Many New Yorkers use this to share the reasoning behind their support or opposition to the bill. Timing matters, he said. Given variation in local circumstances, including concerns about teacher shortages, we will advocate that districts be given an option whether to participate in an incentive, Lowry said via email. California Consumer Limit the Use of My Sensitive Personal Information, California Consumer Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, The states current year budget gap is now $14.5 billion, According to the NYS Division of Budget, over the next 2 years, the budget gap will grow to $30 billion. The City of Los Angeles offered ERIs in 2009 and 2020. A retirement incentive could be helpful, but we have to time it so that were not paying extra for retirements that would occur in any event.. When asked if Governor Andrew Cuomo has been actively considering early retirement options for the state workforce, spokesman Rich Azzopardi told Spectrum News, not as of yet.. The benefit is provided, subject to documentation requirements, to the eligible beneficiary of a member; where such member reported to their usual place of employment or an alternate worksite outside their home at the direction of their employer on or after March 1, 2020 and contracted COVID-19 within 45 days after reporting for work, and whose death was caused by COVID19 or where COVID19 contributed to such members death. WebPursuant to Legislative Law, Section 50: This bill (legislative bill draft 03546-01-1) would provide a tempo- rary retirement incentive to retirement system members throughout the state and NYC during fiscal year 2021-2022. With respect to NYCERS members, Subpart A of the Act provides additional service credit to certain NYCERS members in the form of one-twelfth of a year of additional service credit per year of service, up to three additional years of service credit. One reason the GFOA cautions against ERIs is that governments can overstate the savings and understate the costs. Your valid home address is used to determine which NY State Senator Represents you. Check the latest closings and delays for schools, business, and churches around CNY and the Mohawk Valley. The second is that this long repayment, coupled with other fiscally dubious actions,resulted in the funding ratio of the pension fund decliningfrom 90.1 percent before the Great Recession to 73.1 percent now. Customer Service Center Bob Lowry, deputy director for advocacy, research & communications of the New York State Council of School Superintendents, was less dismissive of the idea. Lowry also expressed concern over the diminishing strength of the education workforce. Others might share a personal anecdote about how the bill would affect them or people they care about. We introduced the bills because its a common-sense solution to the impending financial crisis for state and local governments, and an attempt to stimulate a conversation between the executive branch of all of our governments and our labor organizations, Abinanti said. The New York City Managerial Employees Association founded in 1968 is a vibrant membership-based organization representing professional managers in New York City government. According to an August report by CNHI, counties around the state, including Albany, Chemung, Dutchess, and Westchester, have plans to reduce their payrolls by offering retirement incentives, and several other counties are expected to follow suit, according to Mark LaVigne, deputy director of the New York State Association of Counties. (877) 669-2377 Toll-Free Significant reduction through attrition is achievable in NYC given an annual separation rate of about 7 percent for a municipal workforce exceeding 300,000 full-time employees. This act amends the Executive Law, by adding 137-a, to allow notarizations to be done electronically with the use of video conference technology. This is a PG CLUE event.To watch [], Register at, This two-hour training introduces issues that LGBTQ+ students face and explores how everyone can help [], Weather Alert for the College of Staten Island January 28-29, Advocating for Inclusion (In-person and via Zoom), Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) Information Session, Becoming Allies for LGBTQ+ Students: SafeZone Training, Reece Peck Quoted Extensively in Salon Piece on Tucker Carlson, CSI Asst. On Monday, April 19, 2021, Chapter 59 of the Laws of 2021 was signed into New York State Law. The combined $681 million savings is the net of gross savings from two-year payroll reductions of $1.4 billion minus pension benefit costs of $755 million," read the report. If localities are considering an ERI, it is important to do a thorough analysis of the costs and benefits and commit to a strict hiring freeze, or the ERI could actually cost more than expected., 412 S. Peoria, (MC 349), Suite 324 Chicago, IL 60607, 2023 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, With the economic