This story has been shared 115,785 times. Marlon Farrugia Marlon Farrugia is a freelance writer from Brighton. These findings follow up on a damning report released by SMACC in 2021, which exposed social media platforms for allowing animal cruelty content to flourish on their sites. data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial" data-viewports="tablet" data-widget-id="3dbe7ec9-2e82-47b7-a0c2-da68d4642911" data-result="rendered">, anesthesiology a dying field. " window.__mirage2 = {petok:"LFcL7v6ztoFmAgGU4._dTyb.auLtBUnc4pv5bO_kPWs-7200-0"}; (Endangered), Slow Lorises nycticebus spp. A Daily Star report specified that the zoo is now on the hot seat after a video showed a baby monkey puffing smoke of cigar in the wildlife park's most recent "anti-smoking campaign." Theyre animals who we should be using for free labor, This is genuinely beyond disgusting. It is unacceptable for the likes of Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube to abdicate their responsibility on this issue. Experimenters routinely tear baby monkeys away from their mothers within the first year. A monkey trainer in Thailand denied accusations of cruelty yet the footage in this video speaks for itself. Dave Neale, Animal Welfare Director, Animals Asia: "Social media platforms and the content they allow to be publicized, greatly influences the attitudes and behaviours of millions of consumers. Experimenters exploit monkeys in fundamentally flawed HIV vaccination experiments. on January 24, 2022. At the National Primate Research Centers and other laboratories, workers yank monkeys out of cages with poles that attach to the metal collars around their necks, strap them into restraint chairs, and electroshock their genitals until they ejaculate. data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial" data-viewports="tablet" data-widget-id="301eace2-6dbe-4e79-b973-c85136d0509f" data-result="rendered">, can be heard calling the animals "pencuri", which translated from Malay means "thieves". " The poor animal is then filmed trying to move about before it finds food which its owners pulls out of its mouth. 2. Lady Freethinker Staff. Never buy coconut products from brands that use monkey labor! The baby ape is filmed tied to a cage and becoming distressed when the beer is taken away. 2023, Inc. All rights reserved. This episode of So Sorry is a hilarious take on Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's condition after the arrest of his deputy Manish Sisodia by the CBI in connection with the Delhi excise policy scam. Get the latest updates on our investigations and petitions right to your inbox. Their captors teased them repeatedly by offering food or comforts that the monkeys could not grasp or reach without the use of all of their limbs. This new Teasing as Torture report is the first in a series of Spotlight Reports honing in on the horror of the themes being popularized by social media platforms and to put more pressure on platforms to take action. //]]>. Hello everyone, today we will stop the next day of Kitchen Revolutions. The video shows the tiny macaque being torn from its parent's arms, and the young monkey visibly shakes with fear. Subscribe to #PETA: . Using teasing as a form of torture as described in this report is absolutely sickening and most people would find the videos unbearable to watch. Unseen witnesses can be heard laughing and cheering as the second bottle is finally handed to the chimp, who proceeds to then down the contents. Popular actor Sushmita Sen shocked the world with a heart attack announcement. We ask followers and animal lovers, when you see a clip, you find that we have to report it and remove it, just send us the link and we will do our best to remove that content. Kite said the Abang Satwa YouTube channel came to the nonprofits attention about a year ago, when it was called Monkey Raging. According to The Sun. Sometimes, the online videos even show cruelty outright. Monkey newborns and infants are placed in bizarre, upsetting or dangerous situations in these "shows" - which can end up with them being killed. Staff failed to report that she was missing, but the center was never so much as reprimanded. Feb 15, 2021 Another video shows an infant primate dressed in human clothes and being made to walk upright - which can damage its spine. 0. Lost your password? QUIZ: Most people cant name all these fruits and vegetables can you. ". Two Indiana residents have been charged with animal cruelty after police discovered two monkeys inside a vehicle, according to a statement from the Sevierville Police Department. We need to work together with social media platforms to monitor and bring about legal action against perpetrators of animal cruelty online.". I urge social media companies to recognise this teasing for what it is - abuse and torture - and to take the responsible and moral path to prevent such content from appearing on their platforms.''. Aug 10, 2021 Not only that but they also put a rope around the monkeys necks to prevent them from running away. Olis career and personal ethical values both help shape his reporting of the diverse world of veganism. Upon arriving in the U.S., the animals are transported to dealersand laboratories where they are imprisoned and tormented. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. In another, a monkey is kicked repeatedly in the face and then waterboarded. I looked but did not find any instances of violence or aggression. PETA Leads the Charge: Inside the Global Effort to Take Down Exotic Skins, Challenge of Monterey Zoos Alleged Violation of Californias Bullhook Ban to Proceed, Step Away From the Birkin Bag!, PETITION TARGETS: Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) Prime Minister Hun Sen; Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF) Minister Veng Sakhon; and Minister of Environment H.E. The research, conducted by the . Build a site and generate income from purchases, subscriptions, and courses. After it died, they tied it to a tree, and continued to bludgeon it. A group of men in Maharashtra's Wasim beat an injured langur to death. Alan Knight, President, International Animal Rescue: Social media giants cant keep turning a blind eye to posts of the sadistic abuse of animals being shown on their platforms. Well keep fighting for all animals! A disturbing series of videos of animal abuse has earned one woman a lifetime ban on owning pets. Adam Parascandola, Animal Protection and Crisis Response, Humane Society International: There is nothing fun, entertaining or harmless about a defenseless animal being forced to endure repetitive psychological abuse through teasing for social media views, likes and shares. Portions of the brains of monkeys imprisoned in Elisabeth Murrays laboratory are sucked out or destroyed with a toxin. Our investigator met with several individuals in Cambodia uploading videos of their pet macaques to YouTube, Facebook and other social media platforms. data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial" data-viewports="tablet" data-widget-id="4d215b96-b52e-49f9-9335-980f09fbeb75" data-result="rendered">, and forced to learn how to walk up right for the amusement of their owners. " [CDATA[ Like us on facebook for daily vegan news and updates. The (baby)monkey torture videos (there are worse videos than this) I can't even watch a second of these videos, it's just disgusting, absolutely disgusting. Will the views cause the degree of suffering to escalate? someone Is watci speak! [emailprotected] (delegate to Royal? SMACC states that this is why it is so important that social media platforms take action, by removing these videos directly. Apes and monkeys have been known to become easily addicted to alcohol in the past, with chimpanzees in Guinea found to regularly consume fermented palm sap. Host virtual events and webinars to increase engagement and generate leads. Inspire employees with compelling live and on-demand video experiences. It's cruel owner teases the creature with a second bottle, which only makes the animal more upset. It is way past time for social media companies to stop enabling and profiting from animal abuse and instead take a stand against this cruelty. The AAP has slammed the BJP for Sisodia's arrest claiming that the saffron party is making full-fledged efforts to break Arvind Kejriwal's party. Strapped in with metal harnesses and kept in tiny containers, this horrific footage and pictures shows the treatment of monkeys and dogs, allegedly held in a German laboratory. data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial" data-viewports="tablet" data-widget-id="795da395-b604-4321-9a03-a2e708cba49c" data-result="rendered">, video shows a baby monkey being attacked by a dog. " So please report their channel & their videos to put a stop to this insane monkey abuse trend on YouTube Go watch the full story on our YouTube Channel The Heart Breaking Life Of Baby Monkey Voka. Laboratories force monkeys to live in small and virtually barren cagesoften alonefor their entire lives. You can find your ambassador here: February 20, 2021 Web Desk Footage of baby monkeys beaten, tortured to death sparks fury In yet another blatant example of animal abuse, heart-wrenching videos of baby monkeys being. Your Crocodile Purse and Snakeskin Boots Have a Disturbing Past, Ugandas First Vegan School Wins PETA Kindness Award, Diane Warren Is Standing With PETA to Help End the Iditarod, And the Winners of PETAs Sixth Annual Oscat Awards Are. Mothers scream in anguish as workers forcibly separate them from their babies. Accident / Animal / Fire / Pure Gore. Baby macaques are subjected to cruel taunts for made-to-order videos (Action for Primates) Their chats were found on social media platforms Telegram and ForumMotion - although after ForumMotion. Baby macaque monkey gets slapped - Planet earth live Browse more videos Playing next 1:18 Akshay Gets Slapped By a Monkey!! data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial" data-viewports="tablet" data-widget-id="1e6a5305-afdc-4838-b020-d4e1fa3d3e34" data-result="rendered">, seen in a video holding a baby monkey upside down by the babys limbs and slapping her tiny face. " The disturbing video, posted on February 22, showed a. I have grave concerns for the animals involved in these videos. The videos showed many forms of teasing, some including physical abuse and all causing psychological distress to the