document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The past provides the basis upon which the present and future are created in a tarot reading. padding-bottom: 15px !important; The Past Present Future Tarot spread is a popular method for gaining insights about your current situation and future possibilities. You are feeling trapped, inert, frozen. Love compatibility and relationships are primarily looked at, through the use of this Tarot Spread. Past strength Position 1 Describe my current situation, including the energies surrounding it. Make the effort to really understand the facts and weigh all options carefully. If youre asking about a relationship and the Knight of Wands shows up, it may be speaking about an ex that was passionate but flighty, who didnt want to commit, or who was always in search of another adventure. Cards count: 5 Cards: 1) Who Were You; 2) What Did You Do; 3) What was your life's lesson; 4) How Did You Die; 5) How Were You Influenced. spreads. The eighth Card is indicative of expected results when followed. 3) Explore your future. font-size: 24px !important; Before shuffling the cards, you determine what questions you'd like answered and configure the placement of the cards. This is one of the most welcome cards in the Tarot deck when it is in the future position. List of Tarot Spreads Differences: Major & Minor Arcana Tarot Cards, Know Your Career Direction With Career Path Tarot Spread, A Brief History and Facts About Tarot Cards. .tarot-banner-container { Or about business, financial or credit problems. margin-bottom: 10px !important; The positions of the past, present and future now run downwards with the Four Elements running across. Here the cards are arranged in such a way that you do not know which is the first and the last card of the series. Future: 2 of Pentacles, Present : up right 8 of cups Court cards require knowing if the querent is male or female then that makes all the difference in the reading. Card 3,4 and 5 are laying in a straight line under each other. Shuffle, pull, and reveal the answers. While they may be appearing to try to communicate, opposite sides are missing each other entirely, with possibly drastic consequences. Hi my name is Moon Carver and I will try my best to interpret your card. Future ace of cups, I would like to know the meaning of this combination thanks in advance for any response, Ace of pentacles upright in present position, Message from bottom of deck : 10 of pentacles, I got the king of cups the king of swords and the hermit. Dont worry, you didnt get the wrong kind of deck. The Tarot is an ancient divination tool that can help you explore your past, present, and future. Naturally, the more you practice your reading skills and learn to trust your instincts, the easier it will be to end up with answers that both you and the querent will get a lot out of in the end. This card talks of the past, the decisions you had taken that have shaped your life, and the things that may have been acting as blockages to moving forward. The Window spread allows you to assess your current physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state. for example if the middle card (present) is reversed (lets say its the lovers reversed) it could mean that currently/recently youve struggled with communication with those close with u or you could have grown distant from someone. color:#000 !important; 3. } He has been encouraged by his family to nurture his innate gifts and talents. .tarot-banner-container .center { /* margin-top: 13px; */ A tarot spread is a set of cards that are used to explore different aspects of the future. background-image: linear-gradient(#FFDE01, #FFBC01); The empress reversed 'Chemistry' is an intermediate 6-card tarot spread which reveals the energies and romantic possibilities between people. Rune Meanings padding-bottom: 20px !important; Present queen of cups Present card was 3 Of Cups Future card was Son Of Wands, Any help with a better understanding would be appreciated please and thank you, IV if Wands Past This is not a Tarot Card Spread for beginners. The Tarot Card Spread is arranged in this order: This kind of planetary spread is a complicated Tarot Card Spread, and the cards in this kind of a spread is arranged to form a Query Spread. Life is all about crossroads. Thank yall for asking and answering the questions. .banner-dwnlod-btn .win-btn{ } The Cross and Triangle Tarot Card Spread is a different sort of Spread. } } The Tetraktys Tarot Card Spread is an advanced Tarot Card Spread and requires ten Tarot cards. The various cards in this spread represent the following about you: 1. Ask three very important questions begin the reading. What is behind you? The Relationship Tarot Card Spread is one of the most potent ways to find out about your Tarot card spreads for relationship, and the Tarot card spreads for love. All of mine were upside down and when I looked almost my whole deck is upside down. This spread also works great with oracle cards if you prefer using those. Read more Past Life Spread 4 A spread to learn about your past life. Its inevitable to have moments in life where you question your capabilities. The Judgment card is numbered #20 in the Tarot's Major Arcana. .tarot-banner-container .center p { 3 @media only screen and (max-width: 991px) { margin-top: 20px; Unauthorized reproduction, duplication or offsite use of content is prohibited by law. I need help understand my reading plz help, The Hierophant 3 Card Spread = "Past, Present, Future" 9 Card Spread, 3 Rows = "Past, Present, and Future Layers." 