The couple, who met online in 2013, were together for 15 months, before Lewis - like so many women before her - discovered that she had been fed a complicated string of lies. That case drove one of his victims, Mary Turner Thomson, to write an acclaimed book on her ordeal. Her partner, William Allen Jordan, was jailed for bigamy, fraud, and gun crimes, had conned her out of 200,000, and was revealed to be a convicted sex offender. Nancy Allen (Jordan) Miller, taken about 1939. Jordan's ability to manipulate his wife - and a host of other women - is something that Thomson says she sees reflected in new TV drama Mrs. Wilson, which is set to premiere on PBS at the start of 2019 - and which has already been shown on screens in the UK. I ate a packet of my favourite Jelly Tots a few weeks ago and they were disgusting, she said. I felt very supported and like I wasnt alone - and everything made sense, and it was a really clear path forward.. 'I wanted to give him a biological person who belonged with him, for the rest of his life he could claim as his own,' Mischele said. It is surprising that the true story of Alison Wilson, portrayed by her granddaughter Ruth, gripped viewers watching the BBC drama. Gotcha! Jordan's web of lies was exposed, revealing he had three 'wives', 13 children with six women and was a registered sex offender, after being convicted of molesting a girl between the ages of nine and 13 in 1997. "She said 'I'm the other Mrs Jordan'," Ms Thomson told ITV in 2018. Cycling's transgender rules have come under fire after a male-born rider won an international women's road race over the weekend. Bringhurst, who had been married to Jordan for 16 years and had five children with him, phoned Thomson, asking if she was 'Mrs. Cruel: Mischele became suspicious when she fell pregnant with his child and he suddenly became disinterested. Mischele was planning a wedding with William when, in 2014, she discovered his past crimes and tipped off the police about his whereabouts. She revealed: 'I was bedridden for three months. It was called The Bigamist The True Story of a Husband's Ultimate Betrayal. I'm trying to be hopeful that this will bring other victims forward.'. Wife of William Allen Jordan Mother of Robert Allen Jordan. 'In 2004 when I was pregnant with Zach, he told me somebody he met on an undercover operation was going to kill our kids, kidnap them, rip bits off and send them to us in the post if we didn't give them money,' she explained. Fake: Jordan married Mary Turner Thomson in the UK and he married another woman there. The comments below have been moderated in advance. Once she received her clearance, she would be provided with a secure telephone, so she could contact him whenever she wanted. After arriving back in the US, the criminal then found another woman to prey upon, Mischele Lewis, who like the other women before her fell for his story that he was a spy working for the British Ministry of Defense. Between 2016-2018 Mary underwent two operations and was finally able to walk again, but as she had to take things slow she was still unable to lose the weight shed piled on. She noted: I ate a packet of my favourite Jelly Tots a few weeks ago and they were disgusting! After arriving back in the US, the criminal then found another woman to prey upon, Mischele Lewis, who - like the other women before her - fell for his story that he was a spy working for the British Ministry of Defense. Remarkably, Jordan's crimes did not stop there. 'I feel relieved now,' Mischele said. By this time Mischele was in love, so she agreed. Fly the flag in style: JO ELVIN's got red, white and blue Coronation style covered. He said, "I was a bastard. Inside she found an immigration card with the name of William Allen Jordan. Between 2016 to 2018 she underwent two operations until she was finally able to walk again. Jordan, Mischele learned, had at least 13 kids with eight different women. The kids were having to do the shopping, and every day Id ask them for crisps and chocolate I dont remember eating a proper meal as I was on morphine the whole time.. Mary was so traumatised from the experience that she turned to comfort eating, with her weight ballooning as she gain five stone, tipping the scales at 19 stone. 'I was feeling deep inside like atoms were bouncing off each other. He is buried at Bethany Reformed Church Cem where his son, Rufus Early Jordan's in-laws (the Livengoods) were all buried since the 1700's. He gave her a false name and spun a story about how he was sent to England as his relatives were Oxford professors. The truth, as she later learned, was that he had in fact been arrested and convicted of molesting a girl between the ages of nine and 13 back in 1997. Jordan told her that she would be contacted. He also didn't show up on New Year's Day. Do you have a story to share? Mother of the UK's most premature twins who were given ZERO chance of survival says they are going from Do not sell or share my personal information. Motorheads flock to Clarkson's Diddly Squat farm shop on Bank Holiday Monday Police fraud investigation into SNP 'probing whereabouts of 400,000 bequeathed in people's wills'. Jordan convinced Mary to sell everything she had including her flat and possessions, by claiming her childrens lives were in danger from kidnappers and they had to pay ransoms. For one particular assignment, the targeted terrorist was surrounded by innocent women and children who also would have died. Michael Jordan will go down in history as one of the greatest basketball stars to ever play the game. 