"Mista Stark!" Please consider turning it on! Peter signed to his father that they were leaving. I was ten when someone," he sent a pointed glare at Bucky who had been revealed as the culprit "bombed my parents plane. Just a way that he really needs to find out what the fuck goes on in there. He was trapped, so were his friends, and he knew it "No one speak," He had a strong German accent "Switch, they won't get anything,Nicht kultivierte amerikanische Schweine knnen kein Deutsch!" Because If you substitute the peppermint for something else so I can still have some cookies, we can call it even? Peter proposed, lifting his hand from Rhodeys lap. Tony said, putting a hand out. It took weeks of brainstorming, getting barely any sleep, and slaving away but hes finally done it. For both his history and his present; Starks got a shit ton of- well, a lot. "Oh, just that I don't think I have that high of an iq." He couldn't wait so he could go to Mr.Stark's lab to update his suit as they had agreed. He got there to see a giant plate of waffles. Thank you for your time! At least that's what she had thought until her two friends found a time traveling device lying around outside College student Peter Parker is poor. Mira marica hable espanol que..= Look son of a bitch I spoke spanish what 4.Barton te adverti ahora te vas al carajo y voy a cumplir mi promesa.= Barton, I warned you and now got to hell and I will go fulfill my promise. It was all being kept in the fridge for when they could all eat together as a family. Now you guys are updated on the cannon of this one shot. Nothing but noo you just had to come and do this stupid thing. The rest of the Rouges started at him in amazement. The only reason he got this opportunity was because he had the best grades in the school and the school would be paying for his plane tickets and hotel. When he got to his door he saw the door unlocked thinking May was home. " Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and the Island of the Misfit Toys. They had all been chowing down on cookies despite Bruce and Peppers warnings that their appetites would be ruined, but as the movie went on, Tony and Rhodey both noticed how increasingly uncomfortable Peter seemed. So when Steve claims that Bucky is finally free of Hydras control and asks that he moves back into the tower, Tony is caught in a trap of anger and guilt. He stopped dead in his tracks. You can stay on Floor 25. His voice was hoarse, and Tony noticed how Peter strained as he spoke. But, the man has to deal with the fact Peter isnt a hero, and is in fact, a vigilante. He looked like he was fading fast. Will be continued?-Hey guys sorry for no posting but next week I will and new ideas!!!! Wordlessly, F.R.I.D.A.Y brought him to Mr. Stark's personal level so Peter assumed he was in his lab. While Ant-Man and Wasp would've been nice, it's understandable that they didn't want have too big of a cast. Peppermint is known to repel spiders, and can be lethal in large quantities., In which Peter gives Tony and the gang a rather festive health scare on Christmas Eve. "Thanks mate!" None of the other Avengers really questions why Tony suddenly develops a British accent when he's tired. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Of course, things can never be that simple. Tags: character: peter parker, character: steve rogers, character: tony stark, theme: abuse. Soon everyone learned not to mess with Peter and take his threats seriously. Ned was the first since his house was closer to the school. His dad was on one side of the table, Rhodey and Vision on either side of him. He released Peters hand to ruffle his curls, Peter visibly relaxing at the action. this fic went through so many changes before becoming what you are about to read, and i could not be happier with it! Helen is gonna take amazing care of you, and when you wake up youll feel good as new. Peter tapped something on Tonys wrist, so quickly he almost missed it. He didn't perfect the American accent for no reason. Then my first girlfriend was killed, bled out in my arms. "MY ARROWS!MY BOWS! Nor could anyone else. He's an orphan with an iq higher than mine and Bruce's, so he's my personal intern. Said Peter confidently with his American Accent." Be Sure To Taste Your Words Before You Spit Them Out, A Lover First, A Soldier Second, A Man Third (Part 1), A Lover First, A Soldier Second, A Man Third (Part 2), Be Sure To Taste Your Words Before You Spit Them Out (Part 2), Spiderman/Peter Parker (and Avengers) One Shots. Friday, contact Dr. Cho, tell her its urgent. Bruce called out as the four entered the private medical wing of the compound. And thats the story of how Peter almost died on Christmas Eve. Clint, soon realizing his mistake, tried to make a run but Peter was faster and grabbed him by the ear. " He lives with me, and I drive him to his Aunts occasionally when the driver is busy. mainly an excuse to write both fluff and angst (mostly angst very little fluff) with some fun sarcastic humor thrown in.). Before Bruce had the chance to seal Peter inside, he reached out and clamped one hand around Tonys wrist. "Oh! it may just force this dysfunctional group of people to become a family again. MJ and Ned didn't come to school and Flash made it his mission to make him have a bad day. Kid- Tony tried to interject. I know it hurts, Pete, but