animals. data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial" data-viewports="tablet" data-widget-id="e9108589-8920-4ae9-9727-6b6c3f3959ac" data-result="rendered">, Sun Online the small creatures are seen being smacked, throttled and killed. " vVnen you see anotner Co-worker mess up at work but you don't get paid enough to fix their mistakes.. Skyrim Modder Adds a Thalmor 'Spy' Balloon to the Game. Since then, the platforms, with billions of budget and plentiful resources - both human and technological - have seemingly taken little action to address this abuse. A video depicting a case of animal abuse in Malaysia surfaced online recently. Then theyre stuffed into cages, where theyre tormented with fake spiders and snakes in taxpayer-funded experiments that are as useless as they are cruel. Say Samal, UPDATE (8/30/2022)In a promising development, Cambodian authorities have confiscated at least 13 macaques following LFTs investigation. An EU law forbids the use of long tailed macaques in animal testing, and animal rights group Animal Defence International released the footage to reinforce calls on the UK government to stamp out the practice. Find out now with this quiz. February 20, 2021 Web Desk Footage of baby monkeys beaten, tortured to death sparks fury In yet another blatant example of animal abuse, heart-wrenching videos of baby monkeys being. Contact News Releases No Animals Will Die in Thai Military Drills; U.S. Army Should Follow Suit Here in the U.S. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Unsuspected tourists showered on by urinating monkey, Baby monkey hangs out with adoptive cat mom, 2 monkeys missing from Dallas Zoo found alive in abandoned home; person of interest sought, Merciless monkeys beat, attempt to drown rat for stealing food: video. 8. data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial" data-viewports="tablet" data-widget-id="48228821-4764-4930-8058-fa20661df210" data-result="rendered">, nother sickening clip was entitled "Terrified infant monkeys,. " Animal experimenters, including those who abuse thousands of monkeys at ONPRC, want to have it both ways. 69% of the videos featured macaque monkeys as the most popular victims of teasing abuse. Thousands of other monkeys are bred on decrepit factory farms in Asia and then shipped to the U.S. to be used and killed in experiments. And the comments section is even worse because people like seeing this!! Take our quiz to find out your perfect outfit. He has been a , Continue reading QUIZ: What is your perfect Vegan Halloween Costume?, If you were a vegetable, what kind would you be? A question that has tormented humanity throughout the ages until now. It lunges at the man but is pulled back by a rope attached to the nappy. The German sporting goods company has redesigned its legendary KING football boot , Continue reading Puma ditches kangaroo leather for better vegan fabric, Research from The Vegan Society showed that an increasing number of people are looking to reduce their consumption of meat and dairy for environmental reasons. A US-based online chat group is paying to watch videos of "monkey torture", animal advocacy campaigners have discovered. Join our newsletter for weekly round up of vegan news and updates from around the world. Animal rights activists have slammed the social media giant for continuing to host the. We urge all social media platforms to work with the SMACC coalition to seek expert advice when establishing policies and regulating procedures that have the power to change the fate of so many animals silently suffering around the world.". Iris Ho, Head of Campaigns and Policy, Pan African Sanctuary Alliance (PASA): "The shocking revelation of teasing as torture represents a stinging call to action for all social media companies. Some of these terrible things are done merely out of curiosity. Mothers scream in anguish as workers forcibly separate them from their babies. Honey Alicangtid ofit? Monkeys who try to escape from their cages sometimes arent reported missing for days. We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. In 1985, activists rescued hundreds of animals being used in cruel experiments at the university . data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial" data-viewports="tablet" data-widget-id="b4c5f896-bc9c-4339-b4e0-62a22361cb60" data-result="rendered">, Pretty Pink Taco -. " Terms for automated texts/calls from PETA: data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial" data-viewports="tablet" data-widget-id="448dcd25-4a48-40c9-be08-69d217d3f025" data-result="rendered">, nimal rights activists have slammed the social medi. " it began BabyMonkeys have been exploited, tortured. QUIZ: Take this personality test and well reveal if youre a Junk Food Vegan or a Health Food Vegan, QUIZ: If you score 19/20 on THIS quiz, youre a Vegan God, QUIZ: Choose some vegan groceries and well tell you which city you should move to. This alone is terrifying. from OPEN yA microchip hidden in my I Netflix sponsored Walmart furniture I. Learn more. I need the toilet, Holland says in the clip. Copyright 2023 Living Media India Limited. Some of the comments suggest violence against monkeys with deadly weapons: They cannot continue to enable this abuse, as it fosters a climate where animals are seen as props in sadistic amusements. MOST RECORDED SPECIFIC ABUSES: Keeping a wild animal as a pet and its implications (23%), Withholding food (18%), Scaring with a mask or prop (18%). 