21 Card Spread (3 Rows of 7 Cards) = "Gypsy Spider Web." The Significations and Meanings. Past can be a very wide-open concept, so if youre doing a more general reading, be prepared to spend some time parsing through whether the cards are pointing you to a specific time in your life or whether theyre referring to a more general idea, connection, or goal. The fourth card is placed beneath these three to reveal a core reason for the circumstances as they exist. For those who don't know, a tarot spread is a specific layout of cards geared toward answering specific questions. What cards did you guys come up with? A Tarot card that speaks to the moment we are in sometimes makes it easy to get very literal about this position. padding-top: 0 !important; Not only do you have to set out to learn all the meanings of the cards upright, but now you have to learn 78 brand new meanings for the same cards upside down. Everything you have been working toward is about to come to head, and if you have been acting in good faith, Justice is going to reward you. .banner-dwnlod-btn { Required fields are marked *. 5 This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. .tarot-banner-container .center { Your expert opinion will weigh very heavily within our group discussion.. My mind jumps to the Wheel of Fortune. Interestingly, the querent the person asking for your advice during the reading has an important role to play in this process. Position 2 How would my current situation evolve in the next few days? Im very new to all of this but I find it all very fascinating I also have no clue what anything really means when put together, so if anyone could help me interpret my reading that would be great. 2) Draw four cards and place them in the middle of your Tarot card pile- This will indicate what stage you are currently in relationship wise with those people indicated by the Four Cards drawn- The Tower, The Devil, The Empress, Justice. Your relationship can be blossoming under this light, bringing the two of you closer together as you enjoy lifes blessings. You can also use spreads that address the issues that youll be asked about, from psychological healing to relationships and even decision-making assistance. Hence, using this spread can help you cherish the present and reconnect with your Inner Self. Have you googled it? Daily Tarot 1 Card Tarot. Position 2 (West) What must I stop hiding from and instead face with courage. How often do you do spreads like this, and in what ways does this layout help you feel connected to your past and your future? You are still the one who controls the way of your life this interpretation of your card is merely a guidance for you. } } Make life simple intuitive tarot guidance and readings. color:#fff !important; } .tarot-banner-container .center { Card back images are from the Universal Waite Tarot Deck, U.S. Games, Inc. Doing the Past-Present-Future Reading During the past, present, future tarot reading session, it is important to focus as much as possible on the subject of interest. Tarot card spreads for guidance is a sagacious way to invest your time. for 3-card layout its the other 2 cards Im after.. Hi I got my cards out for the first time in years and did a 3 card spread for myself. Position 1 (Earth) the tangible, physical health, material aspects (material possessions, financial issues, money, career), Position 2 (Water) feelings, emotions, social relationships, intuition, creativity, healing, Position 3 (Air) knowledge, intellectual prowess, mental health, change, consciousness, Position 4 (Fire) energy, ambition, passion, drive, strength. But you'll find out about this when you start using your first deck. } 7. Hi Tanita, } You can use it as a Career Tarot Spread, or Tarot Card spreads for specific questions. The positions are "You", "Your Partner" and "The Outlook". Relationship expert, career #1 top psychic 3.5/top 3 of 10 years ? Can the Tarot Tell Me Who My Soul Mate Is? After answering these questions, turn over the top card of the spread and see whether your predictions came true. What shaped you? There are numerous tarot spreads with varying sizes and patterns, each with a specific purpose. Please settle a debate my friends are currently having.. What tarot card represents gambling ?.. Card 2: Present issue. color:#000 !important; Tarot reading is not about divining a fixed future, but a method to help you create a future that is more aligned to you. Future Ten of swords, Past- the magician medium before printing: markers and paper. Always instruct them to think about their question or intention as they do this so that the reading is more productive. This will indicate what type of question this particular spread will answer. For example, you can ask yourself what goals you want to achieve this year, or what challenges you will face. If not, turn over another card and continue asking questions until you reach the end of the spread. Rebecca, I think its best to use your own understanding first. I did a 3 card spread today for myself and for some reason the cards I got kinda scared or worried me and I dont know why. Page of pentacles reversed Present: Emperor The is one Tarot Card at the bottom, followed by three Tarot cards on top of it, and then there are another two Tarot cards atop it. Your Past, Present, and Future. Card 3: Future developments. Lets take another look at a way to use the 4-card spread, this time using the four cards to look at four other interpretations: positive, negative, result, and advice. font-family: "Book Antiqua",PT Serif; The tarot cards are thought to be a representation of the universe and its energies. The cards I drew were.. The Two in this suit usually represents conflicting ideas or visions. 