'He was a glorified bodyguard, working between D.C. and New York. Mary quickly became entrapped in Jordan's web of lies, not only falling for his story about being an active CIA agent who would often have to disappear for months at a time on various 'missions' - but also believing him when he told her that he was infertile due to a childhood illness. I couldn't lose it in front of my kids.'. 'I was also sent smart scales and a pedometer - and was encouraged to walk more every day. He didn't. Lewis, a 35-year-old mother of two from Florence, New Jersey, said she met Jordan, 49, in 2013, via an online dating service as her marriage was falling apart. Mischele also learned that since Jordan had been released from prison, he'd allegedly had at least two previous victims in New Jersey and one in Mexico. For 10 weeks, Mischele engaged in a psychological chess match with a seasoned con artist. Real deal: Mischele said, 'We would laugh; he was funny. Private. ', Mischele tried to keep an open mind, but had many, many questions about her beau's work. The nurse and mother-of-two tipped the police off to Jordan's whereabouts after pulling together all the evidence she needed about his previous offenses, and he was arrested in a parking lot of a strip mall in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, in February of 2015. A few months after that, I found out the truth. Looking for love: Mischele met Jordan online in 2013. But. Ball. Pictured today: Thomson, 53, of Edinburgh. He even persuaded Miss Turner Thomson to come up with 200,000 to pay 'blackmailers' who he claimed threatened to kidnap their children. He faked pay cheques to support his claims and convinced Ms Thomson to sell her apartment and possessions to pay for supposed ransom threats against their children. Ms Thomson has now lost 31 kilos and says she no longer craves the sweet foods she used rely on as a crutch. She learned that Jordan was a pedophile, and had served time for molesting a girl between the ages of nine and 13. The "Will & Grace" star who became a social media sensation during the COVID-19 pandemic crashed his BMW into . Monica Greep For Mailonline But in October 2019, she decided to transform her body and embarked on a 12-week healthy eating and exercise programme, dropping to 17st in just three months. The nurse and mother-of-two tipped the police off to Jordan's whereabouts after pulling together all the evidence she needed about his previous offenses, and he was arrested in a parking lot of a strip mall in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, in February of 2015. 'Something told me to look at it,' Mischele said. But Marys world fell apart when in 2006 she was contacted out of the blue by the other Mrs Jordan, who he'd been married to for over a decade. She asked questions, pretended to take him back, and told outrageous lies, until Florence Township and Cherry Hill police were ready to make an arrest. I threw up I don't know if it was shock or morning sickness.'. , updated William Allen Jordan. Jordan', before saying: 'Well, I'm the other Mrs Jordan.'. Kate takes Charlotte to watch Cinderella at the Royal Opera House ahead of her 8th Saboteurs derail Russian freight train with explosives 37 miles from Ukraine and destroy power cables in 'A waste of licence payers' money!' William Allen Jordan was in Burlington County Court with Public Defender Karen Thek. Mary, author of The Bigamist and The Psychopath, said: After living with a psychopath for nearly six years, I lost everything - I was homeless with three children to support.. 4. . It was only later that doubts began to emerge when his fantastic stories of his secret work for the UK government unraveled. Jordan was jailed in 2009 for bigamy, gun crimes, fraud and failing to register as a sex offender. Jordan was picked up and charged with sexual assault, theft by deception, and impersonating law enforcement, according to the Burlington County, New Jersey, prosecutor's office. The next day, Mischele confronted Jordan. ', By In a plea bargain, Jordan admitted that he took $4,383 from Mischele Lewis, 36, of Florence Township, New Jersey. Mary Turner Thomson, 53, of Edinburgh, believed husband William Allen Jordan (pictured together with her two young children) was a CIA agent, but he was in fact a serial bigamist, Thomson, who is pictured today with her children Moran, 14, Louise, 11 and Alexander, seven, spent years believing that Jordan was the 'perfect' husband and father. Now, Thomson is once again speaking out about her ex-husband's betrayal, comparing the scandal to that of a television drama, and detailing the painful process of finding out that she had been lied to for so many years. It was all nonsense.'