shutdown, fewer commuters, and a drastic reduction in the number of tourists tax revenues have fallen. "The savings are diminished to the extent early retirees are replaced by new hires. One bill provides a temporary retirement incentive for certain public employees older than 55 with 25 years of service. The money funds education and health care, and is meant to aid the state's economy in its recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2009 program was similar to the New York City proposal. WebAs of April 9, 2022, Tier 5 and 6 members only need five years of service credit to be Assemblyman Tom Abinanti (D-Greenburgh) has introduced two bills that address early retirement for state and local government employees. The second is that this long repayment, coupled with other fiscally dubious actions, resulted in the funding ratio of the pension fund declining from 90.1 percent before the Great Recession to 73.1 percent now., In 2020, Los Angeles implemented a Separation Incentive Program that provides a lump sum payment based on salary and years of service, capped at $80,000, rather than a pension benefit boost. The second is that this long repayment, coupled with other fiscally dubious actions, resulted in the funding ratio of the pension fund declining, from 90.1 percent before the Great Recession to 73.1 percent now., recent analysis of a proposed ERI for New York City municipal employees, ERI could actually cost more than expected. Find your Senator and share your views on important issues. This Act amends the Retirement and Social Security Law (RSSL) to include employees who became NYCERS members after the qualifying period under the World Trade Center (WTC) law, but were employees of a public employer during the covered time period and purchased some or all of that pre-membership period. The Actuary for the City of New York estimated that the additional pension contribution would average $110,000 per retiree, which the City would pay over four years, with a one-year lag (years two to five), while the average salary of a retiree would be $90,200. The local law and/or resolution must include what the Open Period for enrollment will be, what type of incentive the City/DOE will offer, and the commencement date of the incentive. In order to be valid the early retirement incentive must: Be voluntary; Set a minimum age or years of service to be eligible; Offer the incentives for a limited period of time and only to a certain set of employees; The last three requirements are One reason the GFOA cautions against ERIs is that governments can overstate the savings and understate the costs., New York City, with a fiscal year 2022 budget of $95.6 billion, is facing severe fiscal challenges due to the pandemic and recession. Weve already reduced spending by $4 billion year-over-year, Klopott said. Negotiations with municipal labor unions have not yet yielded these savings, and an ERI is under consideration., The CBC recently analyzed a NYC ERI proposal in the State Legislature (bills establishing similar programs for state and other local employees have also been introduced). The NYC proposal has two parts: one provides additional pension credits, while the other eliminates an early retirement reduction.. Only for use by members of the press. The New York State Legislature has passed budget bills S2509C and In light of the Citys fiscal stress and the availability of other options to balance the budget, the City should reduce its workforce through attrition and not pursue the ERI., ERIs provide a financial incentive for an employee to retire. Many states, counties, and cities used themduring the Great Recession, and many are considering them now, as a response to the current COVID-19 pandemic fiscal crisis. NYSTRS administers the laws as enacted; the Retirement System has neither the ability to change the benefit structure nor the authority to mandate benefit changes. Originally published by the Government Finance Research Center,University of Illinois Chicago. By Ana Champeny, Director of City Studies, Citizens Budget Commission, Early retirement incentives (ERIs) are offered by state and local governments, often during fiscal distress, to reduce headcount and achieve savings, while avoiding furloughs or layoffs. WebSUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: This legislation creates a retirement incentive for certain New York City, with a fiscal year 2022 budget of $95.6 billion, isfacing severe fiscal challengesdue to the pandemic and recession. 