3) Draw two cards again and place them next to each other on. Tomorrow's Moon Phase, Reference This card tells you of the past influences on your current situation, how decisions taken in . Please can you guide me in detail. .banner-dwnlod-btn .win-btn .fa-windows{ The second deck is the Celtic Cross Tarot, which was popularized in the 1970s by Sheila MacLaughlin. Your optimism and joy have brought you to the place you are today, so be sure to keep these qualities with you as you move forward in life! "We can use spreads if we are trying to get insight into a. Besides 2 and 8, on the top left and right are 3 (Mercury representing Businesses, our skills and our integrity to a particular issue) and 7 (Card of Saturn representing intellect). Do you talk about the best way to shuffle the cards . 8. Position 1 What do I currently possess? Get Free . Starting with the most famous reading on the three card tarot spread list is the past, present, and future spread. Depending on the topic, this can be a welcome relief or a frustrating acknowledgment. Card 1: Past. } Knight of cups By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. This position gives insight into the background and past events which directly influence the situation or querent. } Others use the cards for timings, either generally or more specifically. It is a five card spread, and it works very well for me. The Fool looks at every decision as meaningless, The Wheel of Fortune divides up the times in our lives into ups and downs and Judgment completes the themes . Card four: Your rational side. Thanks. .banner-dwnlod-btn { It is important to understand that whether the changes are positive or negative, they are not forever, for the wheel is always turning. @media only screen and (max-width: 991px) { .banner-dwnlod-btn{ But this time, that Full Moon is occurring in, Buckle in were transitioning from February to March! color: #fff; The High Priestess. Present 6 of chalices width: 50%; Do you recognize it in a three card spread? The video is for. I have come up with my version of events (so to speak) but would love to hear others veiws to see if Im on the right track ???? Mine did the same thing but I had cups in all the of mine. Learning to blend facts and events during the process of Tarot Card Reading. The Complex Tarot Card Spread is used when you have learned drawing Tarot Cards as beginners for yourself and also for others. The king of cups future position Reveal your past, present, and future with our free, interactive 3-card Tarot reading! Try them out today for FREE with 3 free minutes plus 50% off your first reading! } .center .heading{ Many readers use spreads of between one and five cards, although it is entirely possible to use other numbers as well. Try now! border-radius: 5px; width: 100% !important; The higher the number of cards you use, the more detailed your answers will be, and using four cards is the perfect combination of getting detailed answers while still keeping the reading fairly simple on your part. However, if you are new to Tarot, it may a good idea to pick something that is widely referenced. The True Love Tarot Spread: In this spread, you come to know about your future and all the love combinations that can bring you a successful result. Try one of Kasambas top rated readers. They can start with a Daily Draw spread, Decision-Making spread, Desire spread, Evolution spread, Strength spread, and Window spread. There are three columns in which the Cards are arranged. Present: The Two of Cups card is pulled, indicating that while the relationship seems to be going well, it is likely taking more mental effort than it did in the beginning. When doing the three card past present and future spread should I cut the deck into three piles first before revealing each card or rather take three cards straight from the full single deck? I would like to know Yes/No spread. Your Insightful March 2023 Numerology Forecast, Your Signs Weekly Tarotscope for March 6 12, 2023, Your Signs Weekly Tarotscope for February 27 March 5, 2023. Im just newly getting into my tarot cards and still have not quite got to understanding my spreads. im still new to tarot so i always have to search up the meaning of them and examples! Hi Gabrielle, The king of pentacles present position text-align: center; To give you a few examples, Aces in this position speak to new journeys, an opportunity that is either already present or is about to arrive. Keep the deck youve got though, its not bad its just harder to learn with. Your email address will not be published. Ive been dabbling in Tarot off and on for years and have, for the last month or so, been getting serious about it. I am unfamiliar with the mind body soul kit are they Tarot cards? The Ace of Swords tarot love meaning can also be encouragement for you to cut out toxic people or attitudes in your love life. The Past, Present & Future spread is one of the most common and versatile tarot spreads. I would like to learn to read the cards properly to understand what they potentionally mean in using your step guide I have landed with a few really strange cards and numbers I am uncertain what they mean do you have anything on these that I may read up on to understand? color:#000 !important; 5. the name of the set is 16C0211, the packaging includes cloth spread with 7 eyes stone and wards taken from the red magic book ( issued in 1943 in the middle east) 357. } No matter what you believe, take some time to clarify your position on this before you start using spreads with a future or outcome position.
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