Thus having access to a larger capacity of rounds was one of my first choices. No sane person faces down a 68 yr old man in his underwear with a freshly charged pump gun. I usually have to poke a cleaning rod down the barrel to get the shells loose, or drop something down the barrel to knock the shells far enough out of the chamber to grab and pull. On the other hand, Winchesters #3 buckshot load holds 20 buckshot pellets. LePage, Paris. As a result, the American Tactical recently announced the company will offer two new bolt-action rifle systems from Black Creek Labs. on the coach dbl option for the HD, i think 2 slugs or 2 DBL 00 loads would be good. Heavy, kicks like a mule, AND holds 2 cartridges? William Evans marketed this model as their "Best Quality" boxlock as they feature top notch engraving, wood, fit and finish and our gun is not an exception. What is not to like? You may wish to cock them one at a time, or both at once in anticipation of firing. Most of the shells fired have been Winchesters 7 birdshot. The 28" barrels are 32 caliber rifled octagon on top and 12 gaug, "Jenks Carbine with Tape Primer. The fact that you still see 870s and mossberg 500s in police cruisers would steer me in that direction. The Americ, Fine Italian made flintlock with gold inlays and silver mountings. MON-FRI 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CST SAT 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. CST At near contact range, he fired one round of 12 gauge (paper) 2 1/2 #7 1/2 shot. Looking from the breach end the bores look clean bright and shiny. The handsome and affordable single- and double-trigger scatterguns pack a potent punch. With the open-choke barrels of the coach gun, 15 yards is the limit for retaining a good pattern for best effect, which isnt different from the average riot gun. Rosson was a great maker in Norwich England on Rampant Horse street. Or call 1-800-284-5668, or Not so! Category: Boxlocks. Bowlby 41 cal. Note the modern dimensions and there are still remaining original case colors on the action. A staple of the Old American West, Impact Guns carries a wide variety of side-by-side, double barrel, shotgun designs. CONTACT. A different variant, the double-barrel striker-fired shotgun, was used by New York City cops until at least the 1970s. The wood could be easily refinished but striking the barrels you may only get about 80% of the pitting. Light weight, long barreled, tight, field ready. This is a great training load. The Hammer Coach comes with 20-inch cylinder choke barrels, which is right in the middle for coach-gun barrel length. But times are tough, so I ran a wide variety of whatever shells I could find through this double-barrel, including a few targets loads, some 2 3/4-inch 00 Buck, a couple of my very precious 3-inch 5 shot Winchester Longbeard XR turkey rounds, and a few boxes of 1 3/4-inch Federal Shorty rounds. Notify When In Stock. This gun , built in the early 1900's, is of very high quality and craftsmanship. For home defense Good high brass or even low brass bird shoot like #6 or even 7 1/2 works great because you are most likely at point blank to across a room at most. . Thomas Wild 12g. Again it is practice/familiarization and what one has in their hands at the time of need. Barrel length, regardless . *This gun features a 15 1/4" checkered butt. Simply break open the action and load the shells then close the action. Up close there is little spread on any shotgun round. That said the the image of a side by side should make any unfriendly take a step back without a word being spoken. Charles Lancaster in its makers case ~ Beautiful Nitro proofed Damascus, Alex Henry 12g. The condition is quite good although there is some light pitting in each bore. If youre recoil sensitive, consider a slip-on buttpad or a recoil pad for extended shooting sessions. See each listing for international shipping options and costs. Shotguns At Collectors Firearms, we pride ourselves on our ever evolving inventory of antique shotguns and used shotguns for sale. This is from my personal collection, and I often referred to this gun as my "Hammer head shark" gun! This Kerstan marked example is a double Kerstan bite on a horizontal profile. Pitting in the bores could be removed with about .004 back bore to be mirror. Grew up with 12 gauge, double barrel next to the front door. Redzone 101 3.71K subscribers Subscribe 315 Share 21K views 2 years ago Going old school for self-defense will the Stoeger Double. Now you can relive the Old West by owning this fine reproduction of the cowboy gun Colt made in Hartford, Connecticut. It is very functional as is so I would use it as a rainy day gun and do nothing to it! . Frame is, Castiglioni, Brescia. I also have a couple of just legal single shot 20s stashed in corners. Manufrance "Ideal" grade "2R" in very nice condition! That is all, pretty much, still true. And I even used #4 in my .410 with excellent results. Locks with border engraving and signed Manhattan Arms Co. Checkered walnut fore-end and pistolgrip stock with . Very devastating and absolutely lethal. Thanks! Out of Stock. Vintage Double Barrel SXS Shotgun Wooden Forend Lot of 3 Grade 2 Pre-Owned $30.00 libertytreecollectors (21,045) 100% Buy It Now +$14.00 shipping Sponsored Antique T Parker Bro's Shotgun 12 ga Double Barrel England 30" Parts Only $225.00 fredc23 (3,227) 98.6% or Best Offer +$29.99 shipping Sponsored The pull back lever behind the trigger guard opens the gun and is extremely ergonomic. LePage, Paris. Featuring chokes that will bring success in the uplands as well as the modern stock dimensions. Or if you want the naked hammers and full-length barrels, then the CZ Hammer Classic is sure to fit the bill with its huge, period-correct 30-inch barrels. I prefer a pump action shotgun because just the sound of you racking a round in he chamber is the scariest sound in the world. When Daly introduced its triple-barrel break action shotguns a few years ago, there were a lot of sneers and jokes, until people started shooting them. 