8 Pcs Caterpillars Fidget Sensory Stretch String, Stretchy Squishy Noodles Worm Fidget Set for Teens Adults with Autism, Colorful Stress Relief Anti Anxiety Relaxing Therapy for ADD, ADHD, OCD in Novelty & Gag Toys. Monkeys subjected to this hideous procedure are euphemistically called semen donors.. Your preferences will apply to this website only. The shocking video shows the young creature having a. Mickey, a baby hybrid capuchin monkey, was totally humanized, abused, and confused when he first arrived here. Baby monkeys tortured in disturbing cruelty vids for YouTube ad cash mlimah 2.4K subscribers Subscribe 178 Save 37K views 1 year ago Notice Age-restricted video (based on Community. In 1985, activists rescued hundreds of animals being used in cruel experiments at the university, including cats, rabbits, and miceand, of course, Britches. Another distressing video shared by Monkey Expert was originally uploaded by the channel Phim Kinh Dien. Cruel footage has emerged of a captive chimp seemingly addicted to alcohol being force fed beer - before screaming as the booze is taken away. 33 i Chimney, kidney, money, monkey, volley, trolley, whiskey. Stay up to date on the latest vegan trends and get breaking animal rights news delivered straight to your inbox! Nowdays it is too dangerous for the receivers to click any link sent via email. 0. PETA has obtained documents, hundreds of photographs, and more than 500 hours of never-before-seen high-definition videos taken inside this NIH facility, detailing the ongoing psychological abuse of baby monkeys in disgustingly cruel and archaic experiments that have been funded by more than $30 million just in the past seven years. 390789. At about 4:30 p.m . data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial" data-viewports="tablet" data-widget-id="31d36e8b-1567-4edd-8b3f-56a58e2e5216" data-result="rendered">, called "abuse of Haha, a baby monkey First lessons of. " As always you can unsubscribe at any time. Infant macaques in captivity quickly outgrow their cute phase and become aggressive and unpredictable with news abounding with injuries caused to their human caretakers, as was the case of a 71-year-old Cambodian man who was hospitalized after a 4-year-old monkey he had raised as an infant attacked and left him with serious bite wounds. (Endangered). In another video, Holland laughs as she tries to flush the frightened animal down her toilet while it clung to the rim for dear life. data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial" data-viewports="tablet" data-widget-id="52e1afb3-e781-4ffc-a30d-99e540545861" data-result="rendered">, been hosting a violent monkey hate group for years. " Nina Jackel, Founder and President, Lady Freethinker: "Social media videos that present animal suffering as "harmless" entertainment are anything but. Similar atrocities have occurred at theUniversity of WisconsinMadison, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Yerkes National Primate Research Center, and elsewhere. This isn&x27;t an isolated case of monkey abuse. Yet experimenters continue to sicken and torment monkeys. Videos filmed by NIH staff show sadistic experiments carried out on baby monkeys, wasting more than $30 million in taxpayer money. The worlds oldest vegan , Continue reading More than a third of Brits intend to reduce animal products this new year, How much vegan knowledge do you have stored away? Wildlife Trafficking Baby Monkey Who Was Beaten By 'Owner' Can't Stop Hugging New Sister "When they first met, they grabbed each other and hugged for hours until they fell asleep." By Elizabeth Claire Alberts Published on 12/14/2016 at 2:38 PM Almond had been beaten and bashed. They then pay as little as 20 for certain horrific acts to be performed on. BABY monkeys are being tortured, exploited and even killed in a wave of sick cruelty YouTube videos. When police raided south Wales resident Vicki Hollands home, they were looking for drugs. Satisfying Monkey Torture Updated today Best monkey hate Red Wolf days ago Tortured monkeys Robert Dunlap 191 videos Baby monkeys fucked up 382 382 videos Baby monkeys should all be 42 ripped apart Robin Judd Going to wipe India off the face of the planet - Going to wipe India off the face of the planet Doctors explain. Once Britches was deemed ready, he was transferred to a sanctuary and was soon adopted by a real monkey mother. For whatever reason, you are now asking the question: Why should animals have rights? READ MORE, Ingrid E. Newkirk, PETA President and co-author of Animalkind. Say Samal Baby monkeys are being cruelly captured from the wild in Cambodia, illegally sold as pets, and forced to perform unnatural acts while dressed in doll-like costumes for social. Macaques are incredibly intelligent, social, wild animals who need space to roam and do best in their family units. With all the fun and fervour comes health problems, which is common during Holi and which usually surfaces after the festival is over. This monkey at the University of Utah was used in invasive neurological surgeries.
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