its gonna help, okay? He began retching weakly, Tony and Rhodey now needing to hold him up so he wouldnt fall forward. Tony, Rhodey, Bruce, and Pepper spent the early hours of Christmas morning waiting at Peters bedside for him to wake up after his six hour procedure. Will something happen to then tear them apart? Said Peter with more confidence in his voice.Tony just nodded and motioned Peter to sit next to him and told him," Its okay, but maybe next time tell me if you are not american. But now he has a chance. I didn't realize you were staying here.". "Very impressive American accent though. Out of everyone he knew, there were few who knew how many languages he could speak. Language: English Words: 1,600 Chapters: 1/? What the fuck have I done to you. Peter meets Harley for the first time and doesnt know how to react, so he curses out Tony in Italian. "Ngh.. hurts He forced out, Bruce now taking a knee next to Rhodey. Peter cracked one eye at him. Peter stood up and walked over to him. Tears drip out of his eyes. Banner." Sure, the Avengers get some bad PR, but never J. Jonah. great Theyd long since thrown out all the cookies they had baked, Rhodey couldnt stand the smell of them after what they had done to Peter. Peter Parker Needs a Hug. Also, sorry my recent chapters have been so short!~Toodles! 3. (Prequel to Curbside Pick-up - can be read in either order)(Edit: now also a 10 2 story; apparently I made these shenanigans too popular for my own good!) After escaping Hydra's tight grasp, the dangerous female assassin was left with nothing. I am so sorry I put you through this. Peters eyebrows furrowed at the apology, reaching out and resting his other bandaged hand on Rhodeys knee. (it's my hpf and I get to choose when I have it (no I don't)), (crack treated seriously with mild spots of angst), peter gets kidnapped by HYDRA with his classmates.this is inspired by Scratched Onto The Walls Of My Throat by Mysterycheerio. Mira marica que mierda te pasa.Hoy he tenido un mal dia y tu vienes y me lo empeoras. My parents raised me in London since I was born, but when they died I moved here with my uncle Ben and aunt May. But he has his hands full as Spider-Man with a gang spreading fear in the streets of New York, putting civilians at risk and bankrupting the city. Bruce shifted uncomfortably before spitting the words out. And not die trying. Still the best birthday present youve ever gotten me. Rhodey smiled as he continued teaching Peter how the cookie press worked. Then he started dating Mj. He was now in his last class, chemistry, which was his favorite. Tony instantly reached for the box of tissues on the side table, pulling out a few and handing them to Peter. Peter Benjamin-Edward Stark was murdered on a Friday. lets make it BELIEVABLERealistic take on peters inevitable trauma from the crap he has to deal with on a daily basisWill-they-won't-they, love triangle, relationships, and all the friendshipsAnd most importantly, my fav: *drumroll* a HECK ton of sarcasm.Give it a whirl, thisll be a fun one :). Sorry if I offended anyone!! In his excitement Peter didn't even notice his thick British accent returning. You know I made sure everything in this place is always in top shape. Tony assured. Peter then grabbed his slipper, hit Clint one more time, pulled his ear, and stormed off to Clint's room. 1. Peter asked as he finished his last waffle. Tony could feel Peters flesh, hot and sticky, adhering to his own skin as he did so. Rhodey cleared his throat loudly, causing Pepper and Tony to break apart. He reached up to pull Peters hands away from his mouth, offering a calm Let me take a look. only to find that he was drooling into his hand, seemingly unable to close his mouth. Bruce sighed. He tried to speak, but the sound he made came out as a strangled gurgle and a desperate whine. Your accent isn't fake." i know i mention it at the end of all of my fics, but i am a sad lowly writer who craves validation and attention. Then he saw May sitting on the couch giving him a glare and next to him was Tony Stark , in all his glory, with a confused face. This alerted his teacher since he always had paid attention and never seemed this off. screamed Peter gripping his ear hard and hitting him with his slipper in his hand looking like a one of those movie latin moms. Tony kissed his hand and planted it onto Peters forehead quickly before Bruce sealed the Cradle shut. 5 times The Avengers (excluding Clint) forgot Peter Parker is a vigilante, and 1 time everyone remembered. P.S - Requests are closed. Youve still got loads of time to sleep, kid. Tony told him. Sorry Im late. Meanwhile Peter begins to discover things about his biological mother he never knew. He did not back down from her steely gaze. Chapters are not connected unless stated otherwiseTags may only affect certain chapters. Helen, we need to act fast. Bruce urged. "Since aunt May is Italian I know both Italian and Spanish and I also know French and Russian from learning in my free time," said Peter. You know I made sure everything in this place is always in top shape. Tony assured. Genius billionaire, Tony Stark took Peter in as his own son yet Tony already has a daughter of his own: Katrina . But now in the calm, it felt . I promise, kid. Tony whispered. On the other side of the table was Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Bucky