's blog. William Powell built nice guns and this one while rather plain is in excellent condition. The hammers are not difficult to cock, and the triggers are crisp enough. A very tight and field ready Francotte with great dimensions. Hamilton Short Barrel Gun from Belgium Here we present an antique W.H. Trick out or upgrade your firearm with the largest gun parts selection at All Rights Reserved. Good for snakes, and at 5 to 10 feet the flash and bang will send 99% of home invaders running and the pellets will not penetrate 1/2 inch drywall so no worries about collateral damage. Coach Gun-- 10 GA. antique Description: A Belgium double barrel water fowl gun that has been modified for guard duty on the American frontier. Antique 10 Gauge Parker Hammer Shotgun with Damascus Barrels VERY NICE! I offered to blast him if he didnt leave and he was still arguing when he got back to his car. !. 1. 1 bid. The case colors are over 50% and the barrel blue in the 90% range. The modern hammer-fired double barrel has the advantage of simplicity. Original, English Engraved ROBINSON & SON Antique ~7 Gauge Shotgun Fowler PERCUSSION Large Bore FOWLING Piece .90 Caliber Here we present an antique L. Robinson & Sons Large Bore Fowling Piece. shotgun/gun Miller. Misc. Trapper. The overall length is 37 inches, and the shotgun weighs about 7.5 pounds. I will say, the exposed hammers take a tiny bit of getting used to. The Triple Threat is the abbreviated version of the Triple Crown shotgun with 18.5-inch barrels. A coach gun is a modern term, coined by gun collectors, for a double-barreled shotgun, generally with barrels from 18 to 24 inches (460 to 610 mm) in length, placed side-by-side.These weapons were known as "cut-down shotguns" or "messenger's guns" from the use of such shotguns on stagecoaches by shotgun messengers in the American Wild West.They came in 10 and 12 gauge blackpowder variants. It now sits ready next to my bed. It is a Russian made 16 gauge. This is a wonderful little 20g. coach guns this whole article just makes me laugh. It loosened up quite a bit after just two range sessions, and Im sure it wouldnt take long for the barrels to start falling open when you press the action release lever, but its just something to be aware of. Exceptionally rare and fine 23-bore O/U double flintlock sporting gun, ca. The Condor Outback is also available with a less striking combo of blued steel and an A-grade walnut stock or a synthetic stock. This grade and higher feature a rising bite third fastener similar to the coveted Rigby rising third bite. This gun is very tight on face. Even in a short barrel double or pump its not out the wading yet and acts like a minimal penetrating frangible slug. 12 gauge was stronger than his faith in a pump shotgun.always 2only drawbackno ejectorsused extractorsbut repeat always 2. Throwback Thursday: Taurus Judge Range Report, ATI Milsport SGA 410 All the Advantages of an AR in .410, Ruger SR1911 LW Commander The Lightweight .45 ACP, Rifle Hack: Sighting for 100 Yards at a Distance of 25 Yards, Throwback Thursday: All About Bullet Grain. Tight on face and field ready. To each his own. They are both opportunistic scavengers and cowards unless traveling in packs.That said I am looking into getting another double barrel because the varmints arent impressed with the sound of the racking slide.Enjoyed the article, it covered all the pros of the Double and reminded me how much I miss mine. It is a Wells Fargo double barrel 12 gauge shotgun. The spread from the short barrels also made it much easier to hit moving targets from a bouncing coach. *This has great choking for upland game, wood cock, and grouse. I just returned from shooting wild pheasant and quail in eastern Oregon and I cannot tell you how pleased I was on how my little 16g. We have had a number of Braddell guns over the years and they have always been very well made. One of those guns I will never sell. The Premier Body Armor Vertx Collaboration Adds More Options, VIDEO: Police Snipers Train for Super Bowl LIV With .50 BMG, More, The MAUSER 98 125th Anniversary Limited-Edition Series, FIRST LOOK: Glock Just Very Quietly Unveiled the New Glock 47 Pistol, Police Sidearms: The Handguns of Americas 10 Largest Departments, Black Creek Labs MRX Bronco, TRX Bronco Hunter Rifles, CMP Surplus Ammo Coming Soon in M2 Ball, .30 Carbine & More, Active School Shooter Training: 14 Key Points to Consider, 5 Strategies For Effectively Completing a Tactical Reload, FIRST LOOK: Colt CBX Precision Chassis Rifle Ready to Compete & Win, 5 Common Myths on How to Survive a Gunfight, Understanding Stand Your Ground Laws and Castle Doctrine, Long-Distance Shooting: 5 Must-Know Tips For Spotters & Shooters, IMPACT Experience Events Redefine Your Long-Range Shooting Limits, Sniper Skills: Taking Your Shooting Precision to the Next Level. *Note the higher grade feature of the Purdey style hidden (nose) third bite. Stock : Superb 36 slender, two-stage, O/U barrels, without, Spiridione Baculini, Italy. A great entry level English double that is field ready. This