2023, Charter Communications, all rights reserved. Inquiry The local law and/or resolution must include what the Open Period for enrollment will be, what type of incentive the City/DOE will offer, and the commencement date of the incentive. recent analysis of a proposed ERI for New York City municipal employees, resulted in the funding ratio of the pension fund declining, ERI could actually cost more than expected. It is better that longtime employees retire with guaranteed income than governments be forced to lay off employees who then seek unemployment benefits, said Abinanti. Attempts to intimidate and silence contributors or deliberately deceive the public, including excessive or extraneous posting/posts, or coordinated activity, are prohibited and may result in the temporary or permanent banning of the user. Authorizes certain public employers to offer temporary retirement incentives (Part A); provides an age 55/25 years temporary retirement incentive for certain public employees (Part B). Authorizes certain public employers to offer temporary retirement incentives (Part A); provides an age 55/25 years temporary retirement incentive for certain public employees (Part B). In 2011, the Citizens Budget Commission issued a reporton the savings the last official state early retirement incentive package brought in. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. Your support or opposition to this bill is then shared immediately with the senator who represents you. (18 Lines), View More (312 Lines). To date, CSEA has not seen any Early Retirement Incentives proposed through the legislature that we could support, said Mark Kotzin, CSEA Spokesman. WebS05559 Text: STATE OF NEW YORK _____ 5559 2021-2022 Regular Sessions IN SENATE March 11, 2021 _____ Introduced by Sens. There shall be no reduction for an 16 eligible New York city employee in a physically taxing position with 17 twenty-five or more years of service and who is a participant (i) in the 18 optional twenty-five year early retirement program for certain members 19 governed by section 604-c of the retirement and social security law, as 20 This fiscal note concerns its impact on the New York State Teachers' Retirement System. WebBut New York City officials have said an early retirement plan could save the cash-strapped city's school district $45 million. Enter a message to your senator. This week the Budget was agreed upon by the Governor and the State Legislature. His goal, he says, is to simply try to get all the parties to the table to have this discussion. We are looking at a wide array of possibilities, said Freeman Klopott, a spokesman for the NYS Division of the Budget. Typically, retirement incentives are introduced in Albany as Governors Program bills. Furthermore, for incentives increasing pension benefits, the actuarial cost to government can be spread out over time, which can increase near-term savings while deferring costs that may also violate the principle of intergenerational equity., So, while an ERI can save money, there are fiscal risks. California Consumer Limit the Use of My Sensitive Personal Information, California Consumer Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. To submit an LBD for a fiscal note, email us at (347) 643-3000 Within NYC The 2009 program was similar to the New York City proposal. As of January 2021, tax revenues for fiscal years 2020 to 2024 (collections to date and current forecast) are $20 billion below January 2020 projections. From elections to Annual Meeting information, everything a Delegate needs to know. CBC is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization pursuing constructive change in the finances and services of New York City and State. Early retirement incentives (ERIs) are offered by state and local governments, often during fiscal distress, to reduce headcount and achieve savings, while avoiding furloughs or layoffs. With the economic shutdown, fewer commuters, and a drastic reduction in the number of tourists tax revenues have fallen. In order for an ERI to have our support, at minimum, it would have to allow all union members to take advantage of it, and not be targeted for specific groups of workers, while excluding others.. The primary savings derive from the salaries that would be paid to the employee, assuming that the position is kept vacant or filled by an employee with a lower salary. The other bill provides a similar incentive for educators. WebThe current Section 212 earnings limit, determined by the state Legislature, is $35,000 In 2020, Los Angeles implemented a Separation Incentive Program that provides a lump sum payment based on salary and years of service, capped at $80,000, rather than a pension benefit boost. Furthermore, for incentives increasing pension benefits, the actuarial cost to government can be spread out over time, which can increase near-term savings while deferring costs that may also violate the principle of intergenerational equity. This Act amends the Retirement and Social Security Law and the New York City Administrative Code to allow for the electronic submission of a notice that a member participated in World Trade Center Rescue, Recovery or Clean-up Operations for a qualifying period. Periodically, the Legislature enacts new laws that impact NYSTRS and/or the states other public retirement systems. Moreover, the savings come at the cost of losing 9,311 experienced