- Students at Apple Valley High School are expected to demonstrate appropriate physical interactions and restraint with regards to showing affection. We encourage and expect a personal, civic, and social responsibility from all Sundevils with a system of acknowledgment and accountability for the choices made by staff and students. When a student is absent from school, it is mandated that the students absence be verified for record-keeping purposes. It is the practiced philosophy of ASB that all student programs have equal value. Hall 21-22 Bell Schedules. Letting someone else see or use ones work at any time during a test, exam, or any other assessment activity. Sundevils head coach Kyle Godfrey, a former Sundevil football player himself talks shop about the game, highlighting the strengths of his team and the high spirits happening around the school. The following policy is intended to support students, parents and staff in their understanding of Academic Integrity. ~Officials for all the sports we have on campus. All reasons for absences received will be recorded including the date and time the reason was given. PHONE (724) 452-6042. The group practices every day in their class and takes part in activities and competitions. Coordination of parent involvement activities at the site are done by a district approved parent volunteer, an employee, a staff committee, the leadership team, and/or the SSC. Code 48915. They participate in many in services, conventions and training programs to learn techniques to help others. Students must be eligible (9 or fewer Demerits and all other criteria) on the. I understand that a high quality education can only occur when there is a strong partnership between parents and the school. The UCP may be used if the District does not comply with this requirement. 2. l. Before a student may try out for a team or participate in a sport, he/she must have a clearance card. * The school district will involve the parents of children servIced in Title schools in decisions about how the l percent of Title I funds reserved for parental involvement is spent, and will ensure that not less than 95 percent of the one percent reserved goes directly to the schools. 11th grade-Students who have 140 or less credits may be involuntarily transferred to HDPA. Students are expected to miss only the necessary class periods for scheduled medical appointments. 1st incident: Confiscate, San Bernardino Movement Against Street Hoodlums (SMASH), behavior contract, warn studentsand parents, 3rd incident: Suspend, possible expulsion, All incidents include restitution and/or cleanup, 1st incident: SMASH, behavior contract, warn studentsand parents, 2nd incident: Suspend, possible cite, 3rd incident: Suspend, cite, possible expulsion, 1st incident: SMASH, behavior contract, warn studentsand parents; discipline at the Discretionof Assistant Principal, 2nd incident: Suspend, cite, possible expulsion, 1st incident: Suspend, SMASH, cite, possible expulsion, 2nd incident: Suspend, cite, expulsion, Computer privileges revoked for year; Legal Consequences. standards in addition to district standards. If a violation is determined, the student will be asked to remedy the violation by one of the following solutions: 1. ~Campus improvements that will benefit all of our students. View Map. Lunch Detention- Lunch detention may be assigned to students who have minor expectation violations. Chromebooks are checked in and out through the library. Napa High School. 975 North Main Street, West Hartford, CT 06117. ASB may approve only the following types of promotions: school-related activities or school-related promotions of businesses appropriately endorsed by the school. Verification of parent/guardian signatures on off-grounds pass requests cannot be done without an emergency card on file; therefore, if an emergency card is not on file, an off grounds pass will not be issued. If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. Promotes the game of bowling and competes with other schools in the High School Varsity League at Victor Bowl. Membership in the National Honor Society is an honor bestowed upon a student by the faculty council based on outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and service. (48900b). (v) A superintendent of the school district or principal may use his or her discretion to provide alternatives to suspension or expulsion, including, but not limited to, counseling and an anger management program, for a pupil subject to discipline under this section. 2021 - 2022 . You can import schedules directly to your personal calendar or personal device. * An annual meeting of parents will be held to describe the school sites' Title I program. . Note: A student may earn one academic shield, one Eagle patch, and seven chevrons during the four years at AVHS. l. All flyers or promotions must be ASB-approved with an ASB stamp through A-3. Lost or damaged textbooks or library items will be charged to the students account. 7: 00 PM. (48900c), (4) Committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault or committing sexual battery. For these events we will accept cash or money orders only. 9:17. All elected officers and commissioners must enroll for both semesters in the Leadership Class, which is scheduled fifth period Monday through Friday. Students who repeatedly or seriously violate the rights of others will not be allowed to remain at Apple Valley High School. Bell Schedule 2022-2023 Bell Schedule First Day of School Bell Schedule Gym Rally Bell Schedule Pajaro Valley High School. College representatives make scheduled visits to our campus to meet with our students, individually and in groups, during the school year. 2. iCal Feed Instructions. Students must be considered to be students in good standing in order to compete in athletic contests. The school will, with the assistance of its district and parents, educate its teachers, pupil services personnel, principals and other