Barnes, and Steve Rogers. "Peter, did you say?" Sorry for the strong language. Tony chuckled when he saw his friend covering Peters eyes with one flour covered hand. Peters in college, rooming with his best friend Harry Osborn, crushing on his partner in crime, MJ, and making fast friends with Ned Leeds and Gwen Stacy. Hm? Peter's eyes drifted from Tonys form to Harleys, finally noticing the blonde boy. Tuve que limpiar mi cuarto y mi cabello que tarda un puto rato. Peter and Tony get kidnapped but this time they have a vendetta against Spider-man. Work Search: The Avengers were just amazed at how many languages the youngest one of the knew. Darkness claws at the edges of his vision. (a collection of loosely-connected one-shots that involve Peter as the main attraction, featuring other characters. In the aftermath of the Water Elemental attack in Venice, Peter gets a call at the hotel. The Violet Witch is a biology major at NYU that *happens* to also be able to manipulate matter.Peter Parker is a chemical and mechanical engineering student at MIT that also *happens* to be Spider-Man. Part of the post-Homecoming series "Strands in the Rope," which attempts to show how Tony and Peter's relationship might have developed between Homecoming and Infinity War, but can stand alone, also. That night, Tony learned another of many lessons about his Spider-Kid the hard way; Peter Parker and peppermint "Fri, could you be a good chap and take me to Mista Stark?" Well, all except Tony who was in the floor rolling off laughter at what Peter just said and looked like since he knew Italian and that wasn't far from the language he just spoke but still shocked he knew this language. Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Peter Parker is the heir to Stark Industries, Peter Parker & Peter Parker & Peter Parker, There was only one of you until you split the world in two, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure. Spider-Man: Coming of Age Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Peter Parker was excited, and when he was excited, he fidgeted. . Ned wanted to show me this new comic book he got which actually looked really cool, I think im going to borrow it, The brunette dropped his bag on the floor and automatically made his way to his corner of the lab, never looking up from his notes, oblivious to the other teenager in the room. Peter did not mean to meet the Avengers this way and he knows as soon as Tony is up people are going to be . "You should listen to Tony. I'm impressed. Said Tony dragging Peter out of the apartment to the compound. Tony grunted as he and Rhodey moved Peter to the large machine. He and Rhodey went about waking up the equipment as Tony put Peter on the hospital bed as carefully as he could. Peter grinned and shot a few webs, sticking the murderers feet to the floor to ensure they couldn't run, not that they'd get far. Said Mr. Stark umm.. After the incident with Doctor Octopus, things finally seem like its going to get better. And then this weird guy on the train tried to sell me candy which I was too tempted to take but I didnt cause there was probably like razor blades or rat poison or something in it-, Harley ducked his head and poorly hid a laugh behind his hand, Tony tried once more, Pete-, Also Im pretty sure Sam and Clint are having another prank war because I narrowly avoided getting a bucket of rainbow glitter dumped on my head on my way up, so watch out for that-, Anyways, Ive been working on a new web formula all day and Im stuck on this last equation, I was hoping you could look at it and-. Peter shrugged at him. (See the end of the work for more notes.). The only thing she had was a mission: Find out who she was before Hydra. He would rather see sincerity than a righteous script. Oh well, I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars, James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character, Natasha Romanov/Original Female Character, Bruce Banner/Original Female Character(s), T'Challa (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, I have the mouth of a sailor and my fic characters will too, so his mental health and general responsibility levels match that, none of these people are mentally stable though we know that, Steve Rogers/Original Female Character(s), i'm gonna kill you if you don't beat me to it, Matt Murdock & Peter Parker & Wade Wilson, it's Matt and Wade doesn't like Tony and Peter knows that Tony isn't the best, everything i wrote is more fact that blind anger, Do You Like My Cookies (They're Made Just for You), you say things you normally wouldn't when in pain, Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Original Female Character(s), yes im writing an irondad fic in 2022 sue me, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, that's not mentioned but its important to me, cuz i watched spider-man homecoming and i thought she was a lesbian at first, then she was revealed to be the future love interest and i was like, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant. "Well, looks like Stark found a little charity case to take care of while we were out." Peter used his powers to run to Tony's lab in under a minute. Peter, unphased, dropped down his notebook and began shuffling papers on his table. Please consider turning it on! Stark?. asked Happy concerned since