workers, potentially lowering the level of services.. Many states, counties, and cities used them during the Great Recession, and many are considering them now, as a response to the current COVID-19 pandemic fiscal crisis., However, these incentives are not without risks. Trusted Partner of NYC Employees for More Than 100 Years, Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), New York City Employees Retirement System, New York City Employees' Retirement System. As of January 2021, tax revenues for fiscal years 2020 to 2024 (collections to date and current forecast) are $20 billion below January 2020 projections. Part of the Citys budget-balancing plan is to achieve $1 billion in recurring annual labor savings. WebContact Us. April 14, 2022 A Way to Stop the Bleeding Erie Community College plans However, they come with a significant cost that might have long-term implications for fiscal stability. The act shall expire and be deemed repealed on December 31, 2022. (Some ERIs offer additional benefits, like extended health coverage). So, while an ERI can save money, there are fiscal risks. All comments are subject to review and community moderation is encouraged. The real issue is whether or not we get federal funding. The Citizens Budget Commissions (CBC)recent analysis of a proposed ERI for New York City municipal employeesconcluded that while an ERI can induce employees to leave city employment quickly, it is a more costly workforce reduction strategy than attrition or layoffs. Approximately 32 percent of the ERI incentive cost is likely to be an unneeded expense, flowing to employees who would have retired anyway, based on aCBC analysis of a similar program. It had been a back burner issue for a while, but in August, it moved to the front of the stove when it became clear that Democrats and Republicans in Washington werent able to cook up an agreement on stimulus funding. 2023, Charter Communications, all rights reserved. Online Availability: Mon Fri: 7:00 to 6:00 pm EST/EDT. Is there a specific set of circumstances that the budget division is looking for that would prompt such a discussion? Key findings were: The incentive cost of about $1.1 billion would equal about 19 percent of the potential five-year salary savings of $5.9 billion, if the positions are kept vacant. Public workers in New York could have an incentive to retire early under a Offices MF 9 am 5 ERIs provide a financial incentive for an employee to retire. The Municipal Labor Committee since last summer had urged the de Blasio administration to consider an early-retirement incentive at a time when it was 212-279-2605, 515 Broadway, 4th Floor Negotiations with municipal labor unions have not yet yielded these savings, and an ERI is under consideration. Retirements in the short term will cut local payrolls, and in the long term, open jobs for those who want to work in government.". With less than two months left in New York State's legislative session, WebApr 23, 2021 | The Bulletin On Monday, April 19, 2021, Chapter 59 of the Laws of 2021 was signed into New York State Law. The City University of New York is excluded from Chapter 59 of the Laws of 2021, meaning that we do not have the option to offer an Early Retirement Incentive. Thats really going to dictate everything that we do.. Learn More. The 2009 program was similar to the New York City proposal. This law is effective as of September 13, 2021. The beneficiaries of the following NYCERS members are covered: Correction Officers, Housing and Transit Police, Uniformed Sanitation members, certain EMTs and TBTA members. Sponsors History Same As/Similar To A04548 (Same As) 2022-01-05 - referred to governmental employees New York State Sources Bill Comments This Act authorizes the city of New York and the NYC Board of Education (DOE), to provide a temporary retirement incentive for eligible employees. (347) 643-3501 TTY, Forms and Correspondence Mailing Address Use our new PolitiCorps to join with friends and collegaues to monitor & discuss bills through the process.Monitor Legislation or view this same bill number from multiple sessions or take advantage of our national legislative search. The savings under similar rates of voluntary separations would be $4.3 billion over five years (32 percent higher). Requires the office of alcoholism and substance abuse services to provide Optional services from the NY State Senate: Include a custom message for your Senator? Learn More. The NYC proposal has two parts: one provides additional pension credits, while the other eliminates an early retirement reduction. I can unsubscribe at any time. Get the best experience and stay connected to your community with our Spectrum News app. Using those data points and a set of assumptions about fringe benefits and replacement hiring, the CBC simulated the costs and savings from 10,000 separations under the ERI compared to 10,000 voluntary separations.
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