. He said his name was Liam Allen,. Jordan was later sentenced to three years in state prison. I couldn't sleep for more than 15 minutes at a time and I had to do that sitting up with cushions piled up beside me," she said. But his web of lies unravelled, leaving Mary trying to pick up the pieces of her life. a female agent on site sometimes posed as his wife. The Other Mrs Jordan will unpick the life of Jordan, who convinced his British wife Mary Turner Thompson that he was a CIA operative working in counter-terrorism in the early 2000s until she. Then she Googled him and discovered his true identity, Glad to see the back of you: Mischele confronted Jordan and he claimed he had turned over a new leaf. The 53-year-old also thought she had the perfect marriage until she found out that her 'CIA agent' husband had another wife and at least 13 children with 6 women. Mary Turner Thomson, 54, from Edinburgh, met her husbandWilliam Allen Jordan online in 2000, with the convicted sex offender posing as a CIA agent and proposing after just three weeks. And as a nurse, she knew that this personality disorder is highly genetic, and there was a chance that her baby could inherit it. The Scottish woman met Jordan on a dating site on 2000, with their instant. wife. A woman has described how she was fooled by a bigamist who pretended to be a CIA agent so that he could see his other families.Mary Turner Thomson, 53, from Edinburgh, said that watching the BBC. I said my name three times so the computer could learn my name. and when he was called away, she received his dispatches from the war on terror. She said: So many diets focus on just one thing - exercise or calories - but with Second Nature, its the combination of everything - food, exercise, sleep and water. They met at the Cherry Hill Mall. A MUMS world fell apart after discovering she was married to a serial bigamist who had three wives, 13 kids and was a registered sex offender. Although Jordan claimed that he wanted to change, Mischele didn't believe him. She said Jordan persuaded her to sell 'everything she had' - including her flat - by leading her to believe her children's lives were at risk. He was the son of William Clark Jordan and Mary Ann Johnson. That fabrication was quickly exposed when, just months into their relationship, Thomson learned she was pregnant. They're the 'guilt-free' doughnuts with the same calories as a glass of milk - but are they any good? His time away on missions provided him with the perfect cover for seeing his other women. 'He assured me that as a member of the intelligence community he had a code-word that acted as a 'get-out-of-jail-free' card and that he'd used it,' Thomson saidof the incident at the time. At first glance Mary Turner Thomson's romance with William Allen Jordan seemed almost too good to be true. Description Stars John Travolta, William H Macy, Tim Allen, Martin Lawrence, Ray Liotta, and Marisa Tomei The actors had varying degrees of experience riding motorcycles before the film, with Travolta easily the best of the group Rated PG-13 for crude and sexual content, and some violence Theatrical Release Date: March 2, 2007 Guide Review . He stopped me being involved with my family, my friends, everybody. Mischele downloaded the book and read it in one night. 'I never knew what a soul mate was until I met you,' Jordan said, claimed Mischele. Jordan was later sentenced to three years in 2015 in New Jersey, for theft by deception and impersonating a government official after conning another woman, and was released the following year. Marcus revealed to Mischele the real reason why her boyfriend had stopped working for the British government years earlier: Jordan flew drones, and his job was to kill terrorists. Jordan was once married to two women simultaneously in Britain. Jordan was married to Thomson. We put Why I've ditched a lifetime of possessions and downsized at 70 for my children. UK streamer ITVX is to look into the life of fake CIA agent and bigamist William Allen Jordan in a three-part doc series. Jordan did spend time with Mischele during the day of New Year's Eve, but not that night. 'I ate a packet of my favourite Jelly Tots a few weeks ago and they were disgusting! In addition, he'll be required to pay $4,383 in restitution, and a $15,000 fine. ', 'I called on the phone and heard beeps and blips,' Mischele said. Mischele anticipated that Jordan would be overjoyed. Preceded in death by his wife of 53 years, Ora Agnes Jordan; children, Carolyn Ann Cantrell, William (Bill) Hall Jordan Jr.; brother, Percy Allen Jordan; great-grandchild, Kayla Cantrell . The sender identified himself as Tom Chalmers from Five Star Realty. The nurse and mother-of-two tipped the police off to Jordans whereabouts after pulling together all the evidence she needed about his previous offenses, and he was arrested in a parking lot of a strip mall in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, in February of 2015. Mary said: The very fact I could walk the shops was bliss! Photo / Supplied. 'Woke' Google bosses ban staff from using terms including 'man hours', 'you guys', 'blacklist' and 'chubby' Do YOU live in Britain's oldest town? 00:34. 