staff, in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in how to implement and coordinate parent programs and build ties between parents and schools, by: The district posts on our website a quarterly "Chalk Talk" in English and Spanish as well as distributes electronic copies through our Blackboard App to all that have signed up for it. A pupil shall not be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion, unless the superintendent or the principal of the school in which the pupil is enrolled determines that the pupil has committed an act as defined pursuant to any of subdivisions (a) to (r), inclusive: (a) (1) Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person. Work Permits are mandated by the State of California for all minors. must be able to arrive within a reasonable period of time. This means that students are not permitted to be in unauthorized areas or to leave campus from the time they arrive on campus until they complete their last scheduled class. Please follow the steps below. In an effort to minimize classroom disruption please follow these steps to pick up your student early from school. x71941, Pick up Free/Reduced Lunch Form in the cafeteria, or apply online at avusd.org or call x20213, Check with the Secretary in the discipline office. Tampering with, falsifying, or forging school documents. 3. Students. Of those who took the survey, 91% believed that the Student Activity program provided experiences that would benefit them after leaving high school. Hall High School. ~Building and maintaining the display and trophy cases in the main office. (48900a) (48900b), (3) Unlawfully selling a controlled substance listed in Health and Safety Code 11053-11058. Key Club The Key Club is a community service oriented organization. District Home. Seneca Valley Intermediate High School; Bell Schedules; About Us. APPLE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL will update periodically its School Parental involvement Policy to meet the changing needs of parents and the school: * An annual survey of parents will be conducted to assess needs, determine barriers, and evaluate the effectiveness of the parent involvement activities. They practice every day and have many performances in front of large crowds. Students who do not attend an assigned Saturday School may be suspended or recommended for placement in an alternative educational program. This club encourages spiritual sharing and growth. The counselor will generate a new computer schedule showing the new classes. The class consists of a group of students who work very hard in order to produce a quality yearbook. Starts. The following expectations outline what a responsible participant in this process looks like in practice. APPLE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL will provide to parents of participating children a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student California State Test (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium-SBAC) results, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet: Assessment information reflecting student academic progress and copies of grade-level standards (I Can Statements) will be shared with parents at parent-teacher conferences in grades K-6. To obtain the card, the following must be completed and turned into the Athletics office: 2. Watsonville, California 95076 (831) 728-8102 Phone | (831) 728-6944 Fax. Simi Valley High School. District's investigation and decision within sixty (60) days of the District's receipt of the complaint. (g) Stolen or attempted to steal school property or private property. Regardless of a students age, the Attendance Office has the right to verify the reason(s) or destination(s) requiring an off-grounds pass. Students or their parents have ten days to clear the absence(s) through the Attendance Office. Non-students are not allowed to visit during club meetings, even after school. According to the article, Who Takes Advantage of After-School Activities, in the NACAC Bulletin: A student who participates in extracurricular activities has a far better chance of gaining admittance to college than a student who does not participate. The lesson isget involved in your high school activities. Every high school, like every faction of civilized society, must have expectations and the means to enforce those expectations to prevent disorder and provide a safe learning environment. is expected to review the policy of academic integrity with their students at the beginning of each semester and other times during the year as appropriate. We encourage parents, guardians and members of the community to share their time, knowledge and abilities to support our students and our schools. The student is responsible to provide transportation home from detention. Plagiarism, including but not limited to the following: a. Section 35291 of the California Education Code requires that written communication is provided to continuing students at the beginning of each school year and transfer students at the time of their enrollment of all attendance and related policies and procedures. Willfully intimidate, interfere with, oppress, or threaten any other person in the free exercise or enjoyment or any right or privilege secured to him/her because of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender, or sexual orientation. APPLE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL will submit to the district any parent comments if the schoolwide plan under section (14)(b)(2) is not satisfactory to parents of participating children: Parents may submit comments through the Principal and/or the School Site Council (SSC) if they are not satisfied with the school plan. Our school offers Saturday School as an opportunity to recover unexcused absences (this cannot erase absences to participate in Its a Gas Program, any absence disqualifies students from the Its a Gas Program.). (q) Engaged in, or attempted to engage in, hazing.
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