is a very nice little English boxlock with very nice barrels and plenty of choke which is good if you want it or can be opened to anything you would like. Size of shot pattern for birdshot to buck shot no more than a quater under 15; so even #7 1/2 is effective man killer at in home defensive range. with classic Prince of Wales grip and 2 3/4" proofs so can shoot many of the American shells! Give me a call if you know of someone that has one, even it may not be on the market. Yes! All rights reserved. The 20-gauge kicks about half as much as the 12-gauge and carries about 55% of the payload. shotgun/rifle. The double barrel allows for a simpler (and faster weapon back to target with PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, AND MORE PRACTICE) reload than most any handgun with less practice and will allow with quick follow up shotsshooting from the hip can and should be learned. Mechanically functions fine and features a side lever barrel release. The cost was very reasonable so the side by side was purchased and came home with me. Trigger guard is brass. Metal has mostly plum brown patina. The name and address on the rib is very sharp and crystal clear and obviously never seen any sanding or re-blacking since new. There is nothing simpler than the hammer-fired double-barrel shotgun, save a single-shot shotgun. The Bristol and . Hinterland #: 179306; Then you will KNOW. Some years ago I bought a Spartan, 20 inch coach gun. When I took it to the range the first time, I found myself wishing I could have pushed through batwing doors with this little time machine of a shotgun. . Antique Handguns Antique Longarms Bayonets, Swords, and Knives Gatling Guns Vintage Ammo and Other Related Items Don't Miss Out on News from Dixie Gun Works! Very rare Granville Henry Single Shot Percussion Shotgun. Frame has unusual cocking indi .Click for more info Seller: LeRoy Merz Antique Guns Area Code: 218 $2,575.00 Home Our Collection Contact About Antique Firearms . Antique Firearms. This model does not break open. Today, side-by-side shotguns themselves are fairly uncommon, only made by a handful of companies. My home defense is #3 buckshot in 20 ga in a shortened but vent rib Mossberg. The choke is an open cylinder, well suited for home defense, but not for hunting at anything past 20 yards with birdshot. Great article. The Howdah 20-Gauge Double-Barrel Flintlock Pistol Has a Deep History Coach Guns Were the Best Line of Defense The company saw fit to arm its messengers with what would become known as messenger guns and coach guns. Barrel #2 is a Remington copper solid slug. coach gun for sale and auction. They were most often chambered for 12- or 10-gauge shells and had exposed double hammers and double triggers to match. Details. This Scottish gun from Edinburgh while appearing worn on the outside is actually a fairly stout and strong gun. Serial no. The information provided here does not represent the views of Cheaper Than Dirt! 1 2 3 8 Next . Beautiful Damascus barrels are tight on face and have bright shiny bores. But this is just my opinion. It has all of the Wells Fargo marking that include markings on the left side of the buttstock. Im a big fan of the Coach gun. Pheasant? The tang safety means the gun can be carried while hunting with the hammers cocked and the safety on. Bores are bright, barrels ring like my church's bells. That turnabout has served a number of times since then to remind our so-called representatives that Americas gun owners are indeed a force with which to be reckoned. Slide rack intimidation is now a thing of the past but a strobe light, green laser, and 14 quick rounds of buckshot is pretty damn intimidating!! That's the good points! Otherwise, its the same gun as the Hammer Coach. Charles Ingram was a very well-known and respected Scottish maker in Glasgow. Something about those side-by-side barrels with the ears of the hammers sitting behind them just brings the scent of worn saddle leather to your nostrils as you squint against a non-existent glare. This small maker was in business for a long time in Manchester. Ready?! Quality work. This great English boxlock has been given a new life with newer barrels by esteemed Scottish gunmaker John Dickson and Son. Thomas Stensby & Co of Manchester ~ Nice features on this English double ~ 2 3/4" proofs! Which usually scares off any intruder. If you're looking for a traditional double-barrel shotgun, look no further. I am by no means an expert, but my thinking the coach gun known as a blunderbuss was a mussel loaded black powder gun. 14-1/4 inches LOP. My wife knows how to use, though the recoil is pretty rough in the 12 gauge model. He also remarks of sales to the Massachusetts Militia. What works in the movies, does not work in real life. The long stock we can easily arrange to be made to your personal LOP of course. I carried a short double barrel 12 ga shotgun as a Police Officer and found the psychological effects of the appearance of a double barrel in the hands of an Officer is very effective at deescalating a situation. Check out the great stock dimensions and chokes on this very well-made English double with elegant 30" barrels. This patent is still in use today by Merkel on their best over and unders. With 12 gauge or smaller inserts this gun might lend itself to be a good gun for the vintager sporting clay course as the weight and stock dimensions are good. Many companies would offer their double-barrel models from the factory with 12- to 24-inch barrels.
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