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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, Mary met Jordan on an online dating site back in 2000, Mary was married to Jordan for six years before his web of lies was uncovered, Within three weeks of meeting Jordan had proposed to Mary after a whirlwind romance, Mary has written two books about her experience, The Bigamist and The Psychopath, Mary had two children with Jordan, Eilidh and Zach, Mary found out Jordan had three 'wives' and 13 children with six women, Mary comfort ate after her world fell apart and piled on the pounds, She managed to lose five stone after joining NHS-backed Second Nature, Mary, pictured with daughters Eilidh and Robyn, Horrified bride discovers mum is wearing a wedding dress in the morning of her wedding and says it's 'more bridal than hers', Dinner - Pasta bolognese, cottage pie with rice, Breakfast - overnight oats with Greek yogurt raspberries, Lunch - chicken or ham salad and vegetables vinegar, Dinner - moussaka cottage pie with carrots and sweet potato - swapped out the carbs spag bol. "I don't see it as a diet, I see it as a new way of life.". Leading Jewish organisation demands urgent meeting with The Guardian's editor after newspaper is engulfed by STEPHEN POLLARD: It's often the self-proclaimed anti-racists who are the foulest of the lot. Unseen family photos of Charles with Prince George and Princess Charlotte are Ballet princess! I tried different diets to try to lose the weight, but nothing worked. She said: "Psychologically I was so manipulated. Mischele was confused, but then realized that it was the beginning of the security clearance process, and Chalmers was texting in code. 'I wrote out all the questions,' Mischele related. London CNN . 'Emotionally I was pulled in so many directions,' Mischele said. Mary Turner Thomson, Jordan's second wife whom he was married to while still married to his first wife, was of a great help to me in many ways. "I sold my flat, the money from that disappeared. He told her he worked with the British military, Notoriety: Mary Turner Thomson wrote of her ordeal at the hands of Jordan. And this mum who's newborn died as they slept together said cruel strangers in the street called her baby killer & threw hot coffee at her. She rang up and asked Mary if she was Mrs Jordan, before saying: Well, Im the other Mrs Jordan. Great Expectations viewers slam BBC for CHANGING ending of the Dickens Pictured: 'Much-loved son', 35, stabbed to death in knife rampage outside Cornwall nightclub which left Why you DON'T need to ask your in-laws' permission to propose! Ms Thomson fell pregnant with daughter Eilidh that same year, with the couple welcoming son Zach three years later. HOLLY, NEW JERSEY William Allen Jordan, 49, of Cherry Hill, New Jersey, pleaded guilty to theft by deception Monday, admitting that he pretended to be an official from the U.K. to convince a woman to give him money. The couple had met online back in 2000, with William proposing to her just three weeks later and posing as an undercover CIA agent. MOUNT HOLLY, N.J. William Allen Jordan, the CIA Agent When Mary Turner Thomson first met William Allen Jordan online in 2000, she was a 35-year-old single mother of a young daughter. In May 2013, Jordan told Mischele that if they wanted to be together, she would need a to get a security clearance. William Allen Jordan tricked women looking for love in the US and UK. But I was shoving it down. Jordan would cover his visits to his other families by telling Ms Thomson he had to go on top-secret CIA missions frequently. "Finally I was tapped out, there was nothing else. March 31, 2023. in News. ADVERTISEMENT Because William Allen Jordan was attentive, kind and a wonderful dad to their children, she never expected it will all come down to this. She later learned that he had been arrested and convicted of molesting a girl between the ages of nine and 13 in 1997. The Bank Holiday excitement is a bit too much for some! William "Robin" Jordan, age 84, passed away on Monday, October 17, 2022. Austin Killips secured overall victory in the Tour of the Gila. 'They would always tell me there's a reason for anything,' Mischele related. This is the moment a woman bravely trapped an infamous conman and bigamist who stole her heart and allegedly scammed her and at least nine other women from both sides of the Atlantic. Mary heard about Second Nature, an NHS-backed weight-loss plan that rewires bad eating habits, and she was sent 'smart' scales, an activity tracker, a recipe book, a meal plan and daily motivational articles. It was like the walls around me collapsed. TV & Film 31.03.23. In 2016 she slipped a disc in her back, leaving her bed bound. The woman, Julie Bringhurst, revealed she had been married to Jordan the same time as she had, and had also been fed the same lie about Jordan being infertile. After arriving back in the US, the criminal then found another woman to prey upon, Mischele Lewis, who - like the other women before her - fell for his story that he was a spy working for the British Ministry of Defense. At one time, he had two wives, two fiancs, and another girlfriend on the side. I had resigned myself that this was going to be my size forever.. But every time she spoke to him, she immediately called Mary Turner Thomson in the UK, who told her what was true, what was a lie, and what was partially true. She also decided that she wanted to bring Will Jordan to justice. But she has now managed to lose a large portion of the weight in 12 weeks thanks to Second Nature, an NHS-backed weight-loss plan that claims to rewire bad eating habits. Mary also admits since being on the programme, she no longer craves sweet treats. He told both of them that he was a spy, and had both convinced that the 'other Mrs. Jordan' was not really a wife, but an agent working undercover. William "Robin" Jordan, age 84, passed away on Monday, October 17, 2022. .
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