The Host shall arrange for the immediate retrieval of all Home Run balls and No Hit game balls and return the same to the press box. (C) All teams will participate in all activities connected with any State Tournament unless excused by the Tournament Director. This includes any motorized vehicle used to transport participants, officials, or spectators, such as golf carts or other similar type motorized vehicles. Regular price $2 00 $2.00. Player introductions before the start of every game. These balls will be labeled and signed by the Dixie Youth Directors before being presented by a Director immediately following each game. The State Director will work with the District Directors to obtain hosts for these tournaments. The State Director, or designee, will establish distances via computer using the shortest distance from the umpires home address to the state tournament playing fields. system must be audible to those participating in and attending, the games. TUSCALOOSA, AL Tuscaloosa County Park & Recreation Authority (PARA) and Tuscaloosa Tourism & Sports (TTS) on Thursday announced that the 2023 Dixie Youth Baseball (DYB) Division I and II. The State Tournament Information Packet will, at a minimum, include Host Contact information, an official game bracket, maps, directions, schedules, motel reservation information/procedures, information regarding the Sunday Morning Church service, and other pertinent information about the state tournament supplied by the State Director. ALABAMA DIXIE SOFTBALL. The winner of that series will advance as the State Champion and the loser will advance as the State Runner-up. The dugout openings may have gates. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the State Director or by a majority of the voting members of the Board. ARTICLE XVIII - Proxy Terms: (A) Notarized written proxy votes will be accepted for all matters of business provided the proxy is submitted and accepted by State Board majority vote as being required by personal or family medical reasons or an emergency by the absent member. DBB OFFERING YOUTH BASEBALL FOR OVER 65 YEARS . shall be retained by the host. No umpire shall officiate in any State Tournament game(s) if he/she has not attended this meeting. Vacancies on the bracket will be filled by a draw of 2nd place teams from competing districts if necessary. Also, each Director must submit an AnnualFinancial Statement showing an annualdetailed accounting for the monies handled by that Director to the State Director no later than the Annual Fall Board Meeting each year. Not now. The teams will be lined up on the playing field and be recognized by district number and league name. The District Director will determine league eligibility. The Host League shall plan and promote a non-denominational church service on Sunday morning for all the people in the tournament who choose to attend. DISTRICT 4 MID SEASON TOURNAMENT District 4 will begin there pool play section of there mid season tournament April 30 at 6:00 Host are Holtville. The Manager from each team participating in the tournament is required to attend this meeting. The recommendation of the State Director must be approved by a majority vote of the SBUC. Bylaws. Standard Mileage Rate as posted on January 1st of each year; partial cents will be rounded up to the next $.01. It was the home of the famous NASCAR Alabama Gang.It made international headlines in 1992 with the unexplained "Hueytown Hum", a . (C) State Tournament play will be offered in all divisions of Rookie Tournament play. There will be an invocation and a national anthem performed. The Alabama State Board will have final oversight and approval rights for all room rates and the condition and location of all lodging facilities blocked by the Host. The vote can be a voice, show of hands, or paper ballot. The Host(s) shall furnish Press Box Passes to only those people having duties in the press boxes as approved by the Tournament Director. Sections of this page. Player introductions before the start of every game. Umpires must look professional and be professional. ARTICLE X Tournaments: Sunday tournament games Any tournament game(s) played on a Sunday that is part of a tournament sanctioned by DYB or operated under the direction of a DYB official will not begin before noon without the written approval of the state director. 10U District 1 Champions 2021 Spring. These Awards should be shipped directly to the Host, carefully checked for compliance, condition, and size, and then safely stored until required at the park. It happened during the Game 4 match-up between Opp and Montgomery American in the Alabama Dixie Softball state tournament being played at Underwood Recreational Park, a suburb of Florence in north Alabama. The Dixie Youth All-Star baseball season is nearly here. Renew Franchise. AUM Spring Softball League. Failure to file the Financial Statement within the required time frame can be considered as a possible ethics violation. All press box workers (scorekeepers, scoreboard operators, announcers, statisticians, and others who will be working in the press box) shall be required to attend this meeting. The Tournament Director will approve the assignment procedures for all the practice facilities, and practice field assignments will not be made until the Managers Meeting. The State Director will appoint a member of the State Board of Directors to assist the Tournament Director of each State Tournament. The host is responsible for supplying a DYB medallion for each player and coach participating in the tournaments. The bid and the scholarship donation will be submitted to the State Director. All applicants must meet all of the requirements contained in Article XIII of the bylaws. Marcus Wood, District 2 Director 708 Almaroad Place SW. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265 home : ( 256 452 9765 ) email: District Umpire Coordinator NEXT DISTRICT MEETING - Other than the above-mentioned fees all other monies collected by the host (gate, concessions, etc.) Socks Color as approved. The Tournament Director, or their designee, will approve the umpire crews assigned to all State Tournament Games. 2023 Dixie 15U Team Roster Form (PDF) 2023 Dixie 15U Roster (WORD- Electronic Format) 2023 Majors Team Roster Form (PDF) . The service should be planned primarily to address the needs of the age 7 to 12-year-old players in the tournament. If at any time of subsequent visits, or from other means, the Board feels the leadership and/or support are not materializing, they reserve the right to withdraw the award and select another Host. If there are questions about the legality or safety of any equipment, check with a DYB official and if he/she agrees, the respective equipment will be removed from the dugout. The Tournament Director shall work with the Host to secure umpires for the tournament(s). Phone: Cell (334) 207-3181, Email: [email protected] DISTRICT 5 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR - DANNY MARTIN , 1078 Autumn Ridge Road, Montgomery, Alabama 36117. The host will provide individual and team trophies for the winner and runner-up of the A State Tournaments. 6. {Senior National Director is Vann Saltz, elected in 2014} If the Senior National Director is unable or unwilling to serve, the position will be filled by the remaining National Directors. The host will provide a Sportsmanship trophy for each tournament. The Host shall provide a 4 x 8 professionally prepared tournament Bracket Board with the Official Dixie Youth Logo displayed thereon at each tournament at locations convenient to the spectators. The filling of any vacancies will be at the discretion of the State Director, or their designee. The Assistant State Directors expenses will be paid, per the current National Board Policy for the State Director, to allow him/her to attend the annual Dixie Youth World Series, contingent on the availability of funds. Shirts Color approved by State Director; button-front shirt or suitable golf type shirt with the Dixie Youth emblem displayed. Additional awards will be presented in increments of five years. Play will begin on the evening of Day 1. Andy Anders. No umpire will be replaced unless he/she becomes ill or injured during the game. 2023 DIXIE SOFTBALL OFFICIALS. The host will mail the following numbers of information packets to the state board A) Each of the eleven (11) district directors will receive one (1) copy of the info packet (one (1) copy for each advancing team + one (1) for the directors use) b) The state director will receive one (1) copy. It also includes parts of Jackson and . Coverage starts January 1, 2023, or on the date the enrollment form and premium payment are received by Sadler & Co., Inc., whichever is later, and continues for 12 months from the effective date. Jeff Speed, District 6 Director 103 Wentworth Dr. Dothan, Al 36305 Cell: 334-618-6976 Email: Michael Roland, Assistant Director 501 Cable Street Headland AL. AUM Dixie Softball League was presented a flag from Woodmen Life since their flag was destroyed in the storm. Kirby Michaels, District 3 Director 1574 Green Circle Northport. Transparency. If any of the designated parking areas are not within a reasonable walking distance, the Host will provide shuttle service to and from the park. According to a release from PARA, this is the fourth year the tournament has been hosted locally, and this iteration will feature 40 teams from . In baseball, there are three Dixie Youth AAA (9-10) sub-district tournaments, three Dixie Youth Major. 3rd place teams to get to the 16-team Tournament. After the interested leagues have been informed of the minimum requirements and approved by the Inspection Team, those leagues that are willing to meet the requirements must submit a Letter of Intent to Bid along with a check for $300.00 on or before June 6th of the year preceding the tournament. No umpire shall officiate in any State Tournament game(s) if he/she has not attended this meeting. The winner of each state. These areas must be located out of the field of play. Dugouts, sideline fencing, and a scoreboard must be provided. e) Materials supplied by the state director. The Tuscaloosa County Park and Recreation Authority will host the Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball Division II State Tournament June 25-28 at the Bowers Sports Complex in Bowers Park. The Host is responsible for verifying that an adequate number of rooms (approximately 650) are available for tournament teams. The Official Scorebooks become the property of Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball at the end of the tournament(s). Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball is a fun baseball program for pre-teen youth with an emphasis on fair play, honesty, sportsmanship, and. The Coordinator and all umpires are required to attend the respective State Tournament umpire meeting(s). Resources. All managers and coaches must present proof of completing the online CDC Concussion Awareness Training. The host will provide individual and team trophies for the winner and runner-up of each division of the Rookie State Tournaments. Season registration typically begins in January (there are a limited number of spots available for each age group). Tony Keith, District 8 Director 1989 Bellview Road (B) The Division I AA Coach Pitch State Tournament will consist of 16 teams minimum that is split into 2 eight-team brackets, with the bracket winners playing a best of 3 series for the state championship; the Division I AAA & O-Zone State Tournaments will consist of 12 teams minimum (11 district champions + 1 host team and any runner-ups needed to complete the bracket). A minimum of two umpires will be used in every game of state tournament play. The State Director shall appoint an Inspection Team (local District Director, nearest National or Deputy State Director, and one additional State Board Member) to meet with the potential bidders to inspect the facilities and to explain the minimum requirements. External links are provided for reference purposes.Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. Subsequent days of play will be determined when the number of participating teams is determined for each tournament. Suitable approved music shall be provided for the tournament(s). The State Director shall review the Statements and then place them in a perpetual file with the State DirectorsFinancial Report for future reference and use. It will be the responsibility of each District Director to notify the State Director of the dates and site of each level of tournament play in his district. They were as follows: The late Ann Bradford of Minor Heights, George . The Host League shall provide an Opening Ceremony. Contact Us. Dixie Softball District Tournament: EPRD: 09/23/2023 - 09/24/2023: Travel Ball USA Tournament: Jerry Strauss: 12/02/2023: USFA Softball: Shaina Prevatt: Adults Sports. The broadcast rights of all Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball State Tournament games are the property of Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball. Flags Display of Flags - The Host shall display the American Flags at the tournament sites. Each umpire is guaranteed pay for only two (2) games unless the Coordinator selects them for more than two (2) games. $15.35. When it is determined by a majority of those members present and voting that the State Director, (Assistant State Director, Deputy State Director(s) or Secretary if appointed), or a member of the State DYB Board of Alabama has been guilty of misconduct of any kind believed to be detrimental or embarrassing to Dixie Youth Baseball of Alabama, the guilty person(s) will be dismissed from this organization. ALABAMA DIXIE SOFTBALL young girl pitcher team friends tag at base young girl pitcher team friends tag at base young girl News 2022 State Champions July 12, 2022 Champions Crowned in Dothan, Congratulations! The election and term shall be under the current edition of the Dixie Youth Baseball, Inc. DYB - Premier Recreational Youth Baseball - Community Based - United States of America About Us Resources Franchise Renewal Scholarships Rules & Regulations Child Protection Plan DYB Online Store DYB Newsletters Tournaments DYB Insurance State Websites 2023 World Series Submit League Rosters DYB Online Store Pitch Hit & Run Sponsors Affiliates Tournament Information Packet The host will prepare an information packet for the tournament. 02Y - Dixie Youth Vinyl Decal. The area should be located at, or reasonably near, the ballpark, and, if requested by DYB, golf cart-type transportation should be provided to and from the park and facility. Those recommended by the State Director must be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. These balls will be labeled and signed by the Dixie Youth Directors before being presented by a Director immediately following each game. The State Tournament Information Packet must be available to the State, National, and District Directors no later than June 5th. External links are provided for reference purposes.Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. Belts approved color. A second offense by the same Manager/Coach in the same tournament will result in the immediate permanent replacement of that Manager/Coach for the remainder of the current tournament season. The Host must furnish plastic trophy ball containers for these special baseballs. Any broadcast of the games via the internet, radio, or television must have the written consent of Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball. Credentials from the districts will be accepted at this meeting; however, the State Tournament Director(s), or his designate, will inspect insurance and medical releases for all participating teams. system for each game field. There are several ingredients necessary to ensure that this part of the tournament(s) works well. All expenses (including training materials, patches, rule books, travel, per diem, and so forth.) The Host shall provide a professionally prepared tournament Bracket Board with the Official Dixie Youth Logo displayed thereon at each tournament at locations convenient to the spectators. Youth League. If the State Director uses his/her cell phone to conduct Alabama Dixie Youth Business, Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball will reimburse the State Director $50.00 per month (Not to exceed $600.00 per year) for the expense. All payments are contingent on State funds being available. The Tournament Director will coordinate with the Host on the distribution of the information packet. Sep 30, 2022. Regular price $2 00 $2.00. ARTICLE VIII Amendments: (A) The Constitution may be amended at any meeting by an affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the votes cast, provided the proposed change shall have been sent in writing or by electronic submittal to the Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball Board of Directors, and proper notification given of the time, place, and date of the meeting at least ten (10) days before the meeting takes place. District 6 Tournaments April 25, 2022 West District Tournaments-Troy June 16-till East District Tournaments-Wicksburg June 16-till July 1 - 3. Equipment checked will include bats, helmets, and catchers equipment. The main purpose of this program is to provide youth ages five (5) through nineteen (19) years of age, a fair and equal community based baseball . Those leagues that are approved to bid and that agree to meet the minimum requirements must submit a sealed bid to the State Director postmarked no later than October 1st of the year preceding the tournament. All fields must conform to the specifications of the Dixie Youth Baseball, Inc. Official Rules and Regulations. The Host League shall pay forty dollars ($40.00) per game per umpire for a total of two (2) umpires for each game minimum. 2022 WORLD SERIES RECORDS. The game fields shall not be made available for any State Tournament team practice. News. system operators are the responsibility of the Host(s). Regular price $10 00 $10.00. The Host League(s) must have well-lighted fields. ARTICLE IX Conduct (A) Adults should be cautioned that Alabama State laws specify that flagrant or violent actions, including verbal harassment, of sports officials, can be punishable by jail or prison sentences. The Administrator will work with the State Board Umpire Committee and the State Umpire in Chief to develop the curriculum for the UTP. Vacancies on the bracket will be filled by a draw of 2nd place teams from competing districts if necessary. Email the author. Flags Display of Flags - The Host shall display the American Flags at the tournament sites. The Incorporators of Dixie Softball were all from Alabama. The Host League must provide team parents to serve as hosts to each competing team. 35475 Cell : (205) 270-0596 email: Bobby Ussery, Assistant Director 7064 Forest Mill Drive Cottondale Al. Following the equipment check, base umpires will join the home plate umpire behind the home plate. The Host(s) shall provide a satisfactory P.A. Kyle Bolling, Assistant Director . The Paris Optimist Club Baseball is preparing for next month's Dixie Youth North Regional Tournaments for ages 10U and 12U, which will take place at the Charles Taylor Youth Complex. All Umpires for a tournament shall be required to attend this meeting, the duration of which should be approximately one (1) hour. All tournament play is subject to doubling up when possible. Sep 30, 2022. DIXIE YOUTH NEVER CHARGES A TOURNAMENT FEE TO PLAY IN OUR TOURNAMENTS; Welcome Subscribe to our Newsletter. "DBB conducts a series of District, Zone and State Tournaments each year. (E) All-State Tournament Brackets will be submitted to the State Director for approval. The Coordinator(s) will work under the direction of the State Director, or his/her designee, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director, or their designee, will approve the umpire crews assigned to all State Tournament Games. ARTICLE VI - The National Board Members: The duties and all matters of the National Board Members are outlined in the Dixie Youth Baseball, Inc., Bylaws. As Host Parents, they should meet the assigned team when the team arrives for tournament play and Host parents should be available to assist in any way needed. CORLEY - - SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD - Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball AAA State Tournament (Host City), Alabama July, (Year) - CHAMPIONS Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball AAA State Tournament (Host City), Alabama July, (Year) - RUNNER UP - Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball AAA State Tournament (Host City), Alabama July, (Year) NOTE 1: The above-listed size specifications will also apply for trophies awarded at the Alabama Rookie AAA State Tournament.
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