linde gang but doesn't remember much due to him still being a toddler back then. This means that a north wind blows from the north,, Anything goes with stone, black, white, coral, aqua, any shade of blue, baby pink, hot pink, emerald green, olive green, and red.
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