Peter was usually chatting his ear off. Tony tossed a cloud of flour in both Peter and Rhodeys direction, their laughter rising over. @Eclipse_Rose sorry but I'm not doing the trip part I'm boring-. mumbled Peter cleaning his room. He just brushed it off thinking it was maybe his laundry time or something else. asked Clint with a smug look out of Peters grip and rubbing his head. Do you have scans? Helen asked, her voice now just as concerned as everyone else. (Most of them have Spidey as an antihero or little bit darker and brutal than its comic counterpart) 3)Web of Justice by ScarletScriber (JL crossover) 4)The Amazing Spider-Man: True Purpose by Secret Agent Man Jp Bad Hands too. Bruce scribbled something down quickly on his clipboard, as Rhodey wiped a tear from his eye. He got up opened the blinds and looked out the window. Peter used his powers to run to Tony's lab in under a minute. "A warning for Clint," replied Peter with a furious look taking his features remembering the prank Clint pulled. The only reason I have so far for the rating is the fight scenes and mental health problems, basically it's about the same level of each as canon is. He knew the kid could understand everything the murderers were saying and they could use that to their advantage "Pity.". He didnt really have to, but he made a. first impression on Bruce because of it). My aunt and Tony are the only people who have steadily been there for me. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and the Island of the Misfit Toys. She walked up to Tony and kissed him on the cheek, giggling at the flour all over the kitchen. When missions come up, I will be cordial but I will not spend time with traitors for fun. It went straight through the motor, sending Adrian off balance and sending him to the ground. It was from Mr Stark and only said a few words 'Spidey's needed'. Peter was overly cheerful today. ", "Sorry mate, but guess what?" It looks like its burning through his hands, mouth, throat, and stomach. Bruce explained. He just passed out, but his vitals are still reading okay. Helen reassured quickly. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. i hope you enjoy my christmas fic, and happy holidays to those who celebrate!! Tony gently rested his other hand on top of Peters, trying his best to hide the fear on his face. Bruce, taking the hint, conceded. Baking. "Hey Fri, where's dad?" Stark, that storms not looking so good.Mmm. Please consider turning it on! Its not your fault. Rhodey nodded, taking a slow breath. Said Tony.Peter gave a sigh and looked at May. But hes managing. I promise, kid. Tony whispered. asked Tony in the most respectful matter possible." By the end, Peter had entirely let go of his New York accent, as normally happens when he's overly angry or upset. His dad said, very clearly agitated. Peter.. "Yes, Natasha. Self explanatory but he is a Stark in all of them wether biological or adopted thought most of the time it will be adopted. Peter's life as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Rhodey tried placing a damp cloth in the palm of Peters hand, but it made him cry out in pain. Peter is determined to do whatever it takes to stop them, even if that means going in over his head when the web of lies and greed turns out to be way more than he signed up for. I almost killed the sweetest teenager on the face of the planet Twelve years passed and the family was still grieving, and Tony Stark worked tirelessly to find his only childs killer and gain justice for his son. Peter was walking around town when he got a message, interrupting the music he was blasting into his ears through his earbuds. Hopefully, Stark liked chocolate chip cookies. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). When school ended Happy came to pick him up. Friday said the symptoms resemble that of hydrochloric acid poisoning. Mr. hey siri? Its somewhere else. Answered Peter looking out of the window. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Peter was having a bad day.First Clint dumped a bucket of glitter on him to wake up. Stark was a bad example on the, clearly young, Spider-Man. Before anyone could say anything more, Peters eyes shot open and a coffee ground like substance came up out of his mouth. Peter tried to keep his face a smooth as possible as the group around him talked in Italian, the Avengers promising they would explain later. He is more of a hero then you ever were or ever will be. "Welp, guess he said it all. When he got to his room he had no time to react. Until they were sure Peter was okay. Peter woke up and forgot for a few minutes. I have my own life. Rhodey and Bruce scooted closer to Peter, and his eyes passed over everyone in the room, trying to piece together what had happened. Tony was so confused, the kid had been fine, more than fine, barely half an hour ago. Then, they returned to England with his parents and was declared a citizen of England. Peter sighed in defeat. "No actually. Due to a misunderstanding, Deadpool tracks down Peter Parker in an attempt to uncover the information he believes Peter has on Daredevil. He saw the cars driving the wrong way, a city instead of a small busy neighborhood and it dawned on him that he was no longer in York, but in New York City with his Aunt and his new father.
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